Project Atlas

Flying Avocado, reporting for duty. Glad to see the RP up!

I shall being work on a character after I go through the information again. Looking forward to this.
Howdy all. Just FYI, I share my laptop with Sharlene. We drive an 18 wheeler and the power resources won't support 2 laptops. Her physically broke anyways. (screws broke loose that hold top to the bottom and keep the screen from flopping over). I tend to hog my laptop a bit but she does check in at least once a day - assuming we have a cell connection.

Anyways, we have this horrible habit of forgetting to log out and posting as the wrong person. Sometimes we catch it, delete and repost. We also joint post a lot. Not so sure we will with these characters though.

As Xavier I will need to study how characters are dressed / geared for field ops. Details like mass will become important in the event Xavier needs to save a life. I have a feeling he won't be able to do much to save Agent M. My guess is that his gear will far exceed Xavier's limits. Vest, rifle, pistols, extra clips, combat boots ... yeah. Guess I'll have to get creative. (Hint: I do have a minor loophole in the character's limits, but it is a little ... embarrassing.)
Eeek this blew up fast. Did I miss my chance to join? I Have a draft just need to finish it.
Mitheral said:
As Xavier I will need to study how characters are dressed / geared for field ops. Details like mass will become important in the event Xavier needs to save a life. I have a feeling he won't be able to do much to save Agent M. My guess is that his gear will far exceed Xavier's limits. Vest, rifle, pistols, extra clips, combat boots ... yeah. Guess I'll have to get creative. (Hint: I do have a minor loophole in the character's limits, but it is a little ... embarrassing.)
You're right. Your power won't be able to do much to save my character. Hopefully, there won't ever be a need where you have to attempt it as there is probably going to be more players who would hopefully be able to assist in a dire situation.

[QUOTE="Jon_14]Eeek this blew up fast. Did I miss my chance to join? I Have a draft just need to finish it.

There's still time I believe. She stated three to eight people and thus far there are six applications.
@Jon_14 there's still time. PM me if you want to discuss character concept before posting the full app. I know you expressed interest in this very early on. There's one other player who's pretty much solidified his character with me and just needs to get the polished app up.
To all those working on or having submitted apps: thank you for your interest! I'll review submitted apps as soon as I can. I'm also aware that several people are working on them.

I expect we'll start the actual RP early next week at the latest.
Guys, the one thing I am lacking on my character is a Codename. I am open to ideas. However, none like Monkey Girl. She has considered a name like Jane ... just Jane ... but it is a little too close to her name - which isn't even her real name. She had no birth certificate. And the chimps that raised her aren't talking.
@sharlene79: You could always wait and see what happens in RP. Someone is going to give a codename eventually. If you really want one you create, then I'd come up with now. If not, just wait, RP and see what happens.
Hello, all! If anyone wants to comment on my character, I'd be all for it! It's my first time being in such a cool, and hopefully literate, RP. So, all help is appreciated. Thanks.
Hello all!

I plan to kick off the RP within the next few days. We have a few members still working on applications, so the team will be finalized as those come in. I’m excited to get us started.

Please wait to post in the role play until I have posted the introductory posts to set this up. However, since some people have asked what they can do to get started, I’m sharing some information now that will help you with your first posts.

Our story will start with team introductions inside the Project Atlas facility in New York. If you want to touch on your character’s recruitment, the first post will be a great opportunity to do so. Here’s what your characters will experience on day one of the RP:

  • It’s mid-February 2014 in our alternate world. We begin on a Tuesday morning. Because it’s New York City in February, it’s snowing.
  • A black sedan with diplomatic plates will pick up your character and drive to the U.N. Building in New York City.
  • After parking in the deepest level of an underground garage beneath the building, your car will be greeted by a woman in a tailored navy suit who appears to be in her early to mid-thirties. She could easily be a personal assistant or a diplomat. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a tight bun and she wears stylish glasses. Other than that, she’s mostly unremarkable: average height, average build (perhaps a little pudgy around the middle) and a fairly plain face. She will introduce herself as Ms. Chelsea Tyler, shake hands, and explain that her role is to get you oriented but that she will leave the questions to your new employer. With that, she will lead your character to the elevator banks.
  • Once inside the elevator, she will punch a series of buttons and the car will descend. Observant people will note a green light on the elevator pad before she pressed any buttons. The floor will read as “SB6”.
  • The elevator doors will open to a bare room with obvious security cameras and a set of sliding glass door leading to an antechamber. Chelsea will hold up a badge tucked beneath her lapel and then explain that your character will issued a badge later; for now, she will serve as escort. After a few moments, the doors will open and she will lead you through. Once you’re both through the door, the doors will close behind you, leaving you in an antechamber between two sets of these doors for about thirty seconds. Then the second set of doors open to the hallway beyond. She then leads down a hall past several doors until you reach one on the right. This leads to another hall that appears to have a series of meeting rooms. She leaves you in a large meeting room, saying that Colonel Drexler will be with you once everyone arrives.
  • Each of your characters will be brought in individually to this room. Obviously, the caracters who got there before your characters will be waiting.
  • All accepted characters to date except Metahunter and possibly Snapshot will start in one meeting room with a large conference table. More description to come of that room in my first posts.

