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Realistic or Modern Project Cronus


Junior Member
The year is 2093, for years, now, the government has been taking in individuals they deem as "high risk" for experimentation dealing with biogenetically re-engineering their DNA structures to create the ultimate super-soldiers. Within the last three years, the results have proven, to say the least, promising. Further testing to see what the subjects' thresholds for their powers and the usage therein began under the code name "Project Cronus," referring to the Greek Titan of legend, Cronus being chosen as it brought forth the birth of ten unique individuals, their old selves forgotten, who would be named for the Twelve Olympians, in reference to the powers they now had. Testing was inhumane, cruel in the sense that they would on a daily basis be pushed to the brink of death in the "danger room" sequences suited to their individual strengths and weaknesses. But what the government didn't take into account was the rest of the myth. In Greek legend, the Olympians eventually overthrew Cronus, taking it upon themselves to forge a new destiny. Thus would be the fate of these subjects. The twelve have escaped the facility, and now live on a day to day basis, constantly on the run, as their tormentors make it a daily point to track them down... Dead or alive.

General premise of the RP revolves around the twelve main characters:

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Hades, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Hermes.

Each will have a specific power based on the "gods" they represent, and for the sake of argument, I'll list those in a bit.

You're on the run, so drawing a lot of attention is not something you would want to do. You want to blend with society, to the best of your ability. Of course, that's not to say that occasionally, the agents after you will not find and engage you. Epic battles are to be expected in this RP, considering the powers and whatnot, and the fact that they will be the twelve's ONLY SAVING GRACE in a fight. No use of guns, etc by the twelve. They have powers for a reason. Use them.

I will, of course, be expecting some people to play as the government's lapdogs sent to chase the twelve down, and I do find it to be an entertaining notion that perhaps some of these agents will have powers of their own. I will not shoot that down, should you decide to make it so, just don't be too ridiculous. (i.e. Invulnerability)


Zeus - Electrokinesis. He controls electric charges, EMP blasts, lightning.

Hera - Enhanced strength. Hera was known for her temper, so I think this project will logically be the berserker, no?

Poseidon - Hydro/Cryo Kinesis. Basically, he controls water and ice, bending them to his will.

Demeter - Biokinesis. As the goddess, Demeter, was most attuned with nature, I have opted that basically, she can alter her genetic coding to resemble another person or an animal at will. Shapeshifting, in short.

Athena - Telekinesis. Moving things with her mind is the best I can do with Athena. As the goddess of war (her brother, Ares, being the god over it) I didn't have much to work with here. Sue me.

Hades - Nightmarish Visions. Hades has the ability to force upon enemies the worst memories, or nightmares, as it may be, they have/can imagine. This spawning from the inspiration being Lord of the Underworld. (NOTE: I am well aware Hades was NOT considered one of the Olympians as he spent most of his time in the Underworld, but to Hell with it, I'm not using Dionysus.)

Apollo - Photokinesis. Apollo was known for riding his chariot across the skies, bringing forth the sun every morning, or the moon at night. As such, I have chosen to give him the powers of light manipulation, allowing him to use light particles around him to go from as little as lighting a dark alley to as much as a blinding flash that will stun nearby enemies.

Artemis - Bloodlust. Artemis was goddess of the hunt. Bloodlust is simple enough: The more she kills, the more she wants to continue the primal desire to destroy. So far, the only one known to bring her out of this is Hades, for reasons unknown. She also has superhuman capabilities.

Ares - Matter Manipulation. Everything this man touches becomes a weapon, so long as the length and weight do not increase. Example: He picks up a 17" lead pipe, and wants to change it into a sword of some kind? He can make a 17" (or shorter) sword from it by expending a bit of his aura into the pipe. He is a master in every weapon he touches and posses superhuman strength.

