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Finished [Quang] Property for my Property - Part 1: What's on Sale

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's currently open to limited participation, so let me know if you want to join and I'll see if we can make it work.

What to expect out of character:
This part is meant to be a short opening (< 30 days) to a series (aiming for 30 to 45 days per part afterwards) with the goal of Saoirse obtaining an Estate Asset through Wealth D (or ideally a higher grade if it can be upgraded before the series ends). Round-turning/narrative posts are planned every Wednesday and Sunday morning or afternoon (UTC+1), so post before then or risk being skipped.

Additional posts between players, outside of normal rounds, are encouraged so long as they don't advance the main plot (and I might personally get a few smaller interactions up between narrative rounds as well if there's a demand).

What to expect in character:
Saoirse returns from her desert trip with a new slave, whom she's planning to get equipped, only to hear about an offer she can't refuse. The rest of the gang, as usual, have little other choice than to follow along.

Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Buy some new property. | Buy some new gear for her current and new property. | Buy an estate property to house her property.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse deal with the business. | See if he can firmly claim his position as Saoirse's second.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow. | Give milk?
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Pick his new gear. | Prove he wasn't a mistake to take on.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Be bought by a bunny. | Show he's a worthwhile purchase.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Weapon Shop
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3qLDDJ

Saoirse Desrosiers

Active titles: Beast, Haregon, Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate F, Prideful, Bunny Girl, Stockperson, Slaver, Mentor C
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Cow Femboy Femboy | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Diego Megilagor Megilagor | Fenrir Maxxob Maxxob

“Ugh, it feels like I still have sand stuck in my fur.” She'd mumble, as they entered the weapon shop. The desert outing had been long, hot, slightly annoying, but also fairly profitable. She'd gotten some great new contacts in the desert city, allowing her wealth and influence to grow. She also had a new slave thanks to the trip.

“Well then, Diego, it's all yours.” She'd state, gesturing him into the store. “A deal's a deal, after all.” She added, as she'd allow him to pick his own gear from this store. She'd check the others. “Are the rest of you still good on equipment?” She asked, as she didn't like cheapening out too much on gear for her slaves, as that would discourage them from flourishing. (OOC: Please give me a list of what your character needs for equipment at D grade or lower.)

Melia Hayward

Melia was first to speak up. “I would wish to obtain a new shield, madam.” She'd state, firmly yet with some respect.

Saoirse would nod. “Very well, go find something suitable.” She'd state, allowing Melia to go pick something. The latter would head to the shield section and carefully observe, lifting some up, checking their weight... She wanted to make sure she'd got the best of the best for her current level and position, in order to do her task of protection Saoirse and fulfilling her goal of flourishing as a warrior even better.

Jastira Veidi


“Perhaps, if milady wishes, I could get a second catalyst? I always wanted to have a spare one.” She figured she'd try her luck. All in all, the main reason was that a lot of catalysts looked like jewellery and that it was probably the closest she'd get to having accessories paid for.

Although Saoirse suspected as much, she'd nod. “You've done well enough to have earned one, go ahead. Just skip the extraordinary fancy ones. They're not worth their price.” She'd add the next bit, making it clear there were some limits to her generosity.

Jastira would give a fairly deep bow in gratitude, as she went to go pick something. Wondering how much the upper-limit of Saoirse's wallet would open up for her and what the fanciest thing was that she could get for it.

That left Ryuuji and Lei-Cao. “Anything either of you needs?” She'd ask. However, before she could get a reply, a large and fancy dressed beastman walked over.

Shop Owner


From: Microsoft Copilot

“Ah, my, you must be a real noble customer! It's an honour to have you, miss..?”


“Desrosiers! Outstanding! Perfect! If I might be as rude as to suggest it, I have a deal that is absolutely perfect!” He would gesture her to follow, which she did.

Upon leading her to the back of the room, he'd show her a Wolfman (Fenrir) who was just... sitting there. “You see, madam Desrosiers, a while ago, someone entered my shop and begged me to sell me my entire stock of anti-monster and anti-curse weaponry, armour, amulets, catalyst. Everything. Considering he could barely pay for even the cheapest things, he was desperate enough to offer me a slave of his and one of his estates. I think, by now, all his assets in general have been liquidated, but that's another matter... Either way, I couldn't easily refuse such a deal from a nobleman, so I accepted, but I've got no clue how to sell a slave and I know the Slaver's Guild or Merchant's Guild would offer me some scraps at best. So please, madam, why don't you take a look at him? See if he's to your liking? If you want, I can even throw in the estate he gave me and sell them both as a package deal!”

That was a lot to take in. “Right... what's the catch?” She'd speak up (Intimidation C), which made the owner let out a nervous chuckle.

“Well... the man was convinced his estates and even his slaves were haunted. Of course, nothing of that is true, I assure you, I think, but he was so highly convinced that monsters or curses were involved that anyone that hears about it figures it's not worth the risk. So they didn't want to touch his previous belongings, leaving anyone that accepted them, well... Ehm...

Either way, I assure you, those are just rumours. The slave hasn't caused any trouble since he's been here and whilst I haven't been there myself, I'm sure the estate he sold me for his gear is entirely unproblematic as well. Even so, I'm willing to sell them at a discount, as part of a package deal, simply due to wishing a noble owner as you to have them!”
The latter bit sounded like a practised merchant story.

Meanwhile, Fenrir wouldn't know about the estate in question, as he'd been bought later and never went to it, having been trained in another estate in the inner city, rather than the more rurally located estate that'd been exchanged. That said, he would (if he wanted to) be able to back up his former master's bad financial decisions and investments in many pricey anti-monster and anti-curse items, most of which likely weren't even legitimate ones.

The whole story made Saoirse raise an eyebrow. It didn't take long before Fenrir could see Saoirse stare directly at him and he felt some form of magic being used on him as she got closer (Appraisal B). “Hmmm... Born for what..?” She wondered, but she shrugged it off. “So you're a butler? What are your talents and goals.” She'd ask him, wondering if it was worth taking him on. Either to make him flourish or to have him help make others flourish. Possibly both. Perhaps he could even help deal with the cow.
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Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario

The last few days have been quite hectic for Fenrir. The bankruptcy of his former master had not been predicted by the wolfman so soon, however its inevitability was clear. The large sums of glittering gold being spent so freely in all sorts of trinkets and baubles, with the promises of protection against the terrible curse, which he heard about it on a daily basis, sounded pretty suspicious. The aversion his prior master had towards monsters was also bizarre, considering from what he had seen of other nobles in the Ororoot Empire. Yet, he never dared to question his master: that was not something a slave and servant should do. Dutifully as ever, he had spent his days training the sword and serving his master, to keep protection against the unseen, looming threat.

Being the very last of the slaves being liquidated, the butler found himself with a new and transient owner, or at least that was what he imagined. His time in the Weapon Shop had been quite a calm one: serving as needed and as efficient as he could. There was no left in him, without even being able to remember what that would be like. Even if he tried to force his memory, things from before his servitude were foggy, like an impenetrable wall impossible to cross. All in all, he was content with his situation. Not being in charge of one's destiny could feel... refreshing. Liberating even.

Whatever internal musings he might have had were cut short with the door of the room he was in began creaking open, prompting his gaze to follow those who entered the room. One, he already knew: the hippopotamus shop owner. The other, a petite bunny-kin. Without wasting time, Fenrir was on his feet, brushing and straightening his clothes to make himself more presentable. The last piece of advice that his former master had given him was that appearances were paramount to be purchase by another master, and this was an advice he had taken to heart. After all, he didn't want to end up like one of the poor dregs who ended up in slave pens, never being bought.

The towering, muscular wolf stood silent, hearing his transient master talk about what had happened with his previous one. Fenrir was there personally when the conversation took place, the lion-kin's worries about curses and monsters having reached its zenith, desperation which bordered insanity in the eyes of the most. Midnight screams, sleepless nights, darting eyes: it was all there. Despite Fenrir's much patrolling, guarding and standing at the ready, nothing appeared to sooth the lion's mind.

That aside, it seemed that his transient owner was attempting to strike a deal with the bunny. It was the butler's duties to aid him in such matters, would it not? While also not blurring nor souring the prospect relationship with this possible owner. "Through my experience in my former master's estate, I couldn't see or perceive anything amiss. Despite performing quite many nightly rounds in the manor, I found nothing." He took the liberty to say it, his sharp, predatory eyes focused on the floor of the room. His low, husky voice was kept in a tone that was audible, yet showing subservience.

When prompted by the bunny, feeling something he didn't understand washing over him, he nodded in confirmation that he was a butler. Keeping his eyes on the floor, he began answering her. "I've been trained in domestic tasks, as well as etiquette. I'm quite fast: both in movement and also in learning. I also have some lingering skills with the blade, but what I pride myself is being able to notice other's needs without those needing to be uttered." His eyes would finally raise from the ground, looking at the bunny-kin for a moment, as he studied her with his [Insight F]. "Would you perhaps be parched, madam?" He asked her, seeing if his study had bore fruit. "My goal is to develop my serving skills, possibly learning different ones, so I can serve my master properly. Excelling at it is my aim."
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Having went through the whole annoyance that was the desert, Lei wanted to just go back to a peaceful place of stay and rest though only time would tell when she'd be allowed such peaceful respite. For now, it felt like she was being dragged to yet another stop that was nothing but to waste her time. In any regard, visiting such a shop as Saoirse had asked the others of anything they held interest within should have peaked her interest too, but she already believed at this point that Saoirse would likely strike her down with some sort of lazyness comment and perhaps an appearance-slash-talking-referencing insult on top of that.

