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Realistic or Modern Quarantine

(I legitimately lost interest in this RP, first you don't mention me when it starts and now I have no idea what's going on.)
Amber could see Ollene in pain, she quickly calmed herself down and urged herself to stop what was happening and slowly the gravity returned to normal. Amber ran over to Ollene

"Im so sorry are you ok?!" She shrieked scared of what she had done.

@JJKab @Alphaius
Mitchell decides that he should probably go and grab Amber and everybody else so they don't get "Detention".

He searches for Amber

He then sees a guy Amber and another girl.

Mitchell decides that he should go up and talk to them

"Hey guys I'm Mitchell!"


@Adira @JJKab @Fight Me @Alphaius @me
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mitchellap2006 said:
Mitchell decides that he should probably go and grab Amber and everybody else so they don't get "Detention".
He searches for Amber

He then sees a guy Amber and another girl.

Mitchell decides that he should go up and talk to them

"Hey Amber what's up?" He said as he approached

"Where did you go?" She said

"Oh I fell asleep I guess..." Mitchell mumbled

"Who are you" the guy asked

"Oh yeah I probably should have started with that" Mitch laughed

"Mitch you?" Mitchell said finally


@Adira @JJKab @Fight Me @Alphaius @me
(Did you just... controll others characters?)
Megan hasnt moved from her spot at the table since she got there. Her head was killing her. She had a slight headache but her power was making it ten times worse. She held her head tight, whimpering in pain.
Lia yawns as she blinks open her drowsy eyes. She hadn’t slept that well in a while, or so she can remember. She sits herself up to examine her surroundings—a long room with several bunk beds. Most of the girls have already left.

“Everything is… padded?” she whispers quietly to herself.

How did she get here? This wasn’t her cozy bedroom, right? No. She can definitely remember what that looks like.

She tries to remember what happened to her, but all she can remember was taking a walk in the park. She remembers feeling lightheaded. She remembers… hurting… a man? She remembers taking his memories? The rest of it is a blur.

“I probably shouldn’t be here,” Lia concludes as she gets up from underneath her thin blanket. “I really shouldn’t be here.”

She finds her boots besides her bed and laces them up before exiting the dorm. Once outside, she finds herself in the hallway, which is the same bland coloring of the dorm room. What kind of building is primarily made of padded walls?

Lia looks to her right to find that she isn’t alone. Four individuals of various ages are having their own conflict. Are they friend or foe? Can she trust them?

Lia doesn’t want to take her chances.

She creeps out and hurries quietly into another room. Again, the room is identical, but she finds another girl leaning on the table. Lia doesn’t know who she is, but by her pained expression, she isn’t about to leave her here. Who knows if there’s even medical in this building? Lia speaks up.

“You don’t look too good,” she says as she approaches the girl, “May I help in any way?”

( @midnightrose )
Lia blinks her eyes. Unfortunately, the girl was probably right. Lia wasn’t a doctor, and Lia didn’t even know if there was a doctor nearby. But she knew she couldn’t leave the girl here. If there’s anything that bothered her most, it was seeing someone suffer.

“I don’t know, maybe I can? Or I can go find someone who can help at the least,” Lia replies as she sits down across from her. Her tone is neutral, but she really is concerned. “What’s wrong, exactly?”

( @midnightrose )
"I have such a major headache and i think my power is making it worse. I have telekinises." She said while looking at the girl across from her. "Thanks anyway for trying to help."

“Telekinesis?” Lia tilts her head. Was she being serious? Did she really think she had some kind of ability?

Lia is suddenly brought back to the day she gained her power. She remembers having a huge headache. She couldn’t handle it anymore, and she remembers attacking a man. She remembers accidentally erasing his memory. And that’s it. Somehow, she ended up here with some kind of amnesia.

So she really does have a power. Has she always been able to erase memories? And is that why they were all gathered here? Everyone has some kind of superhuman power?

Lia doesn’t know what to do in this situation, but she knows she must prioritize the struggling girl.

“Have you, um, tried using your power yet?” Lia asks, “Maybe you just need to let some of it out?”

( @midnightrose )
Mitchell then turns into night crawler (Look him up if you dont know who or what he is) and teleports back to the cafe.

"hey meg I forgot my phone and..." He started

"Oh look Meg made a friend."

"Hi names Mitchell."

"Some can say i'm a Jerk Others disagree, but of you want..." he said

"I'll turn into a tree!" He Shouted as he turned into a huge oak tree with eyes and a mouth

"Yup." he said

He then reaches for his phone with his roots
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Lia is skeptical of the new boy who arrives. Wasn’t he one of the four playing around in the hallway? She’s never been good at forced introductions, not to mention, Lia was never the most social. When the boy turns into a tree in front of her very eyes, Lia is somehow not surprised. So it’s true, they really do all have powers? Lia makes note to be cautious about this.

“Hello there...” her tone is calm although she’s a bit unsettled, “Nice to meet you.”

She’s conflicted whether she should introduce her name or not, but there’s a different matter at hand—the poor girl with the migraine.

“By any chance… do you know if there’s a doctor around here?” she asks Mitchell.

( @midnightrose @mitchellap2006 )
"Well yes in the medbay down the other side of the hallway, but if you want I could teleport you there." Mitchell says kindly

"But if not, im going to go eat my oatmeal."

"And to answer your thought question yes I was one of the 4"

"Yeah I kinda read your mind."
"Oh well uh, do you want me to teleport you?" He said slightly embarrassed

"Or!" he said as he got an Idea

"I can go pickup medication involving telekinesis real quick, no charge because you are my friend!" he said to them being quite considerate

"Let me see..." he said pulling out a strange paper from his pocket

"oh you must wonder about these papers!" seeing everyone staring at his wallet and blue paper

"This is the underground currency this in my hand is $20" he then starts pulling out separate different colored paper such as Red, Lime Green, White, Orange, then Purple.

"So let me explain the money system here,:Red $1, Lime G 5$, White 10$, Blue $20, Orange $50, then Purple $100,:
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Sorry for the late response!)))

Megan held her head."to be honest anything would be better then having this headache." She replied while looking at him and the money.
"Well O.k. ill be a minute!" he said staring at his watch


"Hey guys just letting you know its 9:05 and school starts in 55 minutes but you see..." Mitchell started

"If your late..." he continued

"You get detention..."

@midnightrose @ItsEndless

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