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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open! (Looking for Rebels!)

Olympia Dolloway

Olympia had only just shut her mouth, when a flurry of introductions reached her ears. Scrutinizing the six unfamiliar faces, it was hard not to marvel at the diversity and warmth of their conversation. Providing the present state of affairs and tensions at the boiling point, the edge of hostility between the two races seemed to have worn blunt. Undoubtedly, it was a nice change to what she had grown used to these past months.

The humans, Ariens and Witches are held together by a fine line, all these years it had kept them in order, kept them fixed, kept them in their rightful place. But, Olympia knew that no string can withstand the grasp of time, and one day that thin, silk thread would snap, spilling the beads of bloodshed, devastation and rage. And if in fact the beads were collected, and strung once more, that last pearl would always remain lost.

A raspy, grating voice drew her out from reverie. It was spoken by, for lack of a better word, the "being" that sat opposite, a hulking, metal giant. Who supposedly and in her opinion, quite arrogantly announced himself as the Knight of the Lady.

"Unlikely it would be that a mechanical device could match a magical one in harmful might.

Brief was his statement, and the responses was just as quick. Though Olympia retained her judgement she begged to differ. Magic could not be progressive, spells were set in stone and would never broaden past the confines of imagination. Technology by comparison, could be adapted and changed to suit a purpose, over generations it would develop and unlike magic did not sap the strength of the inventor. Magic relied on the invention of technology, gathering influence and sparks of an idea to kindle the fire. Besides, technology that is far enough advanced, will be indistinguishable from magic.

"Pleasure to meet you, Helbrecht."
she remarked, acknowledging the gargantuan figure, the white hare's welcome, however, remained ignored.

Seated beside the knight was a woman. She would have been considered quite a beauty if not for the pentagram tattooed on her collarbone and the silvery-white, canine ears that peeked out from underneath her thick chestnut hair. Nearby was the Princess of the Marine Kingdom, who gave an almost unusual impression of normality. Although her outwardly appearance said otherwise, Olympia could detect the hint of determination and control that was apparent when she spoke.

"In reply to both your inquiries, I am indeed here for the competition. My partner is Lord Avery Dellafontane but is subject to change. My dance style is not fixed and I am trained in a variety of dances, Mazurka and Baroque dances to name a couple. But the expressive nature and grace of ballet make it my preferable dance style. Nonetheless, the opportunity to learn some of the dances of you homeland, Princess Naomi, definitely interests me."

Addressed: @Lady Ravenshade @Unwavering Knight @The Succubi Queen

Mentioned: @Yandere Aqua @ParadoxalPaladin @MLAQTS

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Asuran Dorix

Upon hearing Alexander's question, Asuran turned to him, mildly insulted, with Alexander's overconfident affect bothering him further. Who was
he to suggest that there was any such academy that could match the prestige of Wright Academy, one of the most important pieces of Dorimun culture! "Some have said that other academies may match the influence and power of Wright Academy, but I must say that they are sorely mistaken," Asuran said tersely. "It is fact that no other place upon all of Rosaria holds such awesome knowledge as the libraries and teachers that reside within its walls."

What did not brighten Asuran's mood was the new, -late, might he add- arrival of Olympia. Her haughty speech, acting as if she were able to hand the rights to them that they "may" speak her name, was immediately aggravating. Her blatant disrespect for Rien's greeting was also noticed although it could be chalked up to mere forgetfulness had Asuran been in a forgiving mood with her. However, for the sake of public relations, not knowing if she was some sort of Euthalian nobility, Asuran did his best to act respectful. "Madame Olympia, it is a please to meet you," he said, nodding his head to he in greeting, "I presume you are a native of Euthalia, then?"

And finally, he turned and watched, the differences of opinion between Helbrecht and Alexander came to a head, with Helbrecht's steadfast belief in the abilities of magic clashing with the more technologically minded principles of Alexander. As they spoke, Alexander became suddenly agitated by the Knights opinion, and made a subtle challenge to Helbrecht for a duel. Luckily, before it could boil over into something more disastrous, Rien was there and diffusing the situation with great tact and diplomacy.

After hearing arguments already breaking out it was suddenly apparent to Asuran just how volatile this mixture of people were. People of many creeds, races, homelands, and opinions mingled here today, each with a different goal in mind. The slightest slip up could plunge the entire continent into a civil war, a threatening prospect made all the worse by the ever-present rebellion that become more of an issue each day it continued unchecked and unmanaged by any realm leaders.

