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Fandom Qᴜᴀʀʀʏ ᴀᴛ ᴅᴀᴡɴ, 𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧. [IC]


𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝚐𝚏
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • intro

    pumped up kicks

    foster the people

    act 1.

    uly 12th, 2002. Jonathan Evergreen stands stoic in the amphitheater as campers roll in in droves, waiting for the right moment to deliver his opening speech.

    Unlike previous years, a sense of foreboding hangs heavy in the warm air, a general consensus of disbelief that it's only been a year since Renee and Paige Evergreen disappeared without a single trace. Despite efforts from local and state police, there was simply not a sign to be found in the two month investigation of the girls, nothing that stood out to the eye of people who hadn't known the sisters and didn't know the depths of truth, betrayal, and monsters in the woods of Fairview.

    And yet, campers returned steadfast to seek normalcy in a time of unease.

    Jonathan's hands curled into fists where they rest in the pockets of his trousers. Parents were so willing to send their children to a camp with a supposed murderer in a town so close by when his were ripped from his grasp, just for reprieve. Quite the opposite of their children, the sought to be free of normalcy; passing their problems onto the shoulders of young adults. Jonathan wasn't sure when it was he became cynical of his own idea: the day he received the initial phone call? When the facility in Arizona called to check on the status of one of his daughters, only to tell them she won't be attending - not ever. Maybe it was now, watching the heads of children bobbing and weaving through the stands of the amphitheater, fiercely embracing their campmates and not seeing his own girls. Not seeing them at all.

    DAY ONE.

    Introductions, the counselor's arrive ahead of Jonathan Evergreens opening ceremony speech - this is your opportunity to reunite or meet newcomers, to reflect on what has come from the last year between the summer of 2001 and now.




run, better




July 12th, 2002


fairview, oregon






♡coded by uxie♡

((Note: Thoughts will be crimson and italicized while speech will be crimson and bolded.))

Thomas posts.jpg

The Entertainer


Thomas had been one of the first to arrive. For some reason he'd never understand, his old man insisted on punctuality - some rubbish about others respecting people who respected time. He wanted to ask his dad if he looked like somebody that cared whether or not he was respected. He knew better than to get the man upset though. He would never hear the end of it - he'd probably be late because of how much his dad would insist on talking his ear off...and then upon realising they were late, would proceed to talk his ear off even more for "making them late". With how much his dad talked and how much it seemed that he loved the sound of his own voice, Thomas often questioned why he didn't put all that to use and record audio books...or work as a voice actor. But no, he had to save all his talking for Thomas. Lucky Thomas.

He had already found his space and tossed his bags in there. And if it wasn't his space...well it was now. However, sitting on his bed until he was disturbed would likely bore him to death. No, if there was going to be a disturbance, Thomas would be the one to cause it. It would reflect poorly on him if the disturber became the disturbee.

Surely, somebody must have arrived by now, he thought to himself as he grabbed his guitar and swung his arm over his shoulder, holding the guitar by its neck as he walked around nonchalantly, looking for any of the counsellors he could talk to. Preferably a new one, one who wouldn't bring any drama about him from last year. those were his least favorite people to deal with. He rolled his eyes at the thought of such people. But no. He shook the thoughts off and redonned his painting of nonchalance. He couldn't let them see that it bothered him, that they bothered him. He also wasn't ready to meet the campers yet, even though he knew a lot of them were here already. Yes, it was his job to look after them and yes, he had already done it before, so it shouldn't be that bad. But there was still one, fundamental, underlying, unchanging problem: they were...ugh...kids.

He had nothing against kids, necessarily. He just occasionally didn't appreciate their existence. Their noise, their chaos, their messiness. Those were all reasons he'd given himself to distract his mind from what he knew to be the reality: he didn't like kids because they were, all of them, weak. Each one, in a different way, reminding him of the weakness he came from and the weakness he fought to overcome every day. If he met any of them now, he'd end up having to look after them and stand up for them and actually be responsible for people. How unsightly the thought was.

However, that presented him with a rather herculean problem - he was likely the only counsellor that actively thought that way. At least, he'd likely be the only counsellor that would let such thinking keep him from interacting with the kids. Meaning...if he really did want to meet some of the counsellors and avoid dying of boredom...he'd have to go to where the kids were. He winced at the thought, realisation hitting him. He carefully dropped his guitar and threw a silent tantrum, hands flapping about wildly and kicking and stomping his feet.

When all of that energy was expended and he accepted the situation, he let out a heavy, deep, loaded sigh. Resigning himself to his fate - the fate he signed himself up for for the second time in a row - he picked up his guitar and began making his way to the amphitheater. Standing at the top of the amphitheater but giving space for new campers and parents to pass, his brows furrowed and his mouth hung slightly.

Hey, hey, hey! What is this? This isn't camp. Jonny, your crass mood is killing all the energy they're bringing. Even if most of the kids don't care, some do. And all the parents here have the rumors at the back of their mind. Wallowing in negativity like you're doing is going to send them all right back to where they came from.

He released yet another sigh. This one, out of exasperation due to Jonny's chosen to the situation.
Yeah, your daughters died. But you're not going to make these kids feel like it's their fault. Not while big brother Thomas is here. If you knew you were going to be all gloom and doom, why'd you continue the camp?

With a mischievous grin on his face, he pulls out his guitar pick from his back pocket, raises his hand high in the air and brings it down hard and fast. A loud and reverberating strum of his guitar fills the amphitheater, bouncing off the walls and rising above the chipper and chatter of the crowd. All eyes look around, trying to find the source of the sound and, one-by-one, they fall on him. Ah, yes, the limelight. Thomas' bread and butter.

He allows himself soak in the attention for a few silent seconds and then he begins strumming again. A jolly, catchy, playful tune begins coming from the guitar as he strolls down the stairs, taking his grand old time making his way down. He closes his eyes and bobs his head, getting lost in the music for a second. The sound of the guitar is joined by his humming as his smile continues to grow and it's clear from the faces of the campers that they're enjoying the music as well. Mister Evergreen, however, seems mildly less amused.

He opens his mouth and lets out a celebratory grito, a booming
"Whoooo-ey!" that bounces round the walls of the amphitheater and immediately makes the atmosphere feel electric. "Hellooooo, campers! My name is Thomas Mode and I approve this message!"

He then goes into a full cover of Friend Like Me from Aladdin and those who know the song immediately start clapping and singing along. He's moved from the stairs and is now walking between the rows to get more crowd interaction and get closer to the campers. When he gets to the can your friends pull this out their little hat he actually grabs a straw hat from one of the moms who seemed to be enjoying the song the most, popping a Michael Jackson pose with that hat when the song goes can your friends go BOOM, causing a roar of applause from the crowd. He winks at the mom and then tosses the hat back to her, causing her to flush a little and look away.

Thomas chuckles and he skips away to continue his song and interact with others in the crowd.
This is much better. This is what camp should be like. By the time he makes it all the way to the bottom of the stairs, he's about done with his show and at this point is simply strumming his guitar to the beat clapped by the campers and the few parents that wanted to be around for the opening ceremony. He ended the song with a flourish and yet another resonating grito, a little out of breath from the enthusiastic performance.

"Thank you Evergreen Camp! I'm Thomas Mode and here's to a summer we'll never forget!" There was a roar of cheers and applause as he walked off, finding a spot near the side to take a seat and very deliberately avoiding the eyes of Mister Evergreen as he his amongst the crowd. He's probably going to give me flak for that, but whatever. These kids came for summer camp, I'm going to give them that.



leon m.







  • home (filler tab)

noah kahan

the view between villages

Ever responsible, Leon made sure to step foot into Evergreen Camp by 5:00AM. Pulling his largest suitcase down Hallow's Trail with the wheels clipping on every small rock and twig on the pathway, he longed to feel something other than the dread that set up camp low in his abdomen 358 days ago. Summer wouldn't feel the same this time around, not without the presence of Renee and Paige, and certainly not with whomever was responsible wandering the woods.

He heaves a sigh as he steps off the trail and has a fresh look at Fairview Lake. Still and treacherous as ever. When police initially questioned him the morning after, Leon covered his face with both hands — he wasn't one to cry, but the despair he felt was palpable in the way he hunched over, elbows braced on his knees. "You should drown the lake." His stomach churned at the idea of the sisters' bodies tangled in kelp. When Leon chanced a look at the detective, he already knew the answer: it was impossible. Even if some brave soul volunteered to dive into the depths of the Lake for a search and rescue, it was too dangerous. Were the deaths of two women worth risking more lives?

Jonathan's haunted voice echoing through the police department made Leon suspect at least one person thought so.

Leon shakes the memory loose and lets his feet carry him the rest of the way, coming to a stop outside of the Lodge. True enough, the building stood the test of time. All of the camp had. Leon can't remember any refurbishment having any significant change on the scenery.

Dread turns into apprehension, a sense of normalcy floods through his bloodstream and chases away lingering traces of anxiety. Eva Twine, Camp Director, wrenches the door open with a warm motherly smile and an enthusiastic wave.

"Our daring supervisor!"

Amused, Leon ascends the steps and tugs his suitcase above each one. "I seem to remember you decidedly not a morning person."

She shrugs one bony shoulder, hidden beneath a deep green flannel to shield from the rare early morning chill. "First day of a new session is different from the others." Eva holds the door open, allowing Leon to duck into Lodge before fixing him with an all-knowing stare. "You taking care of yourself?"

It's his turn to shrug. At the insistence of his family, most notably his older sister, Leon reluctantly went to a grief counsellor and sat through the gruelling sessions wildly disinterested — not because he believed mental health to be a joke, but nothing anyone of importance could erase the facts: Renee and Paige Evergreen were dead. Whomever is responsible is still at large. He has approximately two hundred and twenty eight campers under his supervision.

"How can you expect to watch over others if you neglect yourself in the process?"

He purses his lips into a tense, uncomfortable smile. "You're starting to sound like my mother."

Eva relaxes at those words, comforted by the knowledge that there is a support system in his life. "Sounds like a fine lady to me. Objectives are on the grand table, give it once over and familiarise yourself with it while I take a personal call."

Leon saunters over to the grand table situated smack in the middle of the Lodge, larger than even their dining tables — so large it's not uncommon to find multiple campers and counsellors sitting atop the surface criss-crossed. The list of Objectives for the day reads plainly: Camp Opening Ceremony given by Jonathan, mandatory curfew is strictly 9:30PM, no activities for the day as per usual (apart from the cook, notify Juliette at the earliest opportunity to start on lunch), ask other counsellors to assist Juliette in the kitchen.

His brow scrunches. Juliette? Since when was she delegated to the kitchens? Even worse, a curfew. Torn between knowing that meant shit all to him, and that he had every intention of heading to The Sunspot, he suspected other counsellors might not take the news so lightly... "Fuck's sake." He mutters and turns to the door, on his way to claim Cabin One for the summer.

Once campers arrived, Leon was in a far more chipper mood than that morning. Eva had been right, there was nothing quite like the first day.

Leon ruffles the hair of several returning campers, executing at least three secret handshakes and boo's the arrival of his favourite camper of all playfully. She sneers back at him with a thumbs down, elbowing her dad's abdomen to follow suit. He does, grinning as wide as can be at Leon. There was something special about being part of the reason children enjoy their time away from their normal everyday routine, and for some, this experience is their only chance at normalcy.

When he sees Jonathan Evergreen saunter into camp, smiling and welcoming the new campers despite the light not fully touching his weary eyes, Leon feels no change in his mood. Just eager to get on with the day. He follows Jonathan's footsteps to the amphitheater, scanning the crowd for the arrival of the other counsellor's.

♡coded by uxie♡
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levi jackson







  • home (filler tab)



Levi stood on the edge of the dock, the morning still shrouded in a cool, quiet mist. The sun had just begun its ascent, casting a soft, golden hue over the trees and the water. He lit a cigarette, the flickering flame briefly illuminating his face, and took a long drag, feeling the familiar burn in his lungs. The smoke curled up into the crisp air, he knew that the cold wouldn't last today.

