Princess Academy [Inactive]

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Lovable Dark-side submitted a new role play:

Princess Academy - The time for the Prince of Essex to choose a bride has came.

What is Princess Academy?

Every few years in the Kingdom of Essex, when the King's first born son's 18th birthday is no more than a fortnight away the search for his bride begins. It is tradition that they find three girls from each Village, Mountain town, Hamlet, and province in the kingdom. Whether they be beautiful or ugly is no difference...

Read more about this role play...
It is Time to start everybody!

(@Arianna Philocuri @Icefox11
@Cierra111 )

The water was freezing, sending a quick shock from the little mountain girl's head down her spine and into her toes. She shivered and shakes, attempting to get out of this death trap of a bathtub before her blood became frostbitten, but two plump maids held her there by her shoulders, while a thin little girl also donning a maids uniform carried in a few more buckets of water. Along with an assortment of soaps, and oils that smelt of amber and flowers. The warm scents danced around her nostrils for a second, warming her slightly until another bucket of liquid ice was pour over her head," You blistering crones," Persimmon cursed them, wiggling out of their soapy grasp.

" Now hush child, you 'ot ta be happy ye going to see the Prince Leon today for the welcoming ceremony," The accent that escaped the vile maids throat was thick like the fur that grew on the Yaks during the season of winter. It was no more then 3 minutes past sunrise that the crone had woken her up and dragged her out of her kicking and screaming like a small child. Then threw her into a metal tub of water which seemed to be colder then a blizzard's breath. She didn't appreciate it at all, mostly because had had a long journey just the night before and hadn't arrive in this wrenched place until midnight.

Once the maids hand finally got done washing Persimmon, and scrubbing her skin raw, so now that is glowed a bright reddish pink at the moment. They started to dress her, pulling on strings, tugging hair, and not even giving her a chance to pick her own clothing. It was just plain awful in her eyes, worse then getting your tongue stuck on a metal pole awful. The dress was to tight and she didn't very much like that her thighs were touching under the layers and layers of sea foam green and cream colored silk.

After a few more minutes everything was silent and Sim was lead to a full size mirror where she could see herself. Her skin which had now went back to its normal color was pale and her checks flushed red. The dress which was squeezing her like a cinder press flowing gracefully around her hips and she could now see that the skirt was embroidered with gold thread that was sewn to look like gust of wind around the hem of the skirt, and if Sim hadn't have been so mad at that moment for making her dress so stupidly she would have noticed how her hair framed her face, making her thick brows look more regal and defined. She would have notice how the pale, pale green heighten the streaks of in in her own eyes. Yet, she was in to much of a murderous mood to care.


Thyme sat quietly in her chair wincing every time the strange girl tugged to hard as she brushed her waist long blonde hair. That at times when the sun hit it right looked almost golden," Oh, I'm sorry." Said a girl with red curly hair that glowed like fires embers in the room's dim light. She also donned the uniform of a maid who worked for the prince in the academy. Like all of the others Thyme had arrived in the wee hours of the night, tired and frail from the bumpy ride over coarse stones that laid some of the roads. She had stumbled her only guide were her hands and servant who she could no longer recall for she had been under the spell of sleep which made most forgetful.

She could still feel the aches and muscle sores from the night before, but now they were more dull and the bath that was given to her had helped greatly. Even though she almost died of shock when the red haired maid had tried to wash her. Eventually the maid just left the room leaving behind some sweet fruity smelling soaps and oils. Where she sat there and relaxed for a good thirty minutes, then walked out of the bathroom to find a fine power blue dress left on a chair, beside the door. She quickly dressed in it happy that it did not need a corset. Then sat down by the fire, warming herself and letting her golden locks dry by its flames.

The red hairs girl entered shortly after that and started to brush her hair, slowly and carefully as if trying to keep herself from waking a sick child. Careful with every strand, yet she still at times would snag on a tangle cause Thyme to want to shy away from her. It made her nervous being around this girl, not because she wasn't nice, or she seemed threatening. Thyme was just very very uncomfortable around people, and that is what scared her most about being her. There were so many other girls around. Most of which who would willing fight for the prince. Where she could barely lift a stick so much as keep someone from trampling her. She shivered at the though, and looked down at the pale milky skin of her palms. This was going to be a hard two weeks.

Thyme' Dress:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf61b9f83_ThymesDress.jpg.182527464322b630b90b1864ae5a2286.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf61b9f83_ThymesDress.jpg.182527464322b630b90b1864ae5a2286.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Sim's Dress:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf61bd38d_SimsDress.jpg.e588b2f1fb7625c40f26b3f67ba5a7e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf61bd38d_SimsDress.jpg.e588b2f1fb7625c40f26b3f67ba5a7e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Miki tried to keep a strait face as the maids rubbed her tough skin up and down with scented oils and perfumes. She was used to the charcoal smell of the furnace and the way her father smelled like fire wood, but all she could smell now were putrid fields of lavender and maiden flowers. The pulled and racked at her hair, trying to smooth it into a nice braid. They put little jewels in her hair to make it sparkle and shine. They then revealed the gown.

"No. I refuse to wear such a tight garment." She said, backing away slowly. They restrained her and put her in the dress. She tried to breathe, but that proved useless. It was easier to breathe in a room full of fire and smoke. She missed her home. One day she was just living her life, the next, she is being dragged across the country to meet some prince she didn't really care about. It's not like he paid attention to any of the other cities besides his own. They finished tightening the dress, as if it was not tight enough to breathe already, and walked her over to a mirror.

She was wearing a long black gown with a ruffled bottom. There were a few dashes of sparkle here and there and they had put gems in her hair to form a small crown above her forehead. They had put on a smoky eye that made her crystal eyes sparkle. She loved it and twirled a bit in celebration. That's when they pulled out the shoes. Oh the shoes. They were sparkly heals to match the dress. She sighed and put them on. Instantly, she was even taller. She looked at herself and tried to walk forward, which proved more complicated than expected. She was going to need walking lessons.



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Elli giggled as a maid tried to clean her filthy fingernails. After a few years, one learns that it's impossible to keep their hands clean. At least when they work in a stable. Another maid was pulling her curled, long, white locks into an elegant ponytail with a few tendrils of the soft hair hanging around her face.

