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Fantasy Project Zodiac

@GemShem I summon thee! They said pineapple!


Darksoul180 said:
@Pastel Yosuke
If you are looking for a co-GM, I am rather experienced with GM-Ing. I have created my whole own table top game before. I have experience with stories. And have a ton of ideas. Just shoot me a message if you wanna talk! :D

Also, I think the guy with gravity powers wins out over the twins in mattress jousting.
Yes, but their power would be more easily recognized than the twins, given that theirs would probably affect more than just themselves and their mattress... xD Plus, nobody's claimed Gravity as far as I can see, so... ^~^
Kiyoko Tomoe] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12154-gemshem/ said:
@GemShem[/URL] I summon thee! They said pineapple!

Yes, but their power would be more easily recognized than the twins, given that theirs would probably affect more than just themselves and their mattress... xD Plus, nobody's claimed Gravity as far as I can see, so... ^~^
Oh yeah, that's me ^_^ and the style my character will be using...yeah, he'd probably beat out the twins


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]In that case... Rule No. 1! No Powers in the mattress joust! xD

lol xD

lemme... summon all of my strength and make the startin gpost


[QUOTE="Pastel Yosuke]alright
lemme... summon all of my strength and make the startin gpost



That's all you've got? This is just the beginning of our power!

*do note that this is a person demonstrating for us, as we would rather not destroy our favorite school clothes*

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]In that case... Rule No. 1! No Powers in the mattress joust! xD

Yeah... no powers in mattress joust >w>~☆
Pastel Yosuke]pineapple [/QUOTE] [QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12154-gemshem/ said:
@GemShem[/URL] I summon thee! They said pineapple!

Yes, but their power would be more easily recognized than the twins, given that theirs would probably affect more than just themselves and their mattress... xD Plus, nobody's claimed Gravity as far as I can see, so... ^~^
Did someone say pineapple!? PINEAPPLEZZZZZ ^_^

*scuttles away now*
*Gives it to Gemmy* Enjoy! By the way, you should soo create a character for this RP! Join us over in the South Dorm!
Oooooo action already for North Squad~

Sadly I won't be able to reply till tonight since I'm about to go to work ;_;
Also, apparently I was put in the South dorm... I don't like the South Dorm, with its calm theme... It doesn't fit my twins at all >~<
I also liked Akiakane... By the way, how was my submission, Crime by ClearVeil? o~o


Mockingbird said:
RWBY is life, that's why owo
That kind of reasoning is just plain wrong to vote for a song. I honestly think we should officially remove RWBY from the choices, if people are voting for it just because it's RWBY and not because of the song itself actually being better than the others >~>

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