Princess Academy [Inactive]

"A great amount of free time we've been given," Cy spoke to her reflection upon the standing body-length mirror. Here, in her room, Cy had finished scouring every corner. Her heels, removed and neatly arranged by the foot of the bed. On top of training, she reflected, they should have trained us in use of these. Her pale blue eyes ran over the dress on her person. "Is the purpose to impede woman's motion?" Her reflection gave her no response. Cy moved away from the mirror, her bare feet making no sound upon the carpeted stone floor. The fibers against the hardened skin of her soles felt impossibly lush.

She heard a number of sounds. A rageful scream. The distant sound of a piano, perhaps two, and maybe singing? The clip-clops of heels against stone floor as fellow candidates passed the closed room of her door. The shattering of something glass. Still, lengthy periods of silence settled between the sounds. In comparison, the confines of the building she was now housed in was much calmer than the chaotic bustling of the city of Kranx.

The shoes would in no way make her next task an easy one, perhaps not even doable. Decision: Do without them. Her ragged, worn shoes she'd come to Essex with were no where to be seen. Cy decided her bare feet could carry her swiftly and efficiently.
Full knowledge of your surroundings cannot be enough stressed, the lesson recalled echoed internally. First, the surrounding grounds. Then, the lowest floor, and she'd make her way from there.

Objective secured, Cy eased open the door leading out the room. A once-over of the hall showed two girls disappearing into one of the rooms, leaving the corridor empty. Cy silently slipped out of her room and padded down the hall in the direction of the stairs.
Mandi finally reached the kingdom, after her long tiresome day of journeying. She desperately wanted to rip off her dress but was happy to be wearing her worn out red converse underneath. She slowly looks around the spacious area packed with girls around her age. She immediately went over to the food trays and took something to eat.
Luna played her piano until a maid found her sneaking around and dragged her out with a sigh. It was the same one who had her earlier "Now come on, I know how you feel but you can't just wander off like that young lady" Luna rolled her eyes not really caring what she had to say. "I know you may not have wanted to come here but I'm convinced you weren't sent that letter by accident, I'm sure it had to be some sort of fate your here and whether you want to or not isn't it only the right thing to try, even if you don't like the prince you could at least be polite enough to act as if you want to be there, do you understand now? I've been a maid for a long time and I can assure you Leon isn't as bad as he might first seem..." Luna took that into account "Well, I hope that's true but I just can't see someone who has been living such a lavish lifestyle, how he could possibly understand the people he's supposed to rule over... I suppose your right though, I should at least try, it's only the courteous thing to do and my father told me before that times like these would happen when I'm put in a bad situation but I just have to keep climbing up that never ending mountain they call life huh?"

The maid nodded smiling. "thank you for understanding, my name is Bertha by the way..." she heard the prince and Vlad talking through the door and both her and Luna listened in on them. "Stay outside milady" Bertha was the one who had knocked on the door. She wanted to see how Leon was doing as well as oblige them with sharing what she knew about the potential brides. Luna agreed to stay outside the door and wait, she tried to hear what was being said inside she honestly felt it was her job to judge this so called prince more than it was him to choose a princess.
Judging by the range of sounds around her, the kind maid who she found was names Tyla, informed her of the expectations. She was a forge girl! Not some primped up princess! Grace sighed and fingered the blue material of the exotic dress. It was beautiful, and the gold in her shoes helped the blue to further bring out the red in her hair.

She thought back to before, the grueling work of getting her ready, her legs felt naked and bare, and her head sore from all the pins that found their way into her skull. If only they would let Mika in here.. (Her kitten). She stood and made her way to the elegant mirror and winced at the pain her shoes shot into her as she walked. She truly was unrecognizable.

Her hair that was usually down, was now pinned in curls atop her head, the usual flaming red hair was now crimson in color. The dress was a beautiful royal blue, the neckline was extravagant and covered the tops of her shoulders and went down in an A-line fashion. And the gold shoes and hair pins tied it together. She truly looked like a princess, but did she feel it?

Her maid ushered her into a room where she was met by two girls that were stunning to look at. It was then she noticed one was on her knee adjusting the other's shoe. "Umm.. hello!" She said awkwardly with a kick from Tyla. "I'm Gracelynn James.. and you two are?" She fumbled her fingers which were a pale pink from being scrubbed to death to remove the calluses.

(Sorry I arrived late, these notifications man!)