Aphrodite - Seduction arts. Aphrodite, a goddess in and of her own caliber. In mythology, she was known for her beauty, thusly giving me the incentive to say Seduction is perfect, no? Think of it as her own way of brainwashing enemy soldiers into doing whatever she wants, be it attacking their own, or simply leaving the scene altogether. (NOTE: For the love of god, don't misuse this and tell someone else's character to kill themself. It will be overridden, and they will continue to live, unless the player deems that they are okay with their character dying, i.e. a public statement in the OOC thread.)

Hephaestus - Pyrokinesis. Already used weapons creation for Ares, so to Hell with it, Hephaestus can control fire with his mind.

Hermes - Enhanced Speed. Hermes was known for being Messenger of the Gods, thus deeming the power of enhanced speed some thought, here.

Of course, if anyone is interested, please do feel free to let me know, and if anything needs any more explanation, I will be more than happy to answer PM's or to post more info here.

So far

Kyd Jhesus= Ares

Jinzo= Hephaestus

Thesquaidsy= Government lapdog

Harbinger= Artemis

Hellkite= Government lapdog

roseylily= Athena (If roseylily is still doing this

Anyone is allowed to join, if your planning on being a government lapdog PM me your ideas.
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Jacob and Cory were being dropped off in a city were the government thinks the projects are hiding.

"So Jacob, I read your personal files, you were a former scientist?"

Jacob simply ignored the arrogant child and remained starring out the window of the helicopter.

Cory let out a deep sigh "its been 4 hours and you still haven't said one word. What's wrong with you?"

Jacob felt like telling him what was wrong but he thought he keep it to himself.

The helicopter landed and the two got off, Cory began to start giving out details of there mission until Jacob took off ignoring the arrogant child. Jacob began mumbling under his breath "I have but only one desire, to bring in these mutants and gain my freedom."

Cory began to get frustrated at always being ignored. He then yelled at Jacob "Well fuck you to Jacob." Cory began to look at the size of the city "Even though I know what they look like, finding them in this city is going to be a pain in the ass."

Cory began to run in the opposite direction hoping he could find the mutants before Jacob did. He began to mumble to himself "now if I were a mutant on the run, where would I hide?"
Shemar had just awoken, still feeling the toll on his body from training the previous day.

"Ohhhh s**t, my head.."

He always got migraines after using his powers too heavily or for too long. He washes his face, puts on his shoes and exits his studio apartment.

He mutters on to himself, "I don't know which place I hate more, this apartment or that damn facility, you know..?"

As he waddles towards the quick shop, he goes over the previous day of training in his mind, as he usually does.

It took place in a nearby savanna which is almost always vacated. He practiced breaking circuits in lamp posts and overcharging batteries without touching them. It obviously took more of a toll on him than his usual repertoire. He wanted to get good, but his skills, or rather the lack thereof in his opinion was keeping him back from this.

Shemar turned into the quick shop and smiled at the girl behind the register. She should be quite familiar with his face at this point.

She must have noticed the fatigue and discomfort on his face when she asked him.

"Are you okay, sir?"

"Oh, yeah, whatever... Sure, yeah, how are you?"

"I'm fine, what would you like to have??"

"An energy drink and a large pack of batteries"

He handed her a twenty dollar bill and told her that she could keep the change. He wished her a good day and exited.

There was much for Shemar to do on this day, he let out a lazy sigh and continued walking.
Sam had been up since five o’clock that morning, having to get to his job at the local diner before six so he could continue to make a good impression on his first week. He figured the best way to avoid suspicion as well as make some money was to get a basic job and become a familiar face, but easily lost in the crowd.

Sam had become a dish boy so he lingered around washing tables and dishes in an early morning shift that most people didn’t want. He only worked until noon, so in the afternoon he could be free, which was just how Sam liked it. The job also worked out well because he was one of the fastest dishwashers in the city because of his abilities which he used discreetly and it made the job a whole lot more fun.

Right now, however, he was staring down a particularly slow eating elderly couple who just couldn't seem to finish their pancakes fast enough and Sam was quickly getting bored. At least it was better than sitting in a lab and getting poked and prodded he figured. But they were eating so slowly…

He looked around and out a window to avoid seeming creepy and he couldn't help but wait anxiously until noon when he could leave.

