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Fantasy [Private] El Stories - Character Sheets

Name: Phantom
Class: War Cleric => Xiopetec's Child => Xiopetec's Faithful
Age: 19

Weapon(s) of choice
Magic (I mean, it's technically a weapon of his being a magic-user)

Thinking Outside the Box: Increases his magical attack by 5% of his physical attack
Intermediate Magical Offense Training: Increases Phantom's base magical attack power
Remodel Scythe: Increases Phantom's scythe's Damage and Critical Damage

Viper Shot
: A spell that manifests as a large, mostly transparent serpent that lunges at Phantom's enemies. As this magic serpent passes through the enemies, they suffer poison in their bodies that slows their movements to make it easier for Phantom and his comrades to pick them off.
Power Adrenaline: Greatly increases Phantom's magical attack for 10 seconds

Expel: Phantom uses a spell to summon a viper's head to bite the opponent. Slight poison damage.
Dark Pulse: Phantom slams his staff on the ground while the gem is glowing and a dark wave of magic hits opponents within 20 feet of him.

Special Active
Punishment: With a slice from his scythe, Phantom can paralyze the target temporarily with poison. The poison damage slowly chips away at the victim's health
Erbluhen Bloom: With a short incantation, Phantom uses his staff to heal one other person or himself.
Comraderi: Phantom can heal his entire party by performing a short ritual.
Xiopetec's Revenge: Phantom swings his scythe, and the swing manifests as a magical slash that slices through enemies at a distance and causes convulsions from the poisonous energy of his magic

Hyper Active
Jekyll and Hide: Phantom injects himself with poison in order for his magic to produce a large miasma cloud. If his allies are healthy, the miasma cloud targets the enemy, reducing their movement, speed, and strength as the poisonous smoke enters their bodies to sap away at their health. If Phantom's allies are at 25% health, the miasma cloud targets his allies and restores their health as it enters their bodies.

Sacred Scythe: Phantom's staff magically transforms into a scythe to make an attack.
Enchantment: Phantom uses the mark on his face to gently hypnotize someone he's making eye contact with, it only makes the person more compliant and open to give him some information.

Phantom, or Brayden at the time, was a faithful priest to Ishmael. His family: his mother Akila, his father Ethan, his older sister Ginny, and his younger brother Jesiah lived a nomadic lifestyle. They move from town to town, charging people for their healing services and "spreading the word of Ishmael" while they are on their "pilgrimage" to further strengthen their bond with Ishmael. Brayden, once he knew what he was doing when it came to healing, was always wondering away on his own. He would sneak in a free healing here and there since he wasn't under his mother's watchful eye but he was mostly just on his own and socialized with people.

One town, Brayden was socializing in a tavern and spotted someone interesting. He casually flirted with him and the man was interested as well. So the priest stuck around town, and since the people in the town had a lot of money and some of those people needed some medical treatment so Brayden's family stayed for as long as they were able to make money. It was long enough for Brayden to get himself into a relationship, spoiled by a very influential lord in the town.

Then Brayden caught with the lord, discovering that he was married....and he was residing in a town where adultery was very illegal.

The lord didn't get into any trouble. He wasn't arrested along with Brayden. No, he fabricated that it was all Brayden's fault and made himself to be an innocent victim of the priest's charms. The influence he had was enough to sentence Brayden the full 3 years of prison and to publically shame the priest in front of the town and his family.

Being so faithful to Ishmael did nothing for him. Brayden felt forsakened.

He didn't plan on being stuck in a cell for 3 years. So one night, Brayden managed to break himself out of jail a few months later and frantically got his family awake and flee the town before the authorities could catch up. After suffering punishment from his parents, Brayden found his faith in Ishmael weakening when he realized that what he was doing his entire life didn't do anything for him when he needed the goddess's protection the most. So, after a year of the incident Brayden was finally able to wander on his own again. Albeit, he didn't really speak with the people and with his weak faith his ability to heal wouldn't do much for the townsfolk anyway.

Then he stumbled upon the ruins of a destroyed, ancient temple. Brayden's curiosity got the better of him and he explored the ruins and found a slightly burned tome that had surprisingly survived the times and started to read about a goddess named Xiopetec, who offered more than Ishmael could ever give him. Brayden gave this goddess a chance, and had uttered one of her prayers the next day when he returned to the ruined temple. Nothing really happened, but Brayden liked the more casual feeling about the prayer and so he consistently prayed to Xiopetec instead of when he was supposed to pray to Ishmael.

Then Xiopetec spoke to him, and Brayden accepted priesthood under her name without hesitation. She had already done more than Ishmael...Brayden was instantly hooked. All was going well...until his family found out that he turned his back on the "true goddess" and was dedicating his faith to a "fake" heretic goddess. There wasn't much of an altercation, Akila condemned Brayden as a heretic and casted him out. Brayden didn't fight it, glad that he was free from having to fake that he was still loyal to Ishmael when Xiopetec was inside his head talking with him and guiding him better than anyone he ever encountered and Ishmael. So, he shed his family name and gave himself the name Phantom to distance himself from them, and to be properly "reborn" as Xiopetec's priest and has wandered on his own ever since with his goddess keeping his mind company.

Appearance: His eye color is amber and he dyed his short, wild hair white. His skin complexion is a light tan and his height is 5'7" (170 cm).
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Name: Evrae Va'liir
Hp: 400,000 MP: 425
Class: Wind Mage > Typhoon
Age: Appears 23

Weapon(s) of choice: Bracers, Wind Magic

Character System:
Overlimit - In battle, damage dealt to him is stored within his body. When enough is collected, easily noted by the aura around him, it is released in a powerful blast, enhancing his movement and attack speed for a certain amount of time, also allowing him access to more powerful versions of his skills. This, however, disables him from ever being able to awaken.

One Who Chases The Wind - increased speed for all allies and himself for a few moments after using Wind Step. All wind-based damage increases by 5% and overlimit charge speed increases by 5%.

Lord of the Wind - surrounds himself in a barrier of wind once invoked, decreasing damage taken by 10%, and boosting overlimit skill damage by 20%. Allows the use of skills while airborne

Dancing Wind (20 MP)- rotates his body once, quickly sending out a blast of wind that pushes back enemies while attacking multiple times. In Overlimit, transforms the blast into wind blades that instead attack all surrounding enemies. Any allies caught in the attack will be given a slight movement speed buff.

Roar (15MP, drains additional MP the longer he roars)- Raises his voice and releases a loud roar, pushing enemies and allies back from him. In Overlimit, the distance is increased, but also drains his mana. Deal no damage.

Wind Step (5mp) - A quick leap as in he teleported, Evrae moves quicker than the eye can see, to get behind his opponent. In Overlimit, creates a small sonic boom, and upon arrival he pushed the opponent away from him, dealing slight wind damage.

Special Actives:
Wind Edge (100 mp) - With a sweep of the arm, Evrae creates a small cyclone in front of him, liting the opponent and dealing moderate wind damage. Can follow up with an even bigger cyclone, lifting the opponent and launching them higher. In overlimit, doubles the size and damage of both cyclones.

Wind Spear (120 mp, doubles upon full charge) - creates a lance of wind that rushes forth, impaling enemies and forcing allies out of the way. Upon full charge and in overlimit, mp cost doubles to create an explosion effect, sending extra lances outward from the point of impact.

Hunter's Moon (150 mp) - fires a small arrow that explodes into an aura of smaller arrows, dealing continuous damage for two seconds. Not affected by Overlimit.

Rejection (200 mp) - creates a barrier around himself and allies, nullifying all damage for up to five minutes. However, significant damage to the barrier drains his health.

Boom! (300 mp) - creates a loud explosion by clapping his hands, sending multiple shockwaves across the battlefield. Anyone in the immediate area is momentarily deafened, and body sensitivity is so high a single touch could mean instant death. In Overlimit, completely erases debuffs from allies and himself while granting immunity for a short while.

Hyper Active:
Pulsar-Inferno-Typhoon-Omega (ALL mp) - Summons all of his strength to create a massive tornado, drawing in all allies and enemies, striking everything in the area with lightning. Allies struck with lightning have all hp and mp restored and enter Overlimit, while all enemies receive massive damage equal to double the collective energy reserves of all allies before having their wounds healed.

