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Private Game, AngieG & Firegirl 210

Emilio stiffened as she said something about Grace O'Malley. "You told the brat?! The brat you picked up off the street two days ago?!" He demanded, his voice rising to an unpleasant pitch. She ignored him.

"Look," she pushed through his interruption, "I need to stage a mutiny. The men will follow me for as long as they think I'm William. And then once I'm Captain, any of the men that has a problem answering to me can bloody well jump ship."

"That sounds like the worst possible idea you could ever have," Ranaan shrieked, and Emilio threw the now-empty bottle at his head, shattering it on the wall.

"Lo juro por Dios!" Emilio snarled, "We did not ask for your input!" He turned back to William, lowering his voice. "You want to overthrow Blackbeard? Is this really wise, William?" He trailed off at the look in her eyes. "If I'm to follow you into certain death, might I at least know your real name, my Captain?"
"I've about had it up to here with you!" Margo shouted, turning on Ranaan. "You stand a much better chance of surviving with me as Captain, you fool! What do you think Captain Blackbeard would want with a spineless, cockless idiot such as yourself, eh?" Margo spat at him, then tried to regain her composure.

She turned to Emilio and rolled her eyes. "Oh ye of little faith. You won't die. You might get maimed, though." She teased. "Margo, it's Margo. Though I suppose I should have a better name than that if I am going to be Captain, eh? What about, Merciless Margo, or Captain Dark Pearl. No, that's much too feminine." Margo said, thinking out loud. "Of course, no one has called me Margo is nearly 15 years, I'm not even sure I know how to answer to it." She laughed.
"Margo," he repeated, his native accent rolling the r a bit. "It suits you. Of course, I'm sure I'll call you William until the very near day, I'm sure, when we are killed for this power hunger of yours," he teased, feeling some of the betrayed weight lifting from his chest. He snapped his fingers at Elijah, who had at this point bedecked himself with jewels and rings and necklaces of all sorts. He seemed suspiciously unfazed by William's outing.

"You, put those back. They aren't yours you brat," he said, swiping the crown off Elijah's head. The boy frowned and placed another, even more decorous, on his brow.

"I'm going to be her First Mate when she takes the ship, and then you'll all have to follow my orders," he said pretentiously, and Emilio raised his eyes to the heavens.

"We're going to commit a mutiny with a secret woman, a drunken spaniard, a spineless banker and a slave with aspirations to be a king! God help us all!"
"I happen to find this to be the team of champions." Margo said sarcastically, then walked up and threw Elijah over her shoulder, shaking him roughly so most of the gold fell off of him and out of his pockets. "Alright you, let's leave Mr. Ranaan to his money, yeah? Oh shit, Peter. What the hell are we going to do with him." Margo said, accidentally dropping Elijah to the ground while she turned to face Emilio. "We can't leave him sitting here in a barrel. We can't toss him overboard without raising suspicions, we can't very well kill him here and let his body stink up the treasure room." Margo listed.
Elijah flailed petulantly, and let out a disgruntled 'Oompf!' when she unceremoniously dropped him with a shower of gold. Ranaan laughed at his misfortune, and Elijah kicked a spray of gold his way.

"Quiet, you two," Emilio snapped, and they obeyed, although Elijah stuck his tongue out at Ranaan just for good measure. Emilio rubbed his eyes; he was surrounded by children and he was going to die. But he was going to die a lot sooner if they didn't figure out what to do with Peter.

"Mop cupboard perhaps?" He suggested.
Margo nodded slowly, considering it. "I'd rather keep a closer eye on him, perhaps my chambers, if we can get him up there without anyone asking questions." Margo noted. "Nothing like the muffled sounds of Peter begging for mercy to help me sleep at night." She joked, eyeing the box with a sigh. She didn't know how she could ever begin to thank Emilio, or if she even needed to. Lord knows if Emilio were a fairy, or a two headed monster with three tits, she'd probably do the same for him as he was doing for her.

"Elijah, I want you to stay here with Ranaan. You two hate each other, so you'll keep each other from filching pieces of gold, yeah? I'll be shaking you both down myself before you are allowed to leave this room. And I'm not afraid of a strip search." She threatened, tapping Elijah lightly on the cheek. She felt a certain fondness for the boy, though he must be crazy if he thought he could be her first mate over Emilio.

"Emilio, let's get this idiot upstairs." Margo said, then helped him lift the barrel. Together they carried the barrel up to her chambers, and no one bothered them. The crew often had to move supplies about the ship, so no one bothered to ask. Once the door was shut behind them Margo heaved a sigh of relief and sank to the floor. She pulled the hair brush and hand mirror from her pocket, along with her birth certificate. The hand mirror had shattered during her fight with Peter, and she cursed as she picked shards of glass out of her pockets.
"I'm not staying here with--" Ranaan tried to interject, but was soundly ignored. Elijah seated himself atop a chest of gold and leveled Ranaan with a challenging look. The clerk sank down into the piles of gold and wondered if he was possibly going to get out of this alive.

