Push. (Still Open)


Two Thousand Club
(I can't post the link but the sign-ups are still open in the sign ups section)

This is set in modern day and the US government is.. rather shady, even dangerous. Everyone knows that already but this is different. There are people with superhuman abilities and the government likes that and so they bring them in to a program called Division. As someone with abilities, you definitely don't want to be brought there but good news is, not everyone is. Bad thing, there's a drug that they've developed to enhance the powers of those with abilities and the only problem is, it's killing them. All they want is to create a group of super soldiers to use in war. If you seem to be very good with your abilities, Division will be after you. So, how will your story play out?


1. Obviously, the RPnation rules.

2. While you may have powers over other characters, no directly controlling them or their reactions.

3. No developing a second power or anything like that. You've got one, that's it.

4. Don't make your character super powerful and unable to be overpowered. That's just annoying.

So let's say that the story begins in the heart of Chicago..

Olivia smirked, entering a bar she frequently went to. She certainly didn't look old enough not to be I.D'd and she was underage, but that's where her fake I.D. came in handy. Pushing the bartender to give her drinks wasn't something she wanted to do, didn't wanna draw any attention to herself. She was no Watcher, so she didn't use alcohol to enhance her abilities but more as a release from her stresses. If anything, the alcohol only gave her less control and less accuracy over her abilities. She knew a few others with abilities that came here and that's why she went there as much as she did.

