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Graded [Quang] Of Rabbits and Servants

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's currently open to limited participation, so let me know if you want to join and I'll see if we can make it work.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is meant to last relatively short, but to have a decent (2-3 day) pacing.

What to expect in character:
Saoirse's been summoned by her mother, after the latter heard she'd obtained a slave with healing magic. Despite not wanting to go, she decided it might be better to keep relations with her family at least somewhat cordial.

Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


She sighed as they approached the estate she'd called home during her youth. Her family owned multiple properties like this, including ones into the city centre, but this had always been her mother's favourite place. So this is where she'd spent most her youth, whenever her father wasn't teaching her the trade at least. Being on suboptimal terms with her family, she was surprised her mother still asked for her to come here.

It's why she'd warn Ryuuji. “The fact my mother has asked for me means this will likely be something serious. Please try not to offend her. She really doesn't like non-Beasts to begin with. It's why I had Melia and Jastira stay back at the beach-house.” She'd also have preferred letting the Cow stay there, but she didn't dare leave that one alone just yet.

As they'd approach the fence, a man in a suit would stop them.



“Greetings, young miss.” He'd state, upon recognising Saoirse. Giving a bit of a bow. Yet, from his tone alone, it wasn't suggested he was happy to see her.

“I brought the healer. Let's just get this over with.”

“I'm afraid that will be impossible. Your mother is currently away and she stated she wished to witness the process.”

Saoirse instantly seemed angered. “She has the gal to summon me, yet isn't even around?” She'd instinctively stamp her food on the ground.

“That is correct.” The goatman answered with a smile. “In the meantime, why don't you and these... slaves... have a nice walk around the garden?” He stated, clearly enjoying this. “Don't worry, your mother has asked some of the others staff to ensure your stay here is as pleasant as could-be.” He stated, as he gestured to some others that were waiting.



Saoirse smiled upon seeing the first one, though she did not speak up.



“Leo.” She'd greet the second one, somewhat respectful, though definitely with nothing warm or pleasant to her voice.



She didn't seem to recognise the third.



The fourth, she ignored.



She didn't seem to recognise the fifth either.



The last, being by far the largest, did get her attention. “Cow, this is Elphanso. If you ever want to learn about growing thick skin, he's the one to ask.”

The elephant laughed a little. “You think too highly of me, young miss. I've merely been living up to the mistress' expectations of me.”

She sighed. “Well, either way, I guess we're stuck for now. Keren, could you join me for a bit?” She asked, upon which the first one she'd spotted would smile and nod. She'd turn to Ryuuji and the cow. “We're going to catch up. Ask the servants if you need anything. I'm sure they'll treat my [property] with all the care that's warranted. I'm going to quickly catch up on some things.”
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Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario
Well here he was being taken with Saoirse and the minotaur who had proven they were a cow so far, to presumably meet her mother, and as expected she saw beasts as being superior and wasn’t the most keen on non beasts from the sound of things usually. The rational was understandable about why leaving the cow behind alone was probably a bad idea, who knew what asinine idea she’d cook up and act on when they weren’t around to keep her out of trouble, but if she knew what was good for he she wouldn’t dare disrespect in the way she had with Saoirse in front of her mother..

The estate itself looked quite nice, hopefully should their success continue Saoirse would be able to get her own place of a similar caliber, the sight inspired Ryuuji always being one to favor nice worldly things where possible, becoming wealthy had been a goal since he got here after all.

Ryuuji would respond with a “Of course Miss Desrosiers, I couldn’t imagine it, I will do my utmost to meet your expectations.” and giving her a small bow in the process.

However Ryuuji was soon met with what looked like a goat man, who was actually rather well built. The goatman quickly dashed the hopes of Ryuuji being able to give a positive view of himself to Saoirse’s mother out the gate, since at least for the time being she wasn’t around.

Surprising the process did that mean she would show up later unannounced with who he was supposed to heal? Who really knew, but it seemed like that was what was going on. It wouldn’t be a surprise if there might have been ulterior motives at play too to set the scene for her to try to get Saoirse to do something she wanted her to do.

The various servant line up was curious as he respectfully looked all of them over and gave each a small respectful nod of acknowledgement.

As Saoirse made it clear she was going to head off he gave a proportionate bow of respect. “<Understood My Mistress.>” Knowing full well she was going to go catch up he’d turn to Lei-Cao.

“<I think you understand how you are to be? Yes?>” He’d ask rhetorically if for some reason she had forgotten.

He would then look to Ayala in particular, and passively exude some Etiquette F and Seduction F together, sort of just subconsciously looking at her and speaking to her in a tone which might have suggested some sort of underlying interest.

“< I am Ryuuji Kamimura, faithfully in the service of Miss Desrosiers. May I ask what your name is? And how long have you been working here?>” He said, trying to keep things respectful. He could only imagine she must have been on the pricier side with what the market desires tended to be..she was rather fortunate to have ended up as a maid rather than something less savory, was what he couldn't help but think in the back of his mind.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao didn't really get the point of whatever trip they were supposed to be going on, she was still waiting on to be trained once more to become the greatest minotaur warrior ever. Which she already was, but because Saoirse oh so made a point that she could do so, then Lei-Cao would continue to expect it. The haregon hadn't even replaced her weapon yet after so rudely sabotaging and dismantling it pre-combat as she suspected the fight MUST have been cheated for her to lose. Clearly. Evidently.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How much longeeeer? Why do we have to go on this stupid trip, couldn't I just have stayed home? You don't need me to come with you, there's more important stuff I could be doing. Like sleeping. Big, strong champions like me need beauty sleep, you wouldn't get it... either of you... " Lei-Cao complained as they approached the Desrosier Estate, getting a look at it as she hummed to herself in thought.

"Oh, now this is a home worthy of my greatness, I'm surprised to see you FINALLY came around, little rabbit. It's okay, I forgive you, perhaps you're just slow to things sometimes... but why isn't the other two skinny-ones here? Your trip makes no sense whatsoever" Lei-Cao continued to voice even if she hadn't been asked for it, listening and rolling her eyes when new faces started showing up. Whilst words were going on amongst people, Lei-Cao blatantly spoke allowed to herself.

"Man, there's way too many pointless characters here for me to give a damn about... " she spoke, hearing her name- she means- I mean a rude nickname of Cow called in reference to her as she glared at Saoirse.
"Not my name" she quickly added, hearing what the little one had to say and eyeing the elephant beastkin. She hesitated for a moment before scoffing, looking back at her master.

"Shouldn't you be asking for lessons then? If you're the one whose supposed to train me, it's not very impressive if your plan is to just get other people who know what they're doing. I knew it, you're hopeless. That whipping- that.. thing, that doesn't matter, was a complete fluke, wasn't it?" she asked with a smug expression and huffing a quiet laugh. Continuing to giggle to herself about it, she looked to Ryuuji who asked about proper etiquette. Even though she could understand beastkin as per her origin, she didn't repeat it back.

"Ohoh, I don't know what you're talking about. Great champions like me, LEI-CAO, GREATEST WARRIOR AMONG BEASTS AND ALL, RIGHTEOUS HAND OF CHAOS and all that don't just kiss-ass to anyone. I know it's your favourite pastime wittle biddy-baby, but that's not a thing I do" she answered tauntingly to Ryuuji. She had forgotten all sorts of decency and respect to anyone for the moment.​
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


She'd left the Cow to her rambling for as best as she could during their trip. At best, it gave her reasons to look forwards to their next 'training session' whilst at worst, it encouraged her to find new ways to 'train' the Cow next time around.



The girl was utterly shocked by Ryuuji suddenly addressing her. In beastial, even. “<M-m-me?>” She looked at him as if to say 'but why?' at the end of that sentence. “<It's Ayala, but you can call me Aya... I think.>” She looked at the lion-like fellow. He shook his head. “<No... I'm Ayala.>” She corrected herself. Upon closer inspection, it'd be clear that these were 'free' servants, rather then enslaved ones. That probably explained the instant rejection of nicknames.

“<I've been working her for almost three months.>” She would add, though perhaps saying even that would be more than what she was usually supposed to talk about with mere slaves (Ryuuji's seduction). “<So ehm... Do you need bread or water or something? Or do you want to go on a walk?>” She decided to ask, recalling she'd been instructed to take care of this 'property' of the young miss.



“<By the gods, what an awfully obnoxious noise this one makes.>” The lion would state, upon hearing Lei-Cao. “<If it weren't for it being the young miss' property, I'd suggest having stake for dinner.>” He shook his head. “<In the meantime, KNEEL.>” He'd state.

The moment he did, [Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus] would feel her body obeying him before she could even think to do something different. It seemed the lion had some form of mind-control, or another, hidden means of taking over her body's movements. “<That's mildly better. Shame I can't have you shut that mouth of yours. Perhaps I should ask the young miss if it's okay to just sew it shut.>”



“<Hi! I'm Mupi!>” The owl-like one would suddenly say, as if nothing else was going on at all.



“<Whipping?>” He stated, upon hearing the Cow mention it. Then he just nodded. “<Then the young miss was incorrect, there is nothing I could teach you better than she could do herself.>”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

The great news was that of course the cao was being obnoxious, it seemed that another whipping session would be in order if she kept this behavior up. It would be really bad if the minotaur acted ignorant in front of Saoirse’s mother should she arrive at some point. He would let out a soft sigh of displeasure as she continued to go off throughout the encounter, deciding he would not entertain the cow by responding to her taunt.

Thank goodness someone could force the cow to focus. He would pick up on the fact these were looking more like freed employees rather than slaves by the time that Leo was enforcing his speech ability on the Minotaur, particularly how they weren't being surveyed by anything obvious and how they seemed to have more authority and freedom than slaves might be afforded otherwise as well as the stringent formality. This would mean he would try to not overstep his bounds to the majority of them, since he was aware he was below them in the caste and did not wish to bring Saoirse trouble.

