Questions for the Fair Folk


Four Thousand Club
Ready for your posting needs.

EDIT: By the way, I'm not going to answer questions that I plan to have revealed during the course of the story. Just so you know.
Without havging seen the comic (as it is not yet update time), I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that you're doing a fourth wall mail-slot for the Fair Folk that Misho & co beat up.

So then, I'll ask the following.

Who was the best to kiss?

What happened to the villagers you were oathbound to serve for a century?

What kind of booze did you get when the person going by "Ten Winds" called in his favor immediately?

Being Outside Fate, Sidereal Resplendant Destinies won't work on you. Therefor, describe the man who called in his favor immediately for a drink, especially his facial features and hair color.

Well, for starters, Which are the characters we DON'T know of who can see through the fourth wall?

Also, what exactly were Marena and Secret talking about in the elevator scene between #23 and #24?

And, lastly... I'll go with Where did you get that mailbag given that we've only started giving you questions AFTER the comic was posted?
Rixaxun said:
And, lastly... I'll go with Where did you get that mailbag given that we've only started giving you questions AFTER the comic was posted?
It's plausable the answer to that one is simply "It's a bag of empty envelopes." Of course, it's also equally plausable that they pulled the questions we were and still are going to write out of literally thin air in mid-comic.

Wyld can be tricksy that way. Tricksy, tricksy, woodsie...
Question: Why did Eye and Seven Despairs have to try so hard to screw over his Deathknights? I mean, there has got to be a real reason beside the ones given in the books. The plot is just way too complicated. His millennia-old paranoia doesn't quite justify it either.
Does Secret know any Sail charms?

Does Ten Winds know more than one Immaculate Style?

How old is Ten Winds?

What does the Fourth Wall look like from the other side?
Question: What type of dreams are the most delicious?

Question: What are your plans for when your servitude ends in a hundred years? Sinister vengeance upon Misho and his allies? Recurring comic villains? Harvesting the yummy souls you'll have been preparing for a century? Disney World?

Question: Um. How does Shaping Combat work?

Question: Have you considered a tragic and probably-doomed romance with Secret? I hear rogue Abyssals eat that stuff up.

Question: Graceful Wicked Masques is about to come out. As Fair Folk, what would you like to see in your 2nd-Edition charmset?

Question (For Ten Winds): What in the name of the Sun ARE YOU?!

Question (For Nova): Same question.

Question (For Misho): Did your First-Age self ever sleep with Ma-Ha-Suchi? How was he?

Question (For Marena): Which do you use: Maiden Tea, some form of prophylactic, or that merit from the 1st-ed Players Guide that lets you control whether you conceive or not?

Question (For Secret): Have you ever considered a career in music?
Question(s) (For Nova): What nation in Autochthonia were you part of? Which of the Five Magnificent Sodalities of Penultimate Truth and Intransigent Gospel were you a member of? (Since you obliquely refer to it) What's your opinion of the Locust Crusade? Do you have Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations Installed? Is that the Kukla behind you?
Question (For Marena): Which do you use: Maiden Tea' date=' some form of prophylactic, or that merit from the 1st-ed Players Guide that lets you control whether you conceive or not?[/quote']
I assume she simply shapeshifts her uterus away when she's done. She can do that, y'know.

Anyway, some questions to the Fae

How do you guys feel about the fact that you haven't gotten any fanart?

Have you guys played any RPGs? Besides the storytelling that comprises your lives, I mean. Stuff with pens and paper and dice.

Know any hot Fae babes? ;)
(Ask Marena) If someone wanted to get revenge on you for, say, forcing them into servitude to some villagers, how should they go about it?
This one's for the Silver Prince:

If Secret was so helpless as a deathknight, why didn't you take her soul and recycle her exaltation ? ... I mean apart from her extreme kawaï-ness

And this one's for the King:

When are you coming back dude ?!
Rixaxun said:
And, lastly... I'll go with Where did you get that mailbag given that we've only started giving you questions AFTER the comic was posted?

Moving on,

Now this is a good reason to get an account!

Question for Marena: Have you ever bothered having kids? (in any form?)

