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Fandom Prophetic - A Percy Jackson Roleplay

Play On Words

Musical Goddess
Rules for Character Creation:
Maximum of three characters per person
No overpowered character. I decide if they're OP, not you
I will PM you with the status of your character
No OOC chatter in this thread, just character sheets
Don't write a novel for personality or backstory, I don't want to read that

Realistic Picture:

Brief Personality:
Optional Backstory:

Godly Parent:
Powers(Include ALL of them!):
Weapon(If it was a gift from their parent, why did they get it? Include pictures if you can.):
Which Camp:
Years at Camp:
Rank in Camp:​

Name: Luca Voren
Nickname: Luke
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: British
Height: 6'2"

Brief Personality: He's incredibly... Roman, is the best word for it. Strict, stern, never abides rule breakers, loyal to a fault. He values discipline and is very harsh to those who cross him.
Strengths: Swordfighting, natural leader, physically strong
Weaknesses: Stubborn as hell, set in his ways, ranged weaponry

Godly Parent: Pluto
Powers: Shadow travel, summoning the dead, slight influence over cold temperatures and snow, control over bones, and control over darkness.
Weapon: He has seven rings, the origin of which are unknown. Five of them fuel his powers, while the other two disguises for his weapons, one a sword and one a shield. Pictures will be included later.
Which Camp: Camp Jupiter
Years at Camp: 17
Rank in Camp: Praetor​

Name: Braeden Cerin
Nickname: Brae
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual, heterosexual
Nationality: British
Height: 6'4"

Brief Personality: Braeden is what most people would expect as the son of Orcus. He's a bit cruel, particularly to those who break oaths, and is very... Emotionless. He doesn't have friends so much as allies, acts far friendlier to his allies than he actually is. Everything he does is a front to make sure that, if a fight breaks out, he'll have plenty of people fighting beside him.
Strengths: Fighting, having no attachments, cruelty
Weaknesses: Empathy, most emotions, the color pink

Godly Parent: Orcus
Powers: He can summon the souls of those who have broken oaths in the past, he can shadow travel, control temperature and darkness, and can slightly control the dead.
Weapon: He has a few weapons that he uses every day, and one secret one that nobody knows about.


All Stygian iron, a bow, two daggers, and his sword. Disguised as a necklace that he always wears, he also has a Stygian iron scythe, which stands at about six feet tall.
Which Camp: Camp Jupiter
Years at Camp: 15
Rank in Camp: Centurion of the First Legion​
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Name: Hailey Vaughn
Nickname: Hail
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: Australian
Height: 5'8"

Brief Personality: Hotheaded to the extreme, she tends to kill people that get in her way or that act, as she puts it, 'extraordinarily stupid.' Unfortunately, as that applies to many people, she tends to get in a bit of trouble. She's sarcastic, a bit rude, but overall not unfriendly as long as whoever she's talking to has common sense.
Strengths: Godly powers, fighting, strategizing
Weaknesses: Getting along with others, controlling her temper, idiots

Godly Parent: Jupiter
Powers: Mild control over flight, can manipulate the air, summon lightning.
Weapon: Two imperial gold javelins, a sword, and a shield.
Which Camp: Camp Jupiter
Years at Camp: 10
Rank in Camp: Legionnaire of the Second Cohort​
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Name: Lora Brienne
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: American
Height: 5'3"

Brief Personality: Despite her parentage, Lora is incredibly and cripplingly shy. She gets very flustered when people show interest in her, and often assumes that it's some cruel prank. She does have a couple close friends, to whom she is quite quiet, but very kind, funny, almost sweet. People tend to avoid her, since they believe that she can force them to love her or something ridiculous.
Strengths: Archery, influencing the Mist, charisma
Weaknesses: Melee fighting, over aggressiveness, and oddly enough, people flirting with her.