He leaned against the lifeguard stand, trying to appear relaxed, but a knot of unease twisted in his stomach. Levi hated admitting to himself that he felt anxious about seeing everyone today. His erratic nature often left him feeling out of place, and the thought of facing the counselors brought an uncomfortable tightness to his chest. Slowly, he exhaled, watching the smoke drift away, and tried to shake off the nerves. The lingering taste of tobacco was both bitter and comforting, a reminder of his internal struggles.

Levi sometimes thought he was a glutton for punishment. Last year, the sisters went missing, and he wished he cared.
(Sorry, Paige.)
He also got dumped not long after—fan-fucking-tastic—and now he's back for another year where he knows most people are gonna act like nothing happened. He took another drag, the cigarette burning down to the filter, and dropping it by his foot with a sigh. He crushed it with the heel of his shoe, running his hand through his hair.

A bird chirped nearby, breaking the silence, and Levi glanced at his watch.
8:45 a.m
it read. He knew he had to put on a brave face, to be the Levi everyone expected, the jackass that he was. But for now, in the quiet of the morning, he allowed himself a moment of vulnerability, letting the smoke and the solitude soothe his frayed nerves, if only for a little while.

It shouldn't surprise Levi that he was somehow late, despite waking up at the crack of dawn. He moved quickly through the camp, his eyes scanning the bustling scene until he caught sight of Leon heading into the first cabin. Seeing Leon, with his relaxed stride and familiar face, brought an instant wave of relief. Thank god.

As he continued to the central area, he managed to catch Thomas Mode's brief performance and introduction. Thomas, always the showman, captivated the crowd with his flair. His mood instantly soured.
"Jesus, I need a drink,"
Levi muttered to himself, not realizing that a few passing campers overheard him. They scowled at him, disapproving of his candid remark.

What a great way to start this fucking summer.

♡coded by uxie♡
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As far as Morgan was concerned, that year's camp should be more interesting than usual.

That wasn't to say that he generally found it boring, not really. Admittedly, it stopped him from pursuing some of his hobbies, but - at the same time - worked well enough with some others... And, above all, it kept his father happy, perhaps even proud, while not bothering him... Which ranked pretty high on his list of priorities.

Then again, he was still a bit surprised that his father had asked him to go.

Perhaps it stemmed from the fact that the man did not believe any foul play had been involved. Maybe appearances simply meant that much to him - or continuing a friendly relationship with mister Evergreen did. Mm, yes, Morgan supposed it would have been impolite for him to stop coming now - after such a tragedy... Or, worse than that, it could have been seen as a message of some sort.

Luckily, he didn't mind.

Oh, he did feel rather... Alert. Not afraid, exactly, not worried, but... Very aware that whatever had happened might have not ended with the disappearance of the girls. Some people claimed it had been the job of a serial killer - or just your regular murderer, perhaps even one hiding within the camp itself... Others, he had heard, blamed natural causes, getting lost in the woods, drowning, tripping in an unfortunate way - encountering a dangerous animal. Perhaps both were even right to a certain degree, but he knew something they didn't... And he had prepared for it.

He had books with him - and printed articles, and handwritten notes, and even sketches. He had brought some herbs and plants he didn't think he could find in the area, and candles, and salt, a moonstone and an amethyst pendulum, and his cards - among other things. A hamsa talisman, a pentacle with a pentagram on it, and an amulet with the symbol of Hecate's Wheel were all meant to constantly stay around his neck, because it couldn't hurt to rely on multiple deities' assistance...

All three were silver, just in case; Renee had mentioned hearing and seeing wolves quite a lot.

Hopefully, he wasn't going to need any of that - other than perhaps the texts, though he had memorised most of them either way, too intrigued to stay away. They were probably the most important part of it all, something he could reference during his private investigation...

Because, yes; that was the goal of his stay.

And he already had some ideas where to start.

Unfortunately, it had to wait until all the formalities were over. There were appearances to keep, people to greet... And soon his regular duties would start as well. That was all right, though; he didn't need to actively work on his quest the whole time he was there...

... Even if he couldn't have stopped himself from doing some early reconnaissance as soon as he had dropped his baggage at the right cabin.

So far, it hadn't told him much, not that he was terribly surprised by that. It was warm and bright outside - not the greatest conditions for his all-black clothing, though he didn't truly mind - and people were already gathering, birds were singing, insects were buzzing... Long story short, it didn't seem like the proper setting for something supernatural to happen - and definitely not something of the sinister sort.

Worth a try, though.

He had a reason to be walking around either way; he needed to get to the amphitheatre, after all, for the usual opening ceremony... Which was probably going to be not-so-usual that year. He couldn't imagine mister Evergreen acting too cheerful, all things considered.

The music coming from the direction he was heading in probably hadn't been officially planned and meant to take place, either.

The performance was still happening as he approached - though slowly coming to an end, it seemed, with the familiar figure of the musician making his way to the bottom of the stairs. Not wanting to draw any attention to himself, Morgan immediately moved to the side, taking the steps on the edge of the amphitheatre, automatically slowing down... Especially once he realised one Thomas Mode was walking in the same direction.

Well, more or less, at least.

He hadn't actually meant to look for anyone in particular; while there were people whose company he preferred, he was also very aware that most of them probably were going to look for specific friends... And he was never entirely certain whether or not someone considered him one - and how close. Still, that left him free to just... Find a spot wherever he wanted...

And despite the fact that he certainly didn't mind spending the ceremony on his own, he still felt like having someone familiar nearby could make it more fun.

As far as he knew, Thomas was rather fun to be around.

There was a free seat on the outside of one row - and Morgan slid onto it now, ending up on a bench directly above his chosen target, and just a little bit to the side from him. It was perfect, really; they could potentially have a conversation that way, or at least exchange a comment here or there... Or, if Thomas wasn't inclined, it shouldn't be awkward not to do that, either.

"Someone on that stage might have a hard time forgetting your performance," he said quietly enough, leaning forward - resting his forearms on his thighs to get lower and bringing his hands loosely together... Because playing with his many silver rings was always something to do. "Judging by the look on his face, at least."

The tone of his voice was fairly neutral, intentionally so - though with a note of amusement attached to it, perhaps even some approval. It had been a harmless disturbance at most, after all, and something that the kids had clearly enjoyed... And yet his eyes remained on mister Evergreen for a moment longer.
Clarisse couldn't believe she was back.

Once upon a time, the camp served as some form of reprieve from everything. A chance to be able to forget about the worries of the world and immerse herself into nature or sports or whatever activity was thrown towards her. They had always been fun and memorable, so much so that she was more than willing to return to the camp as a counselor once she aged out of the camp. Renee didn't even have to tell her to do so, she had already talked about it with Mr. Jonathan by the time she brought it up with Clarisse. Anything to keep the sense of stability in her life.

Then it was broken when Renee and Paige both disappeared one night. It was like turning the world upside down and Clarisse wasn't allowed to get her bearings at all. After a fruitless search that turned up literally no evidence at all, oddly enough, she was thrust right back into her education by her parents with little regard for how she was doing. But she had to keep going right? She had to. She must.

One evening when she had visited Mr. Jonathan, he told her of his plans to reopen the camp. She had never gotten into an argument with him— he was just her friend's father after all— but she protested heavily against it. The sisters had just disappeared and the incident was still fresh on everyone's minds. He didn't budge on the decision and Clarisse found herself saying that she would come back as a counselor— whether out of guilt and obligation or to find something else entirely, she didn't know herself.

Clarisse had been one of the first to get there— besides Leon and Eva, of course. She barely greeted them before beelining to her cabin. It had been her cabin ever since she had become a counselor and she knew Leon wouldn't change that. Maybe because it was out of pity to make sure Clarisse had a sense of familiarity left in the camp. Who knows. It wouldn't be for a while before the opening ceremony so she stayed there, rethinking every decision she had made throughout her life to land her in this position. There was an oppressive feeling of loneliness that had plagued her for an entire year— but it had never felt so prominent until now. Clarisse wasn't stupid. She had spent most of her life being friends with the Evergreen family, but their connections rarely reached over to her. Not properly anyway. But their enemies? Those were the ones she kept and the camp had no shortages of that.

She was praying to whoever was out there that, at the very least, there would be some mercy and that she wouldn't see a couple of people again.

When she started to hear footsteps outside the cabins, she turned back to the clock and noticed that it was already close enough to the ceremony that the other counselors were coming in and some campers whose parents were all too eager to drop them off. So, Clarisse went off to the bathroom to splash her face and make sure she appeared presentable before heading out. She greeted a couple of the other counselors she passed by with a small nod and a smile and a wave for the campers who noticed her.

She headed over to the amphitheater and Mr. Jonathan was preparing for the opening speech as more and more kids started to arrive alongside the other counselors. He looked much the same as he did the last time they saw each other— almost unrecognizable. Then a guitar strummed to catch the attention of everyone around followed by a voice that practically grated into her ears. Fantastic. That bastard came back? Maybe there wasn't a higher power out there because why the hell was Thomas back?

Still, he seemed to be trying to cheer the kids up so she kept her mouth shut as she waited for the start.

LOCATION: Amphitheater


code by valen t.
The crumple of gravel beneath the car tires had long since turned to white noise for Jason Carver. So did his mother's voice. He'd do anything to just plug in his headphones but she insisted on having a serious discussion about behavior at camp. The trip to Easthallow was one he took alone on a bus last year. This time, she wanted to have a lengthy mother-son heart to heart, if you could call it that when only one person was talking. JC got in his fair share of trouble last year and it only really came back to bite him when he saw the look of shame on her mother's face she was called in to have a discussion with Jonathan.

"Are you listening to me, Jason?" Only his mother called him that.

"No smoking, no drinking, don't argue with Jonathan, I know," he rattled off, watching the trees pass him by as they approached the camp.

There was a pregnant pause that lingered before his mother sighed.

"You know what you used to do to your father and I's wedding pictures when you had just turned five?" she asked, knowingly.

JC's face flushed red and he tensed in his seat. "No no no no, mom, don't-"

"You'd turn the photos around or put them face down. Every last one," she laughed.

JC sank lower in his seat and pulled the strings of his hoodie tight around his face. "Stop. Please just stop."

"It wasn't until I caught you red handed that I realized it was you. And I asked you why you kept doing that. Want to know what you said?" she looked at him as the car slowed to a stop in front of the trail entrance that lead to the camp.

"I know what I said, mom," JC bemoaned, dreading the story's conclusion.

"You told me, because I only want you to be mine, mommy," his mother smiled at her son, who could only groan at her words. She leaned towards him and opened his hoodie once more, revealing the split skin on his nose, held by an adhesive and the deep black eye that served as a souvenir from JC's latest father son bonding time. "I have all the love in the world for both of my boys. Just give it time. This camp will be good for you to get some space and let your mind be at peace," she caressed his cheek despite JC's adversity to her touch.

"Anything to get away from him," he grumbled.

"Time heals all wounds."

"This one will take a while."

Another pause. "I love you, Jason," she planted a kiss on his forehead.

JC hesitated. Affection was a perennial thorn in his side but his mother was not one to accept unrequited I Love You's. So... he relented.

"I love you too..." he said, leaning down to grab his bag.

"Have fun but be good, ok? For me," she said.

JC looked at her and nodded, offering a small smile in response. He opened the trunk and took out another, far larger bag with clothes and other miscellaneous items that were brought along. He slung the lighter one over his shoulder before walking back towards his mother.

"Oh! One more thing. I got you these," she took out a pair of aviators.

At this, JC chuckled. A genuine one. "Thanks," he muttered and leaned forward at the window so she could put them on, tactfully covering his black eye. This should do for now at least.

"You better be good now! You owe me for those," his mother quipped.

"Loud and clear," JC replied before turning around and starting off towards the camp. Well... if nothing else, she got him in a slightly better mood. Still, he could do without the people. He'd much prefer a month long excursion into the wilderness tracking stag than this but it wasn't the house and that was good enough for him. JC stalked his way towards the auditorium, glowering at some of the new campers, nodding towards some of the others he knew. Some of the kids weren't so bad. Others were anemic and cried over ever cut and bruise. Still, kids were innocent for the most part and he liked that part enough to do away with some of the frustrations that came with them.

