• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern proJECT enigMA


faerie sightings


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Rowen Rayne Richards


I'm the girl your mother warned you about.


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brentin johanna






group 3

romantic/sexual orientation

panromantic demisexual


december 7th, sagittarius


reality warping/absolute counter






hair color

her hair color and styles vary big time currently she has long dark brown hair

eye color

light brown



(negative traits; 5+ and explain them)


(positive traits; 5+ and explain them)


enjoys alterining reality to the way she wants








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If you want a fight, I'll give you one.

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- name -

Park Seun Jin

- gender -

Cismale (he/him/his)


- age -


- birthday -

June 6th | Gemini


- orientation -


- affiliation -

Group One


- Powers -

x -

He can control the energy of the environment and heavily drain the energy of his opponent. Using their energy to weaken them, he can sometimes use their own powers against them. However, the power is temporary and will drain soon after being used for too long. The catch is that he has to be within 10 feet of the target to capture their energy. He can control dark energy and can bend light to where he can disappear momentarily.




- vices -

Uncooperative - When push comes to shove, Park doesn’t listen to orders very well. If everyone is doing something that he hasn’t planned himself, he will be hesitant.

Monotonous - It’s hard to tell how Park is feeling due to the fact he has a resting bitch face.

Blunt - If you want the painful truth, then go to Park. It’s one of his qualities to tell it like it is.

Verbally Abusive - He tends to have a habit of calling someone a ‘fucking idiot’ or a ‘waste of breath’.

Selfish - Unless you’re extremely close to him, Park only thinks about himself and won’t care about it.


- virtues -

Tidy - Always keeping a clean environment, he is very organized and particular.

Focused - You will never see him falling off track. He’s always sticking to the subject and will pay close attention to detail. Every detail. Be careful what you do or say around him.

Educated - Park isn’t close to dumb, so you can’t trick him easily. There’s almost nothing that he doesn’t know.

Graceful - Park never loses balance, literally and figuratively. He always keeps composure and tries not to do anything socially unethical.

Clever - Witty and quick minded, Park is always coming up with many ideas and knows how to set them up.





- height -


- weight -


- hair color -


- eye color -

Dark brown, looks black

- quirks -

Twitches slightly at the sight of something dirty

Bites his lip while thinking

Is unable to digest proteins correctly and gets very ill if too much protein rich food is consumed.

Writes with left hand, but does everything else right handed

- goals -

  • To become one of the most powerful beings to ever face the earth

  • Tear down Ulysses to the point of him begging for his life


- fears -

  • To become a complete failure

  • Be defeated by someone less powerful than him


Nobody is born with hatred, it is taught.

Two parents were with child. However, they were quite unsure about having a baby at first. It was unplanned and it was certainly not economical for the couple. They barely had a roof over their head and no food on the table. Their support system was gone because they both ran away from their family back in Korea. The couple spent months planning on how to care for their child and made sure that he was the best thing that faced the earth. Unfortunately, Park was pronounced a stillbirth leaving the young couple devastated. They figured it was a blessing in disguise due to their financial circumstances.

There was somewhat of a light to this story. The baby wasn’t dead after all. He was placed under a plan called ‘Project Enigma’ and was practically raised by Ulysses Blackwell. Park wasn’t sure at first on why he was there. When more and more ‘lab rats’ appeared, he began to place two and two together.

The environment was of course fit for a child to be in. He was assigned to a handler who he would treat like shit because of his attitude. They played like children, was served lunch like children, and had proper educational systems for children...but something wasn't right. The perfect upbringing was off to Park.

He loathed
socialization. The young boy was always hurting people in many ways that he can't count. He was forced to be friends with the other 'experiments' as he liked to call them. Rather than hanging out with children close to his age, he spends more time being mean to them then actually getting to know them. According to Ulysses, this was the only problem.

Park wasn’t always a bad child, he followed the orders on what he was told to do. He completed necessary missions, he learned how to control his power, and he simply nodded at the demands that were given to him. Not a peep. Silently, he’s been planning on something else this entire time. In fact, he insists on training harder to become someone unstoppable. All that Ulysses need to know was Park is nothing but a simple servant to him.

What a fool.

Nobody tells him orders...and it’s about time the world figures that out.


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"It's your life; it's only my job to make it hell."

Name: Sable Herd

Age: 24

Gender: Female | She/Her

Affiliation: Group One

Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Birthdate: December 20 (Sagittarius)

Powers: Fire Manipulation + Fire Demon Mimicry;

Sable has the ability to control fire, tied to a deeper route of almost fantasy like "demon" abilities. Passively, she can light fires in her palms and throw them, create fireballs, engulf her skin in flame and the like. An extension of her ability, which she has yet to master, is that when extremely angry she becomes much more..
demon like in appearance. Claws, horns, and fangs grow, and her fire gets so hot it turns blue. This has only happened to her a couple times, and once she's in her demon state she can hardly control it.


Height: 5'11"

Weight: 146lbs

Hair: Blue (Naturally blonde)

Eyes: Sea green

Tall, lean, and fit, Sable is an interesting sight. With her short, dyed blue hair as well as sea green eyes hardly matching her fire related abilities. Her appearance is rather deceiving for her skill set - her body type is lithe and thin, but she is very surprisingly well muscled and able. Standing at 5'11" and 146lbs, she is also quite tall for a lady of her stature. She also has a lip and nose piercing. (Not pictured.)



-Disloyal: It's hard to win her trust, and even if you think you had she'll stab you in the back.

-Emotional: Sometimes her emotions get the best of her, leading to unfortunate outbursts that can very well be lethal.

-Aggressive: Almost like a ball of fire, she's not afraid to kick you down, and when she talks she snarls.

Closed Off: She refuses to talk about her problems.

-Defiant: Both a virtue and a vice. If Sable doesn't want to listen, she does. Not. Listen.


-Intelligent: Quick to think of solutions to a problem, smart and keen on the battlefield, overall a very smart woman.

-Loving: Contrary to what one might think, Sable is a very loving person and would be prepared to do a lot for someone she really cares about.

-Determined: If she puts her mind to doing something, she won't stop until it's done.

