Quest Academy for Juvenile Deliquents and the Mentally Unstable


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"Alright Lya" the therapist pushed her glasses up her nose and shuffled a few papers "Just remember, you're in a safe place now. The people here are not going to hurt you. Smile and be yourself, you'll make a friend soon enough" she gave a reassuring smile. I nodded, but I doubted this highly. "May I go now?" I said blandly. The therapist gave me a look but relented "That is fine, have a wonderful day" she gave a warm, fake-looking smile that made me want to puke. I got up and left the office.

"Have a wonderful day" I mocked her voice and mumbled to myself. I got into the hallways of the school, kids were standing around in groups talking and walking past. I leaned against the wall and pulled my violet hood over my head. I didn't trust anyone here, they were probably just as bad as pretty much everyone in my life I had met. My parents didn't love me, my friends were jerks that left me to get accused and imprisoned for something I didn't want to do. To say the least, I was a failure and nobody cared about me.

I pushed the strands of raven and magenta hair back under the hood and stayed as silent and reserved as possible, hopefully the bell will ring soon.
Is shoved to the floor. "Get up and fight Luna or are you to much of a useless waste to do anything" trying not to show and sign of my emotions. "Cant you ever leave me alone please" to late i could even hear the sadness in my voice. "Break it up now!" a adult comes in between me and the guy who shoved me to the floor. most seen me for exactly what i was a starved 16 year old who seems to fragile to even touch. "We might stop when she stops being a self mutalizing freak!" i instantly pull my knees to my chest. wish for someone to care enough to stop them sooner...
Margo was dragged by her straight jacket to an upright position while she went dead weight yet again. "Take me out of the jacket, I dare you." She growled and then laughed, but she didn't get the reaction she normally got. No this guard was hard as stone, face like a rock he'd seen it all before. She frowned. "I'm not going to like it here." She muttered, which to her surprise earned a smile from her captor. "You'll be safe here. And, even better, the world will be safe from you." He told her and dragged her through the common room where all the crazies were shuffling, looking up at the pretty red head with freckles. She bared her teeth at them like an animal before he yanked her into solitary, dropped her on the floor, and slammed it behind her. "I've killed before I'll kill you too!" She shrieked, throwing herself at the tiny brs at the top of the door then falling back because she was unsteady in her straight jacket. "****." She sighed and rested her head on the cement floor.
Lya noticed the scuffle a little ways away. She shook her head in disgust. Another tragic event with yet another victim. There would be a whole lot more pf these events if not foe the tight security around here. Something made her feel sorry for the girl. Maybeeven make friends with her. As immediately as the thought came to her it was gone. 'Yeah sure, and why don't I just start an outcast fan club while Im at it' she thoughr. Still, she watched the girl from her corner silently. As was the usual, she'd probably never summon the courag e to talk to aanyone.
Margo struggled to a stand and peered out the little bars of her solitary confinement. She noticed she was the only one in a straight jacket and sighed. All she did was bite the guard, that was barely anything! She was capable of so much more. She noticed another girl sitting who had been staring at her in the corner. "What are you looking at? Pleased to see someone crazier than you." She said with a smirk. She still had a bit of a sense of humor, though it was a dark one.
Lya directed her gaze elsewhere, noticing another girl. This case however, appears to be one where the girl retaliated against a guard, since now she was in solitary. She flinched when the girl had met her gaze, "What are you looking at? Pleased to see someone crazier tuan you?" She looked down at uer feet and said nothing. She felt a blush grow on her cheeks although she wasn't exactl y embarrased. She bit her lip and looked at the clock, only a few minutes until the bell.
"Oooo a mimicker. I Remember you people from when I was here before." Margo snickered and threw her weight against the door angrily.

"What do you mean she's in solitary? She just got here! Control her, will you?" J.D, Margo's brother yelled at one of the nurses and sauntered towards solitary, a place he used to visit himself when he too, was in the asylum. "Margo what the hell are you doing in there?" He whispered to her through the bars.

"Having tea, would you like some?" Margo snickered and leaned against the wall.