As Naomi suddenly spoke of her native dances to Olympia, Asuran suddenly realized how little they knew of her or her homeland.
"Upon hearing of your dances," he began, "what goes on within your lands? With the separation of our peoples, I am interested to know what life is like within the Marine Kingdom." The fact he hadn't realized this before surprised him, especially considering her very noticeable differences from the others at the ball.

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Knock, knock.

The knocking sound could almost echo across the plethora of flowers. Knocking was a short figure with black hair and sea blue eyes, dressed in an elegant garment embroidered with blue rose motifs; he looked almost cute, like a wannabe prince. But that was not all among his sleeve. He was also late, and flustered. Flustered that the other nobles would reject him of being from the Caesar Empire. Flustered that he might not fit in into such amount of nobles. However, the boy put those thoughts away from his mind. He reminded himself that he was here for revenge, not for tea parties or dance competitions.

The only thing that I have to worry about is my revenge, the boy reassured himself.

The short boy could only hope that he wasn't the only one that was late, not knowing that the door that he was knocking is actually the door leading to the courtyard. It was not unlikely that one would be lost inside the massive castle. The former prince was foreign to Waltz Castle; he hadn't entered another castle apart from his own. He was a bit timid around new people as well, so he refrained from asking one of the guards. Perhaps his mental reflected his height, not his age.

@Pretzel Heart
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Kiefer Arlie Avescamp

He had been too long stuttered by the beautiful reflection and poisonous thoughts. It would look strange upon his return, the fact that he was both so late and without the princess. Had she already made her way back? Logically it would make sense if she had, and yet...

The prince somehow had a different suspicion, brought on by the way that the princess had sulkily stared down at her food, refusing to entwining glances with anyone, save for the invisible form of absent Rameria.

Dark eyes narrowed at the thought. He wasn't ready to accept such a thing. That the princess should show any interest in anyone but himself.

If she has returned, though, it's best that I follow.

Even if she hadn't, the last thing he needed was to be cast in a suspicious light. The less eyes upon him, the better. There was only one pair- glittering emerald and alight by a constant, inner glow -that he needed to concern himself with, after all...

As Kiefer finally stood up from the fountain, however, he was jolted out of his plans by a resolute knock. In surprise he turned, his gaze landing upon a tall wooden door on the opposite side of the garden.

His first thought was that Vlad had, for some imbecilic reason, felt the need to return. Readying himself to lash out even more thoroughly at the servant, Kiefer strode towards the door. But as his hands rested upon the wraughtiron handles, he paused. Vladimir already knew how to slink into the castle, therefore, no need to so obnoxiously knock, alerting everyone of his presence. And were there not guards and soldiers stationed around the perimeters outside?

For a moment his heartbeat quickened, the handle quickly dropped as the door repelled the prince. Could it be...someone who knew? Coming to the nighttime courtyard where no one else would stand witness, where he'd be defenseless and alone. Having been caught unawares, with nary a weapon...

No, that's ridiculous.

There wasn't a soul who could possibly know. Not outside of himself, Vladimir, and his mother. Their deeds had left Roserasia in the midnight smoke, spiraling up through the deep forest trees and taking its secrets to be forever locked into the faraway realm of the sky.

It's likely just another foolish latecomer who can't even find the front entrance.

For a moment he considered abandoning the voiceless guest to their own devices. It would serve them right for such crass ignorance. But then a new idea came into his head.

What if it's Rameria?

The moonlight glinted through glasses' panes with the silver of steel, slashing a strange smile onto the prince as he once more approached the door, this time opening it.

To his disappointment, the one on the other side was not the Ramerian Representative. In fact, he looked no more than a boy. But a very richly dressed one, at that, which dissuaded Kiefer from immediately disregarding him. A file of possible identities filtered through his mind as it flipped rapidly through the pages of notebook inscripted so carefully onto his brain.

In the end, however, there was no better way to get information than from the source.

Replacing his grim expression with Kiefer's usual fragile courtliness, he stepped aside to allow the boy to enter - after all, even if an enemy, he doubted such a small youth could be any match for a well-trained Nezzie warrior.