Strong: Not as physically as she is mentally, but you'll never meet someone as strong willed and tough under pressure.

-Physically Able: She practices many martial arts as hobbies and thus it has kept her very in shape. She is not the strongest, but her movements are practiced and her body type allows her to move quick.


Sable tends to sit hugging her knees to her chest when she's feeling sad or vulnerable

She runs her hand through her hair and paces the floor when stressed.

She hums and sings when happy or peaceful.


Become a recognized musician

Move and live someplace quiet and peaceful


Powers taking hold/wreaking more havoc then she intends

Hurting someone she cares for

Never feeling somewhat at peace

Large bodies of water



Sable was, to put it simply, yet another mistake in the world of unprotected sex. Her father and mother weren't officially together, but at least they were in love. Sadly, Sable's mother was always a victim of poor health, and having a child took a very bad toll on her body. Because of her mother's poor health, Sable was a stillborn child. But of course, that didn't last. Her parents mourned her loss, but she was never truly lost. being swept up for the Enigma project.

She never enjoyed it one bit, and no matter how comfortable the living space was, no matter how kind the people pretended to be. Just a few years after Sable's death, her father was killed in a car accident. And her mother? Her mother still lives to this day, wallowing in her sadness and sickness of losing two loved ones.

Sable grew bitter and aggressive, fighting at every turn against every order. Her powers only aided her in her rebelliousness, and she was powerful. I mean, how are you going to contain a girl who can spit fire?

Her handler was a no-nonsense woman who was in no way ready to be kind and understanding to an aggressive child - Sable was gonna fuckin' learn, and she was gonna learn the hard way if she wanted too. So she did. She learned to listen, reluctant as hell, always with an undertone of pure hate and "I'll get you for this", but at least she wasn't kicking and screaming every time. Sable was taught to focus her powers into fighting styles and learn to control the fire within.

Ulysses? A person Sable has a
very strong hate for as what he is to her. He has tried multiple times to win her trust, and even if Sable pretends to be obedient to him, they both know she spits when his back is turned, and she takes no pleasure in frying his enemies. She only wants freedom, and with him around it's always gonna be limited somehow. This whole charade -- it could be her chance for escape.




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Kennedy Harvison

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no slide

5'10'' but 5'11'' when floating.



hair color


eye color

light blue.


Cowardice; despite the fact that she's a ghost, kennedy is terrified of everything that has little to no harm to her.

Doubt; kennedy doubts everything someone tells her, she has hard time trusting people.

Trust Issues; kennedy has a hard time trusting people, mainly because her parents left her with some random dudes.



(positive traits; 5+ and explain them)








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r e q u i s i t e .
- name -

leo damian horowitz

- gender -


- age -


- birthday -

january 19th/aquarius

- orientation -


- affiliation -

group 3



a p p e a r a n c e .
- height -


- weight -


- hair -

dark brown, curly & voluminous

- eyes -

bright green

p e r s o n a .

- vices -

- virtues -

- quirks -

- goals -

- fears-

i n d e p t h .
- bio -

- extra -

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"we never asked to be your savior."

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Physical Appearance:


Weight-154 lbs.

Eye Color- Ice Blue

Hair Color- Ash Brown


Dante fears leaving town and establishing himself elsewhere. Something about fate or whatever.


-Getting his comic book off the ground.

-Being a 'kidult' forever.

-Being a little more open to opportunities.


Can always be seen eating something or drinking water.

He can tell who and when someone is approaching him from behind.

He has no idea why he exercises like he does. Its almost like he's programmed to do so.



The less fortunate should always be given an opportunity, even those in the throws of darkness.


Think of others while also thinking of yourself. Then treat them as such.


The world is only as bad as you make it.


A sharp tongue can destroy more than a sword ever could.






Dante had a majorly good life. What he remembers from his childhood is pleasant. He knows that he is adopted, but that detail doesn't really phase him. His parents have always been kind and loving, treating him as their own. He was raised in the same town and has been there all his life. He even got a degree online, so he wouldn't have to really go anywhere. And he never really had a huge reason to do so anyway.

Dante was always the weird kid on the playground. Maybe his eyes were too dark or he looked freaky. He stopped asking himself why a long time ago and just learned to accept things how they were. Eventually, he made his way through primary and secondary school, becoming well known as either the "quiet badboy" or the "buff nerd". He made class valedictorian without ever raising his hand, but passed the title over to the second in line. He didn't want to be known for his grades. He knew he was fated for more than to peak out in high school. But, he was scared of the grand scale of it all--like every other young adult ever.

So he chose to ignore life, period.

He got an English degree while teaching himself how to do extensive computer programming/repair as a side gig. He was really good at it right off the bat, as he was with most things. He sorta just willed himself into becoming a complete tech wizard. Jobs weren't hard to pick up for his town lacked any good IT Repair shops. In fact, his in home service is how he met every single one of his friends. From repairing phones to multiplayer dungeon runs, he gathered a small circle of people he could trust. Whatever was in store for his future was keeping him in Lewes. Who was he to defy that?

Dante Leonard Monroe



Romantic/sexual orientation: Single/Homosexual

Group 3

Power Description:

Tychokinesis- the power to influence and manipulate the likelihood of events and chance. The influence is vast and as time goes on and he is able to control his power the most ultimate form of it will be fully realized:

Omni-Negation: Achieving Supernatural feats by rejecting reality itself, whether it be reversing a devastating wound or erasing any detail out of existence

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? Name:

Minami Nishijima

? Nickname:


? Age:


? Date Of Birth:

14th February; Aquarius

? Gender:

Cisgender Female; She/Her

? Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual Demiromantic

? Affiliation:

Group 1

? Powers:

Haemokinesis - Blood Manipulation in simpler terms. Minami's level of it, isn't quite as powerful as controlling others' movements and all that jazz, but more of Blood Regeneration, in small amounts of course, and her frequently used Blood Shaping. Her shaping blood is much for useful than you think, and actually involves her solidifying it too. Minami would first have wound herself somewhere, but it's not a large wound, just a tiny scratch deep enough for blood to leak out at her palm area would do, and in an instant she can turn that blood into weapons, and she can even use it from her own hand as a whip of sorts. Minami also has enhanced natural regeneration, stamina and speed, due to the blood in her being stronger than her peers.