Glancing at the dress she was meant to wear, Elli frowned. She simply refused to wear such a repulsive ensemble. Just like she had refused the disgusting smelling soaps and oils they had attempted to wash her with.

One of the maids motioned for her to stand. With a huff of indignation, She turned her head to the side and crossed her arms over her chest. She looked like quite the child in that moment.

Opening her mouth, she said, "Unless you wish for me to attend the Prince's greeting ceremony naked, you will find me another dress."

The maid sighed as if she had heard such a statement many times before. Shaking her head, the maid said, "Young lady, I need you to stand so we may dress you."

A dark look took over Elli's face. The maid fought to stand her ground against the intimidating young woman.

"I will not stand. I refuse to wear such a hideous gown when I meet my potential future husband," she said in a low, harsh voice, "I have the potential to be your princess one day. Would you like me to report you for abusing a bride-to-be of the prince?"

Both maids gasped and one rushed out of the room. Elli sat in the chair, staring at the other maid as they waited. Within the hour, the maid had returned with a suitable dress and Elli smiled before standing up.

"Now that," she said, "is much better! Was that really so hard?"

Without any further delay, Elli allowed the maids to dress her. As they tightened the corset, she allowed a groan to escape her. She had never worn a corset so tight and it made breathing difficult. Despite this, Elli smiled at the two maids who had gotten her ready to meet the Prince.

Looking in the full length mirror, Elli grinned. Her lavender colored eyes were dusted with a smoky grey and her lips were painted a natural pink. One of the maids weaved a few lavender flowers into her hair and the other helped her into her shoes. All in all, she looked quite amazing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f76671ae789db68862d238bedd2b0654.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f76671ae789db68862d238bedd2b0654.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.b193b3f91fb3c978dc1a787d772548c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.b193b3f91fb3c978dc1a787d772548c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sitting in a tub of lukewarm water, Cilia allowed an intimidating old maid to wash her hair and her body. Her pale skin was rubbed raw with a rough washcloth. Multiple soaps were poured into her hair and rubbed into her scalp.

Cilia squealed as a maid poured water over her head, washing away all the soaps they had cleaned her with. The harsh flowery scent made her head hurt, but she didn't dare say anything.

With her nose burning, Cilia allowed herself to be pulled out of the wash tub. The maids both took towels and began drying her off. Her cheeks flamed red with embarrassment at having to be naked in front of two strangers. After she was dry, she was led to sit in a chair tall enough to bring her almost eye to eye with the maids.

The first maid began brushing out her hair while another starts applying, in Cilia's opinion, way too much
makeup. She winced as the maids brush caught a few snags in her hair.

When the maids were finished with her hair and face, even Cilia had to admit she looked pretty. Her blue-green eyes were lined in black and her lips were coated in a nice red. Her soft blonde locks had been braided and twisted into a bun with a blue-green hibiscus flower pinned to it.

The harsh maid grabbed Cilia's arm and dragged her to stand in the middle of the room. She squirmed uncomfortably as the two maids put her in a dress that seemed much too expensive for a weavers daughter to be wearing.

Turning to look at the full length mirror, Cilia allowed a shy smile to grace her lips. She was happy to find that the maids had made her look quite pretty, even if the methods were a little rough.

The color of the dress should match her eyes more closely.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.c9ca3153c250ba5b8a87e53c469168a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19892" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.c9ca3153c250ba5b8a87e53c469168a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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It had been an unbearably hot day in Yurnits. The sun above in the clear blue sky blazed vigorously radiating everything and everyone that was under it's illuminating light. Drenching sweat was the only source of fluids that kept Loretta from igniting in flames. The heat seemed to penetrate her skin burning every inch of her body down to the bone and the hot air whipped her around like a broken twig. Yurnits had been inflicted with a blistering fever that dried out every inch of water left.

The bitter sweet stench of sweat and the putrid smell of rotten eggs filled the center market where Loretta worked. There were many tiny hand build stands. Some of them offered freshly grown fruits and vegetables. Others offered beautiful hand crafted jewelry made out of the seeds, pebbles, and wood. However, the product that overruled that small market where the silk linens. Walking by the market was like walking into an explosion of color given off by the smooth velvety silk fabrics used to fabricate the linens. Every possible color in every imaginable shade was present in that one market.

Granting all this rich scenery may leave a person imagining Yurnits being a flamboyant village, it is actually quite the opposite for the linens are priced to highly for Yurnitians to purchase. The silks are instead bought by rich dwellers that venture through Yurnits in their way to Essex. In spite of this, there is one store that does provide reasonable prices for the Yurnitians. The store of Madame Milandu, Loretta's boss, sells fabrics at cheaper prices than most of the other shops. Although the variety she offers isn't much, her business is able to stay afloat because of the low prices.


With only a few minutes left till closing, Loretta began placing all of the silky fabrics and soft cotton linens into boxes for storage. With sweat dripping from her forehead, Loretta rushed through the packing routine in order to be dismissed early. Box and box, Loretta kept going back and forth making sure that every textile was properly folded and stored until the next day. Madame Milandu supervised Loretta with her good eye while she sat back in her navy blue cushioned chair enjoying the fresh breeze created by a small plug in fan. Loretta looked at her boss enviously as she busted her hump with sweat trickling from her body.

After everything had been folded, packed, and stored, Loretta stood in front of Madame Milandu with her hands at her hips and an annoyed look on her face. "I'm done," She said abruptly. Madame Milandu lifted her neck and scanned the store. She slowly stoop up making her bones snap and crackle. "I'll expect you here tomorrow morning." Her voice was harsh and raspy. Loretta waited for Madame Milandu to retreat and then burst out the store running through the market towards her house.