Then again, since she was the definitive herald of chaos AND such a true champion, plus for how much ridiculous nonsense she's had to put up with, Lei felt rather entitled to  something at this point. Huffing and breathing out with a small sigh, she began stating her half-complaint desires to Saoirse.
"I could do with an improved mace, this one works but feels like it'll wear and bend to breaking with enough use. I could do with a size-up in my armour, the plating could be made to be more protective and dense and I'm very much outgrowing this one. The shoulderguard and armguard straps are getting too small for my muscular definition, the girdle of this is pressing into my abs, the plate legging pieces under the suit's skirt are feeling a little small since I never skip leg day, I could use some new pant-pieces for what I've gotten are older-small things that've been stretched out, and the chestplate is so tight that I can feel my chest and lungs being squeezed into suffocation. Also, I wouldn't mind being treated better and having better resting locations, a better meal schedule of something fulfilling and delicious, and I require my own personal bathroom with working shower, sink and toilet. That should be fitting of bare essentials... " she longingly listed out, gesturing to each issue as she brought it up, even though it was not that long ago Lei had been contemplating her obedience just to earn more respect for her own benefit. It had been rather quickly she had momentarily let it slip out of her mind to continue acting how she did prior.

Though, it would appear as if Saoirse would go off with some other beastkin to look at something else instead of acknowledging and agreeing with her totally fair and well-earned demands. Sighing and shaking her head, she muttered.
"Dumb rabbit... " she softly grumbled under her breath, seeing as Melia and Jastira would go off to look for stuff while for some reason Saoirse opted to acting nice and treating well of the random slave Diego who had just recently joined among them. Okay, now it's stupid. It keeps feeling like she's being forced on pointless trips rather than the actual training she was looking for.

Growing rather annoyed, she eyed Melia and Jastira being distracted for the moment as she supposed Diego would probably be doing a little of the same or too much of fresh-blood to be any sort of matter if she was to do some questioning.

Immediately turning her attention to Ryuuji and planting a tight grasp on his shoulder to catch his attention before he suddenly went off to go do goody-twoshoes cringe, she glared at him with a hint of [Intimidation (F)] as she lightly planted her mace on the floor next to him. Walking close and momentarily standing over him with her height, she eventually intensified her glare and leaned over the man to force a very close interaction between them.

"Okay, since Saoirse isn't here and everyone's busy, you're gonna fess up like a little good boy and tell big mama Lei exactly what she wants to know. First off, I want to know what stupid little background scheme you all have running for some sort of immense hate-plan against me whereas anyone new shows up and you suddenly treat them like family. Don't lie, everyone I've come across since ever meeting you all has treated me the exact same. I know you're playing some ridiculous long-con to mess with me, and second, I expect soon enough that there be some changes around here. I am important, strong, and smart, and I should be acknowledged and well respected just as anyone else, and that includes you doing it too, boy. Third, we are going to  stop with all the stupid  cow insults, okay? I'm a minotaur, and it's an entirely different thing. I do not eat grass, I don't moo, and I don't even have a clue how milk is made, so unless you're gonna tell me so I can shut Saoirse up for good, I should rightfully be acknowledged by Lei-Cao at the LEAST. You are not above me, nor are you better than me. You got that, little boy?" Lei-Cao answered to Ryuuji in a huffed tone, leaning closer and more downward to him so she could hold her height over him without him trying to ignore or demean her. When asking if he had understood it all, she lightly pushed her finger against his face, leaning close and staring at him with a rather peeved glare the whole time waiting on an answer.

1. Intimidation (F) on Ryuuji
Ryuuji Kamimura
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Mention: Megilagor Megilagor

Unlike the other slaves in the party, Ryuuji didn't have a ton of use for using more conventional weapons and armor, outside of a last resort since his kit was usually pretty focused on not being in a position where he'd need to get hit, and supporting from afar. Nevertheless He'd give a respectful bow at Saoirse's display of generosity to spend on her slaves. All he could really hope was that this..different Diego individual would show their worth, they weren't running a charity, and Ryuuji didn't see much need for anyone who wasn't going to provide some sort of tangible value to stick around, much like he was sure that Saoirse felt similarly, much like her, he was only interested in investing seriously in those who could flourish joining their ranks in a more direct way.

Of course there were those other slaves from earlier who would do more menial tasks, yes those had some value too so that slaves like himself and others with higher potential could focus on that instead, but those who got investments in the form of gear that went beyond what was high enough quality to do their aforementioned task, yes they needed to perform to deserve such equipment.

Before Ryuuji probably had a chance to respond properly, on account of Lei-Cao going on a long tangent on all of the things that she apparently deserved just because she managed to prove herself useful in combat once and awhile from what he could tell from last time, what was on his mind was stuff to better protect himself rather than stuff to bash or slash, or shoot.

If this weapon shop had any gear to improve his sustainability like additional light armor He would be open, maybe a catalyst wouldn't be a bad thing.

Should Ryuuji hear Lei-Cao's 'dumb rabbit' comment he'd let out a sigh, why did she not realize that insulting their owner was only going to bring hardship, if she could just get in line, she'd likely greatly expedite getting what she wanted, but it seemed no matter how many times he explained this she wasn't particularly keen on being receptive.

What he hadn't really been expecting was Lei-Cao coming over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, standing quite tall. He'd look up at her a relatively blank expression on his face while she spoke, even though he likely felt the intimidation some, he knew full well that she wouldn't seriously harm him. He might have flinched a bit at the poke, nor was he expecting her to say 'mama lei' but even so he'd listen.

He'd then nod, and his expression would shift to a soft smile and focused gaze on Lei Cao as he'd speak with some [Seduction F] once more probably not particularly aware of it,

He'd then speak to her in Beastial.

"<I think I'd hardly call it a hate plan or hate campaign, you know just as well as I what our Mistress expects from you and know that when you please her what you're describing tends to stop.

"For example personally, I thought you had quite a showing of strength earlier back in the desert when you helped take out those marauders. I must admit that I was grateful you were there with us. After all there's only one Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus, and I'm lucky enough that I get to have her by my side everyday for protection. If you keep that combat performance up, I'm certain you'll get more of what a tall, powerful, minotaur champion like yourself deserves, you see the Mistress just needs to see more feats of your greatness in defeating our enemies and keeping her safe and she'll understand better.>"

Ryuuji figured he'd go for flattery once more, and technically he wasn't lying, even he would admit that Lei Cao finally had shown herself to be capable of fighting off dangerous enemies. He had no qualms about being agreeable and pleasant too since it had certainly been more effective than his other approaches with the Minotaur. Even so he was a bit baffled why she didn't know where milk came from and that would have been very easy to make a joke or comment at her expense but he refrained from doing so, instead sticking to his original strategy.

For now he'd just hope that this would work out, and that Saoirse would make a good decision, as well as the other slaves who were picking things out.

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers, TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Ryuuji Kamimura
"You said it, boss lady. I might be from the desert myself but even I don't like the sand. It gets everywhere and it's annoying as all hells to get out." Complained Diego, he was a purebred Mexican of Italian and Hispanic origin but even his years living in the middle of a dessert town didn't make him like how annoying sand was.
"Don't mind me boss if it takes a while. Finding something nearing perfection in premade and used goods ain't that easy."
Diego spoke up while doing a two-finger salute to Saoirse before walking off to look at the various goods contained at the store. He sized himself to a few of the armors but they weren't what he was looking for. Most of them were either too artistic thus lacking practicality, or too damn expensive, even if its Saorsie who was footing the bill he didn't want to use up too much of her money, better to get good stuff for cheap than pay a lot for shite was his idea.

As he wandered and looked at all the armor's from top to bottom, from the new designs to old, from freshly made to used goods, he managed to find one piece of armor that resonated with him. Sure it looked a bit beat up and dirty, but its make and craftsmanship were exactly what Diego was looking for, a good and thick plate on the torso, decent scales for the extremities, and a chain skirt instead of the plate for the hip area providing bigger mobility and range of movement. What wasn't there to love in this piece, even more so when Diego realized why it resonated with him so much, it looked just like Artoria's armor from his favorite game series, so, of course, he had to get it. Sure he will need to clean it up from the blemishes and grime accumulated from the previous owner not treating it properly. Thankfully all he would need is some fabric and plant oil or something similar to clean it off properly.

Having found this hidden gem he smirked a bit to himself, before wiping the smile off his face and essentially speeding off to the weapon section of the shop or to be exact the polearm section. Diego doubted they would have the exact weapon he used for years in the SCP foundation. Even if it would not be the anomalous version of it, but being used to its heft and build over several years did leave its preference on Diego. Having spent a minute or two picking up each and every polearm and giving it a swing or two seeing if it fit within his hands, only to place them back to their place. But he did find one glaive that was the closest one to what he was used to, it was still a bit too light for him and too short but it had to do for now. So with it in hand he walked back to the armor he chose for himself and with the shopkeeps permission and a little help he 'equipped' it onto his body, his new glaive in one hand and the helmet in another he walked slowly towards Ryuuji as he grew accustomed to how the armor moved on him, while thinking what else he would need. The maintenance kit was an obvious choice, some normal clothes could be nice, but he did loot the pigsy's man for some of their clothing, at least for the ones in good condition and size, but that could wait, after all, who would buy clothes in a weapon shop? Though dumb question as he had people in his squad that bought clothes at a soup store before.

"I think I found what I needed, [Head Honcho]. Will only need a maintenance kit for both of them and some time to clean this beauty. But other than that I'm done." Diego spoke up looking at Ryuuji, as he appeared to be the main slave of the boss, thus he could be called her right-hand man technically.
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Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Buy some new property. | Buy some new gear for her current and new property. | Buy an estate property to house her property.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse deal with the business. | See if he can firmly claim his position as Saoirse's second.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow. | Give milk?
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Pick his new gear. | Prove he wasn't a mistake to take on.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Be bought by a bunny. | Show he's a worthwhile purchase.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Weapon Shop
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3qLDDJ

Saoirse Desrosiers

Active titles: Beast, Haregon, Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate F, Prideful, Bunny Girl, Stockperson, Slaver, Mentor C
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

She raised an eyebrow when the Wolfman backed up the fact that no hauntings had been going on. It did make her realise that this was an opportunity for a great test. “So, would you say your previous master had gone insane?” She'd ask straight up. Would he choose to be honest with a potential new master, keep up the honour of an old master, or find some clever alternative answer? It didn't take much [insight] to see she was eager to see how he'd handle such a question, perhaps more so than she was to get an actual answer.