? Blood Type:


? Locomotion:






? Height:

5'11" (180 cm)

? Weight:

132 lbs. (59 kg)

? Body Type:

Athletic, lacking curves

? Hair Color:

Jet Black

? Eye Color:

Dark Brown

? Complexion:


? General Description:

Minami isn't the prettiest girl in town, though not the ugliest either. Her features are average... Nothing about her is too special, and she doesn't stand out much, some might even say her triangular face and round dark eyes are a tad bit creepy and alien like, but those comments don't bother her too much. A pale, skinny face with sharp cheek bones, almost too sharp, with large black eyes that are close to expressionless, a standard nose, though a little on the flatter side, and to end off her very average looking face, lips that are not too thin nor too thick. Minami's hair is a bird's nest of sorts, untameable and wild. On some days it cooperates and stays down, but on those day it looks flat and plain, on other days, it's a frizzy mess, deciding to be a total pain in the ass. She's tried cutting it short before, but it grew back real fast, and soon Minami got bored of trips to the barber, and let it stay the messy mop that it is. On to another average part of her, Minami's body is possibly the skinniest it could be before reaching the state of being underweight. Willowy and pale, Minami's body isn't considered too 'healthy' looking, not to mention how her height just accentuates her gangly frame and does nothing to help how skinny and ill she looks.

? Fears:

Coulrophobia - The fear of clowns. This is a bit out of character for her, but everyone has their weird fears.

Psellismophobia - The fear of stuttering. Stuttering would make her seem unsure of herself, and therefore she has quite a fear of it, because why would she want someone thinking she's unsure of herself?

Catagelophobia - The fear of being ridiculed. Possibly one of her worst fears, public embarrassment is one of her worst fears, plenty of her nightmares are of this sort.

? Goals:

-To reach a state of absolute peace. Minami just wants to find a place where she can escape all of this chaos what with all the power and other nonsense, and the place she thinks about most in this context would be during those last few seconds before you die, when you just accept it as fate.

-Tone down the sarcasm. Minami doesn't mind her sarcastic side, but apparently a lot of others do. She's really not the type to change in just to fit into society, but sometimes she realizes that she might be pushing it too far, especially in serious situations, or when speaking to authority.

-To reach a point where she can erase all feelings of sadness or anger. Similar to her goal of reaching absolute peace, Minami wishes to one day eradicate all negative emotions in herself. She wouldn't mind being a robot-like emotionless machine if it means that any form of hurt would be erased.

? Quirks:

-Has an odd amount of knowledge on trivial subjects

-Licks her lips and/or teeth a lot for no reason, kind of makes her look like she's hunting prey

-Her resting face is a glare, sometimes with pursed lips and a semi bored expression

? Virtues:

-Intelligent. Both street smart and book smart, Minami's practically a walking google search bar. Ask her anything, and 9 times out of 10, she'll know the answer. And if she doesn't? She'll dig up the answer in an instant.

-Protective. Most don't see this side of her, but Minami is protective, and not just over her personal possessions, over people she cares about too. People just don't see this side of her much cause... Well, she doesn't care much about many people.

-Level-headed. Minami's calmer than most, though sometimes to a creepy extent when it reaches topics that are too dark. But this trait of hers helps with planning a lot, and aided by her intelligence, you've got a strong strategist on your hands. But to uphold this calm demeanour of hers makes her have to bottle a lot inside.

-Humorous. What a surprise huh? Yes, Minami has a fairly good sense of humour... All right, it's better than just a fairly good, but just like her protectiveness, this jokey and punny side of Minami only comes out to those she feels close to, which as previously mentioned, is not many people.

? Vices:

-Apathetic. Minami rarely feels sympathy for those she deems lower than her (Almost everybody). Minami won't donate to that homeless man she saw in the street, she won't feel pity for stray animals, and she sees everything in a darker perspective.

-Pessimistic. Or as she likes to call it 'Realistic'. Minami prefers to think that her pessimistic viewpoint of life means she's being realistic, but there are several things that she could be way more optimistic about. She just... Isn't. I mean, she's so damn pessimistic she says there's no cup when the question is presented to her.

-Manipulative. Minami won't stop at anything to get to her goal, even if this means hurting someone. If it were someone she truly cared about even a tinge, maybe she'd stop to reconsider, but let's be honest, she'd probably still sacrifice them.

-Blunt. Well, you see, this is something else Minami classifies as 'Realistic'. As previously mentioned, Minami likes to be pessimistic, and usually pessimists don't like to sugar coat things. Same goes for Minami then, she doesn't add some extra words to make it seem nice, she'd just say it as she sees it.

? Biography:


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☯ Name:

Indigo Langston

☯ Nickname:


☯ Age:


☯ Date Of Birth:

15th June; Gemini

☯ Gender:

Cisgender Female; She/Her

☯ Sexual Orientation:

Pansexual Demiromantic

☯ Affiliation:

Group 3, The Friends

☯ Powers:

Fragokinesis - Basically, Explosion Manipulation. With this power, Indigo can generate, shape and manipulate explosions. The skills she has at her current level are Explosion Absorption, which is basically the ability to absorb the explosion, both negating it and absorbing its' power, whether to create another explosion or to get a small boost in stamina. There's Explosion Inducement, which is pretty self explanatory, she creates explosions. And lastly, Explosion Negation. It's practically the same as Explosion Absorption, just that she does not gain any added benefits from it.

☯ Blood Type:


☯ Locomotion:






☯ Height:

6'1" (185.5 cm)

☯ Weight:

150 lbs. (68.04 kg)

☯ Body Type:


☯ Hair Color:

Dark Brown

☯ Eye Color:

Light Blue

☯ Complexion:

Slightly Tanned

☯ General Description:

Indigo is undeniably, very appealing if you're looking for a more strong, bordering on manly looking face. All her features are strong, from her eyebrows, to her nose going down to her arms and legs, they're all very defined, like carved out of stone. Her blue eyes are a contrast to her overall dark features, with her eyebrows always seeming to be in an arch of sorts, nose being as previously mentioned, very strong looking, and then comes to possibly the only more feminine part of her, her thick lips. Alright, they aren't the most puckered or plump, but they're considered thick... I think. Indigo's hair is one of the rare parts of her that she likes. It's dark and wavy, and it manages to stay down most of the time. Indigo's body type is bordering on muscular, and lacking a lot of femininity. In fact, a lot of her weight is from her muscles, and not her body fat, I mean, she even has set of close to unnoticeable abs.