Good evening, sir. Have you come for the Opening Banquet? I'm afraid you're rather late." [ @FinalStraw ]

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The short individual was shocked-- He expected a room with tables and chairs lined up; complete with their tea sets, plates, spoon, forks, not a scenery hosting a massive amount of flowers that reflected the eeriely silver glow of the moon. Though, it seems, that he was not the only person who entered the wrong room. Either that, or, the person in front of him was hiding something from someone-- possibly plotting a thing, like he, himself, was. Judging the person from how he was dressed, he was most likely a noble. The Prince of Greedo, perhaps? Or, a refugee from Lepumir? The thoughts circling in his head was abruptly interrupted by the sudden question from the bluish -- or purplish -- haired person.

"That, I have realized myself. I hope I'm not
too late, of course."

The assumption that this man was late as well was quickly dismissed by Adalberht. Rather, he seemed to be taking a stroll on the palace
after attending the Opening Banquet-- but for what purpose? As soon as Adalberht felt like he was plucking his nose on other people's problems, he stopped questioning himself about the individual. After all, he has got his own problems. First, he was to get to the dining hall ((OOC : If I'm not mistaken >_< )), and quickly, at that. 'The short boy that was severely late' didn't seem like a good first-impression to him-- and he needed a good first impression to at least get or even close to the nobles' 'good' side-- if that even existed, anyway.

"Ah, pardon my rudeness. I am Adalberht Earwyn, Caes-- Sea Republic's Councilman. Pleasure to meet you."

Adalberht had almost mentioned that he was Caesar Kingdom's prince-- until he remembered that the once thriving kingdom was no more. His voice was a little bit shaky saying the words 'Sea Republic' but his face was ever so strong. He didn't want to show an expression of sadness across his face. Crying, sadness, all of that is for the weak. They would get him nowhere. Right now, Adalberht is fighting not the nobles, but
himself. Whether he could conceal his real, shaking self to gain victory over Euthalia, or be overwhelmed by sadness and be crumpled below it.

Adalberht preferred the former choice over the latter.

@Pretzel Heart ((O.M.G. I FORGOT TO TAGGG w.w))
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Heart of the stone...

"A duel to determine raw power would be meaningless." Helbrecht's response came with a twitching motion that jerked his armored torso to face Alexander "On the field of battle, the meeting of equal force is never assured and conflicts are not made of singular slaughterfields. Perhaps you have some item or weapon upon you that can match the full arsenal of a trained witch, but if you can not recuperate your losses, if you can not mass-produce your technology and make it a viable alternative to simply acquiring a cadre of magicians, you will eventually be ground down. Reliability, versatility and accessibility, those attributes will always reign superior in extended campaigns and in this day and age magic simply offers all of these at a relatively small cost, albeit confined to a chosen few. Perhaps in the future the scales of balance will change."

"Besides the economic factors, trying to engage a witch-born individual fully aware and ready head-on is foolish. Raw power is mitigated if it can not be applied before the opposition initiates countermeasures. And with witches, said countermeasures used to protect their lives are usually devastating. Indirect means are best used and applied before the magician becomes aware of the intent to kill." Slowly, the knight turned back to face Lin "The happenstance of magic is why I am asking for your opinion on this particular event of mine, Lady Lin."

The knight's plated elbows landed on the table, claw-like hands bracing together for the helmeted head to rest his "chin" as it were. The artificiality of the gesture, fulfilled with a series of twitching motions, gave way to the assumption it served more the benefit of those listening than himself.

Then he began his tale, speaking in short, concise sentences.

A Knight's Tale

Before the journey towards Euthalia began, the knight was approached by a merchant asking to find his brother who had decided to enter a remote homestead, surrounded by repulsive rumors of an evil witch making a living by luring in a steady supply of willing fools. Curiousely enough, the immediate vicinity of the mansion was outfitted with all sorts of warnings, animal carcasses, religious symbols, messages written in blood, the sort that only fools would not heed. Apparently left by the locals, with the supposed witch doing nothing to remove them.

As per the usual conduct when about to encounter a magician, several days were spent in hiding, observing the house from afar. Though the stead's door remained perpetually open, nothing entered or left. The building didn't even have windows or in fact any other opening through which to enter.

Observation proving fruitless, the house was entered. Despite no lightsource being apparent, the inside was illuminated to such a degree that anyone passing through the doorstep would immediately sight several marble-statues, predominantly of humans, some arie, all extremely detailed, all sharing the same expression of surprise and fear.