Is there any animal you refuse to take the shape of (or gain the form of?)

Question for Misho: Do you remember who your Lunar partner was?

Question for Ten Winds: How do you feel about being a previous incarnation of Shepherd Book?

Question for the fae: What do you guys think about the Mountain Folk?

How do you feel about the Mountain Folk getting second ed rules before you do?

Note to my new boardie friends,

If these were answered in the comic/news posts please just reply here to save everyone time. I don't want to waste in character banter on redundant questions.
Brickwall said:
Question (For Marena): Which do you use: Maiden Tea' date=' some form of prophylactic, or that merit from the 1st-ed Players Guide that lets you control whether you conceive or not?[/quote']
I assume she simply shapeshifts her uterus away when she's done. She can do that, y'know.
...she can? Huh. For some reason, the process behind creating beastmen doesn't bother me but that makes me vaguely uncomfortable. Straaange.
To Secret: Can that weapon of yours communicate with others or just who wields it? How does it talk?

To Nova and Marena: How many forms do you two know?
Dunno' who I should give these question to, prolly' the Fae:

1. Who saved Secret in strip 128? What is his/her name?

2. Is this character a boy or a girl?

3. Will we see more of her/him?

Questions to Jukashi:

1. I see Secret singing to Caramelldansen in strip 124. However the song is missing the Umlauts. If I post the song here, can you add the missing dots? I also noticed a typo.

2. Can you add an easier to find link to this forum?
While I simply assume our Fae friends are talking to empty space and not actually breaking the fourth wall, I'll ask them some questions.

To Ten Winds: While I highly approve of you clever plan to lull the Anathema into a false sense of security, how much longer until you strike them down in the name of the Realm?

To Secret: How do you feel about having been ignored for so long?

To Misho: What sort of horrible, brutal and ungodly things did the Fae do to you in more exact terms?

To the Fae: Did you survive that?

To the Alchemical Extras: So what castes are you two exactly?

Follow up for the Sheriff: What's your name?
For Marena:

You have a point about having Luna's mandate to do whatever you wish...but if you truly like to leave people better off than you found them, why don't you include the would-be angry housewives/husbands in your fun? I'm sure they'd be happier if they didn't feel left out.

For Nova:

Which of the projects you've worked on is your favorite?

For the soul-stealing trickster fairies:

What the heck IS a soul saddle, anyway?
Sadly, the only question I can think of to ask is one the fae wouldn't know the answer to, and Ten Winds probably wouldn't want to say. Nonetheless, it bugs me.

So many people here seem to think Ten Winds is something more than he appears to be, and the kerfluffle over it is reminding me of the Vaarsuvius's gender thing over at OOTS. Thing is, I've decided that Vaarsuvius doesn't have a gender-- because Rich Burlew is never going to reveal it, and I'm not going to let him sucker me into thinking he is with yet another unreveal. Therefore, what I want to know is not 'what is Ten Winds's secret?' but... 'will Ten Winds's secret, if any, ever be revealed (answer 'yes' if he has no secret)?' Because if the answer is 'no', then I, for one, think it's not worth arguing about, since the secret's just as much a non-entity as Vaarsuvius's gender.

(I'm also curious if the group will ever get a fifth member, but that's something that will definitely be answered in the future, so not something I can really ask.)

Hm. Actually, I do have one question, and I think just asking the question would make me, and others, very happy. (Though I dunno how the fae will get there to ask.) So, Mew Cai: how's machine heaven treating you? :D
I just thought of another batch of questions, too...


Are we, the readers, considered to be beings Outside Fate, or not?

Follow-up: Do we percieve Creation through an objective box-shaped two-dimensional display of arbitrary size and shape displaying a static image of what was objectively seen in Creation, or is the comic more representational; eg, displaying to us things that the given subjects of a given panel would see?

How does Creation work?

What do you think of Jukashi?

Is there any particular character you want to see more of, not including yourselves, since obviously you should be the protaganists.
You know... if those fey answer ALL the questions posted by us here, in the TFS forum, in Juk`s e-mail and whereever else it`s posted... I highly doubt there will be a 'next' comic as the questions will never end... ^_^ ;

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