☯ Fears:

Gelotophobia - The fear of being laughed at. This honestly shouldn't be a surprise, considering Indigo's arrogant attitude towards life, it's safe to say she hates being laughed at.

Lokiophobia - The fear of childbirth. Hers is not so much the fear of WATCHING childbirth, but more of having children. She hates them.

Macrophobia - The fear of long waits. Impatience, impatience and more impatience... Indigo hates waiting, I mean, who doesn't? But hers has developed into her hating it so much that she automatically skips anything that would mean she'd have to wait for too long.

☯ Goals:

-To FINALLY start working out again. She's been dropping it for a long time and those abs will flop if she doesn't go back.

-Experience severe pain. Muscle cramps are just bordering what she calls severe pain. Indigo has never felt it before, and it wouldn't hurt for her to try.

-Never get married. Indigo hates the thought of being tied down, and would hate to see the day she actually experiences... Love. Even the word makes her shudder.

☯ Quirks:

-She buys so much workout gear, and never uses them.

-Indigo loves to sleep, and she'll sleep through all her important occasions.

-Indigo has never tried ice cream flavours other than Vanilla and Chocolate Chip. Never.

☯ Virtues:





☯ Vices:






☯ Biography:


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Name: David Yoo

Age: 24

Gender: Male [he/him]

Affiliation: Group One

Sexuality: Bisexual//Biromantic

Birthday: February 2nd [Aquarius]

Ice Manipulation


Hair Color: Black

Hair Length: Short, Reaches past eyebrows when flat

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 154 lbs.

Body Type: Slim, some muscle


Vices: Distant- David likes to keep his distance from most, preventing the possibility of becoming attached, something he thinks would make him weaker.

Blunt- He likes to say what he wants to, with very little censoring or consideration of the consequences that could come from what he says.

Arrogant- While he prefers to call it confidence, he has tendencies to overvalue most aspects of himself, whether it be his powers, his personality, or his looks.

Dishonest- Although he is blunt with the truths he does have to share, it's a common practice of his to lie about most trivial things, especially if they relate to himself.

Critical- The phrase "If you've got nothing good to say, don't say it," is clearly no where near David's vocabulary. He has no problem hurting people's feelings to properly express his thoughts, which tend to be a bit meaner than normal anyway.

Attentive- David pays attention to small details, this is mostly used as a safety mechanism to make sure he doesn't get tricked or lied to himself.

Intelligent- David is definitely not dumb. When it comes to a social smartness, his intelligence is mainly shown with his good ability at detecting when he's being lied to, although this has been shown to fail on many occasions.

Loyal- When it comes to the few people he fully trusts and cares about, he's definitely loyal. If you get stuck with him, you'll stay stuck unless you find a way to completely lose his trust.

Protective- Speaking of the people he is loyal to, he is protective of them. Since there aren't too many people he attaches himself to, it'd be silly of him to not make sure they weren't dead. So, if someone he cares about is in danger, you can connect the dots.

Spontaneous- It is extremely common for David to do things on a whim if he believes he can do it. This can range from a rather risky move in a fight to pulling off that high note in the shower.

Quirks: -His hands never seem to be idle, whether he be tapping his fingers against his leg, cracking his knuckles, or some other movement.

-Has a tendency to break out into song when he thinks he's alone. Even so, he's a particularly horrible shower singer.

Goals: -Have absolute control over his powers

-Be comfortable in one place

Fears: -Burning




-Small spaces


-Losing his powers


History: At first, David wasn't. He wasn't supposed to live, but there he was. He was a scientist's little mistake. One of the first attempts of their reanimation stunt. So he was. He was living. Living quite extraordinarily, in his opinion. His parents were out of the picture due to a car crash shortly after his birth. Apparently some driver thought it'd be fun to skip a red light. So off to the scientists he went. If he was able to regret it, he wouldn't. He firmly believes it was his destiny to end up in this little project.

Ulysses wasn't exactly the best person to dispel his arrogant beliefs. When your father figure is as cold and conceited as you are, it's pretty hard to grow out of it. So he stayed rotten, and it's stuck with him now. For a while, everything seemed to be perfect. What kid wouldn't think their life was perfect when they had cool superpowers? David was not an exception, even if he was incredibly screwed up. He was encouraged to use his powers to get used to them, so he used them on whatever he could. While his usual targets were household pests, he wasn't exactly against trying to freeze the kids around him. This obviously earned him scolding, but he never really listened.

It went like that for a long time. He gained more control over his powers, did what Ulysses wanted him to, and generally lived peacefully. Well, he found it peaceful. He knew that many other people in his "family" thought differently than he did, especially about Ulysses. He didn't care about what they thought. He had better things to care about. With Ulysses, he had use. How else was he supposed to live? If he didn't do what Ulysses wanted, he'd have no life. He'd known nothing but ice and death and praise all his life. He'd have nothing else. He wouldn't be able to live anymore. So what the others say about their lives has nothing to do with him. He is content, for now.

The new mission that Ulysses has given them is certainly intriguing, if he had to put it in a word. Currently, he's not sure how to feel about it, since he's not sure how easy persuading them to join him will be. However, he figures it will be far from easy. And considering how the rest of his peers are, their loyalty will fade fast. While he's definitely skeptical about how this ordeal will turn out, he's confident in Ulysses' decision, so he won't question it. He assumes that he should focus on work towards completing the goal instead of worrying about it.

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Monty Bryant



Full Name || Montgomery P. O'Bryant

Age || 25

Gender || Male

Orientation || Demi(Bi)sexual

Birth Date || -

Blood Type || AB

Classification || Group 1


|| Virtues ||

- Monty is true to his word. If he says he's gonna do something, it's going to get done. That's that.

- Monty is protective and territorial. Don't touch his shit. Don't touch his car. Don't touch his friends. Don't touch Monty. Period.