Godly Parent: Eros
Powers: Lora can bring a state of ecstasy upon a person, dazing them for a few moments, she can cause a person to lose all desire to attack her for a few moments(Keep in mind that they won't stop attacking her if they're in the process, but it may stop a duel before it begins, and effects can wear off quickly), she can heighten or mute a person's romantic feelings for another, especially for her, can gauge a relationship between people. Her final and most powerful ability is also a secret. She can heighten the pheromones in a person, and control them for a very short period of time. Granted, with this ability, she cannot cause someone to hurt someone else.
Weapon: A bow with arrows, some of which are special, a spear, and a sword.
Which Camp: Camp Half Blood
Years at Camp: 4
Rank in Camp: Councilor of the Eros cabin​
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Name: Cody Flint
Nickname: Flint
Age(15-19): 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Closeted Homosexual
Nationality: American
Height: 6'5"

Brief Personality: Like most sons of Ares, he tends to be a bit cocky, a bit arrogant. He'd never full out bully someone or be a dick, he just lets his ego get ahead of him sometimes. He's massively competitive, hates losing, and will never refuse a challenge.
Strengths: Strength, fighting skill, confident
Weaknesses: Arrogant, impatient, no empathy.

Godly Parent: Ares
Powers: He has a general understanding of any weapon from the moment he touches it, which extends to how to hold it and how to use it for the best use, but not any real skill with it.
Weapon: He has a pretty typical sword, celestial bronze, double edged, that hangs from his hip, two daggers of a similar style, and a shield. He's also in the process of having a double bladed war axe being crafted for him by the Hephaestus kids.
Which Camp: Camp Half Blood
Years at Camp: 5
Rank in Camp: Just a regular camper​
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  • 26669cad16e81eff41584a980c4b185f.png






    Amber Leah Marshall.

    Berry , Am.





    Brief Personality
    She can be described as tough as nails and also very protective. She can be somewhat of a tomboy, in that she doesn't buy into the usual expectations held for teenage girls: she scoffs at high school pretenses, doesn't seem to get on well with other girls, and holds her own against her male counterparts. She can be quite impulsive and tends to speak before she thinks, which can get her into trouble. She is a highly skilled manipulator with extremely questionable morals, she has proven she is willing to do anything to get what she wants, even at the expense of others' lives. Still, she does seem to value the ties of friendship, though highly selectively, and her desire to be with her brother and keep them both safe suggests an inner vulnerability that she often covers up with provocative remarks and behavior. She doesn't allow for anybody to get in her way if her family and friends are threatened... especially her brother. Actually she only care about him...

    That aside she is rather caring and compassionate towards others. Be it a plant, an animal or a human however to some she may come of as an out of control neat freak or just a general freak. Besides being raised in the palace the only friend she had was the only one she spoke to. As much as she gives advice she was also told that she is a good listener.

    Optional Backstory


    ✧ Quick-wittied.
    ✧ Sharp tongue.
    ✧ Agile/Quick on her feet.

    ✧ Like her brother, Gabriel ( AI10100 AI10100 ) , she puts his interests above all.
    ✧ Lack of thinking/Recklessness.
    ✧ Impatience/Stubborn.
    ✩Godly Information
    Godly Parent
    Janus - God of Choices, Doorways/Gates, Beginnings & Ends.


    Portal Opening. Amber can unlock portals by using her key which is also her weapon. However there must be an existent type of door way. She cannot form a portal out of thin air. The greater distance, the more draining on her it is.
    Lock picking. Opening locks is Amber's specialty. Any lock of any type leave it in her hands. It's her hobby. However if it's a door lock in particular.

    A golden key which elongates itself into an imperial gold dual edged spear.
    Camp Jupiter.

    Years at Camp
    2 years.

    Rank in Camp
    Legionnaire of the Fifth Cohort of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata.

    Camp Tattoo
    Her father's two faces opposing each other, SPQR underneath with 2 lines.