Head pressed to the ground, no vibrations. No suspicious stench in the air, no sounds from any direction. Prey Sight found nothing. By all regards, nothing seemed alive.

Up the stairs, the same picture, marble statues, fewer, no signs of living either from victim or perpetrator, or whatever the houseowner would be. The next level, repeating sight, statues and little else. Far more levels than the outside of the building would have allowed to be possible.

Next level, something else. A study, apparently the very top of the building. Only one statue, though different from the others, this one featured two individuals hewn from marble. One fitted the description of the merchant's brother, carrying the same expression of surprised terror. The other individual, female, bore hair made of snakes and sharp teeth, arms embracing the man, one hand holding out a mirror before her face.

On the desk behind the two rested a small mound of papers, letters. Superficial rifling revealed what appeared to be an avid friendship between the two writers, culminating in one steadfastly promising to come for a surprise visit. One unfinished writing showed hasty attempts to deter the other.

Nothing else was found. The house was quietly left, after closing the entrance door. The merchant was contacted and the journey to Euthalia began.

A small pause. Helbrecht averted his gaze from Lin, staring straight ahead at no one in particular.

"What do you make of this?" he finally asked.

Addressed: @Lady Ravenshade @Yandere Aqua @Anyone else wishing to chip in.
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Alexander Keyston: In Convo

Alexander was in shock again everyone thought he wanted a duel to the death, but he didn't even though it sounded that way....and he looked like he wanted that. But in now way did he want that he didn't want to kill or hurt someone that didn't mean to kill him unless they asked for a duel. He was going to say something until Rein came in to difuse the situation which he was glad for so Alexander spike up saying "Huh yeah I didn't really want to fight somebody I just wanted a friendly competition, sorry if it sounded like something else" he sounded a little embarrassed s he smiled rubbing the back of his head with a little tint of red on his face because of the embarrassment. that's is when he heard Helbretch say that he cannot out do magic because he can't mass produce it which was true sense he didn't have any funds or any basic equipment to make the more complicated equipment but he could still produce enough Heavy pistol ammo to blow through an enemy. "You are right Helbretch that I don't have mass production of these tools but I can produce these tools to protect only me for now, and that is only because I don't have the funds, supplies, man power, and help from anyone. And I don't plan on mass production of them now because they could cause serious damage in this war that is going on even though that Tin-Can of a leader they got gets on my nerves" he said the last part in a bit of aggrivation not that noticeable for the untrained ears and eyes. "And when going against a witch I can handle that in my own I have strategies and plans on taking them down memorizing any weakness they have and any weakness in general for any enemy I come to face" he said in a monotone voice and face that showed either arrogance or of him gloating.

Alexander was thinking after that saying thinking he said things he might regret later on in his life and that's when Helbretch had told a story of an adventure and of people made of stone with fear expressions on and the last statue he mentioned and if Alexander was not wrong was an old folk lore people use to talk about in Greek but he couldn't remeber it's name it took all his might to remeber since he barely read about stuff like until he remebered and said to the knight "The last statue had a female with snakes as hair, that must be a old folk lore from where I'm from and it said with one glance she can turn anyone to stone" Alexander grimaced at the fact of that beast of a female being alive and still roaming around which he hoped to never meet.

@Anyone who wants to progress this.
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Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom

"Well, I will be delighted to see you compete! I'd love to teach you, and I will make sure that the two of us meet at some time to make sure our schedules allow for it." She smiled at Olympia. The girl had ignored Rien- that was.. rather rude of her. Seemed she had finally met one of those backwards mainlanders. Still, Olympia might prove a good teacher in the ways of the mainland- she might be able to demonstrate what was fully normal here. "I'd have to see you dance first, but you have a lovely build for Kyma dancing- it is a celebration of the ocean, and all the life it offers- it was originally developed by a Dolphin Witch about 50 years ago, and some people say that true Kyma dancing can bring even those without magic control over the waves. I thinks that's a bit fanciful, but that doesn't stop me from trying. Once, I swear the waves seemed to stop as I danced on the beach."