- Monty is a hard worker. He doesn't let anyone distract him from his goals or get in his way. Just let him do his fucking job!

- Monty is honest. He doesn't lie. Ever. And that's not for your benefit. That's for his.

- Monty isn't mean for no reason and doesn't target anyone in particular. If he's rude to you, it's probably just because you were in his presence.

|| Vices ||

- Monty is an asshole, plain and simple. It's rare that he cares about anyone other than himself, and if he does, he's not much nicer than he usually is.

- Monty is... blunt. He'll tell you exactly how he's feeling or what he's thinking. It ain't nothing to him. If you have a problem with it you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

- Monty has an ego bigger than the ever expanding universe. He is, above all else. Don't stand in his way.

- Anger and frustration is the only two emotions Monty knows. If he's sad, he'll get angry. If he's afraid, he'll get angry. If he's happy, he's usually probably angry too.

- Monty doesn't like other people doing things for him. He's fine by himself. He doesn't need you.

no slide

|| Quirks ||

- When really angry or frustrated, Monty has a habit of setting his jaw, moving it back and forth, and grinding his teeth together.

- Monty practices boxing two times a time one hour each. Once, an hour after the sun has risen and once an hour before the sun sets.

- Doll, is his common nickname for a girl. Bud, is his common nickname for a male.

- Every morning, Monty treats himself to a cup of lavender tea. "Helps calm the nerves, ya know?"


|| Likes ||

- Meaty Foods

- The Beach

- Sports

- Alcohol; Specifically Vodka

- Honesty

- Big Dogs

- Nighttime

- The Cold

|| Dislikes ||

- Smoking

- Pushovers

- Liars

- Dirt

- Gum

- Backstabbers

- Cats

- Wasting Time

|| Fears ||

- Sharks

- Death

- Clowns

|| Hobbies ||

- Fixing Cars, Machines, Etc.

- Drinking

- Boxing


Height || 5'10"

Weight || 184 lbs.

Eye Color || Blue

Hair Color || Dark Brown

Build || Mesomorph; Short and Somewhat muscular

Scars/Blemishes || Freckles, Freckles EVERYWHERE

Body Modifications || He has a tattoo of a pair of ripped boxing gloves on his forearm.



|| Background ||

"Fucking Alcoholic!"

Bruises. Hurt feelings. Solitude. Misunderstandings. All of these things turned Monty into the man he is today. There was once a time when he was little Montgomery, a sweet little boy, timid in his ways. A boy who got good grades and brought his report card home as fast as he could to show his parents so that they could tell him they were proud of him. He smiled and giggled. Everything seemed right. But that's always how it is before everything falls apart, right?

What happens when Mommy contracts cancer, the terminal kind and is suddenly stamped with an expression date like aging milk? When she spends all of her time in the hospital sleeping and soon forgets her husband and little boy? When Daddy falls into despair and drinks his sorrows away? When Daddy never takes little Monty to visit Mommy who has little time left and instead spends nights chasing skirts and coming home with alcohol poisoning? Dad was always an angry drunk, lashing out simply to break skin and relish in others pain. His mom died and Monty never had the chance to say goodbye. His dad never told him to mention her again. He's drunk all the time and suddenly starts going to work less. Money becomes tight, the electricity often gets cut off, they never have food in the house, and everything gets shabby. Twelve year old Monty needs to make money somehow right? The kids at school introduce him to one of their uncles, a guy with a pretty hefty drug distributing business. Apparently if he sells, he himself can make a profit.

Monty sells for a few months, makes a pretty penny doing so, and the two get by. He hardly goes to school and his father couldn't care less. Monty isn't the sweet little boy everyone once knew anymore. The only confrontations him and his father have involve black eyes and brute words. Neither of them are ever home. One day, his father finds out about Monty's drug selling and threatens to call the police. After all, Monty is just a disrespectful little shit who does nothing but take up time and money right? Suddenly, he's afraid. The police get there quicker than he expected and he runs out the front door. Their hot on his tail and suddenly... they're gone. He blinks and suddenly Monty is across town, hearing sirens a couple dozen blocks away. He couldn't have run that fast could he? After experimenting, he finds that he can run at inhuman speeds, far faster than cars, maybe even the speed of a plane or greater! The police continue to look for him and he keeps on the run. If running is as easy as that, then why shouldn't he?

One day, while buying some snacks in a corner store, Monty runs into a man known as Ulysses out front. It was late at night and nobody appeared to be around aside from the two of them. When he asked about the supposed bounty on Monty's head, Monty got anxious. But Ulysses promised to take him in, help him lay low until everything blew over. He promised him a place to stay. Good enough for him! Monty had been sleeping in alley ways the past few days. This was a pleasant change.

As far as the time went after that, it wasn't too bad. There were other kids that Ulysses picked up too. Monty would be lying if he said he tolerated all of them. But Ulysses and himself had a mutual understanding. Monty did as Ulysses asked and Ulysses had his back. Murder was never a problem. Monty never grieved for nor valued the lives lost at the hands of Ulysses group or by his own hands. It was a life that said kill or be killed. The lives of others didn't matter. It was always important to be on top and at the top was Ulysses. Monty didn't like nor dislike the man. And he was the only person that Monty did not argue with or challenge. As for everyone else, don't even think about it.

|| Goals ||

- It'd be nice to own a custom sports car one day, wouldn't it? And then he could work on it all he wanted.

- Monty wants to be a professional boxer one day or at the very least become popular among the boxing crowd.

- If he has time, Monty wants to get a dog. Is that so bad? He's thinking a German Shepherd would suit his needs.


|| Power ||

Monty has the power of of super speed with a bit of a tougher body to be able to maintain such a power. His durability is only enhanced when he's moving quicker than the average human, only so his body doesn't get torn to shreds by the force and so that if he hits something, he doesn't splat against it.

|| Weaknesses ||

- This doesn't have any real offensive potential. The most he can do is maybe throw a quicker punch, but it won't do any better than a normal punch.

- Traveling too far, too quickly can give him jet lag. It happens to us all.

- While in motion, he is durable, but say he's moving quickly, and then stops, the momentum could do some pretty horrible damage depending.