An eccentric half demon that is as lazy as he is deemed mad by his peers. He spent much of his life training himself to use and master wind magic. He doesn't speak much of his family, but he was abandoned at birth, raised as a war mage after having his talents discovered. He soon left that life to travel between the human and demon worlds, experiencing both and being rejected as from them as well due to his mixed blood. He found and studied lost tomes of wind magic, and taught himself the spells.

Personality: Evrae is eccentric, paying little mind to the social norms of most people. He tends to talk aloud, and will often ignore people once his train of thought becomes more interesting than the conversation he was having before. He is also flirty without ever realizing it. He, however, doesn't enjoy romantic situations that limit his freedom to roam wherever he likes, opting to drop everything there and then once his freedom feels threatened.

Typical to his mixed blood race, he has purple-ish skin and slightly pointed ears. His eyes are crimson and his ears are pierced multiple times. His hair is long and black, tied off in a thick braid that hangs down his back, and another on the side of his face. Both braids have silver loops at the ends. He wears baggy pants and black form-fitting shirt and violet half vest, as well as a white sash and scarf.
Name: Lento Asini
Age: will always appear 21.
Base HP: 78,550 | Base MP: 340
Class: Linked Soul--> Phantom Knight --> Spirit Warden--> Neo Kerberos.

Special Awakening: His awakening system will change his appearance and boost his defensive and health regeneration significantly. However, after the awakening duration ends, he will do less damage and have lowered physical defences for a long duration.

Different Sense : Lento has a passive mana field around a five meter radius he can expand or reduce, consuming 10MP per second (expansion) or 7 MP per second (contraction). The field can cause him to use Gauze - Mode of Adam when attacked from behind (2 min CD).
Concentrated Field: Projectiles coming from less than a 10 meter distance will be blocked and absorbed to give a percentage of missing health (4500 HP) or mana (7 MP) per absorbed projectile (max of 6 for HP and 8 for MP). Melee attacks have a 10% chance of being blocked.​
Expanded Field: Enemies are knocked back if they are close to him and stunned for 2 seconds if they're between 7 and 10 meters. The final diameter of the field is 15 meters. The expansion will give Lento a small burst of movement speed.​

Glass Skin: depending on his missing mana, Lento will gain elemental defences.
10-20%: Fire resistance​
25-30%: Nature resistance (poison)​
40-50%: Light resistance​
70-85%: Dark resistance​

Gauze - Mode of Adam (30 MP): Lento ducks the next melee attack, which nullifies the damage. For a ranged attack, the damage will be reduced by 75%. If a ranged attack and a melee attack are launched at the same time, Lento will only deflect the damage of the melee attack and the ranged attack will deal 85% damage.

Blue of the Sun (50 MP): Lento dashes to the next ranged enemy in sight, knocking back other enemies in his path. The next auto-attack reduces the target's physical defence by 10%.

Sa Bir (60 MP): when the enemy attacks him while he is lower than 50% HP, Lento will turn the opponent's first series of auto-attacks (or active ability) against him.

Special Actives
God's burial (135 MP): Lento enhances momentarily his movement speed and hits the first six enemies around him, reducing their movement speed if Different Sense is in its expanded state.

Rotting Root (250 MP): Lento contracts his mana field until it forms an armour that will negate all debuffs for a short duration. After this, the armour will explode and deal 65% of the damage Lento received to the first enemy in front of him.

Macabre -The Chrysalis' Dream is the Swallowtail's Wings : Lento's awakening changes, giving him bonus attack damage and physical defence at the expense of not being able to use Different Sense to heal himself. Each projectile deflected will only restore his mana (up to 5% of his missing mana). When activating all awakening charges, Lento will unleash all his power and a small Chrysalis will appear floating to his right. This chrysalis can reduce the damage of a series of physical attacks or spells by a certain percent (up to 40%) in combat. Out of combat, if Lento's health is below 50% and he has not been affected by any mana draining spell, the Chrysalis will heal Lento up to 60% of his missing health.

Drain (locked): Lento's basic attacks apply stackable marks. The maximum number of stacks is 5.

Samael's gift - Undying Strength: Samael's chains left a mark full of demonic power which permanently increases Lento's stamina and mana regeneration along with his attack power.
Egnirys Cimredopyh (70 MP): Lento extends his mana field five meters beyond its limits to protect himself and his allies. This ability can be maintained until Lento's mana reaches zero and a certain amount of spells can break sections of it. If Lento still has mana, he can however recover it.

Bottom of the Death Valley (97 MP): Lento focuses his mana field into the ground and roots enemies in a large area for a short duration.

Phenomenon (50 MP): Lento restructures his mana field to gain attack speed and movement speed for a short period of time while decreasing his defences.

Special Actives
Voice of Waves (150 MP): Lento enhances his sword with a fraction of his sealed power, increasing the size of his blade by a significant amount. He leaps into the air and plants his weapon into the ground, dissipating the magical enhancement in a series of tremors that stun the enemies for a short duration.

Remains (50 MP) [Locked]: Lento activates the marks stacked by Drain and, if fully stacked, he steals 5% of the enemy's misssing mana to recover 8% of his missing health.

Dozing green (200 MP): Lento strengthens his mana field, forming a four layered defence in front of him. Allies that pass through all layers will have their attack speed increased by 10%. All attacks will slowly reduce the number of layers but will have reduced damage until all layers have dissappeared. (40% damage reduction at 4 layers to 10% damage reduction at 1 layer).

The Inferno (300 MP): Lento channels a wave of spiritual energy through his blade and swings it upwards. The energy is liberated through three crescents of energy that cover a short distance, but cover a large area. Enemies hit by it will acquire a burn debuff for ten seconds.

Background: As the chief of the Free Knights, Lento managed to hold the demons at bay, despite heavy casualties. One day, Lara Tureen, an old member of the Red Knights, claimed his life for mysterious reasons. However, death wasn't the end of the line because Lara herself transformed him into an immortal and powerful Lost Soul.

Personality: Lento lost his hearing by becoming a Lost Soul, but can clearly hear the voices of souls and Lara through his mind. As such, he appears to be a very taciturn man, but he holds his principles of a knight deep in his heart and is determined to protect the world with all his might.

Appearance: Because of his transformation, his eyes became as violet as a piece of dark El, and his hair will appear white during his full awakening mode.
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Name: Darhan Irisse/ Durahan Ishmael
Age: Unknown
Class: God's Servant --> Divine guardian--> Archangel --> ???

Ishmael's gift: Although Darhan is technically a Lost Soul, his allegiance to Ishmael grants him the possibility to grow his power without the fear of reaching a barrier that would slowly destroy his soul. However, this also makes his survival heavily depend on Ishmael's own power.

Ancient connoisseur: Darhan is an elf that has practiced Alchemy for centuries and that learns things related to that field pretty easily. As such, he can modify the shape and properties of most objects through creation magic.

Kapu Kuialua (the forbidden way of fighting): Darhan uses his knowledge on anatomy and magic to create an extremely efficient combat style that is designed to break bones and crush pressure points. This is where his knowledge on alchemy comes handy, as he can modify the sturdiness of all bones to break them with less strength. If he abuses this fight-style, he can put in danger his own mana circuits and become unable to use magic for a long period of time.
Exorzist: This passive gives certain skills a bonus effect if the abilities are used on demons or Lost Souls.

Der Test: Darhan throws a spear that pierces the first enemy and pushes those behind the first target hit by a few meters.
Der Test - Dämonen exorzist: The spear will dissolve into particles of poison if it pierces a demon's body.​
Der Test - Gespenst exorzist: The spear will burn 10% of the MP of a Lost Soul​
Beurteilung: Darhan launches a spear of light from above and stuns the first target hit for a short duration.

Special Actives
Göttliche Wahrnehmung: Darhan forms a circle of light around him and summons a prison of light that closes around the first target in his sight, dealing constant magical damage.
Göttliche Wahrnehmung - Dämonischer Satz: The prison will stun the target for a long duration once it circles it, dealing bonus physical damage equivalent to 25% of the target's defences (demon)​
Göttliche Wahrnehmung - Fluch des Geistes: The prison will freeze the target and lower their magical defences for a short duration (Lost Soul)​

Heiliges Herz: Darhan summons a ray of light that destructs everything in his visible range. The damage diminishes the closer the enemies are to him.