She turned her head slightly when Asuran spoke to her. "Oh, my homeland? Oh, it's beautiful- everywhere on the island you can smell the salt of the ocean, and the country itself seems to move with the tides and waves- but I will guess you wanted to know of our politics and culture more than the beauty of the land." She shifted slightly, adapting an almost matter-of-fact tone, like she was reciting a monologue. "The Marine Kingdom abandoned the more formal monarchies you might be familiar with here some two hundred and fifty years ago. We're now ruled mostly by a council- though my mother does sit on the council. The royal family doesn't hold any more power than any other council member- but we do still play a key role as representatives of the population- in fact, my eldest brother is- was, a dignitary to Lepumir, where most of our trade happened. He has not returned to the mainland since news of the rebellion reached our shores." She didn't make eye contact with Nelly, slightly afraid of how the girl might react to knowing her own brother fled the horrors Nelly could not escape. Maybe she did not hear- the knight that had joined her was talking to her.

"We're a rather proud people, the Mariners- the ocean in a scary thing, but we love her so. She cares for us, and we celebrate her as often as we can. Oh, every summer we have this beautiful ocean fest and we fill the sea with this magical lights and- oh, one day you must see it. It is really a magical place, my home." She paused, realizing she had begun to dominate the conversation- not a good move. "But what of yours? What is life like in Dorimun? I'm sure with the Academy there life is never dull, and I'm sure the land there is beautiful as well."

Addressed: @Spiritdancer @ParadoxalPaladin

Mentioned: @Lady Ravenshade @Unwavering Knight @MLAQTS
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Camilla Faith Redford


As the look alike spoke, Camilla tried to take it in. Of how this doppelganger described her situation, Camiilla's eyes went as wide as saucers, as her situation sounded like something like that of fractured fairy-tale. But all in all, it seemed like a dream come true. In the lookalike eyes, the situation seemed to be dire, but in her own eyes, the situation was an opportunity she could only take once. After all, wasn't every little girl's dream to become a princess?

"I kno-You know what? I'll do it. Oh- But you...I mean I can't give my word that I'll do any good."

Once Camilla had said the words, she was shocked at herself. Firstly, due to her horrible communication skills - you would've thought she'd gotten the hang of it by now... but nope. Still pretty deficient. And of course that fact she basically agreed to switch places with a princess, despite having not a lot of knowledge on what was happening. After all, this girl seemed to be dressed for the medieval times, almost. But it was more like from a foreign land... Another world. Plus, when the girl gestured
towards.. 'Kip', it sealed the deal. A flying squirrel... type thing? She'd want to see more of that and how it would even be possible... because it shouldn't be.

As all Camilla's thoughts rushed through her head, dashing in and out, as if fighting for the spotlight, she got
distracted. Her mind waddled off imagining what this month could be like - dancing in large billowing ballgowns, alongside lean princes, having no troubles and just enjoying herself. She wanted that. Her thoughts trailed back to the situation at hand, and after her blank look managed to offer a semi-confident (although it probably looked like a weak attempt next to this doppelganger's smile) smile and nodded lightly towards them, awaiting what they would say. She assumed it would be something like 'Ha, pranked you hard!' and they'd run off laughing, pulling off their costume and wig. But, it's worth the shot, right?

@wizard nibblers

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Alexander Keyston: In Convo

Alexander heard What nelly said and felt bad because he forgot she was a witch and didn't even think about how she would feel. If he could prostrate before her and say sorry he would but that would be rude to all the people around him seeing him like that. And as he listened to what she was saying he got even more depressed because the way she talked and the way she looked while telling the saying that probably was her life, it sounded depressing and way worse than what he has gone through besides all the things he went through the last few years. "I-I'm sorry miss Nelly I didn't mean it like that." He shifted in his seat uncomfortably a little from the guilt he felt from all this he wanted to make up for his mistake since he didn't want to be like the bullies he use to have and didn't want to have that impression either. "Miss Nelly if there is something I can do to make up for this, just tell me ok" he said smiling warmly trying to difuse the situation right now.

As he was thinking what he could do to say something as an apology he started to freak out not knowing what females liked he never went on a date before hell he still never got his first kiss, will he die a virgin he didn't want that it was never cool to die a virgin unless you face a Maou and the only thing close to that is the Tin Man that brought him here and he can't even get close to him right now. Mentally he started crying in a corner because if the girls here thought he was being a jerk to her they would mark him off as a dick and leave him alone.