Emilio strained under the weight of Peter, wishing he could suggest they just leave him somewhere to rot. They rolled him to her quarters and Emilio leaned heavily on it, breathing hard.

"Well that went--" Suddenly Margo sank to the floor with a huge sigh. He watched as she removed Peter's incriminating evidence from her pockets; a hairbrush, a crumpled birth certificate, and the glittering shards of a mirror. She swore under her breath, and he crouched down to be on eye level with her. He had never thought William seemed vulnerable, but that was the only way he could think to describe the way she looked right now.

"Are you alright?"
Margo nodded, but couldn't meet his gaze. "He found these. They, uh, they were my mother's. He had the birth certificate though. Idiot, I gave myself away. He couldn't read, but, I didn't know that." Margo explained. "I don't know why I even kept that old thing. No, no I do. It had her handwriting on it. And then when I was older, it was the only way I thought I could remember who I really was." Margo said. She had been making a fist with the shards of mirror in her hand, and blood dripped between her fingers, a shocking red compared to the white of her knuckles. She opened her fists and the bloody shards fell to the floor with a clatter.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Emilio. I wanted to, you have to know how much I wanted to. Lo siento lo siento lo siento lo siento." Margo whispered to him, fumbling with her broken Spanish.
Emilio took the bandana from around his head and gently took Margo's hand, dabbing at the wounds there. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Emilio. I wanted to, you have to know how much I wanted to. Lo siento lo siento lo siento lo siento," she dissolved into incoherent whispering and Emilio seized her, drawing her into his arms.

"No, no, Will-- Margo. You've got nothing to be sorry for, I didn't...I was angry. It's not your fault. Please, don't hurt for this," he said fiercely, pressing the cloth to her wounded hand. A few silent moments passed before Emilio laughed despite himself. "I'm actually a little glad you're a girl. It explains a lot of things. Like why you get so cranky once a month--"
Margo laughed into his shoulder and shook her head. "Or why I have no facial hair. Or why my voice is so high. Why I'm so short. Why I only ever went to the brothel with you that one time, and well. I'd rather not remember that." Margo laughed and rolled her eyes. It felt nice, being held. She couldn't even remember the last time someone touched her affectionately. The other men at least had the brothel as an outlet, but she had, for the most part, suffered alone. The only thing that had kept her sane for a few years was her cat, but she passed away a year ago.

Margo wrapped her uninjured arm around him and held him tight. "Thank you, Emilio." She murmured.
He enjoyed the embrace for a moment before he drew back. "Now the time, I'm afraid, for wallowing in self-pity has come to an end." He took her uninjured hand and pulled her to her feet. He cast around the cabin and his eyes alighted on the great plumed hat hung from a peg on the wall. He swept it up grandly.

"I now dub thee Captain Margo the Merciless," he announced, and dropped it on her head. Then his expression sobered. "Now we have a mutiny to plan."
Margo grinned at him and adjusted the hat, which was much too big for her head. "Alright." Margo sighed, rubbing her chin and sitting down at her writing desk. "How many of the crew do we really need? I know many of them are tired of Blackbeard, but I think most of them would try to seize the ship for themselves." Margo noted. "As is the pirate way. But, if we promise them a larger cut in the treasure than Blackbeard allows, maybe they'll follow me." Margo explained.
Emilio frowned, chewing his lip thoughtfully. An idea rose in his mind that was less affronting to his his loyal sensibilities than offing the Captain outright.

"Margo...we'll make port in Pirate's Cove in two days time. If we can keep Peter quiet until then, we can sneak him ashore and drown him or bribe him or cut his throat. If the crew was told that he drank himself to death in a brothel, no one would be surprised. Then there's no mutiny, there's no mess. I just don't think we can win a full-blown mutiny."
Margo looked at him for a moment, then shook her head. "Emilio, I can't live like this anymore. How would you feel if someone made you dress as a girl for most of your life, eh? For one thing, you'd be a really ugly girl." Margo told him, only half joking. "If I can't be a girl on this ship, then I'll be a girl on another one. Of course then my pirate father will probably hunt me down and kill me for abandoning him and his crew. There really is no situation that plays out well for me, Emilio." Margo spelled out for him.
"Oi, excuse you! I'd be a lovely girl." He teased, but as her tone sobered so did he. He sighed, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Aye, Margo. If you think it's the right thing to do, then I'm with you."
Margo looked at Emilio and shook her head. Then she stood up and walked over to him, crouching by where he was on the ground. She grabbed his chin and kissed him gently on the lip, then pulled away. "Too soon, too strange? I've been waiting to do that since I met you." Margo told him, then became self conscious and got up quickly, walking away. "I'm sorry."
Emilio opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked a little like a fish, wide eyed and gaping. But then Margo began moving away and he jerked after her, touching her arm, pulling back, wanting to touch her more but not knowing if it was right. He laughed uncomfortably.