Loretta arrived home slamming the door open and loudly announcing her arrival. Her house was a petite thing made up of a abode and rocks, but it was enough for her and her parents. She took off her shoes and headed to her room. The moment she plopped down in her bed her mother came in making and ear piercing squeal, "Eeekk! You are not going to believe this." Loretta's mother stood over her with a smile plastered on her face and a single yellow ginger in her hand. "Annalise do you know what this means?" She shook the flower in front of Lorettas face. Loretta grabbed hold of the flower and analysed it, "You're taking up a flower business?" Loretta's mother frowned in disapproval and sat down next to Loretta on the bed. "You have been chosen to attend Princess Academy," Loretta's mother's face glowed in happiness whereas Loretta looked as if she had just seen a mutilated body.

Loretta stood up from her bed and turned to look back at her mother, "There must be a mistake. I'm not...There's no way...No!" Loretta threw the yellow ginger to the flower and smashed it with her bare foot. "Loretta Annalise!" Her mother stood up in rage, "I will not tolerate that type of behavior." Her voice was resonating and powerful. She took a deep breath and placed her hand on Loretta's sweat stained face, "Honey don't you see, this is an opportunity of a life time. This is all we've ever prayed for. A chance to finally be the princess you've always been." Loretta shrugged off her mother's hand and softly added, "You mean you've always wanted me to be." Loretta paced around her room for a while and then finally looked at her mother with a pleading expression, "Mom, I'm not the princess you want me to be. I'm not like the other girls. When will you learn to accept who I am?" Loretta's mother smiled and walked towards Loretta placing a kiss softly on her forehead. "You'll make a wonderful princess my dear." She left the room.

"Ouch!...Stop!...Fu-would you quit that?" Loretta's hand lashed out at the maid who was trying to untangle the curled mess she called her. Striking her hard in the cheek, Loretta smirked in victory. "That's what you get." She was sitting in a long silver table in a bright pale white room. The only color she saw was her own flesh and the bright red hand print on the maid's cheek. The florescent lights made her feel uneasy and having someone constantly tearing at her scalp irritated Loretta. Her hand went up to her scalp and began to rub the sore spot that the maid had left. It had been hours since she had gotten here and all this dimwitted maid had done was yank at Loretta's hair in attempt to untangle it, but all she managed to do was get it even more intertwined. Loretta snatched the brush out of the maid's hand and began brushing her own hair. "This is how you do it." Within a few minutes she was done, hair untangled. She dropped the brush in front of her and grinned at the maid. "Anything else?"

Loretta instantly regretted having asked that. The maid that had attempted brushing her hair tackled her so she was laying down on the table. The maid quickly strapped down her arms and legs so Loretta wouldn't move, "What the... what are you doing let me out!" The maid looked at her with a sweet menacing grin, "It's for your own sake and mine." The maid turned around to grab a weird warm, gooey, yellow substance and began applying it to Loretta's legs. "What is that? What are you put-- AH!!" The maid placed a strip of paper over the warm wax and tore it off before Loretta could finish her sentence. After Loretta had struck her, the maid continued to wax off Loretta enjoying the sound of her pain.

It took a few more hours to get Loretta brushed, waxed, rinsed, washed twice, and dressed for the ceremony. The process of getting ready had been a real battle between the maid and Loretta that the maid had to call for reinforcements. The whole process would have gone a lot smoother and faster had Loretta not questioned and fought against everything the maids were doing. Nevertheless, in the end the maids came out victorious leaving Loretta as beautiful as a meadow lit up by the moonlight. They dressed her in an elegant black Gothic Victorian gown with a gold embroidered cross spreading across the abdomen and a subtle dark forest green cascade down the right side of the gown. Her mass of curls had been pinned up creating a lavishing dwindle of curls and kept together by a simply elegant pearl headband.

Proud of their work the maids guided the stubborn Loretta to a full length mirror. Her eyes had been sealed with a white cloth so Loretta wouldn't see the maid's work. When the blind fold was taken off, Loretta's eyes grew wide in astonishment. Her hands went up to touch her face and hair making sure it was really her. She gawked at her reflection noticing all the small details the maids had worked on. She had never felt so self-cautious as she did in that particular instant. She kept looking at the stranger in the mirror who was wearing a much prettier version of her face and a much neater and shinier hair. Suddenly Loretta felt the urge to cry. This wasn't who she was. She felt alienated and uncomfortable. Her skin was touching where it shouldn't be and her face was covered in gunk that smelled like chemicals and preservatives. Loretta tried to sit down but the gown was so tightly glued to her skin that she could barely breathe. The words her mother had said to her before they took her away resonated in her head, You'll make a wonderful princess. Loretta didn't want to be a princess, she just wanted to be...Loretta.

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Luna looked around at the others scattered around the room and wondered how in the world she ended up in this mess... she just sat there as the maid messed around with her long reddish-pink hair. She really didn't mind it at all which was why she was confused when she saw the others freaking out about it and her eyes widened when she saw one of the girl's strike a maid, what was the big deal, really? "Stop doing that!, can't you see she's only doing her job? why would you hit her?!" she didn't understand these people... ugghh these were going to be a long few days she didn't feel comfortable at all here.

"Thank you miss" the maid who had been doing her hair thanked her before moving on to applying makeup to her face. "It's rare to see a lady as pretty as yourself caring for some old wrenches such as ourselves, truly you have a kind heart" but none of that really mattered now did it? She didn't want to be a princess she only wanted to live her life and be a normal girl for once in her life... but of course that would never happen now would it? Luna couldn't help but remember back to a simpler time when she were a normal child and she would wait all day for her father to come home from work, he was always such a hard working man and he cared for his daughter deeply, to this day she still had no idea who in the right mind would have wanted her father dead... I mean he was always so kind to everyone it's not like he had any enemies everyone loved him so why? She sighed and tried to forget about all of that and focus on her surroundings. "What's troubling you dear?" the maid asked.

"Oh nothing really... don't worry I'm fine" she wasn't but there was no way she was going to let anyone know otherwise. "So... you really think I'm worthy of becoming a princess?" she didn't think so she was just so... not like them, not like the rich and beautiful people of Essex she didn't belong in a place like this. "Oh I assure you you are, with your attitude you'll be a favorite of the people I'm sure!" but there was no way some prince would choose her over all the other pretty women here... she didn't stand a chance, not that she actually wanted it in the first place but still. "May I ask?" the maid looked at her applying some minor blush. "Yes dear?" she bit her tounge "Nevermind..." she didn't want to be treated like this, it felt... unnatural.