Before anything else he would turn to Leo and give him a respectful bow, and give one to all the other servants , including Otto who..made Ryuuji curious, he didn’t seem to be one for speaking much compared to the others but that was fine.

“<I sincerely apologize on behalf of Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus. You see it’s truly a tragedy. Lei-Cao is..truly slow in the mind, and my caring mistress, out of her ability to see great potential and her generosity decided to take her in anyway. I believe if there is anyone who can help her become of some use, it is her. I hope that should there be future meetings with her she will show proper decorum.>”

He would then turn to Mupi, “<It is a pleasure to meet you, thank you for your hospitality.>” Giving another bit of a bow.

He also gave a respectful nod to Elphanso who he had already bowed too prior “<It is true. You see, she really is a special case, my Mistress hasn't had to resort to discipline of this nature on any other one of her properties.>”

Ryuuji would then address Ayala, continuing with the wombo combo of Seduction F and Etiquette F. giving her that certain sort of disarming look again, that was gentle, like one might give to someone they’re admiring.

He smiled a bit, perhaps picking up a bit on what she might have said then.

He’d nod before continuing, “<I understand, I’ll call you Ayala then.>”

“<Three months? I am pleased to hear that you are working in the service of the very people who helped my Mistress to be the wonderful lady she is today. Your uniform certainly suits you too.”
He spoke with a soft warmth.

“<Thank you. Perhaps if there is a natural point to do so, some water and bread would be appreciated, but for now I feel humbled to be offered the opportunity to walk with a proper lady such as yourself, if you would have me, I would quite enjoy that, and if you’d be so inclined to talk with me, I’d be grateful if I was given the opportunity to learn more about yourself.>” He further added. At this point Ryuuji was also wondering if there’d be anything useful to gain from his time here besides pleasantries. Thankfully now he knew there was someone who could keep the cow in her place so he could do what he needed to do.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao still didn't understand the reasoning of why others were speaking in beastkin, but wondered if she was being blatantly ignored just because she wasn't. So this time, she tried to answer back in beast language to the lion beastkin who called her one that makes an oh-so-obnoxious-noise.
"<Excuse you, but I happen to be fully allowed to speak my own mind if I so please, Mr. High and Mighty glorified cat>" she retorted back, though soon enough felt herself pretty easily dropped to her hands and knees wondering what had happened.
"<T-this is a joke, I'm doing this ironically, not because you said to>" she suddenly answered defensively, trying her best to get back up although finding that she couldn't muster the willpower to break whatever was happening. What sort of witchcraft was this? This was surely some sort of dishonorable cheating or something, no mere beastkin should have the capability to force her into submission like that.

"<Nobody is gonna sew my lips shut, I'm the logical and smart one here, clearly. I-I'm not gonna be steak, that would never happen, I'm too great and powerful for that. And that young mistress can't teach a single thing, she hasn't taught me one thing ever since she promised to! All she did was get rid of my weapon, that's a useless 'master' if I've ever heard or seen one. Why look at me, that whipping did nothing at all, I'm the pure perfect picture of health. I'm big, strong, attractive, and not a scratch on me>" she answered, soon getting a smug grin on her face. It was probably important to note that the reason she didn't have a scratch on her would likely lend to Saoirse having Ryuuji healing up the injuries from the whipping training that had caused them. So it was more rather just a display of Ryuuji's talents more than anything that she was just trying to brag as her own durability.

Though, the man in question had started calling her slow in the mind.
"<What? I'm nothing of the sort, just because I don't kiss the ground that little rabbit walks on doesn't mean I'm slow. I'm clearly the smartest one here, ask any smart person... which would be me, and not anyone else here, so clearly I'm right... >" she answered, hearing that Ryuuji was getting rather conversational with Ayala. Gasping a small huff under her breath, was both Saoirse and Ryuuji going off elsewhere while she was stuck on this stupid trip?

"<What? You're not allowed to leave too, I didn't even want to come on this stupid trip, I could've stayed home doing anything else productive why do I have to be here? Stop talking up women and stay here so I'm allowed to taunt you for being inferior! What am I supposed to do? Be stuck with the rabbits' parents' little zoo? What am I supposed to do with that? At least just tell Saoirse that I'm going back and enjoying the waterfront for the evening. Hey, hey, HEY, RYUUJI, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME AND UNDERSTAND ME, RYUUJIII->" she started speaking aloud to the other slave, stuck in submissive kneeling on the floor as she looked at and started yelling at Ryuuji like a child throwing a tantrum.​
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate



Ayala looked a bit shocked upon Ryuuji's revelation about the cow. “<Oh no, did she get hit in the head as a kid?>” She asked, sounding genuinely concerned.



The lion's reaction was the polar opposite. “<We'll have to see. Right now, this might only confirm to miss Desrosier that the young miss is on a fool's errant.>” He shook his head. “<Either way, back to work. Ayala, you're in charge of them.>”

“<W-wha... me? Just me? I mean! Yes sir!>” She replied, looking a bit panicked at Lei-Cao, but also a bit hopeful at Ryuuji.



The goat man nodded at Leo, though he did show a smile at the cow for a bit. “<I'm almost hoping you'll cause trouble...>” He stated ominously. Then he left back towards the entrance. It seemed he was in charge of security there.



The bear one left towards the house as silent and unamused as he'd been thus far, though not without first glaring at both the cow and Ryuuji alike for a short moment.



She titled her head at Ryuuji in confusion. “<No, no! I'm not hospital!>” She insisted. That said, before she could explain more, Leo told them to get back to their jobs. “<Okay mister Leo! I'm going window cleaning now! Bye>” She told Ryuuji, as she flew off towards the back of the house.



He'd head over to Lei-Cao, whispering. “<I do, ever so highly recommend you do not anger Leo. The only one worse to be angering is miss Desrosier herself.>” After he said it, he left towards the house.



His teeth bared at the cow's words. “<If you're doing it ironically, then how come you PROSTATE YOURSELF?>” He asked, as she could feel her body move to bow down even further, putting her to bow down deep enough for her face to be biting the dirt.

“<Either way, I won't have time to amuse you all day. Try to be on your best behaviour. We don't need the added drama between the young miss and miss Desrosiers if we were to have to put you down for improper conduct.>” He stated, as he walked off. As he got further away, the cow would be able to feel her ability to move come back to her. By the time he was in the house, it had fully returned.



“<Ehmmm... let's please all be nice?>” She almost begged, really not liking the fact that she'd been the 'chosen' one to take care of this troublesome property of the young miss.

She turned to Ryuuji with a bright smile. (Seduction F effect). “<Thank you, I was really happy to wear it! Although ehm... I must admit, miss Desorsier and mister Desrosier don't like the young miss' choices all that much.>” She shook her head. “<It's best not to talk about it though.>”

“<Oh, I'd love to go on a walk! Although, ehm...>” She looked at the Cow. “<I don't think I'm allowed to leave miss... Cattle... unsupervised.>” That was the only bit if the name she'd recalled. “<I can show you both the rose garden! Or the herbs... or maybe the pond?>” She offered. “<The greenhouse is also great. There's also a small patch of forest that's part of the estate, then there's the front lawn, but that's boring...>”
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao hadn't been paying attention to Ayala's little comment, instead turning her attention to Aran. She didnt have any idea in the slightest what his weirdly ominous comment was about wanting her to cause trouble, but she wasn't looking to actively get herself in trouble. She was just very annoyed at how she was being treated. She huffed at Elphanso, glaring at him.
"<I didn't even do anything wrong, it's not my fault I have to get forcefully dragged along and that glorified catman has nothing better to do with his time. If little miss Des-whatsitcalled is a bigger mudpile than this kitty then heavens knows how you lot still bother to stay around or even try to act all high and mighty.>" she answered back to him, only becoming more annoyed when her forceful position of submission was made even more degrading as she was given face-first experience of dirt. Mmm, yummy dirt.

"<Y-ysh, id dill ironic->" Lei-Cao did her best to try and mumble back through the floor, though she was quite muffled and silenced from having her face forced into the floor by mere command. She finally forced herself back up off of the floor when he had left, getting up and looking away with puffed out cheeks.
"<I could've taken him, it would've been easy, he was nothing. That kitty was practically rattling with how he was shaking when he ran away with his tail tucked between his legs. He's lucky>" Lei-Cao egotistically stated as she turned up her nose at the others present, finally looking to Ryuuji and Ayala once the others had left. Whatever was going on between the two was incredibly boring to witness.

"<Hey, I am not Cattle. I am Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus. It's easy, get it right, deer girl>" she answered back in retort. Every suggestion that Ayala had made was going to make her fall asleep, she didn't want to come here and she didn't want to sit through the most boring tour known to beastkind. Blatantly yawning, she answered without any sort of hesitation.

"<You're right, it is boring. All of it sounds boring. You two can go do your boring date or whatever it is you're doing, I think I'm just gonna go do my own thing or go home. Who would want to stay around and look at the roses and the greenhouse? For an estate, there is nothing at all interesting going on here. I feel like the lot of you have never done anything interesting in your whole lives, seriously. Get a life, or a hobby or something, it's sad. It's embarrassing>" Lei-Cao blatantly spoke without remorse to Ryuuji and Ayala both, she'd rather go home and this was just painful to be sat through. If nobody had anything else important to say, she was planning to just go stick it to her own direction or even just see if she could just start going home by herself. For what reason should she stick around the entire time waiting for that rabbit to be done talking to her parents which, if Saoirse still wasn't in residence here, probably hated her.​
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji was really amazed at just how successfully skilled Lei-Cao was at not being able to read the room, that at this point she was veering into the territory of playing a dangerous game. What was it going to take for her to fall in line? Some more severe violence that he’d need to heal her up for? Maybe she’d need to lose an arm or something and feel what was like so she’d learn to shut up? The fact she was still back talking was ridiculous, but he knew she was incredibly stubborn.