Her dress at the top has gold embroidery instead of that silver blue mess lol.
As Miki was off into space, her maids came back in and touched up her makeup. They then dragged her down to where everyone else was. There were a lot of pretty dresses like hers and a few different ones. All of the girls looked equally royal though. She felt out of place. She wanted to go back home so badly it hurt. Everyone seemed like an queen, except her. Maybe one or two of them weren't wealthy but that was about it. She wandered over to the food and nibbled on some crackers and waited.
Loretta submerged in the pleasure of instant relief when she was finally able to sit down and loosen up the plastic torments from her feet. She sunk in the chair that Avangeline helped her get to. It was a soft plum colored cushion on an elegant dark mahogany chair. It seemed fit for a queen's throne. Loretta shifted her bottom around delighting in the pleasure of such soft chair. This is nice! You don't get chairs like these back at home.

When she was done being delighted by the comfort of the chair, she turned to Avangeline and smiled. "I'm from Yurnits, the small dessert village several miles from here." The thought of her hot, dirt filled village gave Loretta a sense of yearning for a dirt road to run in or some sand dunes to climb. The lavish room was nice and all, but Loretta just wanted to go home. She felt homesick.

Loretta was a bit uncomfortable with a girl as pretty as Avangeline sitting with a girl as unattractive as Loretta was. She did like her style of just sitting on the floor though. I guess her dress isn't as tight as mine, or maybe she just knows how to move around in dresses. She was about to try bending over and taking her shoes off when a girl entered her room.

The girl that looked as stunning as Avangeline introduced herself and asked for their names. With not only one but two girls dazzling in the spotlight, Loretta felt like a burnt out Christmas light in back of a Christmas tree. She hunched a bit feeling insecure. "I'm Loretta."
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Avangilene smiled at Loretta. "I've heard it's a nice place. I'm from Rooks." She tilted her head lightly at the girl again and smiled. "You shouldn't think so low of yourself.." Her words trailed off as she looked up to see a new girl.

"Hello. I'm Avangilene." She smiled and patted the floor beside her. "Please, come on in and join us! We're just talking about the places we live."
Smiling softly, Grace joined the two girls, looking at Avangilene, "Actually, I think I recognize you, I'm from Rooks as well, and my name is Gracelynn, but you can just call me Grace." She beamed at them, they wasn't so bad. Sitting, she adjusted her dress and looked at the two, admiring them both. Loretta had soft features that were very beautiful, her make up was applied perfectly, and she held herself in a very pristine way. Then looking at Avangilene, she definitely recognized her, she was the seamstresses daughter! She definitely was one of the ones who stood out in their home. As she herself blended in with the usual red heads of the population, Ava had gorgeous black hair that was silky and straight. She suddenly felt as if she'd be home in no time. She was hardly anything to look at compared to these two, and then there were the others..
"I am also from Rooks. What a coincidence! My name is Miki. I was the swordsman's daughter." Miki said, giving a warm smile to Avangilene and Grace. It was nice to finally see something remotely close to home. She had finally meet a girl who knew somewhat what it was like to be normal and not royal. "What do you think the prince will be like?" Miki asked.
Cy moved with light feet, making as little sound as fleeting feather. Save the rustle of the dress. This attire was not made for stealth, that was for certain. Though the interior of the academy was cold, she could a sudden warmth in the air, touching her cheeks. Her skin was rough from many years of lacking the proper care, but as a Kranxis, she was sensitive to the heat. She followed the air based on feeling as well as the growing sound of hearty talk and belly-shaking laughs. A cozy orange glow came from a large arched opening the hall opened into. Cy pushed herself further and further into the wall the closer she got to the sound and warmth.

The... Kitchen? Sounds of clanking metal, boiling liquids, good talk, and the unmistakeable smell of cooking food all came from the opening. Cy finally unpasted herself from the wall and peered in. The workers were cooking away, their faces with sweat and a fine layer of grayish dust. A robust woman stirring a pot that looked as though it could fit Cy herself noticed the young girl. "Milady!" she greeted in a booming voice, "Welcome! Though I suppose the company of us would not please you." What a polite way of telling Cy she was not supposed to be here. Aside from the heat, the dirty, hard-working women were actually a comfort to be around. Add a little bone-chilling cold, and it'd start feeling like home.

