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Realistic or Modern Quarantine

“School? Detention?” Lia tilts her head. Is that where she was brought? To go to school? Lia gets up from the table. She doesn’t know what to think of him. He can shapeshift, teleport, he can even read minds? Lia can’t really lock down his power, but she knows one thing for sure, he’s definitely more experienced then her. And why is that? Is he possibly working with the shady people who took her? Lia decides to stay cautious of him. She really hates to leave the girl with the headache, but this Mitchell guy seemed to know what he was doing.

“Please take care of her,” she motions towards the girl still on the table. Her tone remains neutral. “And about the school thing… I’ll make a note of that.”

Lia starts to walk off but pauses in the doorway. She tries to plan out her next course of action—and it’s definitely not this ridiculous schooling.

( @mitchellap2006 @midnightrose )
"All right meg Be right back" he said

he decides to warp to the med station

The robot at the counter turned on as soon as he entered the room

"Hey doc!" he said cheerfully

"Hello Mitchell, What do you need?" the robot beeped

"You got anything related to stabilizing telekinesis?"

"Oh yes!" the robot blared excitedly

"Its 3/o-16 (3 dash o 16) for short its known as chemical 316" the computer told him

"Why do you need it?" It asked

"Have you unlocked a new ability?"

"No" Mitchell said simply

"A friend needs this medication, here take 50 dollars which should be 25 of this specific medication."

"Have a nice day!" It said as Mitchell left the lab

"you too..." Mitchell started

"You rotten parent killer!" he hissed quietly

He started to catch Fire with his anger

He then huffs and teleports back to Meg

"Hey wake up sunshine!" Mitchell chuckled hiding his hate and anger for the people who had trapped him down here

"Got your meds!" he said handing her chemical 316

"says you take one once every month!"

"So yeah..."

he looks left to right then whispers, "Look if your going to skip class with your friend then i'm going with, just to protect y'all cause detention let me tell you is living HELL!!!

@ItsEndless @midnightrose
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"Thanks babe." She says as she grabs the mess and takes one. "What are we doing here anyways? They shouldn't keep us looked up. I say lets skip class and try to find a way out. I hate being down here." She said with a slight shiver. She stood up slowly as the mess were taking away her headache and grabbed Mitchell's hand. "Let's get out of her." She was slightly dizzy. @mitchellap2006
" got it" Mitchell said

"Hey Meg you know where your friend is cause I KNOW she ain't at school!" He said looking at his watch in the other hand 9:37

"Hey uh Megan we got 23 minutes to find your friend before, They come..." He said looking around

"And lets just say they don't want to have a tea party with us if they catch us." he said trying to make her laugh

@midnightrose @ItsEndless
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ItsEndless said:
“School? Detention?” Lia tilts her head. Is that where she was brought? To go to school? Lia gets up from the table. She doesn’t know what to think of him. He can shapeshift, teleport, he can even read minds? Lia can’t really lock down his power, but she knows one thing for sure, he’s definitely more experienced then her. And why is that? Is he possibly working with the shady people who took her? Lia decides to stay cautious of him. She really hates to leave the girl with the headache, but this Mitchell guy seemed to know what he was doing.
“Please take care of her,” she motions towards the girl still on the table. Her tone remains neutral. “And about the school thing… I’ll make a note of that.”

Lia starts to walk off but pauses in the doorway. She tries to plan out her next course of action—and it’s definitely not this ridiculous schooling.

( @mitchellap2006 @midnightrose )
(Just to let you know my character can morph into any form and manipulate its ability from running to the speed of light to being able to reading minds)

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Megan laughs and sticks out her pinky. " but I want tea governor." She said with a fake British accent. "Anyway we need to escape this place it could be bad news." She looked side to side. @mitchellap2006
Mitchell laughs with joy

he turns into a skeleton

"Hey stop your gonna RATTLE me up

"I mean if you say no, you got some SPINE."

" I don't have any BONES to pick with you but..."

"Man you ain't smacking me yet so i'm going to assume you think i'm HUMOROUS!" he said

"Well okay we better keep an eye socket out for your friend

"But hey promise me one thing, please don't lie to me cause..." he chuckle


(HEY EVERYBODY I HAVE RECENTLY MADE AN RP CALLED ((Always accepting)Lost In Time) If interested please enter it in exactly the way i did it/or check out my profile page then do recent activity!)

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Lia pokes her head into a few rooms, not finding anything interesting. The boy’s dorm, a bathroom, a hangout room... and no sign of escape. Not to mention, each room all had identical padded walls; somebody didn’t want them to leave. But who would want to keep them in here? Why did they have to basically kidnap them like they did? Lia can’t help but feel slightly disappointed. Was there at least someone here who she could speak to?

She soon finds herself in a room with high book shelves. Granted, it still had the white padded walls, but Lia could identify this room as the library. Thousands of titles cover the walls—at least one of them is bound to be useful. Lia realizes she’s going to spend a lot of time in this room.

Now where does she even start?
"Well ok I'm going to put some more backbone into finding this friend we got!" Mitchell said as he felt Megan's eyes staring him down

He then morphs back into his old self

They then pass the second cafeteria

"Man we got to ketchup with this girl"

"I finally mustard enough courage to go look in the basement and I was automatically showered in condiments." He said

"Um your not looking to hot dog, what's up?"

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What do you mean?)

Megan was a bit scared that they would get caught but she honestly didn't want to be there anymore. "Do you think we'll get caught?" She whispered to Mitchell.

" I don't know but..." Mitch started

"I won't let them take you if we are" he said calmly

"But if they do and they'd grab me I want you to run like hell ok don't fight just run find your friend and book it!" He told her

(I tried to start a conversation and invite you but it says I can't)

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"No I won't leave you behind." She said with a serious look on her face. "We're in this together no one gets left behind." She punched his shoulder lightly. "We're friends now and we got to stick together."

Ohhh okay I can always start one with you:P @mitchellap2006 ))))
Lia is skimming through a few pages of a book when the two enter the room. What were they doing here if they were apparently supposed to be in class? Were they looking for her? She blinks a few times before returning back to her research. Lia doesn't find much, but anything is better than sitting around.

"You know you're supposed to be quiet in libraries?" Lia speaks in her usual neutral tone, not looking up from the book. "But I think the real question is what are you two doing here?"

( @mitchellap2006 @midnightrose )
Mitchell hears Lia and tells Meg that she is over there

he then smacks his head and chuckles

"Hey so um were screwed unless we can barricade this library until 3:15." he told her kinda formally

"SHHH" The robot librarian hissed

Mitchell's hand morphs into a desert eagle and blasts her in the face

"sorry you had to see that but were kinda gonna go to prison if that robot sounded the alarm."

@midnightrose @ItsEndless
Ty had woken up and wandered the halls until finding the library. He stayed there for a while, hidden in the back shelves until he heard a gunshot and people talking. He slowly peeked his head from behind the bookshelves, seeing the three, and the destroyed robot. He tried to stay silent but, his powers chose that exact moment to frizz out as he called it. Taking a step backwards, it sounded like someone had hit a baseball. Mentally cursing himself, he hoped they wouldn't notice him

@mitchellap2006 @midnightrose @ItsEndless

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