When she got to the tantrum stage, he’d wince a bit. Yikes, was this what it sounded like to have an entitled sibling or something who was so convinced of their grandeur that the world should bend to their whimsy? Lei-Cao hadn’t really proven much of anything yet so this whole situation was just frustrating

“<I just know that since I met her..she’s been this way.>” He responded softly to Ayala when she looked concerned.

Ryuuji would give a smaller formal bow of acknowledgement to Leo as he said he was leaving. Yeah that was bad news. He knew full well that Saoirse wasn’t on the best with her parents with how she had spoken about them previous but it wasn’t like they’d try to force her hand into giving up her aspirations would they? If they would how far would they go if Lei-Cao kept screwing things up like this?

The only way to counter this behavior would be to have a strong showing from himself, Jastira, and whoever else if need be to show that she in fact was not wasting her time and that Lei-Cao was an exception at the moment rather than the norm.

In addition if they could show how Lei-Cao improved later that could work to their advantage, his mind strategizing quickly.

He would do the same for each as they departed, included Mupi, wondering what she even meant by that. But he did know full well that explaining things any further probably wasn’t going to be super helpful in the moment, all he would really need to do is show through action and skill.

All things said Elphanso seemed to be rather nice.

Then there was Leo who forced her down, but unfortunately Lei-Cao was just that dense that some of these threats were possibly serious, not to mention goat dude making it clear he’d be more than happy to beat on Lei-Cao if she didn’t stop.

When they had all gone and they were left with Ayala, of course the Mintotaur had more to say which was foolish, however when she wasn’t being particularly kind with Ayala after she had reasonably asked, he’d twitch a bit, his face looking a bit agitated before he got close to Lei-Cao.

“<Listen here you. Do you really want more pain brought your way? That’s all you're doing right now. Do you really want to be used for finding out new ways to hurt people? Because if I’m told to heal you, I can do it again and again if need be and they can go as many hours as they think is suitable to punish you. I’m telling you this because it’s for your benefit to listen, if you don’t want to be made uncomfortable, hurt, or worse. And I cannot even fathom what will happen if you make a fool of yourself in front of our mistress’s parents. It’s bad enough you’ve been wailing and complaining, is that what a warrior does? Get upset about how boring things are? Or do they stand confidently and act like someone ready for battle at a moment's notice>?”

“<Furthermore, Miss Ayala has been nothing but kind and this is how you respond to her? The sort of person you’ll be protecting? If I were you I would apologize, it’s shameful behavior for someone who is striving for becoming a true champion, and if you even try to walk off I’m sure nothing good will come of it..>”

“<Also I find it objectionable you would even suggest the notion of that. I am not remotely worthy to serve Miss Ayala in that capacity I’m a human and I’m here to serve, she deserves only the best, thoughtful, beast to be her suitor who can reciprocate the caring and kind nature she has demonstrated here, should she find someone who strikes her fancy.>”

Ryuuji's words weren't exactly unfounded, Ayala was being rather kind and considerate when she wasn't really required to be, all she had been told to do was take care of them, that didn't necessarily mean she had to be as friendly as she had been.

He then looked back to Ayala continuing with the Etiquette F and Seduction F combo.

“<I Would be delighted to see the garden, and perhaps if there’s time anywhere else you’d like to show us, however I understand your responsibility comes first, so I will not hinder that, if we must adjust so you can keep watch on Lei-Cao, then so be it, your presence here with me is plenty.>" He gave her a bit of a smile after some eye contact.

He also gave a nod "<And yes..my mistress has suggested as much, perhaps we should stay on more pleasant topics then if that is a controversial one.>"
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Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate



“<P-please... d-don't try to pick a fight.>” She looked at the cow with some panic in her eyes. “<O-or try to leave. I might get fired if you leave or pick a fight...>” She added, sounded rather concerned as she adressed her. “<I'm sorry miss... Lei-Cow Cattlemaniac, Sediment Format... Taurussian?>” She did her best repeating it all.

Upon hearing that the cow seemed serious about leaving, she was even more panicked. However, that's when something came to mind. “<I like sewing as a hobby? Would you like to see my sewing kit?>” She asked, really hoping to connect with at least something.

Although she'd been teary-eyed, she looked at Ryuuji with hope and admiration. His words (and skills) were really working their way on influencing her. She was heavily blushing when he mentioned he wasn't worth serving her. “<I wouldn't mind...>” she mumbled.

Hearing Ryuuji wanted to see the gardens, she'd look at the cow with begging eyes. “<Would you please join us... to ehm... protect us?>” She stated, recalling what Ryuuji had said and hoping that might work.

Should she get them to come along, she'd show them various flowerbeds. “<This is the lavender, we use it for its scent in the house as well. These are the rosebeds, they're miss Desrosiers favourite. Here's the...>”“<... and this is the pond, we got our fish managed by someone from the [Continental Lake] itself, so it's actually all saltwater fish, despite it being a pond... then this is the ...>” “<... when I was here on my first day, I watered these lilies and almost overdid it, but mister Elphanso stopped me, then we...>”“<and over there is where the forest starts that's part of the estate, then over there is where we keep the herbs...>” She finished, having been talking nearly constantly about almost every single plant, bush and shrub they'd pass.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji didn't feel super confident that Ayala's words would ring true to Lei-Cao unfortunately, he wasn't sure if the 'champion' was susceptible to feeling bad that her actions could negatively affect others with how self focused on being a champion she was. Unfortunately sewing probably wasn't going to be the end all thing to keep Lei-Cao's attention either, unless she had a side that Ryuuji hadn't been expecting at all..but..his mind did click, he knew that Lei-Cao..was arrogant, and kept touting she was the best, that much was true, having her stick around and defend them..he could maybe work with that angle if she wasn't going to listen to anything else he said.

Ryuuji decided for the good of his mistress's reputation and Ayala he would play along. "<She's..right you know, you're the only one around who could keep Ayala and me safe if anything tries to harm us out here, so please won't you come? You're the best champion aren't you? A champion wouldn't leave the poor and defenseless alone to fend for themselves would they?>" He tried his best to sound like he was being fully serious.

Ryuuji would get down and prostrate himself, "<Please champion, Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus , I implore you, we need you here for our security. Who knows what threats could lurk in the forest.>" As much as he would be perfectly fine and even enjoy some alone time with Ayala, that clearly wasn't going to happen so this was the next best thing, maybe if Lei-Cao thought herself being useful at protecting them from some potential threat she'd settle some.

Presuming she was willing to go with them Ryuuji would follow diligently and smile some, it wasn't clear if he had heard what she said prior so much more softly, but nevertheless he listened.

He would keep up his Etiquette F and Seduction F combo, the latter part still not really entirely obvious he was using so freely, as he was more or less acting like he did. "<My it seems everything has a story here, the plants..the pond and thank you for letting me know about what flowers she favors..and of courseMister Elphanso strikes me as a kind person..and I do wonder what is that forest but..there is still a piece of this puzzle that I have yet to hear about..and that's you Miss Ayala, what's your story? I really would like to hear more about you~?" He'd ask softly, with a tone of interest.
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao pondered for a moment. The little deer lady so wanted her to stick around but then she had the kindness to tell that it would land her in trouble if she were to walk off or do her own thing. Oh, the dilemma she had. Though it only came extremely more tempting when Ayala had gotten her name wrong once again.
"<That's not my name, but now that you mention it so wrongly, walking off on my own and doing whatever I so please does truly sound like such an exciting pastime. Why, what a kind and helpful suggestion you make, you really are doing wonders right now>" she answered in a cheerful tone, with a smug little smirk on her face. She reached forward, extending her hand out to give a demeaning pat and rub of the head to Ayala, treating her like the smaller beastkin she was. She didn't care if Ryuuji had complaints, he was Ryuuji. What was he gonna do, cry to Saoirse or heal her to death? Stupid little human. He wasn't a champion, what would he know?

Though, she gave a blank stare to Ayala suggesting about her sewing kit. It was the very last thing she wanted to hear.
<"How about, no. You're boring and I don't want to see your wittle sewing kit. Whoops, looks like I'm starting to leave. Bye, bye. Byeee, bye, I'm leaving, byeee>" she answered, not having an interest to entertain the deer just because she looked so fragile and like she was about to burst into tears. Giving a small wave out of sarcasm, she turned to leave up until Ryuuji had spoken up. It was quite odd to not hear him continue spouting such defensive little nonsense to jump in the way of a little lady's feelings. She had to go do champion things, and then revel in the appreciation and glory she got from doing so. Sitting around in some stuck-up noble estate was not helping do that. Although, how very evidently serious Ryuuji was being with asking for help like Ayala had did, and that he was actually embarrassing so much to do so, it made her smirk enough to consider sticking around. Whilst she took it as her greatness finally being recognised by such feeble beings, her ego had been satiated enough.

Huffing quietly and upturning her nose, she held a smug smirk on her face.
"<Well, I guess it can't help it. With two helpless and weak individuals such as yourself, I suppose it's only natural you'd be begging and crying for my help. Fine, I will come along to assist you in need of defense, even though that rabbit still hasn't handed me a new weapon. What a useless excuse of some sort of 'trainer', how am I even supposed to self-improve if I don't have my own weapon to use? What a dumb rabbit>" she answered, opting to come along solely on her pride as she took the moment to freely bad-mouth Saoirse since she wasn't here. Not really caring about wherever it was they were going to tour, she came along trying not to pay too much attention as she just tried to enjoy the peace of not getting insults and harassment pushed her way. Or for Saoirse to get her to do anything.