Dustin was watching behind the glass as a doctor injected yet another person with the drug meant to enhance their power. This one was a Watcher, like his mother. As they plunged the syringe into her arm and the drug went it, she convulsed for a minute and a loud "beeeeeeeeeep" echoed in the room as the monitor went off. They waiting a few more moments, hopeful that maybe, just maybe she'd come back. She didn't. Dustin sighed and shrugged it off, "Just another one," he said to his partner.
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Addison was laid back on her bed watching TV when she started to hear screaming and banging from the room next to her, "Oh great their fighting again." She sighed getting up off of the bed and walking out of her small one room apartment, slamming the door. "Not like i'll be able to relax with them fighting all night. I wish I would of looked into the place before deciding to move in here.", Addison decided to walk around for a bit, she came across a bar, she was new to the area so she decided to go in and have a few drinks since she didn't really know much about the area or the people here. She sat down at the bar, "One black Russian, please?" She asked the bartender and waited for her drink.
Scarlet sat in the corner of wa bar, that was local in town. This, after all was what others cakes her table. She sat here pften. Scarlet was also cakes Scar to those who rarely known her. Scar sipped her drink quietly, her vibrant bright red hair fell down her back. She wore a button down sleeveless white blouse, with a pair of denim jeans that were rolled up to her knee's. She was quiet, only glancing back slightly when she heard the door pull open.
Olivia glanced at the girl who had just sat down. She had never seen her before and toyed with the thought of pushing her into telling Olivia who she was. She figured that was a bit much and she could just ask. But then again, she might not be so open. Oh well, she thought. She sipped at a long island ice tea, her drink of choice. She'd introduce herself to the girl in time but not at this exact moment. She wanted to wait until the new girl had had a few drinks. Get a few drinks in anyone and they'll start talking.
Addison sat quietly to herself quickly gulping down her drink, noticing Olivia looking over at her, but not paying any mind to it. There were so many people and so many loud noises, I guess this wasnt really the place to go to get some relaxation but oh well, Addison finished up her drink and decided that one or two more wouldnt hurt. "Can I get a Sea Breeze, please" She shouted over to the bartender seeing as she could barley hear herself think.
Olivia still sipped slowly on her Long Island iced tea, one or two of these was enough to keep her relaxed without getting too out of hand. She glanced over at Addison again, wondering what her deal was. She then looked around the rest of the bar, noticing a few familiar faces and even fewer people like her. She saw Scarlet and she'd seen her there before but she never really knew if she was someone like her. She wanted to know, but she'd figure it out eventually. She lifted her lavender hoodie over her loosely curled hair, she didn't want too many people looking at her and knowing who she was.
Addison wanted to leave, but it was the bar, or back to the apartment with the screaming people next door so she just sat there drinking her drink quickly, but not as fast as last time since she had to kill time. A few sleezy drunk guys would walk up to her every few minutes but she wouldnt react much to them. She continued to sip on her drink, getting a bit tipsy. She wasnt much of a drinker before she was 21 so it only took a little to get her going.
Olivia giggled to herself at the drunk men. She knew them well as she was a regular here. They'd harassed her before and she'd pushed them more than a few times and now they didn't really approach her all that much. She continued to sip on her drink when she turned her hooded head over to Addison. "Hey," she grinned, "What's your name? Never seen you 'round here before."
Addison glanced over at Olivia "Uh... Addison, I just moved here, and your name is?", she said a bit uneasy to trust Olivia. She tried to stay to herself so no one would suspect her of having any powers. She wanted to avoid any problems.
Scar picked up her drink and sipped the remaining of the drink, before standing abruptly. Some of the men cocked their head curiously at her. She ignored the looks and quickly walked over to the counter. "Bloody Marie, Dry." She mumbled to the waitor. Hej nodded before quickly walking off. She glanced at Olivia and the other girl before reieving her drink. Scar walked off from them and sat back down at her table.
"Nice to meet ya, Addy. Can I call ya Addy? Well anyways, I'm Olivia," she smiled that smiled of hers and pulled her hood off. She sipped at the tall glass again and to her disappoint, it was finished. She sighed and contemplated ordering another. Not now, she thought.
"Sure!" she had a slight smile. No ones given her a nick name before, for some reason it made her feel a bit at ease. "Nice to meet you too, So have you lived around here long?" Addison wanted to know as much as she could find out. She never really stayed in one place for too long so no one ever got curious enough to question her.
"Couple years now," she smirked. "I tend to move around a bit because well.. ah, just never liked staying in one place for too long," she said. She couldn't just say 'Yeah I can't get caught by the government' cause she didn't know if Addy knew anything of those who possessed powers and if she'd understand that Division could come after her whenever they wanted. She was developing her abilities, after all, so it'd make sense for them to come some time or another.
Scar pulled a stack of papers from her bag and went over them quietly, sipping her drink. She could have sworn, no it wasn't right. Scar read over the lines quickly. She shouldn't have been reading it in the public anyways.
Addison glanced over at Scar reading, she always kept on top of her surroundings. "Same, I guess I just havent found the right place to stay yet...or something." she kinda laughed. She trys to keep her powers as secret as possible, she was almost caught once, she cant risk it again.
"I see, I see," she said in understanding. Olivia noticed the girl's eyes stray to Scarlet. She'd seen the girl before but never knew anything about her. She was curious about her and the papers she was looking over. She wanted to walk over and introduce herself but she figured it'd be rude, as she was engaged in conversation with Addy.
Scar kept a blank expression as she sorted through the papers, looking for something important that she could rely on. These were goverment files that she had managed to steal from them in a last months raid through her previous home town. Scar sipped her drink inpatiently. It wasnt helping one bit.
This girl was really making her curious and she couldn't help herself anymore. "If you'll excuse me," she smiled at Addy and got up. She gave herself a moment to balance herself and assess how she was feeling in reaction to the drink she had and she was just a little tipsy but she'd be fine. She walked over to Scar's table and boldly sat down. "How ya doin? I've seen you here before, what's your name? I'm Olivia."
"Oh yeah, sure." Replied Addison as she turned back to her drink. More and more guys making asses of themselves. One of the men came up to her and grabbed at her arm but she pushed him back, he was then taken out of the bar for being to rowdy and Addison just ordered another drink to sip on. "Last one and ill go home and hopefully get some sleep tonight." She quietly said.
Scarlet watched the papers as shadows approached her. Scar folded her papers and slipped them back into bag. She glanced up sipping her drink. " I'm always here, your the one I haven't seen before." She mumbled crossing her legs. "Im Scarlet Rose. Call me Scar."
"Really now? Surprising, I'm here as often as I can be," she shrugged. "Nice to meet ya, Scar. Well, why is it that you're here so much then? Myself, I just need to relieve some stress, ya know how it is." She was trying to keep the conversation upbeat so she could make a good impression but this girl was different. She was thinking she might need to push some information out of her.
Addison finishes up her drink, she ended up being a little bit more drunk then she intended to be. She slowly stood up, grabbed her purse and stumbled out of the bar on her way back to the apartment.
It had been a while since Dustin had watched the girl die back at the Division center here in Chicago. To the regular world, people knew it as 'some government building' that only officials were emitted access to. No regular old person knew it's true intentions. And so, Dustin began to walk down the street, on his way home as he watched a girl stumble out of a building. She certainly didn't look like she was able to control herself and he was curious about her and so he began to walk towards her. His intentions were anything but good.
Scar sipped her drink listening to the girl's pathetic question. "I Will be here as Long as I Please Kid." Scar stood, placing money on the table. She grabbed her bag and headed for the door. She didn't care if she was being rude or not, she didn't want to talk to the girl anymore. She was probably just another worthless pedestrian wasting her time.
Olivia was taken back and quite frankly, insulted. She ran up to the girl, "Kid?! Who are you calling kid? Excuse me but I don't know who you think you to talk down to me!" She was ticked off and when that happened.. well, she was a feisty one. Pushing was now the top option on her list but she had to make sure she was worth getting information from.

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