It was when we rounded a trunk that he spotted a counselor burning the last bits of a cigarette before stamping it out and heading off to the auditorium. "Fuckin Levi..." JC grumbled, stopping to pick up the cigarette butt and pocketing it before storming after the man.

"Hey, dumbass!" JC barked, grabbing Levi by the shoulder and showing him the smoky inhalant. "Next time you want to cool your jets in front of the whole fucking state, think about the fact that if Jonathan gets word of this, all the liq, weed, and packs you roll with during our little honeymoon getaway goes out the door - especially when you're out here leaving an evidence trail like fucking Hansel and Gretel," JC flicked the cigarette at his chest and looked him hard through his shades before continuing off towards the auditorium.

Needless to say, this drew the eyes of quite a few campers to the scene. As JC walked, he quietly took them in before saying, "Don't repeat those words... in front of your parents."

Mentioned anyasjoy anyasjoy lostbird lostbird
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liberty f.







  • home (filler tab)

think up anger

smells like teen spirit

One thing Liberty never missed? Walking the awfully long trail between Evergreen Camp and Easthallow town.

She trails behind a group of campers with her two duffel bags, the excited chittering between them causing an unusual smile to pull at the corners of her mouth. It's hard to remember a time at that age where she shared the same enthusiasm for... anything, really.

She adjusts the duffel strap on her right shoulder, weighing heavily from her books. Amongst her own personal reading, there were spare copies of Coraline in case some last minute campers wanted to join the book club. Parents were sent a letter asking whether their child would be expressing interest this session and Liberty took it upon herself to suggest the Neil Gaiman new release.

Jonathan Evergreen hummed his agreement on the phone-call, finding the premise to be interesting. Lost souls of children, taken from another life with false promises and the courage of one brave young girl, determined to free them all and herself in the process. Liberty didn't miss the thick swallow from Jonathan as he choked out a 'goodbye' and hung up. She felt bad for half a second - I clearly missed the mark. But it vanished because why would Renee Evergreen ever feel the need to give up her picture perfect life for another? Her father had to understand that.

"Maybe we'll find Paige!" One of campers shouts cheerfully, latching onto her friends arm with both hands. "She could just be lost in the woods, that's why Eva always tells us to never go off without a buddy or counselor's permission."

"You dolt, Paige is a counselor. How can she be lost?"

The girl shrugs both shoulders, releasing her friends arm to skip ahead. "Dunno. But I bet she's waiting for us to find her! Wanna race the rest of the way?"


Liberty watches the two campers race down the rest of the trail distance, with endless energy and hope. Her tongue slips from between her teeth, sore from where she bit down hard to not say anything and crush their pretty dreams. 'They're dead, actually. No one can survive in these woods for so long.'

When she breaks into the clearing of the camp, Liberty beelines for the Lodge to drop off both duffels by the television and VHS rack. She'd come back after the ceremony to store the books. In the meantime, she waves to Eva, talking a group of camper's ears off about abusing the electronics before the session has even started and makes for the crowd, following them down to the open-air amphitheatre when Thomas' finishes up his sudden performance and Levi catches her attention.

"Jesus, I need a drink."

She heads towards where he stands, chest decidedly more heavy the closer she gets. Knocking her shoulder into his arm playfully, she smirks up at his towering figure, "bit early for drinking, isn't it?"

"Hey dumbass!"

Liberty spins around to see JC and watches the scene unfold, with JC barking at Levi in front of campers and their departing families. Her brows pull together. He really can't help but cause a scene wherever he goes. She makes a mental note to file that into another report to send to Eva Twine at the end of session.

"Don't you have some animals to kill?" Liberty shouts at his departing figure.

♡coded by uxie♡
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((Note: Thoughts will be green and italicized while speech will be green and bolded.))

Marquis posts.png

The Caretaker


Marquis had put on his favorite smile for today. He knew people would be nervous, some would be anxious, some may not even want to be there...and so it was his job to smile; it was his job to make people feel comfortable; it was his job to make people get their minds off what happened last year. And it was a job he intended to fulfill.

He was currently making his way down the path with some of the campers as well as a sprinkling of some of the counsellors. Not too far ahead of him, he'd noticed Liberty making her way through the path as well. Part of him wanted to pick up the pace so he could catch up and chat. However, he looked behind him and saw someone that he figured it might end up being more beneficial to talk to.

Liberty was fondly known as the camp mother, he was sure that she could handle herself. But behind him was Riley. He frowned at some of the rumors that had surrounded her about what happened last year. She and Thomas had received such a bad rap for what Marquis thought was nothing more than idle meaningless chatter and gossip. Nobody deserved all that. She also didn't exactly look like she was leaping for joy at being here.

The frown on his face grew deeper just just a moment and them he noticed one of the campers staring at him and he immediately brought his smile back. "Got this annoying rock in my shoe. Don't you just hate when that happens. Now skedaddle so I can get it out. You do not want to be here when I take this shoe off," he said, jokingly scrunching his nose and pretending as if he was waving off a bad smell.

The campers giggled and did as he said, going about their merry way. And Marquis did get on his knees as if he was fixing something in his shoe. However, he just stayed there until Riley caught up with him. He let her go a few steps in front of him and then got up, dusting some dirt from his knees as he began walking again.
"Oh, hey Riley! Look at you looking like you're ready to show this camp who's boss," he teased as he matched stride with her.

He would have liked to ask how she was doing after everything that happened last year and all the rumors but, thankfully, he was smart enough to know better. He knew that this camp, the last thing anyone should be talking about was last year's camp. And so he kept the focus on this year: talking about what he was excited about and asking her what she was excited about; talking about how it would be cool to be the camp nurse and letting her know how jealous he was that she got the survivalist role; doing whatever he could to keep the conversation optimistic and positive.

Eventually, they made it on to camp grounds and it was already a bustling hub of activity. The two of them made their way toward the cabins and Marquis waved as they split. "Let's meet up back here and head over to the amphitheater together, okay?"

He felt like leaving her alone would be the worst thing to do right now because he knew how mean the kids and counsellors could be about rumors so he had hoped to hang around her and hopefully deflect all that. Was he genuinely jealous that she got the job of survivalist and not him? Of course he was. Did he hate her guts because she was everything he wanted to be but was to weak to become? Most definitely. But, the thing about wanting everyone to like you, you learn pretty quickly how to bottle your own personal feelings and focus on the other person and what you need to do and say to make them feel better.

He made quick work of getting his things set on his bed and didn't really spend much time taking anything out of his bags. Once he had everything set down and neatly tucked away, he headed back out - he'd worry about unpacking later. He looked over to where Riley's cabin was. He kept a half smile up even as his thoughts ran. She may not have anything to do with the sisters' disappearance but I still don't like her. But hey, maybe if I get her to like me, I'll end up hating her less. That's a thing that happens, right?

It wasn't too long after that Riley came back out of the cabin and the two of them made their way to the amphitheater. He recognized the singing and did everything in his power not to roll his eyes. Thomas stealing all the attention for himself as always. Why is it that the two people rumored to be involved with what happened to the sisters are the most annoying for me to be around?

"Hey, let's sit over there." He gestured to some empty seats closer up to the front where it seems like most of the counsellors were gathering around. If he really wanted to get in her good books and keep the rumors at bay, the best chance would be when they were around other counsellors. This was his chance. Making his way over, he found a seat that was just close enough to the general area of the other counsellors that they still seemed part of the group, but also just far enough where they didn't have to interact with the others.

It also looked like Mister Evergreen was getting ready to start the speech and so he sat back and just casually observed. He let his half smile drop into a casual face - if he smiled too much, people would get suspicious and think that his positivity isn't sincere. I mean, it wasn't but he didn't need them knowing that. This scene called for a neutral expression, only getting excited when Mister Evergreen says something that's generally meant to get everyone excited, and so that was the role he would play.

He scanned the crowd. You learned a lot by watching how people behaved when they thought they weren't being watched. You learned the bullies, you learned the shy ones, you learned the over-enthusiastic ones...you learned a lot. And so he'd watch, making mental notes of how the campers interacted with each other and how even the counsellors interacted with each other. Everyone seemed to be in pretty good spirits despite the shadow looming over this camp that had been cast by last year's camp. Was this because of Thomas' performance? Now he was kind of sad that he missed it. Oh well, knowing Thomas, there'd be many more to come. For now, his focus went back to Mister Evergreen.









paige, rowan, marquis, jc, kayden irregular-neptune irregular-neptune Wyll Wyll Coyote Coyote evermoon evermoon


the runaway

A breath of fresh air and the aromatic red cedar brought composure to Lou’s tensity–ease to his lungs after that first cigarette of the morning. a slightly tattered copy of Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms was tucked into the front pocket of his waxed canvas backpack along with the several packs of Winston reds he’d prepared for the trip. Before locking the boathouse up, he took a moment to peer over the lake. Just over the dock, he caught the sight of the early bird children starting to saunter in--catching a couple of them running straight to the lake shore. Though he never truly attended camp at Evergreen, he was quite familiar with it–the sense of adventure and excitement he and his peers felt traversing the land. The sight made him both riant and sorrow. Last time he’d touched the soil was with Paige, enjoying their routine of trailing through the brush and down to the old douglas fir trunk conveniently a sitting spot to skip rocks, fish near and just uncovered enough for a sunny nature watch. For them, it was mostly the perfect spot for Lou to strum his guitar for her in solitude.

Lou clenched his fist, cracking a couple finger bones. Truly, she was the only one he felt comfortable with singing for. After all, she was the first to urge him to sing along to his tunes. That 'all this music knowledge', the 'country greats' and 'rockstars' he loved and imitated–he ought to "take a stab" at their melodies. Her favorites were always the smooth-talking sultan sounds, slow strums or intricate pickin’.

Lou attempted to grit out of the smile he felt appearing on his face, brushing his hand over his mouth to shoo it away. Memory lane, often a place he went for some solace in his often embattled mind, but it was only a distraction from the harrowing truth. He preferred to keep his memory at the blonde strings of hair that fell in front of her face, or her finger tips tapping on the old wood to the beat–one good look just made him sad, sometimes ill.

It wasn’t so much that he once held a strong endearment for the Evergreen, but more than anything he felt she deserved another shot at this life. Mostly everyone who dies, does.

Lou shook his head low.

“I got a brand new companion, an’ I’m gonna do right this tiiime, Gonna track her with my body.. gonna trace her wiiiith my miind,” He softly coarsed out before placing a bookmark in fond memor. Today, his focus must be held rigid. Wandering in these woods was inevitable for Lou, but he wanted to get to the grounds on time and survey where he’d be calling home for the summer.

After parking his old ‘68 Ford, he grabbed his items and headed over to the lodge, fond familiarity rushing in. When Eva Twine shot him a warm smile and welcomed him back to the grounds, he remained rather roseate with her even though he didn’t do too much chatting with the camp director. Even so, she carried the same steady warmth with him she always had. Eva directed him to where his cabin would rest and he dropped off his backpack, guitar case and small duffel, noticing he was the first to have arrived there. On the acrylic file behind the front door read the names of his cabin mates. Jason. Marquis. Kayden–that sounded familiar. Rowan..

Rowan Bishop.
Unmistakable, only due to the fact they weren’t on the best of terms the last time they saw eachother. Searching for a genuine memory, Lou couldn’t even place one. For some reason they just never got along. Even before Paige got in the way. In their early teens, Lou met him playing baseball with the other kids–even then did they get in a scuffle on that first day. If he remembered correctly, it was over an uncertain play where Lou claimed to have been safe. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, but it didn’t take long for the brown fluff of hair to appear at a throw of his hat just to scrap. A hothead, he remembered Rowan being described to him by another. To be fair, Lou egged him on sometimes too. They were just kids after all. Beating eachother up just to relieve the often crushing pressure of boyhood.