And Ayala, she went on and on and on. Seriously, how much was there to say about all of this? It was just a thing, and what it was, and why was Ryuuji caring so much? Did he expect he was going to be quizzed on it later or something? Plus, the deer went on and on and on. Lei-Cao had no idea that Ayala was such a seasoned master of chanelling sleeping spells. Paying literately zero attention for most of the time, she finally zoned in when Ryuuji was being all 'cutesie' and 'charming' with her. The minotaur leaned on some existent prop that I can't think to name what it could be but there's probably a thing she can lean on in the local area, making a light snoring noise as she eventually gently shook herself back awake. How long had it been?

"<Yaaaawn. Anyway, now that your life story is finished being explained, can I go home now? As much as I couldn't care to sit here and watching you both make out, and not get a room, and all that, there's clearly nothing here I need to defend you both from other than the immense danger of having an interesting time. Yeah, okay, I'm done. You and Emperor Bootkisser here can talk all about your favourite tasting window-cleaner or whatever it is you command-sipping lowlifes get up to when you're feeling flirty amongst eachother. I could be doing anything better with my time, and I think either going home, finding a place where I can get a new weapon, or finding out where that worthless excuse of a bunny is, are three pretty good options>" Lei-Cao spoke, rolling her eyes.​
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate



She was utterly shocked when she saw Ryuuji starting to beg, having no clue what to do. “<Eh, yes! He's right!>” She tried adding-on to it. She'd even bow down as well, though she didn't prostate herself, as she didn't think she was allowed to go that far when interacting with a slave. Needlessly to say; she was already going much further than allowed to begin with. “<Please don't walk off, I'll try get your name right, miss Lei... Cacao, Cattleamericana, Sedimantation...>” She failed yet again.

A blush formed when Ryuuji thanked her. “<It does, I learned it all as soon as I got to work here! Mister Elphanso is nice, but he can also be... No, I shouldn't say.>” She shook her head. “<Me? Oh, no, I'm not special. I'm just a village girl who was allowed to work for a noble like miss Desrosier. It's hard work, but the pay is also great.>” She was a bit shocked when she realised what she'd just said. “<Oh, I'm so sorry, I should've have mentioned payment.>” She realised he'd not even get any.

Saoirse Desrosiers


“<No, you're to come with me.>” Saoirse stated, as she overheard the Cow complaining about going home whilst approaching them. “<We're having another training session. Don't expect me to hold back though, I can't have you behave like this in front of my mother.>” She clicked her tongue, a fire burning in her eyes. “<Don't worry, I'm sure we'll both enjoy this.>” She chuckled. “<Oh, by the way, Ryuuji, I've asked Keren to prepare you for meeting my mother.>”



The woman had silently followed behind Saoirse, though she now nodded. “<Ask me whatever you wish to know. Ayala, why don't you get us something to eat and rink in the meantime.>”

“<Right away!>” She stated, heading off, happy that she hadn't failed by allowing the Cow to get away.

Saoirse Desrosiers


Whilst Keren and Ryuuji would stay behind, Saoirse would lead the cow to a cabin in the patch of forest. “<Been a while since I lost was here.>” She stated, as she opened the door. The cow would instantly spot them. The entire back wall of the room was filled with whips, paddles and beating canes of all sorts of shapes and sized. Some even having small pointed bits sticking out. In the middle of the room was a stockade, to the side a chair with cuffs to tie onto it. It seemed this room was used for 'disciplinary action' in the Desrosier household.

“<Now then, how about you choose what to train with today? I'm sure a mighty warrior such as yourself is going to know how to best be challenged during this training, no? It should also ensure that this isn't some sort of fluke, right?>” She grimaced, gesturing towards the wall of 'options' for training with. Honestly, she did hold some resentment towards the cow, but she also liked her. Why? Due to the cow making these types of training a lot more easy and pleasant. She was also eager to see if she could get a result from this. What better reward for hard work was there than to slowly transform someone? Sadly enough, it was definitely going slow, but that just meant she had to step up her game and prove her worth even more.



Meanwhile, once Saoirse was out of hearing range, Keren would speak up again. “<So, why don't you start by telling me what you've been up too with the young miss? I'd like to hear it from another perspective as well.>”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Unfortunately Lei-Cao did not seem to want to listen at first, which should have been predictable at this point, when did the cow listen? Thankfully for Ryuuji his strategy to cause less problems for everyone involved, came into fruition when Lei-Cao agreed to stay "<Oh thank you so much, I am so grateful to have a great warrior like yourself here.>" He further buttered the cow up before. He would just have to suck her words up and not say anything else even if she bad mouthed Saoirse and himself and Ayala, the primary goal was to keep her there to keep her out of trouble. He was just glad that Ayala managed to play along with what he was saying when she saw it was working.

However he did give Ayala a nod, curious as to what she she shouldn't say but he didn't press her on the matter, knowing that might not leave the best impression with her.

"<Oh you're completely fine, I've done very well under my Mistress' ownership. I'm happy that you got a job which it sounds like you've been enjoying. If this experience has been anything to go by you've certainly earned your pay by following your directive so well, I have been thoroughly taken care of." He'd reply with a soft smile.

"<As for myself I've been paid in all the knowledge and skills I've picked up as a result of serving my Mistress, nor have i ever found myself wanting drink or starving, for that I am always grateful.>" Ryuuji continued to praise Saoirse, best of all he wasn't really lying, yeah sure earning cash and having it would be good but all things considered, this had been quite lucrative for him in other ways.

Thankfully Lei-Cao's ridiculousness hadn't been unnoticed by Saoirse, upon seeing her return, Ryuuji would bow at her words. "<Yes my Mistress, I understand.>" Internally however he was celebrating that Lei-Cao would be put back in place again hopefully, maybe this time something would get through to her as she was taken off.

Ryuuji would then find himself making his way over to Keren, and giving her a bow once again.

"<I've been assisting her on her goals of acquisition whether it was traveling to a place where gnolls dwelled which was decimated, going to a village of Harpies to strategically get on better terms with the local populace to foster a beneficial relationship, or one of my personal favorite journeys we took was to a Monastery, you see these monk types had all of these valuables which they were willing to negotiate for a price..I was capable of appraising the items to see what was worthy of taking. In addition I learned how to improve my healing magic with one of the monk's specialists and I'm not certain if you've heard of him but My mistress using me and Melia, even bested Arranog Dranth from the Dranth Family..in a showing of who had better property, we have been looking for opportunities to profit as well as looking for new property for her to help flourish at times as well, I imagine we will go back there and see how his slaves have been doing to see if any of them are worth acquiring as well..>"

"<Then..there was a most curious puzzle for alchemy books which we had to attempt...nevertheless I would say in my opinion that my Mistress has been doing an excellent job at working toward furthering her family name and achievements, ones which I am certain will reflect well to others of similar or, not too be presumptuous but, I do not say this lightly, perhaps even greater castes..of course she's been the mastermind behind so much of it all, training and improving me so I am capable of these feats, and doing them at her directive, I am a tool in her service..who has been wielded masterfully..>"
He spoke how he figured he should be expected too, any achievements which he did should be attributed to Saoirse for the best showing for her.

Then of course the Etiquette E + Seduction F would go off,

"<Of course I am happy to answer any questions you may have and even elaborate but I've spoken so much of myself already It's only polite if I ask a lady, what about yourself? If you wouldn't mind sharing of course I really would like to know more about you such as how you know my mistress.>" He'd give that same soft smile, like his attention was fully on her.
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Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao twitched a little at the sound of Saoirse's voice, swinging her gaze around to look for the little bunny rabbit until she had spotted them. Crossing her arms, the minotaur internally questioned what Saoirse had actually been up to if she hadn't handled all that she had to yet, even more questioning why she had to go with her.
"<Oh come on, I could be home by now... >" she sighed and huffed, her ears twitching once more at the sound of it being a training session as she clearly straightened up a lot more out of hesitant surprise. What kind of training session, here? What, was she gonna train her to be a waiter?

"<Oh, oh, scaaary, you want to turn me into some prissy little noble fool to not make you a fool in front of your little mumsy? It's not my fault that I'm the warrior here, and you're the little court jester making a fool out of yourself with your little clowny shenanigans. But fine, I'll humour you and let you train me such 'civilized manners' as you so think>" Lei-Cao answered, a smug huff and smirk as she rolled her eyes.
"<Plus anything's better than being stuck with Mister Beastdater over here, I can see the only reason he's infatuated with you has finally reared its ugly face. Glad I don't have to deal with that, I couldn't imagine how annoying it'd be to have some little stuck-up posh-snob boy pining for and following me around every chance they got just for a mere moment of reciprocated feelings>" she uttered, glancing to Ryuuji as she said so. At least she'd be rid of him and whatever beastkin he'd be talking with after Ayala.

Following Saoirse along to a totally not-suspicious cabin, she smirked.
"<Oh, this your childhood bedroom? Thought it'd be shabbier. How many siblings did you have, must've not been anywhere near being the favourite. Then again, didn't they make an expression just to acknowledge how much of a frivolously reproductive mess your kind is?>" she asked with a smug smirk still plastered on her face up until the door was opened and she noticed what was displayed on the wall. Dropping her confidence and smugness entirely, she nervously swallowed as she tried to fake further confidence.

"<Hah, hahah, your childhood must've been rough if your parents felt they needed these. What a bedroom... >" she mumbled softly, hearing Saoirse's next prompt of letting her pick what she wanted for her training. Trying to straighten herself out, she tried to clear her mind. She could do this, she'd done it once. It'd be easy, one simple easy training mission to harden her endurance. She was the voice and hand of Chaos, Lei-Cao, herself. She could do this.

"<Right, I can do it, no problem. I practically invite and dare you to try, I'm so gonna prove last time was a fluke>" she answered with a grin, trying to force confidence into herself as she lifted her hand to point at one of the choices. Though, she visibly lingered as it looked like she was drifting through the options trying to settle on something to pick.