Now, how your character got to New York, how (s)he is feeling about it, and how all the characters react to each other is up to you. If you have other questions, please let me know. 
Closing the RP for new applicants. @Jon_14 and @Azseth : you both can still apply.
I am going to go ahead and respond to the most recent posts, if someone wants to talk to my character at the same time as Sharlene, I'm more than happy to go back and edit my post to reflect any other conversations.

Also, Missing Link is a great nickname, and I am going to try my hardest to get that to stick.
Pattycake, I had a question and note.

First, the question, with Mark's power. How does that work with people who's powers are not active at the time. Basically, my character's power isn't always active, so would Mark's power only really be applicable once he's using it? I just want to understand his power a bit better, for my own curiosity more than anything.

Second. My character's file will be very...sketchy, flimsy and...all that. Based on his power and life he's lived, there would be a LOT of confusion in terms of official paperwork on him. I'd assume that the bulk of his file would be his own words.


Well, with all the security breaches they had, why would they use someone on a team they couldn't research reasonably well? That would be like shooting themselves in the foot - and the rest of us.

And if you re-read his power, it doesn't matter if the power is in use or not.
Yes, it is a passive power. If someone uses a power, it causes their aura brightness to increase significantly - indicating that the metahuman has activated a power.

I agree with what Mitheral stated that a group like Project Atlas is not going to bring someone on if their only knowledge of the person is first-hand from the person. That's a security nightmare waiting to happen. I'm not sure how the Project knows about Dolos past, but I assume they somehow do. While I know I'm magic wanding how they know, it wouldn't make sense for them to not know. If you're looking for specifics, you should probably work that out with @Erica .
Dolos' file will have some history, but much of it will be very educated guesses: most of it is correct, some of it is not.

The story behind picking up Dolos (OOC info): Intelligence agencies attempting to track metahumans picked up related stories of a possible mimic about 20 years ago - in fact, they picked up more than one. (Dolos is not the only one who can look like others, but his ability to "pass" as another is far superior to most for obvious reasons.) Data analysts tracked the events looking for patterns. One was him, but they couldn't find him until he stayed with Ruth for a while. Then his con jobs were close enough together that they could start honing in on his location. In particular, his crimes (unlike some of the others) avoiding harming the victim. It's one of the reasons he was flagged as a possibility for the Project. The analysts and profilers also thought he might be trying to go straight - and the robbery, getting caught, and his story supported that.

Thus his file shows some of his past aliases, but no confirmation of his actual age. It also says he's a calculated risk. There was a face-to-face psychological analysis included, and it showed him as ethically challenged but genuinely interested in a second chance. His version of his story is in there as well. 
A note for everyone on the training: I don't mean to put us in movie montage mode, but the point here is for the team to get to know each other and their skills. Interact, start building relationships. Show off, pair up, have a conversation: whatever you like. Sergeant Carter will largely be in observation mode, but is available for conversation if that's what you need. (He will also pull Dolos aside at some point for a private conversation, but probably after the first bout of training.) Based on what you all come up with, I may summarize later about the whole team building experience to move us along.

The room they will start in will be a fairly standard gymnasium set up with mats on the floors and some walls, punching bags in one corner, and several weapons such as batons along one wall. It will have an obstacle course set up - complete with monkey bars, of course, Sharlene - and if there is something else you want specifically for your character within reason, add it to the scene. I don't think anyone needs it, but there is an indoor endless pool next door, as well as a firing range. Aside from Dolos, the characters pretty much have their run of the training facilities.
Folks, we really need to slow the posting down and let the others get a word in. Xavier isn't going to the training. Sharlene says Janice doesn't plan to either.

I am in the middle of typing up a post in which Xavier is jumping around time. He is on his own mission. I've already discussed part of it with Erica. So please don't assume he is going with the group just yet.
Sorry, not trying to to rush people, but trying to get us to an open setting where we can have more freedom to move and interact. The training area lets others get a word in to Carter, freedom to move around, etc.

I can edit my post if it you would like. If you're not going to the training area, you might want to inform Carter though as he seems to think everyone is going there.
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Small misunderstanding. Xavier wasn't going straight to training. He's there, but his heart really isn't in it. He's sore as hell from his regular workout.

And Janice is drunk. Do we really want to put a weapon in her hands?
Please see my earlier OOC post about training. It does not need to be weapons training. It's more of a show-and-tell team building opportunity.

Janice can ask to be excused - but the story point is about character interaction.
Greetings, members of Atlas.

Apologies for being this late. I've been on a trip through the previous week and it turned out internet access was unavailable, and while I've shown interest earlier on, I have failed to produce a sheet in time for the start of the RP. However, I've been discussing with the GM, Erica, through the last couple of days and I believe I have been granted the permission to still toss a character up for review. Just a bit of clarification just in case.

Thank you all for the tolerance, and if it turns out possible that I still join you in the game, I look forward to writing with you; if not, I hope you all have a good time roleplaying. Thanks.
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