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Name: Nick Weigel
Nickname: Mr.Spock or simply Spock
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Height: 5'8''

Brief Personality: Much like his godly parent Nick is a very secluded character rarely if ever taking the time to mingle with others in the camp, preferring instead to sit at his desk all day working on that new invention. The times he does engage with other people he can come off as being a bit nutty. Despite his antisocial tendencies NIck is a team player always cooking up some cool new gadget for the campers.

-Impeccable craftsman

-Hand to Hand combat is not his strong suit

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Powers(Include ALL of them!):
-Expert builder / Mechanic
-Technokinesis i.e can control and manipulate machines
-Pyrokinesis, although he doesn't know it yet he has the ability to control fire as well as being completely immune to any harm from fire.


-While not exactly a weapon Nick's automation , Ptah the hound dog can be quite deadly

Which Camp: Camp Hephaestus , No. 9
Years at Camp: 6
Rank in Camp: Head Councillor of Camp Hephaestus

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Gabriel Marshall






6 foot flat

Brief Personality:
He is an introverted person. He prefers listening to people rather than talking himself so he lets his sister handle the talking. Though he isn't against saying his part when he feels that it is needed. To him, the easiest way out is the best way out, no matter the cost. He would, when the time rises for it, actually suggest some morally wrong things if it is the easier way out. He rarely lets emotions control his opinions. He uses his mind, not his heart.

People often call him a cold and heartless bastard who doesn't know how to land a blow softly, and he doesn't disagree with that. He likes to say things as they are. Ask him for an opinion, he'll tell you the cold, hard truth. Though no one has seen it, perhaps aside from his sister, he actually has a pretty soft heart. If he would sacrifice someone, he would carry that death for the rest of his life. He's actually an emotional person hidden behind an cold shell. He shows concern in his own way. Not that he'll ever admit it or openly show it to anyone.

He is the voice of reason of the two. He likes taking calculated steps and would rather have a plan than just charging in and improvising. He takes opinions quite well, believe it or not, and would rather hear the group's inputs when it came to decisions. He'd never vote on any decisions and just lay down his opinions of the pros and cons of the choices they would make.

He would probably never admit it, but he actually cares a lot for his sister even though she is entirely different from him and it is not because it would benefit him, but because he actually feels genuine care. Not dying is just a bonus. Most of his decisions, when involving her, always falls to her side no matter what. Choosing between the world and her sister? It's a no-brainer. He'll go for his sister.

Optional Backstory:

- Logical
- Observant
- Marksman

- Puts his sister's survival above everything else
- Refuses to make dire decisions
- Prideful in a sense that he doesn't like admitting if he's hurt or not

Godly Parent:

Prediction of Choices
- He usually doesn't have much control over his power. When things aren't right, he feels it. He flashes in and out of this. Usually, when a dire choice is being made, he will either see the beginning or the end of said choices. His body freezes up when he has these predictions but he can be carried out of the way. These visions change according to the changes made so what he sees is not the definite outcome.

Lockpicking - If it's a locked door, leave it to him (or his sister) to open it up. One could consider it as a hobby, he says it just feels natural.


He wields a bow and arrow that can be disguised as a sling bag. As a precaution, he also carries around an Imperial Gold Dagger.

Which Camp:
Camp Jupiter

Years at Camp:
2 years

Rank in Camp:
Legionnaire of the Fifth Cohort of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata

Camp Tattoo:
His father's two faces, SPQR underneath with two lines



Damian Westerian






Brief Personality:
Damian is a straightforward person. What you see is what you get. He hides no secrets, and withholds no information. He is very honest, too honest, and comes off as a little insensitive. He doesn't seem to mind the opinion of others. People say he's a bad person? Then let them think that way. He finds it a waste of energy to even try to change their opinions. On that note, he is actually a pretty lazy person, always claiming that he only wants to do things that aren't a waste of his energy since he claims that he has a low energy reservoir, though no one doubts this excuse since he rarely gets a good night's sleep. He respects authority but his tone when speaking to them is usually casual, if not his normal one. He has a habit of yawning every now and then, probably from the lack of sleep.