Answerd: @Lady Ravenshade

That was… So much easier than she thought it was going to be! “That’s wonderful! Kip, she really agreed!” She smiled at her tutor, who was also somewhat relieved, but still nonetheless uncomfortable about the whole ordeal. The princess’ merry thoughts flew by, and she couldn't help but think of how this next month was going to be a dream; waking up whenever she wanted, picking flowers for a living, spending all her time with friends… “You have to tell me aaaaall about your life, where do you live? Is it nice? Who are your friends? Do you hand out flowers together? That would be so lovely, you know, sometimes I’ve fantasized about how nice it must be to be poo-”

“Princess! There’s not much time! You- I- She has to go back out there and save face! You can come back and chat when she has a free moment later!” And you shouldn’t call people poor! Would she even be able to handle working all day? Waking up early to get to her job on time? Balancing all those foreign responsibilities… What if she gets eaten by one of those metal beasts?! This could be the end of my job… For the tutor to the princess of Euthalia to allow her to be in such harm… I’d tarnish the family name beyond repair…!

“Oh, I guess it has been a while since we left, um, just point me to where you live then!” The princess said.

When everything was all said and done, Kip reluctantly bid
adieu to his liege and steeled himself for the oncoming storm.

“Take care, princess, I’ll be back to check on you in a few days. Or maybe tomorrow. Or maybe I’ll settle her in and then come right back to check on you. Maybe she can go in the portal by herself so I can make sure you get to-”

“Oh please,” the princess interrupted, as unconcerned as one would be when they are riding the high from being resolved of their most dreaded duties, “It can’t be that hard. I’m sure my life is way more complicated than figuring out hers, just go with her, I’ll be fine! Really! Oh, and one last thing before you go-” She directed her attention to Evalyn- “Watch out for that Nezzie boy, he seems a little off, if I were you- and, in this case, I kind of am- I'd spend more time with Rameria’s representative, he should be there by now- Oh! Oh, also, be careful of my emerald necklace! It’s hanging on my wall, just don't touch it, it's very important to me! But, aside from that, Kip should take care of the rest for you.” And with that, the princess waved goodbye to her tutor and replacement, as she set out in search of her new lodgings.

“Well then, pri- ah, Evalyn- you do have the same names, correct? The portal should still be open around this corner, and I’ll give you something suitable to change into once we’re there. I hope you’re hungry, because the princess hasn’t eaten much yet, and the dinner party is almost over. And, in case anyone asks, you’ve been in your room- alone- this whole time.” He floated towards the portal entrance, gesturing for her to follow. No turning back now.


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There is nowhere to go. Thus I simply go.

The initial response came quick, though the knight still kept his helmeted gaze averted, staring forward without aim "I have been travelling for twenty-one years, eight months, sixty-four days, fifteen hours, thirty-five minutes and six seconds... seven seconds." Only now did he deign to look at Lin, steel-view slowly turning to rest on her. After a small pause, he added quietly "I have no Lady, I have no Damsel, thus I have no home. I can not rest, I can not halt, I can not settle, I must always search for Her."

He was alone. Ever since the disaster at Remnia, there had been a persistent discomfort clinging onto his heart. As he had looked upon the broken bodies of his supposed charges, a despair had settled, unlike any other he could describe. A surge of emotion, forcing a widening of perceptions for the surroundings, resulting in realization of the limited capacity to grasp the sheer amount of consequences of his own actions.

The nasally tone of someone's voice as they whine for the sake of whining.

The hypocrisy of people hating themselves and doing absolutely nothing to change it.

Everything was so much more vivid than it once was. So with enhanced perceptions came realization: The realization of a simple universal constant.

Every single person in the world deserved death for some reason. The only variable was '
Over what?'

"No one would allow me to invoke their name, to accept their favor for the glorious charge." he added after a moment of quiet contemplation. Tilting his head, he spoke anew, though this time an uncharacteristic hesitation in his voice "... what about... you, Lady Lin? Do you have a place you can call home? What does it... 'feel' like?"

@Lady Ravenshade
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Asuran Dorix

Upon hearing Naomi's description of her homeland, and subsequent question about Dorimun, a smile came upon Asuran's face. Her obvious love of her native lands was greatly endearing, and he could never say no to a chance to speak of the wonders within his home. "Your lands sound like a beautiful place, and with Rosaria and your home reestablishing connections, I can only hope that one day I may get to see it. As for my home..." As he spoke, a glow of pride came to Asuran's eyes. "Dorimun, I dare say, is a place that can never be matched by any other for me. Wright Academy is a building of such grace and elegance it cannot be described, to say nothing of the great findings they've made. My own stronghold is also a place of fantastic beauty, and master workmanship from some of the finest craftsmen to ever live.

