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Private Game, AngieG & Firegirl 210

Margo clapped a hand over Elijah's mouth and shhed him. "You fool, you'll give us away before we've even begun. No not yet. But I'll keep you I the loop, savy?" Margo asked, releasing him. "How're we on gold, Ranaan? Any rough estimate?"

Peter was cramped and aching in that god forsaken barrel. He started rocking it back and forth, unaware that Emilio was still in the room.
Ranaan gave Margo a sarcastic look, gesturing to the mess they had made in the treasure room.

"Would you guess I've made much progress? If you recall, I got a bit distracted by you and that latch fellow having a brawl in here!"

He lowered his voice anxiously as he said, "and besides, if we're committing mutiny in a few hours' time, are me services really still required?"

Emilio, now dressed, was attempting to get his hair under some semblance of control. As he cursed at it under his breath, a soft *thump* caught his attention. He glanced at the barrel o' Pete, and sure enough it thumped again as it began to wobble to and fro. Emilio glared at it, then kicked it viciously onto its side, spilling Peter onto the floor. He knelt down next to him, clutching a handful of his hair.

"If you make a move against Margo, I will kill you where you stand."
"We? There is no we in this, Ranaan. When it happens you'll be locked away somewhere you can't get yourself killed. And yes, please, I want to be able to offer my future crew a fair share. Bribe them, if you will. Pirates only see two colors, red and gold. They're all that matter." Margo told him. "Besides, if you count it, you get an equal share. That'll set you up somewhere real nice." Margo told him.

Peter put his bounds hand in front of his face and struggled to speak through the gag in his mouth. He spat it out and coughed. "I won't, I won't! I was surprised, that's all. She's something, aye? Have to admit I'm a little jealous." He smirked. "Right right, sorry sorry. Did I hear you two say mutiny? Look, look look! I want to help! I hate Blackbeard! And after the mutiny, I'll go to a different ship, and you never have to see me again!" Peter begged.
Ranaan frowned at her, a bit hurt by her dismissal. "Either put me back or let me come with you! You can't seem to make up your mind. Do you enjoy tormenting me? I just wanted to go home, but you dragged me into this! You owe me compensation!"

Emilio fixed a skeptical look on Peter. "And I should trust you because...why? I'm not stupid or desperate enough to ask you for help."
Margo raised an eyebrow. "That's exactly what I'm offering you. Compensation. No one else here can count this. You'll get equal share. That's called compensation. You can't go back yet, because Blackbeard is still in charge. You'll have to count this all anyway while he's here." Margo said, confused as to why he was angry. She was doing her best, her very best. But honestly, she was a pirate. He should be lucky she hadn't shot him already.

"Why... Why... Why? Well, uh, I can... I can help convince the crew! I can. They like me. And they like 'William'. But they like me more." Peter said quickly. "And, I don't want to die! I would surely die on Blackbeard's side! He's too old to be a pirate."
Ranaan looked down at the floor, taking a deep breath. "Fine. Fine. Alright."

Emilio glared at Peter. "Give me one good reason."
"We'll make port by morning, count what you can until then." Margo told him simply before stalking out of the treasure room and dragging Elijah behind her.

"To not kill me? Well, I, uh.... Peter said, then shook his head. "I don't know." He groaned.

ooc: Fast forward to the next day.

Margo had woken extra early to help her father make port at Pirates' Cove. She could already smell the rum, the bad food, the women. Captain wanted to settle in for a few days, until Ranaan finished counting. She was up in the rigging, fixing a tear in the sails when breakfast was served. She quickly stuffed her face, then brought a heel of bread down to Peter, who was still in his barrel.

"Margo, Margo please!" Peter grumbled and Margo shoved the bread in his mouth before putting the lid back on the barrel. She went up to grab more food and brought it down to Ranaan. "Morning, sailor!" She called cheerfully, setting the food next to a very sleep Ranaan.
Ranaan spent a very uncomfortable night in his hammock over Emilio's (noticeably empty) bunk. He dreamed of strange voices and unfamiliar coastlines, and awoke with a start, disoriented and confused, at the sound of boots clomping into the room.

"Morning sailor!" Margo crowed, and he squinted at her painfully as the sun from the porthole glared off the interior.

"Have we put in at port?" He wondered, climbing down carefully and taking the offered food. He lowered his voice and asked, "Are we going to mutiny soon?"