As soon as Paige and him emerged as this new item via rumors around camp, the tensity between the boys built and escalated. Lou was in and out of Fairview, more out of it than involved by this point. He barely made it over to the campgrounds despite only being the lake’s length away when he wasn’t gone. Paige quit writing back to him anyhow. He tried not to assume the worst, re-reading her letters when he wasn't doing much. When he’d gotten back–hoping to stay a while longer, Paige and Lou’s casual hang-outs seemed to hold an air of secrecy, which Lou didn’t care for.

Not in that way. Not at the expense of someone else’s latent anger. That person being someone who already had a distaste for Lou. Paige’s mental health wasn’t doing so well and neither was Lou’s aside from all the drama she’d present him with–about Renee, her father, her new boyfriend. It didn’t take long for Rowan and Lou to fight it out, full-fledged. Fangs out. They ended it cascading down a small dirt hill–a splash from the lake ending the fight as thunder rolled in from up above.

Ultimately, no one seemed to win that one either.

Lou didn’t even know why he really swung for the fences in that moment. Perhaps it was the frustration of his own selfish desires he’d never expressed to Paige, his own negative perceptions of a lost opportunity–less about this useless, stone blind rivalry. Rowan wasn’t the most pleasant to be around, but neither was Lou around him. They both chose to be difficult with each other from the get-go. Eventually, they walked away from it. Lou never saw him again. Before he left once more–this time towards east Oregon’s Hells Canyon where he'd be spending a month and a half, He saw Paige one last time and she just . . .

Stop—quit it.

Lou opened the door, shutting it behind him. Whatever happened was in the past, like many other things he’s said and done. He’d get to that bridge with Rowan when he crossed it, which was likely very soon. And again, nothing left to do about Paige. Nothing at all.

He was still early for Jonathan’s morning announcements so he stepped behind the cabin and ventured into the trees, the only sounds were crunches of leaves and the rhythmic drumming of the hummingbirds–true music to his ears.

He lit a Winston, struck the match just right and waved it out–sticking it back in it’s box. Each inhale seemed to repel the lingering anxiety. In truth, if he didn’t dwell on the disappearances–being back at the grounds was near heavensent. There was something to look forward to here. He was clean six months off pills–the urges washed away by the Olanzapine and Lithium, and most of all by his own determination. Any past opiate addict who was actually honest with themselves knew that from a purely physical viewpoint–pills were thought of rather fondly. Or maybe Lou was just prone to this form of thinking. He didn’t deny that. Lou wanted out of entrapment and cycle most of all. Doing it all by himself and throwing himself in that extreme discomfort proved himself worthy for another chance. He gained back a sense of hopefullness. That now he could face the new changes mixed with the old familiarity of his youth and thrive. And if not thrive--feel a sense of normalcy. A square one he could actually build up from. Sure, he hadn’t quite kicked the drinking, but he wasn’t as reckless anymore. He didn’t plan to be.

One last drag and he flicked the last of the ash, returning to the cabin to dispose of it before preparing his descent to the amphitheater.

♪ bird stealing bread ♪

iron and wine

♡coded by uxie♡


  • rowan







    • home (filler tab)


    push it

    Rowan honestly didn’t know why he came back – there wasn’t anything left for him at the camp any more. As he entered camp, he avoided a large group of campers and a couple of parents. The slightly chilly summer morning air was a comforting familiarity, but despite this, he felt hollow. It was difficult to go on like nothing had happened. He didn’t know why Jonathan Evergreen had decided to continue the camp tradition this year – couldn’t they have dedicated even one summer to mourning the Evergreen sisters?

    He supposed that he was in part guilty for its continuation, but when Jonathan had sent him an invitation to return to camp and a note that he’d really appreciate it for Paige’s sake, Rowan reluctantly decided to. It would be weird to be there without Paige and a part of him felt guilty for her disappearance. Like he could have prevented it if only he’d been with her. He’d used his fists for less, he would have fought off anyone or anything for her. But he wasn’t there, he’d abandoned her, and any wishful thinking wouldn’t change that.

    As he walked towards the cabins, he heard loud and slightly obnoxious guitar playing coming from the amphitheater and wondered who it was. It sounded like something that Thomas would play, but surely he hadn’t returned back to camp after the way he acted after the sisters disappearance – the thought of him laughing in the interviews had always made Rowan’s blood boil. He’d never really had a problem with Thomas before, though he did find him a bit too… dramatic? Annoying? Loud? He liked the spotlight a bit too much for Rowan’s taste. He knew the sisters weren’t everyone’s cup of tea… hell, Renee certainly wasn’t his. But to laugh? It pissed Rowan off, and he’d been glad to not see the arrogant prick for the year and hoped he hadn’t chosen to return.

    As he stopped by Cabin 4, he decided to make it quick – he’d never been good with time management but he was consistent, which meant that he managed to make it to camp fifteen minutes before Jonathan Evergreen was planning on giving his speech. He quickly claimed a bunk – a few of his roommates seemed to be there already, so he claimed one of the empty beds in the middle by setting his suitcase and sports duffel on it. He stretched his arm that’d been carrying the duffel bag – he may have played sports, but this past year had taken its toll on him and he knew he’d pay for it as he got back into shape the first couple of days of camp.

    As he left the cabin, he stole a quick glance at the placard of names of who was staying in Cabin 4 and grimaced a bit. He had to admit that he had been… a bit abrasive during his time at camp and didn’t make many friends, so the likelihood of having a cabin full of people that liked him was… unlikely. But Lou of all people? Who possibly could have thought this arrangement was a good idea?

    Rowan had flashbacks of tussles in the mud on the sports fields and in the other instances when Lou would show up to the camp’s activities. A fight in a storm. The big blowout fight with Paige the day she disappeared in thin air. His stomach churned and he left the cabin, trying to shake the thoughts away. It was too early to go down that road, and too early to get angry about what he couldn’t control.

    Part of him thought about marching up to Eva and asking her to change the arrangements, but he knew what she’d tell him.

    ”Rowan, you have to figure out how to deal with your anger at some point, you can’t keep blowing up. This is a great opportunity for learning!”

    As if.

    He made his way to the quickly filling up amphitheater and glanced around for any familiar faces. He recognized some of the regular campers and many of the counselors sitting grouped in the front. Nearby the main group he spotted Marquis’ familiar tuft of brown hair and made his way to sit in the empty seat behind him and Riley. At least *some* of his friends were going to be here for the summer.

    he said, trying to seem as cheerful as he got as he sat down.
    “How’s it going?”

    There wasn’t much time before Jonathan was to begin his speech so he just leaned back in his seat as he waited for the formalities of the first day of camp to be over and he could busy himself to avoid the stinging reality of the impending summer without Paige.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

  • Rowan honestly didn’t know why he came back – there wasn’t anything left for him at the camp any more. As he entered camp, he avoided a large group of campers and a couple of parents. The slightly chilly summer morning air was a comforting familiarity, but despite this, he felt hollow. It was difficult to go on like nothing had happened. He didn’t know why Jonathan Evergreen had decided to continue the camp tradition this year – couldn’t they have dedicated even one summer to mourning the Evergreen sisters?

    He supposed that he was in part guilty for its continuation, but when Jonathan had sent him an invitation to return to camp and a note that he’d really appreciate it for Paige’s sake, Rowan reluctantly decided to. It would be weird to be there without Paige and a part of him felt guilty for her disappearance. Like he could have prevented it if only he’d been with her. He’d used his fists for less, he would have fought off anyone or anything for her. But he wasn’t there, he’d abandoned her, and any wishful thinking wouldn’t change that.

    As he walked towards the cabins, he heard loud and slightly obnoxious guitar playing coming from the amphitheater and wondered who it was. It sounded like something that Thomas would play, but surely he hadn’t returned back to camp after the way he acted after the sisters disappearance – the thought of him laughing in the interviews had always made Rowan’s blood boil. He’d never really had a problem with Thomas before, though he did find him a bit too… dramatic? Annoying? Loud? He liked the spotlight a bit too much for Rowan’s taste. He knew the sisters weren’t everyone’s cup of tea… hell, Renee certainly wasn’t his. But to laugh? It pissed Rowan off, and he’d been glad to not see the arrogant prick for the year and hoped he hadn’t chosen to return.

    As he stopped by Cabin 4, he decided to make it quick – he’d never been good with time management but he was consistent, which meant that he managed to make it to camp fifteen minutes before Jonathan Evergreen was planning on giving his speech. He quickly claimed a bunk – a few of his roommates seemed to be there already, so he claimed one of the empty beds in the middle by setting his suitcase and sports duffel on it. He stretched his arm that’d been carrying the duffel bag – he may have played sports, but this past year had taken its toll on him and he knew he’d pay for it as he got back into shape the first couple of days of camp.

    As he left the cabin, he stole a quick glance at the placard of names of who was staying in Cabin 4 and grimaced a bit. He had to admit that he had been… a bit abrasive during his time at camp and didn’t make many friends, so the likelihood of having a cabin full of people that liked him was… unlikely. But Lou of all people? Who possibly could have thought this arrangement was a good idea?

    Rowan had flashbacks of tussles in the mud on the sports fields and in the other instances when Lou would show up to the camp’s activities. A fight in a storm. The big blowout fight with Paige the day she disappeared in thin air. His stomach churned and he left the cabin, trying to shake the thoughts away. It was too early to go down that road, and too early to get angry about what he couldn’t control.

    Part of him thought about marching up to Eva and asking her to change the arrangements, but he knew what she’d tell him.

    ”Rowan, you have to figure out how to deal with your anger at some point, you can’t keep blowing up. This is a great opportunity for learning!”

    As if.

    He made his way to the quickly filling up amphitheater and glanced around for any familiar faces. He recognized some of the regular campers and many of the counselors sitting grouped in the front. Nearby the main group he spotted Marquis’ familiar tuft of brown hair and made his way to sit in the empty seat behind him and Riley. At least *some* of his friends were going to be here for the summer.

    he said, trying to seem as cheerful as he got as he sat down.
    “How’s it going?”

    There wasn’t much time before Jonathan was to begin his speech so he just leaned back in his seat as he waited for the formalities of the first day of camp to be over and he could busy himself to avoid the stinging reality of the impending summer without Paige.

juliette yorkes







  • home (filler tab)

lana del

jealous girl

“You don’t belong here, you know that, right? This camp… it’s not for people like you.”

Juliette did everything in her power to repress the shudder that oh-so desperately wanted to wash over her. It still stung— thinking about her, hearing her in her damn head. It bothered her still, knowing deep down, she knew Renee was right. She didn’t fit in with the other girls— the ones who talked about makeup, boys, and the latest trends, while she struggled to relate.

Despite the lingering anxiety, a small smile began to form at the corner of her lips. Here she was though, perched on the bathroom counter, magazine in hand, her freshly painted nails drying in the dim light. The room was filled with the soft hum of the fan and the faint scent of nail polish— and yet, Renee was nowhere to be seen. Funny how that works.

One side of Juliette was pleased with the thought that Renee was missing, that she wouldn’t have to deal with Renee’s relentless bullying this year
(a victory)
. The other side, though—

—her hand froze mid-turn. That sinking feeling was back, but instead of coming in waves, it felt like a whole tsunami. Renee’s attention had left something ugly and twisted deep inside her, but. . .it was healing, although Juliette had an uncomfortable feeling that it was healing for all the wrong reasons. Instead of addressing the trauma dealt to her by Renee’s cruelty, it was healing the aftermath— the nights she spent alone, crying, and wishing that Renee would see her as more than just someone to toy with. It was healing the realization that she didn’t actually hate Renee, that she might of lo—

Juliette flinched as if she was jolted from a trance, knocking over the bottle of nail polish that had been resting by her foot. She was startled by the door smashing open, a couple of giggling girls rushing inside. Time had flown by without her realizing it, spending at least an hour thinking about Renee while doing her nails.
, she thought, it was only the first day back and she was already dealing with memory lane.

