Quest Academy for Juvenile Deliquents and the Mentally Unstable

Elle walked out of her dorm and yawned, tired since she'd spent the majority of last night up reading her new book. She enjoyed reading, but missed her brother and pets a lot, wanting nothing more than to be surrounded by them. Her father, though, was someone she did not wish to set her eyes upon. He was mean, and nasty in her mind. A main suspect for her own mother's murder! His wife, for God's sake! Of course, the police would never believe her, a crazy girl too caught up with nature to be any real help to the investigation. Her head too far up into the clouds, they'd say. But, once in a great while, she'd 'fall back down to Earth,'.

She'd had almost no friends back at her old school, and now that she was here, a new start was the only thing she grasped for. Good grades were easy, but being popular, funny, fashionable, and likeable, now THAT, was a differant story.

She looked out her window to the chirping birds and blowing, after-noon winds. She missed being outside and climbing trees, playing with the wildlife, and walking barefoot. She loved that part the most, because when she did it, she felt just that much closer to the Earth.
Wane leaned his chair back and put his feet on his desk, a smirk across his face as he did so. The teacher's glance caught him at about the same time the guards did, not that he was ever the violent type but the security always kept a tight eye on him. "Travis, please get your feet off while I'm lecturing. Actually, keep them off AT ALL TIMES" she gruffed. Wane raised an eyebrow, wondering whether or not he should obey. For simplicities sake he removed his black sneakers from the desk "Whatever teach. And I told you. He goes by Sivart, if he were here right now. I'm not Sivart I'm Wane Moonscar" He crossed his arms over his chest, the movement causing his eccentric cape to waver (normally the attire would be unusually weird, even in a school full of insane kids, but he rocked it and they knew he rocked it. Which is why they let him keep the totally awesome garment.) The teacher glared at him "Don't use that tone with me sir. We've been over this with your therapist, Travis. But I'm not about to go over this again. Now please be quiet while I continue to teach the class" she turned her back again, barely hiding her mutter about not getting paid enough to work with freaks.

Wane snickered, he returned his gaze back to the girl next to him, she had been gazing out the window the whole class. The way he bothered people all class to avoid class. He liked to bother her in particular. He leaned over and spoke "Psst, hey there gorgeous. Did you hear? Well, if you didn't catch it I'm Wane Moonscar, but you can call me anytime" he gave a devious grin at his genious pickup.


I looked at the time, it was almost time for the bell, great, somehow I was going to have to sneak back in the classroom and face my therapist's accomplice. I'd have to devise a plan to get my backback from there and go before she sees me. In the meantime, I waited to see if I'd get a reply from the mysterious coder and see if the other girls needed any help. But there was something else, as I leaned an ear against the wall I felt as I I was being watched, I didn't know if it was the two girls or if it was just my insanity kicking in with yet another quirk. Still, I pivoted my head around to see if I could find the source of my uneasiness.
Secretly, she did really like Wane. In that, like-like way. But, she would never tell HIM that, for fear that he was really just joking with her, and he'd laugh, and everyone would laugh, and her life would be ruined. So, for now, she thought of ways she could tell him, but she never used any of the ideas. She also took the bothering. She sighed, turned to him, and with a glare said: "Yeah, I heard. And, do you even KNOW my name, Wane Moonscar?"
Wane crinkled his eyebrows a moment as he struggled to think of the name "It's Stella...Bella...something like that" he shrugged "I was pretty close, amirite?" He flashed a grin at her. He liked to mess with her in particular because most of the other girls pushed him away, told the teacher on him, and some would even slap him. It was a buzzkill. But she didn't seem to be too bothered by him. Wane pushed up on his chair, letting it balance on two legs as he leaned back with his head on top of his arms, smirking as he waited for her response.
"Is really Ellizabeth, but you can call me Elle." She smiled at him with a I-like-you smile, then changed after a moment to a smirk. "And, yeah, you were kinda close." She smiled that smile again, then turned to staring out the window for about a minute, then turned back to Wane.

Morning, guys! I was up awhile ago, but I'm up for good now. :) Making X-Mas cards, and stuff. :) :cheesy::laugh::toung::nuts:
Joanne awkwardly leaned off the wall as the girl turned her head. She re-adjusted the strap of her bag for the umpteenth time and began picking her lip as she walked towards the girl.

What are you doing? Why do you think she would speak to you? What if you trip? What if you go crazy and kill her? Well, you're already crazy.

Joanne longed for something to fix or arrange or clean. Something to stop the constant thoughts that burdened every second of her life. She didnt realize that her feet had carried her right in front of the girl.

"Hi. I'm Joanne, but you can call me Jo. What's your name?"

Jo? What kind of name is that? She probably thinks your a freak now? What do you have, Multiple Personality Disorder? This is why you're such a freak. You think you have so many illnesses.
Aria picked herself off the floor. She saw the other girl begin walking toward her, then turn sharply. Now she was tapping on the wall. She heard the short and long taps, and suddenly remembered her mother teaching her morse code years ago. She edged closer to listen to the conversation.
Tori stood when she heard two other guards in the room, but she couldn't see them. Wednesday was being mean and took away her eyesight. "Let's go, Tori. You have to go to class." she heard one of the guards say, grasping her arm. She shrieked, jerking her arm away. "Don't touch me! Wednesday will kill you!" she screamed, her eyesight slowly returning. Wednesday stood beside Tori, looking at her intensely. The guards looked at Tori, completely confused, but the looks disappeared as quickly as they had come. They slowly walked out of the white room, and down a few corridors before walking into a classroom, full of students looking at the board. 'Algebra..' she thought. 'Easy peasy.'
Tori looked around, looking for Wednesday, but she was nowhere to be seen. She sat down next to some stranger, laying her head on the table. Wednesday appeared next to her, girnning widely. "This is gonna be so much fun!" Wednesday said. Tori shook her head, watching everyone. She wanted someone to talk to her, someone to be nice to her. But she also wanted everyone to leave her alone.
Jessica walked in wearing denim shorts, a sleeping with sirens shirt and her black chuck taylor hightops. her hair was in a messy bun and athletic headband. she strode up to a seat behind two people and noticed one looked rather depressed but she decided to leave it alone. she didn't want to blow up at anyone she was still mad.
Tori turned her head a bit to see someone sitting behind her. She wanted to say something to her, but Wednesday had her hand over her mouth, preventing her from speaking. Tori smiled with her eyes at the girl, then looked back to the front.

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