“Noticing others' needs without mention? That does seem like an interesting skill to develop... I'm assuming you also wish to develop the ability to full-fill such needs?” That made her rather curious. Was that a skill to make flourish? She did debate whether not servitude could lead to flourishing multiple times before. Perhaps this Wolfman was the one to try it out with? “As for you lingering skills with a blade, remind me to get you the needed gear here right away, should we come to an agreement on your contract.” She'd be a fool to not let him maximise whatever talents he might have, after all.

Sadly enough, his first impression of utilising that skill was not the best. “Parched? No. Not exactly.” She shook her head. Now that they were no longer in the excruciating desert heat, she felt like saying she was 'parched' would be an insults to the poor sods trying to make their ways through the sands. “That said, I wouldn't deny an offer of tea.” She'd add, as he wasn't totally wrong.

Shop Owner


From: Microsoft Copilot

“Of course madam, he'll get to it right away.” The shop owner was quick to add, as he'd gesture at Fenrir, who'd know where to find what was needed. He'd probably also know that this was the type of customer they'd use the top tier teas for, not the cheaper stuff he'd usually make. Perhaps this was a chance to impress a potential new master.

Melia Hayward

Meanwhile, Melia overheard Lei-Cao's long list of demands, among them being new armour. “I think this might fit you, so you might wish to try it on.” She'd call out, spotting some armours that seemed to be Minotaur-sized. She knew personally that bad armour could really hold someone back and that Saoirse would not wish for the equipment to slow down flourishing opportunities. The other bits seemed like typical cow-stuff that was better left ignored.

She watched Diego with great interest. After all, they were likely to be going to work together a lot and he seemed a much more reasonable warrior to train with than the Cow was. “So you're a pole-arm user?” She asked, upon spotting him try out various pole-arms. “I've personally always preferred swords, as they don't have the risk of an opponent coming closer to you than the effective range of your weapon.” She stated, perhaps as an attempt to make small-talk.

For that matter, she would interrupt him as he was heading toward Ryuuji. “Ah, I wouldn't wish to enforce my opinion, but might I suggest adding a dagger as well? I've learned that having a back-up weapon can be crucial. In your case in particular, having a weapon that could be used in narrow hallways or a back-up in case someone breaks through the glaive might be crucial.” She'd move to a section of daggers. “Personally, I believe these to be simple, yet reliable.” She'd state, as she pointed at the type of daggers she'd personally gotten from Saoirse as well. “Though I must say, you seem to have a good eye for armour.”

Jastira Veidi


Jastira, meanwhile, was noticing something odd as she was browsing through the catalyst section. A lot of it was empty. In fact, most of it was. How odd. She'd look around Saoirse seemed busy, so Ryuuji was the next best option. “Hey Ryuuji, it seems they're out of catalysts for some reason.” She'd state, a tad disappointed and... as she turned around the corner, she'd spot Lei-Cao standing over Ryuuji, whilst Ryuuji was speaking to her in a surprisingly sweet (Seduction F) voice.

Blinking twice, she was quick to debate her options. This could make for some amazing black-mail, couldn't it? Her fellow slaves having some weird romance going on behind Saoirse's back? Now that was a juicy one. That said, Ryuuji was currently Saoirse's second and the Cow was the most likely person to go off the rails and do some random and dangerous things. Perhaps it was best to 'pick their side' in this? “Okay, ignoring what I'm seeing right now, as I don't think it's up to me to judge your behaviours and wish you both the best...” She started using [Just Trust Me].

[Just Trust Me] - Persuasion F, Deception F, Focus F, Etiquette F - Jastira attempts to socially influence her target to see things her way. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.

“I do think it's really odd that the catalyst are all out of stock. Except for some of the bigger ones, like staffs, for some reason. Though I'd rather not get a staff.” She would state.

As she was saying it, however, she could hear something, which sounded like footsteps. Fenrir, with his own heightened hearing, would be able to hear it as well. The sound of muffled footsteps in one of the store's shopping sections. Looking at the direction of the sounds, however, they saw nothing. “Are you hearing that?” Jastira asked, confused at what was going on.

Like her current and likely future slave, Saoirse would also pick up on some odd sounds with her own heightened hearing. “Oh?” She'd note, her long ears twitching a little as a smirk formed. “Melia, Diego, go stand in front of the exit, will you?” She asked, as she had an inkling of what she might've heard just now. She'd ask the cow, but right now, she didn't have the most trust in that one.

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario

Fenrir shifted slightly, hearing the bunny’s next question, ears moving about slightly. It didn’t take much thinking to know exactly why she inquired him about his previous owner. His first answer had set a precedent of a certain neutral loyalty, in his eyes, towards the lion, while not blundering the plans of his current owner. Keeping the same stance in his mind, he chose his next words carefully. “I wouldn’t go as far as to say my previous owner has gone mad, madam. His behavior was normal throughout my coming into his service and most of the time during the last few days as well…” He would give the first part of his answer, before continuing. “... as his propriety, I stayed exclusively in the estate located within the city, tending to it. He might have come across something that warranted such a change while outside of it, but that is just my own conjecture.” Ending up his explanation done with measured tone, he waited a few moments, searching how satisfactory his answer had been.

“Of course, madam. To identify the needs and also have the skills to fulfill those needs would be the perfect combination. If a certain situation requires ‘honeyed’ words, just knowing the need would be of little use. Yet, having a silver tongue, when communication of its need is not quite possible, would pair with the previous knowledge perfectly.” The Wolfman expanded further, giving a situation in which the sufficient [Insight] and necessary skills could be worth gold. And, after all, always having to utter one’s desires can become quite tedious and taxing, wasn’t that so? “Certainly, I shall make a mental note as a reminder. If the deal is struck, all I am will be fully at your disposal.” Fenrir would end up with a deep bow with a hint of palpable pride in his tone.

And, as he rose, despite his placid and calm demeanor being kept in place, there was some internal disappointment, directed at himself, for having failed to properly gauge the needs of this prospecting costumer. It showed him that there was still much to improve in the most prized aspects of his skills, the bushy tail he has dropping low in a sort of defeat. Thankfully, there was a silver lining, as Saoirse appeared to at least be willing to have some tea. That gave him an opportunity he wouldn’t squander, tail swishing slightly from side-to-side.

After his owner, the shopkeeper, gestured, Fenrir was quick to move and begin to prepare the tea for the prospective client. From the selection of leaves available, he would choose the with the highest grade they had available: Phoenix Blossom. The tea in specific was one of a very limited quantity, only able to bloom after a great fire has swept through a forest. Its unique, smoky flavor often times attempted to be mimicked by combining the leaves from other teas, yet always falling short of achieve the same flavor as the original.

Without any wasted movements, the Wolfman brew the tea, many of the rich, crimson-colored leaves being placed into the water after it had reached its boiling point. It didn’t take long for Fenrir to begin setting up the tray, choosing the finest chinaware the merchant had available, not forgetting to bring honey with it, in case the bunny preferred her tea sweetened. [Domestic Arts F]

A few moments later, Fenrir was back, a steady hand hoisting the tray containing everything on top of it: the kettle, the porcelain cup and the honey. Setting the tray at a nearby table, he would dexterously pour the contents of the kettle in the porcelain cup, handing it to Saoirse on its saucer. “This is Phoenix Blossom tea, madam. I hope it is of your liking. Would you like honey with it?” As he asked, his ears twitched momentarily, moving about as he had picked the sound of something. Something that certainly shouldn’t be there.

A momentarily, low grow left Fenrir’s throat, eyes narrowing with predatory intent. “Master, we have a stealthy client…” Directing himself to the Shop Owner, there was a visible shift in the Wolfman’s stance, his right hand moving over to the hilt of the ornate sword at his side. “... what are your orders?”
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Holding her glare over Ryuuji as she continued to expect answers from him, she eventually leaned back a little as her face softened up at his rather sudden positive appreciation to some of the aid she has given so far. A smirk and noticeable blush formed on her face as Lei held her head up high, scoffing and revelling in such praise.

"Ahah, well I suppose you're right there. There is only one of my great self, and you're truly a lucky guy to get to bear witness to my stellar existence. Oh, I knew it wouldn't take long for one of you to finally take notice, much to my surprise that it be Saoirse's little wittle star pupil of all. Why, I'm touched. If you get bored of worshipping that annoying rodent, my chapel's doors are always open for the willing. In my ways, we don't waste time with such pointless and ridiculous things, and clearly have a 100% success rate in everything. But thank you for finally noticing, I must agree that at needed times your healing proves rather convenient" Lei-Cao rambled on, grinning a smirk with a blush as she scratched at her neck enjoying the compliments, perhaps Ryuuji's presence in the future wouldn't be so annoying after all. Considering he was aware of her full name by now, plus how lucky he was to get to have her around, was finally a better change of pace than being entirely bullied and demeaned by everyone.

Though when Jastira spoke up, she had no clue what the elf was talking about and finding her entire bit just rather weird and off. Rolling her eyes at there being no catalysts, she wondered how magic users got by being hindered by such stupid little details.
"Come on, it's just a catalyst on a stick, just break it off. It's all the same thing anyway, at least it being a staff means you're not gonna lose it if you're too incompetent" Lei answered, not seeing the real matter to it as she heard Melia pointing out some armour to her. Mulling it over as she looked at it, she wasn't entirely a fan of having to try on armours. It just felt so inconvenient and cumbersome to swap in and out just to give it a try.