Cleaning up her mess and belongings, Juliette was out within ten minutes, only to see a commotion break out in front of her. It was easy to spot Levi with his unforgettable height— she had no clue how Riley dealt with all of that— and JC was front and center. She was just about to approach to see what was going on, only to immediately swerve
(Liberty was already annoyed; she wanted nothing to do with that)
and walk towards where she saw people taking their seats. Although she might be a lot of things, Juliette had a keen eye for noticing people who tried their best to remain unnoticeable. She immediately zeroed in on Josephine in her little corner and wanted nothing more than to strike up a conversation with their local 'quiet, but deadly' counselor.

The determination in her stride was undeniable; she had prepared herself for this day, mentally going over every detail and every responsibility she was about to take on. But beneath the surface, there was a flicker of nerves. She might have big shoes to fill, but she was ready to make her own mark.
Juliette greeted warmly, her smile soft as she rocked back and forth on her heels.
"Cabin 3 this year, right?"

♡coded by uxie♡








the runaway

Without fail, Lou wandered a while longer–just around the area before actually making his way to the first of the wooden pews. He ambled by the dining hall, wondering what food he’d be eating during his stay. Back then, sometimes his friends would pass him a snack they didn’t want out of their lunches, but he never really got to set foot inside and order anything himself.

It’d be the sound of strong guitar strums ringing from the direction he’d just come from to turn him away from his meandering. Perhaps it was a signal the announcements would be starting soon, although some singing piqued his confusion. Is this how they always start new sessions?

Lou was also unfamiliar with the amphitheater grounds. Growing up, he knew they existed and generally what went on during their highest densities. Usually when it was time for campers to head down for an announcement, it was Lou’s cue to go back home or venture out some place else. It was technically his first time being there during the day time, remembering the only times he’d wandered down those stands were tipsy–goofing off with other campers after hours.

He decided to sit himself down somewhere not as concentrated with people, yet still a decent length away from the stage where a man he didn’t recognize had just finished his performance. Lou rested his elbows atop his legs, tapping his finger tips against his palm to an invisible melody by ‘The Breeders’ that’d been stuck in his head all week. He waited timidly for what was to come next.

Moments later, a girl donned in classic blue denim shorts and a bright red baseball-style t-shirt appeared at his side to inquire a seat. Her sudden presence caught him off guard, but he shook his head ‘no’ without getting an actual word in–realizing he had spaced out prior.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed her fidgeting beside him. He straightened up his posture a bit, “I don’t think I’ve seen you ‘round here before.” He said with a slight, terse smile on his lips. She looked younger than him and maybe unfamiliar, sensing a certain anxiety from her mannerism. “It’s been a long ‘while for me, I might’a just forgotten a face. If so, I apologize.”

♪ drivin' on 9 ♪

the breeders

♡coded by uxie♡


riley kelson







  • home (filler tab)



When Riley had heard that camp would be going on as it usually did this summer she had spent days debating on whether she would come back or not. She had never expected that Mister Evergreen would start camp again just a year after Renee and Paige went missing and as much as Riley didn’t care for either girl even she could admit that no one deserved to lose both of their children in such a way. Still, would going back be a good idea for her? The police investigation, the way the detectives had asked her question after question about Paige and Renee, or if she had heard or seen anything the day they disappeared still sent shivers down her spine. At first, Riley had just believed that the two girls had run away and even told the detectives questioning her. However, the longer the investigation went on Riley had no choice but to accept that something sinister probably did happen. No one just up and disappeared that long willingly. The most nerve-wracking was when they had brought up how well she knew the woods. At the time Riley had felt like she was being blamed for a crime she hadn’t committed. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, she wasn’t the only person the police seemed to suspect. That was the tricky thing with cases involving girls like Renee and Paige. Despite how worshiped they appeared on the surface there were still plenty of people who hated them just as much.

The rumors that began to surround her after the incident had also made selecting a decision difficult. Seriously, who would believe that she'd even be capable of doing something so heinous? She'd spent years doing her best to stay out of Renee and Paige's way and somehow they were still managing to screw her over.

In the end, it had taken Riley three days in total to decide that she was going to go back. She still wasn’t sure if it was the wisest idea but despite everything that had happened Evergreen Camp had always been like a second home to her. The end of last summer had been a shit show between the girls disappearing and her having to end her relationship with Levi but Riley refused to let one summer ruin a place that she had loved for years.

Plus, and this was frankly the biggest deciding factor, she needed as much money as she could get before returning to college in the fall. Her tuition wasn't going to pay itself and her father definitely wasn't going to be helping her anytime soon even though it was the least he could do after being a shitty dad for half her life.

As the bus came to a stop and kids began loudly clambering their way towards the exit Riley took her time collecting her things. She wasn't in as big of a rush to get to camp this year as she typically would be. Riley knew she needed to get her act together before camp started, kids were nosy and while Riley liked spending time with them she also knew that if they got even a single whiff that something was off with her they'd be all over her asking a million questions. On the bright side, she was excited to start teaching archery again and taking the kids out on excursions through the woods.

After placing her copy of Stephen King's 'Desperation' into her book bag Riley made her way off of the bus, doing her best to dodge around the hyper kids who were too excited to watch what they were doing. If it wasn't for the bus driver she was sure they would all just race towards camp without a care in the world. Riley valued the freedom being an adult brought her but there were times when she missed being a kid. Well, she missed the summers she had as a kid. All the other times had been less than ideal.

As she stepped off the bus Riley stuck towards the back of the crowd. She did not feel like being trampled over or pushed and shoved while she was just trying to walk. She saw a few familiar faces as she made her way down the trail, waved to some of them, and talked to any kid who asked her questions or recognized her from the years before.

Riley continued on the trail, enjoying the scenery. She should have come earlier, maybe she could have snuck away to hang out by herself for a bit before having to sit through Johnathon's yearly first-day announcement. Being in nature always seemed to calm her down, either that or a smoke break but considering how many people were around she'd hold off on that for now.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a familiar voice and she paused her walking to turn her head around. Her lips pulled up into a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she took Marquis in. "Something like that." She told herself that maybe she didn't look as off as she felt but deep down Riley knew she was full of shit. They fell into stride together and Riley was honestly happy to have the conversation as a distraction. Usually, she hated small talk but considering the circumstances she wasn't as opposed to it right now. At least he wasn't bringing up last year, she would have needed to draw the line at that.

Instead, they talked about what they were excited about this year. Riley talked about how she was excited to be able to go hiking in the woods again, she even teased Marquis and told him that there was always next year when he brought up that he was jealous that she got a job as a survivalist and he didn't.

When they made it to the campgrounds and headed towards their cabins Riley gave him a thumbs up in answer before she made her way to the second cabin. She tossed her belongings onto the first available bed she saw, right now she wasn't concerned with unpacking her stuff as she'd have time for it later. As she stood there a small feeling of dread washed over her and she ran a hand over her face. The day had barely even started and already all she wanted to do was crawl under the sheets and go to sleep.

You’re going to be fine, Riley. No one actually believes that you hid Paige and Renee's bodies out in the woods somewhere...right?

Riley shook her head as if that would rid her brain of its intrusive thoughts. She could do this. She wasn't going to let some dumb rumor ruin her entire summer.

When she finally left her cabin she met back up with Marquis and made her way to the amphitheater with him. The closer they got Riley was met with the sound of obnoxious singing and the sound of a guitar. She couldn't help but roll her eyes in annoyance as she followed Marquis to their seats. Thomas. A part of Riley could relate to him when it came to the rumors that were being spread but it didn't change the fact that she found him completely annoying. Aside from Renee Riley didn't think she had ever met someone as attention-seeking as he was.

She decided to just focus her attention on Mister Evergreen. Even if it would be the same speech he gave every year, likely with an added insistence on safety, Riley wanted to at least pretend like she was focusing on what he was saying.

When she turned her head and saw Rowan sitting behind her a more genuine smile lit up her face. "Hey," She spoke and her voice sounded a bit surprised because honestly, she was. Riley hadn't expected to see Rowan back at camp, not after what happened to Paige. She had never cared for the Evergreen herself but she did care about Rowan so she hoped that he was holding it together now that she was gone. Knowing Rowan he probably didn't want to talk about it, at least not if he wasn't the one to bring it up. Riley didn't want to push him, especially not on the first day when he was probably feeling Paige's absence the most, so she'd give him the space he likely needed.

She turned back to face the front of the stage Johnathon was standing on. Hopefully, the rest of the day went this smoothly.

♡coded by uxie♡

((Note: Thoughts will be crimson and italicized while speech will be crimson and bolded.))

Thomas posts.jpg

The Entertainer


As he sat down, a quick look around revealed some unfriendly eyes pointed at him - of course, all of them were from counsellors that were here last year. He grinned. Ah, the haters. How I missed you all. I wonder what ways I will find to get under your skin this year. He leaned back, a cruel smile on his face as his eyes shut and he let himself think of all the different ways he was going to have fun. He wasn't necessarily planning to cause problems for the other counselors...however, he knew that them seeing him have fun would tick them off and that brought a special tickle to his heart.

Even as the thoughts and plans for chaos ran through his head, he heard a voice come from behind him. The voice caught him off guard. He hadn't expected anyone to actively seek him out. This was not planned for. Even with his eyes closed, he raised a brow, his confusion evident on his face. Slowly, he opened one eye and leaned backward so that he could see who was speaking. After seeing Morgan, his face lit up and his previously sinister smile morphed itself into a much more friendly one. It was nice not being hated by everybody and he didn't mind letting that show.

"Yeah, you know what? I bet you ten bucks he calls me into his office to ask for my autograph later," he said with a chuckle and a wink. He knew that the chances of Mister Evergreen calling him into the office were high, this was his chance to get ahead of that and make a joke about it before it even happened. Always two steps ahead, this one. "Plus, the kids loved it. I don't think even the old man hates me enough to take away the kids' fun."

He hadn't processed it before, not until he just said it. But Mister Evergreen probably knows about the rumors concerning him and his daughters and likely hates him for it. Well then - this will be an interesting camp meeting.

None of that showed on his face though. Not that it would have had the chance to as someone else came and sat beside him. Well, someone's certainly popular today. I wonder how long before that changes. I bet on three days. Still with his head leaned back, he cast a sideways glance to see who it was. Ah. Fresh meat. This should be fun. I wonder if I can get her on my side before the others get her against me. He looked back up to Morgan and winked before sitting up right and facing the newcomer.

"Well hello there, Juno. Music teacher, huh?" He glanced down at the guitar in his lap. Part of him was tempted to hand it to her to see if she could play but even he was mature enough to realise that doing so would simply be rude and disrespectful. And despite what some people would have you think, he actually isn't an innately rude or disrespectful or even difficult person. "Well then, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other. I'm Thomas. You can call me Mode though. Pleasure to meet you. New counsellor I'm guessing?" He looked round the crowd, able to pick out the counsellors from the students for the most part. "Huh, doesn't look like we got too many of those this year. Well, stick by me and you'll be just fine. Between you and me..." he leaned in for a whisper, "...most of the other counsellors have sticks up their butts." He couldn't help the giggle that came after it.

"Not this guy though." He spoke at regular volume, pointing over her shoulder to Morgan. "He's cool." Was he just saying Morgan was cool because he came to talk to him despite the rumors? Yes. Was that a good way to judge somebody's character? Absolutely not. Was he doing it anyway? Yep.

He quickly looked back over to Margan and pat the sit beside him, gesturing with his head for Rowan to get down here. It would become a hassle if he had to turn around every time he wanted to talk to the one returner that also wanted to talk to him as well. It also would look really bad for him and he'd definitely be called in for that "autograph" if Mister Evergreen caught him constantly turning around to talk to someone during his welcome address.

Mentions: Morgan ( Letho Letho ), Juno ( Jupiter_South Jupiter_South )

((Note: Thoughts will be green and italicized while speech will be green and bolded.))

Marquis posts.png

The Caretaker


Even now, Riley's little jab about him getting her spot next year played on his mind. Part of him got even more salty, but the rest of him took it as a challenge. He would do all that he could this year and between the camps to make sure that he got the position next year. Would that make Riley proud of me? Do I want her to be proud of me? Hmm.