Schwert des Alten: Darhan uses his creation magic to forge a golden sword to allow him to transform his attacks into melee range. Lasts for 4 minutes and stuns the first target hit.
Schwert des Alten - Aufsteigendes Licht: The first series of slashes will cause a bleeding effect on a demon and heal Darhan for 75% of the damage dealt. (Demon)​
Schwert des Alten - Grab der Dunkelheit: The first series of slashes will burn the Lost Soul's mana (-2 MP per hit). (Lost Soul)​
Engelskraft: Darhan marks a target with a small flame and summons the power of Ishmael to make a rain of light damage the target over time (Similar to Install - Starfall)
Elite Warrior: Most combos now become made for melee range and slow their targets by 20% (15% chance of a 40% slow). If they are used for more than 7 consecutive combos, they will drain Darhan's HP and MP (15% per extra combo, up to 90% HP and MP).

Enhanced meditation: Because Darhan relies heavily on his abilities, his base mana regeneration will be significantly enhanced.

Unbesiegbare welle: Darhan charges at the enemy with a powerful series of magically enhanced kicks that knock the enemy down. If the ability is cast after reaching the maximum potential of Elite warrior, Darhan will lose 25% of his HP and MP.

Segen: Darhan casts a prayer that will enhance his and his allies magical attack for a short duration.

Goldene Sonne: Darhan leaps towards the closest enemy in sight and stabs him with a golden blade that silences the enemy for a short duration.
Goldene Sonne - Gesgenete Ashe: Demon enemies will not be silenced, but the attack will lower their magical defences for the same duration of the silence.​
Goldene Sonne - Geist im Spiegel: Lost Souls will not be silenced, but the attack will inflict a random elemental buff for the same duration of the silence.​

Special Actives
Eisbrecher: Darhan punches the ground with an empower fist, making his mana overflow to split the ground, slowing all enemies by 30% in a 5 meter radius. Like Unbesiegbare welle, this ability can drain 20% of his HP and MP.
Eisbrecher - Höllenpforte: Roots all demon enemies in range for a short duration.​
Eisbrecher - Flügel des Todes: drains 5% of all Lost Souls in range and converts it into additional mana for Darhan.​

Gnadenloser Richter: Darhan launches six spears that dance and damage all enemies within a fifty meter radius, dealing moderate damage per hit.

Saubere Schnitte: Darhan launches a small spear towards a target in his visible range. If it hits, three smaller spears will pierce the target and explode, dealing magical damage.
Saubere Schnitte - Luftreiniger: If a demon target is hit, the small spears will cause a bleeding effect.​
Saubere Schnitte - Vergeltung: If a Lost Soul target is hit, the first spear will lower their magical defences.​

Därmmerungs-Urteil: Darhan makes his mana overflow from his body and forms five spheres of mana that will attack random targets around a very short range. Each enemy hit will be pushed back.

Background: Darhan was an alchemist that lived in Resiam for many decades. His appearance gave easily away his nature as one of the purest dark Elves in Hamel's most famous commercial town. During the demon attack, he briefly formed a militia with the remaining men, but they were all quickly defeated by the overwhelming demon power. Months later, thanks to the Dark Priestess' control over the Dark El, his soul was fused with an ancient demonic armour and he became known as Durahan Knight. Once defeated, his soul was absorbed by the Dark El, which allowed Ishmael to transform him into an Angel who will obey her will.

Appearance: as a dark elf, Darhan had purplish skin, silver hair and golden eyes. However, once under Ishmael's control, his eyes have turned to an emerald colour and, in full awakening mode, four wings made of pure mana can be seen to float over his back.

Personality: During his life, Darhan was seen as a solitary man until he met Lara and began to slowly open up to others and form a unique camaraderie with Reijak Zinali, the leader of the Red Knights 10th squadron. As Durahan Knight, he quickly realized what he had become and asked Lara to leave him sealed somewhere where he wouldn't cause any more harm until she found a way to send him to his final rest. As Durahan Ishmael, his memories are sealed away from him and he truly believes that he has been never been anything else than Ishmael's servant.

While he trains his power to reach new heights, Durahan recovers his memories as Darhan Irisse. Once he meets Lara for the last time, he asks Ishmael what she knew about his beloved. The goddess tells him that Lara had worked under her to restore the balance of another world, but had sadly succumbed to Henir's curse. Grieving for Lara's death, Darhan swears an undying allegiance to Ishmael and swears to protect the world Lara tried to save.
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Name: (King) Eosforos Goldwing
Class: Deserter -> Light Bringer -> First Fallen
Age: Appears to be in young 20s.

Weapon(s) of choice: Blessed Claymore

  • Angel Wings: He is able to summon out his wings and fly around the battlefield with ease. This ability helps him to move around the battlefield just as fast as if he was flying through the air.
  • Shifter: Eosforos is able to set up an illusion to appear and talk as a different species, only to blend in the crowd. He can appear as an elf, demon, nymph, etc. The illusion is only broken when he engages into a battle.
  • Manipulating/Illusion: Words are his best skill as well pulling off nasty tricks. Eosforos' voice is enchanting and it can cause other humans or demons to follow his every word as long he got their full attention and trust. As for being on the battlefield, if being in a dire need of help, Eosforos' ability, illusion, will activate to cause a nonexisting scene which ables him to get away safely from harm.
Skill Tree:

  • Dodger- Able to dodge backward from incoming attacks without a fail.
  • Taunt- Increases defense and being able to block attacks more frequently for a period of time.

Special Actives:
  • Last Resort- Sword is swung from below, sending out a wave of pure energy. Enemies are stunned for a couple of seconds from being hit by the energy itself.
  • Stardust- Slamming the sword forward to shoot out a strong wave of El energy. Ignores defense from enemies when in awakening mode.
  • Reabsorb- Striking the sword down to the ground and creating a powerful sphere that absorbs half the amount of mana that was used within the past 30 seconds from nearby enemies.
  • Devil's Revenge- Omnious energy is gathered at the tip of the sword and at the right moment the user charges in with a piercing cut that knocks down the enemies.
  • Redemption- Swings sword in a rampaging combo attack, having the final strike sending back the enemies.

Passives: none

Light Bringer
  • Guillotine- Slashing sword from left to right within the enemies.
  • Blessing- Striking the target and reduce enemy's defense for a short period of time.
  • Glide- Wings lift up the user into the air and guides the user down on its enemies at a further distance.

Special Actives:

  • Angel Demands- Swing the sword and slash it forward to release a wide range of randomized attribute energy. Different attributes have different effects.
  • Striker- Execute a swift stab through the enemy, ignoring defenses. The end of the attack results in the user abruptly pulling the sword back to kick back its enemy.
  • Goddess' Judgement- Stun and strike the enemies into the air, finishing them off with a randomized attribute slash from the sword.


  • Enemy's Mistake- User is able to return back 3/4 amount of damage received.
  • Enhanced Wings- Increases attack and movement speed and with each execution of guillotine will grant the user speed buff.


"I'm not from this world...but I wish to redeem myself in a way~."

Eosforos doesn't reveal to others about his past, yet mentioning how he came from a different land. From what others can know, Eosforos is Ishmael's secondhand man and is in charge of military tactics in her kingdom. He expresses a lot of loyalty towards the goddess and only seeks many praises from her. Yet when off duty, he preaches a lot about humankind, talking of the imperfect beings can be. He strangely has a large distaste for animals or other creatures that aren't human, believing the humans should be the superior race and wishes to prove that throughout the war against the demons. Eosforos as well believes all sorts of creatures should be domesticated or use them as slaves for the humans.

His interest in Xavier is because of his dreams. Eosforos never talked about his dreams to anyone, yet only telling the dragon tamer about he had dreams about him which can be unnerving. He has a strange admiration for him, causing Xavier to feel uncomfortable about the man and violated at the same time (because of manipulating). Yet, Xavier is first to know what Eosforos real goal in Elrios is.

A man that can not be trusted.