"So what happens if the prince doesn't choose me?, do I get to go back to my normal life?" the maid sighed. She really wanted this girl to rulre the kingdom, she was tired of seeing all these spoiled rich people too... "You don't wish to become a princess my dear? I assure you it is a rather lavish lifestyle you would love it" but that was the point she wasn't going to become some snob like she was sure this so called prince would be.
Lexi wakes up to a maid shaking her and calling her name. "Hghuh?" Lexi grumbles as she turns and looks at the maid. "C'mon dearie, it's time to get you ready." The maid says kindly. "Okaayyy." Lexi yawns as she rolls over again but then falls off the bed. "Ow." She mumbles as she struggles to get up. "What- what time is it?" Lexi yawns. "4:00 dearie." The maid replies as she leads Lexie to a lukewarm bath. "A.M?" Lexi exclaims groggily. "Yes dearie." The maid replies as Lexi begins to undress so she can get in the bath, oblivious to the surrounding girls who are all getting baths. "Ughggg." Lexi groans at being up this early. Even her mom didn't wake her up this early, she always woke her up at 6:00.

After Lexi's bath, she feels great. Her lightly tanned skin has a pink tint to it, her hair smells of roses and is soft and shiny. The maid towel dries Lexi's hair so the wet hair won't ruin her exquisite, dark red dress. After her hair is completely dry the maid brushes through her hair. After she finishes brushing through her mid-back, long, wavy, dark brown hair, the maid reaches for the dress.

Lexi gasps in astonishment as she sees the magnificent dress. She closes her eyes to make sure she's not dreaming. First I get to come to the princess academy, then I get to be put in this beautiful dress. Lexi wasn't exactly excited to be meeting the prince. Lexi has heard of his charm and charisma getting him whatever he wanted. There's one thing Lexi was for sure off though, he wasn't going to win her over, no matter how hard he tried, that's if even noticed her with all these other girls.

The maid puts the gown on Lexi and ties it tight, although Lexi doesn't care, her mother always did this to her. The trick was to suck in your gut and don't deep breath. Then you don't feel like your suffocating. The maid places a red jeweled choker necklace with one jewel hanging, around Lexi's neck. She then places a pair of shiny, black, closed toed heels upon Lexi's feet. The maid then starts working on Lexi's hair. She leaves most of her hair down, but takes two strands from right above Lexi's ears and braids them until they join together at the back of her head. She ties the two strand of braided hair together with a black ribbon. Then the maid works on Lexi's makeup. She lightly paints a deep red on Lexi's lips and adds a pink powder upon her cheeks so they look flushed. She then adds a light black upon her eyelids that bring out the black in her dress. Lexi opens her eyes and looks in the mirror before her. She looks stunning.
Mandi was up before the sun even rose. She was always a morning person and after changing into her maids gown and fixed a long braid down her back. She goes out of her families small home and walks 4 blocks down the street to the rich merchants place. She unlocked the back door and immediately got to work. She started on her hands and knees. Scrubbing the floor and dusting the shelves.

After an hour of intensive work she locked up the shop and stepped back into the darkness. She walked back to her home but instead of entering she went to the back and started feeding all of the livestock. She then put in gloves and proceeded to clean up after the animals. She mutters sarcastically under her breath "I'm meeting the ever so famous prince and I'm scrubbing feces off of the dirt. Funny isn't it" I stress ever so famous. I blow a strand of hair out of my face.

The sun starts to come up the horizon and my younger sister Lena comes to help with the livestock. "Are you excited for today?" Lena asked.

"Not ever so slightly" mandi responds. We continue to finish the chores and then she tells mandi that she has a surprise waiting for her in her room. Mandi follows her curiously into their conjoined room and lying across Lena's bed is a converted maids dress.

Mandi intakes a breath shocked. Lena fills in the silence "I know it's not much. But you need something to wear tonight" mandi hugs Lena so tightly.

"It's Amazing. Thank you"

Mandi slowly starts to change
Avangilene sat in the chair the maid had instructed her to sit in. She had just been washed and dried, her lightly tanned skin slightly pink, but it was slowly going back to its normal color. She sat with her hands folded in her lap, an under dress on as she didn't have to sit there naked. The maid picked up a brush and started brushing Ava's hair, every now and then a small wince coming forth from her, but she was otherwise quiet.

She had no problem getting up so early, since she was a seamstress' assistant, she had to get up early to start sewing together dresses and suits, sometimes even put them on to get the size correct. The maid finished brushing her hair, it not as long as some of the others. She mostly wore it pulled back and tied up away from her face; not that it helped much, her bangs and the shorter hair falling into her face quite often.

The maid set the brush down, moving the chair around to apply the make-up to Ava. She did as she was told, opening and closing her eyes, lifting her head and puckering up her lips. After the maid was done, she had a dark outline of eyeliner on that made her green eyes pop even more; a soft reddish eye shadow to compliment her skin and a darker red lipstick. She wasn't allowed to see so she was pulled from the chair and to stand in the middle of the room. Almost instantly, she stepped into the dress and lifted her arms so the back could get tightened. It surprisingly wasn't a corset, but it did need to be tied so it would stay in place.

After the maid finished the dress, she carefully sat Ava back down and went to do her hair. The maid stood there for a good couple of minutes before finally coming up with something that would finish the look. Her bangs and the shorter hair were left to frame her face while the rest was pulled back, braided and then pinned around her head so she had what looked like a braid crown. The maid set in more pins, so it would fall out of place. Ava was helped into matching shoes for the dress and then was pulled before the full length mirror.