"Hmgh, maybe I'll just... try it on, or wing it, or something. I still do like the look of this armour much, even if it rides quite tight by this point... " Lei-Cao softly grumbled, hearing Diego speak to and refer to Ryuuji with high regards despite having not been around for long. Javing evidently no other option than to assume that days in the desert have made Diego clearly deranged and delusional, Lei-Cao's ears twitched at audible weird sounds and Jastira pointing them out. Though, despite Saoirse's more significant ordering in response, she casually waved it off.

"Whatever, it's like, gonna just be some rats or something from bad hygiene. That or it's one of Saoirse's miniscule and meaningless family members whose hiding around. What's the big deal anyway, sounds like you're all making a chicken out of a feather" Lei-Cao sighed smugly, shaking her head. Why was everyone so overreactive to something so meaningless? At this point, maybe they were just hearing noises or the wind or something. It happens.​

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers

Diego looked at Melia when she approached him when he was trying out the polearms, he was used to one with a slightly shorter hilt and a bigger heft to it but this one had to do for now, as the closest one to perfection so far. So without stopping his polearm check he answered Melia's question.
"Yep used polearms most of my life. Though this one isn't the exact make as the one i was using but it is the closest one in this shop."
When Diego finally decided on his polearm, he turned his head towards Melia herself and gave his response to her, while walking to his armor of choice.
Having arrived and with a little help from Melia managed to put the armor on correctly, he wanted to report to Ryuuji but since she intercepted his attempt he listened to her, after all, she was his senior here, and hierarchy to this lands people seemed important enough for him to care about it.

"True to that, but I never had to fear the enemies getting that close in my previous team. Had one beast of a man watching my back in that situation, he had a pair of gauntlets with blades sticking out of it, three per gauntlet. Whenever someone came close they would be turned to ribbons by him."

Diego interjected Melia's little speech, sure daggers are great but he had no skill with their use so unless she was willing to teach him how to use one correctly he would prefer to stick to his polearm, but he still decided to take the recommended by her dagger. Since its better to have it than to not have it.
"I'm not that great with daggers, sure I can use one for cooking or prep work on animals but fighting is another thing entirely. So I might need for you to teach me something."

At her compliment of his good eye, and his new armor he could not stop himself from releasing a bit of his inner child, the person who Diego was before the incident, before the SCP foundation, and of course, it had to involve mentioning his favorite game hero of all times.
"Yeah, this armores is great for me, good enough mobility and defense, sure it it is a bit badly maintained so it has some stains but i can polish it off. But at the same time i don't know if i want to, right now it reminds me of a hero-like person from where I'm from. He survived a fight against a being that could corrupt you with but a touch, and for many years after that fight he continued to live fighting off its remnants till he succumbed to its corruption, but he was saved from being totally corrupted by someone. Sure he died, but he died human, not as a monster, and his name of Artorias Knight of the Abyss is still known to this day. I hope to be somewhat like him... Maybe without being corrupted and dying part obviously."

"Well, well, well. Oi shopkeep I hope you don't mind if we take those for a spin?"
Diego loudly asked the Shop Owner, as he spun his glaive in hand. Then he walked towards the area Saoirse wanted him and Melia to go, and he assumed a high stance with his glaive, so in case Melia wanted to stand at his front she would not be hit by a thrust.
Ryuuji Kamimura

"Common", "<Beastial>"​
Ryuuji would look to Diego and was going to respond but he saw Melia stop him and speak to him, figuring that he wouldn't need to give him feedback on the matter after all, instead giving a simple nod. Instead of saying what he was going to say he'd think it, As long as Diego's choices are conducive to flourishing and reasonable, their Mistress would likely approve. He'd give a nod,

" I think your selection is solid, Melia is certainly also capable of giving feedback for reasonable choices which will allow you to better flourish."

Ryuuji listened to Lei-Cao a smile forming at hearing him get praise from her at his healing abilities, which was quite a surprise to say the least, was this the same Minotaur who had been traveling with them all this time? Even more so it meant that his strategy of being polite and focusing on the good that Lei-Cao did, instead of trying to get through that skull of hers with sharp words, was a much better one to say the least.

He then looked to Jastira, "Well that's certainly a shame, I thought having another one as a backup would be useful, appropriate light armor for our sort may still come to be useful, particularly if we'll be delving in places where...hostile encounters may be possible."

What he hadn't exactly been expecting was what Jastira said next sort of just being confused by her ability use here.

"I hardly know what 'thing' you're speaking of, Lei-Cao and I simply had some business to discuss, which I will say she was quite insistent on discussing with me now." He'd be straight to the point.

He might have invertedly started up with [Seduction F] again, when he spoke on the next part "Well I can certainly see that Jastira, while my opinion as a human may not be as striking, even I realize, an elegant one made for the stage such as yourself deserves a catalyst appropriate for her status and aesthetic, something smaller and elegant would certainly suit you well, on the other hand I don't mind using a staff if it came to-"

He'd pause and listen to the sound, one which it seemed like only those who had enhanced hearing would get a good hearing of, instead he'd be at the ready his eye's narrowing,

"The point is..it could be something and we might just need you to show us what a real champion can do if it turns out being something problematic.."

He'd respond to Lei Cao, having his hands ready, componentless casting certainly had it's perks for looking fairly harmless and then being able to smite enemies like those pigs, it taking some restraint on his end to Ignore the sorts of negative dismissive statements Lei-Cao tended to make.

Ryuuji was now looking around the area at the ready. He'd make his way over near Saoirse preemptively encase he needed to shield her or stop something bad from happening.
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Buy some new property. | Buy some new gear for her current and new property. | Buy an estate property to house her property.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse deal with the business. | See if he can firmly claim his position as Saoirse's second.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow. | Give milk?
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Pick his new gear. | Prove he wasn't a mistake to take on.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Be bought by a bunny. | Show he's a worthwhile purchase.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Weapon Shop
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3qLDDJ

Saoirse Desrosiers

Active titles: Beast, Haregon, Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate F, Prideful, Bunny Girl, Stockperson, Slaver, Mentor C
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Fenrir's answer was interesting, to say the least. It seemed he didn't just want to write off his past master as insane, but... “So, if he really did find something that warranted his behaviour, I'd be better off not risking buying you and that estate?” Seeing how she wasn't hiding her intentions all that much, he'd be able to sense (Insight F) that she was more than willing to still buy him, but just wanted to challenge him to see how he could still make an argument for helping his current, temporary, owner with selling both properties.

That said, the Wolfman did manage to work its way into her heart in another manner. The 'fully at your disposal' line made her tap her foot on the ground a bit like an excited rabbit, as it made her think of all the possibilities to start discovering if there could be flourishing in servitude with him. She'd quickly recover, however, as she was quick to stay professional.

Taking the tea, she's sniff it. “Surprisingly fragrant.” She'd state, as she thought she vaguely recalled it. “No thanks.” Drinking expensive teas was best undiluted, she believed. Taking a careful sip not to burn her mouth, she'd nod. “A rather pleasant tea.” She stated, happy enough with it.

Shop Owner


From: Microsoft Copilot

The shop owner was about to start talking business again, when Fenrir noticed the 'stealthy client', which made him scoff. “Gods, the last thing I need right now.” She looked around his store, not seeing or hearing anything. “Since the madam is so gracious as to have her property cover the exit, please go around to see if you can sniff out this intruder.” Fenrir, should he try, would be able to catch and follow a certain lizard-like scent in the store, though if he were to try catch its originator, he'd be making an attempt at grabbing something entirely invisible to him.

Jastira Veidi


She looked at the Cow with a level of confusion at just how stupid the latter could be that almost stunned her. “A staff is as much a 'catalyst on a stick' as an axe would be a 'blade on a hammer', if not being even worse. In some cases would not function well as separate parts, for the channelling components crafted into the staff being separated from the rest of it.” That said, as she explained it, she wondered what was wrong with her. Why in the world did she even bother?

Ryuuji's mention of light armour made her perk up. “Do you think the mistress would agree to having to making some more fashionable light armour choices? I'd really aid my flourishing.” She stated, suddenly realising she might be able to go clothes shopping on her mistress' money if she played her cards right.

To her surprised, it seemed like Ryuuji was trying to sweet-talk her as well? Well, two could play that game. “Indeed, perhaps a necklace, or a ring? Or maybe earrings? Something that helps get me a refined look, rather than making me look like a washed-up spell caster. Although I think a few accessories would suit you as well. Perhaps a necklace, or some rings? You do look rather pretty, for a Human, after all.” Honestly, at this point, she was just 'playing the game' so to say, using [Just Trust Me] once more, except with added seduction.

[Just Trust Me] + - Persuasion F, Deception F, Focus F, Etiquette F, Seduction F - Jastira attempts to socially influence her target to see things her way. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.

As for the Cow claiming she was 'hearing things' she sighed once more. “Even I, not being close to a warrior, know that ignoring potential dangers is the quickest way to being assassinated.” She stated, as she'd make her way to Saoirse. After all, it'd be best to be closest to the one that'd get protected the best in a dangerous situation. It seemed like Ryuuji was of a similar mind-set, as he also made his way over to her. Saoirse would just nod, happily to have trained them well in that regard.

Melia Hayward

Melia was confused by the Cow's sudden reluctance to try on new armour after all the earlier complaints. “Perhaps we could see if we can find someone to refit your current armour, in that case? I believe the mistress would want your gear to be in excellent condition, as to not have it hamper your ability to flourish.”

As she was talking with Diego, Melia would get increasingly excited. He was bringing back out some of her pre-failure enthusiasm, before she lost it all, nearly died and got enslaved. “Perhaps we can have one custom-made, later on.” She suggest regarding his pole-arm troubles.