Emilio followed the raucous crowd of the crew onto shore, but found that his heart wasn't in their reveling. He would have preferred Margo's company to that of drunken men and dirty women here in the cove. But they had to maintain discretion, and spending too much time together could make him make a mistake and reveal her.

"Why so glum, amigo?" Leonardo asked, slapping him on the back, and Emilio smiled tightly.

"I've felt a bit ill all night. Must've eaten some bad food."

"He must have whatever Peter has," Xinwe interjected, "I haven't seen him in days. William told me he's in the infirmary with something nasty."

"If he dies, I want his coat."

"Why do you get his coat? You wouldn't fit you fat bastard!"

Emilio ignored their tussling and thanked his stars that Margo had come up with a good excuse. For now he had to enjoy himself for a few hours before he was to meet her in a tavern and discuss the final plans for the mutiny.
"You have the worst patience." Margo laughed loudly. "Soon. We'll all get settled on stage and see what happens. Pirates aren't a very organized bunch." Margo shrugged. "I brought ye breakfast. Do you want to stay aboard and count or come on shore with us?" Margo asked him.
Ranaan glanced out the porthole. The settlement--if it could be called such--of Pirate's Cove was a squalid collection of leaning, moldering buildings. He could hear the commotion from the taverns and brothels and streets from here, and wrinkled his nose.

"I think it would not be to my taste. You aren't going, are you? And the boy, you surely aren't planning to let him wander about in that den of sin?"
"Of course I'm going. I need to mingle with the crew, buy them a few whores, and convince them they want me as captain. I also need to find a way to deal with Peter." Margo shrugged and plopped herself down on a stool in there. "I'd also like to get my father drunk and find where he hid the treasure he buried for my mother. By all right, it's mine now. And anyone who helps me get it can have some too." Margo shrugged. "That treasure would put our treasure room to shame." She rambled. "Anyway, Elijah can come if he wants. I was younger than him and a girl when I first visited pirates cove. He can handle it." She said dismissively. She stood and stretched. "Well, I'll just see you later then." She shrugged and went back to her room and began arguing quietly with Peter. Eventually, she cut his hands and let him out of the barrel and led him at knife point on shore. The smell hit her first, pirates weren't very cleanly, and now they were in a fairly concentrated location. But Margo still loved it, and both her and Peter visibly perked up. She saw Emilio with a few of the crew and whistled to get his attention.

"Emilio, keep an eye on Peter. I don't trust him. If he says one wrong word you kill him and he'll be just another sorry sod who lost a fight in pirate's cove. I need you two to inspire mutiny in the crew. Plant the seed of discontent, sow it, and make them realize who their real captain should be. Fair treasure for all under my ship. I, meanwhile, need to find my father and get him to tell me where he buried my mother's treasure." Margo told him, then shoved Peter over to Emilio and grinned when he stumbled.

"Aye, I said I was sorry! I'm going to help ye! There be no wrath like a woman's scorn, that's fer sure." Peter muttered and Margo kicked his legs out from under him, watching him fall to the ground.

"Alright, watch him. Bye." Margo said and stalked off, ready to check all the brothels until she found her father.

Peter looked at Emilio and offered a sorry, cracked tooth smile.
Ooc: I'm leaving tomorrow for a conference thing for acting. I'll be gone about a week. There isn't much internet there, so you probably won't hear from me. Have a good week!
Ranaan glowered her out of the room and flopped back down on the bed, turning to stare out the porthole. He watched Margo stomp down the gangplank, with Peter ahead of her unsubtly at knifepoint. He pulled the pillow over his head and moaned. How had he gotten into this sort of life? He was going to just go back to sleep and pretend none of this was real.

Emilio looked up as Margo approached and smiled, but the expression faltered when she dumped Peter on the ground at his feet with instructions to both watch him and to sow the seeds of dissent amongst the crew. She stamped off, and he grit his teeth as Peter gave him a grin.

"Oh, is that all? Watch the idiot and turn the crew against their captain? I'll just do that then, William," he muttered under his breath, and dragged Peter to his feet. They looked at each other suspiciously for a moment before Emilio let go of Peter's shirt. "So Peter," he said thoughtfully, "How would you like to help start a Mutiny?"
Peter smiled, pleased that for once someone bothered to ask his opinion. "Ale! All good revolutions begin with ale. Or rum." Peter nodded. "You get enough likker in them, they'll start bellyaching about the captain soon enough. I know. I spend plenty of time with the saps. Give them a way out, they're likely to take it." Peter explained.

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