Ava stood before the mirror, in a little bit of awe. She had seen many a dresses, but none quite like this one. The top looked like it was covered in feathers, black feathers with a dark green glint to them. She knew they were fake, she needed to know things like that. Just above her hips started the rest of the dress; a different material than the top, a tulle material, that layered once over the dark tealish green of the actual dress. Sitting just below the top and set to the side was a small jeweled section, underneath the jewels are more feathers. The maid came back with a necklace, a single gem on a small chain. She blushed lightly as she looked at herself. She was definitely more pretty than she had thought.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-5_13-51-47.jpeg.59c18ee4c1e7940435a1fe82f24bd1bf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-5_13-51-47.jpeg.59c18ee4c1e7940435a1fe82f24bd1bf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Cy woke the moment she heard movement. Slowly, her hand moved to the large flower-piece created by her sister. It sat by her pillow, where she'd laid it to rest after removing it from her hair the day before. The day of her arrival. The muscles in her abdomen flexed as she called on them to swiftly sit up when the intruder was close in range.

"EEP!" the poor maid shrieked. "M-M'lady..." she released an involuntary laugh, "You scared me."

The sun was not up, it did not grace the curtains with its beams, so much was obvious.

"Why are you here?"

"To prep you for the day, of course, M'lady..."

Ah... yes, of course. What had possessed Cy to believe she'd have the morning to herself? She raised the large, false flower in her hand and pushed it into the side of ear.

"You can leave that here, M'lady, we'll be heading to the baths first..." the maid trailed off as Cy's eyes connected with her own. Cy could see she was intimidating the young woman. The maid was no more than twenty one, perhaps it was their closeness in age that had her falter come face-to-face with Cy's winter grasped expression.
This would be a time to smile. She thought of Samantha's smile, perhaps likened to a sunflower on fire, or Cassandra's, so still and serene, like the ocean's surface on a wind-dead day.

Yet she herself could not bring one to her lips.
Winning over was never my strength. Instead, she softly inclined her head, leaving the false flower on the bed.

~ ~ ~

'Winning over' was not something that came remotely close to happening. After firm insistence, Cy had bathed herself, alone, outside the eyes of others.
To be the part, byfirst one must look the part, she could hear the lesson echo within her mind. To the king himself down to the lowliest bucket wench, all had to see her looking the part, being the part. And that would not have happened had they seen her body.

Which came to the next 'not winning over' part, Cy's firm insistence that she be given wear before she step out. Though this the maid protested, saying the only thing they had was long underwear which was
severally outdated, let alone out of style, Cy would not budge. "It will do."

So, covered from ankle to wrist in a cotton garment that reminded Cy of Kranx's winter thermals, save that the material was differentially thinner, she was seated in front of the mirror so the maid could finally do her job. As her hair was swept up behind her, Cy eyed the dress standing on the artificial woman-body.
What scents, she thought, I've not ever breathed a thing like this. Never thought it to exist, she recalled the scents of her part of Kranx, the pungent rot aromas that festered and soaked into everything. What clothes, even the finest wear in Kranx had never looked anything like the dress did. It would not compare to any cloth she'd felt before, either, when they put it on her.

A gorgeous midnight blue, lace and satin working in harmony. The maids had chosen one with a high neck and long sleeves and floor-touching frock to cover up the out-of-date wear they couldn't seem to talk Cy out of. Upon her loose bun the maid had also placed several small blue flowers that, with the dress, both caused her pale-blue eyes to look bluer. Her lips were painted a natural color, but it gave them shine, and her eyes a smokey touch that complimented the overall color theme. As she'd discerned, it was not conducive to movement. But Cy hadn't accounted for how hard it would be to breathe in the dress as well.

Never the matter, to move efficiently was not what she needed to do now, despite how vulnerable she felt without the ability.
Adapt. Become. She gazed at her own reflection, The clarity... this mirror nothing like the one at home, even its frame shined with designs worked intricately into metal. the workmanship... a feeling surged within her that likened exactly to the one she'd felt on the day of the choosing. Town square was filled to the brim with a brilliant array of colors and scents. Never had she known so many kinds of flowers existed. Her insides lightened, her toes curled, and she could see in the clear-beyond-belief reflection the corners of her eyes crinkle... Remember your objective, she heard Mister's voice in her mind's ear. Her expression reformed itself.

You needn't remind me.
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Jack had already been awake when the maids came in at hell knows what hour since she hadn't been able to sleep at all that night. What the hell was she even doing here? She hated this world, the rich people, those who thought they were above everyone else. But she wasn't allowed to back out sadly, as much as she wished she wished she could.

As they ran her a bath and told her to get in it, Jack actually made them leave and bathed herself rather than let the maids do it. It just was not gonna happen, she refused. She would get out of playing by the rules as much as she could while she was here. It took her a while and the bath smelled way way too girly and preppy for her liking but Jack didn't really have a choice on that part.

Once she was eventually done it was apparently time to start on her hair. begrudgingly Jack let them do what they wanted but she wasn't going to stick with it at this rate. They were twisting her hair into so way over the top updo and she just wanted to tear it all out and leave it simple. When she saw the whole thing done, she did what she wanted to do while they'd been doing it and tore it all down to hang loose much to the annoyance of the maids but right now she didn't care. Then, came the dress... Oh hell they actually expected her to wear a dress... Jack felt like hitting something she really did right now. However they forced her into it, not taking no for an answer and Jack was left no choice but to keep it on once they were done.


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Aria's eyes remained closed as she sat in the metal tub. A few maid tended to her, one on her toes, another on her fingernails, and the last two doing her hair and makeup. She listened to the other girls around her, quite a few of them fighting the maids for various reasons, mainly some of them not used to what was going on. Her mother told her, before she left, not to worry about catching the prince's attention but more on the skills she would be taught. It would help if she came back home, since she only had a small percentage of winning his heart anyway, so she should focus on other things so this wouldn't be time wasted.

As she felt the last of the maids hands move away, she opened her eyes and saw a hand. She took it and balanced herself as she stepped out of the tub and the other of her designated maids began drying her off. She looked at a covered figure by the tub as she waited for them to finish. She assumed that was the dress she would be wearing. The other girls got fine dresses, all of which she assumed were what this years fashion would be. Soon enough the maids finished towling her off and took the sheet off the form.