She'd nod at Diego. “Having allies like that to rely on sounds amazing.” That said, there was another issue. “Yet, from my experience, your weapon breaking is your biggest weakness. If an opponent managed to break your main weapon, you'll want to at least have something, even if you're not well-versed in it. That's what the mistress and experience alike have taught me.” Debating it for a bit, she'd add. “Even the mistress herself carries a dagger, just in case.”

As for teaching him, she'd nod. “Whilst I'm not too good at it, I would be willing to try. Although the mistress is surprisingly strong, despite lacking any specific techniques, so perhaps she'd also be willing to teach you.”

However, the thing that really got her hyped up was when he started rambling about the armour set. “A hero-like person? This Artorias sounds amazing. It reminds me of some of the brave warriors fighting off giant hoards of monsters in the Kingdom. One day, I hope to be just as powerful.” She did nod at the dying and corruption parts. “Those would be most unfortunate events.”

She'd stand in front of the exit along with Diego, upon the instructions. Diego would get a nod from the store-owner upon being asked to use the weapons if needed. Melia, not used to fighting alongside someone with a glaive, would attempt to stand to the right of him, rather than in front.

Saoirse Desrosiers


As it was up to Fenrir to sniff out the thief, unless another managed to figure out a way to chase them down, Saoirse would keep sipping her tea. “You know, if you're out there, you'd best just give up. You might get off just loosing your hand.” She'd call out to the presumed thief.

That said, the scent that Fenrir had picked up on would end up leading toward Lei-Cao for some reason... Should the Cow pay any attention, she might also notice that her dagger (E) had gone missing.

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

With the intruder now present on the shop, Fenrir had a new task: find whoever is skulking about uninvited. Still, before he set out towards the new task, there was the question made by the prospective client, putting the jeopardy the deal that could be made. Choosing to keep on the same track he was, the Wolfman seemed to be lost in thought for a few moments, before he began to answer her question. “Not at all, madam. While my previous master was not insane, as far as I can attest to it anyway, it doesn’t mean his worry had any merit.” His noncommittal answer was accompanied by a respectful bow towards her and his current employer [Etiquette F], before he set out to catch, or at least attempt to, the new visitor.

In a flash [Blitz Fang - Fast F, Energized F], Fenrir was at the front of the shop where the rest of Saoirse propriety was. If any of them were to look towards him, the butler would give them a respectful nod, albeit his attention was focused on attempting to catch the invader. He moved from section to section of the shop, with heavy, rumbling steps. His towering frame had already adopted a more hostile stance, back hunched over slightly along with the massive, clawed paws being held in front of him.

With each step, the Wolfman’s nose twitched, sniffing every so often to try and pinpoint the location of the lizard. However, his nose wasn’t the only thing he was using to try and apprehend the scoundrel. His ears shifted, every so slightly around to attempt to also catch any unseen movement. And, albeit, his eyes weren’t being useful for this task, they remained narrowed, dangerously so, as a low, menacing growl kept being emitted from the depths of his throat.

With the help of his nose, Fenrir let it be his guide, following an unseen trail of the illusive lizard. Could it be a chameleon, keeping itself hidden, mimicking the colors of its surroundings? That could very well be it. And, after some time, he would end up walking towards of one of the bunny’s proprieties: a massive minotaur. Stopping just a few feet from her, his back straightened, looking at Lei-Cao straight into her crimson eyes. “You have the scent of whatever is sneaking around the store on you…” His muzzle would be brought closer to her direction, sniffing the air several times, lowering himself before rising once more. “... a lizard. Which kind, I do not know.” While not attempting to friction between himself and the propriety owned by the bunny, his gaze couldn’t help but scan her from top to bottom, searching for anything amiss that could lead to the miscreant.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao sigh and shook her head at Jastira being so sudden about the difference between staffs and catalysts. Who really cared, it pretty much was just a catalyst on a stick. Who would use it otherwise? It was just a whole lot more clunky, unless the magic-users were really that egotistical about appearance. So what? They were still absolute scaredy-pants nerds who would rather sit away and cast their little spells while the big and powerful champions like her went in and did all the hard, dirty work.

"Whatever, it's a magic stick or a magic ball, who really cares, it all does the same thing. That analogy makes zero sense, a hammer is a blunt crushing weapon and not specifically defined by its handle although benefitted by it. No matter what, stick or ball or whatever, it does the same thing for you. It's just there so you can do your little magics, you don't know anything about real weapons of war" Lei-Cao muttered over Jastira's comments, rolling her eyes at Ryuuji's defensiveness of the unknown presence.

"Oh relax, what are you gonna find? Some big scary dragon in the middle of a shop? Come on, have some realism, it's most likely rats or the wind or something else. But if you're just so insistent then I guess I'll humor you incase a super spooky and scary ghost attacks us! Wooh, wouldn't that be spooky?" Lei-Cao sarcastically mentioned as she didn't take anything he had said seriously, gripping her hand on her mace and roaming her person with her other hand just to look. After a moment realising that she couldn't find her dagger on her person, the cow minotaur simply regarded it as her misplacing it at some point.

"Hm? I guess I left my dagger somewhere. Maybe it dropped off at some point in the desert or on the way back or something... oh well" Lei-Cao nonchalantly regarded as her attention was brought to the strange wolfman who had so suddenly approached her. Leaning away from him a little as he began sniffing, she raised an eyebrow when he spoke about her scent.

"Down boy, who took you off the leash?" she answered first of all, whether or not it was suddenly incredibly disrespectful.
"Don't go around sniffing people, although I suppose you're just one of those weirdos. Clearly, I'm not a lizard. I'm a minotaur, you must be a blind dog too then... " she uttered back as she turned to look around the store for whatever it was that was so 'apparently there'.

1. Look around for the mystery lizard (but only half-caring)
Ryuuji Kamimura
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Megilagor Megilagor
"I believe if it would help your performance presence, certainly. In my opinion, it would be a wise investment presuming the appropriate choices are made." He'd nod to Jastira, as that was genuinely his opinion, someone who hoped to earn Saoirse money and influence by performing better look nice and appealing to her audience, that's how she'd get fans. Ryuuji had seen enough idol sorts in Japan to know what sort of stuff could be appealing, and he had no qualms about sharing some of what he figured would work there.

What he genuinely looked surprised by was when Jastira threw it back at him, but perhaps not so much the method, but the fact that she would bring up the fact that he didn't look so bad for a human. Ryuuji knew well enough someone who performed needed to be able to win the audience over..so really this was natural, and she was rather naturally pretty, but even if her ability had some oomph, he couldn't help but be a bit skeptical that an elf like her would really mean that about someone like him, even if the deception part of her skill made it sound a lot more convincing like she meant it.

"Oh you really think so?, perhaps that would be permitted if they had some utility, my style of casting would allow for a good deal of flexibility for what could be warn and utilized on the hands.."

It still took Ryuuji a good deal of restraint not to say anything aggressive to Lei-Cao for the types of comments she was making but he'd hold back still, knowing it was pretty pointless to get into it with her, knowing from experience. Ryuuji did gain some pretty important information however with the next exchange still standing guard, his finger tips would crackle a bit with green electrical energy.

Between Fenrir saying that Lei-Cao smelled like whoever was there and the dagger going missing, Ryuuji could piece that together that whoever this invisible threat was had stolen the dagger probably, meaning they very well might be a threat at this point beyond a would be thief, in either case they had someone armed probably trying to take stuff which was bad.

So they think they can hide He'd think to himself, before his eyes would narrow and Ryuuji would say, "Things are about to get a bit brighter in here, please don't look directly up while I do this." He then looked over the surrounding area with an AOE appraisal, also sending forth a ball of green light above the group toward the ceiling, it wasn't so harsh that it would be blinding, but probably irritating to the eyes if someone ignored his advice and looked directly at it, regardless it would hopefully illuminate the space and potentially cast a shadow on whoever was there, in addition Ryuuji was hoping that whatever it was, wouldn't be high enough to not show up on the Appraisal component of his ability, trying to figure out who and what they were and where they were.

Let there be Light!- Appraisal D, Light Affinity F, Control Environment F, Magic Area of Effect E, Magic Range E, Componentless Magic D
Ryuuji appraises and illuminates an area up to 100 ft away, within a 50 ft radius - D Grade 2 post cooldown.
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Buy some new property. | Buy some new gear for her current and new property. | Buy an estate property to house her property.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse deal with the business. | See if he can firmly claim his position as Saoirse's second.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow. | Give milk?
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Pick his new gear. | Prove he wasn't a mistake to take on.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Be bought by a bunny. | Show he's a worthwhile purchase.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Weapon Shop
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3qLDDJ

Saoirse Desrosiers


She raised an eyebrow upon Fenrir's mention. His answer was rather unsatisfactory, as it was basically just a polite way of refusing to answer to begin with. After all, if his previous master's claims held no merit, one would indeed be valid in considering him insane. Whilst if they did hold merit, she would have good reason not to buy. She'd sigh, that was one thing she could try have him improve upon. Somehow, Fenrir's insight was exquisitely sharp this day, natural 20, as he'd notice that she'd likely been hoping for him to use this as a method to smooth-talk his prospective future master. Something along the lines of 'whatever merit there might be to those stories, you seem more than capable of handling it' was likely the type of answer she'd have responded to the best.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira sighed, having no clue why her temporary lack of judgement had made her try engage in conversation with the Cow to begin with. It was a process most tiresome. That said, for now, she decided to remain on standby near Saoirse. At the very least she had Ryuuji's backing when it came to accessories, ehm, catalysts. It was pretty clear that being on good terms with him would work out well for her in the long run.

As Fenrir was chasing the scent of lizard hanging near Lei-Cao, he'd smell the scent decreasing, instead heading in the direction of the Shop Owner... Yet it'd never reach. Ryuuji would flare up some light magic along with his appraisal magic. Whilst it didn't allow him to appraise the potential perpetrator, it did show them where the latter was at, as the ability had cast a suspicious shadow somewhere between Lei-Cao and the Shop Owner. Whilst the owner of said shadow remained invisible, it'd not take much to figure out his location.