- While his is MORE durable, he's not completely durable, per say. So, moving too quickly for too long can cause any of the following: Nausea, Vomiting, Headache, Internal Bleeding, Aneurysm, Ruptured Lung, Ruptured Pancreas, Ruptured Heart, and Death. Please consult your local physician if you are experiencing any of these problems.


Auriel Mitz

Bio :




Age : 20

Gender : Female/She; Her

Birth Date : November 11th [scorpio]

Orientation : Pansexual; Panromantic

Affiliation : Group 3


Height : 5'0"..........................................Eye Color : Pale Green

Weight : 103 lbs.
............................Hair Color : Pale Ginger

Power : Angel Physiology - Auriel has the ability to manifest wings, inner light, and/or a halo at will. Abilities that come with taking on Angel physiology include the ability to create celestial weapons and enhanced.
Angel Physiology [Physical]



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Luna Ritter


Name: Luna Ritter

Age: 22

Gender: Female - She/her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthday 02 April 995 (Aries)

Affiliation: Group 3

Powers: Invisibility and seeing everyone's lies.

Luna can render herself unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in visible spectrum. She can move about an environment unseen by others and act without being observed, but that does not mean others can't hear/touch/smell her. This requires great concentration to keep. In time Luna will be able to choose to let certain people see her and stay invisible to others.

Luna can quite literally see everyone's lies. All the lies they have told seem to simply line up next to a person, and the more she knows a person - the longer the list becomes, as more lies are unlocked to become visible to her. The power is often quite overwhelming for Luna and causes her to become unfocused during conversation - she often tries turn it off but is currently unable to.



Skin Tone: Fair

Height: 5"3

Weight: 49kg

Eye Color: Hazel eyes

Hair Color/Style: Luna has naturally long brown hair, which she dip dyes blonde - giving her an ombre look

Body Type: Very slim and petite, toned from constant running.
Witty - Luna always has a witty response or a sarcastic reply, and although it may be a vice in some, in her it's just a contant source of entertainment for her peers.

Brave - Luna is brave yet reckless. Although she would be the first person to jump in front of someone she loves to take the bullet for them, or volounteer to be on the front lines of a crazy plan, she's incredibly reckless, often not considering the consequences of her actions and if someone proposed cliff diving or something similarly stupid, she would be the first person to do it.

Social - Luna is quite social and charistmatic, she doesn't shy away from meeting new people, and is a constant source of entertainment. She considers herself quite a novelty. She tries to be quite friendly and warm when she meets people, as well as non-judgemental, but like everyone she is prone to having bad days.

Loving - Luna is the sort of person who when she loves someone, she loves very deeply. The whole of group 3 is like a family to her, whom she would do anything for.

Intelligent - Luna is incredibly intelligent, and if only she was a little bit less reckless and she thought through her actions before doing them, she would benefit from them a lot more. Luna, without putting much effort into her work, has always managed to achieve top grades in school and university. Her ideas are often different than those of her peers - and it's almost like she thinks differently to them.


Reckless - As much as she is brave, she is also reckless. Her impulsive behaviour, although at times amusing, can often get her in trouble.

Stubborn - There is no point even attempting to change Luna's mind once she has decided on something, her stubbornness to her loved ones can be infuriating.

Vain - Although she doesn't like to admit it, she's quite vain and somewhat conceited. She works very hard on keeping a perfect body all year around. Knowing how beautiful she is, she also apt at using her feminine wiles against men.

Distrusting - Since her powers have started emerging, she has become quite distrusting due to seeing all the lies people tell. It's made her lose a lot of faith in some people and deeply affected her. Although she is distrusting, once she starts to trust someone, she trusts them indefinitely.

Adrenaline junkie - Luna loves the thrill of adrenaline, and the fact that she is so reckless comes from the fact that she loves the rush.


Her vanilla carmex and her are inseparable, and she applies it to her lips religiously.

She always has two hairbands on her wrists.

She thinks better wit her hair tied up. If her hair is tied up she's usually planning.

Lena likes to stress eat, which leads her to often becoming even more stressed about her weight.


Stop fearing the dark

Although cliche, she just really wants to be happy - not so much to settle down, because she's not ready for that, but she wants to complete all the crazy things she wants to do with someone.

She wants to become content with her body.

Fears: Losing those she loves, losing control, the dark


Luna was born as a stillborn child to a happy couple in Philadelphia, brining misery into their lives as their first child was born dead to them. They mourned their loss and moved on, instead adopting twins after deciding that they weren't ready to try for another child. Luna likes to wish that she could meet them and that they would love her.

But she loves her scientist father dearly. Although, being a father, even after 15 years is still a bit of a a mystery to him, her cherishes her like he would his own daughter - although he has absolutely no control over her, but that's a different case. Fernando still goes after science and is the root cause of them moving to Lewes as he is experimenting how to keep fish alive against toxic materials in the ocean, and his past research, although unknown to his scientific peers, gives him the advantage to save the fish.

Thanks to Fernando, Luna has had a happy and calm childhood - almost too calm which is why she now throws herself into every opportunity for danger and a thrill. She has been dating (much to the disapproval of her father), Jace Kingston for a little under two years, after being best friends with him for most of her life and is currently studying Philosophy of Science in a local university in Lewes.

In her spare time, Luna often runs - mainly to keep her good body and is on the swim team in her university. She is known on campus and by her friends to be a wild party animal, however she never lets herself get too drunk, mainly because she actually wants to remember every night.

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Jace Oliver Kingston


Male - He, Him, His




June 10, 1995 (Gemini)




Group 3


-Superhuman agility / reflexes. This makes him exceptionally fast in terms of perceiving a physical action that is being aimed at him, his movements are swift and his response quick. It doesn't necessarily mean that he could block every move though.

-Air/wind Aerokenisis. He can manipulate the air, wind, and gas. His favorite move is to throw sharp and quick jolts of air at an opponent, going at such a force it cuts them. The force of the power however, all depends on the exertion of force he puts on it. If he feels tired, nauseous, drained, he'll be able to manipulate little to nothing. But if he's feeling angered, or he's hyped up on adrenaline, he'll be able to use it to it's full power.