Underneath she saw a dress of the finest silk she'd ever laid eyes on, and that's saying something considering she's a merchants child and fine goods travel through her parents shop plenty. The colour is that of the night sky. The maids skillfully slipped a petticoat on over her head, fastening it tightly. After that they took out a corset. Her eyes widened. She'd never though that she would wear one of those. They wrapped it around her and tightened it. She felt like she could hardly breath, well she couldn't but still.

finally they slipped the silky, blue gown over her and buttoned it up the back. After they straightened it out, they gently pushed her over to the mirror. Aria held her breath as she looked at herself. She looked like the women she read about in pirate stories, the princess getting captured or even the beautiful mermaids that lure sailors to their doom. For just a second, she thought she had a chance at capturing the prince's heart.

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Mira grimaced as her mother tightened the string on her gown. She absolutely hated the aspect of having to be preened and dressed up for presentation. She did not want to go to the Princess Academy to be beautified for a prince who probably knew not a speck about hard-work. Mira's mother proceeded to braid the girl's raven black hair and place adornments into the silky strands. The 17 year old girl stared at her appearance in the slim, long mirror propped up in front of her. She knew she was beautiful, but it seemed to be the only thing everyone--including her mother--seemed to see in her. When her mother finished, she smiled upon her daughter, saying, "You're ready. Here's your flower." The girl's young looking mother plucked the flower off of the table and lodged it into her hair. It was a beautiful flower: it had white petals with strings of deep violet in each. Her mother gestured to two necklaces that glittered brilliantly. Mira knew that she had to choose one. It was either the one with the black gem or the one with the crystalline white one. Her hand hovered over the space inbetween the two, as if it was deciding. Mira picked up the white necklace and placed it upon her neck. It was almost time, and she was going to whoop with joy when she was not picked.



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After they had done Luna's hair and makeup she went to try on her dress. She had managed to talk the maid into letting her choose her own and she smiled immediately finding the one she wanted. It was beautiful and she was sure it was different than what the other girl's would be wearing and she never liked being part of the crowed. She just wanted to stand out a bit and be different, besides the dress was amazing she just couldn't say no to it! She was really starting to feel like a princess wearing something like this, it was a black dress with a matching collar and mini top hat which she loved to accessorize. The dress wasn't exactly your typical flowy gown and was a bit short but she didn't really care this was her and she was going to express who she was and that mean't not blending in with the in crowed. She just wasn't like all of those elegant proper ladies she sleek and cunning, which she felt was expressed in this sort of attire. It was her style and it set her apart from everybody else and she loved it. Now all she needed was to vent, she was all dressed up like some doll so she figured she might as well take advantage of the time she had here.

(Dress and Hat)

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She snuck out from the closet after making sure her corset was done properly fearing the worst if anyone but herself had done it... she decided to go explore the castle, she really didn't care if she got into trouble I mean what would they do tell her it was un lady-like and tell her to stop? as if she really cared. She kept moving sneaking by some guards on the way and by who she thought was the prince for a moment but couldn't get a clear enough view to tell for sure... she moved on after a slight anxiety attack thinking she was going to get caught sneaking around. She eventually found the room she had been looking for "Jackpot!!" she had found the castle's music room full of the most priceless instruments and she had heard that some of the worlds greatest musician's had played here before which made her feel honored for the first time to be at the palace. She smiled softly reading through the compositions and finding some she was familiar with. She went toward the grand piano not really caring at this point who heard her or even if she got caught she began to play her favorite song on the piano, a very sad melody it was about a story, well more of a local legend really about a widow who kept hearing noises in the night and eventually she found out it was their dead Fiancee and even though they are dead they can't leave their love behind so they end up staying together even though they can't touch each other or even communicate they still tried to make it work until the very end. It was a story she always loved, it touched her heart and always calmed her down at times like these... she needed this.



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Once the maids finally left Persimmon, she got to work. Sim exits the dressing room looking like a carefully crafted china doll. Her nails done, makeup tastefully painted onto her face. She was a vision of beauty, and she hated it. This wasn't how she was spouse to look like so rich child's toy, so she went into her bedroom, smiling as she reaches under the mattress where she hide a pair of trousers and a loose blouse. The only real matter that would be difficult would be getting off this torture of a dress before those crones came back. She looked around for anything that she could use to cut the strings of the corset she was wearing, anything at all. It didn't even have to be that sharp.

She sighed after turning the room upside down trying to find something even resembling a knife, but with no luck. So, she then turned to the mirror her back facing towards it while her head twisted around so that she may see what she was doing.
I'm going to have to do this the hard way. She thought then started pulling and tugging at the strings that laced up and down her back, attempting with great difficultly to loosen them," Please, by God Almighty let me be free of this demon." Sim says in a somewhat dramatic voice, letting out a small grunt as she yanks at the strings again succeeding in tightening the stupid thing. Though that didn't seem to make her stop, finally after about 20 minutes of suffering Persimmon noticed that the knot which keeps the corset on her had loosen, and she quickly undid it. Once the corset was off the dress slide off easily making the rest of the transformation easier.

After Persimmon was released from the dress she quickly strip the rest of what the maid has done away, washing off the makeup and undoing the pins in her hair. She then button up the dark emerald green blouse and pulled the dirt brown trousers up off her ankles. The clothes she wore now, were dusty and old, and they smelt of the mines. They smelt like home.

Sim made her way out of her bedroom and walking down the grand halls of the Academy, not taking care to hide. It wasn't as if they could hurt her for being curious. She was in the middle of making her way to the kitchen before she heard a low screech enter her ears. It was the sound of panic and worry, the sound of someone who had just found out that there charge might have just found out that they ripped off there dress and may or may not be running around in the nude for they thought they had burned all their old clothes in the kitchen fire the night before. Persimmon ran down the hall, slightly terrified and made her way into a room barely hearing the sad melody that was played by a girl in a shocking black dress.

Thyme yawned as the fire roared on into the morning. The preparation were done, so truly she had nothing to do until they called on her to meet Prince Leon, she looked down at her pale hands a little shot of anxiety rushing through her . Oh, god how she hated this. There were so many people and it seemed so crowed. She had never been to a place so crowed. There were maids, servants, slaves, cooks, and higher nobles. There were teachers, classes she would soon me taking, and it all terrified her. It was as if she was in a hive full of bees and they kept buzzing and buzzing, and then her mind would surly explode from the never ending noise.