Although he does not seem like it, he is a sharp kid, able to deduce a lie from the liar's face and tone of voice. He's quite suspicious of new people. He notes even the slightest of movements of a person. But if he deems them safe, he usually forgets about them the next day. But those that are dangerous and suspicious remains in his mind.

Another possibly irritating yet endearing trait of his is his memory. Suffice to say, it's horrible. He tends to forgot things that happened the day before unless something very significant happens. If ever you asked him if he bought a melon break or a ham sandwich the day before, he probably won't know which he bought. There are times where he forgets significant events, leading to confusion on his part. It's part of the reason why he carries around a journal, to record significant events that happened so that he will remember. Names also don't come easily to him so he would often forget people's names when he only talked to them once or twice.

Optional Backstory:
Damian's birth was completely accidental. It was one of the rare times when Boreas descended to the mortal plane to check on the humans of Quebec, enjoying what little free time he had for now. It was winter at that time and his daughter, Khione, was doing an excellent job in actually keeping the climate cool for the week. While he was strolling around, he had met Anne Westerian, a beautiful model who was, at that time, heavily intoxicated after a drink out with friends. Boreas decided to help the poor girl out and before he knew it, he was seduced and had a child with her. Anne was just as shocked as Boreas as she never planned for any of this to happen. She apologized profusely to the man, thinking that he was just that, a man. Boreas easily forgave her and admitted his own mistake, but also apologized for having to leave her despite the heavy burden he placed on her. Anne made a deal with Boreas - that she would take care of the child as repentance for her sin.

And so Damian was born. While it was accidental, Anne loved him greatly. She was making enough money with her modelling job despite the fact that she has already given birth since she still had a beautiful figure even after that. When he was just a baby, Boreas appeared once more and had a serious talk with Anne and explained to her just exactly what he was. Anne surprisingly took it well as she claimed to have 'felt something odd' when she was with him. Then Boreas continued to explain that Damian had a high chance of inheriting some of his power, just like how Khione and the brothers had. After the talk, he had disappeared once more to tend to his daily duties.

When Damian reached the age of nine, his mother was diagnosed with a rare terminal illness that would most likely kill her. He was very affected by this as he only had her as his family since he never knew who his father was. He started to help out around town to get pocket change in hopes that it would help his mother; little by little, he began to earn. As two years passed by, it became apparent that Anne would most likely die. And so Anne did what she thought was best, she told Damian everything - from how he was born to who his father was. Of course, he was originally baffled by this, thinking that it was the failed medicine taking a toll on her. But then Anne mentioned a camp where he would be taken care of and she made him promise to go there.

Anne died, by the time Damian turned twelve, and was buried at a private cemetery. Damian wasn't sure where the money came from but he was glad to bury his mother at a nice place where he knew he'll find her when he returns. He packed his bags and left. But he didn't know where exactly to go since Anne never specified where exactly this mysterious camp was. But something directed him to a hot air balloon. Little did he know that the woman there was his half-immortal sister, Khione. She offered him a ride and he obliged. Once they were in the air, she then told him about her relationship with him. Khione wasn't known to be kind or an overall nice person, but she somehow had a soft spot for her half-brother. Maybe it was because of the presence of Zethes and Calais that she is able to accept and actually somewhat care for Damian. She told him about what their father could actually do and even demonstrated him the power that they held. But Damian did not have any of these... not yet at least.

When they reached Long Island, Khione abruptly kicked him out of the hot air balloon and sent him plummeting towards the Earth at an alarming speed. Before he would be a mass of guts splattered across the earth, a powerful wind managed to lift him up and gently lower him to the ground. It was the first time he ever feared for his life. But he could hear the gentle laughter of his family from his father's side chuckling at him, probably mockingly considering he feared falling when his god parent is someone who controls the air. Nevertheless, he trekked on to the camp his mother was talking about. And then he entered Camp Half-Blood. It was a good thing he had a cabin to live in. He highly enjoyed the camp and was pretty much ecstatic when he was properly claimed by Boreas and was given a bronze-nearly golden sabre. Ever since then, he's been training in Camp Half-Blood and learning more about demigods and his father.