The thought didn't go much further than that - it never did. He always got to "Do I want this person to be proud of me?" or "Do I want this person to like me?" or "Do I want this person's validation?" The answer was always yes but he never dug deeper to find out why the answer was always yes. Partly because he knew it would be scary - it would be a hard truth to hear - especially from himself.

His eyes wondered, his gaze swimming over the crowd, stopping occasionally when he noticed a familiar face and giving them a polite smile. Despite all the madness that surrounded it, he couldn't deny that it felt good to be back. This had been home for him in a lot of ways and had shaped him to be the person he was now. Maybe it would be possible to put all the nastiness behind them and focus on the summer they were going to have.

A voice came from behind him and pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked over his shoulder and beamed as he saw Rowan. He was tempted to offer a rather enthusiastic hello, but he noticed that the crowd had started to quiet down and Mister Evergreen carried a little bit more presence. It looks like the ceremony was about to start. So, for now, Quis made do with a flourished bow were he sat, making sure to be as comedically dramatic as possible. "Lord Bishop, always a pleasure" he teased even as Rowan took a seat.

Rowan being here definitely made sitting next to Riley several leagues more tolerable. It also seemed like Riley and Rowan were on good terms, so at least the chances of that painfully awkward silence that sometimes fell among people were reduced. However, Marquis couldn't help but worry for his friend. It was no secret that he'd taken the disappearance of the sister's pretty roughly and Marquis hadn't really been there to help his friend. They'd known each other for years and Marquis just left him out to dry - left everyone out to dry. One could argue that Quis should be easier on himself given that he was also grieving and blaming himself for everything that happened but he didn't really buy into that logic. If he'd painted himself as the reliable person that people could turn to, if he'd made himself the shoulder to cry on, then even when he was the one with tears, he should still be there. He knew that now, he wasn't going to abandon them again.

Part of him wanted to apologize.

Don't bring up last year.

To say how sorry he was for shutting Rowan and everyone else out.

Don't bring up last year.

To promise that he'll be better and he wouldn't leave them out to dry again.

Don't bring up last year, Marquis!

All he managed to get out was a "I'm glad you're here, buddy." There was so much more than that to be said, but that's all he could say for now. Marquis had gotten pretty good at hiding his expressions, masking them so that people didn't worry about him. But with how heavily he was chiding and berating himself, for the shortest of seconds, someone watching him would have caught the slightest of frowns on his face before he quickly corrected it. As the din of the crowd settled and more people started paying attention to Mister Evergreen, Marquis couldn't help but wonder what the appropriate expression here was.

I'm next to a friend and someone I am pretending to be friends with; so maybe relaxed and smiling? But there's also a presentation that I'm pretty sure we've all heard several times and I'm pretty sure we're all tired of hearing at this point. So maybe toss in a little boredom in there? Smiling and relaxed, but bored. So...less of a smile but still relaxed? I can do that.

Marquis let out a soft sigh and slid down his chair, leaning backward and propping his foot up on the empty seat in front of him. He crossed his hands over his chest and focused on Mister Evergreen. He adjusted himself in the seat for a little while until he found a spot that was comfortable. His face was set in a half smile, what one might call a polite smile, waiting for the speech to start.

Mentions: Riley ( mi casa mi casa ), Rowan ( irregular-neptune irregular-neptune )



temperance / the green thumb




camp evergreen, amphitheater.





It wasn't a calculated intention to arrive later than the rest of the counselors, but to say that she was 'sorry' for it would be a lie told through clenched teeth. The tension in her jaw wasn't letting up even though the bus ride there was routine for summers prior to session 2002, and tension grinded together as she ascended the steps of Hallow's Trail—her own personal hell awaited.

Camp Evergreen was once her safe haven—her home away from home—but now, it served as a memorial site for someone who meant the most to her. Who still means the most. Connie judged that Jonathan's attempt to rebrand after Paige and Renee's disappearance had failed miserably. There was nothing in the air that felt remotely different other than the suffocating weight of an eerie silence as a result of their absences.

Even Renee's absence was sorely unmistakeable. Her reign was gone and Paige's glow had ceased to exist. The Evergreens truly disappeared without a trace to follow...And that was something she had to cope with.

Connie looked almost as miserable as she felt, wearing an expression that signaled nothing of a hint of joy to be back. One could almost feel a difference in temperature walking past her as she made her way to The Lodge, walking in haste to attempt to unload her belongings off her shoulders and make way to the amphitheater with the rest of this year's counselors and campers alike. She couldn't do that before knowing what cabin she was assigned to.

"You're late." a familiar voice made herself present. And just as Connie expected, there was only a hint of concern. She wouldn't be getting her ass handed to her for her tardiness, especially not by Eva. (So long as she didn't make it a habit.)

"That'll be the last time, I swear." Connie replied, making no attempt to justify it.

"I know, hun. You're in Cabin 3. If you hustle, you won't be too much of a distraction." There was no promise for that, however. If you're close friends with one of the Evergreen sisters, you'd be sharing some of the limelight this year. Whether you liked it or not.

Connie gave Eva a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes before she headed off towards The Village—there was a nasty storm brewing in them—but she was sincere nonetheless.

Once she was staring directly at her assigned cabin, Connie gave herself no time to let her mind wander off toward anything other than unloading the luggage that was growing heavy by the minute against her shoulder. But even knowing that she was in a race against time, she couldn't help but stare at the familiar interior as she slowly shut the door behind her. As if her body knew that privacy was within reach, her body tumbled over like jelly atop an unclaimed mattress, strenuous aches trickling off her arm and being replaced by an overwhelming sense of emotionally-driven nausea.

'Why did you come back here? What are you trying to prove to yourself?' Debilitating questions she would never be able to answer logically mulled over inside her mind, accompanied by a fullness in the back of her throat threatening to dissolve into tears. She swallowed heavily.

"You should be here," Connie mumbled under her breath, flinching at the unexpected audible answer before forcing herself back onto her feet and arranging her luggage more neatly for return after the amphitheater.

She wasn't here though, she had to remind herself and an uncomfortable flutter in her chest occurred as a result.

Lulled out of her own sorrows at the sound of excited kids passing by, Connie let out a slow, disappointed sigh before turning towards the cabin door and yanking it open with a force fueled by annoyance she wasn't aware lay dormant. Perhaps she was slowly trickling into the anger stage of her grief.

Following behind what Connie assumed was the last of the bunch of this session's campers, she mustered up what little bravery she had left in her to finally look up towards the stage where Jonathan was soon going to make his presence known. Very soon, to be exact as Connie's leisurely walk turned into a brisk one. From what should catch sight of, most of her preferred spots were to sit were all hosting excitable campers and counselors getting reacquainted with one another. She'd learn her lesson to better manage her time (and emotions) that wouldn't cost her a secluded area to sit.

But as soon as she scouted out an empty seat, she waded through the crowd with a fluid-like grace—careful not to shove anyone or step on stray toes—before she claimed a spot next to the invisible divider that separated counselors from campers and their parents. It'll have to do.

Yet, in spite of the talk she had with herself in the cabin minutes before, Connie habitually found herself scanning the crowd for the only face she wanted to meet. And just as quickly, the realization would hit all over again.

She would never be there.

♡coded by uxie♡
The amphitheater slowly but surely filled up with kids, both old and new. As well as counselors in the same vein. For a moment, she wondered if some of the new counselors knew about the Evergreen Camp's reputation— or rather the news surrounding what had transpired a year before. Then again, if they did, why the hell would they come here, right?

Selfishly, Clarisse was relieved to see so many counselors from the previous years come back. Sure, she didn't get along with some of them and was, at best, acquaintances with others but at least they were familiar. She wouldn't have to spend the better part of camp trying to get to know them; not when she didn't rightly know how to go about it. Renee always knew home. Her comfort zone had always lied with socialization— both the good and the ugly side of it. Hopefully, whatever lessons Renee had shared would linger in her mind during this time... for better or for worse.

She let out a breath as someone shouted.

They hadn't even gotten to the opening ceremony and something was already happening. That had to be some kind of world record for how fast a bunch of people who already knew each other would fall into chaos. Maybe Renee had a point about this camp. It was what made it so endearing and stressful all at the same time as she watched her maneuver and make sure the camp kept running by any means possible. And she was thinking about her again. Fantastic.

She made another scan of the amphitheater and spotted an eerily familiar person speaking with a new counselor. The distant memory of heart-pumping adventures and near-death experiences that always somehow end up in laughter and a moment of serenity surged back to the front of her mind. Lou was back. She hadn't seen the guy since she became a counselor! The small, giddy part of her that felt like a child was quickly smothered the moment she noticed Connie.

Oh Connie.

Clarisse always moved by instinct so it was no surprise when she found herself sitting down beside her. For a long moment, she didn't speak— mentally preparing herself for the interaction. They hadn't been in the best of standings before but... well, if someone here could understand what Clarisse went through the past year, it was likely Connie.

"You're the last person I expected to come back here." Despite everything, she did sound sincere as she straightened her back when Jonathan's eyes met hers for a second. She cleared her throat. "Well... not the very last person 'cause I can name a few that I didn't want to see but..." She paused and let out another breath. "Glad to see you okay."

LOCATION: Amphitheater


TAGS: minajesty minajesty
code by valen t.
The reaction wasn't an immediate one - or... At least not as far as Morgan could tell, since he wasn't exactly able to see Thomas' face, sitting the way they both were. In that first moment, he was almost ready to give up, assuming that his words simply hadn't been heard - or registered. People were talking all around them, after all, so it was certainly easy for one more sentence or two to get lost, to become nothing more than background noise...

But then Thomas turned - and Morgan caught his expression shifting from something that he could only describe as a smirk into a... Friendlier look.

A good sign.

The corners of Morgan's own lips began to turn the slightest bit upwards just from that - but it was the actual response that truly entertained him. Oh, yes, he could imagine a call like that... Though something told him that an autograph might not be the owner's main goal there.

Then again, there really wasn't much that mister Evergreen could do about something so... Good-natured and harmless. Or did he not want the campers to have fun?

It even seemed that Thomas' thoughts had taken him in a similar direction, too - and Morgan found himself humming thoughtfully now, the sound suggesting his vague agreement. His gaze jumped towards the stage again, though only for moment, his head tilting slightly to the side as he did so.

"No, I doubt he truly wishes to ruin their experience," he said, even though he suspected it had to be much more complicated than just that. He was no expert, of course, and yet... In their limited interactions, he had never considered mister Evergreen to simply be a bad man; grief could change a person, of course, could make them want to lash out and hurt others in return, but... "Why open the camp again otherwise."

... Unless he was interested in feeding campers and counsellors to whatever nature spirit or monster or long lost tribe lived in those woods - in the hope of getting his daughters back, that was.

Before they could continue their conversation, however - a pity, since Morgan was sure some interesting opinions could still be shared - a girl took a seat in the row below him... Right next to Thomas.

A quick glance told Morgan that he had not met her before; his memory was generally great, and she looked rather characteristic, after all, with long hair almost as pale as his own - blonde, though, not white-grey. Judging by her age, she wasn't a camper... And her own words explained her presence soon enough.

Juno, hm?

And a music teacher at that...

That was more than enough for Morgan to straighten up a bit in his seat - still keeping his forearms against his thighs, but not leaning forward as much anymore. The girl had only addressed Thomas, which was... Telling, and he was used to just listening either way.

And so he did - simply glancing between the two now as Thomas greeted Juno, introduced himself, and... Already began her education, it seemed. The corners of Morgan's lips twitched at that thought, though he didn't even try to add any comments of his own... Not until he was pointed at, that was - which made him blink once, twice... Even if more surprise did not show on his face beyond that.

"Mm, very cool," he agreed easily enough, his gaze jumping down towards that patting hand at the same time. Well - yes, now that he had confirmation that his company wasn't unwanted, switching spots seemed only practical... And so he did not hesitate too much before doing just that, sliding off his current and onto the new seat. "Morgan Delaney, pleasure to meet you. Nice shirt."

