Project Black

Sorry for not posting in some time. I still have some family stuff going on ontop of work. I should be back to a normal post schedule sometime after this weekend or before the end of next week. 
Well I was waiting, it wasn't just me choosing to hang back xD  as I have three characters, didn't want to just one post for one character. 

But will work on Jack now then. 

And no worries Nova, take all the time you need. 
We missed you too, Nova :)  How are things going? 

Also guys, I do not wish to offend with my ignorance. I have been desperately trying to research treatments for PTSD, but obviously, websites are not the most trustworthy or forthcoming of resources. I also have limited personal experience with PTSD, but of course, know it is a very serious health issue and didn't want to cause upset by portraying it the wrong way. So I wanted to apologise in advance. Sorry @SleepyBuddha
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We missed you too, Nova :)  How are things going? 

Also guys, I do not wish to offend with my ignorance. I have been desperately trying to research treatments for PTSD, but obviously, websites are not the most trustworthy or forthcoming of resources. I also have limited personal experience with PTSD, but of course, know it is a very serious health issue and didn't want to cause upset by portraying it the wrong way. So I wanted to apologise in advance. Sorry @SleepyBuddha

What are you talking about mate?
I am typing up a reply for Buddha, whose character is suffering from PTSD. Knowing and seeing such specific situations flare up before in various other roleplays with people jumping down other people's throats for insensitivity (I've been around the track for too times), I am saying that if I say something wrong, please don't be offended and explaining why. 

Granted I might be oversensitive to this topic, and approaching it too cautiously. But I figured the reasoning was grounded enough and for lack of a better phrase 'it's better to be safe than sorry'. 
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I am typing up a reply for Buddha, whose character is suffering from PTSD. Knowing and seeing such specific situations flare up before in various other roleplays with people jumping down other people's throats for insensitivity (I've been around the track for too times), I am saying that if I say something wrong, please don't be offended and explaining why. 

Granted I might be oversensitive to this topic, and approaching it too cautiously. But I figured the reasoning was grounded enough and for lack of a better phrase 'it's better to be safe than sorry'. 

Fair enough but yeah you approaching a little too cautiously. I've had a character be insensitive as fuck to women. I'm talking OVER THE TOP lmao. People started to give me shit about it and I responded with.....excuse me? Am I my character? No. I'm not. I created this character but that doesn't make me him and vice versa. 

So fucking relax. And learn to draw the line between role playing and an actual person. Fuck is wrong with you. 

Promise you they never bothered my ass with it again. Sometimes people blur those lines and you gotta remind them that you are ACTING a part. So stop being retarded and realize that this in character. Not out of it. Like I try not to be an asshole but BOI you better watch how you step to me lol. 

Either way. I don't think any of us here have a problem with it. Especially the guy who is role playing a severely traumatized science project. Besides, there is no cure for PTSD. That depends on the person themselves. You can only try to help them anyway you can. It's the sad truth
Unsure if the whole 'stop being retarded' bit was directed at me or not... so... wait, what? 

Anyway, regardless, I am fully capable of differentiating myself from my character... and I am being very relaxed about it. 

But some others can are more sensitive. Even if people know that it's writing and not a direct insult (Heck I have seen simple passers by  make posts on threads because they were upset at something they read), and besides, fairly certain Nova already has something about differentiating yourself from the characters you play in the rules. If it's not this one, then it is on the X-men's rules.

However, regardless of the group being amazing and meaning I don't have much to worry about: given my past experiences I wanted to just explain that I have very little experience with writing about such things and was worried about my ability to carry out therapy sessions. I see no real harm in that, or real stress. 
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Unsure if the whole 'stop being retarded' bit was directed at me or not... so... wait, what? 

Anyway, regardless, I am fully capable of differentiating myself from my character... and I am being very relaxed about it. 

But some others can are more sensitive. Even if people know that it's writing and not a direct insult (Heck I have seen simple passers by  make posts on threads because they were upset at something they read), and besides, fairly certain Nova already has something about differentiating yourself from the characters you play in the rules. If it's not this one, then it is on the X-men's rules.

However, regardless of the group being amazing and meaning I don't have much to worry about: given my past experiences I wanted to just explain that I have very little experience with writing about such things and was worried about my ability to carry out therapy sessions. I see no real harm in that, or real stress. 

Oh no gurl. None of that was directed to you. Sorry if it wasn't obvious.
astress.also, that's fine. Nowhere in Jacks profile does it say he's a psychologist or a therapist. So, he can only really listen and be nice. Like I cant make Aeva a medic you know? Just know some basic stuff because of his previous occupation but that's it. So Jack no actually knowing much is perfectly fine both personally with the group and immersively
We missed you too, Nova :)  How are things going? 

Also guys, I do not wish to offend with my ignorance. I have been desperately trying to research treatments for PTSD, but obviously, websites are not the most trustworthy or forthcoming of resources. I also have limited personal experience with PTSD, but of course, know it is a very serious health issue and didn't want to cause upset by portraying it the wrong way. So I wanted to apologise in advance. Sorry @SleepyBuddha

I don't really understand it either so have no fear friend. 
Sorry for my still lack of being active. I have a lot to catch up on and an amazing opportunity has just come my way!