Only three more hours, he thought to himself as he wiped down the front counter for the second time in fifteen minutes.
"Now I were a kitten on the run," Where would I hide." Fox muttered to herself as she searched the public park, "Hmmmm." She blinked and after making sure no one was around, transformed into a kitten. "I am now both a kitten and on the run." She said slowly. "I still have no idea where to look."


"I suppose this was somewhat of a stupid test, I mean who am i to pretend I'm a kitten on the run."


"Yes dear I know you must fancy me, I am a fine example of kitten hood but I'm looking for..."


"You yes... OH! Hello." Fox looked up at the orange tomcat. "Your mothers worried about you."


"That was rude, your mother is a lovely cat! Come down here. "

"Mow. Mow."

"My fur is not flat and plain! It is a lovely shade of silver."


"Look kid we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Coming down now is the easy way."


'Hard way it is then."

Fox shifted into a hawk and grabbed the cat by the scruff of its neck, and after several shapeshifts and a lot of dragging paws, returned him to his mother.

"Now then", she said assuming her favorite form of a red fox, "Where can I find food." The fox shook its nose sniffing in deeply, smelling the entire city. And froze. There were unfamiliar scents. Other cronus projects. Not the 12 she was used to. New ones. Hunters. She smelled them again, memorized their scent and ran. I need to hide. Now. They've finally sent other projects against us. And alone I'm powerless to stop them.
Stepping into his apartment, he shuts the door with his left foot, sits back in the easy chair and thinks.

Today, he feels like he's on a ferris wheel of emotion, only going in circles. This makes him angry, which makes him try harder to figure out why he feels this way which in turn makes him angrier, only perpetuating the cycle. He holds his hands close together and sparks and small bolts jump from finger to finger. He found it kind of funny and ironic that he still felt the sting of his own electricity.

Suddenly, he figured out why he felt this way. Could it be that he was scared? Scared that the agents would track him down and find him? He tried to rationalize it.

"How could I be scared and not even know it...?"

He points his finger at a moth sitting next to his television and channels some electricity down his finger and out through his fingertip. As the bolt hits its target, almost as if it guides itself to its mark, the current in his apartment dips.

"Hmmm, that's new"

His mind is stuck on repeat, showing him painful flashbacks of tests at the lab. He vividly remembers everything that was done to him. He continues talking to himself, continuing to play with electricity on his fingers

"I'm not going back there.. Never. Even if they send an army of agents, they're only human. And it only takes one zap in the right place.. or rather the left ventricle to trigger cardiac arrest."

He is sincerely comforted by these thoughts.
"I think he's waking up, quickly! Give him another shot!" one of the scientists yelled as another syringe was put into Lucas's arm, and his body felt every inch when they began operating inside of him, modifying his gene. Giving him "gifts" as they had talked about so fondly. His father was in the front, smiling down on Lucas. "You're going to be okay. I will always save you," His father said with a sly grin on his face, it worried him. The bright light in the ceiling turned on, and then-

Lucas woke up kicking and screaming as he had yet another flashback of the incident when he was brought into the project. He was sweating, and completely out of breath, it scared him. He had narrowly escaped, and now they were surely looking for him. Lucas had taken shelter in a small abandoned shack in one of the alleyways in town, there were no one there, and it was a great hiding place. He looked over to his watch and stood up, brushing some dust and dirt off his clothes.

"It's only a dream, it was only a dream... you're not going back. You're not," Lucas muttered to himself, while looking into a broken mirror and touched his scars on the cheek.

"Will I ever become normal again? These powers... will they disappear?" Lucas thought as he walked out of the shack and into the street, joining the crowd of people heading towards his working place as a postman.
'"Er..I'm sorry ma'm. But Rent here is quite expensive...And you wanted a large one...That'll be close to 1,000 a month..I don't think you have that kind of money..." The old man at the rather upscale apartment complex. Repeated the same thing as the last two managers of the apartments he'd lived in since the escape.