That part, of course, was directed at Juno - though he had to lean forward a bit again to see her, sitting on the opposite side of Thomas to her at that point.

Band merchandise was always a good place to start a conversation - especially since there was generally a huge chance that the person complimented that way would just keep talking and talking about their favourites... And Juno seemed social, too, at least at first glance.


Wyll Wyll Jupiter_South Jupiter_South

jonathan evergreen

Jonathan's eye imperceptibly twitches as he takes in the scene around him.

He chances a glance at Leon MacMillan, off to the side but close to the stage. Settling into his supervisor role well, he supposed. Though Jonathan cannot help the stabbing sensation in his abdomen knowing that it was where his girls would stand, flanking their father as he welcomed the campers to the new session. Leon meets his eyes with a sheepish smile at Thomas' antics with the impromptu performance. Sometimes, he wonders how Leon was able to convince him to allow Thomas Mode to keep his job despite the initial interview with investigators. He remembers hearing the laugh emanate from the interrogation room as his own head spun with nonsense and unplaced blame.

"Grief causes people to act in ways we don't expect." Leon had both hands firmly on Jonathan's shoulders, an attempt to placate the anger threatening to burst.

"Am I to believe the majority of you lot feel grief over my missing daughters?" He bites out through clenched teeth.

Leon frowned back at him. "I do."

The boy was simply right in the end, as investigators assured Jonathan it was a lapse in judgement. No foul play from Thomas. And from how the campers smile and bounce their heads to the ridiculous tune, Jonathan decides the decision was well made to allow the chance to return.

"I want to extend some reassurance to our campers families... Counselor Thomas is not in charge of our music department, rest assured." He attempts his best light-hearted grin, relieved the joke lands as the accompanying adults snicker.

His eyes land on the other counsellors now filing into the amphitheater, grateful for the choice to construct the landmark outside - it may be summer, but the breeze helped something fierce with the storm swirling inside his head as every face comes into view, every person with a reason to hate his girls and take them from him. But not all of them. He finds Clarisse and Connie beside each other, wondering how they must be fairing to be back here - full of memories and only that, never to make new ones. And Rowan... he frowns, again feeling a sense of gratefulness that Paige was able to experience anything close to love during her short existence here.

Shaking off the residual feelings and turmoil, he takes the microphone out of its stand and speaks into the microphone, "welcome back, campers and counselors alike. I, of all people, understand the difficulty of such a decision given the events of last year, but I want to assure you all of the measures we've taken this year to ensure it's safe." That strained smile again pulls at his mouth. "But first, an update: No one has been found responsible for the disappearances of my daughters, and after much deliberation with the state PD, they've determined it safe to continue our operation here with some precautions... first, the local Sheriff, Sheriff Jones of Easthallow, will be on call and in constant contact with our crisis-aid and Camp Director Eva Twine should there be any concerns. Secondly, we have hired security... unfortunately do to some unforeseen complications, they'll be sometime before the end of this week. Because of this, we've implemented a curfew-"

Groans interrupt his speech and the storm billows in his chest - perhaps he should let the campers be murdered and see how much it was an inconvenience then. "Lights out is 9:30, an hour earlier than normal. No one will be permitted on any trail that isn't Hallows' Trail. With no suspects of even persons of interest, while the police are firmly of the belief that my daughters met a fate purely environmental, we cannot rule out the influence of a person." He takes a shuddering breath, composing himself before wild accusations fly off his tongue. "Despite this, our camp will run as smoothly as normal. Listen to the counsellors as they are in direct responsibility of your safety, and Counsellors? If any of you would like to discuss anything before I depart, I'll be at The Lodge speaking with Eva. Meet me there before 3:00pm."

He settles the microphone back into its place and cannot muster up the strength to share the enthusiasm he usually harboured for the childrens sake. He was impatient to leave and forget everything this camp had taken from him.

© weldherwings.


leon m.







  • home (filler tab)

noah kahan

the view between villages

Renee won in the end, Leon decides as Jonathan Evergreen departs the stage, less than composed. Even in death, we're all still thinking of her.

He damn well is. Weeks after the incident, Leon often found himself lost in memory lane about his time as a camper, when Renee was. Being up on this stage as the lone Supervisor for the session stirs those same memories up — he was a boating instructor, but Leon was known to pick up the slack when Renee was on one of her 'rampages'; too involved with the drama she surrounded herself in to boss people around, her second favourite pass time besides causing drama.

He wasn't one to justify the behaviour of others, it was easy to be a decent person but there was a stark difference between Renee Evergreen from the first two years of camp to the girl she became as she grew older, realised the position of power she had over the others — exasperated once she transitioned to a counselor. Renee had feelings, he knew that. All humans had them, like it or not. She just prioritised her feelings above everyone else.

And Paige... he'd give anything to ask her now if it was worth cleaning up all of Renee's mess. To see where it's gotten her.

Following suit, Leon steps down from the stage and chances a look around, landing on Levi and Liberty a fair ways away. Typical, he muses and hides his grin. Always finding each other. His amusement turns to ash as he spots Riley, souring at the truth so clear in front of him: he's a shitty friend and a shittier person. Secretly sleeping with your best friends ex, a girl he harbours no emotional attachment towards other than disappointment to said best friend for treating her wrongfully. Levi would surely hate him if he found out.

Not able to face that truth so soon, Leon offers Riley a wave and moves towards the source of his curiosity: Juliette, sitting beside Josephine and away from the bundle of counsellors.

"Juliette! You look, uh... different?" He reaches out and touches blonde strands where they used to be ginger. "It suits you. In an... Evergreen sort of way." His unease at the remark settles when he reminds himself: people grieve in different ways. She was close to Renee, maybe it was a way to feel even closer to her in the face of uncertainty.

"And Josephine, hey! I'm going to miss seeing you at swim practice and boating. Won't be the same not being out on the water with you this session." His smile is genuine and warm, because he enjoyed every moment of being on that lake with the campers and counsellors.

"Speaking of a change of jobs..." He turns his focus back to Juliette, dumbfounded still by her transformation. "The cook? I'm supposed to make sure you get a head start on that, since we have quite a lot of mouths to feed today. Need some help?"

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • home (filler tab)


bad moon rising

"Here we go."

Kayden swung open the door to his cabin with a creeeeek. He hadn't walked too far to get here, but he was grateful for the walk to be over nonetheless. While his bags hadn't been too heavy when he packed them, it felt like they had doubled in weight on the walk over here. Maybe that wasn't him, though. Kayden had been on camp for maybe ten minutes; he had barely seen a soul. But even as he walked down the empty path to Cabin Four, he could feel that something was different in the air this year.

It wasn't hard to guess at. Renee and Paige disappearing had thrown camp into chaos last year. Honestly, Kayde hadn't even expected Evergreen to open for the summer this year. It wasn't just like two random counselors had gone missing, it was Paige and Renee. Jonathan's daughters. When they'd disappeared, it had thrown the rest of the summer into contention. Camp was cancelled, rumors flew, and an entire roster of counselors had been questioned by the police. Maybe everyone, Kayden didn't know. His own, though, he remembered. He'd spent hours staring up at the cops, watching them grow more and more frustrated as he insisted he didn't know anything. Maybe it was his less than friendly relationship or his general demeanor, but it was almost like they wanted him to involved. And it hadn't gotten any better for him once they'd pulled up his juvenile record. Apparently, it wasn't as sealed as he thought. So much for getting a fresh start when you turn eighteen.

Still, there was nothing there for them to work with, and although they didn't seem happy about it, the cops had let him walk. That was the last time they'd talked to him. He didn't keep well enough in contact with anyone else from camp to know how it had gone for anyone else. And now, here they all were. Camp Evergreen was open for another summer, nobody had been charged with anything for the girls disappearing, and there was still no trace of them. At this point, they had to be dead. Kayden knew it, even if he wasn't sure everyone else did. A girl like Renee doesn't go missing for a year like that. The only reason she wouldn't be showing back up had to be because she couldn't.

Camp without them was a... strange prospect. It's not as if Kayden was friends with either of them-- he'd really say the opposite about Renee, actually-- but they were a fixture at Evergreen. Maybe not his favorite fixture, but they ensured a certain predictability about the summer. If there was one thing Kayden had been sure of, Renee would waive her power in other's faces while Paige slunk behind her picking up pieces. It was routine at this point. While Kayden may not have been the greatest fan of this routine, at least he was used to it. He knew how to operate under it, and more importantly, how to operate around it. The devil you know, right?

The door swung shut behind him, snapping him away from thoughts of Paige and Renee. Good. It wouldn't do him any use to dwell. As he made his way to one of the empty bunks left, he glanced around the cabin. Most of the other beds were at various stages of being set-up, with at least one that had nothing more than the bags still sitting upon it. It seemed others had arrived late. At least that was a relief, because his list of cabinmates wasn't. Putting Rowan and Lou in the same cabin was... a choice. Not one Kayden would have made, for sure; nor was it a cabin he would have forced himself to be in. If they were determined to watch Cabin 4 explode, did he really have to be involved in it?

Thank God there were other people in here besides the three of them. Kayden did not want to be the one that had to get involved when they inevitably came to blows in the cabin. And Marquis was good people. He might not be friends with the guy, but the guy was nice. He wouldn't be letting people beat the shit out of each other every night.

Whatever. Kayde had somewhere to be, and he didn't have time to plop down on his bed and contemplate the potential stressors of his summer. With his bags deposited, he made his way out of the cabin and down towards the amphitheater. He knew the path by heart, but he felt a shiver slip down his back-- there was something almost ominious about walking it by himself, after everything. For a person who could enjoy solitude quite well, being alone here suddenly felt... wrong. Almost dangerous.

"You're being paranoid, Kayde,"
he whispered to himself as he approached the amphitheater. The sisters were gone, but this was the same Evergreen it had always been. And Kayden? He knew Evergreen. There was nothing here worth being scared of.

With that thought, he stepped into the amphitheater. His timing, though, left something to desired. Despite his attempt, he arrived just in time to watch Jonathan Evergreen step off the stage. Figures. Not only was he late to camp this summer, but he was late for this, too.

spareparts spareparts irregular-neptune irregular-neptune Wyll Wyll
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Ricky Sanford
Mentions: anyasjoy anyasjoy monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555

Ricky had mixed feelings about the whole camp situation. On one hand, he was glad that things were still up and running for his last summer before he had to move from his childhood. Unfortunately, as his parents had reminded him, that included summer camp. The counselor job paid relatively well, all things considered, but he was set to be making a lot more with his newly acquired college degree. And with that money, he could afford to finally have a place to himself. Then he could throw all the game nights and parties he wanted, no worrying about uptight roommates or younger siblings. On the other hand, Ricky was still unsure whether camp should be happening with the disappearances. It was risky to hold the camp after the girls had gone missing, but if the police were sure that things were alright, they must be. Right? At least that was what Ricky told himself. If everyone says it's fine, then it's fine, he had decided when he had submitted his application. As if it wouldn't get accepted. The campers liked him, and so did Johnathan, as far as Ricky knew. Why else would he be allowed to keep coming back?

Normally, Ricky was able to fall asleep pretty quickly. He had no problem dozing off in cars, in class, on the couch. Anywhere he could comfortably sit or lie down was a place he could fall asleep. But the night before camp was due to start, Ricky was awake tossing and turning. This whole situation bothered him more than he would ever admit to his fellow counselors, and especially to the campers themselves. He was the cheerful one, the one who told a joke to lighten the heavy mood or make the kids forget about the hardship. Ricky was never one to face hardship head on, always laughing things off to keep everyone happy. And he would keep everyone happy. After all of the rumors in the wake of the disappearances, he felt uneasy about a few of his fellow counselors, and he wasn't sure how to go about it. Would it be horribly awkward in the morning when he had to face everyone? He hoped not. He would just do what he always did: plaster on a smile and make jokes and distract the kids from that sort of thing. He would make sure none of them go hurt. They were his first priority.

