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Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)


New Member
This is Project Freelancer. You will be given a code name, a state, stick to that name and don't give out your real information. You can't trust anybody. It is to your best interest you stay in your lane. You will be given an AI to accompany and help you on missions. These AI are not complete but they will serve their purpose, if you are not pleased you may have it removed but you will not be given a new one. Is that clear?


1. You may play a main character if you stay in character. This is mainly for your OCs

2. Be creative. Just don't center it around your character.

3. If the character dies make it epic. Make it meaningful. Make it apart of the story,meant just say they died in a car crash or something.

4. You can choose any state apart from the states in the show. This includes Georgia and Iowa.

5. Weapons must be reasonable. It won't make sense if your character wields a scythe.

6. Missions are up to you but don't overdue it.

7. You may choose your AI but try not to make it have the effects it did on Maine and Carolina... And Wash. They're there to help you.

8. This is not centered around the canon storyline, the main characters die the same way but this is before it went to hell.

9. Have fun... Be yourself. You can't play your character well if they aren't you.

10. Introduce your characters and their information before you respond when you first join (personality is not required but gender, state, name, AI, age, and armor color is helpful to know.)

Name: Alex Dessi

State/code name: Agent Illinois

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Armor color: Plum with Fuchsia trim.

Special skills: Good with strategy and planning.

AI details

AI: Sensus

AI trait: Knowledge

Color: Orchid

((Literally just sign up with that info before you reply. I'm new to the concept of tabs. Or you can email me at hmiku975@yahoo.com to roleplay privately.))

Everyone welcome!

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The air in the base was cold, even in armor you could feel a slight chill. Alex walked down the corridor and into the locker room to get prepared for training, who she was up against? Even she didn't know. A small hissing sound was heard as she took off her helmet. It appeared she was the only one in there.

When she finished she closed her locker and hurried down to the training room to meet her opponent.

[you can choose to be her opponent or someone watching c:]
(I hope you don't mind if I rp in first person. Its a habit I don't feel like changing.)

I stroll through the base, walking casually. There isn't much to do around here for the moment. About the most exciting thing is a dual between two Agents, which will be happening within the half hour. I know that one of the opponents is Illinois, but I don't know who the other is.

"Might as well go and check it out," I mutter to myself. "I don't have much better to do. Besides, this should be interesting."

I continue walking, making my way down the hallways. Out of dull interest, I say, "What do you think, Zeta? Should we go watch Illinois fight, or should we go do something else?"

Zeta holographically projects himself to my left as I walk, hovering in the air at my shoulder like a pet bird. Well, to be honest, he looks like a bit of an evil bird with his black armor and red under armor, but he really isn't too bad. I glance at him, not expecting him to appear.

"I don't see much else that we can do, to be honest," Zeta replies in a kind of quiet voice. "This is the most interesting event on the base's schedule for today. Well, its either this, or going to sleep. Or you could always just have a random fight with another Agent in the hallway or something, 'cause that would boost the excitement level. But I doubt it would end with anything less than you getting your ass chewed by the Director." Zeta shrugs, as if he honestly does not care if I get in deep shit or not. I laugh and shake my head, then direct my attention to the hallway in front of me as I come to an elevator.

"Gee, thanks, Zeta," I sarcastically reply in a friendly tone. We enter the elevator and I press the button for the next floor, which houses the viewing room. "I can tell that you really care about my well-being and how much of my ass does or does not get ripped off."

"Hey, don't get mad at me!" Zeta responds in the same manner, his hands raised. "There's no harm in making suggestions. I'm only trying to answer your question, anyway."

I shake my head again with a snort of laughter, a slight smile pulling at my lips under my helmet. Zeta gives off an amused feel as well through my neural implants at the floor shifts under me. Then his hologram blips off as the door to the elevator opens, the next floor spreading before me. The door closes as I make my way to the room. Its only a short walk, then I am through the doorway and into the viewing room. I have been in the Project for years, and I have stood in this room and the room beyond many a time. Yet I still feel amazed with the size of the training room whenever I am in that or this room, no matter what. Its one of the things I can always expect to happen.

The viewing room is empty, aside from a table with a couple chairs in the corner. Lights flickering from the few computers on the walls is the only movement, aside from myself. This strikes me as odd, as there are usually more Agents flocking to the viewing room to watch spars, but oh well. I trot down the steps to the window itself, leaning on the sill and looking out. It is empty, for now.