The shadow's owner seemed to immediately realise just how precarious his position had gotten, as he showed himself and stopped dead in his tracks. Raising his hands in surrender.



From: Microsoft CoPilot

“Ah, friends, buddies, amigos, wait, wait, no need to get so worked up!” He'd call out. They'd notice his raised hands which were adorned with a surprising amount of catalysts. He also carried a small sachet which seemed to hold even more of them. “I was going to pay for these, of course, of course, I just, you see, I just have this anxiety. So many people showed up, that I, you know, went invisible for a bit, to avoid the, eh, you know, socials. Honestly, on my mother's grave and my seven starving kid's lives, I swear, I would not do such a thing as theft, honestly.”

He'd ramble, as familiar looking dagger dropped from his belt, making a clunking noise on the shop's wooden floorboards. “Oh, aha, that. That's nothing, nothing. I just realised this mighty Minotaur warrior had no need of such small weapons and figured, I'd eh, I'd relieve her of such a burden and annoyance. Just a sign of respect towards this mightiest of warriors, nothing less, nothing less.” He quickly stated. “Surely such a dashing and sharp-nosed gentleman and talented Human caster know how these things go, no? You too, madam with the gorgeous blue eyes, I apologise, these would surely suit you much better.” He'd speak to the others.

Then turning to the Shop Owner. “So ehm, most generous mister, I think I'll just, put these back so the Elven miss can browse them, yes, yes? That'd be all then, right?” He stated, planning to start heading for the catalyst isle. Although he'd have to pass past Fenrir and Lei-Cao alike to do so.

Shop Owner


From: Microsoft Copilot

The shop owner looked a tad dazzled by these sudden developments, yet the Chameleon's words didn't seem to affect him much. “Ugh, a robbery during the visit of a noble customer. How awful.” He sighed. “Fenrir, if you would. We'll turn him in so he can be dealt with as appropriate.”

“Dealt with? Ahaha, surely that is a joke, good sir. I'm innocent, I swear. Nothing going on here.”

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse's patience was going thin. “Help mister Fenrir surround this fool.” She'd order, to Melia, Cow and Diego in particular, as she turned back to the Shop Owner. “Meanwhile, please allow me to read through that contract of yours.” She figured she might as well use this time to go through some of the fine print, both regarding Fenrir and the estate she might buy.

Melia Hayward

“Yes ma'am!” She'd state, as she would close in on the thief, ensuring he'd not get a clear route to the door whilst doing so. Considering that, between her, Diego, Cow and Fenrir there were four warriors, she didn't expect the Thief to be able to get out if they kept him surrounded. Although she did hope the Cow would actually be useful for a bit. Truthfully, perhaps most annoying so, their job was to capture, not kill, which might make this a tad more difficult than she'd want it to be. Perhaps the others had better non-lethal ways to engage, so she'd stand by for now, allowing them to try first.

The chameleon, for what it was worth, still seemed to have a sliver of hope his words had pacified some of them and that he'd be able to talk his way out of this, although he also seemed ready to try going invisible and escaping at a moment's notice, so however they'd want to try catch him, they'd likely need to be fast and coordinated, possibly needing to rely on scent or Ryuuji's shadow-casting magic to even know where to find him, should he go invisible again.

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers, TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Ryuuji Kamimura

"Heh. If someone would be able to make one exactly like the one I used I would literally worship the soil they walk on. That thing was a piece of art and engineering. Though maintaining it was a pain in the rear. Though just a proper replica in weight distribution and grip would be enough." Diego exclaimed at Melias remark about potentially being able to get a custom-made weapon later on, truthfully he would be surprised if someone was able to remake a foundation-made weapon, that was in itself classified as an SCP.
"I don't doubt that, even with the contracts in place there are those who would not listen to those weaker than themselves. But I would still prefer for you to teach me, being taught by someone's boss's size could lead to accidents until I shake the rust of myself, and gain back the strength I had before the period under Pigsy's rule." Diego was a bit surprised at Melia's words, he did not think that little boss Saoirse would be well versed in martial arts or that she would be strong, he thought of her more of a commander type, good at mental parts not at the physical but it seems judging something by its cover wasn't something that was correct here.

"Boi I had to face hateful starts in my life before a little flashbang or magical light won't disturb my vision that much." Diego said with a raised voice at Ryuuji, as he quickly put the faceplate cover over his face and began to look around trying to find the intruder, eventually finding the person in question. The coat boys back at the foundation would have a field day with this guy, invisibility was something they tried to achieve for a long time, so as to not leave a trace of the foundation personnel, after all, amnestics can't clean memories of the machines.

"Oh, you are gonna pay Scaley. Besides I doubt you have the money for it if you have seven starving kids as your kin cause if you did you would have fed your family. Unless you are the third biggest piece of shit type walking this mortal plane dwarfed only by the Darkstalker Kaathe, and the foundation I worked under, and to your knowledge and my own, those two are dead and dusted, with no chance of revival. So better behave well, or it's not gonna end well." Diego said calmly while approaching the suspect slowly, stepping closer to him with each word till he came within the thrusting distance of his glaive, with the weapon ready to strike at any moment waiting for just a wrong tick or attempt of going invisible from the intruder to strike at his location, after all he is just a suspect as long as he doesn't resist, but if he chooses to try escaping he is no longer a suspect but a criminal, and Diego remembers well what the foundation did with those.
Ryuuji Kamimura
Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob

When he got the 'boi' from Diego, he'd almost roll his eyes, but instead maintained his neutral expression.

"Unless you have extrasensory abilities, I was not privy too, I don't see how getting blinded by friendly fire with a possible armed adversary nearby bolds well for your ability to serve our mistress."
He stated in a neutral tone. He still felt that his warning was justified, Diego being able to see or not, so he figured he'd express as much in return.

The caster was pleased to see that his spell worked how he hoped it would. The light revealed the location of whoever was there and who had stolen from Lei-Cao at the very least.
Ryuuji stayed close to Saoirse while the others presumably surrounded the Chameleon. It made sense that she'd order them there while he stayed back to support, it was only logical given he wasn't really as durable, and hardly made sense to throw into a melee scuffle unless as a last resort. Of course only the naive would buy the thief's story that they had some kind of social anxiety and that they weren't trying to steal the apparent laundry list of things they had on their person, from the dagger, to the catalysts, really a lot of catalysts explaining why the store seemed so devoid of them.

Frankly it was nice to see that this store stocked so many given that to Ryuuji's understanding beastfolk had considerably less magic casters in their populations than other sorts, but perhaps given the demographics of the area there were enough slaves of races who casted more easily and beasts who by all counts when they did cast usually almost always needed one, could where it warranted having them available in these sorts of numbers.

What Diego said next, surprised Ryuuji a bit, speaking of things that he hadn't really heard of before but it was no matter, if he could stop the thief from escaping that would likely help show his worth to Saoirse and by extension himself.

"I imagine our shy shopping companion here has criminal titles already on them." He'd say his hands sparkling a bit with energy.

"I'm sure you know what that means for you should you choose not to cooperate." He'd say to the chameleon thief as a reminder about his status as far as getting hurt and or tortured went.

Preemptively however, Ryuuji decided that he would help lessen the chances of the thief being able to make a mad dash for it, so without making any sort of grand gesture or movement, he inverted his spell that he usually used for buffing instead to make it harder for the thief to just run off.

Targeting the Chameleon with Energy Drain - Componentless Magic E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Spell Duration F, Drain Strength F - Grade E Ability
Ryuuji targets up to 5 targets up to 30 ft away and magically weakens them for up to one hour in RP time.

F 0
E 0/1 (Cooldown until Energy Drain canceled or expires)
D 1/2
C Ready
B Ready
A Ready

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

While Fenrir’s insight had not produced the best results earlier, it certainly gave him a glimpse of what the prospect client wanted to hear. It had always baffled him how the right words, the right sounds, could change and shift someone’s disposition in a blink of an eye. And, while the current moment was not the best to approach the subject of the curse, taking in considering the skulking lizard who was trying to avoid getting caught red-handed, the Wolfman was certainly already working his mind to the correct string of words which would seal the deal. In this case in particular, the appeal of vanity seemed like the correct way to go about it, few were those who were entirely indifferent to it. Hubris and pride, easy creatures to appease.

And in the topic of hubris and pride, the bovine creature in front of him appeared to ooze it. Straightening his back, Fenrir keep looking at the minotaur with cold detachment, her taunting, offensive words sliding off him like water raining upon smooth stone. “It was my master, the shop owner, who ordered me.” Dignifying her with an answer, his tone was neutral, yet snarling as it would be expected from a wolfish beast like him. “I’m not sure what you mean by ‘weirdo’, but yes, I can see you are a minotaur or a bovine just fine, even if you just had the stench of the lizard on you.” He said, nostrils flaring a few more times, as the scent began getting weaker. “Now, if you excuse me.” Choosing not waste more time on this person and getting back on his assigned task, he began following the trail once more.

Step-by-step, the butler felt getting closer, but not quite close enough to the ‘guest’. His ears perked up as he heard some black-haired human talking about ‘not looking directly up’. And, while he didn’t answer it, Fenrir decided to follow the advice, looking at the floor and noticing a green hue bathing the wooden floorboards of the shop. Unsure of the ‘why’ that had been used, the Wolfman’s eyes began searching around a few moments after the magic had been used, finally noticing something uncanny: a shadow without an object to cast it. The very sight was bizarre, for sure, yet the shape against the wooden floor confirmed the suspicions he had earlier: the lizard in particular was, indeed, a chameleon. It made sense to how it had avoided their sights up to the moment.