Appearance: very soon to be made, just imagine a young man with white and yellow hair, blue eyes, and clothes of what an usual Ishmael follower would wear,,,
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Name: Xavier "Necro"
Gender: male
Class: El Seeker -> Crystal Follower -> Ellian Koryu -> ???
El Seeker -> Rising Drakk -> Devastating Drake -> ??
El Seeker -> Kinetic Jumper -> Raijin -> ???
Race: Ellian
Age: 15 -> 17 -> 21

Weapon(s) of choice/Abilities:
  • Elemental Gauntlets: Xavier's main weapons are his elemental gauntlets, evolving overtime to boost his strength and adapting to newer power. As Xavier walks on the path of the ice element, his gauntlets are empowered with water and ice attributes. Thus, this boosts his attacks to have long-lasting freezing effects and being able to turn the environment around him into freezing temperature in order to help him move faster than others.
  • Ash's Past: As the gauntlets are infused with the energy power of Ash's previous power, they are enhanced. For every damage Xavier receives, the gauntlets help him stabilize his defenses for both physical and magical, helping him cover up his weak points with harden El crystals. The only time this stops going into effect is when Xavier is using his staff to regain mana.
  • Mana Absorb: Mana eaters' power were infused with a staff made out of el shards. For every hit Xavier gives the staff on his opponent, the staff absorbs the mana from the other person. It helps him to rapidly regain back his energy and once the staff collects enough, it passes the gathered mana over to Xavier and minimizes itself as the user is now full of mana. It will never open up until Xavier is low on mana. It only reacts to those who are attuned to the power of the El.
  • The Sixth Sense: Throughout his training, Xavier's element became ice and he is able to use the power of the El. With this power, he was able to unlock his sixth sense to detect movement or hidden magic around him at a wide range. His tail is the main source to help him with this, especially to detect incoming ranged attacks or to even defend Xavier from a fatal injury. It is rather like a magnet on Xavier, being able to break apart and build back together by Xavier's will.
Pet and Allies:
  • Komodo: An unique species known to be an El-Drac, who was named Komodo by Xavier when was found as a baby. Xavier saved Komodo from human male hunters and that's where his trust issues towards the human race begin, mostly towards the males. Except, Xavier is an exception as he was the one who saved him from death. Xavier trained him with whistle commands and Komodo learned to only be loyal with Xavier, following his orders and being the useful dragon he can be for the man. As an El-Drac, he is able to absorb el shards and shapeshift into a different kind of dragon for a limited of time, being able to become a light, dark, and wind dragon. His size as well increases throughout his transformation and most of his basic attacks are based off his current element.
  • Athena[Dead]: A sun dragon, being able to absorb magical attacks and causing her foes to freeze in ultimate fear. She was never given a dragon rider as she was young back then yet after the El explosion, having a dragon rider was not likely and she was unable to reach an age to be able to unlock her full potential. Athena is rather a fearsome dragon, with multiple wings, eyes, horns, etc. Yet she can be kind to those who enjoy her presence and is always protective of her family and friends. Her relationship with Xavier was slow at first but as Xavier was able to see past her frightening features, the two were able to understand each other emotions and being able to give each other good advice. Xavier viewed Athena as a second mother to him, as she always knows that there is something wrong with him and always wants to help him to feel happy again.
  • Aragorn: A fire dragon, being able to breathe out fire and summon out lava beneath the earth's crust. He is very stubborn, adamant, high tempered, and rather rude to others. Aragorn mostly cares for himself and his closest family and friends. His birth was after the El explosion and was known to be the last hatched dragon and being taken good care of the other dragons that kept his egg safe from the outside world. Yet due to the fact he was born after the El explosion, Aragorn was never able to unlock his full potential as his ancestors were once dragons of Ellrians. He is unable to harness the power of the El. His relationship with Xavier was a strong start and still very strong, the two being able to think alike and often times getting into mischevious acts against the other dragons. Xavier viewed him as an older brother and often times, Xavier helps Aragorn to cool down whenever he gets angry.
  • Cornelius[Dead]: A moon dragon, being able to regain health and mana, as well as being able to increase his strength under the moonlight. His scales weren't always black as they were once white and gold and was a leading commander of dragons. His dragon rider, Eosforos, worked along with him as the commander of dragon riders and together they rule the skies. They were kings from up above. Though after the El explosion, Cornelius was unfortunately caught into the influence of the blast. His scales changed colors to black and purple as he was corrupted and his personality turned sour. Despite this, Cornelius' will to survive and lead the remaining dragons was strong and he led them to end the other corrupted dragon's lives and went into hiding from the humankind. He was bitter since then, up until Xavier came to his life. His relationship with Xavier was rocky. Cornelius hatred for the humankind was strong since the El explosion and had a troubled time to cooperate with others when the human baby came into their den. Though as Xavier grows closer with others, eventually Cornelius found himself liking the boy little by little until it was enough to help him use his elemental magic. Even though they always argue and fight, it helps them to find themselves getting closer to each other and eventually Xavier viewed him as a father. Cornelius taught him everything, from learning lullabies and songs of the past to being able to set the whole cave on fire (a prank in which Cornelius wasn't sure whether he should feel upset or impressed).
  • Fujin[Dead]: A wind dragon, being able to float without the use of his wings and creating powerful wind currents. He was carefree and mostly the opposite of Cornelius. They are rather close friends, mostly due to the fact that Cornelius' rider fell in love with Fujin's rider. After the el explosion, Fujin has a troubled time for hating humans compare to the others, mostly since his rider gave her life away to save his from Henir's men and made an agreement with others to at least keep in contact with certain types of trusted humans. Fujin is always able to move fast in the sky so no one would see him flying around in the skies for the past years. He always visited a kingdom in particular, the Northern Empire Xin. From there, the humans kept their word about their species being still alive and helped Fujin to gain knowledge and information from other lands. Fujin as well gave something in return whenever the kingdom has an issue within a village that the dragon can fix. When Xavier came to them, Fujin was rather very eager to raise a human child yet between the dragons, no one knows how it was done. So often times, Fujin would travel back and forth to ask for help and advice, as well as supplies for what a baby needs. Rarely, Fujin would bring Xavier with him when he was just a baby whenever the boy got a fever that they can't help. The people were happy to take care of the baby, though a few others sometimes have a strange fear for the boy in which they couldn't describe themselves. After Xavier was able to walk and talk on his own, Fujin didn't bother to bring Xavier to the Northern Empire as he was somewhat afraid what the people would do to him. His relationship to Xavier was very friendly and Fujin was always known to be wise and full of jokes and stories to Xavier's perspective. Fujin never mentions the empire to Xavier as he figured it wasn't important and was always happy to spend time with the boy from the beginning of his appearance to the den up to his death.
  • Ivy: A nature dragon, being able to control the earth below her to either bring life or destruction. She was stern, impatient with others, yet experienced a lot of events in her life. Her rider was Kili, and the two were the perfect match for each other. She lost her sight from the El explosion and as well lost her rider when trying to gather the humans to safety. With her sight gone, the other dragons helped her to use her other sensed and as well use her powers to get a better feel around her environment. Eventually, she has grown to be very good at it as if she was born blind yet it doesn't change her personality. Ivy always gets into fights with others and was always the one to scold Aragorn whenever he did something wrong. She was a very feisty dragon yet Xavier helped her to control her inner fire. When Xavier came to her life, she was often the one having to "look" after him. As a blind dragon, often times she wasn't sure what she was doing with the boy. An incident occurred when Ivy accidentally whipped Xavier out of anger for crying multiple times as a small child. After realizing she hurt him badly, Ivy tried her very best to make it up for him such as creating a soothing scent to ease his emotions and using healing herbs to stop his bleeding injury. In the end, he got a scar from his chin to his chest and Ivy learned to keep her own impatience in check as she tried to be more caring with Xavier since then. Her relationship with Xavier was as well rocky, but not as worse as with Cornelius. Xavier sees her as an aunt, always being the last dragon to take care of him. At the very least, Ivy learned to be more gentle towards everyone else and she was rather happy to have Xavier with them.
  • Octavia: A water dragon, being able to create water out of thin air and having the control to create ice out of the water. Octavia, like Aragorn, was born after the El explosion and never unlocked her own potential as well having her own dragon rider. She is kind, gentle, and very caring for others. Octavia always listens to the other dragons and often times she would play with Aragorn in his mischief games. She can be mischevious as well, but only when its necessary for it. She was first to find Xavier as a baby and crying in the forest and never had any ill intentions toward the humankind. So she brought the baby back to her den and the other dragons were lost on what to do with the baby. Octavia always kept fighting for having him to be kept alive and she won in the end, thus giving him the name, Xavier. The "savior" for their race. Her relationship with Xavier was strong and unbreakable, being the mother of the boy and always doing her best to look after him as she felt responsible for him. Often times she would make her own mistakes but it helps her to grow even better than before and is the one that Xavier always lean onto. All she hopes for in the end for Xavier was peace and happiness and she is willing to help him gain that kind of future...
El Seeker

"If you can't keep up with me, then go away."