"Hey, Zeta?" I call.

"Yes, Oregon?" he replies, reappearing to my left and looking at me through his "visor".

"Do you know who Illinois is competing against?"

Zeta turns to the window, his hands at his sides. Then he replies, "The record doesn't say. I guess its a surprise for us."

I look at Zeta for a moment longer as he continues to stare through the window, then I stare out through the window myself. "Hmm," I grunt. "Okay. I guess we will just have to wait and be surprised, then."
Alex sighed deeply as she walked to the corner of the large room and picked up a Peruvian MPG-15 loaded with rubber bullets, those things hurt like a bitch, that's why you did get hit. Someone she learned from Agent Carolina, it only hurts if you get hit.

"Sensus, there are no records on who we are up against today, for all we know it could be Texas. Keep your guard up and calculate when I should shoot and block. If I am knocked off guard then put up the semipermeable shield and make it quick." She ordered.

"I will try my best." Sensus replied. Alex trusted him and she knew he wouldn't let her down.

When her opponent entered the ring she found that it was Agent Maine. Of course the Director would put her against the strongest man in the Project.

"Sensus, what are the odds we'll win this fight?" She asked looking up at the small AI hovering above her.

"I am afraid to inform you Agent Illinois but your chances of winning this match are twenty percent."

"Aww, way to be disappointing." She groaned.

"You can always surrender."

"Yeah. I don't want to risk what happened to Agent York." She sighed before setting the pistol down.

"I'm sorry, I surrender. I'm not fighting him!" She yelled so F.I.L.S.S would hear.

"Are you positive Agent Illinois?" Came through the intercom.

"Yes." She nodded, keeping her eyes on the tall soldier.

"Round complete. Point Maine."


Alex shook her head before heading back to the locker room.

"God damn it." She mumbled, her trust had gotten in the way and that was just another loss on her record. She had no problem surrendering. She had a problem with how she was pinned against someone she wasn't going to fight.

She walked out of the room with her helmet held under her arm.
Zeta and I continue to stare out the viewing window, waiting for the combatants. It gets to a point, though, where my interest turns to boredom.

"Getting bored here," I mumble to myself and now one in particular. Of course, though, Zeta hears me. He glances in my direction, then back down at the ring.

"Don't worry," he comments. "The opponents are about to enter the ring as we speak."

This grabs at my attention, so I unconsciously straighten up and look out the window.

Agent Illinois enters the ring first. I see her grab a weapon, readying herself. I also see a flicker of light appear beside her; he A.I. I have never really met any of the other A.I. in the Project, as it doesn't matter to me, so I don't know her A.I.'s name or function. But, whatever its called, its obvious that she puts it to good use.

As I think this, the doors open again to reveal Illinois's competitor. I can't hold back my shock when my eyes land on Agent Maine.

"Gah," I say out loud. "The Director must think that Illinois is a good fighter if he is willing to put her up against Maine." I pause, then say with a cocked head and a shrug, "Or he just really, really wants her to die. For Illinois's sake, I hope its the former."

"It is always good to try and test or strengthen your abilities, I guess," Zeta comments, watching intently. "I guess the Director really wants to enforce that thought."

My eyes travel back to Illinois where she stands, her surprise at seeing Maine obvious from her posture. I can't help but grimace as I think about how fucked she is.

"Man, that has got to suck. I feel sorry for her."

Just as I am thinking about walking out so I don't watch a fellow teammate get turned to pulpy paste, Illinois sets the pistol down and raises her hands a bit. My eyebrows raise in silent surprise, especially once I hear F.I.L.S.S. say, "Are you positive, Agent Illinois?" I can feel surprise diffuse from Zeta as well through my implants.

"Is she..surrendering?" I wonder, completely surprised.

"It appears like it," Zeta answers, cocking his holographic head. "I didn't really know an Agent could do that."

"Oh, I've seen it done before," I say with a sincere voice. "Its very rare, but it happens. And usually the person surrendering is damn smart to do so. This is definitely one of those cases."

My eyes follow Illinois as she leaves the arena, then my eyes snap to Maine. He is just standing there, acting surprised himself. Then he seems to just give a small shrug and stride out of the ring, done with the fight before it even began. Once he leaves, I step away from the window and look at Zeta. He looks at me in return.