Whip? That annoying boy-man wasn't around to heal it up, it'd be agony to wear something with cuts.
Canes? Something about them seemed like they'd hurt really bad. They have to be sturdy with how thin they are and all.
Paddles? That could probably work, surely the bigger surface area means it wouldn't be as bad... and it was probably heavier for Saoirse, that'd ruin their ability to do anything. Though, with the amount of pointy things, she wasn't looking forward to any sort of idea like that. Much less, she had noticed the stockades and such, but simply just chose to pretend they weren't there in hopes Saoirse wouldn't get ideas.

"<You know what, why not a simple paddle, nothing else. You know, simplicity is good, and you used a lashing weapon this time. Why not something that hits wide?>" she asked with a clearly forced smile, it was pretty obvious that she was trying to cheap out as much as possible. Her eyes drifted to the cuffs and stocks once more, seriously why did Saoirse know about all this here and why was this just here on the estate? For what reason was all this necessary, was this just one elaborate joke plan that Saoirse planned all this out?
"<But a great warrior like me is sure to be ready for anything you have. After that last training moment, I'm totally on top of things now. You're out of tricks, rabbit, anytime you hit me I will just return more durable. Hell, I'm sure I don't need my armor or all the clothes I could ever wear to be fine, no protection required. It's that easy>" she answered with a smug grin. Soon enough, she would double down on her cocky reply by removing said armour and clothes worn under down to her bare undergarments. It was literately all she needed and she believed she could tank it... though her ego was probably taking over at this point. She didn't even need the last pieces, she was just being modest and respectful for Saoirse as a nice and humble minotaur. Champions were nice and humble, after all.

"<Come on, little rabbit, a champion minotaur awaits for you to prove yourself. No tears now, show me that you can conquer the Hand of Chaos, Lei-Cao>".​
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


“<Home? You don't even have a home. You've got a house I'm letting you stay at and that I could remove you from the moment you're no longer worth keeping. Remember that.>” She was quick to correct the cow. “<Making you a noble? Gods no. I have enough of a brain to know that would never even get close to flourishing. All you need to be is obedient enough for me to turn you into a warrior.>” She laughed at the idea of the Cow being able to have any form of etiquette.

She did raise an eyebrow at Ryuuji being called 'Beastdater' as she wondered what in the world he was up too, yet decided to trust him not to do anything foolish. So far, he'd not let her down. Other than the one item he'd not reported having, a minor accident which she'd graciously forgiven him for.

“<My bedroom? You've got to be a whole lot more obedient before I'd ever consider take you there.>” She scoffed at the mere idea she'd bring the uncultured Cow there. The comment about having siblings annoyed her, but she decided it wasn't worth replying too. At the mention of the tools, she just chuckled. “<No dear, those were especially for cases such as you. You'll learn soon enough.>”

As she watched the cow pick her weapon of choice, she sighed. Of course she'd go with what she'd think would hurt least. It seemed the Cow wasn't all that confident just yet. “<It's been a while, but sure.>” She stated, luckily enough, she'd gotten her fair share of experience with those as well. Courtesy of a certain elephant, but that had no need for further mention. “<Just know that you're the one that chose this.>” She stated, a smile forming.

When the Cow started stripping, however, she was quick to realise the attempt at taking control. She'd not let the Cow have it. “<What? If you're going to strip for me, you should go all the way instead of cheeping out. Surely a mighty warrior doesn't get embarrassed or hope the last bit of fabric will save her?>” She challenged the cow.

As she'd wait to see if the Cow would follow-up, she took out one of the most plain looking paddles. “<Here, nothing off about it, right?>” She'd pick it up with both hands and show it to the Cow. “<I don't want you to start claiming I cheated again, so inspect it to your hearts content.>” She stated, offering the cow to check it out as thoroughly as she'd want too.

Upon receiving it back, she'd take it in one hand and hold it out far away from her with ease, keeping the entire weight of the wood lifted with pure arm strength (A) and showing that her earlier way of grabbing it had been a fake-out. “<Good, now that we've confirmed it's just a normal piece of wood. Bend over.>” She commanded. There was, after all, a tried and true method of using a paddle. “<Unless you're growing cold feet an wish to beg for me to change my mind.>”



She silently listened to Ryuuji's explanation. “<The gnolls? I'm surprised they didn't try to buy you up and eat you.>” She commented.

“<Harpies... Those bird-brains can get rather tiresome.>” She stated. “<Though I'm surprised Saoirse already went there. Getting a matriarch on your side is always a worthwhile endeavour, yet failing to do so can cause a lot of problems. They can be petty creatures.>”

“<Dranth? I've heard of the family. It doesn't surprise me she beat them. From what little I know of them, they don't exactly impress.>” She replied. “<Ah Melia. It's a shame she couldn't come. How's she doing these days?>” She asked, although she did chuckle. “<That said, the thought of Melia and the young miss at a monastery is rather amusing.>”

The last bits of his words, before he'd started up his [Beastdater] routine, got her to stare at him. “<Hmmm. It seems she lucked out on obtaining you.>” Was the eventual reply. It felt like the truthfulness of his words had been weighted and deemed 'enough' to pass the test.

“<Those charms might work on a younger lass, but not on me.>” She stated, spotting he was trying to charm her. “<How I know the young miss? I helped raise her. That should tell you enough.>” She didn't deem it worth saying more. “<Now, why don't you tell me what the deal is with this cow she had to drag off?>” She'd listen to his reply for a bit.

That said, there was another thing she didn't wish to forget mentioning. “<Before I forget, what are your expectations of meeting miss Desrosiers?>” She figured it might be worth making sure he was prepared.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”

Interaction: Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji nodded, "<Well the settlement of the gnolls had recently been..ravaged unfortunately.>" Ryuuji felt inclined to chime in about the idiot lesser harpy which he and Saoirse had met on the makeshift bridge but he felt like he knew better than to make a comment like that, it wasn't really his place as a human slave to make such comments and he was sure that Saorise would have already mentioned her displeasure with that very same harpy very freely if she had been so inclined.

"<Thankfully I believe we made some good progress toward getting on good terms with the Matriarch. I imagine my Mistress may want to return in the future to further solidify that relationship, particularly now that I've gotten even better at healing than before on account of her allowing me to train.>" Indeedy Ryuuji would be able to heal much greater wounds now, and even cure that strange aliment no doubt which he had encountered with that other harpy.

Ryuuji would have loved to have chimed in and told her how he agreed about the Dranths so far, but he did not want to overstep his bounds about speaking about beasts in such a manor as a slave again, so he would refrain from doing so. Instead he would nod to show that he understood what she said in response.

Ryuuji smiled a bit, before continuing, "<Melia is doing well, she's continued to train, she trained at the monastery and learned some skills to compliment her own in combat. She has successfully kept our Mistress safe as I am sure you have known her to do before, overall I believe she is doing well.>"

Again Ryuuji would have loved to have gone in detail about how easy it was for them to manipulate the monks, but, he figured that would not be in good taste coming from him at this time. He would nod,

"<I suppose there was something humorous about the ordeal, that setting is not our typical environment.>" He figured it was safe to say that much with a smile.

"<Hm..coming from a lady of your caliber, I must say I am most humbled by you words. Thank you. I will always try my best to exceed expectations for my mistress.>" He'd give her a bit of a bow once more to demonstrate humbleness.

However..something caught his attention when she said charms..work on a younger lass? He would look down his..Isekai hud like vision..and see that indeed there..was a seduction skill that he did not recall obtaining at any time..sort of like it just appeared there..and it had been in use? A small tinge of pink fell upon his face. before he would bow with Etiquette E.

"<I apologize, that was.. impulsive of me and I sincerely meant no disrespect. I will do my best to prove to you that I do not need to rely on smooth talking and that I hold worth in what is tangible which I intend to improve for my Mistress.>" He spoke very seriously and matter of fact. He wasn't lying there and was being genuine in his intention.

He would continue to speak without any use of seduction, "< and I will say I am grateful that you had a part in raising my Mistress..I couldn't have asked for anyone better.>"

Ryuuji would let out a small apprehensive sound, before he continued when she asked about the cow. He could be open and honest about her since she was also a slave he was sure. "<That is...Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus..or Lei Cow for short. We met her most recently. Her parents clearly weren't very keen on her, nor was a butcher who we met. She wishes to become a great warrior and champion...realistically I believe that my Mistress made a strategic call in taking her on as her slave..as ill mannered and arrogant as Lei-Cao seems to be I can tell as well that she does have potential to be incredibly strong..and a force to be reckoned with if she were to apply herself. I will say she has been the most difficult slave yet..resulting there to be a need for more traditional discipline..but as frustrating and ignorant Lei Cao seems to be at times, I still believe my Mistress made the correct call, it has become apparent to me through trial and error that she is more susceptible to certain sorts of being treated and spoken too and once she understands her service to my Mistress will allow her to become a better warrior, I do believe she will fall in line more readily, unfortunately she has been slow and stubborn in that regard.>"

Ryuuji would pause before answering the next question. "<My Mistress informed me that Miss Derosiers isn't necessarily the most fond of..individuals which I am similar too, I believe I should be polite, only speak when spoken too, and do my utmost to perform to the best of my ability however she wishes to assess me or use my abilities should that come into fruition.>"

"<Other than that however I cannot say I am terribly knowledgable if there is anything you..would deem valuable in sharing, I would of course be grateful.>"
He finally finished.
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Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet
"<Yeah, so that's totally a home. It's my place of stay that I stay at in return of a payment in terms of either currency or acts of repayment. And of course you wouldn't get rid of me... r-right? Of course, how could you get rid of me? Your goodest and greatest minotaur champion of all time? I'm irreplacable to you... >" Lei-Cao spoke with waning confidence, wondering if Saoirse would really so simply get rid of her. That would be a terrible outcome for her. She'd have to keep being a good cow- minotaur, I- she- Lei-Cao means minotaur, a good minotaur.