In one of the quests he went in, he had a run-in with the lycanthropes. There were only two of them but neither Damian nor his two other companions had anything to harm them. They booked it out of there but the lycanthropes tracked them down every time they escaped. They had stumbled into one of the cooking shops where there were silverware which they then used to injure the lycanthropes. They retreated but they were badly injured. This caused Damian to always carry around a silver knife.


- Has an excellent grasp on his magic powers
- Has good reaction speed
- Actually pretty smart

- Forgetful
- Is sleepy most of the time
- Fire

Godly Parent:

Aerokinesis - He has some power over the wind, allowing him to use it to levitate/fly. He hasn't used it for offense before and doesn't look like he'll be doing it anytime soon.

Cryokinesis - His only offensive magic. He has control over snow and ice, just like his father, and is able to create mini-snowstorms in exchange for his energy. He can create ice objects by freezing the air around him and send waves of ice shards towards an enemy - though as stated, this would sap his energy. Though he has trouble freezing things that generate heat, considering that... well, they are generating heat. Though if he touches the object long enough, it will begin to freeze. Perhaps even give another human frostbite, but he isn't too sure about it as he never tried it.

French Fluency - Because of his father being based in Quebec, he has also gained the ability to understand French without a problem. He is also able to speak it.


Celestial Bronze Sabre: A gift from his father when he entered camp along with being claimed. It is made of Celestial Bronze which greatly helps in his expeditions. In its dormant form, it is a necklace with a smaller version of it as its centerpiece. When he takes it off, it turns into the full-sized and deadlier version. When he loses it, it magically comes back around his neck. He still hasn't figured out how that happens.

After a certain run-in with some lycanthropes, Damian began to carry around a silver dagger that is hidden on his back, underneath his jacket. He had asked the those in the Hephaestus cabin to make it for him, a special request so to speak.

Which Camp:

Camp Half-Blood

Years at Camp:
6 years

Rank in Camp:
Boreas Cabin Counselor​
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Name: Aeron Nerezzo
Nickname: None
Age(15-19): 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: British
Height: 5'11"

Brief Personality: Generally quiet, Aeron has a dark sense of humor and little patience for idiots, although that's who he usually seems to be surrounded by. He absolutely hates being reminded of the fact that his father controls death, it pisses him off.

Godly Parent: Thanatos
Powers: The usual powers of a Hades kid, just less powerful. Controlling the dead, shadow travel, slight control over temperature and darkness.
Weapon: Two Stygian iron swords, one dagger, and a bow that he doesn't really know how to use.
Which Camp: Half-Blood
Years at Camp: 3
Rank in Camp: Regular Camper​
Realistic Picture:beaty-beautiful-brown-haired-girl-Favim.com-1595581.png
Name: Lucinda Sotiri
Nickname: Lucy
Age(15-19): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: Spanish/American
Height: 5 ft 6

Brief Personality:
Lucinda is a very laid back individual, but also appears rather mysterious to others. When in battle she is a determined individual, preferring to fight on the sidelines and take people off guard. She's a little flirtatious but nothing too bad and is very, un-roman, preferring to break the rules and do things Romans wouldn't. Despite this she doesn't stray from her duties and is always on call if needed. Lucinda is very unpredictable, switching weaponson the fly and causing confusion on the battlefield which she leeches off of.
Optional Backstory:
-Born in Spain, grew up in America.
-Took part in a variety of gymnastic classes and competed in championships.
-Father was spanish and she learnt it from him.
-Aged 11 she was attacked and swiftly sent to Camp Jupiter in California, picked up by Lupa.
Strengths(3+): Gymnast Duo-linguist Reads people well.
Weaknesses(3+): Mysterious. Bored easily. Not easily attached.