Xavier first started off as a boy with unstable elemental powers who was raised by six dragons. He is short compared to other boys at his age but often times his personality can make it up for that. Xavier has a distaste for the human race yet he is willing to work along with them as long he got something out of it in the end. He left the dragons after having an argument with the main leader yet he was fit enough to survive on his own, along with the help of his small dragon pet, Komodo.

Even though Xavier is adamant and prideful from the outside, he does have a warm and understanding heart from the inside. It simply takes awhile for him to open up to others.

  • Slide- Xavier slides behind his enemies, becoming hard to hit or catch.
  • Tough Skin- Xavier gains super armor and reduces damage taken as his movement speed increases.
Special Actives:
  • Mega Slash- Xavier empowers his gauntlet to make a power punch to send his enemy flying back. The longer he empowers, the stronger the attack.
  • Dragon Geyser- Xavier slams down his gauntlets to create a pillar of element based geyser (fire, ice, electricity). Attacked enemies will receive an elemental effect (fire= burned, mana loss/ice= freeze, slowed attacks/electricity= shocked, sudden paralysis)
  • Hidden Power- Xavier's gauntlets gain claws and go off in a rampaging attack with numerous element power, ending it with a blast of El's energy.
  • Drake Charge- Xavier charges through his enemies as his gauntlets briefly gained claws based on an element.
  • Dragon's Aid- Xavier slams his gauntlets down in which three different elemental dragons rise from below and blast enemies away.
Passives: none
Crystal Follower
"Sometimes if you want to protect your dragons, it's best to leave and become stronger on your own. I'll help you to walk on that path."

"If it's to protect the dragons...then I'll do it."

Xavier was called upon an angel to work under him as an apprentice. The angel, Eosforos, promised him strength and a better control of his elemental magic in which Xavier was struggling with to control all three. As the angel proposed for him to only focus on one, he eventually follows his advice and the two agreed on one element. Xavier left Elrios to the kingdom of angels to be trained among the best and was put into dangerous training for him to adapt into his ice element. As he grows stronger, Xavier grows closer with the el energy and was able to use it to help him with his ice magic.

Over time, Xavier's personality shifted and changed. His prideful nature went away to be replaced with a cold-hearted soul, causing him to lose most of his warmth towards anyone yet helping him to focus his missions at hand. Making Xavier obedient to his superiors and a soldier with no remorse.

  • Ice Shield- Xavier's tail is broken up into five sharp pieces which surround him in battle. They will damage and add freezing effect on his enemies. It can block out an attack but it will fall and go back as his tail.
  • Cruel Cut- Xavier uses his tail to create a deep cut on his enemy, inflicting bleed.
  • Pain Spike- Xavier strikes his enemy as his tail whips for additional damage.
Special Actives:
  • Terror Rain- Xavier summons out ice shards with his el energy and let it rain down on his enemies. It causes a freezing effect to those around the area.
  • Freezing Momentum- Xavier charges and attacks forward with his gauntlets/staff, the moisture in the air solidify to create ice particles in which they struck his foes that are in the range of his ongoing attack, increasing additional damage.
  • El's Strike- Xavier creates a force of El energy which pulls enemies in to deal damage as he finishes it off with a slash of his claws.
  • Frost Bites- For every freezing effect on his enemies, his movement speed increases as well additional damage.
  • Goddess' Blessing- Xavier's attacks as a certain chance of landing fatal blows.
Ellian Koryu
  • Vengeance- Xavier's accuracy increases on his enemy that last got a hit on him. Chance of inflicting bleed increases.
  • Tail Counter- His tail swings to the front to counterattack an enemy at the right moment.
Special Actives:
  • El Drake- Xavier summons out the partial energy of his dragon, Pryor, which aids him in battle. Pryor will mimic Xavier's attacks for extra damage and a chance for stun effect on their enemies.
  • Sub Zero- Xavier slams his gauntlets down to create a freezing arena in which icicles abruptly erupts from the said arena, piercing and freezing the enemies surrounding him. The icicles shatter away yet the freezing temperature stays which increase Xavier's speed.
  • Death Wish- Xavier creates a vortex of ice particles that sucks his enemies in and deals damage within, disabling them from moving.
  • [Locked]
  • Dragon's Hunger- Xavier is able to burn mana from his enemies without the uses of his staff.
  • Flexibility- The gauntlets are enhanced furthermore, raising Xavier's attack speed and 20% chance to reuse skills without the cost of his mana. The downside of reusing skills is that his gathered defenses are cut depending on how big the skills are.
  • [Locked]
Hyper Active:
  • [Locked]

"My goddess word is law...if you cannot comply then I will show you to the gates of hell."

Xavier took the path to be trained under Ishmael's army and as he already is well adapted with the El, he gains more power than ever before. Eosforos has done his job well and continues to put pressure and stress on Xavier throughout his training, mentioning that diamonds are made under pressure. Thus throughout his training, Xavier became emotionless and cold, only listening orders from anyone who has the authority from Ishmael herself. He doesn't break or show any signs of weakness, only working to fulfill his mission for the sake of the El. Yet the more he grows stronger, sturdier, and colder, the less human he is. As long as he continues to go down this road, it won't be long he that he will become the El's ultimate protector.


f it honestly, this is just what i got so far

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Name: Yullr Mirwynn
Class trees:
Apprentice --> Banished Apprentice --> Necromancer --> Unforgiven
Apprentice --> Apprentice of War --> ArchMage --> First Warlock
Apprentice--> Healer Apprentice --> High Priest --> Moon Child
Age: Unknown.
Weapons of choice: A book, for the most part. He's a summoner. Without his book, his range of spells is very limited.

Purify (Active): Yullr conjures minor wind spirits that push back the first enemy in front of him.

High Tides (SA): Yullr opens his book and summons water fairies to form a giant wave that stuns and knocks down enemies.

Second Breath (SA): If Yullr is surrounded by allies, second breath will summon a protective wind spirit that will replenish a part of their missing health and mana. On enemies, the wind spirit will take the form of a hawk and damage all enemies in a large area. (Short range spell).

Impulse (Active): Yullr will summon a cloud of wind spirits that will make him dash over a certain distance in any direction. The longer the distance, the more mana it will consume.

Tectonic impact (SA): Yullr concentrates the spiritual power granted by Selene and a the hand of a golem appears from beneath the first 5 enemies and knocks them up.

Monsoon (SA): Yullr focuses the spiritual power of the elements around him and forms an orb that can expand into a shield for allies or pull enemies towards its centre, dealing continuous magical hits before exploding and knocking out enemies, dispersing them across multiple directions.

Oops, my bad~ (SA - unlocked): Yullr summons earth imps that make the ground beneath a small area in front of him disappear. Enemies and allies alike will fall and be stunned for a short duration.

"It is my duty as a leader to protect our people. The Spirits are with us."

Yullr became the leader of a Dark elven tribe when he was barely a teenager. It was a time of war, a time where demons slaughtered humans and elves alike to empower themselves. Because Yullr was born with an unusual ability to communicate with the Forest Spirits, he made a pact with the goddess of the forest, Selene, and began to learn to hone his powers.
Uncertain Protection (Passive): Because of Selene's death, the spirits Yullr summons reduce their healing powers and deal bonus magical damage equivalent to Yullr's missing mana.

Retribution from beyond (Active): Yullr summons the remains of Selene's spirit to mark a single target. The mark will slowly drain the mana up to 20%.

Night Breeze (SA): Yullr summons wind spirits that will make the enemies in a long range fall asleep. Surrounding allies will be given stealth for a short duration.

Red Ravens (Active): Yullr summons a two Fire ravens that hit a single target, applying a burning effect and reducing its magical defences.

Blood Hunters (SA): Yullr summons different elemental spirits in the form of wolves and to chase down injured enemies and kill them. For every takedown, the wolves get stronger. After five kills for each wolf, the spirits will disappear.

Mad Wind (SA): Yullr calls forth the strength of all the wind spirits he has tamed to form a horizontal tornado that damages enemies in his visible range and reduces their physical defences.

Frostbite (SA - Unlocked): Yullr opens his book and lets out a mist of corrupted water spirits who swallow a large area under a dome and freezes area inside, rooting all enemies before disappearing and dealing some magical damage.

The Eclipse (SA): During the night, Selene's spirit will awaken and be summoned as a giant spirit wolf that will follow Yullr for a certain duration, targeting his foes and dealing critical strikes on all targets marked with Retribution from beyond. If used during the day, Yullr's and his allies elemental defences will be significantly increased and their attacks will deal a bleed effect on each target hit.

