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Fantasy Project Zodiac

I personally did not particularly like it, but taste in music is subjective. If you like it, then go for it. If you don't like it, well, don't. :P
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I also liked Akiakane... By the way, how was my submission, Crime by ClearVeil? o~o

That kind of reasoning is just plain wrong to vote for a song. I honestly think we should officially remove RWBY from the choices, if people are voting for it just because it's RWBY and not because of the song itself actually being better than the others >~>

Quote honestly the reason why I am picking the song is not because I like the anime, I like the song. In my opinion it's fitting but that IS MY opinion o3o
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Never heard it

crime by clearveil, that is. Also, This Will Be the Day fits the theme of youth who have to save the world really well. I was gonna suggest it, but someone beat me to the pawnch!
I listened to each song and read the lyrics (if any provided) and I chose RWBY because I felt it related to Zodiac Project more than the others. But this was my opinion.
I can't argue with that. It's a song specifically made for an anime about a group of kids who are supposed to fight, so //shrug. I just preferred Akiakane because of the sound anyway :)
Honestly... I feel a vote is pointless if people aren't going to listen to all the songs or consider all the options before voting... We might as well just end the vote here and say RWBY won >~>
I picked it because the lyrics fit.

Also, I'll try to finish rabbit boy soon. My brain doesn't want to work today.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Honestly... I feel a vote is pointless if people aren't going to listen to all the songs or consider all the options before voting... We might as well just end the vote here and say RWBY won >~>

(Please don't be mad ;-; *hug s you* I can't listen to any of the songs I don't already know, atm. So I had to pick between the two I knew, and I thought RWBY's opening fit best ;- ;) )
BTW something is only technically outvoted if over half the voters vote for it. Otherwise, there's usually a second vote between the two top picks. Still, This will be the day outvotes everything. 0_0
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Honestly... I feel a vote is pointless if people aren't going to listen to all the songs or consider all the options before voting... We might as well just end the vote here and say RWBY won >~>

I listened to every song actually o3o

Regardless it looks like RWBY won so arguing further is pointless

It may take me a little bit to reply because I'm on a vacation xD Ill still be able to reply though~
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Please don't be mad ;-; *hug s you* I can't listen to any of the songs I don't already know, atm. So I had to pick between the two I knew, and I thought RWBY's opening fit best ;- ;) )

The poll had the names of the other songs, meaning you could've searched them up... >~<
I definitely think we should have a second vote between the top two after everyone finishes voting on the current poll, just so no one can complain about the final choice. I'll be making my character tomorrow, by the way, so please don't blaze ahead whilst I'm asleep tonight. I'd kind of like to join at the beginning of the RP, after all.
People, seriously, redirect your energy. The rp has started. ;P Rather write smth because I can't wait to see all these awesome characters in action. c:
Sadly, my characters do their best work around unique people observing them, but they're in the dorm that's spread out at the moment, leaving them with not much to exactly do but observe average people which I can't really put much detail to >~< In other words, I have to wait a little before getting a chance for a good first post >~<
they can actually hang around with each other. they're just not all together.

they're all allowed to visit each others dorms too. and hang out w/ each other.
Am I the only one who didn't really care about the theme/music vote? Lol. It seems to be doing more harm than good.

Anyway, still at work, I work all day today. 13 hours. So, I wont be on till late, and might not be able to reply till very late/tomorrow.

I highly suggest groups getting to know each other both OOC and IC (role playing the IC of course.)

Cant wait to have Maxie meet you all! :D
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]*realizes she never got any relationships set up with others between her twins and their character(s)*

Kalin is free for some friends and such.

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