"Sir, solitary means don't talk to her, please, step away from the door." The guard said, rubbing his arm where Margo had bit him and explained to J.D why she was in there.
im sent to the therapist once again for the 4th time that day. through out the whole session im completely silent.
The bell rang, I walked to class. Regardless of where anyone is right now, everyone is being sent to their proper classroom. I walked in, against the wall was some burly men for top security. I sat down quietly.
i come back in half way through class. is tripped as i walk to my seat. "nice for you to finally join us Luna" you could hear the aggravation in the teachers voice.
The girl from before, whom the teacher named to be 'Luna' sits down at a desk in front of mine. It didn't strike me as interesting news though. So for the rest of the class I sat and did nothing. This class was boring, not because it was hard or I was really bad at it or anything. It was just to easy...and boring. But hey, you don't go around the school shouting out you're a nerd and good at classes, that's an instant death sentence, especially at this school. I started to doodle on the margins of the pages and ignoring the teacher. Just then the teacher called out my name "Lya, what's the answer to number two on the board please". I stopped cold and looked up. Her eyes bore into mine. Well crap, usually teachers know not to pick on me. This was a plot by my therapist I bet. I couldn't speak the words were stuck in my mouth. I said nothing, the minutes dragged on and she watched me like a hawk.
The bus ride was too long, too hot, and too uncomfortable. I was the only delinquent there besides a very negative looking guy at the opposite end of the bus. Wow, I thought as I looked at the steel bar my hand cuffs were chained to, I never thought they designed busses to lug around crazies. There were two guards, a bus driver, and surprisingly gloomy teacher on board. Oh, and the kid. I craned my neck around to see him, shooting daggers out of his eyes. I felt blinded for a few moments by the force of his glare. He turned his eyes on me and I froze, but they softened a bit, as if he were recognized another bird of a feather. I could see my new torture chamber (aka Quest Academy) looming on the horizon when my vision started going black around the edges. I cussed under my breath and prepared for another bout of schizophrenia.

IdespiseyouIdespiseyouIdespiseyouDIEDIEDIE. I repeated that over and over in my head. Over the years that had become my mantra. The hatred took my mind off of the things I didn't want to think about. Right then, that was my destination. I was chained up like a criminal. Even if I am a criminal, it still got my blood boiling. I looked around the metal box I was traveling in and saw a girl sitting on the other end of the bus. She probably didn't deserve to be here. I did.
(Glub Glub = :)

Lya sighed, bored out of her mind, the class went on and on, and she had already completed the worksheet in the first five minutes of class. The intercom went on, saying that the buses were late and please excuse students who were late to class. She pushed her notebook out away from her and raised her hand. The teacher asked "yes?" she whispered glumly "Can I go to the bathroom?" The teacher asked her again and she tried to speak louder. She was excused and she left to go down the hallway, not necesserily going to the bathroom, but anywhere but there.

When the bus arrived I was detatched from the steel rode I had gotten to know so well on the ride there. I risked a glance behind me while they were leading me off the bus and saw icey-eyes also being escorted. He looked like a caged tiger, ready to kill. I actually didn't doubt that he had already. We got into the school and they checked my pockets. I'm really glad that I didn't have anything dangerous, because if they'd found it they would've done a strip search. I shivered at that thought. They took off my cuffs and sifted through my bag. After being deemed worthy, they brushed me off into the company of a hardcore girl who was supposed to be my guide. I thought she'd ditch me right away, but I guess looks can be decieving. She gave a bright smile, took my hand, and started sprinting through the halls. I almost fell flat on my face trying to keep up with her while she breathlessly explained everything from one end of the school to the other.

I was paraded into the filthy institute by a careless guard I could've taken down at any time, but it wouldn't have done any good. We were searched, the girl and I, for anything pointy. As if we were stupid enough to think we could get that by them. My pack was given a once over, and they missed the small knife I had hidden in my nonfunctioning headphones. I didn't think I would ever use it, but it pleased me to get that by the amateurs. A preppy, kind faced boy was my tour guide, and he appeared as if he couldn't hurt a fly, but he'd have to do much more than that to get shacked up in this special peice of hell. I slunk around behind him as he dutifully listed off everything from the lunch room to the 'dungeon,' a place where bad little boys and girls went.
(Oh no, I just realized I POV changed!)

I walked down the hallway, wondering if I should get back to class soon or suffer the consequences, besides, security around here would find me eventually. Just then I heard footsteps, I dashed into the girls bathroom, hiding behind the wall of the entrance and peeking out over the wall. Some new girl was getting the tour guide treatment, a normal procedure her to enlighten the well being of troubled youth with some good old fashioned hospitality that you don't get in the real world. I snorted bitterly at the tought and spied carefully from my safe corner.