Absorb (Active): Yullr will be able to see the souls of grievously injured enemies and collect them inside his book to increase the power of his own spirits.
"Darhan....am I truly a traitor? I...only tried to save them...I'll make things right now, I swear."

The demon forces came with overwhelming numbers, beyond even the most pessimistic predictions. With their leader mortally wounded, they took Yullr's closest family hostage and asked Yullr to revive their leader with the help of Selene and Yggdrasil. The young king followed his heart and sacrificed the weak energy that was left in Selene's wounded body along a relic said to catalyze the power of the ancient god of all elves. Both spirits cursed him and called him a traitor as their power was used to transfer a demon soul into a human corpse. A new Lost Soul was born, and just as it thanked Yullr for saving him, he ordered his men to slaughter them all but the Leader. Left alone to watch his tribe scream and his village burn to ashes, Yullr began to wonder around the forests until he found Darhan, wounded and agonizing from dehydration. The teen and the young adult travelled from one town to the next, living by any way they could, mostly by helping out the injured and the mentally sick, but soon enough they felt unwelcomed by humans and elves alike once they knew who Yullr was.
The puppeteer (Passive): Yullr will trap the souls of dying enemies into his book and control their bodies for a certain period of time.

Scream for the dead (Active): Yullr will unite the corpses he has revived, forming a monstrous ghoul that will scream and fear the enemies for a short duration.

Eye of the Crow (SA): Yullr summons an orb of spiritual energy that will reduce the enemies' sight completely for a long duration.

Omega (SA): Yullr will summon a shadow of one of the warriors he has killed. The shadow will teleport behind the first enemy in sight and deal one hit before dissolving into poison that will stun the target for a short duration.

The Crimson Death (SA - Unlocked): A swarm of undead souls infest the nearest enemy corpse and, once another enemy comes near it, it will explode and liberate all the souls, spreading a cloud of miasma that follows up to twenty enemies in a row, enveloping them and applying a burn debuff. If it comes near an enemy below 20% HP, it will devour its soul and disappear.

Marked by the Wolves (Active): All undead under Yullr's control will vanish and leave a small spiritual claw behind. Once an enemy steps on it, an elemental wolf will appear and bite it, dealing physical damage and has a 20% of dealing a critical strike.

Demonic hatred (SA): Yullr will enhance the undead under his control with a demonic spell. The corpses will generate a demonic aura that will mimic their attacks, slowing down the targets. After three minutes, the enhancement will destroy the bodies, making them dissolve into a cloud of poison.

Passion of Knowledge (Passive): The more spells Yullr uses, the more his mana and health regeneration will increase.

Sadistic Soul (Passive - Locked): The more enemies Yullr kills, the more it will increase his puppet's chance for a critical strike.

She's alive! (Hyper Active): Yullr will use all the corpses of the battlefield and pour into them the soul of Selene along countless of others, forming a demonic wolf that will deal magical and physical damage in large areas, obeying Yullr's every order. This giant undead wolf will be able to use the following spells: Red Ravens, Marked by Wolves, Blood Hunters and Mad Wind.

Transcendent Necromancer - Skills:

Awakened will - Necromancer (Passive): The duration of Yullr's undead puppets will be increased along their magical damage.

Protectors (Special Active): Yullr will use demonic magic to disable an enemy from targeting him for a short duration while his puppets will throw themselves at the target and explode, reducing the target's stamina and mana regeneration.

Reaper (Active): Yullr will summon a shadow of himself that will travel through other shadows until it encounters one of an enemy. The shadow will transform into a scythe and inflict a critical strike to the target.

Awakened One (Passive - Locked): Gain a percent magical attack and defence based on level.

Crush their graves (SA): Yullr will let most of the damned souls from his book out and go underneath the ground before forming a pillar of energy that will deal continuous magical damage to all targets hit, reducing their mana and stamina regeneration as it knocks them down.

An eye for an eye (Passive - Unlocked): If attacked from behind while he is below 50% HP, Yullr will counter attack with Reaper, reducing its mana cost by 20%.

Lilum (SA): Yullr summons wisps of energy that immobilize enemies with a strong electrical current before collecting part of their souls and forming an orb of light that damages them before leaving the mark of a white lily on their neck. Enemies are silenced and their physical and and magical attacks are reduced against Yullr is reduced as long as they bear the lily mark.
"Darhan...even you decided to flee when the demons came for me. If that's the only path left for me...I'll soon become the traitor everyone wants me to be."

During one of their travels, Darhan and Yullr found themselves near a battlefield, where the same army who killed their loved ones were fighting against humans. Before they could go back, flying gargoyles stunned them and they were brought in front of the same Lost Soul, whose body was decaying. The demon general made them an offer: either Darhan let them take Yullr go to the demon realm, or they would kill him on the spot and still get Yullr where they wanted. Darhan accepted the deal and he was knocked out before the gargoyls took him to Velder village's outskirts.

In the demon realm, Yullr used his powers to heal various generals, empower soldiers trough some experimentation with the Dark El. He discovered multiple ways to manipulate the undead and was the one who convinced Joaquin to expand his research field to gain more influence in the demon army.

Through all the hatred he had for the demons, Yullr developed an insatiable quest for knowledge so he could one day get back at every single one of them.
Till Death tears them apart (Hyper Active): Yullr focuses his mana and turns all spirits around him and inside his grimoire into a dark dome where allies and enemies alike are deprived of sight and movement. After a short delay, the spirits demand a sacrifice and injure all, and those who are injured die from fear. By pronouncing a short incantation, Yullr is able to control the magic around him, forcing a deathly curse on his opponents and giving himself a short surge of incredible power.
Spectral Wounds (Passive): Increases Yullr's chances of reducing the enemies' defences and dealing bonus physical damage.
R.o.L(Passive - Unlocked): Will only activate if Yullr is....(Definition coming soon).
"...This mark...I took it too far. No, this isn’t it. No. I-I've truly become a traitor...to everyone, even to myself. This can not be forgiven."

During one of his experiments with the undead, Yullr found himself without any more test subjects but himself. Yearning for knowledge, he used his own body to finish his research once and for all.

However, something went wrong during the experiment and he awakened with a slight mutation; a sign of treason. As he took his leave to the human realm, Yullr destroyed all his research and made sure to take with him the souls of all who worked in that project with him so Joaquin wouldn't find out the truth. After passing some decades in hiding, he formed a group of dark elven warriors who opposed the demons and he joined forces with Ash and Luciela, a demon seeking revenge on the current demon nobility.

This alliance did not last very long, as the events in Feita killed most of his men. He let them down and the weight of the deaths of his own comrades made him convice himself that he couldn't redeem himself. As such, he decided to settle his own regrets by raising a legend in a time of war and find death in combat, so his secrets would die with him.

Appearance: Purplish skin with silver hair and purple eyes. He always wears a long-sleeved robe to hide the marks of his own experimentation from the rest. Although a small part of it can be seen crawling up to his nape, if he ties his hair, which he rarely does.
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Name: Xiopetec
Class: Forgotten Goddess --> Vengeful Healer --> ???
Age: Unnecessary for a goddess but her human form is about 30 years old

Weapon(s) of choice:
Mana Sickles (mini scythes basically)

I'll figure it out soon

Revealed in the RP already

Tan complexion, gold eyes, curly auburn hair in an hourglass-shaped body who always walks with her back straight and chin high. 5'8" (172.72 cm) in height.
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Name: Ren Ishmael
Class: Warrior --> Divine Warrior --> Silver Maiden -->Justiciar
Age: Was reincarnated into one of Ishmael's angels more than six hundred years ago. She looks to be around 19 years old.
Weapons of Choice: Magical Crossbow (can change shape to a small shield and a sword)

Unconventional Hunter: the bigger her opponents are, the more her chance of critical strike increases.


Blind shot : Ren focuses her mana on her bow and shoots and arrow that takes a random direction. If it hits an enemy, the mana surge will stun it.

Duck and counter: Ren evades the first attack and trips her enemy, knocking it down with her weapon.

Special Actives:

Get Away! : Ren overcharges her bow with mana and shoots two arrows. The first will slow the enemies and the second stuns them.

Instinct Shot [unlocked]: Ren shoots a series of arrows around her, reducing her enemies physical defences.