She clinched the soft blue fabric of her skirts, breathing hard. It is just to horrible. Her mind buzzed and her heart started to beat faster. She had to leave, and she needed to leave now. As she leaped up out of her chair and ran to the door her mind started to claim slightly, but not enough for her to stop her actions. Thyme dashes out of the room and into the hallway, running down the maze of halls before calming down," I'm being and idiot," she whispers to herself, before turning make. Breathing which had be getting hard just a few minutes ago had finally slowed back to a normal rhythm.

She went back her room and sat again by the fire, leaving her door open so just anyone could see what she was doing. Her eyes starting to droop before she hears a sudden outraged scream echo down the halls. She doesn't move, yet stays perfectly still her chair. The scream didn't like one of someone in pain. Just a angry. Maybe it was just one of the other girls.

Leon Angelico Deynair sat dutifully in the hair backed chair as he was told, an old man, his barber Samuel trimming the back of his hair. Unlike his brothers he never got it fully chopped off, so now it flowed like a strands of woven gold down to his lower back, slightly curling at the edges of it. His hair was one of the marks of the Royal family along with the birthmark on his left shoulder of a lions paw. Once Samuel finished with the trimming careful disposing the hair in the fireplace he braid a single strand of the Prince's hair up front tying it in place with a thick piece of leather, then bowed to Leon before exiting the room backwards, not daring to turn his back towards the prince as tradition calls that those of lower rank must obey this law.

Leon stood looking himself in the mirror a charismatic smirk on his face," How do I look Vladdy? Sharp?" He calls to his adviser who stood a good distance away from him, as always. It annoyed him when he did that. He turns away from the mirror which glass had been freshly cleans and framed polished this morning. He stood in his sitting room, which was plushly furnished. The stone walls painted and engraved with the stories and legends of his ancestors, shades of reds, blues, golds, greens, and browns everywhere. Every picture described something else. They told stories of great hunts and wicked battles, about how his great great great great, so many greats that one grows tired saying them grand father was blessed by the lion Leonious in which Leon got his name. He stared at the walls oddly disinterested in them, before then again turning to Vladimr.

"Oh, dearest Vladimr," His tone sarcastic," What time shall we be leaving today to the academy so that I may see the girls that I may chose from." His voice took on a dark, almost alarming tone, but it was said with a chuckle upon his lips, " I ask because I am quite anxious, you see. It is not everyday that I get to see a room full of lovely ladies of which one like become my queen." He stands straighter, playing with the collar of his tailored jacket, the sound of the buckles clanking filling the almost silent room for a few second.
(Good God This is the first time I have posted some much. In one post)
Elli tapped her long fingernails on the arm of her chair. Her maids had left almost as soon as they had finished helping her into her dress. The two older women were quite intimidated by the young bride-to-be. The room she sat in was quite boring, despite the lavish decoration.

With a huff of determination, Elli stood up. She was going to find something to entertain her whether her maids liked it or not. She walked over to the door of her room, peeking her head out to see the hall. Seeing no one, she stepped out and turned to the left.

Walking as quickly as her dress and shoes allowed, she tried to find a door to the outside. After several minutes of gazing out the windows and looking at the artwork on the walls, she found a set of double doors leading out to a veranda. She took a deep breath through her nose and a smile lit up her face. She smelled the distinct scent of horses and hay.

Scanning the surrounding area, she quickly found the largest stable she had ever seen. Her jaw dropped at the sheer size of the building and she wondered just how many horses were housed inside. She soon found that running in heels was much easier than she had thought it would be as she ran towards the double doors, the long material of her dress lifted up around her knees.

As soon as she reached them, she opened them up and walked into the dimly lit building. The smell of horses and hay was much more powerful as she walked further into the building.

"Now this," she said in awe, "is a stable."


Cilia sat quietly next to the window in her room. The sun shone on her, making her feel a bit warm, but she didn't care. The view was absolutely spectacular.

Her eyes constantly scanned the rows and rows of beautiful flowers. She had never seen so many flowers in her life, and definitely not so many different types. A small smile graced her lips as she stood. The dress she had been made to wear was quite uncomfortable to sit down in.

"I wonder what the prince is like... Is he like the stories tell? Arrogant and standoffish? Or is he just misunderstood? I'm glad I went to the market that day, I'll get to learn so much here. Even if he doesn't choose me, the experience is worthwhile," she spoke softly as she wandered around the room.

Stumbling slightly, Cilia cursed the shoes that had been forced upon her feet by the rough old maid. She had only been wearing the shoes for a short time, but her feet already hurt.

She just couldn't win. If she sat down, she had difficulty breathing. If she stood, it made her feet hurt worse. Walking to the door, Cilia stuck her head out. Glancing from side to side, she checked to see if either of her maids were nearby. Not seeing them, she walked back to her chair and sat down. She lifted her feet one by one and took her shoes off.

Standing up, she sighed in relief when her feet didn't start throbbing immediately. "That's better," she muttered as she paced the room. She was tempted to leave, but she didn't want her maids to find her outside of her room.
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Miki watched as the maids left. She tried to walk, having some success, but not all the time. She ended up landing on her but more than a few times. The dress didn't help much either. She loved the look of it, but it weighed like 3 tons. Miki lifted her dress up and tried to walk, which made her fall again, this time on her face. She picked herself up and checked a mirror to make sure her hair and makeup still looked ok. She looked around and found a piano in the corner of the room. She opened up the cover hesitantly, looking at the pearly white keys. She sat down, careful not to wrinkle the dress, and began to play.

She began to sing one of her favorite songs, fudging the keys a bit as she had not touched a piano in some time. She started off.

Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'll be the one, if you want me to

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I am feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall

I'm still learning to love

Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I will swallow my pride

You're the one that I love

And I'm saying goodbye

Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-oh-oh-oh)

Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something...