(Oh no, I just realized I POV changed!)

I walked down the hallway, wondering if I should get back to class soon or suffer the consequences, besides, security around here would find me eventually. Just then I heard footsteps, I dashed into the girls bathroom, hiding behind the wall of the entrance and peeking out over the wall. Some new girl was getting the tour guide treatment, a normal procedure her to enlighten the well being of troubled youth with some good old fashioned hospitality that you don't get in the real world. I snorted bitterly at the tought and spied carefully from my safe corner.
[MENTION=3847]Maximum Ride[/MENTION] I would just wait to be safe.

[MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION] H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3... >:]

The girl that led me stopped running, and we doubled over panting in one of the hallways. As I leaned against the wall, the blackness from before swirled in my vision. I slid abruptly to the floor and held my head between my knees, hoping they wouldn't try to talk me into doing anything bad. I shut my eyes tight so I wouldn't see them. "Fancy seeing you here..." snaked a feline voice past my ear. I trembled and tried to block out her voice.

"GO AWAY." I said firmly, like my therapist had told me to do. I knew it was no use though. I looked up and saw her, a cat I called Korner. Her full name was Kitty Korner, which might sound ironic to some, but to me it was dead serious. Korner was the worst of them, of all my hallucinations, because she was the bad one. She told me to do bad things. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked over to see my concerned tour guide. She started to speak.

"Honey, is everything alright? Is it a mental sickness? Do I need to call a doctor?" asked my friendly guide.

"No, not friendly. Hauling you around this dump, treating you like an idiot. She shouldn't be alive. Kill her, choke her, hit her. That will wipe the look off her face," the terrible cat came closer with his mesmerizing eyes. I could feel the wrongness, but suddenly I hated the girl, despised her with all her might.

"SHUT UP!" I screeched, but this time at the other girl. She looked apalled. I suddenly snapped my hand up and slapped her across the face. She was unprepared and got thrown to the side like a doll. I stared at her, and it broke me out of my stupor. I didn't want to hurt her, and that man, that stupid robber. I felt Korner put his paws on my arm and something snapped, and I started screaming and thrashing, yelling to get Korner to go away. I rolled on the floor and swung my arms every which way, totally submerged in my hallucination.

I sat on the bench with my guide, Benny, eating some bread we found in the kitchen. We didn't talk, just sat. I liked it better that way.
[MENTION=3847]Maximum Ride[/MENTION] Oh sorry go ahead and post Max )

I jumped out from my hiding place and saw the wild commotion, the girl had just slapped the guide across the face and normally I'd be pretty happy, but something about the whole incident perturbed me. I glared at a blank space beside the girl, standing my ground.

What was I doing? Why was I here? Why would I risk what fake sanity I have left and be deemed a psycho accomplice with this girl. I stared at the blank area coldly. "Korner, go. AWAY!" I stifled a gasp. I spoke? Since when do I talk to people, and whats more with a cold authority. Who was corner, this girl? How'd I know this? What was going on? I could feel myself quivering inside but my body continued to project the opposite "Is there really any reason to harm people this way. Through an unstable girl, and cause her great punishement? That pathetic. Low. Even for you." My disembodied voice scoffed in disdain. Still glaring into nothingness.
Leah was guided into the solemn-looking building by a pair of beefy, bulky guards, who seemed to be completely on their guard. She had told them not to touch her, or her "friend" Wednesday would have them killed. They had seemed to listen, because they stood a moderate distance away from her. She murmured quietly to Wednesday, who was walking next to her. "Yes, I know. They won't touch me, don't worry. I'll be okay. We'll both be okay." she reached out and took her "friends" hand, as they walked into a white room, where she was left.