"Forgive my intrusion," Cy spoke. In the back, was that a door? Light shined through the cracks, it was not leading to a pantry. "I simply wished to look around," she told the lady as more kitchen workers noticed one of the possible brides was in their work space. She slowed her pace considerably to dodge past the crowded kitchen as she went further and further in, "Where does this door lead?"

"Mi'lady, the outside, surely not where you'd find to your liking-" she sighed when Cy opened the door. The young girl's heart momentarily fluttered. Is this... what I think it is? She thought with her nose out the door and her fingers on the metal handle. Cy looked back, to the kitchen, the winteresque expression never leaving her face. The round kitchen lady shook her head, thinking the poor child be daft. "I wouldn't want to bother you once again," Cy excused herself, ready to venture out the door and see if what she believed was truth. She made it a few steps, but not far enough she couldn't hear the woman booming once more, "CHARLIE!"

A young girl who'd been previously sitting on a stool humming and eyeing the stranger intermittently jumped off and stood at attention,
"Yes ma'am!"

"Escort our lady here, make sure she gets back inside." The woman finished with a little, 'go-on' motion. Charlie scampered off obediently, out the kitchen through the door leading outside, stopping at Cy's side.

"Hi! I'm Charlie! Nice ta meet ya!" and, as an afterthought, "... M'lady!" She appeared to be young, like Cy, perhaps her age, or marginally younger. She was short, but not shorter than Cy, no surprise. The people of Kranx were known for their slight of height. Her face was covered in a splash of freckles, and brown, damp curls clung to her forehead. The most striking thing was the girl's eyes, sparkling like emeralds. Her otherwise crummy appearance didn't take away from her eyes.

"I'm Cylla," the Kranxis introduced back, quickly calculating what effect this girl would have on her objective. She could not dispel the girl, no, the woman from the kitchen would have more authority than Cy's words. Instead, she could turn this. Her pace would be considerably slowed, but what she would not be able to see with her own eyes, Cy could gain from the mouth of this... Charlie. "Shall we, then?"
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Leon looked to Vlad, hearing the knock on the door," Enter," He says, and a young maid enters the room. A pretty young thing, Bretha, he thinks her name is," Oh, Vladdy look a maid came to us, now we don't have to go out and get one of the other." He leans backwards in his chair a smirk widening across his face," So, tell me little maid what do you think of my brides to be. Who are you routing for and what have you heard from the other," His hair covers his eyes, not showing a small spark of something that might have been intrigue, or maybe curiosity burning in them.

The maid looked down at her feet for a second before speaking in a clear voice," Well, sir not all the girls are very happy to be hear. I mean Ryca and Ruin have been having such trouble from their ward from Kranx. Though the girls from the capital are quite submissive. A few other girls have been quite troublesome also. But they are all like jewels set into a necklac..," Bertha's voice starts to fade, as the Prince stands, forcing himself from his rather comfortable chair.

"So, I am thinking this bunch was nothing like my father's."

"No, sir. They are all quite...eccentric."

"Good, that means I can have some fun choosing." He takes Bertha by her shoulder, leading her to the door," Now go and tell all the girls to go to the polar, also tell Ronald to ring the bells to announce my arrival.

The young woman nodded, before running out of the room, and the next think the Prince heard was the ringing of bells. Along with the scampering sound of the maids heels as they ran to reviece their wards. This was going to be quite interesting.

Sim was dragged from the room she was hiding in by the dusty old crone who had forced her into the dress early, except the old hag looked more rushed now. She grabbed the poor Kranx girl by the ear, practically shoving her into the a room the color of deep blue. It was nicely decorated, though a little to "dressed up" for Persimmon's taste. The whole room has been lined with gold, adding depth to the blue the was painted onto the walls, along with tiny flowers painted in white," Ya betta feel lucky that I can't don anything now the Prince will be hear any second."

A grand stain glass window that showed a great king, with golden hair reaching to touch the nose of a lion," The king was blessed by the lion and was given the land it once ruled, along with courage and strength so he could be a just ruler." It was a story told to every boy, girl, man, and woman. The story of how this Kingdom was created. She only gave it one quick look before turning aside, wondering when any of the others would be here.

(No thyme this time guys she will be post later.)

(@Arianna [B][COLOR=rgb(89,179,0)]Philocuri[/COLOR][/B] @Icefox11 @Cierra111 )
Elli walked further into the stable, marveling at the wondrous architecture. The sound of bells interrupted her, but she continued on, thinking the bells might just be tell the time.