She looked out the window. Every time she heard that song, she cried. She dabbed her eyes to prevent her makeup from running and stood from the piano. She sat by the window and looked outside, wondering what life was like without her back home.
Left. Right. Lef..Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall... Okay...Left. Right... With one foot in front of the other Loretta wobbled her way along the hallway stomping her feet hard on the floor for extra grip. One of her arms was spread out for balance as the other one was glued on to the wall for support. Destination, her room. It wasn't a far walk, but being in high heels made Loretta feel like she was walking the tight rope. With every step of the way her ankle would twist and Loretta would lose her balance. It was like watching a baby walk for the first time.

Without the heels she would have gotten there in less than a second, but with the torture devices that girls seem to enjoy wearing, it had taken Loretta a few minutes to just get out of the dressing room she was in and take five steps into the hallway. Loretta took a small break after walking five steps. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. You've got this Lory. You can do it. Your room is only a few more feet away. She opened her eyes and stared at her room at the end of the hall. She took a look down at her swollen feet and then back up at the room. The hall seemed to stretch farther and farther creating an impression of double distance. Her knees gave out in exasperation.

Loretta waved her arms around in hopes of grabbing something to hold on, but only ended up dropping a vase that was in a small side table in front of her. The vase crashed on the floor spilling water and pieces of ceramic every where. Her neck popped up and quickly searched the hall to see if anyone had seen the mess she made. Giving a small breath she crept around the spilled water and continued to teeter to her room.

About another five more steps she took another break. The obvious solution to her problem was to just take off the heels, but if Loretta was faltering on two feet, balancing herself in one foot while she took off the shoe in the other would be suicide. She thought about just bending down, but the dress was skintight a slight bend would tear it open. So with no other remedy and blisters on her feet, Loretta wiggled her way to her room.
Avangilene stood in front of the mirror for another moment before she looked down at the dress herself. Instantly, she was looking at it as fabric and not as the gorgeous garment it was. She was lifting the dress; looking at the seams and the different layers, making sure that nothing was out of place.

Her looked around the room, the dress over her head in the back as she went to the dresser with the mirror on it. She searched the drawers and pulled out a small sewing kit, removing the scissors and snipping a piece of loose thread. She felt ten times better. As she continued looking over the dress and snipped a few more pieces off, she put the kit back and twirled, then nodded at herself with approval. "Perfect."

Her head snapped to her door as she heard commotion in the hallway. She moved quite easily to the door. It apparently wasn't the first time she wore heels, but being a seamstress daughter it made sense she had to try on all the dresses and they had to be a certain length, even with heels. She blinked as she saw the girl wriggling about on the floor and couldn't help but smile. A girl who wasn't use to heels. She moved over, and helped the poor girl up. "Hey, don't worry, you'll get use to them. Which one is your room? My name is Avangilene, it's nice to meet you."
Aria let out a heavy breath as soon as her maids left. Looking around her room, it was about the same size of her room on the boat back home. Letting out a sigh as she thought of home, she moved a chair over to the silver tub of water. She dipped her fingers into the water and twirled them around. She missed home. Even if it was only two weeks, she wanted to go back. She already knew she wouldn't be the one who would be chosen. She would have to make the best of it though.

With a clearing of her throat, she stood up, wiping her wet hand on a towel the maids put to the side. Hearing sounds outside, she wondered if it was alright to leave their rooms. Once she looked outside, she saw no one. Stepping out, she left her door open and began to walk down the hall. Feeling a bit anxious, she turned and went back to her room. The maids did say it would be time to meet the prince soon. She didn't want to get in trouble on her first day. Sitting back down at her chair, she waited for someone to tell her they were ready.
Vladimir turned to Prince Leon as he was asked his opinion of his appearance. " You look fine, your highness. The girls would fight like warriors to just have you kiss their hand. " He gave a smile, it wasn't polite to show any emotion other than pleasure when in the presence of ones betters. " And we shall be leaving as soon as the girls are all prepared for you to see them. It should be any time now. " Walking to the door, he gave a quick glance down the hall to see if anyone was coming to tell them the news.

The hall was barren, though it was most days. Turning to his highness he asked, " Would you care to take a walk before you meet the ladies ? We can always see what the maids are saying about them, so you can have a good idea before hand. " If they walked along the busy halls, they would be able to hear all of the gossip, though the maids were dirty as they worked all day, so the prince may not like it. It was his choice though. Soon enough though, there was a knock at the door.
Hating waiting around, Jack headed out of the room. She had to say that right now she was rather glad for the jobs that had involved her actually having to dress and act like a girl, it meant she was comfortable in the heels and if she didn't have this stupid dress of she would've been able to run in them. Still, for now Jack settled with walking the halls, working out the layout and creating a map in her head with the hope of getting out of here when the opportunity arose.
In any other circumstance, Loretta would have played the tough card and not accepted any help at all. It was part of her nature to toughen things out and suck it up. Without anybody to help her out back in Yurnits, Loretta learned to do things herself. But at the rate that she was going at and with the her blistered feet pulsating in pain, she welcomed all the help she could get. Loretta leaned on the girl who has just introduced herself as Avangilene. "It's the 4th door to the left."

Once she was steady, Loretta took a few small breaths and prepared herself to continue walking. She had a tight grasp on Avangilene She looked amazing compared to her. Her dress was impeccable and her eyes were beyond gorgeous. Loretta began to feel self-cautious again and looked down feeling ashamed of herself. "I'm Loretta," she said almost in a whisper.

Like a clown dressed up for a performance, Loretta let Avangilene guide her to her room. She didn't know what she was doing here. If they hadn't noticed, she wasn't really princess material. She's heard that with a bit of time carbon could turn into a beautiful diamond, but in Loretta's case, she was noting but a stone. A hard stone that would never be a pretty diamond. Loretta would never be the princess everyone seemed to want her to be.
As Ava walked with Loretta, a smile pulled her lips. "That's a pretty name and you look very lovely in that dress." She glanced at her from time to time, getting the feeling that she didn't feel as confident as she should. They reached Loretta's room after about a moment of walking.

She helped her sit down and smiled, kneeling down to loosen the poor girl's shoes, but didn't remove them, otherwise she would not get use to them. She then sat on the floor in front of Loretta, her dress flowing around her, covering her legs and looked up at the girl. "Where are you from?" She tilted her head, blinking softly, eyes full of curiosity and wonderment.

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