Hair Color

Dark Brown

eye color

Honey-Brown. It's strikingly vivid and is one of the features that draw people in.

Jace is quite the looker, standing at about 6 foot with a chestnut mane of hair that is usually tousled, his attractive demeanor is quite endearing to look at. He's lean but holds a generous amount of muscle from working out frequently. His face looks strong and chiseled, making his intimidation heighten to others. His nose is slightly crooked, and he has a small scar running through his right eyebrow.




-Sinfully Blunt
. Jace will tell you how it is, at times (more so often) disregarding feelings at times.

-Irritable. He gets easily annoyed and exasperated, to avoid snapping at people he'll usually storm out of the room, if not he'll just tell you that you're annoying.

-Sarcastic. Most of it comes from his wit, the other part comes from his inability to hold his tongue if someone is getting on his nerves.

-He doesn't trust easily. So if he does trust you, you're probably pretty close to him.


-Honest. Jace doesn't think lying really gets anyone anywhere but in a deeper shithole surrounded by more lies. Although, with-holding the truth and deciding not to say anything at all is a different thing which he gladly partakes in.

-Loyal. He knows where his ties are, and who knows who to trust and who to be wary of, that said, the likelihood of him betraying anyone out of free will is 0%-8%

-Caring. Jace is genuinely willing to risk his life for the people he cares about and disregards his own well-being at time for the sake of others.

-Charming. He's a ladies man and he used to sleep around quite alot. He likes to use his attractive wiles to his advantage and can quite possibly charm his way out of trouble with one smile.

-Daring. Jace loves the thrill of an adrenaline rush at times so he'll be one of the first one's in line risking his life or jumping of a cliff into the ocean.

-He's also quite witty which can give some people somewhat an insight to his humor and intelligence.


-He's a sucker for sweets.

-He tends to fiddle with the braided leather bracelet on his wrist when he's nervous. He sees it as some type of good luck charm.

-He'll rake his fingers through his untamed mane of hair when he's frustrated with a situation.

-He likes animals


-To trust easier while also being cautious

- to live life to it's fullest before settling down.


-someone dying because of him

-having a cockroach crawl into his mouth while he's sleeping.




Brought into the world as a still-born child, Jace's life was bound to have some extraordinary components to it. His biological parent's weren't deemed fit enough to take care of Jace, so truthfully, it was a blessing in disguise. Being put through the Foster Care system naturally left Jace bitter, the thought of no one giving him a chance and no family wanting him was embed into his mind so he believed that for the first 13 years of his life.

Although at 14, a woman, with name Joan Kingston bumped into Jace during his late night rendezvous exploring the town. The woman thought he was lost, and Jace, being the snarky fellow he was, told her that he probably knew the town ten times better than anyone there, her included. She decided to test his theory and that night they ventured the town together. Forming an exceptional bond within hours. When Joan found out his situation, the impulsive decision to adopt him was abrupt but she couldn't imagine doing anything else and she certainly didn't regret it.

Jace was grateful that he had a family, so grateful, he didn't think he deserved it. Over the years their bond grew closer as they began to discover new things about each other. He'd often skip school to visit her at her job as she was the Local Veterinarian. His love for animals expanded as he watched his mother's nurturing character do what she does best.


add in anything else boo

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Mathilda 'M' Grey


Mathilda Grey


cis-female - she/her




April 27 - Taruis




group 3


Terrakenesis - The ability to re-arrange and edit terrian to a certain limit.
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Amara Ann Healy is twenty-two,

gender age birthday orientation


vices virtues

quirks goals fears

past life

It was
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Jamie Ivan Clement

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i n - d e p t h

Jamie's life was unexpected and impromptu from the get-go. His parents had already had two children, a girl and a boy, and were preparing for their third, but what they weren't planning on when they went to their ultrasound was to find, not one, but two developing fetuses to be on display on the screen. Up until Jamie's time of birth, everything was going well. He and his brother Oliver were strong and healthy, there were no immediate medical issues that the doctors were able to detect, and his mother had been fine; the only real issue was that his parents did not have the supplies for both Jamie and Oliver, and were struggling on gathering the means to support the two children.

Depending on the way you view it, the Clements got lucky in the lottery of life by neither losing nor making a profit, but by just reverting back to what they originally started with at the sight of Jamie and Oliver's C-Section. Oliver came out warm and fresh screaming his lungs out once he’d been cleaned off and checked on, but Jamie was a different story. When he was removed from his mother's stomach, it only took an instant for the doctors on the scene’s expressions to go from excited from what looked to be another successful birth, to grave from the sight of the stiff, lifeless newborn. Minutes later, Jamie was announced stillborn, and was handed to his mother to see for one last time before he was removed from his heartbroken parents permanently.

If only they knew what had actually become of him…

A freak. That’s what he’d become, or at least that’s how Jamie saw it. It’s no surprise really; the feeling sort of just comes with the territory of being a 27 year old male who died at birth; who should be dead. Sure, it was cool to have these freaky abilities and, well, to be alive, but living away from humanity with only the others like you and the people who made you what you are and knowing that you’re different. Freak is the only way you can feel to explain it most of the time.

Over time, Jamie had come to terms with his life at Enigma –though he never made things easy for those working with him, and the fact that his family didn’t know he was alive nor did he even know who his family was to begin with. It wasn’t something to dwell on or try to change when he would never have a normal life.

And then Ulysses happened.

Jamie could never see the man as a parental figure, he was too cold and distant for that and used him and the others as pawns, much like how none of his “kids” saw each other as siblings because they were pretty much the same, but he was his caretaker and so he held a sense of respect for the man, especially since he had tolerated his bitchiness so long and even created gloves for Jamie to block off his powers, knowing that he couldn’t control them, and that if he physically touched a person he would instantly begin to convert them to glass against his will. So although the man didn’t exactly feel like family, he earned some points in Jamie’s “You’re Alright, Man” book. This was true until Ulysses took all the young people from Enigma went hiding, without giving a single reason of why. They were just to trust him. Yeah… About that. Just giving me more reasons to distrust you here, bub!

