Questions for the Fair Folk

I had a few questions for Jukashi, or Misho, but I'm sure he'd be a bit miffed if I asked those here - spoilers and all :P - so I'll just ask some nice, non-inherantly spoilerish ones:


-Did you know Marena's First Age incarnation? If so, what was her name?


-Will Mew Cai ever show up again? He was adorable.

The Fair Folk

-So, what are your names anyway?

-Have you ever considered using the Magnificent Bastard approach to villainy? I hear it's a good way to make an impression on the fans.

Ten Winds

-Is being mysterious something you set out to do, or does it happen accidentally?

-Any chance of us ever finding out your secret?


-If you ever increase your Essence, will you be lowering or raising your Appearance?

-Can I have a hug?

Mew Cai

-Can I have a hug?
For the Fair Folk:

Are there obsessive fan-freaks in your area of the Wyld?

and if so:

Since I'm still wondering what their niche is, have you found any use for them in you area?

Army? Cult? Research subjects? All of the above?
I'm pleasantly surprised my question was chosen and satisfied with the answer. I can be patient on the actual reveal so long as I know there's a reveal coming. :D
Tome said:
Same here. :D
... and now I'm tempted to draw High-Essence Secret Fanart.
Ooh, please do!

I don't see why she couldn't just go high-Appearance and wear the low-Appearance garb, though...
Just because you're deathly beautiful doesn't mean you have to dress like that chick from MoEP: Abyssals, who goes around with her tits out all the time.


It would be nice if she did. But it doesn't mean you have to!
It would be nice if she did.
She's physically 15, God. You sick fuck. I think I'm going to throw up just by thinking that an abomination like you exists. No. Disregard that. I refuse to live in a reality like this one.

*falls in coma and spends the rest of his life in an imagination where Secret is real and over 18*
It would be nice if she did.
She's physically 15, God. You sick fuck. I think I'm going to throw up just by thinking that an abomination like you exists. No. Disregard that. I refuse to live in a reality like this one.

*falls in coma and spends the rest of his life in an imagination where Secret is real and over 18*
Well, she's biologically 15. She's don't think we're really sure. How long has she been semi-dead?
Japanese people like large breasts as much as Americans do, my friend. Seriously, do you not watch ANY anime? Some of them are lolicons, but so are a lot of Americans.
Man I can't wait for the Fair Folk to clear this all up with their investigation of sexuality in Creation as it relates to modern America and Japan! I've already pre-ordered my copy of Mortals Gone Wyld and look forward to additional cultural exposés.

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