She wasn't sure what Saoirse meant about actually taking her to the rabbit's bedroom, confusedly tilting her head.
"<You'd actually think about doing that? Wow, I didn't think you would want me in your room that bad, I only said it as a joke. Sheesh... but I don't see why I deserve such special treatment. Must be because I'm too powerful for you to penetrate my inpenetrable mind strength with your silly little words. Hahah, another victory for me, it seems!>" she answered, taking another made up W for herself as she moved on to the real matter at hand... that thing, what was it? Oh right, something to do with paddles.

Lei-Cao eventually became a little uncomforted by the suggestion that she take off everything. First, an actual prerequisite to getting into the Master's bedroom, but now the rabbit was asking for her to remove all articles of clothing? How would what she was wearing even take any hits? She hesitated, a little shaken looking. Though, she couldn't give up now, imagine what humiliating and mean things the little rabbit girl would say! Plus, she had to prove she was a truly amazing champion... like she claimed, w-which she TOTALLY WAS, as a cool and epic minotaur. So, she went along with it.

"<P-Pff! I don't need this either, I just thought that, n-nevermind... I don't need this, I can take anything you have to throw at me! I don't need to inspect it, I know exactly what you have, I've seen it forward and back and all, now neither of us is cheating... so I'll clearly win>" she spoke with a smug grin, whatever 'winning' would be in this situation... though for Saoirse's intent, Lei-Cao hadn't actually looked to the paddle or her, so the minotaur wouldn't have a clue if Saoirse chose to swap the weapon if they so pleased. Though hearing Saoirse immediately ask for her to bend over was... nothing, it was nothing.

"<Riiight, uuh.... n-no, I'd never get cold feet, do I look scared? Clearly I'm not afraid or ever afraid... >" she answered in a shaky tone, leaning on the stocks for support just because she was tall. She didn't even think Saoirse could do anything to hurt her even though she had literately nothing to soften the blow. All she had to do was handle it, Saoirse wasn't going to kill her since that'd be bad for productivity. All she had to do... was just keep her mouth shut, and not shake or move or anything. Sounds simple enough, right? She held a smug grin.

"<Come on, do your worst, I don't fear anything. The great Lei-Cao isn't moved or broken by anything, I am the most powerful champion and I'm totally ready this time. Once I resist all you have, then you'll just have to acknowledge how amazing I am. A rabbit could never best a minotaur in any challenge, just accept it little one. What was ever your intent? You can't best Chaos itself>" Lei-Cao answered in retort, she believed she was much better prepared for this. Only Chaos could restrain Chaos... or, Chaos... restraining other things. Saoirse couldn't be true chaos, because that would mean that Saoirse is above Lei-Cao and can command and tell her what to do. The rabbit simply couldn't do that!
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


“<You've yet to show me you're irreplaceable enough to allow you to consider my home your home as well.>” She clicked her tongue, although she did like the cows waning confidence at the end of that sentence.

As for her bedroom... “<It's simple, you don't deserve it. Not yet at least.>” She had no clue why the cow was taking it as a victory. “<Though if you keep challenging me to penetrate you, it can eventually be arranged.>” She'd break down this cow's waning mental defences and make her into an utterly obedient slave. It was pretty clear that doing so was the only way to start training her up as a warrior afterwards. What little mental resistance the Cow had left would be broken down and torn apart like a sheet of paper.

Upon the cow confirming that the paddle was legit, she'd nod. “<No taking it back, or I'll have to question your warrior spirit.>” She warned the cow. Evil as she was, she was also [Lawful]/ The thought of swapping the weapon never even occurred to her. They'd made a deal and she'd stick by it. It wasn't like she'd need dirty tactics to win to begin with.

Now, in general, there were seven steps to a perfect baseball swing.

First was loading your hands. Second was striding. Those two things happened almost at once. Saoirse took the 'bat' in both hands, holding it firmly whilst putting one foot forwards. Hands back, ready to swing. Foot forwards. She'd move back and forwards a bit, ensuring her arms, muscles, legs and general body were all ready to make one fluent motion. Taking a practice swing to ensure the angle and continuing her building up to guarantee the home-run.

The third step was the back hip explosion. An advanced move to generate power through moving the back hip forwards. After all, a swing wasn't purely about arm strength. No, a good swing required the entire body to work in unison. As her hip bended to a practised degree, so much so that the inexperienced eye might think it bended far enough for the swinger to loose balance, the hands would soon follow up in the motion with demonstrated practice and talent. As the explosive force that was generated brought the hand forwards, it was time for step four.

The hands were thrown towards the ball, or rather, the knob of the designated tool was 'jabbed' right at it. It was almost like an attempt to penetrate straight into the trajectory of a non-existent inbound object. This would allow the swinger to see the target and force the most optimal contact, to aim whilst keeping all that generated force in full swing. The arms went forwards during step five, but it was ensured that they would not lock out, for more force and movement needed to occur. After all, that was step six, the extension. That's where a talented swinger got the lift you'd want and where that little bit of extra power that made all the difference would come into play.

Finally, it was time for step seven. Following through, as the whole array of fluid motions was continued by an actual swing. The whole body was working in unison to carry the generated force through the object swung at the (in this case stationary) object that was awaiting to be swung at. A perfected practised form that one might only achieve through many hours of practice and dedication to the craft. The flawless, smooth anatomy of a swing was executed.

As the swing made contact, the force would easily be enough to sent a rippling effect to whatever it'd come into contact with. The initial shock of force hitting it might be surprising. Yes, it might be shocking and dazzling. The force of it would end up running all the way from the point of impact to the furthest reaches of the impacted body, sending a rippling, wave-like effect through all of it. This was the type of home-run impact that the entire affected body had to react to. One that'd sent a wave of unstoppable motion through it.

Just like the perfect base-ball swing was an art in and of itself, so did tenderizing beef have an art to it that not everyone fully understood. Needlessly to say, beef should be tender on its own, yet not all beef was. Sometimes one had to put in the extra effort.

In particular the top rump of beef wasn't particularly great at being tender. Every chef would know that much. Whilst breaking down fibres by knife-point was possible, it was not the chosen method. No, today, a blunt object had been chosen for this particular task. In order to use it, however, it wasn't a matter of just slapping it once. No, it was a matter of giving it a good wallop, followed by a second good wallop. It was the repetition of the process that'd be rewarding.

Whilst the first impact might smoothen out and tenderizing the surface a bit, it was the following wallops that would start doing the real work. After all, the previously impacted surface would break down a little after each impact, ensuring every next impact would further break down and tenderize the meat ever so slightly more. Walloping down upon the meet with force, flatting out the surface, taking out some aggression on it, that was the true magic to fully tenderize even the roughest meat.

Yes, to make even the roughest and toughest bits tender, it required passion and dedication. Luckily enough, such passion and dedication were granted. Each perfectly practised impact upon it was further adding to the overall process of this project. Each swing was more flawless and more impactful than its predecessor.

Now, off to another topic, the anatomy of a bruise. Bruises tend to be able to form rather quickly. With a part of the body injuring and blood seeping out from damaged blood vessels, a red bit can form as the blood gets trapped under the skin. Forming a red mark that's tender to the touch, one that might even turn purplish during the passage of time. Funnily enough, once such a bruise was formed, even a simple act like tracing a finger along the affected area would give the body mixed signals, for the tender and affected area would have become far more sensitive to the touch than it'd ever been prior to the process of bruising.

Although the most common cause of bruising is bumping into things, being hit by something is certainly a way to generate this bruising process. Whilst the toughness of someone's skin can reduce the impact, a continuous exposure to a source of bruising can eventually break down and bruise even the toughest of skin. Needlessly to say, the bruised area will be rather uncomfortable when more continued pressure is applied. After all, the body will sent its warning signals, 'pain' in order to tell its hosts' conscious to prevent adding pressure upon the recovering body-parts. In other words...

Saoirse sighed, wiping some sweat from her brow. She didn't like working up a sweat, but this exercise had warranted it. “<You may wish to avoid sitting down for a while, but if you're going to play nice, I'll allow Ryuuji to fix it in the evening.>” She stated, having thoroughly practised her swing, having tenderized meat like a professional chef and having studied the anatomy of bruising from up close and having traced a finger along it to confirm the efforts of her work. Now, all she'd have to do was see the result of all her efforts.



She raised an eyebrow at the mention of 'unfortunately' when it came to ravaged gnoll settlements. “<Are you sure you meant to say 'unfortunately'?>” She chuckled a bit. “<Those in your position might wish for as few gnolls to be around as possible.>” She added, as it seems she was testing him a little with that remark.

“<Oh? I knew she had talent, but I'm glad to hear she managed to get that far already.>” Keren sounded genuinely surprised upon hearing that befriending the matriarch was already in process. “<Though I'll admit it feels like you're holding something back from me, on the topic of harpies.>” She stated gazing directly at him for a moment.

Her earlier chuckle would form into a short laugh. “<Melia at a monastery. That is a sight I'd love to have seen.>” The idea of the warrior-woman meditating with some frog monks was hilarious and surreal alike. “<It's good to hear she's doing well. Give her my regards, if you would.>”

She raised an eyebrow when he told her he wished to exceed Saoirse's expectations. “<That might be a tough challenge. She's the type to put very high expectations on people in an attempt to make them flourish, though I'm sure you've noticed by now.>” She stated. “<Which makes me wonder, would I be correct to assume she wishes for you to become something of an ultimate healer?>”

Upon his apologies she waved it off. “<It was, but be glad you didn't try such things with miss Desrosier or you'd have been flogged and hung upside down in the front-yard for a day.>” The tone at which she said it suggested that wasn't a threat, but a regular practice. “<Improving yourself for the young miss? I can see why the both of you get along.>” She couldn't help but notice he was saying the magic words that'd make Saoirse heart beat faster.