"The people, however, are the true lifeblood of the land. While we may not be the strongest nation, we are a people stout of heart and rich in culture as few others are."
Asuran's eyes hardened for a moment, however, as he made his next statement. "However, we will make a return to the greatness we once held, I am sure of it. Even if it costs me my life, it is a goal that I will relentlessly work for." As he finished, Asuran cleared his throat. "Apologies if I went on too long, I have been known to get caught up with my lands at times."

As he ended his small speech, he managed to hear Helbrecht's story, and subsequent telling of how long he had traveled. Asuran couldn't help but marvel at his dedication. To pursue such a task for so long was a feat the must have required the utmost strength of will and mind that few possessed. The knight's story of the two friends, perhaps even potential lovers, was also a jarring one, a harsh reminder of the complexities of the lies and walls people built to keep them and those they cared for safe, and how quickly they could all come crumbling down.

"Helbrecht," he began, "I am sure such a man as you are more than worthy of the greatest honors from any lady you may follow, and few are more deserving than you of a home. I feel sure that you will find a new lady to serve, whether or not you feel so yourself, and I wish you the best for your future, and whatever you may wish to do with it. Despite his best intentions, however, Asuran's own sympathy felt hollow, even to himself. In the face of the length of Helbrecht's mission, and his lack of knowledge of what led to the man's situation, there was little he could say that he truly could know would come to pass.

@The Succubi Queen (Responded to)

@Unwavering Knight (Spoken to)
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Camilla Faith Redford


Okay. That went a lot better than she had previously expected. The prank idea she though it might be? Null. The 'princess' as Kip addressed her as started rambling on about how Camilla just had to tell this other girl everything about her life. Which, if they were switching places she supposed had to be done, so that their lives wouldn't be ruined by the end - but if anything, it would be this princess' life that would be ruined the most if they didn't exchange information, after all, she is of high importance. As Camilla was just about to speak, she was promptly cut off by Kip - of whom she was still immensely intrigued about, since elementally he was still a flying squirrel thing, which this princess obviously took on as a companion.

Camilla walked over towards Kip, as the princess walked towards where she was originally standing. Luckily, Camilla had Kip to guide her through this switchover, but the princess had no one, and she would have to figure out her surroundings on her own. Yet, she seemed ultimately confident she'd be fine, and with a quick briefing on the important things she can and cannot do, along with the things and people she should be wary about, Camilla took off with a small wave, following after Kip as he defiantly floated back to where himself and his companion must've come from.

As Kip began to tell her what she would do as soon as she got to this new land, Camilla gave a nod. Indeed, her name was Camilla, and the princess' must be Camilla as well. Made sense, she supposed if they were indeed the same person in different realms. Yet that Camilla seemed essentially perfect with her social skills, and that was something this Camilla admired with a passion. Kip floated towards the portal - which struck her as paranormal, in so many different ways - but despite that she responded to Kip.

"U-um, yeah. I'm Camilla. So is that princess girl, I guess. What do you mean by suitable? I hope it's not too out of the ordinary-" Camilla took a pause as she looked at her body and clothing, then back up at Kip. "I guess I'm hungry. Or something. Maybe that's nervousness... I suppose we'll find out. Right. Room. Alone. Taking some time off. Or... yeah. I think I can do that." And with a short sigh, Camilla loosened her body, preparing for a month that would most likely stick to her as the strangest, and probably most exhilarating, of her life.

@wizard nibblers


Well, for all her… otherworldliness, at least she’s much more obedient. Kip thought, crossing the street with care. This land was dangerous at night and he wanted to get home in one piece. “Yes, you’re both Evalyn. Tell me, you wouldn’t happen to know anyone like me here, would you? This kind of temporal magic is still highly experimental, and I’m afraid I don’t know much about the specifics of this doppleganger effect- which reminds me, if it wasn’t obvious already, to inform you that it must not, under any circumstances, be mentioned that you are of this world. If it were discovered that the princess would shirk her responsibilities to the extent of utilizing such forbidden magic, it would ruin the reputation of the princess, and by extension the entire Euthalian court- including myself, forever. Which is something we especially cannot afford in such trying times.”

