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Realistic or Modern Quarantine

Ursula Halliday


You have been exposed to a spacecraft which landed on earth exposing you to an unknown substance. This substance has given you a special ability, that ability is still new to you and you may not realise you have it. This ability could pretty much be anything the substance has a different effect on everyone.

You wake up in what appearers to be a dormitory with very little memory of the night before, the walls are white and padded bunkbeds are perfectly spaced throughout the room, around you many teenagers are waking up.

(more details in overview)
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You have been exposed to a spacecraft which landed on earth contaminating you with an unknown substance which has given you a special ability, that ability is still new to you and you may not realise you have it yet. This ability could be pretty much anything the 'substance' has a different effect on each individual.


//You wake up in what appearers to be a dormitory with very little memory of the night before, the walls are white and padded, bunkbeds are perfectly spaced throughout the room, around you many teenagers are waking up//

(More Details in Overview)


opens eyes slightly

"Oh hey, new room cool!" Mitchell says

Then he sees other boys in his room too

"Oh cool roomies!" he chuckled under his breath

he grabs a sharpie on a desk and draws on one of the roomies face

"Welp time to bail!" he whispered as he finished

e he exits his room to see a neat lobby sort area

"wow!" Mitchell gasps

he then morphs his arms long enough to propel himself down to the floor

he walks to the exit

"huh, I cant see whats outside?" he said to himself

he opens a door

to see a really long hallway and I mean Really Big long hallway

he decides to do exploring

"hm..." Mitchell thought

"Girls Dorm, Boys Dorm, food station, training area, barber, armory, HIGH SCHOOL!? Why is there a High school?"

"I mean this is like end of the world train your freaks for free's vil!" he said

"Step right up and let me go and trap your freak in this huge hallway galore, and make them fight against their will!" he shouted thinking nobody would hear him

then he hears a chuckle.

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Melly woke up with a taste of regret. She felt like she had the absolute worst hangover in her life, as she carefully stumbled out of her bed. She winced at her pounding headache, and got herself freshened up. She didn't realize where she was, until she opened her eyes fully. She was back at her dorm with everyone. Sighing with relief she told them she was going to step out for a bit after she got dressed. As she entered the hallway, she saw a guy yelling out. Mello went up behind him and tapped his shoulder, considering she was shorter than him by a ton. "'Scuse me, but what are you doing...?" she asked him.

"Oh hi i'm just walking around." he said

"Names Mitch, yours? Mitchell said

"im Mani, nice to meet you Mitch" Mani said

"by the way are you new here?" she said

"well not really, they kept me in a room by myself for a while..." Mitch told her

"Oh" mani whispered

"Anyway, nice to meet you Mani!" he said as he walked to the cafeteria.


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Amber rolled over not really wanting to go to school that day

"THUMP!"she hit the floor bruising her back,

"Owwww" she groaned opening her eyes and realising that she wasn't in her own room she shot up looking around the room and stretching her back out.
Megan woke up to a loud thump. She looked around the room. "Okay either im going crazy or im still dreaming." She said to herself while looking at the other people in the room.
Amber turned around to see a girl opening her eyes

"Hello?" she said while inching towards the girl "Where am I?" she muttered to herself.
"Im not sure ive never seen this place before." She said quietly. "Im gonna go look around." She quickly got up and walked out of the room
Amber wasn't sure if she should follow but she did, the two entered a big hallway seeing two people walking in another doorway,

"Hello!" she called to them.

The feeling of aggressive contempt flowed through Butch's body once he awoke from his dazed slumber. He wasn't sure why he felt like the skin around his body wasn't correctly implemented, but that was the least of his concerns. Butch awoke in a padded white room that housed multiple bunk beds - some even having sleeping individuals on them still. His mind immediately went into culture-shock mode, this wasn't the trap house he had been staying at for the past couple of months. Where was Claire, or anyone else he had been living with?

Last time I'm taking Xanax...

Thought Butch, still not processing why his feet didn't feel like they were fully touching the ground, even though they clearly were.

Butch broke out into a cold sweat as he reached into his pocket for his phone that wasn't there anymore. He always had it, even during his worst blackout drunk moments. However, that wasn't the case this time around.

Where the hell am I... Am I still fucked up from last night...? Damn it, man.

Butch stood up from the bed, stretching and looking around slightly as he did so. The stretching sadly made the blood rush to his head, the feeling of his sensors doubling up and his ears popping making the art of standing an impossible task to undertake. Butch promptly sat right back down on the bed, resting his eyes on his hands as he stared at his shoes that were tucked under the bunk.