She listened to the long explanation regarding the Cow. “<That sounds like a troublesome case, though knowing the young miss, she'd consider it a worthy challenge all the more.>” It did make her wonder about one thing. “<I'm rather curious. You seem smart enough to know that she's doing this all purely by following her own desires, yet you also claim this would be for the better for the Cow. Would you believe her to be a good person for taking in the Cow?>”

The last answer was by far the most important one. “<Close. We'll get you a cloak with a large enough hood soon, so that she won't need to look at you. That should help a lot. As for speaking, not only should you only speak when spoken too, you should also answer with as few words as you can. The less you say, the better, so long as you're able to answer at least.>”

“<As for performing your ability to the best, I'd suggest being a bit more tactical. You'd be trying to impress her just enough not to anger her, not to get her to want ownership of you. Nor to have her call upon your services on the daily form this day forwards. So don't impress her too much, unless you wish to come try charm poor Ayala on the regular.>”
Last edited:
Elvario Elvario
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

With the combined efforts of the metaphorical trinity force of... a something or other, I dunno, the little bunny baseball star in question would eventually find herself scoring a successful homerun with her gameplan as it was clear she possessed both the expertise demonstrated in her technique and batting power. With each needed battering of the beef, the beef in question would end up tenderized and worked to a perfectly soft and workable result that could be accepted and used for further work. You know it's kind of a little weird, usually the beef that chefs work on in preparing their food doesn't really do anything back because... you know, it's like part of a butchered animal and all, but this beef after a moment seemed unable to keep itself quiet with its whimpers of struggling to keep its' composure maintained from the result of being turned into a fine piece of product. That, and the sounds that one could only call 'mooing' of sorts that eventually came from said composure being broken.

The finely tenderized condition of the beef was shown justly by the coloration of the meat, with simply just a light touch of the finger could one see where their efforts had proven successful and that said successful preparation would clearly remain that way for a while. On a totally completely unrelated note, Lei-Cao winced and shuddered by even the slightest touch of being present to the investigation of said tenderizing's finished product.

Lei-Cao struggled a little as her legs were very visibly shaking, silenced with clearly no smug retort to say for the moment as she was wordlessly thinking to herself. What had just happened? Was this the true capability of chaos? Why couldn't she find herself the ability to even say anything, or move? It was like all the wind had been robbed from her sails, but how? Yes, Lei-Cao had been around for Saoirse for quite a while now, but truly who was this little rabbit? Was this some sort of... odd, cosmic delivery of chaos unto chaos... no, that wouldn't make sense... or would it? Chaos would prove itself chaos by not making sense. Was she supposed to take this as a sign to listen to Saoirse in hopes that it would strengthen herself? Was... Saoirse, some kind of powerful entity of chaos herself? That would explain their unexpected meeting and their sudden interest. While the training session hurt... a lot, Lei-Cao silently contemplated if it really was good to be getting this kind of training session, as the Hand of Chaos she herself had to be ready for literately anything. Even the most painful or degrading things...

Nevertheless, she struggled to stand up straight without experiencing pain from the bruises, putting any of her armour and such back on would be even worse, but something she'd have to try and go through. Her ears lightly twitching as she fidgeted nervously with her hands and arms, she looked to Saoirse as they spoke. Nodding softly, Lei-Cao answered but did not make direct eye contact. She had a lot to say that she made it through said training, and was quite annoyed that Saoirse wasn't going to have Ryuuji heal her. Now that she had clearly proven itself, it's time to speak her mind and really let this rabbit know what she thought about her terrible training and treatment.

"<R-right, thank you for... the training, y-your cow will try to be good and not moo too much... >" she spoke... what? No, that's not what she spoke, she didn't mean to say that. Why would the great Lei-Cao ever say something like that? Lets try that one again. Oh, and demanding about getting a new weapon and that too, Lei-Cao was going to make her rightful demands as the grand champion minotaur she was.

"<D-do you mind if... you help me keep up with endurance training and other stuff? I-I think as the Hand of Chaos and all, I should be able to handle anything no matter what it is. Y-you seem like a really smart master who knows everything they're doing, p-please allow me to keep serving you well like you are my own goddess, f-for I'm simply a lowly cow without your assistance... >" Lei-Cao uttered- what, no. Okay, clearly this 'words and speaking' thing is broken. Why would she ever ask that in a billion years?. Lei-Cao internally contemplated what was happening, she wasn't trying to say these things. Why were they just magically coming out of her mouth? This witchcraft must've been some sort of chaos magic or dark arts! There was no way she'd ever fall to saying these kind of self-degrading things.

One more time... head in the game, Lei-Cao. Demand your expectations, repayment for your weapon, and really what's on your mind. Come on, break whatever nonsense this is, such a champion of minotaur warriors was not going so so easily bow down when she could be at HOME rightfully enjoying her time within oceanview residence. DIG DEEP, EMBRACE CHAOS, YOU ARE THE HAND OF IT, ITS' VOICE AND RIGHTFUL HERALD. YOU ARE-

"<Mooh... >" Lei-Cao uttered with an embarrassed, reddened expression as she couldn't manage to face anywhere near Saoirse, simply looking down at her own hooves in the meantime. Nope, okay, this clearly wasn't working. This was the work of some sort of chaotic dark arts, clearly. Lei-Cao would have to keep trying, she had to break whatever witchcraft this very clearly was. Yes! The lion, he forcefully grounded her with such witchcraft! Maybe Saoirse knows something of the sort! Haha! Ahaha! Lei-Cao is a GENIUS! If only now she could figure out how to start speaking her own mind again to call her out on it, she felt in control of herself yes... but why did the things she spoke feel, like it wasn't in her control at all? Simply just a challenge a great warrior like her must overcome.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Interaction: Elvario Elvario

Mention: Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji looked back at her and spoke, calmly and collectedly. “<The loss of life and property is certainly.>” He thought he had a good idea of what she meant based on what he had heard.

“< What the gnolls decide is fine dining or not, in my case, is perfectly legal under this nation’s laws. Why should I wish misfortune upon them for partaking in their traditions? While I believe I agree with my mistress in that there are likely better and more utilitarian effective uses for sentients, the gnolls are beasts too just like the majority of citizens here, the devastation of their land hurts and their populations hurts not only them but those who had livelihoods connected to them.>” Ryuuji would rationalize it out.

“< Indeed, It is a work progress, which I hope to ensure success fully. If you would truly like to know what..I did not speak on at first, there was a rather unsavory incident where we were stuck and needed to cross a bridge which looked rather treacherous and when I was already about half way across or so after Melia had ensured our mistress could get across safely, one of the harpies who was perhaps on watch duty told me while I was crossing, that I shouldn’t be crossing the bridge..and it put me in a heightened state of danger.>”

He felt that was pretty self explanatory given the context why it hadn’t been fun. At the very least he tried to explain it all without being offensive, just saying it how it was.

Ryuuji would smile softly and nod at the Melia comment, “<Very well I shall share your regards with her.>”

“<It truly is my desire, and I do understand that, I suppose desires and what we are capable of are two different thing sometimes..but I want to do everything in my power to sincerely please her and reach that goal, as difficult as you say it is.>”

Ryuuji would nod once again at her healer assessment.

“<That is correct, my magical abilities manifested most strongly in support and healing magic to start, but I will say that I have gained some more utility uses in magic, some of them having more offensive and defensive utilities as well, nevertheless I believe that I will be able to fit this niche most effectively, after all magic users are not plentiful everywhere nor are healers, so I do believe my skill set has application not only in her personal aspirations to allow others to flourish better, but also will hopefully open up doors for her in certain markets.>”

“<Thank you for your thorough description, it will serve as an additional reminder.>”
He responded at her bit about what punishment he would face should he try something like that with Miss Desrosier.

Ryuuji would smile a bit again.
“<oh..you think so? I’m happy to hear that. It certainly is my wish that she finds me someone who she can get along with, as that certainly makes for a more pleasant experience.>”

Ryuuji nodded ,that sounded about right, that she would see it as a challenge to make her flourish.

“<In the case of Lei-Cao..by taking her in, she is sacrificing a good deal to deal with suboptimal property when she could get one who is more..agreeable. THe conditions in which I met Lei-Cao and my understanding of her backstory really suggest to me that she..would be relatively hopeless without my Mistress taking her in. So I believe considering that my mistress willingly took on someone as her property who the vast majority of others would not want too due to the hassle other than perhaps to dine like the gnolls do at times…yes, she not only saved a life but also ensured Lei-cao a much better one than she would be off alone, wouldn’t you say those are qualities of a good person even if part of it acquisition process was an investment?>” Ryuuji reasoned out.

Someone who knew him well enough would know it wouldn’t be hard to see why Ryuuji would make these arguments and use the line of reasoning he did since if he didn’t think Saoirse was a good person he would have admit that he wasn’t a good person either, as there were plenty of similarities in their line of reasoning between them.

Ryuuji would listen even more carefully than usual when Keren started addressing what he should do before meeting Saoirse’s mom.

“<very well I will do my best not to expose my humaness to her..and I will try to use concise and short answers.>”

What Ryuuji hadn’t been planning on was being told that she might actually want him herself if he was deemed too valuable..maybe that [Valuable Asset] title could end up more like a hassle i this context should her mom try to strongarm Saoirse into handing him over. Truthfully he had started to become fond of her overtime in ways he wasn’t expecting.