"I have two things to say: one, Illinois was smart to do that. Very much so. And second, I am very glad that that wasn't me down there. I may have tried for a minute, but I would have just turned to chicken shit soon enough. Along with a pile of unconscious flesh." Then I glance around, and, after a moment, throw my hands into the air in an exaggerated display.

"Oh, great. Now I'm back to having nothing to do. Well isn't this just wonderful."

"You could always go talk to Illinois, I guess," Zeta suggests. I give him a look, and he gets defensive. "Its just a suggestion. Besides, there isn't any reason why you shouldn't."

"But I've never really met her before," I state blankly, but in a tone that isn't meant to be mean. "And you know how I am with meeting new people. It was hard enough to get used to you." I gesture at Zeta with my hand as I say the last bit. He just rolls his "eyes" in response. Well, you can never tell with someone wearing a helmet, but I sure felt it.

"Oh, quit being a baby," he says, not too nicely. "Go get your introverted ass down there and make friends for once. It might be good for you."

I just glare at Zeta for a second, actually a bit annoyed with that rude response.

"Wow, thanks, asshole," I drawl in a voice that isn't exactly the nicest. "I appreciate that. Remind me to never get advice from you again. Ever." I turn to leave the room once I finish, perturbed and frustrated.

"You really don't like my suggestions nowadays, do you?" Zeta throws back, equally annoyed. "Where are we of to now, then? Your quarters, maybe, so you can continue to be shy?"

The look I give him would have burned a hole through a solid object if he were one.

I walk through the doorway and back to the elevator. As I walk, I reply with, "Actually, you little cockbite, I'm heading down to make conversation with Illinois. Appreciate it, because I would have dropped your ass if you were actually a solid object. But, unfortunately, you're not. And remember," I spit as I walk into the elevator and shut the doors, "you're in my brain. Hell, and my body. I'm in charge here, and I call the shots. Not you. Don't get all snippy with me for no reason."

Zeta only looks at me for a moment, then leaves the visible world. I slowly look away from where he was a moment before with a shake of my head, then press the button to go down. The feeling of annoyance I feel in my mind as we go down definitely is not solely my own.

(Well, I didn't mean for that argument to happen. It just..did. Oh, well. Lol.)
"Sensus... What is the Director trying to prove? Sure, I'm one of the more physically unable freelancers, and by unable I mean weak, but Maine? Did he want me to fucking die? You can't strategize against a rock, Sensus. I heard he got shot in the neck once and lived." Alex complained throwing her hands in the air.

There was a reason she was given Sensus. She was weak. Compared the average girl? Strong. Compared to a female freelancer? Strategy was her go-to. She supposed Sensus helped her with that so she didn't die. Of course, the Director could have given her a fragment of strength instead of intelligence. She loved Sensus, she really did. But she also loved being able to fight in hand-to-hand combat.

"Agent Illinois, why do you assume the Director did it on purpose?"

Alex's stomach dropped and she lowered her head. "I don't know, it happens. He's been harder on all of us since Agent Texas joined." Sensus always played with her mind. He did what he was programmed to do. He made her think.

"It was probably nothing. Age-"

"You are dismissed, Sensus."


"You heard me, log off."

She had to toughen up if the Director was going to pull a move like that. She wasn't going to be destroyed because the Director wanted to prove something. She looked weak as hell to all of her comrades watching. The Director was going to learn.

Alex sauntered through the lower levels, ignoring any soldiers passing her. CT had mentioned something like this going on through the project, Illinois never though of it until now. He was pinning them against each other, but for what?

Oh, Sensus made her think alright. And she knew exactly how to show the Director she had what it takes.

Alex pressed the elevator button to go the cafeteria. She couldn't exercise on an empty stomach.

When the elevator arrived she failed to see Agent Oregon walking out, she bumped into the taller agent and immediately steadied herself and stepped back.

"My apologies." She exclaimed looking up to see Agent Oregon. "Oh. Hey."
As I travel down in the elevator, I begin to think. Maybe Zeta is right; I am not the shyest person ever, but I am definitely not too outgoing, either. Maybe I should..expand out, try new things and talk to people more. It might actually be beneficial, even if it will be difficult.