Godly Parent: Discordia (Eris Greek Form Goddess of Chaos)
Powers(Include ALL of them!):
-Passively emits an aura from her body making people more likely to misbehave or do something brash and well...chaotic.
-Discordia was typically pictured with wings, giving the user a brief 'anti-gravity' boost to them and them only, meaning they can jump easier and perform more difficult stunts. They do not fly just feel lighter.
Weapon: Crafted by herself, made of Imperial Gold, she carries a double sided spear, which splits into two separate blades concealed as a bracelet that wraps around her right wrist.
Which Camp: Camp Jupiter
Years at Camp: 4
Rank in Camp: Centurion of the Third Cohort.
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  • Name: Edric Anderrson

    Age: 18

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Gender: Male

    Hometown: Stockholm, Sweden

    Years in Camp: 5

    Position at camp: Councilor of Apollo Cabin

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Name: Chris Aéras Hycopatas
Nickname: Airo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Nationality: Greek
Godly parent: Boreas

Powers: Aerokinetics
Chris is able to create winds with his staff. The maximum being a small tornado, however that costs a lot of concentration. He is able to fly, however for a short period of time and not that high from the ground
Weapon: Wooden plain pole-arm
Years at camp: 3
Camp Halfblood Rank: None

Personality: Chris is a friendly guy who likes to help people. He is a quick talker and knows what to say. He is very impulsive, like the wind and goes with the flow, he doesn't take much responsibility for his actions
Strenghts: Quick thinker, knows what he does, fighting in open spaces
Weaknesses: Impulsive, close combat, fighting in a place where isn't much space to move

Height: 6'3
Weight: 180 lbs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Grey

Accepted Characters

Lora Brienne - Cthulu Cthulu
Cody Flint - Thanatos Thanatos
Hannah LeBlanc - revalia revalia
Damian Westerian - AI10100 AI10100
Aeron Nerezzo - Thanatos Thanatos
Edric Anderrson - Miss Lusamine Miss Lusamine
Chris Hycopatas - Yarrow Yarrow

Luca Voren - Play On Words Play On Words
Lucinda Sotiri - Luckz Luckz
Gabriel Marshall - AI10100 AI10100
Amber Marshall - revalia revalia
Braeden Cerin - Play On Words Play On Words

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please PM me, do not comment here. Due to the lack of even characters, I will accept two more Roman campers until noon(central time) tomorrow.

(Face claim: Thomas Doherty)

Name: Harry Dawnson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Height: 5'6

Brief Personality:
Harry is greedy, avaricious and proud. His obsession over shiny things blinds him from any other goal that he can possibly have. His extreme narcissism makes him view himself as beautiful and perfection, believing that is your looks that counts, instead of inner-beauty. To him, anyone who doesn't look good and lacks strength is of no worth and Harry sees them as mere insignificant and weak creatures. This is showed by his distaste of mortals. Harry is always seeking a way of improving his status and rank on the camp, seizing every opportunity he can find to achieve that. His honesty and blunt personality is notable through his direct comments, usually saying something bad about the other person. He could say the positive things too, but he feels people should always try to improve and you can only do that if you know what are the things you suck at.

Harry is not all bad though. You can always count on him to do his best and, even if won't admit it, he won't betray someone for an object and will occasionally sacrifice a treasure if it is for the greater good. Once he puts his trust on someone, it will very difficult to lose it. Although not very kind with words, if he cares for someone, he will show it through actions, but never with commentary. Deep down, Harry is someone who is looking for a place he can feel he belongs to. He feels that he is indifferent to others. In other words, his presence is not requested and him being there or not doesn't make a difference in other people's minds.

To those who know him in a more personal level, Harry is not viewed as someone you should talk with if you want to feel better about yourself, but as someone who will always tell you the truth, no matter how ugly it is. Through his actions, you will know if he likes you or not and if he ends up enjoying your company, than he will treat you like one of his precious treasure, which is a good thing by the way.

