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Fantasy Psydrium: A Tale of Psionics (Urban/Modern 'Fantasy')


Connoisseur of Romance

A Modern Day Tale of Psionic Society

Hey all! You might recognize me from lurking on the Shoutbox and in case you don't- hello!

I have recently started a new role-play called Psydrium: A Tale of Psionics. I made entirely too much lore for you to peruse but for a quick synopsis it is as follows: there are people in our world today who can use mental powers and abilities. They call themselves "psions." Psydrium is both the name of their society and a city constructed on the face of a Swiss Alp in which many of them reside. In this role-play you can play any one of the five (5) schools of psions in the society that are brought together by their schools to form a group with a secret purpose.

I am looking for people who write at least 2-3 paragraphs per post and who are willing to brave my over-abundance of information. Please feel free to PM me any questions you may have or simply drop by my OOC thread!

Please click here to read more and apply!
Just commenting to remind me self to check this our tomorrow at a time that isn't 1:30 in the morning. After we last RPed, I told you I hoped we'd write together again, and now that things are going very slow for me on site it seems like the best time to fulfil that hope!
Nice to see you again, SkyGinge! Feel free to bookmark it and read in intervals- there's a lot to read. <3
Just the way I like it! Since we last wrote together, I've turned into quite the detail-phile (which is a horridly constructed word that I hope to never make up again), so bring it on!

*prepares his eyes and brain*
Please, join this RP, folks! It's mega interesting, in depth and looks like it'll be really fun to do! So, gogogogogogogo!
Ahhh! I forgot to finish my CS! *runs off speedy-quick*
Whew, finally got it done ;^_^A

Welp, now we just wait for Syren to get to them and see what she thinks ^_^ )7
I will do my CSes probably tomorrow and then accept/decline for all you lovely folks on Sunday. You can edit and re-arrange and whatever you like until then!

Since this has come up in other RPs I've been, I will give you a head's up as to what my biggest concerns will be:

  • Is the character going to be able to work with a group or will they either run off by themselves or work against it?
  • Is the character balanced? Do they have both strengths and flaws or are they someone who's just good at everything, always wins a fight, is super pretty, etc.?
  • Did the player follow the guidelines I set out? (I've seen some RPs where players completely disregard required parts of a template! Mine's pretty simple, though.)

I know I've seen SkyGinge and DryPunishment some feedback, and I'm happy to send anyone else that wants a review an idea of what I am looking for. Once I post my character sheets, expect that we won't be adding many people unless they have already talked to me privately about joining post-start and I've worked them in. =)
If you want, just take a quick look over my CS, Syren, if ya don't mind :3 I'm pretty sure I got all the important bits, if I'm missing anything, I'd prefer to know now so I have to to edit if needed. All at your convenience of course, if you'd prefer to leave it to Sunday, I'll make a few alternative stories for him, just in case ( ^_^ )
^Yes! what Ginge said! Join us and be awesome. Like Ginge.

Just got my CS fully updated,btw, I am so ready for this RP :D
And like Stick! And like the whole RP, really! I'm also so ready; everything RP has either been planning or very slow and monotonous for me this week so looking forward to having something fresh to sink my teeth into!

So join us, and we'll give you gifts of free swag!

The gift of sweg is still there, but hurry! You only have a few days left to join, and you don't wanna miss out!
Psssh, Sweg is overrated, we had Class and Style on sale, buy one, get the other ABSOLUTELY FREE! But hurry now, we only have so much of the good stuff, you'll want to get it while the getting's good!


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