Fenrir was quick to act, positioning himself around the thief, alongside Melia, Diego, Lei-Cao. It wasn’t long before his eyes could finally catch the intruder, a low growl escaping his mouth as he eyed down the creature. The Wolfman showed not a single shred of empathy towards the lizard, his sob story being quite weak to convince anyone. Even more so when the white-haired man put forth something pretty logical: if the chameleon had money to buy all those items he held, certainly his children wouldn’t be starving. And, even if it was the case, what mattered in the end was the order given by his master, which was to capture him. Not as straightforward as he had hoped so, but of course he would see it done. “As you wish, master.” The husky, low voice was filled with committal to the task, planning a way to capture the lizard. For a split second, his attention was broken, hearing the words ‘mister Fenrir’ coming from the bunny. The addressing was certainly not something he was used to, however, he didn’t let it distract him from his current task.

“Resisting will only make things worse for you.” Giving the first warning, Fenrir started to slowly move closer, hands positioned forward, ready for a burst of speed and grab the miscreant. “While the order is to capture you, it was never said you have to be in one piece.” Those words left the Wolfman’s closed mouth, as a clear threat, escaping between his sharp teeth, as the growling coming from him intensified, his back hunched slightly, in a bestial display, while his tail was standing up, slowly moving left and right. Ready to pounce, Fenrir just waited the opportunity.
(sry, stalled and too busy to do this rn)
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Turning her attention to the mystery thief, she glared at him a little as she sighed.
"Oh well, might as well get this one over with. I can feel my joints stiffening the longer I remain standing around here, I want to get out and do something already... " Lei grumbled, hoping that it would be over and done with soon enough. Who would steal from a busy place so obviously?

"Just come easy, it makes it easier for everyone... are chameleons slimy?" she asked, moving to reach out and grab him so that he wouldn't run off.

1. Athletics (E) + Energized (E) to move forward to grab him
2. to grab the thief with Superstrength (F)​
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Buy some new property. | Buy some new gear for her current and new property. | Buy an estate property to house her property.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse deal with the business. | See if he can firmly claim his position as Saoirse's second.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow. | Give milk?
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Pick his new gear. | Prove he wasn't a mistake to take on.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Be bought by a bunny. | Show he's a worthwhile purchase.
Teti Karcen Karcen – Get better employ from the bunny (probably best join the next scene when they're gonna buy supplies in the next store, but tagging you already).

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Weapon Shop
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3qLDDJ

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse had a whole lot of faith in her slaves, as she no longer even paid attention to the ongoing brawl. Reading all the fine print (Law C), she did notice some odd footnotes. “The contract for the slave seems fine to me, but what is this about the state.” She'd point at the fine print, then exchanged it to a more understandable non-legal language. “So I'm not allowed to break any doors, windows or walls or try to lift the magic that prevents people from jumping the fences or walls?”

Shop Owner


From: Microsoft Copilot

The Shop owner gave a nervous chuckle. Side-eyeing what the thief and slaves were doing, but still focussing on the contract when prompted. “Ah yes, that madam, my apologies. The previous owner did put in some rather odd restrictions, but I am sure that you will be able to manage them. This is just ehm...” He was looking for words to explain, but Saoirse interrupted.

“It's because of this bit here, no? It says I won't properly own the house until I 'solve its mystery', whatever that might be. How do I know that isn't just a scam?” She stated, not pleased with such fine prints.

“Ah, I assure you, it's nothing serious. Just some ramblings of the previous owner. He believed that, unless the next owner undoes what he believes to have been a curse put upon the estate, he'd also risk remaining cursed. In practice, so long as you visit the place, explore it all, live there for a bit, it will easily mean you have 'solved the mystery' and things should be settled.”

She raised an eyebrow. That was sketchy. Yet it was a big and promising property. “Very well, though let's add some fine print then, shall we?” She stated as she'd (Law C) sign a few safeguards that'd assure her she'd get 90% of her investment back if the small print were to lead them to fail. “That's only fair now?” She stated (Persuasion C), to which the Shop Owner reluctantly agreed. With that done, they both went to sign it, Saoirse using her (Wealth D) to get herself an estate and another slave.

Calling out to Fenrir, she'd chuckle. Her tone shifting, now that it was no longer a Beastman slave in another's employ who's freedom might have been return-able, but instead another slave to make flourish. “Well Fenrir, welcome to the team.” She'd chuckle, as she felt like that, at the very least, was going to be a worthwhile purchase. The estate was going to be more of a risk.

Melia Hayward

She'd listen to Diego, though keeping a weary eye on the Chameleon in the meantime. “The mistress did debate hiring artisans into our ranks. If she ever does, perhaps we'll find one able to craft you another 'piece of art' such as that, or perhaps something even better.” She'd suggest, recalling they debated buying up artisans a few times prior.

For a split second, it was almost as if he heard her chuckle when he mentioned 'someone boss sized' just then. That said, it was so short that it might just be written off as him mishearing. “I would gladly train with you, though I do believe her ways of training... would make sure she won't get harmed. She might be strong, but she knows that she has little in the ways of technique or experience, so she'd be more creative in her methods.” She shook her head a bit. “Though, for techniques, I'd be more than happy to train them together.” She'd refocus on the Chameleon short after.



From: Microsoft CoPilot

Diego flawlessly breaking through his made-up story made him chuckle nervously. “It's ehhh, buy and resale, you know? Business.” He'd chuckle, very awkwardly, seemingly knowing he'd fucked up. He was turning a brighter shade of red and yellow colours. “Let's not get hasty now, 'ey?”

Turning to Ryuuji, he'd not even see the latter cast, thanks to his component-less ability. It's why the Energy Drain hit him by surprise. That said, the moment he felt some strength drained, he'd vanish from everyone's sight.

Jastira Veidi


Hearing Ryuuji threaten the Chameleon, she figured she'd back him up a bit. “He's not wrong. You'd be lucky if you got enslaved and were allowed to keep your hands. Or if they'd just take one.” She added with (Just Trust Me).

[Just Trust Me] - Persuasion F, Deception F, Focus F, Etiquette F - Jastira attempts to socially influence her target to see things her way. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.

Whatever effect it had wasn't visible, as the Chameleon wasn't either. Jastira did seem rather intrigued by Ryuuji. “I'm starting to see why you wanted to learn to cast without catalysts, words or movements... I wonder if I could learn that as well.” It would be ideal to cast magic during her performances, without it being noticed all that easily.



From: Microsoft CoPilot

Meanwhile, the chameleon (now invisible) had three people (Diego, Fenrir, Melia) ready to pounce at him and one already doing so (Cow). As the Cow reached out to grab him, she'd notice she was already grabbing thin air.

To those with heightened hearing, they'd hear hasty noises indicating the thief had tried to escape by jumping and climbing over one of the shelves in the isle. Those with heightened scent could smell him heading for the door, although he'd have to try pass Melia first. The latter seemed to firmly stay in place and forced the Chameleon to slow down.

Jastira Veidi


“Sounds like he's in front of Melia!” She'd inform those without the needed heightened senses, so that they might have an idea of where to even try catching this invisible thief.

OOC note: I'll roll dice for catching chances.
Natural 20 (disregarding modifiers) = catch and subdue instantly.
17+ is catch and hold.
14+ is catch and require another ability to keep holding.
Every roll gets a -5 for invisibility.
Every roll gets a +1 per grade of heightened sense and (depending on the action) an extra +1 for each grade of supportive skill/combo-bonus.

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario

Even with the tense situation in front of him, the Wolfman’s ears perked up, moving around slightly upon hearing the bunny welcoming him into her service. That told him that the deal was struck, and now he found himself under another master. The slave pens now seemed like a distant possibility, which brought Fenrir no small relief. “I’m eager to serve, mistress.” He said, in a rumbling, loud tone, while his gaze was still fixed on the thieving lizard.

And suddenly, in a blink of an eye, the creature had vanished once more, making the Wolfman growl and displeasure. Attuning his ears and nose [Heightened Senses E Smell/Hearing], Fenrir was quickly to know the general direction in which the creature moved, moving his own towering-self along with it.

With a burst of speed, the Wolfman made his way around the isle they were at previously, and rushed towards the front door that was protected by Melia. “The lizard is attempting to escape through the front door!” Fenrir grunted, also giving clues to the others, just as Jastira had done, who might not have the same sensorial abilities that he had.

“You won’t be getting anywhere with me on your tail.” He said with a growing grin, revealing his sharp canines. And, using his sensorial abilities further, Fenrir began attempting to pinpoint the chameleon’s location with greater precision. After fine-tuning both his ears and nose for a few moments, he would rush towards the miscreant and attempt to grab it.

1 - Heightened Senses [Smell/Hearing] E - Cooldown 1 post
2 - Heightened Senses [Smell/Hearing] F + Energized F - Cooldown 0 post
3 - Attempt to grab the miscreant - Energized F + Fast F - Cooldown 0 post

E 0/1

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers

"Come out, come out wherever you are. Cause a willing person has a better time than an unwilling one, believe me on that.~" Diego said trying to bait out a response from the thief but apparently with little to no effect, honestly he hoped the thief was a bit dumb and it would require him to process a bit that he was once again invisible but it turned out he was at least smart enough not to give out his position.

At Jastira's words, Diego simply looked at where Fenrir was cueing in for the thief's whereabouts, and Diego wanting to help box the thief in, decided to attempt his own method of capture, mainly a flying tackle, the hardest part though was timing it so both his and Fenrirs attempts at capture would happen at roughly the same time, and in such a way that his try wouldn't inconvenience Fenrirs attempt at capturing the thief as well. Sure Diego did not have as great senses as some of the others here, thus he could not pinpoint the thief's location, thus he had to do something he had experience in, and being an MTF and a Mexican person who loved luchadors, he went for a simple but good midsection tackle.