Now. even asking about buying the apartment was more of a formality then anything, As he would. In the end, get in. And live there for mostly...Well. Free.

Luvan simply smiled at the old man as he declined his application to the building. Citing he wasn't willing to pay for the first 3 months as against the rules of the apartment, now, seeing as he had to be on the run constantly. And only really stayed in one apartment complex for a week or two if he was lucky (The last one only lasted about 5 days before he had dogs on his tail. And quickly evacuated).

Shaking his head and still smiling. His eyes. Imperceptibly to the human eye quickly. Flashed a certain bright pink color, and he spoke in the tongue of charm. A fancy way of saying the Old man. Could most likely not....


This old man. He looked familiar. And now Luvan was realizing the terribleness of his mistake, the dogs had been following his trail and already invaded this apartment. He had walked into a trap.

The old man made a bit of mumble about something about "Got you"". And. Pulling out a very small handgun. Which on close inspection would be shown to have the safety off and be filled with tranquilizer darts instead of bullets (Although still propelled by gunpowder.)

And with a bang. And the shattering of the glass window of the rental agency behind him. Luvan quickly turned around and ran into a Sprint. hoping someone heard the gunshot and glass shattering, and would come to his aid. As well as that the old man didn't have backup.
Lucas turned around as he heard the gunshot, slightly running towards the target, but made sure to not go into his super speed. He didn't want to draw any attention to himself. He was just about to deliver the mail towards the gunshot anyway. A little scared of what the sound might be, he stopped not far away and Luvan ran into him once he turned the corner. Completely taken of guard, Lucas quickly grabbed a small steel pipe laying on the ground, but didn't raise it.

"W- Who are you?" Lucas asked, his voice was shaking and filled with fear as he looked over at Luvan once again. He was scared, he couldn't remember any faces from the laboratory except his father's. He could be an agent, or a fellow project, or a random bystander. He didn't know, it scared him to be so unsure.
Crashing into another person. A terrible thing to do when being chased by the government.

After a bit of a shuffle and a exasperated breath. He looked at the now steel pipe wielding person he had crashed into. And a quick apology and explanation followed.

"Sorry. Being chased. Don't want to get shot. If they ask you. I didn't go this way"

His eyes flared pink for the last sentence. A charming command, although this wouldn't work. and give away his identity he wasn't really thinking very straight well being shot at.

And after saying that. Not waiting for a response. He took off again. Albeit at a bit of a slow pace.
Was that Aphrodite? Along the other projects, he must be chased by the agents. It shouldn't do much if I help him out a little bit... I mean... we are basically on the same team... Lucas thought as the man seemed to have caught up, pushing his way through the crowds with his gun proudly in front of him, and the crowd quickly scattered.

In a split second, Lucas was already moving and knocked the gun out of the person's hands, taking it with him before he gave the man a hit in the head with the steel pipe, and ran into a small alleyway, all in the second of a man blinking. Hopefully few had seen him, and now the person that he was chasing should get a good lead. Hopefully getting away too. Lucas looked at the gun, seeing it was filled with tranquilizers, they wanted them back alive. It meant the experiments weren't over yet. He emptied the entire gun as he scattered the tranquilizers around, smashing some with the steel pipe, before he walked away. He checked he was still having his shoulder bag filled with letters before he returned to a different part of the streets delivering the mail as if nothing had happened.
Luvan. Realizing something. Again, a flaw of not remebering faces well, was that he also knew that face from somewhere.

Although. Being unable to match the face to his memory he marked it up as a simple mistake. And began again on his way of running.

And after about 5 more minutes of hiding. And being about a quarter a mile from his (Now incapacitated. Although he didn't know that.) pursuer, he realized he was no longer being chased and assumed the police had luckily been near by and apprehended the wild gunman.