"I was beginning to think I was a fairy, Margo. And I'd like nothing more than to kiss you senseless now--but we've got a bit of a mutiny to undertake." He flashed her a cheeky grin.

"Besides, if you let me take you now in a fit of passion, what incentive will I have to stay alive for later?"
Margo laughed and blushed. "See, I think you have it all backwards. If you don't take me now, we might die. And you'll never get the chance." She prompted. "Emilio, I've never been much of a lady. You know, you've felt my right hook. But for once, just once, before I die, I'd really like to feel like one." She murmured, sliding down next to him on the ground. "Besides, I would hope your incentive for after we win would be getting more. Isn't that all pirates ever want, more?" She smirked. She didn't know what she was doing. She didn't know what she felt, if she loved him or merely wanted him, but did it really matter?
He looked at her quietly for a moment, then leaned forward, cupping her jaw. "As the captain commands," he murmured, and kissed her softly. Her hands tangled in his hair and he pulled her close to him. He couldn't take it anymore--he broke the kiss, and swept her into his arms.

"Like a princess," he teased, and lay her back on the bed.
Margo laughed, her chest exploding with excitement. "A virgin pirate princess." She told him, then saw his expression. "What, when would I have had the opportunity?" She murmured, pulling him down on to the bed and rolling on top of him. She pulled her shirt off and deftly unwound the binding, feeling as though her face might burst into flames from all the blushing.

......About an hour later.....

Margo groaned and pulled the sheets over her head. It had been lovely. Painful, but lovely. She barely one what to say to him anymore. She peeked her head over the covers and grinned. "Hello."
Emilio smiled softly, brushing a strand of damp hair from her face. "Hola, mi corazon." He saw the color in her face, and knew she probably felt embarrassed. But he couldn't bring himself to share the sentiment. He had had plenty of sex, but he hadn't truly felt for another this way in...a very long time. He kissed her forehead.

"Not to ruin the mood, but the tonto in the barrel is going to be waking up soon. What is our plan?"
Margo grinned and climbed on top of him, straddling him again. She furrowed her brow, and any embarrassment or girlish feelings were immediately wiped from her face. "Take him to pirate cove when we reach it. Threaten, kill, or persuade him. I figure we drink, mingle with the crew, and convince them to follow me with alcohol, women and gold." Margo said, standing up and searching for her clothes.
Ranaan tossed a gold piece at a goblet, missing significantly, and glowered when Elijah laughed at him. The child had gotten bored of decking himself in jewels and had begun throwing gold at a large goblet, and Ranaan had, after almost half an hour of watching, joined in. Whatever William--or Margo or whoever the hell she was--and Emilio were doing, they had obviously forgotten all about him and Elijah.

"Your aim is terrible," Elijah pointed out, and Ranaan blew a strand of hair out of his face. He was lounging on a throne of gold pieces they had built, and was throwing over Elijah now. The lad would try to snatch the piece out of the air, with surprising success.

"It might help if I were standing, if you weren't in my way, and if I cared for some reason," Ranaan retorted snobbishly, and a gold piece sailed into the goblet with a satisfying clink. Elijah scowled and sat down in the gold, and the crown fell over his eyes.

"We've been waiting here forever. Do you think they got killed?"

"Mm, I highly doubt it. We would have heard a ruckus if they had," Ranaan replied, and missed widely with a sapphire as big as his thumbnail. Elijah was less convinced.

"Maybe I should go check on them."
Margo dressed bound and dressed herself, then opened up Peter's barrel. He looked up at her with still annoyingly amused eyes. She yanked the gag out of his mouth.

"Hello, Peter." She said to him.

"Hello, Margo. That's your name, isn't it? I only heard Emilio groan it seven hundred times. If you were so desperate to lose your virginity, you could have simply asked." Peter jabbed and Margo stuffed the gag back in his mouth, then turned and looked at Emilio.

"My vote is we kill him." She muttered, then slammed the lid back down and kicked the barrel for good measure. "You better get dressed, we should make port by morning and there is plenty to do until then." She said, shrugging back into her William impersonation and stalking out of the room. "I'm going to check on Ranaan and Elijah." She called back to him gruffly, then jogged down the flight of stairs and unlocked the treasure room. "How's it coming, Ranaan? Need a drink, some food? How about you Elijah." Margo asked them, coming off perhaps a bit too cheerful.
Pirate Game

Elijah and Ranaan started guiltily when Margo burst through the door to find them constructing a castle from gold pieces. Ranaan straightened quickly, as if the merrymaking had all been Elijah's doing and he was merely an innocent adult bystander.

"Yes, good would be most welcome," he agreed, noting but uncertain how to judge her forcible cheerfulness. Elijah sprang to his feet in a shower of coin. He thrust the sheathed blade of an ornamental sword too close for comfort at Ranaan's chest with a pirate-ish "argh!"

"Are we going to Mutiny now, Cap'n?" He asked excitedly.

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