He tossed and turned some more, a growing feeling of anxiety in his stomach. Ricky was never anxious for camp, not since his first day there as a geeky preteen with braces and an impressive array of Batman t-shirts. He was always more excited than anything else, raring to see his friends and make new ones. The only thing that had caused him this much anxiety had been standing up to Renee. Ricky didn't hate anyone, no, he didn't have the heart for that. He disliked people or attitudes, but that was as far as it got. Renee had been one of the few people he'd actively harbored ill feelings towards. She had used her power to hurt and intimidate others, and most of the time Ricky hadn't done as much as he should have, all because he was concerned about his damn job. He'd tried his best to keep the peace, but how was it fair to tell the bullied that they had to play nice for their job's sake? As much as he'd tried to banish the thought, it came back in the night, mocking him. Maybe if he'd been more outspoken about her cruel actions, things would be different. Logically he knew that wasn't true; it couldn't be. But that didn't stop him from thinking it. He hoped that despite his issues with Renee, and later with Paige as well, things would be all right. Now that they were gone, he kept seeing Paige as the girl she was when she and Ricky were friends, before she let the resentment fester like he'd warned her against. Not that he'd done a good job, obviously. He swallowed, reaching over to turn off his alarm. If he was going to stay up late thinking about this, then he would give himself a break from a 6am run tomorrow. He didn't want to be a zombie for the first day of camp, after all. What he forgot to do was turn on a later alarm, and Ricky was a notoriously deep sleeper...


Ricky woke up to the morning sunlight streaming in through his window with a start. What time was it? Had he forgotten to set an alarm to replace his 5:45 one? As he looked at the time, he felt another rush of anxiety. This was out of character for him. He wasn't perfect with his punctuality, but he was never this late. Hopefully Johnathan wouldn't notice, and he could play it off as him losing track of time to his fellow counselors. "Shit, shit, shit," Ricky muttered under his breath as he hurriedly dressed and brushed his teeth before dashing out of his cabin and towards the amphitheater. He nearly sprinted there--guess he was doing a morning run, after all--only slowing his pace as he nearly ran head on into some straggling campers. He gave them a quick apology with his signature charismatic smile before hurrying to the amphitheater.

As he arrived, he saw Johnathan heading offstage. Perfect. Fucking perfect. He sighed. The one time he was late on the first day, and he missed the entire beginning of the year speech. He stopped at the edge of the amphitheater, seeing his peers chatting amongst each other, some with more animosity than others. He knew that it would be a wild first day due to the rumors and suspicions whirling around after the disappearance, not to mention the fact that neither Renee nor Paige was here. Ricky took a deep breath, shoving it all down as he approached someone to ask what he'd missed.

He spotted some familiar faces not too far away and quickened his pace once again as he reached Leon, Josephine, and Juliette. The sight of people he recognized and the normalcy behind it helped put him on more even ground mentally. "Hey guys!" he called out cheerfully, coming to stop at the edge of their group. "I forgot to set my alarm this morning." He let out a small chuckle at this, running his hand through his hair. "Did I miss anything important?"
JC sulked a bit, lingering around the entrance to the auditorium for a while. When he spotted Lou putting out his cigarette, he waited before picking it up and pocketing it. There was no easy rationale for it, not for JC. Was he suddenly feeling responsible for the camp? Did he feel guilt for what happened with the sisters? For Paige...? Was it wrong for him to want to feel more guilt for Renee? What about the relief that their secret died with her?

JC looked at his bruised knuckles and shook his head, spitting some of the phlegm out onto the grass. A broken nose will do wonders for your nasal passages. It didn't help that the softly pulsing numbness kept reminding him of the moment his dad knocked his lights out. He quietly wished he'd done the same to his left cheek but he'll take a lost tooth as consolation. As the campers and counselors filed in, JC took stock. Marquis ( Wyll Wyll ) smiled at him. The fuck was there to smile about? He scoffed. At least camp was away from home. How anyone could bare walking around this ghost town with some fish-eyed daughterless dad was beyond him. But hey, better this dad than the other one. God, he needed a beer.

Time to rip off the band-aid though. JC turned around and walked into the auditorium. It was mostly full. The counselors were all huddled together like some amateur flag football team ( spareparts spareparts Wyll Wyll evermoon evermoon irregular-neptune irregular-neptune ) and JC really couldn't be bothered by whatever kumbaya Disney channel bullshit they thought they were going to pull together. Instead, JC stood with his back to the far wall, surveilling the faces that came in. He spotted a few kids that needed cheering up. If nothing else, it gave him the excuse to go out for some mule deer or whitetail. Or, if the woods were too spooky given... past events, some fishing by the lake. Who knows. Enough to just find some quiet.

Oh... right... Jonathan was talking. Something about a curfew. Something about being at a lodge for a bit. It was easier to pretend the sisters weren't gone if he didn't pay attention to their father. His voice was too gentle to listen to. It dulled him - made him wish he could just pretend to be someone else's son. But that would mean trading in his mother. He could never. JC took Lou's cigarette out of his pocket and looked it over. He spotted the man chatting it up with some newcomer, rolled his eyes and decided to toss it into a garbage bin. Today didn't need any more crap added to it and playing hot potato with a cigarette in the auditorium would have been a damn stupid move. Speaking of keeping out of trouble... JC spotted Liberty ( lostbird lostbird ) having a ball with that self-righteous curve to the edge of her lip that reminded him of Renee. He approached, making no bones about it.

"Hey, Birdie" he nods at her. A moment passes, leaving a tense but subtle acknowledgement of the less than amicable terms they were on. "Listen, since you wanna start barking at me for picking up after others, let me get this out of the way now. Just leave me alone," he said, his voice softening at the end. "Ok?"
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The acrid smell of fingernail polish filled the car as Alt slid the brush over his nails. He dropped the brush into the black pot nestled in the drink holder, then gave the nail a stern blow. It burned around the edges of the nails that touched scarred flesh. He gritted his teeth. This wasn’t a statement. His nail beds were damaged and already naturally black. He didn’t want any comments. Hell, his entire body was a fucking comment. This was probably more for him than anyone else.

Deep breath. He tried to calm his nerves. Deep breath. Come on nerves, settle down. Deep breath. Are you trying to piss me off, nerves? Slam your palm into the steering wheel. Well, that hurt. Do it again.

There was a whole plethora of people that Alt didn’t want to see, but most of all, he didn’t want to see Jonathan—Mr. Evergreen. He pressed his thumb into the bruise that was slowly forming on the palm of his hand. How he’d gotten all that out without once honking the car’s horn or sending it into alarm was amazing. The dull ache under his skin snapped him back to reality. He couldn’t believe that Mr. Evergreen had reopened the camp after all of that. His daughters were dead, and their killer was still at large. He was right here, actually. Alt shook his head. He’d promised to do two things while he was here: “not to internally punish himself” and “not to externally punish himself” either. Right out of the gate, he scored 0 for 2. Maybe he should have thrown in “don’t get an STD” to tip the scale.

So, as Alt entered the amphitheater and heard the end of Mr. Evergreen’s speech, everything finally felt real—painfully real. Instead of looking at the man, his gaze drifted up the skyline. The trees pierced upwards like green claws that scratched at the heavenly ceiling. When the wind caught them, they swayed ominously as if, at any moment, those claws would come down on them. Alt had never liked the forest, but now it felt even more foreign. Honestly, he’d be more at home on the moon's surface than between the tall trees. The low hum of chatter after Mr. Evergreen left the stage tried to return the scene to some sense of normalcy. But the trees still loomed over them—a cosmic monstrosity beckoning everyone into their grasp. Alt fought back a chill on this warm day.

He pulled his pack tighter to his body, trying to shrink into it like a snail. Last year, he burned all his bridges. The vitriol he’d spat from his lips was the deadliest of poisons, a social venom that had won him no friends. That was even more evident when no one raised their hand to pull him into their group. If anything, there were lingering glances of campers trying to remember his face but finding no purchase in their memory. It didn’t help that the nasty scarring mutilated the familiar geography of his features. It fell over his neck and rocketed down his torso and across his right hand. None of that was visible beyond that shiny mottling across his palm and fingers. He briskly ran a hand through his unnatural blond hair, the heat piercing through his thick hair due to the lack of pigment. It was a look that had become synonymous with him. Yet, he wasn’t the only one with bottle-blond hair. Alt’s gaze caught Juliette. No longer the ginger shadow of Renee, she was transforming into the deceased girl, with her blonde hair forming a wavy corona around her face. He rolled his eyes at this. Bite your tongue. Nope.

He approached Juliette, glancing at—what’s her name—Jennifer, Leon, and Ricky. The latter drew his lips into a tight frown. He’d done nothing beyond having the same name as Alt’s ex-flame. “Yeah—apparently your one braincell,” Alt remarked to Ricky. He then homed in on Juliette. “Wow. I guess you didn’t want the absence of Renee to be felt at camp, so you decided to cosplay as her. I hate to say it, but you’re not as big a bitch as she was. Good effort, though.”

Good job, Alt. Really just draw attention to yourself right out of the gate. Moving on from the bridges and right into the river itself.

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levi jackson







  • home (filler tab)



I must be dissociating right now.

To be fair, this wasn’t the most ideal way to start the morning, just standing around. Levi stood out like a sore thumb, his height making him tower over the mass of campers and fellow counselors. With the slow pace of the morning, he doubted they'd even make it to lunch on time. His mind began to wonder, he thought about how tomorrow’s sessions would go and really hoped he wouldn’t have to deal with campers complaining about the heat. We get it, you don’t want to sweat, deal with the heat, or run. So sit out, he thought with a hint of sarcasm.

Before he could get completely lost in his thoughts, someone knocked into his shoulder. A familiar set of blonde hair and warm eyes glanced up at him, the smirk on her face as playful as ever. Nostalgia hit him all at once. Levi returned the fraction of a smile, shifting his hip slightly.
"It's never too—"

"Hey, dumbass!"

A pair of strong hands yanked him back, cutting him off mid-sentence. Perplexed, Levi found himself suddenly holding the cigarette he'd had that morning at the dock. He was utterly confused but also mildly impressed that JC had the balls to pull a stunt like this in front of everyone, including Mr. Evergreen. He must be fucking crazy. Before Levi could react, Libby quickly stepped between them, her face stern and clearly displeased with the sudden outburst. Levi stifled a laugh at her bold comment, opting instead to whistle as he watched JC walk away, disappearing into the crowd.

"I smoked this at the dock, by the way,"
he started, twirling the bud of the cigarette before discarding it to the closest bin near by.
"The Fairview dock, this morning."
Levi angled his body in Liberty's direction, the two sharing a knowing look only for Levi to be the first to crack, a sheepish grin slowly breaking out.
"Gonna write me up for not throwing it away earlier or what?"
He already knew the answer though, of course he did. They were doing what they usually do best—gravitating towards each other when no one else was around. In that quiet moment, Levi selfishly allowed himself to settle into the familiar comfort. Being back wasn't easy, especially returning a year after the sisters went missing, please let me have this.

The chatter around them gradually grew louder, with people whispering and groaning about a curfew being given. It shouldn’t have surprised him, seeing how some were quick to dismiss the fact that the Evergreen sisters were gone—perhaps even relieved—but to draw the line at a curfew? Damn. An unsettling feeling washed over him as he glanced over Libby, his eyes boring into the dark, hollow woods. It was probably for the best, but he didn’t need someone else to tell him that.

As the aftermath of the speech unfolded, Levi took the moment to glance around, spotting a few familiar faces along with some new ones. He noticed Leon stepping down from the stage, waving to someone—was that Riley? Huh. A slight wave of nerves bubbled up, and he found himself fighting the sudden urge to get a drink yet again. He knew they’d have to talk eventually, to make things less awkward with Riley, but not right away. Maybe next summer.

With a swallow, Levi shifted his gaze back to meet Libby's.
"What do you think about all of this?"
he asked, gesturing to the ruckus unfolding around them.
"About the curfew?"

♡coded by uxie♡

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