The elevator stops at the level with the training room. I begin to walk out as the door opens, and I fail to notice Agent Illinois herself as she goes to enter the elevator. And it seems that she fails to see me. We bump shoulders, and I stumble a little at the unexpected event.

I look down at the slightly shorter woman as she says sorry, and give my apologies quickly at the same time she does. I may not be the chattiest Agent ever, but I am still polite when I should be. Then there is a second or two of awkward silence as neither of us know what to say. I try to break it by stirring up conversation.

"I was just up in the viewing room, watching you almost go up against Maine," I comment. "That must have been scary as hell. You're smart to surrender. Did you know that you were up against him?" I ask. It was hard to tell if she knew or not.
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Alex frowned as she dusted her armor off. Oregon didn't seem too talkative, luckily Sensus wasn't there to scan her, she'd probably run away. She gave a soft smile, she couldn't make it seem like it wasn't a pleasure to meet her. But what if she saw what happened? She couldn't be labeled as fragile. She wasn't, she could take a hit she just couldn't exactly throw one.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by Agent Oregons voice. A frowned made it's way on her face as she brought up the match. She sighed and shook her head. "Wasn't scary... Just intimidating." She paused. "I have no idea why I was put up against him. I can strategize but even then I'd lose." She lowered her head and shrugged. "Plus, I don't trust him after what happened to York. I'll fight him again once I'm ready."

"Have you ever been up against him?" She asked, looking up.
"Oh, I agree with you on that York part," I comment, giving one quick nod. "Sure, Maine was fighting Texas, but he didn't give a damn about hurting York in the process."

"Uh, anyway," I quickly say, realising I'm rambling. "No, I've never been set up against Maine. I've gone on a mission with him and some others, sure, but I never fought him myself. And unless he looses an arm like he lost his ability to talk, I don't ever plan to. He is just so intimidating. Its almost as if he can just punch your nose in by flipping you off." I shudder slightly, thinking about facing him. Not exactly the happiest scene to imagine.
Alex nodded. "He is not trustworthy at all. He doesn't give a damn about hurting someone. I mean, what the hell was he even thinking by using live ammunition? Wyoming did the same thing but at least I have a chance against him." She sighed before a small holographic image appeared above her head.

"Alex appears to be having issues with the director. Her blood rate has increased five percent." Alex narrowed her eyes and looked up. Didn't she log him off? She didn't even know an AI could do that, then again, Sensus was intelligence.

She waved away the holographic image before glancing back to Oregon. "I don't think I've seen you against anyone. I'd remember." She paused, "Who has the Director pin you against?" She questioned as Sensus flicked above her head.
I nod as Illinois talks, agreeing with her. When her A.I. adds his bit to the conversation, my head snaps up to look at him. I may have an A.I. of my own, but it is still a head-turner when another Agent's A.I. projects itself out of nowhere. I smile under my helmet at his remark, though, amused.

And I can't help but agree with Illinois if that is how she feels about the Director.

Then I look down at Illinois, meaning to answer her question. "I have been up against two Agents since I came here. South was my opponent during my initial test match, which got me into the Project. She was pretty hard to beat, but I did all right. Good enough to get me accepted, at least. I have also sparred with Georgia in another official match. I held my own against him for the most part, but he was still a tad better. If I was allowed to have my knives with me, though, I would have definitely beat him." I shrug after a pause, then continue, "And, if I had had my knives with me, he probably would have died. So I guess it was for the best."

Zeta appears at my shoulder again. My head snaps over to glare at him, but I keep from being snippy. There isn't any use in revisiting that conversation. Besides, my temper with him has gone down a lot.

"Also," Zeta comments, "you probably would have been thrown out of the Project for killing a teammate. Or just killed yourself."

I continue to glare calmly at Zeta, my eyebrow cocked. Of course, that can't be seen through my visor. So it just looks like I'm staring at him. Then I ask, "Ya done?"

"Yeah. Just felt like making a comment," Zeta mumbles. I shrug, not really mad at him anymore, and his hologram goes away. I can gladly tell that he has dropped our earlier argument, too, since he doesn't feel mad anymore.