Now. He ran into a different problem, he needed to find a new apartment complex to live in, preferably one not infiltrated by people who wanted to kill him.
Cory continued to search for the lose mutants untukna certain problem abrupted "God I'm hungry, I wonder if there's a good place to eat here?" Cory then caught the attention of a local diner. He thought about it but he was starving "I could stop for a quick bite." Cory barged through the door "I would like your finest steak." he yelled.

Jacob was getting frustrated that he couldn't find anyone. "Dam, where are those mutants." He started to walk but then got drastic. "If I can't find them I'll make them come to me." Jacob grew into cyclops form and let out a blood lusted roar. He began to smash everything in his path it wasn't until the media and police arrived that he picked up a bus full of kids in it. Jacob knew this would go live through out the city "Attention all mutants" he yelled "you have exactly 10 minutes to meet me here on avenue street. If none of you happen to show up then I smash this bus and kill everyone inside it. The choice is yours."
Lucas heard the sound of the giant cyclops that had come through the town and looked at the bus full of people that he had picked up. Was this another project too?

"You have exactly 10 minutes to meet me here on avenue street. If none of you happen to show up then I smash this bus and kill everyone inside it. The choice is yours."

Lucas quickly looked up at the bus and closed his eyes, he had to use his powers here. Otherwise the people inside the bus would get killed, they had nothing to do with this at all! Was he truly that desperate?!

"God dammit!" Lucas complained as he used up 1 of the 5 power that he moved so quickly it seemed that time stood still, he ran up the cyclops arm and carried down all the people inside the bus, without Jakob noticing anything except a small tickling trail up and down his arm, as he made sure no one was left in the bus before he stopped, and had to take a small breather, hiding in a small alleyway, as he finally managed to move along side normal time, but he was tired. His energy would need at least 3 minutes before he could do it again, which was more then enough time to smash another bus.

Please don't notice the bus is empty, please don't notice the bus is empty... Lucas thought as he made sure the people were dropped off far away from where the cyclops was standing.
Luvan. Sitting in an alleyway pondering his next home. Heard the yelling of one of the project chasers.

A cyclops as he soon found out after peeking out from the alleyway, yelling something about people being killed if the projects in the area didn't come out in ten minutes.

Supposing to himself the fact that he would probably be unable to fight a large monstrous creature. And that there were far more equipped projects in the area, he decided it would be in his best interests to stay hidden or run away.

Although. Then again. These far more equipped other projects would most likely be attempting to save the people in the bus, and as such he'd be able to reunite with them...

Weighing his options. He walked into the street and simply stood there rather nonchalantly. Glancing every now and then up to the large cyclops creature.
As soon as the elderly couple left (after an hour and a half, mind you), Sam got to work cleaning their table and soon brought their dishes to the back of the kitchen to wash. He was just putting the dishes in the warm soapy water when he heard the sound of the front door's bells followed by a quick slam.

As soon as that was over, he heard a voice that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. That voice was something he thought he was far behind and he would never hear again. While he didn't know exactly who this laboratory grunt was, he knew that that he was someone he didn't want to know.

Sam dropped the dishes into the sink, and, hoping he hadn't been noticed yet, furiously began to scrub the dishes in the sink while the person was served by one of the waitstaff. He kept his head down and took a quick glance at the clock to see he could probably leave in fifteen minutes and wouldn't be missed. Not very many people came to this diner for lunch.

He could practically hear the seconds counting down in his head as he scrubbed and rescrubbed the dishes waiting for his escape.
Adam Shoshona sat alone on an old green park bench, watching the crowd of people collect near the city block where Jacob made his grand entrance.

Stupid.. Adam muttered to himself, as he brought a cigarette to his mouth, letting it hover between his fingers. He let out a small burp and tiny flame escaped his mouth, igniting the cigarette.

Adam and the cyclops man were assigned as partners by the higher-ups and that meant working together to take down the mutants quickly, quietly, and efficiently. Adam smoked a few puffs, watching everyone's horrified looks on their faces.

This method of Jacob's was anything but. His havoc raised too much attention to them and essentially their cover had been blown, or at least Jacob's. Within ten minutes, the police department would show up and it would become a massive problem for everyone.