Actions 1. Look around for the thief and his companion's cues.
2. Diego attempts to tackle the thief to the ground. -Athletics F, Acrobatics F, Jumping F, Superstrength F, Energized F - Cooldown 0 post
Ryuuji Kamimura
Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji couldn't help but almost wince a bit at what Jastira added in their, that was a deal more heavy handed than what he wanted to communicate to the criminal which is why he had been tactful with his language choice and not been so vivid in his descriptions, concerned that with Jastira going in like that it'd make any criminal want to run even more to escape that fate, but maybe instead it'd cause him to give up sooner for leniency which would be more desirable.

But he didn't comment on the matter, what had been said was said.

"I don't see why you couldn't, I was under the impression it came naturally to many fae, perhaps it's just a matter of tapping into it, like how I needed to "untangle" my magical output flow.. I suppose we're both a bit rare for who we are in that regard." He said encouragingly to her softly. Of course what he didn't tell her the reason he was able to do it so flawlessly was because he had quite literally been reincarnated and was allowed to make some choices.

Given Ryuuji wasn't really planning on being the one to try to tackle the guy himself, he knew that his use would be more suited for support instead. Ryuuji stood still for the time being, until suddenly a magical circle under him started to form, which was the same color as the light ball he had sent forward earlier. "Don't look up." he spoke with determination,
Another bright ball of light left his hand as he extended it upward and headed up above in the room in such a way it would be difficult for the Chameleon to head toward the exit without it's shadow getting illuminated, he moved the green ball of light using the information he gathered from the others who were more attuned to where the criminal was going. He hoped that by shedding strategic light on the situation, it would allow their actions to go more smoothly in subduing the criminal who would have a harder time hiding if their shadow was exposed once again.

Let there be MORE Light!- Appraisal C, Light Affinity F, Control Environment F, Magic Area of Effect E, Magic Range E, Componentless Magic C
Ryuuji appraises and illuminates an area up to 100 ft away, within a 50 ft radius - C Grade 3 post cooldown. +1 effectiveness from Magic Circle.

Caster Class Perk: Magic Circle - when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.

1. Initiate Magic Circle
2. Cast Let there be MORE Light!- Appraisal C, Light Affinity F, Control Environment F, Magic Area of Effect E, Magic Range E, Componentless Magic C
Ryuuji appraises and illuminates an area up to 100 ft away, within a 50 ft radius - C Grade 3 post cooldown. +1 effectiveness from Magic Circle.

In an effort to team up with allies actions to make it more obvious where the chameleon is by illuminating positioning.

F: Ready
E: Cooldown (Magic Duration until cancelled or expired)
D: 2/2 (Ready next round)
C: 0/3

Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Finding that her grasp was emptyhanded with the Chameleon slipping away to try and make his escape, Lei briefly contemplated if she should even try the effort to go forward after the thieving stranger or if she should leave the others up to dealing with it. Either way, it wasn't like she was using the dagger for much anyway and if something so meaningless was stolen then Saoirse would be able to easily replace it anyway. Plus, there were multiple others of the rabbit's whole slave following who were likely much more mind-numbingly excited to do something at their owner's request.

"Eh whatever, you lot have it handled, this place is too small for me to do anything anyway. I didn't ask to come on a shopping trip... " Lei-Cao sighed and yawned softly, rolling her eyes as she stayed put. Plus, Saoirse apparently had found the help of some randomly overdressed dog to sniff out the thief so it wasn't like she should have to put in extra effort for something that wasn't her business. Her ears flicked at Ryuuji mentioning to not look up, doing the very obvious blatant thing Lei would do and completely ignoring his suggestion.
"Oh no, the ceiling, I'm so scared. Honestly, I think you could be doing better than this pointless instructing... " she answered to Ryuuji, lightly shaking her head as she blatantly looked up to see whatever it was the man wanted them not to look at.

1. Don't help.
2. Look up at whatever Ryuuji said not to.
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Buy some new property. | Buy some new gear for her current and new property. | Buy an estate property to house her property.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse deal with the business. | See if he can firmly claim his position as Saoirse's second.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow. | Give milk?
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Pick his new gear. | Prove he wasn't a mistake to take on.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Be bought by a bunny. | Show he's a worthwhile purchase.
Teti Karcen Karcen – Run into the rabbit at the market. | Get better employ from the bunny.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Weapon Shop
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3qLDDJ

Fenrir dove after the thief, but once again, he found himself grasping at air. The thief apparently wasn't merely invisible, but likely also rather dodgy and quick.

Diego had better luck. He felt he'd gotten hold of something, perhaps the thief's midriff. That said, he was slightly off-centre, so he was only able to grab the chameleon with a single arm and would need to quickly get a firmer hold of it.

Melia Hayward

Luckily enough for Diego, Melia was able to spot him grasping at something. After which she was quick to move in. The shield she'd been wanting to buy found itself slamming down above where Diego was holding, hitting something invisible with audible force. That said, oddly enough, Diego would feel his grip loosening as it apparently wasn't enough to knock the thief out just yet. The bastard was still trying to get away and break loose.

That said, things would end up significantly more easy for them short after. Ryuuji's magic managed to reveal the location of the lizard once more. After that, it would be a simple manner of someone coming up and fully restraining or even tying up the already weakened lizard (feel free to add restraining the lizard to the next post, first come first serve).

Jastira Veidi


Hearing Ryuuji say that something she couldn't do, whilst he could, 'came natural to Fae' was... not fun. “Well, I'm sure it would've come natural, if I hadn't, you know, ended up like this.” She protested, sounding like she felt a tad insulted. His attempt to encourage had backfired rather wildly. That said... “Although, eh, let me know how you did that untangling, if you want, I guess.” She'd add more silently. Wondering if it was true that she could do that as well.

That left only one...

Saoirse Desrosiers


As pleased as the bunny was with most of her property, there was one that just continued to disappointed. The Cow had decided to make the 'amazing' choice of staring directly into Ryuuji's magic and ended getting thoroughly blinded from it. Until her regeneration would kick in, she'd likely be unable to see and just feel her eyes watering and burning for a fair while. Luckily enough, they were both Saoirse's property, so any damages caused likely wouldn't matter much title wise. The newly disappointed owner was another thing, however, as Saoirse sighed deeply.

She went off towards the Cow. With the latter not seeing her, it was pretty easy to get behind the unsuspecting victim and kick her in the back of the knees. No matter how strong one was, a kick to the back of the knees of an unsuspecting victim would make them fall. As the Cow fell down, she'd grab the latter by the horns and drag her face towards the ground, before the cow could figure out what was happening. “Poor Cow. First you're making demands, then you loose one of my gifts to you and then you fail to even catch a simple thief, that any real warrior would've had no issues with? And now you're brain-dead enough to stare directly into Ryuuji's light magic?”

Leaning in she'd whisper. “It's almost like you're begging to be punished again... Did you enjoy our peddling session so much? Do you want to hear the crack of the whip again? Do you wish to be my seating once more?” She honestly feared she might run out of punishment options with how often the Cow ended up failing her altogether. Luckily enough, she had a much better idea. It was perhaps a bit too extreme, for now, but it was something she'd take into consideration. “You'll get a single warning, but if you fail me like this again and show me that you can neither use nor hold on to what I give you, I'll take it all back and you'll have to walk around the capital with absolutely nothing.” She'd leave it up to the Cow to interpreted how literally 'absolutely nothing' was going to be, but based in past experiences, a likely interpretation was very literally.

With the thief captured, she'd head back to the shop owner. “Right, sorry about that. That said, I do believe that, now that we've helped you avoid some trouble, a discount on our purchases might be in order?” She didn't sound as much like she was asking as like she was demanding (Intimidation C, Persuasion C).

Shop Owner


From: Microsoft Copilot

“Ah, of course, of course. That will be...” He started making up a bill. “Seeing how you aided me and bought so much, I can ring this up for a total off...”

Shield E (Melia)
Necklace Catalyst D (Jastira)
Ring Catalyst D (Jastira)
Glaive E (Diego)
Heavy Armour F (Diego)
Sword E (Fenrir)
Light Armour E (Fenrir)
Catalyst E > D (Ryuuji)

Of Rabbits and Servants
Ryuuji (Bow F, Catalyst E, Light Armour E)
Lei-Cao (Mace E, Bow E, Dagger E)

Saoirse Desrosiers


After a bit of negotiating, they settled on the prices for those items as well. “Good. We'll leave the thief tied up for you to hand over to the guards.” She'd state, not wanting to waste more time on it. She looked at her property. “Next up, we're getting supplies. I want to go explore this estate I've bought immediately, so we'd best stock up. There's a market at the end of the street, so we should be able to get everything we want there.”

She looked around, thinking of a good game-plan. “Diego, you wanted to make food from your own country, right?” She'd hand over a fair bit of money to Ryuuji. He was one of only two she entrusted with it. “Ryuuji, you and Diego can go find the ingredients for it at the market. Jastira, go with them. Be weary of pick-pockets.” An extra pair of eyes might be useful at the market. “We'll meet back up in front of this store in about an hour.”

“Fenrir, I take it you've got some experiences stocking up?” She assumed he would, as she herself would normally just leave such things to servants. She likely would forget a lot of necessities if she were to go stock up herself. “We'll go stock up as well. Melia, join us and keep an eye on the Cow for me.” She'd add.

With that, they would be able to wrap up in the weapon's shop and head for the market.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Market-place

As they'd arrive at the market, Saoirse recalled why she hated these. In uncrowned places, folk would be able to see and recognise her from a distance. In crowded places like these, there was a constant risks of some peasants bumping into her. She also disliked how places like these made her feel more passive. Useful as the Harmony Edicts might be, they did feel a tad intrusive.

Saoirse Desrosiers


“Let's get this over with quickly.” She'd instruct everyone, wanting to be away from this as quickly as possible, but realising her presence might be needed to bargain, avoid someone getting in trouble with her property or simply to supervise what they would and wouldn't end up buying and bringing.
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