After Zeta disappears, I turn half way to my right, away from Illinois with my left shoulder facing her. I plan to actually make my way out of the elevator soon, but I don't want to just walk away without saying anything more to Illinois. That would be rude. So I keep my head turned to her and ask in a friendly tone, "I'm going to go get a snack at the mess hall. You wanna come too?"
"I watched the one against you and Georgia. Despite not being able to use your knives you did well with the tazers they provided. Next time, though, try retreating to regain composure after being hit. Of course, we have the AI units now so they can enclose you in a shield." She replied before looking up at Zeta. Who she assumed was Oregons AI.

"Log off, Sensus." She ordered, the Director was strict about AI communication. If they so far as said 'hello' they most likely would have gotten in troubles and Illinois did not need anymore trouble.

She stared at the AI thoughtfully, without her helmet on her emotions were actually known, when the small hovering soldier disappeared she watched as Agent Oregon turned away. She was confused for a bit till she invited her to get something to eat at the mess hall.

"I was just on my way there. " Alex smiled before pulling her helmet on and walking into the elevator.

She didn't know whether to make conversation or not so she stayed silent. It was strange being around the other Freelancers, they were all so intimidating, especially those with AIs. Ones like Wyoming and Maine who had overpowering AIs. She didn't exactly mind being around North and Theta. But a new face and a new AI was hard to get use to in her mind.

She looked up at the young woman and crossed her arms. "How well do you get along with your AI?" She asked, arching a brow despite the visor being in the way.
Before Illinois asks her question, I am looking ahead, finding it hard to both look at this new person and to make eye contact. I am good at hiding my true emotions such as this one, but, dammit, this always happens. Its really, really freaking frustrating and annoying. That silence does give me a chance, however, to grind that tip from the girl next to me into my mind for next time I'm training. A tip like that might mean life or death on the battlefield someday. Might as well put it to good use.

When Illinois asks her question, I am grateful for that chance to actually break the silence. I look at her, and shrug. I can tell that Zeta is amused by her question.

"Eh, he's okay," I reply casually. "He can get on my nerves sometimes, like he did a few minutes before I bumped into you" -the feeling of annoyance suddenly flares up from Zeta's little corner of my mind again- "but I've gotten used to him by now. He does help with a lot of things, too. Zeta is a nice little guy, despite everything, and I really do appreciate him being placed with me." Now he projects happiness because of his praise. Damn, he is sure good at broadcasting his emotions in a clear way. Maybe he should try acting?

Then I nod my head at Illinois, towards the area that her A.I. was a moment ago. "How about you? Do you get along with your A.I.?"

(I'm going to bed for the night. See ya again tomorrow!)

(Okay. I'm back.)
Hunter didn't get to watch the could be fight, but instead took his morning took get his weapon and armor ready for whatever the next mission held. As he exited the locker rooms, now fully suited, he called his AI Omicron to him. "Omi, wake up." The man's deep and supple voice boomed in the helmet, rattling and waking his AI unit. The white spartan appeared on his shoulder, moving along with his strides with ease.

"Yes sir, need something important or did you just get lonely again?" A female voice called out, professional but with a hint of sweetness to it's joke. "Good morning to you too Omi, and I just wanted to make sure you hadn't got up and left me." Hunter jested back, but after his remark left his mouth the elevator opened to two women.

Illinois and Oregon, not rookies, but not hot shots. He knew them, and their respected skills, but beyond that he was at a loss. As he walked into the elevator with them, his huge figure that rivaled Maine's bolstered his appearance as man to them.
"Good morning ladies." Alaska nodded his head at each before turning his back to them, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

((I hope you don't mind I made Omi a female, I know most ALi's are male, but I thought it would be an interesting change.))
Illinois listened carefully. She found it interesting how Zeta and Oregon interacted, how she described it only made it appear more interesting. It was true that AI did get on your nerves, who's AI wouldn't? You had to have a full AI for it to truly understand anything you felt or said. They learned that in class. An AI can become human. But these were fragments, only part of what once was whole.

"Sensus is difficult but I work well with him." She replied as the elevator doors opened. She looked up to see Alaska. He was like Maine, well he resembled Maine in size. Illinois never took the time to watch him fight.

"Morning, Agent Alaska." She greeted before looking back to Oregon. "Sensus," she sighed. "He is very intelligent. As he was meant to be. But he makes me think and question myself. As much as I appreciate it, I believe he should stay out of my decisions and stay in his lane. Of course, I don't plan on giving him up so I'll have to deal with it." She chuckled before looking to Agent Alaska.