Turning to the left, she walked down one row of stalls, peering into each one. Most of the stalls were empty save the remnants of some horses breakfast. "They must be out at pasture," Elli said in her cheerful voice.

Suddenly, one of the doors to the barn slammed open. Elli let out a startled 'eep' as she turned around. Standing just inside the doorways her two maids, both trying to catch their breath. One caught sight of her and alerted the other to her presence.

"There you are, M'lady. We need to take you to the polar to meet all the other girls and the prince," said one of them as both walked towards her.

Nodding Elli followed the two tired women, taking in one last breath of hay and horses. After what seemed like forever, they arrived at a door. Elli looked at her maids, expecting them to walk in before her. When they didn't, a confused look crossed her face. "Aren't we going in?" she asked.

"You've got to go first, M'lady," one maid said. Elli nodded and opened the door. As she entered the room, her jaw dropped a little in awe. The room was decorated very lavishly. She loved the deep blue of the walls and the accent of gold.

As she scanned the room, Elli noticed one other girl. A smile crossed her face and she walked forward, saying, "Hi, my name is Eloisa Alethia Mayer, but my friends call me Elli."


Cilia was just standing in front of the window, staring out when the harsh maid walked in. Not having seen her, Cilia jumped and let out a surprised squeak when the maid touched her arm. The maid grabbed her arm in the same place as before, putting pressure on the hand shaped bruise that wrapped around her arm.

Cilia hissed in pain but the maid didn't notice, only pulling her out of the room and down the hallways. Cilia became very lost because of all the turns they made and the doors they went through. After a few minutes they reached a door and the maid pulled it open.

When Cilia didn't walk into the room, the maid pushed her through the door, making her stumble and fall. When she landed, her dress came up to rest around her knees and revealed her bare feet. The maid narrowed her eyes and glared at Cilia. "Stupid girl, why'd ya take yer shoes off? You coulda said something before we left yer room," the maid said through clenched teeth.

"Y-y-you didn't g-give me a chance," she stuttered. Slowly, Cilia attempted to stand up, tears welling in her eyes. After a few failures, Cilia finally just have up and sat on the floor. She leaned forward and her bangs hung over her eyes. Her hands came up to cover her flaming red face and a few small sobs escaped her. She was so embarrassed.
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Luna moved when she heard Bertha walk out "The Polar?" she asked curiously wondering where she and the others were being taken.
( Sorry I haven't posted, my ferret chewed through my charger and I had to get a new one and didn't get around to it until last night )

Aria turned her head towards the door as a maid re-entered the room. " It's time, miss. Come on. We are taking ye to the Polar. " With a confused nod, she stood up, taking a moment to gain her balance before following the maids to the room. On the way there, they told her how she should act and speak, taking a quick pit stop to teach her to curtsy. As they finally reached the room, one maid opened the door for her and gently nudged her inside. There were a few other girls in there already, two of who were already getting acquainted and one on the floor crying. Feeling for her, she walked over and kneeled down, folding her dress under her knees. Turning to the maid she asked, " could you please get this young lady a pair of shoes ? Preferably flat as the dress will be covering her feet anyway. " Turning back towards the sobbing girl she held out a hand. " There there, it's okay. "

Perhaps it was not happiness, but the feeling that fluttered her heart could be likened to happiness when the pathway from the kitchen's backdoor lead to the gate. Don a task as 'too easy' and find yourself an early grave. Memory of the lesson stayed her excitement from mounting, Cy instead shifted her focus upon calculating the door's effect upon her task.

" lucky as you and the other girls! Oh, if you see the prince- which you will, of course you will, that's why you're here of course- please tell me what he's like!"

This girl, Charlie, already had it in her mind that they'd be seeing each other again.


Lyse, the poor maid in charge of Kranxis girl with the unnerving stare, had been going mad trying to find her. She asked the other maids, asked the guards, asked
anyone. Just when she was about to rip her hair out, relief came.

"The gate guards informed me you sought for me?" the girl appeared in front of Lyse with the same stony expression. The maid hoped her smile looked natural, and didn't show the flood of anxiety she felt when she saw the girl's feet were bare and dirty.

"There you are! Come now, let's put in the finishing touches. The prince has summoned the presence of the candidates," she spoke, the last bit betraying the excitement she felt about catching another glance at the prince. She took her charge lightly by the arm, grateful that the girl did not protest. The girl chose to be difficult about the oddest thing, Lyse just didn't get it.