Sniper's focus: If Ren is not within the enemy's visual range, she will shoot an arrow that will activate a bleeding debuff. If not, she will shoot three arrows that slightly reduce her target's movement speed.

Hit 'em all: Ren increases the size of her weapon with her mana and charges a series of gigantic arrows that dissolve into a spiral of mana shards that deal continuous hits to the enemies in her visible range.

"No matter what, I'll prove them wrong."

Ren doesn't remember a lot of her past as a human, except the occasional sightings of silver haired individuals her family forced to bow at, calling them "protectors". Another memory that stands out in her memory is one where she holds a small knife in front of her in the middle of the night, before everything around her vanishes. She believes that last memory must be part of her last moments as a human.

Once under the service of Ishmael, she was taken to test different sorts of weapons with little success until she was given the easiest weapon to use: a crossbow. Her powers were often seen to be below the average and many questioned her place inside the Order of Warriors. This made her train even harder until she discovered a technique to fire multiple mana arrows from her crossbow. With that skill, she proved herself to be a good warrior during the war that opposed Henir's forces against Ishmael's.


War Memento: Ren's arrows increase in range and accuracy. If Ren looks at an enemy for long enough, she can detect its weak points and target them, dealing up to 15% bonus physical damage with her arrows.


Reinigen: Ren focuses her mana along Ishmael's purifying energy to form two gigantic arrows that make the target acquire a bleed debuff for ten seconds.

Heightened speed: Ren charges her bow with the El's power to gain a 15% attack speed increase for 10 seconds.

Schleuder: Ren acquires super armour status and fires three consecutive arrows, each holding an elemental debuff. If no enemies are hit, the arrows will stay on the ground and, after 20 seconds, cover a small area with a weak poison.

Hagel [unlocked]: Ren fires a gigantic arrow to the sky that, as it falls, divides itself into eight distinct arrows that push the enemies hit slightly back.

Special Actives

Rache der Jägerin: Ren flies over the enemy, reaching high speeds as she fires a series of thirty arrows in a long range, but a small area. The arrows deal up to 20% bonus magical damage to all enemies hit depending on her allies's missing health.

Heimlichkeit: Ren flutters her wings, raising a dome of mana that allows her and her allies to gain stealth for thirty seconds. Enemies attacked from behind while the stealth is active will be stunned for two seconds.

Donnerangriff: Ren uses her mana to fire six arrows that fly in different directions over a shorter distance than her normal shots. Each arrow leaves a trail of lightening that deals continous magical damage to those touched by it.
"I'm certain that the day Ishmael reigns supreme, the world will be at peace. It must be so in the name of all those who have fallen."

What became known as the God Wars, elves, humans, demons and divine warriors alike pointed arms against one another. During the fierce combat against the forces of Xiopetec, the Goddess of assassins, Ren lost one of her mentors to a traitor. Unconsciously, her weapon began to absorb the soul of her fallen comrade and became the first enhanced weapon among Ishmael's warriors. With this new weapon, Ren learned to use its shape-shifting properties to her advantage. In melee range, she would no longer be defenceless.

With her small shield and sword, she headed to battle to chase down other pagan gods who prolonged the war. Through the fire and the blood, the cherry-blossom petals of her crossbow were feared by her foes. Graceful, yet deadly, the Divine warrior brought victory back to her goddess.

"Demons...such pesky creatures. I'll defend this world from them until my last breath."

The first years of the First demon invasion left most of Ishmael's warriors dead; Except from Ren. In this weakened position, Ishmael decided to retreat her forces from combat until they had grown stronger again. Angered by defeat, the last Warrior watched the bloodshed from a distance, feeling particularly sick when she discovered a village of dark elves be decimated, while the few survivors were taken as slaves to the demon world. It was then when she could finally put a face on the silver-haired figures of her memories as a human.

Centuries passed and after Darhan entrance into Ishmael's kingdom, she became very intrigued by his origins, even if she knew that he didn't remember anything, just like her. It was only after his return from Henir's realm that he recovered his memories. Although he seemed to reject all kinds of social interaction at the beginning, he eventually opened up a little, and through their interactions, Ren understood that it was probably better for her to look beyond history and focus on the combat in front of her, which would most likely decide the world's fate.

Appearance: She's a green-haired girl with grey eyes, around 1.65 m (5 foot 5). Her weapon looks to be made out of wood, but it can shift into metallic looking shield and sword. She wears light pink, or white outfits.
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Name: Damien
Class: Buffoon --> Mediocre Buffoon --> Jester --> Entertainer
Age: 21 (He never changes his age)
Weapon of choice: Hand to hand combat, Dark magic


Dark Slash: Damien power up then performs a short combo slashing with his hands.

Dark Pillar: Damien will summon a mark underneath players, unleashing dark energy shortly after.

Quick Dodge: Damien could quickly strafe backwards.

[Special Actives]

Dark Binding: The user casts a dark spell on the target, binding both of them through a mystic rope that sucks the targets energy and life force towards the user. The rope can be broken after twenty seconds has passed or if the targets gets far enough.

Fury Slashes: The user coats his hands in dark magic before unleashing a flurry of scratches on the target.

Black Abyss: The user jumps at the fray and releases all of it's accumulated energy into one zone, pulled every enemy nearby to become decimated from the humongous force.

"Another beautiful day! It's time to be happy!"

Damien is an Ikus, a incubus that has fallen, not fit to be an incubus anymore. He hurt his face out of frustration and sadness, until Dust came and stopped him. When he asked him why would he stop him from hurting an ugly demon, he responded with the words that he never would've thought he'd heard.

"Because you're beautiful."

Just those three words were enough for him to cry tears of joy, for someone actually called him something positive. Afterwards, he was trained personally with Dust, making his proficiency for hand to hand combat rise and his dark magic be put to extra use.

"Smile my friends! We're here to smile for a new day!"

After practicing for many hours and being upbeat all the time, he became the soul of the party, lifting the mood of everyone that he could, laughing and playing his maracas because every second he feels like it's another surprise after another.

Sharpening up his hand to hand combat, he became more in tune with himself, developing a more fitting fighting style that consisted of him dancing around. He mainly focuses in support, making his allies stronger with his beats and enhancing their weapons or body with his dark magic, never letting a moment go by where he's not happy, because he wants his second chance to be a good one.

Appearance: He looks just like an Ikus, except he doesn't hide his face anymore. He's proud to show his face to the public now that his confidence was boosted thanks to Dust. Instead of the whole bat like appearance with the purple that symbolizes Karis, he decided to color himself orange, to show the bright side of things in life. His haircut is as wild as Dust, except that it's styled more to the back. He wears a hair ornament, which is a black feather. Normally, the incubus don't pay that much attention to it, but he likes to open himself for new ideas.

As his motto goes "If you look good, the people around you will also like to see you!"

Fun fact: He likes to play piano and his maracas. He got his love for music from when Dust plays his Ocarina on rare occasions. However, while Dust plays songs that are more in tune to reflect the moody of a situation, he plays his songs with a more upbeat and jolly atmosphere.
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Name: Ruby Hellfire
Gender: female
Class: Devil -> Brave Heart -> (T)Rising Phoenix -> ???
Age: 16 -> 19 -> 23

Weapon(s) of choice/Abilities:
  • Whip of Kojin: a long black whip that is capable of going on fire. Blades are attached at the ends and are able to be switched out for different kinds of other blades for different purposes. It has a strong and sturdy lock that holds the blades in place and can not be taken off when the whip is on fire. The whip has its own special properties, such as being able to stretch out furthermore to reach for faraway targets. If being held in the wrong hands or if someone would try to pry them off, barbs on the whip would start to erect and sting. During this moment, if it were to be brushed, the opponent would start to bleed from whichever it is touching from.
  • Eternal Flames: Ruby is able to use fire magic along with the attacks, making the weapon more efficient to work with.
  • Hellfire's Legacy: Ruby has the ability of flight and to manipulate. As an offspring who was born in the demon world, her abilities are significantly stronger than of her father's. Thus making her flight last longer and having a voice of an angel which makes her more appealing for attention and likeness.
  • Blue: A loyal and obedient companion, Blue is a hell-wolf with a rare case, being half alive and dead. A wolf-like pet with mangled fur and bones showing more than skin, showing off the top of the skull, ribcage, and the spine down to the tip of the tail. Her sockets are too dark to get a good look inside and yet her iris are bright blue and stand out even in the darkest of shadows. Dark, gray wisps often leave her body whenever she gets aggressive and often she is able to set herself on fire without damaging her body anymore. She follows commands under ancient demon language from Ruby, in which she is very familiar with and shares a close bond with her trainer.
    • Stalking Fangs: Blue marks the target enemy as prey and her next attack become a short-range lunge, granting her allies speed movement, and if they are able to strike the same enemy, the allies will gain a bit of health.
    • Claws of Death: Blue claws her target, causing it to bleed for several seconds. If the target is attacked multiple of times, Blue's will inflict a mortal wound. Depending on Blue's condition (how big are her flames), there is a chance of her being able to slow down her target from fleeing.
    • Spirit Howl: Blue howls to summon a small pack of spirits in the form of small wolves and each of them seek out different targets for a limited time. They aren't hard to kill off yet the spirits are able to cause bleeding on their targets as Blue's defensive are boosted. She cannot easily use this attack repeatedly, and usually is more effective depending on the area she is in.
Backstory: soon