So this will get me out of where I'm at now and in a job I will love! 

A friend of mine heard about what had happened at the last club I was at... The one where it got ninjaed over night... And he made an offer to where I can't say no. He wants me to open up a business for him. He suggested a comic book shop or a bar. So this is great news. I will still be working my current job, but will be trying to piece together this new business. (^_^) I'm not sure what it will really be... But we both love comics so it will either be a comic cafe shop or a geek themed bar.... I'm leaning towards the bar. lol. 

But on another note. The whole ptsd thing... I was labeled with ptsd, tbi, chronic depression and sleep anxiety. I even broke a record at fort hood for a stress test... No one has yet to break it... And I even failed anger management five times.... All that in three years... Not my best years and not proud moments. I was going through a lot and lost a lot of people all in one year.

Ptsd is a very tricky thing. There are triggers that can snap a person from reality to their minds and not remember a damn thing. But from what I have learned from it is that it can never be cured... But you can either be medicated or remove yourself from the situations, people or even areas that make you snap. I have yet to have any episodes since I left the army. It's the fact that I'm not in a stressful environment anymore and I am free to be myself. Ptsd makes you feel like you are in a cage and you can't control a damn thing while you are in there. 

From my own study upon myself (more like just seeing what my triggers were and how to avoid them and how they work.) I have realized that adrenaline is one of my top triggers. Like right when you are about to get into a fight, or maybe you are so mad that you get tunnel vision... It's hard to explain but it's also a bitch to work with. 

I have no problems with Adrian having such problems. It's a common thing in my book... Mostly because I was around a lot of other people suffering from the same thing. And for a character in a story or even a simple rp... It's just a character, anyone who finds that offensive is just dumb. 

Like for instance... Already in the rp Aeva started to wig out a bit after the crash and was about to have a serious flash back moment. That is a term of ptsd. Ross pushed Dax away because she was worried that Aeva would snap. The more someone gets crowded during that little moment can make or break the situation. Not to mention she doesn't know Aeva just yet and doesn't know what he is capable of. So she pushed Dax away. She would rather hurt her best friends feelings to save his life. 

From what I can tell from Adrian at this moment... He doesn't really need medication. If he is having small problems... They would be nightmares and little times where he feels like he is not in control. But it doesn't seem too serious. So sleep meds if he is having problems sleeping would be good to start with, seeing as being tiered causes stress, and stress causes problems which activates triggers easier. He is also not that young anymore so his body and mind don't function like they use too. So meds that could help balance the chemicals in his brain would be something else to experiment with. There is also little shock therapy's that help. (I still have my little shock box... it's like a little electric massage for your brain.... It's addicting and helps greatly with stress. I use it now for when I think too much. It helps calm me down and think straighter.)

Ok I will stop there as I still have to play catch up with rps and stuff and I just had a busy day. I will try to get something up tomorrow before work. (^_^)
Sorry for my still lack of being active. I have a lot to catch up on and an amazing opportunity has just come my way!

So this will get me out of where I'm at now and in a job I will love! 

A friend of mine heard about what had happened at the last club I was at... The one where it got ninjaed over night... And he made an offer to where I can't say no. He wants me to open up a business for him. He suggested a comic book shop or a bar. So this is great news. I will still be working my current job, but will be trying to piece together this new business. (^_^) I'm not sure what it will really be... But we both love comics so it will either be a comic cafe shop or a geek themed bar.... I'm leaning towards the bar. lol. 

But on another note. The whole ptsd thing... I was labeled with ptsd, tbi, chronic depression and sleep anxiety. I even broke a record at fort hood for a stress test... No one has yet to break it... And I even failed anger management five times.... All that in three years... Not my best years and not proud moments. I was going through a lot and lost a lot of people all in one year.

Ptsd is a very tricky thing. There are triggers that can snap a person from reality to their minds and not remember a damn thing. But from what I have learned from it is that it can never be cured... But you can either be medicated or remove yourself from the situations, people or even areas that make you snap. I have yet to have any episodes since I left the army. It's the fact that I'm not in a stressful environment anymore and I am free to be myself. Ptsd makes you feel like you are in a cage and you can't control a damn thing while you are in there. 

From my own study upon myself (more like just seeing what my triggers were and how to avoid them and how they work.) I have realized that adrenaline is one of my top triggers. Like right when you are about to get into a fight, or maybe you are so mad that you get tunnel vision... It's hard to explain but it's also a bitch to work with. 

I have no problems with Adrian having such problems. It's a common thing in my book... Mostly because I was around a lot of other people suffering from the same thing. And for a character in a story or even a simple rp... It's just a character, anyone who finds that offensive is just dumb. 