With her charge all ready ( or re-ready as was the case ) for show, Lyse navigated Cy to the polar. Already, several of the other girls were there. Cy detached from Lyse, drawn to the stainglass, her pale blue orbs affixed upon it. Lyse stood humbly beside the Kranxis, hoping her eagerness showed not on her face.
Lexi's maid told her it was almost time to meet the prince. Lexi sighs and lets the maid drag her to some extravagant room. Sighing again at the over decorated room, Lexi plops down in a chair, her dress poofing up around her as she looks at the room around her. She looks at the decorations that obviously took a long time to set up. She notices incredibly detail in laces and beautiful furnishings. The tons of decorations makes her head spin with so much to focus on. She starts to feel light headed but ignores it and shrugs it off.
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Bertha didn't answer and led Luna to where the rest of the girls were. "You'll know soon enough, but you better hurry before you get yourself in trouble" she told her and Luna nodded and headed in the direction Bertha had pointed out. She was kind of curious how this would play out actually, who would win? and will the girl who wins actually want to? She doubted it, it seemed none of them wanted to be here including herself. She sighed lightly, she had promised to at least give this a chance though. That's all she had to do was pretend she was trying and she was sure that would be enough. Once she got back to where she was supposed to be she looked around the room and enjoyed the décor, she always appreciated well decorated surroundings and she was starting to slowly get used to everything. She plopped a seat next to Lexi "So... what do you think about this whole thing?" she was curious how the others really felt.
Lexi looses her train of thought as some one sits next to her. She hears the girls question on what she thinks about the whole ordeal. She answers "I'm not quite sure. I don't really like the idea of us being trained and put on display like dogs in a dog show. But then again, I'm kinda eager to get away from the madness of my hometown. I don't agree with the prince coming in here and choosing us like he owns us though. I've heard of his reputation. He's a stuck up snob who gets what ever he wants when he wants." Lexi replies getting angry with the prince. She hated it when she got herself worked up.
Thyme was gently lead down the twisting halls into a blue room lightly trimmed with gold, that was just filled to the brim with strange girls she have never meet. It caused her heart to flurry, beating faster by the second. Yet, before she could turn away her flaming haired maid and closed the door and held the handle so that she may not get out," I'm sorry, but this must be done." Said the Maid holding the door close, the rattling of the handle sounding awfully loud in poor Thyme's ears. Once she had given up she turned to the girls that littered the room and found herself a small snug corner to stand in until this was over.

You could see that she was terrified, frightened that at any second another person would enter the room, or even worse someone might even try to converse with her. She sat down, letting her hair fall in front of her face, hiding his like a curtain of golden silk,"," She takes in a deep breathe, as she speaks to herself in a airy quite voice.

"Good God that is a long name. Though I can't say my is any better," Sim holds out her hand and shakes Elli's hand quickly," I'm Persimmon Izia Rain, call me by my first name and I will show no mercy. I go by Sim and only Sim, nothing else." The mountain girl smiles, placing her small hands on her hips wrinkling the blouse she wore," I'm from Kranx, and I can tell the maids got to you also. Though I don't think my old crone thought I could undo the corset though, thought I would be stuck in that good for nothing death trap. What if there was a fire, do they except me to run for my life in that fluff!" Sim pauses for a second staring at the white haired girl," Oh, hell I was rambling wasn't I? I tend to do that from time to time. Feel free to punch me if I do."

Sim then walked over to the nearest empty sofa and sat down, inviting her new person to sit," So, tell me what do you think of all," She gestures at the wall and to the girls around her,"this?"

Leon again straighten his collar and walked down the hall, coming up to a rather larger set of dark doors. And, like everything in this place it was adored and carved to seem fancier than it really was. Two pieces of wood that kept people in, or kept people out. It was something his father into, flare. Sure, he, himself had a taste for flare and drama, but his taste laid more in promoting himself, and less of the legends of some old dead guy. Who's name he could never remember, but then again history was never his best subject. Leon sighs, then opens the door entering the room fulled of girls. Girls of every type, with different types of hair color and such. Yet, none of them caught his eye.

He yawns, quirking an eyebrow," Hello ladies I welcome you to the academy. I have heard that you all have had a very eventful morning, and truly I must ask you take it easy of the maids they are rather hard to replace," He winks at Elli, before sitting himself down in a throne like chair in that rest in the highest point of the room," You must all have questions, and I surely have answers. Right now I just want to make you all happy. SO, please ask whatever you. There are no boundaries here."