Leah looked over at Wednesday, who was playing with a strand of her hair. "Wednesday, why am I here? I know I'm different...what's wrong with different?" Leah's eyes brimmed with tears, and she held her head in her hands as she cried softly. When she looked up, Wednesday was gone.
Korner hissed, feeling a voice other than the petty girl he had fun chasing. He heard a string of insults springing from the subconscious world from whence he came. He bristled and suddenly dissipated, vanished for the time being. (I'm on the iPad, for some reason, the enter key doesn't work on this site. So just so you know, I'm changing to Aria's pov!). The black disappeared from the edges of my view, and I couldn't feel Korner anymore. My muscles relaxed and my frenzied thrashing stopped. I pulled myself over to the wall and leaned against it, drained from my fit of schizophrenia. I retched on the floor and wiped my mouth, panting. I looked at my shaking hands and remembered the girl I had hit. I looked over to see her holding her red face and looking at me. "Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry! I didn't mean to do that, I swear!" I said, and bit my fingers anxiously. She smiled and shook her head. "It's ok, most people have some kind of issue like yours. Schizophrenia, right?" I nodded sheepishly. I heard a noise and turned to see another girl. "Hi." (Jay's pov!) I sat with Benny for a while, then he rose silently, turning to me. "Almost lunch," he said, and I inclined my head. As soon as I was standing, he flashed a quick smile and took off at a sprint. It took me a moment to start running after him. We raced all the way back to the kitchen area.
Leah waited patiently for orders, when she felt someone like her around. Yes; she felt it. She used morse code through the walls to talk to the person. "Hello? Is anybody there?" she tapped quickly on the wall, hoping against hope that they knew Morse.
I sucked in a breath, trying to will myself to speak, but as usual my words felt trapped and unable to be released from the vault of my mind. All I managed was a nod, I really had no idea what happened. Honestly I wouldn't have cared at all if not for the strangeness of the whole incident. But I guess that shouldn't be a surprise since we are at the school for crazies. I watched as the girl went over to apologize to the tour guide, who even after being slapped in the face was bubbly and enthusiatic. I released an exhasperated breath, did they specifically put these people through ultra happy boot camp, or did they make happy robots. Either way, these people weren't normal. Then again, it could be me thats abnormal, and the ultra happy, good-mannered people that are.

I rolled my eyes but walked over to the two girls, I might as well continue pretending to be a good citizen since I just apparently did a good thing. Just then there was a frenzy of taps. It took me awhile to get that it was morse code. The meaning of the raps unfolded in my mind, its been a while, and I think I was a little rusty, but a managed a slightly erroneous 'No, theres no one'. seriously, in a school did she really think nobody was here?, apparently I just couldn't keep my sarcasm out of the morse code either.
Joanne fidgeted in her seat, peeling the skin from her bottom lip as she struggled to pay attention in class. Her mind was filled with self-critical thoughts and fears, as the teacher called on certain people to come up and solve problems on the board.

What if you trip when the teacher calls on you? What if you get the problem wrong? What if you have something on your jeans? Are the girls behind you laughing at you or a joke? Probably you.

Joanne picked at her lip more fiercely, breaking the skin and feeling the little drop of blood drip onto her fingernail. She was tired of constanstly overthinking about everything.

"Joanne, come up and solve number six, please." The teacher called upon her.

Joanne's hands trembled a little as her mind went into overdrive. She glared at the back of the teacher's head, wishing she had the courage to stab her with a pencil or something.

Don't trip. Don't trip. Do not trip. Ignore the girls laughing at you. Dont get the question wrong. Dont look the teacher in the eye. Breathe.

She took a deep breath and stared at the whiteboard rack once again. She almost began arranging the markers to calm her nerves, but she didn't time. Joanne began picking her lip again until the blood began to drip on the floor. Joanne swivled around to face the teacher.

"Can I go to the bathroom, please?" Joanne half-asked, half-pleaded.

The teacher nodded and Joanne bolted out of the door. As soon as she stepped in the hallway, she let air fill her lungs, glad to be away from the cause of her recent anxiety. Joanne leaned against the wall as she caught sight of a girl leaning her ear against the adjorning wall farther down the hall.


Vanella stared at the words in the book she was reading, not paying attention to the words in black. She re-read the sentence again, still not understanding what it was saying. The thoughts in her head kept racing.

What am I having for lunch? I wonder what Joanne is doing. I hope she's alright. What if it's my fault she's like this?

With that last question, Vanella's mood spiralled down and she suddenly felt the effects of a deep depression. It was always like this. One moment she was happy, just thinking about stuff. Then the next moment, she would have the urge to kill herself or slice open the skin on her body. Vanella raised her hand, asking to be excused and shot out of the classroom and into the bathroom. She pulled a paperclip out of her pocket and stared at it for a long time. She examined the blood stains and began to feel even worse.

What have I gotten myself into?

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