Maybe the bastards finally put me in the crazy house...
"Oh hi!" Mitchell said as he turned around

Mitchell that's what they call me" he said

"Wait somethings wrong..." Mitchell said randomly

he starts to melt on the floor

"goodbye cruel world.....*bleh*...*wink*." he cried as he stuck his tongue out

he then regains form

"Ha, got you!" Mitchell laughed

"What are you?" all the girls asked (Mani, Megan, Amber)
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"Whats going on where am I Amber said starting to pace up and down the hallway beginning to freakout but trying to stay calm,

"Is this a dream?" she muttered to herself but she knew it wasn't, it was all too real. Amber felt a strange force come over her and everyone in the room including her began to float,

"Help!" she screamed and they all hit the floor.
Mitchell then drilled his hand into a wall

"hm... hey uh Gravity machine whats your name?" pointing to Amber


"Ay cat got your tongue or what" Mitchell said turning into a cat

"Why did you call me gravity machine?" The girl said (Amber)

"oh that's simple!" Mitchell chuckled

"Your mutant just like everybody else here!"

"How do you know I caused us all to float!?"

"Well cause who else could have caused it... she can teleport *pointing to mani* She can move stuff with her mind *pointing to Megan* I can morph *Pointing at his face* and last of all you the gravity manipulator *pointing at amber*!" he said

"How do I know your not lying." she said doubtfully

"First of all this *throws his hand on the floor and moves it around stretching like a snake* and they gave us phones with one text message..."

pulling out an I phone 6 S with a text that shows all the teenagers names and supernatural powers

"Nice to meet you Amber!" Mitchell said

"By the way we all should go get breakfast before class starts at like 10:00" he mentioned normaly

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Amber simply stood their in shock wondering why she was here, when she got these powers, in a moment of panic she ran back to the girls dorm opening the door to see all the people, she slammed the door and ran down the long hall to see the boys dorm and slammed the door again looking in every room she could.
Hazel groans, sitting up and rubbing her head, it hurt like an elephant had decided to trample it. She looked around, realising this was not her room. She jerked up so fast that AusAID bolt would have nothing on it. Her head began to throb again, All she remembered was a green flash of light coming through her window. She walked out into the hall, running along it before slipping in a puddle of water. Smooth, real smooth. She thought to herself as she sat there with her butt soaking wet.
"Oh Its fine it didn't hurt anyway,not like this!" he said as he morphed into Megan and flicked his hand right back which did the same thing but to Megan

"Owww!" Megan moaned

"Huh wonder where she went?" he said as he focused on how Amber ran away so fast
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I got up with a sore leg.

'Where the hell am I?'

This didn't look my room, it looked way different. I saw a few bits of metal floating above my head.

'Great, just what I need, another thing to make people scared of me!'

I got out of bed and walked to the door, when I was out I wasn't outside I was in a kitchen.

'God dam it!'

I saw some people I his behind the door so no one would run away. The only thing that could give away my position was all the random metal coming toward me.
Amber ran back to the girls dorm to see a girl sitting up, she wandered towards her

"Hello" she whispered as the girl looked up at her.

Amber looked around the room to see a girl watching her from behind the door,

"Hi guys I'm Amber", she said shyly.

Mitchell decided he better find out so he morphed into a girl he once saw who attended his old school and called him sempai but besides the point.

he walked into the room to see Amber talking to a girl

Mitchell pulls out his phone and looks to see who or what she was.

Her name was Alice killious her nickname is nightmare and she can manipulate metal

Then he got noticed

"Oh hi!" Amber said

"Wait, Chara (pronounced care-ah)!"

trying to make a girly voice, "Oh hey Amber is that you!"

"What are you doing here?" Amber asked

*Uhhhhhhh* Mitchell thought

"Its a long story" He said

"Oh well Its nice to see you here Ive met some really nice people" Amber said

"Its just i'm kind of unsure about what or who I am, But enough about me."

"This is my new acquaintance Alice Killious!" she said cheerfully

"~Oh~ hi~, ~i'm ~Chara!" Mitchell said loosing his voice but still maintaining his girly voice (Barely)

"um, I have to... Powder my nose!" He said bailing to the bath room quickly

In the bathroom he morphs into a microorganism and shrinks through the wall and then back into his original form and runs back into the cafeteria to see the other girls sitting eating and drinking Stary Bucks.

"hey where did you go?" Megan said suspiciously


"To, Uh powder my nose!" he joked

"But um I think Amber went to my old school, she just looks familiar."


@Adira @Phoenix Dixon @Musicomar4 @Fight Me @ME
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I stared at the new girl.

"Um, Hi?"

I said not sure what to do.

"I'm... uh... Alice Killios... people don't like me much... and... uh... either hide or try to kill me... cause... uh... of my family genetics"

I took off my eye patch so Amber could see my red eye. I quickly put it back on after I saw her shocked face.

@Ursula Halliday
Ollene's head was aching unbereably, as she looked weakly around herself. She noticed that she was in a tidy dorm, with white-as-snow bedsheets. She sat up with a moan, bringing her knees up to her chest, hugging them. Her face was distorted lightly with pain, as the last thing she remembered was...n' anything. It was like her memory went blank yesterday.

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