Lexi turns as the prince walks in. Or at least she thinks it's the prince. Lucy brushes back her dark brown hair from her face so she can see better. She reall needs to get her bangs cut. She finaly sees the prince better and the first thing she notices is his long mane of hair. She looks te prince up and down and not seeing what all he fuss was about, quickly looses intrest and goes about her business of sitting on the sofa, bored.
Miki turns to see the prince come in. He was just as she imagined, stuck up and uneventful. She turned from him and went to sit on the couch with another girl. She watched the prince wink at Elli and she rolled her eyes. She turned her head and started to think about other things. She decided to think about home instead ad clearly hoped the prince saw her disinterest in him. She was never keen to be royal, so being as uninterested as possible was her only plan for going home. She just hoped it wouldn't have the opposite effect as she thought it would. She striated the edge of her dress and placed her elbow on the couch and her fist on her cheek, resting like that as she thought.
Elli listened to Sim ramble, not minding a bit. She herself was known to talk for long, unbroken periods of time so she couldn't fault others for doing the same. She smiled brightly as Sim gestured to her normal clothing. "I don't so much mind the dress, I've never had the chance to wear something so fine," she said as she walked over to sit on the sofa next to Sim.

"Well, I think it's all a bit ridiculous. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's an amazing opportunity to learn, and I'll take full advantage of that. However, bringing all these girls here just so the prince can find a bride as soon as possible," she trailed off as a set of double doors opened on the other side of the room.

When the prince walked in, Elli's eyes widened slightly and a light blush rose to her cheeks. He was so handsome! She had never seen a man quite like him and suddenly she didn't miss home as much as she had before.

Then, he opened his mouth and spoke. Elli had to fight to keep her jaw off the floor. He had such a calming voice. Her blush deepened when he winked at her and she turned her head to the side slightly, a small laugh parting her lips.

Thinking, she realized she did actually have a question. Looking at all the other girls and seeing no one that looked like they were going to speak, Elli asked, "What exactly will we be learning here?"


Cilia lifted her head to look at the girl who had kneeled next to her. She hiccuped once before wiping her eyes. A small smile pulled at her lips and she took the girls hand, finally managing to stand up.

"Thank you," she said in a small voice. From a few feet away her maid looked as though she had seen a ghost. The maid had finally seen the bruise on Cilia's arm and she was a bit afraid of what might happen to her.

A moment later, a maid walked in with a pair of silver flats and helped Cilia put them on. With flat shoes on, she was shorter than almost everyone in the room, but she didn't mind. She was used to people towering over her.

When a large set of doors across the room opened, Cilia turned and watched as the prince walked in.
He's so tall... A-and handsome! Cilia wondered just how tall really was. She didn't think she had ever seen someone so tall.

After he was finished speaking, she opened her mouth to ask a question but a white-haired girl in a deep purple gown beat her to it. She closed her mouth and felt nerves taking over. She would never be able to speak in a room full of so many people.
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Avangilene followed the maids that had come to get the three girls. She helped Loretta get to her feet and start down the hall, but when they emerged from the room, she carefully let the girl go, though she stayed close just in case. She glanced around, not having time to actually look at her surrounding. When they got to the polar, they were either sat down or standing.

When the prince came in, she looked over, but when he looked at the girls and did not stop at any one in particular, she as looked away. He didn't catch her eye, just as none of them caught his. Hers was on a guy back home, around her age, which was why she was hoping she would not get picked when their training was all done. She glanced over to Loretta, eyes full of curiosity. She wondered if she would be able to make friends while she was here.
Aria looked at most of the girls attention was aimed toward the prince. He didn't look very much like the pictures she saw all over the town on her way to the castle. He was attractive but also there was something a bit off about him. She put on a smile to show she was having a good time. Though getting the princes heart wasn't her first priority, she might as well make an impression and maybe she'd have a chance at making him interested in her families merchant business and would buy things. Surely that would earn her family a pretty penny.

She noticed a few girls go sit on the couches, not seeming to be interested. Though she didn't expect all the girls to immediately fawn all over him, she would expect them to at least give him a warm welcome. Walking over, she stood a few feet behind the girl currently talking to him, hoping to wish him a good day. Hearing the question the other girl asked, she wondered as well what they would be learning.

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