After their going into hiding, Jamie’s powers got more out of control, and the power of his gloves had to be amped up multiple times to keep them from transforming into glass and shattering.His views on the man were lowered even more so with the mission they were given to befriend and gain intel on the newest Enigma creations, and coerce them into joining Ulysses. Jamie wasn’t sure why the hell Ulysses wanted more kids with how he was holding up with the ones he had now, and although he wasn’t entirely in on the job, and deemed that he was going to do whatever the hell he wanted whenever the hell he wanted to, he really didn’t care about this new batch of lab rats as long as it kept the CIA off of Ulysses, and Ulysses off his back, and maybe Ulysses would be kept so distracted by the new members of their screwed family that he wouldn’t take notice of when Jamie finally decides to take his leave…

Sure, he wouldn’t have a normal life, but it’s better than the hell of not living that he grew up in.

m i s c .
anything else

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darrin miller GUARD-42QDS

There are times he looks dashing and well kept; and there are times he looks like a clunky dork. Either way, he's very attractive. He's taken to wearing more somber hues since his 30th birthday, pulling them off quite well. He has a firm, muscular body underneath the lazy slacker-like gait of his. But when it counts--on the field--he is sharp in both his looks and abilities.

Eye Color: Ocean Blue color contacts

Height: 6"2

Weight: 160 lbs.


-His Dragon-like Boss Lady

-Getting Fired, after all this time



-Recovering the ENIGMA-3 group

-Training them to be an asset, instead of a failed project(even if his superiors say no)

-One Day becoming Deputy Director


-Photographic Memory

-A marksman to rival the likes of Domino and Deathstroke, respectively

-Sounds like a mouse when he sneezes


Persistent- "Never give up. Even when your back is against a ledge that leads out to pits filled with lava vampires. You give it your all and you fight back. And never back down...unless you're up against your boss--then, by all means, puss out."

Open Minded- "Even though you are different, it doesn't make you weird. Or a freak. The very fact that someone could ever think that is an incorrigible act. And that makes them a douche. Don't ever be a douche."

Courageous- "Fear is only in the mind."


Addictive Personality

Dislocated Emotions


a lack of belief in Pravacy


Xander was part of program that was built to be tasked out only to the hardest and most unwanted missions available: the GUARDIAN Initiative. From the time he was a toddler, he was kept in a secret facility and trained not only on combat and interrogation tactics, but on social skills, problem solving, and teamwork. The point of the program was that it could work on all areas of any situation, be it a negotiation or a brutal beatdown, the main focus being handler work. But, after the Enigma fiasco of '00, all child rearing programs were shut down.

Even though he was only 16 at the time, Xander knew that his future involved the CIA. Regardless of the program's closure, he had no family to turn to like most of the other kids. His folks traded him for safe and secure passage out of the country. He didn't exactly blame them, due to the nature of the why*, but it did leave him at a loss of being anywhere normal. Alexander begged his superior, Agent Clarke, to stay despite his age. When she allowed it, he immediately became the source of power for all coffee runs and paperwork assignments.

This went on for years. He lived and breathed being a CIA agent. His pay allowed him to obtain housing of his own when he turned 21, but he still felt like the Organization was home for him. Eventually he took on his middle name professionally for personal reasons. Occasionally, he'd get a random training mission, in which he passed each one with flying colors. But, outside of the field, he was a total clutz. It didn't help that he was a well full of uncle jokes. Despite that he stayed, his initial reasoning fading into ones of commitment, loyalty, and routine. But, the training he got as a kid never did go away and with the emergence of the ENIGMA-3s returned the need for GUARDIAN.
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M u r p h y K r u g e r




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Conor Gray




Conor Gray


Male, He/Him




December 23rd, 1991 (Capricorn)


Heterosexual & Heteromantic


Group 1


Empathic Mimicry- The ability to duplicate the abilities of other people within proximity and reproduce them at will.

- His favorite is telekinesis (it'll be the only ability he acquired from npc's)

- He knows everyone in Group 1. He knows their abilities. Only makes sense.




167 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color




Morally Gray:: After spending his whole life doing fucked up shit, who's to blame?

Harsh:: It's just a part of him.

Obsessive:: Once he has his mind on something, it sticks to him.. Too much.

Secretive:: A small habit turned into a big one. Whether it be about how he's feeling, or on subjects. He keeps it vague.

Enigmatic:: He likes to know more about others, not vice versa. Sucks for people who get close to him..


Quietly Humble:: He doesn't show off. Works well because it compliments his skills.. Which are plenty.

Manipulative:: He can get you to talk, and do what he wants. With little to no coercion.

Lying:: He's just too good at it.

Socially Discreet & Skilled:: He can just tell what you're thinking. Who you are, what you like..

Uncannily Calm:: No matter the situation, he has it under control.

Body Language Reader:: Unless you're standing extremely still.. You get it.

Independent:: He doesn't mind being alone.


-Rubs his fingers against each other when he's focusing on doing something

-Rubs his hand through his hair when he casually talks to people.

-Nods when people are talking to him. A bit
too much.


-Please Ulysses

-Know everyone perfectly.

-Acquire a perfect arsenal of abilities.

-Become a leader of.. anything. The family, or something else..


-Not being accepted

-Being vulnerable.

-Being open to people



Conor grew up in the Blackwell Mansion under good care. He was arguably one of Ulysses' favorites. Even at a young age, Conor often got people to do things for him. Manipulating, lying; these traits convinced Ulysses to quickly take Conor under his wing. He became the favorite in the teens, and often ran errands for him. As he got older the quantity decreased and he was only sent on more important missions. Now, he's only sent on the highest priority.

When Conor first started exploring his ability, he usually only latched on to one at a time, from his fellow peers. Originally, Conor had to concentrate on the person who used this ability. But now, he uses his acquired ones as a second nature, and sometimes without even knowing who he got them from. A conversation between a scientist and Ulysses Blackwell:

Conor's specific DNA allows for a blend. Like colors in a mosaic, resequencing itself to mimic the abilities of those around him."

Like a chameleon?"

More like a sponge. It's precisely why I've been studying him."

Could his condition become dangerous to himself or to other people?"

If he absorbs too much, or comes into contact with an unstable ability, then most definitely yes."

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