"On the subject of AI, how do you work with yours?" She asked, attempting to strike up a conversation.

[its fine n.n]
Alaska looked over his shoulder, giving a slight cock to his head as if this sort of conversation intrigued him. Omi made herself visible, the two meeting eye to eye as if to share in the curiosity. A moment with her and Alaska turned to face the two, the feminine AI turning also. "For an AI she's got quite the spunk, at least when we are out of combat, so I don't mind her. In combat she's a little feisty, which works for me too, so I can't say I'm displeased in that area." After hearing that Omi disappeared, as if content with the answer. "But I know what you mean when you say they question certain parts of you." Alaska finished with an intelligent undertone, pondering the things that Omi had always made apparent to him.

"So, either of you ladies catch the fight this morning? I was a little late to weapons maintenance, and rushing on that just to make it to the fight wasn't suggested by Omi." Alaska had overhead Wyoming comment about the fights for today, and said that today's was supposed to be an interesting lineup.
A freelancer strides into the training area, clad in grey-and-orange. Maine hadn't left yet, and so he and the other freelancer end up staring each other down. It continues on, stretching to a point just beyond awkward, when the newbie speaks up. "You know where I can find some cookies?" He asks casually, as if it were a perfectly normal question to ask someone you were facing in the ring. The newbie turns to the stands. "Hey!" He calls. "Any of you know where I can find some cookies?" He asks loudly, apparently unaware fo the danger that Maine presents. "Preferably chocolate chip!" He adds.
I listen to Illinois as she explains her relationship with her A.I. It sounds as if she has a similar time with her A.I. as I do, just more frustrating. I guess I am lucky to be paired with Zeta.

My head snaps forward when the doors to the elevator open. They reveal Agent Alaska. From what I have seen of him, he's a pretty nice guy. Pretty good fighter, as well. But, damn, I will never get used to those extremely tall and bulky Agents. And Alaska falls under that category, along with Maine. North does as well, except he isn't as bulky as the other two. Just damn tall. Hell, all the guys seem to be tall, especially Maine, Alaska, and North. Wash and York are even pretty damn tall. Its us girls who look short, unfortunately.

When Alaska greets us, I give him a nod in response. I watch the exchange between him and Illinois, interested to hear how other Agents handle their A.I. Of all three of us, it sounds as if he has the best time with his A.I.

In response to Alaska's question, I say, "I was the only one in the viewing room to watch it. And Illinois here," I say, nodding my head at her, "was one of the Agents scheduled to dual. And, unfortunately, Maine was the other." I look at Illinois, then back at Alaska. "Even I was scared, and I was only watching," I say with a slight bit of humor. "I'll let Illinois explain the rest."
Alaska was an interesting sight to these women, apparently, for they seemed to study him any chance they had. Alaska was big, rough, and looked tough, holding his own to the bulk and weight of Maine, and the height and speed of York, but his attitude was were he differed. He wasn't a quiet and sadistic type, nor a loud and cocky, but a genuine and humorous person, which led him to have Omi in the first place. She was an AI of power, a way to make him stronger mentally and emotionally, not just physically. That being said, he wasn't going to change and that wouldn't start here with these girls.

"I think I get the gist of it, and I don't blame you for being smart and not fighting him. Maine is something of a tough opponent, he really does--" He was cut short by someone in the room screaming about food, and through the windowed elevator, Alaska could see it was a rookie who was way over his head. "We might get to see an example of why you don't face Maine.".


Maine looked at the man with a slight cock to his gesture, as if this man was really accepted into the freelancers? After waiting for the remarks to finish, Maine picks up his signature weapon (Brute Shot), a replica made for training within the ring. Loading in the special grenade-sized ammo, Maine cocked the weapon and pointed it at the rookie, as if warning of his idiocy.
My ears begin to pick up the screaming sound a second before Alaska mentions it, and I turn to look at its source. What I see is an obvious rookie Agent, standing in front of Maine and yelling about food. I snort, amused, at how utterly confused Maine looks, and with Alaska's remark. It is turning out to be a pretty odd day for Maine when it comes to interacting with other Agents, it appears.

When Maine lifts his Brute Shot and aims it at the rookie, I raise my eyebrows under my helmet.

"Wow," I breath, my voice shaky because it comes out with a slight laugh. "That guy is screwed. Does he even know who he is up against?"