+High Intelligence
+Good expression reader
+High stamina

-Poor fighting skills with melee weapons and hand to hand combat
-Low dexterity

Godly Parent: Apollo, God of Sun (Roman Version)

Influence over one's emotions: Through the power of music and verses, Harry can create fake emotions on someone's mind, changing their behavior. This ability changes the amount of people it can work on depending on how Harry is using it. Through his voice alone, he can use his power on one person and be 100% successful. The percentage will lower depending on how many people he is singing to. Usually, it lowers 40% per person. If Harry uses his power through his magical instrument, the flute, his power has 100% of chance on working on two people, and it starts lowering 25% per person after. If Harry uses this ability for too long, it will take a lot of his stamina and he will need to rest after the spell.

Bioluminescence: When in pitch black, Harry's body can emit a neon yellow light at his will.

Sun skin: Working more as a defensive power, Harry can make his skin shine like the sun, making it impossible to look at him unless you are wearing some kind of protection, like sun glasses. This glow won't last forever though, as it takes a lot of Harry to maintain this power. If he uses it for a long period of time, like 20 seconds, he will be really tired. The best he can do and keep running after he uses his power, is 10 seconds.

Weapon: Although Harry isn't good at fighting, he was still given by his father a magical flute, that can boost his powers. This magical flute emits all kind of sounds, from other instruments as well. This means Harry's music can sound like it was played from a piano, when in reality the notes came from the instrument. The flute also has a blade on its end, that Harry can use to defend himself. Harry's flute (But in golden color)

Camp: Camp Jupiter
Years at Camp: 3
Rank in Camp: Legionnaire of the Fourth Cohort of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata
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Name: William "Will" Hanson
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality: Southern American
Height: 6'1

Personality: Will has always been the black sheep. He is not your typical roman veteran. He has his stern side when it is needed but he looks at situations like his metal. Not all metals are the same and so they should not be treated as such. He will take orders from his superiors, but will not be afraid to go against them if he knows it's not right, which has prevented him from becoming a praetor. Other than those situations he is a very easy guy to approach and talk to and if you're close to him he will fight an entire legion for you.

Good with his hands
Able to see how situations look
Quick on his mind
Easily lost in his work
Worries to often about the details
Too trusting

Godly parent:
Enhanced strength
Resistance to flames
Has a unique ability that allows him to see how a machine and or mechanism works.

Has two imperial golden claws he created that change into two wristbands on his arms that read Viribus or strength in Latin and he can launch from his hand and have them return to him.

Camp Juniper
Years at camp:
Edit on my character's powers
He doesn't have any flame based powers but he can create complex object out of very little. Think maguyver but better.​
(Who's terrible at face claims and has two thumbs? This guy!)

Name: Justin Bartholomew Valentine
Nickname: J, Val
Age : 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Height: 6'3

Brief Personality: When Val isn't asleep you'll find he's actually a very enjoyable person. He is not your typical Roman camper. While he won't disobey orders, he'd much rather skip the battle and go straight to bed. He tends to believe whatever people say until they give him reason not to.
Strengths : Expert control of his powers, fast thinker, strong mental resistances
Weaknesses : Narcolepsy, not physically strong, gullible

Godly Parent: Somnus
Powers : Drowzee - Gives off a natural aura that makes others around him drowsy
Lucid dreamer - Able to control his own dreams, jump into other people's dreams and control them (though if he does too much they will be aware their dreams are being manipulated)
Dream historian - Can force people to dream of any memory they have unless it is a tightly locked away secret
Go to sleep - Can make a creature fall asleep for 3 minutes. Can only maintain this on 2 creatures before he loses focus, though it lasts longer on just one.

Weapon : 10 golden rings, one for each finger. Elongate into 10 golden pendulums. Can be used to attack with or aid in his hypnosis powers.

Which Camp: Camp Jupiter
Years at Camp: 1
Rank in Camp: Probatio​
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