Skill Tree: soon

Appearance: soon
Name: "Sophia"
Class: Fragmented Soul => Survivor => Void Born => ???
Age: Unknown
Weapon of choice: Creation magic
Base HP: 45 000 | Base MP: 450 MP

Special Awakening: Similar to Ara's awakening, Sophia's full awakening will change her appearance and depends her character system Fragmented. Because of this, her awakening charges are based on the the mana she has consumed in combat, her remaining HP and her enemies defences instead of the damage she has sustained or inflicted.

Mana Tracking: Sophia's detection of mana is enhanced by what she learned in the Void. Her senses are enhanced to detect even the faintest traces of mana, and she can even look through moments into the past thanks to that.

Fragmented: Because her soul is made of fragments of Lara's soul and the power of the Void, Sophia is physically immortal. Her survival depends on the balance between the remaining power in the soul fragments and the Void energy inside her. If she uses too much of one of the two powers that compose her body, she will be weakened and her conscience will be trapped in the Void forever.

Scarlett: Although Sophia posseses superhuman strength thanks to the power of the Void, she relies on her creation magic to attack, specially in throwable daggers she makes from her mana. These weapons take a red colour, but can take different elemental attributes.

Void's gift (85 MP): Grants 15% movement speed to allies.

Active abilities:
Battle dance (150 MP): Sophia throws multiple daggers in a circle around her, forming an area that will grant her more attack speed for 15 seconds.

White Silence (80 MP): Sophia throws a dagger through an enemy, silencing them for five seconds.

Steel Thrill (70 MP): Sophia throws four daggers in front of her, piercing the first four targets, gaining additional attack speed if one of the targets goes below twenty percent health.

Wind Strike (120 MP): Sophia throws three daggers and delivers a piercing blow to the first enemy she encounters, lowering the target's physical defence by 20%.

Special Actives

Wither (200 MP) : Sophia enhances her body thanks to Lara's soul and forms a dome of poisonous mana that slowly kills everything in a two meter radius for fifteen seconds. Inside this dome, she will be granted stealth for two seconds, but by each ability she casts during that moment of stealth, the unbalance of her power will cause her to lose ten percent of her remaining HP.

Ab Æterno - Anubis' curse (350 MP): If she has less than 20% HP remaining, Sophia's soul will momentarily leave her body and transform into a spectral dagger that will stab a single target, stealing their health before returning to her body and regenerating herself back to 50% HP. If she's above 20% HP, Sophia will summon a cloud of smoke to hide herself from enemies. The targets that enter said cloud will be vulnerable to Sophia's basic attacks, which will have a bonus 20% chance to deal a critical strike.

Dum Spiro Spero - Amon Ra's judgement (430 MP) [Unlocked]: Sophia transforms briefly into a hydra from the Void and shoots multiple rays of concentrated Void energy at her enemies, stunning them and dealing tons of damage. After taking back her human shape, the Void energy inside her will cause her to lose twenty percent of her remaining HP.
Photosphere: Sophia's way to stabilize her two sources of her power is made possible through the intuitive knowledge she holds from Lara's soul. Her mana acts more as a catalyst and a defense against Void energy, than as a destructive power to defend herself from other Void creatures.

Active abilities:
Chaos Attractor (45 MP): Lara throws two daggers at the first openent in her sight. The enemy is dragged towards her and stunned for one second.

Mirror (90 MP): Lara absorbs a part of the surrounding mana and covers herself with a scarlet veil of mana that will deflect the first attack coming at her.

Omen (100 MP): Sophia projects a shadow of herself that goes through the first two enemies. Then, she teleports behind the last enemy hit and throws three daggers, causing a bleed debuff for five seconds. If no enemy is hit by the shadow, half of the mana cost is refunded.

Special Actives:
Caribbean death Roulette (230 MP): Sophia leaps into the air and forms a hundred small red daggers that spin around a large area and push back enemies hit. If no enemies are hit, the daggers stay on the ground and explode when an enemy walks over them, causing a bleed debuff.

Countdown to Hell (155 MP): Sophia overcharges a set of six daggers around her, going from one target to another and stabbing them with them. The last dagger put inside an enemy's flesh will trigger the other daggers which will explode and apply a poison debuff to the targets hit for five seconds.

Gala Hala (300 MP) [Unlocked] : Sophia creates a ribbon made of daggers that attacks her enemies along her basic attacks. After three minutes, the ribbon will pierce a target and spread into a rain of projectiles that will damage a large area behind (short-range).

The Evolution (370 MP): Sophia leaps towards the first enemy, making float three giant daggers behind her. She grabs the first target and her arms transform into two heads of a Hydra that bite her victim while the daggers also take the same form and attack other enemies around her or shread the target in her arms. This small transformation unbalances her powers and she will deal 10% less damage after using it for the next five minutes.

Monolith (210 MP): Sophia evades the first attack coming for her and enhances her senses to trace where the attacker was. Once she found them, she teleports behind them and traps them in a mana chrysalis where they will be trapped in a world of nightmares for a short duration. Once they're out, they will be unable to attack for four seconds.
Leviathan: As an evolved form of life in the Void living in the human world, Sophia has mastered the art of polymorphism. (
Special Actives:

Void Born - Transcendance
Name: ???
Class: ??? -> ??? -> ??? -> ???
Age: Unknown
Weapon of Choice: ???

Backstory: ???

Chakra: Everything mana related is converted into raw energy, meaning that there is no real means of stealing this type of energy. Each 15 strikes generates a special orb that can only be used by the user and no one else. Orbs are used to use Special Skills, regular skills are naturally used with no delay. There is a maximum of 8 Orbs.

Awakening - 8 Inner Gate: A special technique unique to the user. Each awakening will further improve the users abilities and parameters, though at the last gate 50% will be lost and it'll stay at half health until awakening is finished.




Appearance: ???
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Name: Salvator Silver
Gender: male
Class: Assasin -> Silver Bullet -> Hawkeye(T) -> Gun Slinger
Race: half human, half demon
Age: stuck looking like in this late 30s

Weapon(s) of choice/Abilities:
  • Demonic Firearms: Salvator's twin pistols are his main weapons but they are able to shift to take shape of different firearms. There is a limitation to this as there is a cooldown every time the weapons change. The more powerful the weapon is, the longer it will take to shift once again. Though Salvator finds himself being more comfortable with his pistols than anything else and would rather ask for a different weapon if he were to assassinate someone. These firearms as well provide unlimited ammunition but for certain weapon shapes, the reload takes some time.
  • Goddess' Gift: Salvator's accuracy isn't something to laugh at unless he was drunk. In the past, he earned a gift from a goddess he once followed which increased his sense of accuracy and magic usage into his bullets, being an excellent far sighter and having his bullets to travel a distance.
  • Magic Ammunition: Salvator's bullets may often be blocked but whenever it hits a solid dead end, the bullets will take into a different form in order to travel through walls, shields, etc. to do extra damage to the opponent. It may not kill but they'll earn painful bruises in the end. If a magic shield were to be put up against him, the bullet itself may be able to shatter through the shields but it'll be likely slowed down so it won't do as much damage and its own magic coating is destroyed from breaking through the said magic shield.
  • Diablo: A phantom steed. Salvator was not his original owner yet Diablo doesn't seem to care too much as long he is taken good care of. Even though Salvator is a lone wolf, the man couldn't help but count on his steed for moral support. As well to travel. Diablo loves to run and never seem to be tired of it even when going at it for hours.

Skill Tree:


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