Zeta appears at my shoulder again, already turned to the window. "From what info I can scrub up," he states, also amused, "he has only been in the Project for a short while. A few days, at least. So, no, I doubt he knows."

My eyes travel to Zeta for a moment, then back at the scene unfolding below. I can't help but snort again, amused still. "Wow. What a dope." I look over my shoulder at Illinois and Alaska, Zeta doing the same. "Should we go and stop the rookie?" I ask, serious about the question. Well, mostly. "Or should we let him learn from his mistakes?"
Alex arched a brow as Alaska explained his relationship with his AI. His AI was female, something very rare in the projects. Omi, the AI fragment of power. She seemed to have the function as Sensus, to help mentally and emotionally more than physically.

"The Director must have mistake need me for someone else. I'm sure it was just a screw u-" before she could finish her sentence she heard shouting. She turned towards the windows in the elevator to see Maine wielding his brute shot replica and a rookie shouting for... Cookies?

The question was did she want to help? Agent Maine was powerful, he'd make the Agent fly across the room, and that's just a replica of the brute shot

She shrugged and lowered her head. "We should help him. It's Maine. It would be different if it was York or even Carolina." She suggested as the elevator doors opened. Sensus appeared above her.

"Chances of him winning are unlikely. Of course, if you want him to learn just let him get knocked out." Sensus told them, turning towards the arena. "Your choice but keep in mind. What would please the Director?" He asked them.

Illinois sighed before looking up at them. "We need to decide now before something happens."
"What would please the Director is to see what the rookie will do." Alaska was staring out the window now, trying to study to see if this man was anything but cannon fodder. With a shake of his head, Alaska hit the elevator button to go down, "Even so, let's be down there in case something does go bad.". They couldn't interrupt this, unless they wanted to take the rookie's place, for by going in there and making a mockery of Maine's presence, he had challenged him.
When I see Sensus appear, I glance at Zeta.

"I don't usually say this to you, but you know the rules," I say to him, nice but still stern. "Log off."

Zeta doesn't even say anything; he just nods his head and disappears. Then I nod at the two other Agents.

"I agree. We shouldn't intervene. Remember what happened when the main group stopped the session where York lost his eye? The Director chewed their asses. It was right of them to stop the fight and help a teammate, but the Director sure didn't see it that way." I step over to the door in three long strides, waiting before it to open. "We should make sure and be there if he really needs help, but only if. It will be better if we let him do this on his own for as long as possible."
Illinois was all for helping him but the other agents were right. The Director even said, don't allow emotions to control you... She couldn't help someone knowing they most likely would not do the same.

She looked up at Sensus. "Thank you, Sensus. You are dismissed." She nodded before looking back to the row agents.

When the elevator stopped at their destination Illinois walked out and into the rooms where the competitors waited for the match to start. She wanted to get lunch but she supposed this was the next best thing. She glanced up at the observatory room to see if anyone was watching, from the looks of it someone was, she couldn't tell who though. She could only assume it was Carolina or Texas.

"Has it occurred to anyone the rookie is most likely not equipped?" She asked them.
Once Illinois walks out, I follow her. My eyes glance around at the room, most things in it familiar. Then I look up at the observation window, like Illinois. There definitely is someone in that room. I am tempted to use my helmet to aid me in identifying the person, but I get pulled away from that thought by Illinois's question.

"No, actually, I didn't think about that," I reply. I shift nervously on my feet after realising that. Before, the thought of the rookie going up against Maine was funny, because I figured the dope at least has sense enough to bring some weapon along with him at all times. I always do; I don't feel comfortable leaving my knives in my quarters unless absolutely necessary. They are always on me. But, I'm not like everyone else. And a rookie isn't expected to be the sharpest about that. So, naturally, my humor at the situation turns to worry for the new guy. I can't help it.

"Ah, hell," I mutter, putting my head in a hand. "That guy couldn't have brought a weapon along. Now he is really in trouble." My voice sounds worried as eyes move up and towards the door, and my hand drops to my side. "I almost wish we could find some way to warn him about that, at least. He is almost certain to get hurt now." I then look back at Illinois and Alaska, and voice my latest thought out loud. "I don't know why this is bothering me so much, but it sure as hell is. I hate it."

(I'm going to bed. I'll come back after I wake up.)

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