Adam hadn't met any of the fugitive projects. He only knew their twelve faces and each had a special power that related to twelve offspring of Cronus, an Ancient Greek mythology. Adam tossed the cigarette at the ground, twisted it with his toe and stood up. He knew this was going to get ugly, so all he did was make his way into the crowd to watch the scene play out.
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Fox, in frog form, hopped into the sink where Sam was working, the kitchen was fond of throwing out scraps to stray dogs and she took food where she could.She was there when Sam got his interview. He smelled like salt water, fish and mountain springs. Project Poseidon. "Hey", she said to him, "I know I'm a whatchamacallit- health code violation, but you need help with the guy in the restaurant? "
Within the crowd of people, one inparticular was covered with a black jacket and hood to avoid anyone from noticing him especially those of the government. A few strips of his red and white hair was sticking out and he was holding onto a laptop that he got from his friend in the government to keep him posted of anything. Apollo was his code name, but his real name was Solimon and he never forgets who he really was. Day by day, he migrates from one area to the next and changes his clothing with whatever he can salvage from the Donation bins that most people use to throw used cloths in there. He was unable to find most of the other Projects because they are either far from here or just very good with staying away from other people. "This can be a problem...I have to track them down soon".
Sam drops the dish he's holding into the sink when he hears the small voice come from somewhere he can't identify. He looks around, only to see a small little frog sitting on top of a plate he had just washed. Pushing aside that thought, and the obvious health code violation, he recognized the characteristics of the Demeter project. Someone like him.

Sam listened to the frog, and glanced back at the agent who had just ordered his meal, and replied quietly, trying not to raise any attention, "That would be great."

Thinking quickly and grabbing a pre-made bowl of salad from a counter behind him, he added, "Do you mind doing a little salad hopping?"
" hmm I dunno, salad jumping isn't really an effective mixing technique..." She hopped in nervously, "Oh you mean as a distraction! Ok what's the plan?"
In the city where the other projects had been, a young woman arrived with a scowl on her face. She had been wearing a red cropped shirt and baggy jeans. It almost looked as if she had been to a gym before arriving. She shoved her way through a large crowd to find her way out. Why does this place have to be so cramped?! I should've went to the forest. At least there I don't have to deal with a bunch of morons! She kept moving through and shouting insults as people glared at her. She didn't give anyone a second glance because she quite frankly didn't care what they thought of her behavior. As much as the crowd of people irritated her, she tried her best to control her enhanced strength. Which was not an easy task for her to do. She looked to the side and found a face in the crowd that looked vaguely familiar. They reminded her of the Apollo project. Is that really another project? It must be... Ana kept eyeing him to see if she would get a reaction.
The crowd got thicker and more robust as people came passing by through the interception. It was cloudy today as he looked up and parts of his hood was falling off, but his hair covered most of his eyes so people would most likely think of his as some sort of Gothic kid since these people think anyone wearing alot of black is considered goth. He shifted his head a bit to notice someone different from someone else nearby,"....Project...Hera?". He thought for a moment to see if he could prove that this woman could be a project so on the next turn, he sprinted into a dark ally and hid in the shadows. Unfortunately, he could not use his powers without a glimmer of light...at least he has a lighter in his pocket! "Lets prove if my hypothesis is true...".

Jacob let out a loud roar. " Come on you cowards, are you really that scared of a fight?" Jacob kept counting in his head "you have exactly 2 minutes to come to me. If you don't show up I'll kill everyone on this bus including everyone in this city."
He chuckled at the frog's joke and then looked around to make sure no one was looking.

"So you will hide under the lettuce leaves and I will give this to Secret Agent Man as a 'complimentary' salad and then, once I'm clear, you jump out and startle the hell out of him. It should make him run away. Then I'll spray some ice on the floor near the door making him fall and he'll never want to come back again!"

Sam finished his plan with a proud nod and looked down to the frog, "Sound alright to you? It should give us enough time to get away safely. We can leave through the emergency exit in the back."

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