Having daily services would be problematic too if he hoped to support Saoirse’s aspiration. “<I will..try my best to use only the appropriate amount of skill for the situation then, I thank you for providing me this new understanding of nuance to the situation, as truthfully I was unaware and would have assumed I should put in my full ability regardless of whether it was more than what was needed of me..>” Ryuuji looked a bit surprised at the Ayala bit perhaps a tinge of pink appearing, for some reason while it wasn’t hard for him to ignore Lei-Cao when she had made those comments with how ridiculous some of the things she said were, it hit differently coming from Keren.
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse was highly pleased by all that the Cow as saying. Needlessly to say, she couldn't read the Cow's mind, nor did she have the insight to read some of the Cow's remaining mental resistance. All she could hear was the Cow being a very good mooh. “<Oh, come here~>” She stated gesturing for the cow to bow down. Assuming the cow did, she'd ruffle through the girl's hair and pet her head. “<There you go, that's a good cow. Surely we can start turning you into the greatest of warriors if you stay this nice and obedient.>” She stated with a smile. “<A goddess even? I do like that sound of that.>” That was going to be highly useful in training this cow. “<Then you'll become a rightful paladin to my religion.>”

She sighed. “<Well, for now, keep behaving like this whilst meeting my mother and we'll be good. If you can keep this up, we'll pick up a new weapon for you, as well as some spares, on our way home and ensure that Melia starts back up her training routine with you.>”

She'd bring the freshly domesticated cow back to Ryuuji, as she had a feeling it wouldn't be long before her mother would make an appearance.



“<Interesting.>” She'd comment upon his rationalising regarding the gnolls. She wasn't sure how much of it she believed, but didn't question it.

A laugh escaped her lips when he mentioned the harpies. “<I see. For a next time, use reverse psychology.>” She advised him.

She frowned upon how honest he sounded in wishing to serve Saoirse. “<A rare sentiment for someone in your position to harbour.>” She couldn't help wonder where it came from. “<With a skill-set like yours, it sounds like your goals might be more than lofty dreams.>” She had to admit.

As for the morality, she merely smiled at him. “<Morality shall always be a dubious topic. Though I've been pleased to hear your view, I shall abstain from sharing mine.>” Sometimes it was good to be many classes above someone.

She was glad to hear him realise he might've looked at it in the wrong manner. “<Good.>” She simply stated, after realising he knew well enough what was at stake. “<Is seems the young miss is returning. Let me go get you a cloak whilst you catch up.>” She stated, as she left to go fetch one.

Saoirse Desrosiers


“<Lei-Cao should behave, for now.>” Was the first thing she said. The fact she called her by name was already an indication that the Cow's most recent behaviour has pleased her a lot. “<Has Keren prepared to you for the meeting with mother?>” She asked, hoping to reconfirm. “<Call it a sixth sense or just knowing my family, but I feel like it won't be long now.>”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Interactions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji would give a nod when she said to use reverse psychology for next time. He himself wasn't sure how much Keren was taking at face value at what he said, after all he was a human and a slave, so why did she need too? The lowest of the low so to speak, but thankfully she had been kind enough to assist him which to say the least he was quite pleased.

However he was even more pleased, even though she didn't look warm when she said it, that was certainly a type of praise in a way about his abilities if she was implying he was someone who might actually be capable of meeting them.
"<I sincerely thank you for your kind words and assistance, it has been invaluable to me.>" He would speak truthfully with a small bow once more.

While was curious what her opinion was, did it really matter much? At the end of the day it was what he believed. Who cared if you did good things for selfish or self focused reasons? As far as he was concerned the good deed was secondary to the benefit, and that the others ought to be lucky at all that it happened to be helping them in the process. He'd give a polite nod.

"<Understood.>" He'd further reply when she told him that Saoirse was coming and that Keren was going to go fetch a cloak. Lei-Cao was also apparently coming that much became clear pretty quickly.

Ryuuji would give Saoirse a polite bow when she arrived once more, getting low as he usually did before responding.

"<Yes Keren was most helpful in preparing me she informed me of what I should do and how i should carry myself, speak short and concisely, only speak when spoken too, wear a cloak she's prepared me, and only use enough of my power for what is appropriate for the task at hand, rather than trying to show off.>" He reacounted what she had said. He felt a bit of anticipation build as Saoirse mentioned her mother would probably be there soon.

Ryuuji would then look to Lei-Cao and surprisingly give her a bit of a smile,
"<Well I am certainly glad to hear that My Mistress, as I said Lei-Cao it really would be better for everyone involved if you can continue to please our Mistress, it will be the way to become the champion you desire, I can assure you of that.>"
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Reluctantly fidgeting with her hands, Lei-Cao definitely knew she wasn't submitting to Saoirse's whims. Knowing that she'd stand her ground and not disrespect herself any further, she proceeded to hold true and got down on her hands and knees like a good mooh to receive her praise and patting of the head...

Lei-Cao was questioning truly what life decisions had gotten her here. This was not natural for a champion, or a minotaur. This was disrespect at its highest point. Being treated so much like a domestic farm animal? Despicable. So then why was she ON HER HANDS AND KNEES LIKE A SIMPLE FARM COW AND RECEIVING PRAISE FROM A LITTLE BUNNY WOMAN? Clearly, something had failed in the Matrix went wrong with the ways of the world and fate. What, and now Saoirse was going on about becoming a righteous paladin for HER? Pff, the nerve. In no way would Lei-Cao ever become a champion in the name of that little bunny thing, Chaos would never bow to such a small and feeble creature. Lei-Cao's mind ran with all sorts of vulgar language and insults to let loose out of hatred to Saoirse, knowing that she could surely take the little bunny in any sort of real fight. Plus, they were alone. But all that came out of her mouth was:

"<O-oh, it's okay, I'm happy enough to just be owned and assisted by you. I feel like I'm already learning a lot just by being acknowledged nothing more than a simple cow by someone truly greater than me rather than being prideful... >".
Lei-Cao was currently smashing her metaphorical mental keyboard since clearly everything she wanted to say was entirely incorrect, was she just being a little shy? Nervous? Took a hit to the head a little too hard for real? Was she even hit in the head? No... unless she didn't remember it because it hit so hard. That would make sense. It must've been witchcraft, in no lifetime would she ever submit. Never ever. And that was clearly the last of all that stupid nonsense out of her mouth, for she returned back to the normal Lei-Cao, champion of champions and greatest minotaur warrior, that she used to be.

"<I-I'm supposed to be a Hand of Chaos, but I suppose that too wouldn't be too bad.... >" she answered softly. Okay, what was the catch? How will she go about getting around all this ridiculous nonsense?

On the way back, she tried to keep her mouth shut and looked down, her face reddened from embarrassment... she was walking rather weird. Like she had something stuck in her underwear or something that was making her backside uncomfortable. Wonder why. Anyway, The minotaur continued contemplating how they were supposed to escape such blatant evil dark sorcery that was very clearly there. Then she had an idea, a brilliant one!

If she was saying all this stupid stuff when trying to say good things, maybe she had to say the opposite! Ahaha! Another massive victory for the champion of champions! Plus, she could see Ryuuji present. Perfect, he too would get to witness how much such a training session didn't affect her in the slightest and she was still free as can be. Of course, the boy had such nonsense to say about how 'great' Saoirse is. Maybe he was just... maybe Ryuuji is just under dark sorcery too. Maybe Ryuuji really doesn't think any of this about Saoirse and it truly is just a desperate cry for help. He can't escape either. But it's okay, because Lei-Cao found the true escape method. All she had to do was say some kind nonsense for real and it'd do the opposite. After Ryuuji finished speaking, she inhaled and was ready to hear the rudest insults come out of her mouth.

"<It's okay Ryuuji, I understand my mistakes now that my great young master Desrosier had helped enlighten me and atone for them. Sorry for all the mean things before now and today. I'll make sure to be the greatest and most obedient cow for my great Mistress like she were my Goddess and Queen~!" she hummed cheerfully with a smile, soon enough turning around and dropping to her hands and knees as she tried to get herself to profusely throw up after what she had just heard come out of her mouth voluntarily. Doing the opposite, clearly did not work, and now for the next countless nights she was likely never going to forget it. Either by an internal cringe and shame, or that someone else wasn't going to let her forget.

But for clarification to magic outside watchers if they somehow existed in some sort of plane of existence which, surely not since that wouldn't make much sense. What fourth-wall spectators could peer into the reality of the second Continent and spy on this very moment, it was probably very noticeable that Lei-Cao was not under any sort of spell. She was in fact, just stupid.
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse had been highly pleased with the Cow. “<As much as I love your newfound obedience and hope you'll keep it, I am going to use it to make you into a real champion. It was my promise, after all, being so obedient will help speed up the process a lot though.>” She stated, as she'd rub the girl behind her ears for a bit.

Although the cow continued to act well, she did also start showing some strange behaviour amidst it. Saoirse figured it'd be best for her to try to quickly get this all over with.

Turning to Ryuuji, she'd nod. “<Good, I knew I could rely on Keren.>” Saoirse stated, sounding very pleased with what Ryuuji had told her. “<I couldn't have told you better myself.>” She added.



On the topic of Keren, she arrived not too long after. “<Here you go, this should fit your size.>” She stated, handing him a cloak.


“<Although I doubt miss Desrosiers would check them, it's even enchanted with magic that hides all titles other than criminal titles, wanted titles or titles related to rights of ownership. I presume you have no such things, other than the young miss' ownership of you?>” She asked.



Not long after, Leo appeared. “<Miss Desrosiers is ready. Follow me.>” He stated, as he'd lead them into the house. They would continue to pass through a large and impressive entrée hall, up some stairs, through a long hallway, until they eventually arrived at a bedroom.


Standing at the foot of the bed was a woman that they would probably instantly recognise for whom she was by the air of nobility she had around her.

Miss Desrosiers


“<Good. You're here.>” She spoke. “<Remember your brother?>” She asked, pointing at the bed.



Upon the bed was a much larger and more muscular rabbit. Well, most of him. His arm was located on a chair next to the bed. That didn't look like how it was supposed to be. All in all, he looked severely wounded all-over, to the point he wasn't even conscious.

“<The fool decided to play the hero in the Kingdom and went to fight monsters. We got him back in this state. I was just dealing with the scouting party that went to see if they could find his arm. Seems like they did. Now have your healer fix it, so I can give him proper punishment after.>”

She didn't even seem to acknowledge Ryuuji's or Lei Cao's presence at the moment. Saoirse would just give Ryuuji a nod.

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