Like for instance... Already in the rp Aeva started to wig out a bit after the crash and was about to have a serious flash back moment. That is a term of ptsd. Ross pushed Dax away because she was worried that Aeva would snap. The more someone gets crowded during that little moment can make or break the situation. Not to mention she doesn't know Aeva just yet and doesn't know what he is capable of. So she pushed Dax away. She would rather hurt her best friends feelings to save his life. 

From what I can tell from Adrian at this moment... He doesn't really need medication. If he is having small problems... They would be nightmares and little times where he feels like he is not in control. But it doesn't seem too serious. So sleep meds if he is having problems sleeping would be good to start with, seeing as being tiered causes stress, and stress causes problems which activates triggers easier. He is also not that young anymore so his body and mind don't function like they use too. So meds that could help balance the chemicals in his brain would be something else to experiment with. There is also little shock therapy's that help. (I still have my little shock box... it's like a little electric massage for your brain.... It's addicting and helps greatly with stress. I use it now for when I think too much. It helps calm me down and think straighter.)

Ok I will stop there as I still have to play catch up with rps and stuff and I just had a busy day. I will try to get something up tomorrow before work. (^_^)

Yeah, Aeva was dangerously close to going back completely. Though he was partially reliving it. He thought he was there for a moment.  Which is what I've seen in PTSD. The person LITERALLY believes they are back in the war and under fire and start crawling around on the floor in the middle of a mall or something, gasping and hyperventilating and even crying but staying strong. They have their warface on everything. 

Now that level is extremely severe and it manifests in SOOOO many different ways. So many different things can set it off too! One of my buddies was in a house fire and now if he looks at an open flame he gets this very brief FLASH to when he was in his home and everything was engulfed in flames. Not a flashback mind you. But like a quick blink of the memory as if he was there for half a second. He just closes his eyes and looks away as fast as he can. There HAVE been times where he starts to hyperventilate when there is an open flame or soemthing and he FEELS the heat from it. Then it gets a little worse.

As I said before, there is no cure for it. Sometimes people get better. Sometimes they dont. It depends on the level of trauma and the individuals mental fortitude. Some people just avoid it. Others try and face it head on. Some find that time can heal their trauma. There is no sure fire way to help. Which sucks really. Gotta have god watching over you or the devils own luck lmao
Service dogs are treatment for PTSD :D

Although this isn't entirely helpful in Adrien's situation....

Yeah. But he doesn't seem to have it too bad. Small moments or recurring nightmares but nothing a man can't handle. You know?
4 hours ago, shadowz1995 said:

Yeah. But he doesn't seem to have it too bad. Small moments or recurring nightmares but nothing a man can't handle. You know?


Depends, as pain is relative. Small moments and recurring nightmares effects all with varying degrees of severity and as of this moment, we aren't actually sure how Havell deals with these.

Plus in Adrian's case, I don't believe he has been subjected to dangerous or potentially stimulating environments since he joined the church (as far as I am aware, please correct me if I am wrong @SleepyBuddha xD). So he might seem calm right now, but with the ship's most recent series of shenanigans and plots, Adrian could be finding himself in a rather sticky situation. Let's not forget, Adrain was held a gunpoint just a few hours ago. If that.  

Furthermore, not all attacks, as far as I can tell from my research anyway, occur within seconds of seeing or experiencing the trigger but can remain dormant until later, when seemingly out of nowhere, adrenaline kicks in. So really, it's really good that the character has requested help, I mean, it has started a really interesting conversation anyway. Plus, although I already knew there was no cure and my concerns were simply with treating/helping manage the condition, this offers an amazing opportunity for character growth and development for both Jack and Adrain. 

I mean, I also think it's sweet to see a potential friendship blooming...although man, Adrain can certainly pick'em. 

4 hours ago, Khaz said:

Service dogs are treatment for PTSD :D

Although this isn't entirely helpful in Adrien's situation....



Also, haha Khaz, we can totally use the turtle for that. :P  

@NovaNovass. I also want to say, that's amazing with the new job opportunity! I really hope things pan out well for you!!!! eeks yay!!!

Also thank you for the post, you too, Shadow. Very insightful. 
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You are correct @Lokipi. The most stimulation Adrian has gotten form his time at the church was requesting crusaders to guard him on a particularly dangerous planet. Even then nothing happened so this most recent incident has opened a can of worms that in this case could lead poor Adrian to killing some one in his flashbacks.
You are correct @Lokipi. The most stimulation Adrian has gotten form his time at the church was requesting crusaders to guard him on a particularly dangerous planet. Even then nothing happened so this most recent incident has opened a can of worms that in this case could lead poor Adrian to killing some one in his flashbacks.

In a battle of shell shock between a grizzled war veteran and a science experiment, who would win the battle of the madness? The soldier turned pastor or the ex-spec ops turned friendly hacker. 

Time will tell heheheheh
In a battle of shell shock between a grizzled war veteran and a science experiment, who would win the battle of the madness? The soldier turned pastor or the ex-spec ops turned friendly hacker. 

Time will tell heheheheh

And lokipi and I will be somewhere else... discovering the long lost sacred historical document known as "High School Musical"

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