Out of the ordinary? Why would he ever do a thing like that? No, no, his task was to help her blend in, of course. He hoped he could fashion her hair into something befitting the occasion swiftly, whatever mess her hair was in now would never do. Hopefully, the excuse of remaking the princess’ image would be enough to quell any suspicion. And of course he had to select another magical accessory- something formal, but not too showy-
ah, there was the gold necklace, with the fur trimmed velvet gown… a little warm for spring, but it would have to do. It would at least be more suitable than... whatever peasant garment she was wearing at the moment, now that was out of the ordinary, and perhaps not just for the banquet. He’d have to hide them to ensure suspicion was not roused. When did he become the royal tailor, he wondered. At least he was multitalented, with the princess, he always became chief cook and bottlewasher.

“I have a few selections in mind for your clothing, thankfully, it won’t be too odd that you changed outfits. Prior to her coming here, the princess excused herself from the banquet on a poor excuse to clean herself up, and was escorted out by Prince Kiefer of Nezzie- You’ll have to please excuse the princess, she shouldn’t have made such crass remarks about the prince, even if his behavior was… questionable. Though I must reiterate to ensure that, for all the time you’ve been gone, you must insist that you were in you room the whole time. I will, of course, support your story, as it would be highly suspicious if it was implied that she was alone with the prince the entire time, especially considering his political position. I shouldn’t be one to make such remarks, but it may be wise to take care with who you associate with. In the eyes of the public, their opinions may reflect your own, and I’m afraid Euthalia cannot afford to make too many enemies nowadays.”

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Kiefer Arlie Avescamp

Still eyes betraying nothing of the rapid pacing of his thoughts, at the confirmation of the boy's identity, everything that the prince could recall from his mother's lecture floated to the top pages of the inner notebook in his mind.

Like Nezzie, the Sea Republic was at odds with Euthalia. Except their circumstances couldn't have been more different. The once illustrious Empire stripped of its title, banished to the harsh, thunderstorm-ravished lands of the Northeast, left to plot for centuries to return to their rightful place in the sun...and the seemingly passive kingdom with its beautiful, lush cities sparkling with the energy of the arts, carved out of white marble into the very hills and mountains themselves. A kingdom already enjoying the lushness of light. Why the Caesar Rebellion had even occurred in the first place, the prince could only guess. Even the King and Queen of Nezzie, with all their strategic teachings, had been perplexed by it. The tactics, the causes...it seemed utterly random and, in the end, completely pointless. Serving no other purpose than to strip a once peaceful, powerful nation of their leader and their sovereignty. Crippling it to a pitiful outpost of Euthalia's might.

Stranding its prince as a leader with nothing to lead.

And such was the pitiful youth standing before him.

Though his face remained an impenetrable mask, save for full lips curled into a tight, composed smile, Kiefer studied the man head to toe. Of course, he had never been to Sea himself, though Vladimir purportedly had, during his years of travel which he was only ever too happy to talk about. And then there was the the discourse on what he might except from his mother. Though to imagine Sea as such a tiny, powerless boy--

He had been alive during the Rebellion, hadn't he? So then he must not be as young as his looks betrayed. Kiefer warned himself against hasty judgement. Being of a tall and lanky status himself, it was not unusual for him to peer down on others.

I am Prince Kiefer Arlie Avescamp, of Nezzie."

His smile slightly broadened at the thought of the word 'Empire,' unspoken, but dancing on his tongue-tip. And then there it was again. The thrill of that simplest introduction. He wondered if saying the name would ever tire in its ability to bring him such satisfaction.



Despite the polar opposites of their appearances, this fallen prince and himself, they had much in common, hadn't they?

'A potential ally.'

His mother had warned. Warned, yes, for she knew full well that her son knew no true allies, no semblance of loyalty, save for Vlad and the other mindless subordinates she had assigned him. Finding common ground over a mutual distaste for Euthalia's politics was one thing, but the success of the plan was another. Sea would only be useful to Nezzie as a loyal subordinate. Though what could such a child-like prince really have to cause Kiefer to fear? There was no way such a one could ever secure the princess's heart. Their geographical position, however, could be useful.

After all, once Lepumir had fallen to their hands...

And it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm sure."

He turned to look back towards the doorway leading deeper into the castle.

I had just stepped out for a breath of air, but it's high time I returned to the banquet. Care to join me?"

Sea could already begin to prove his usefulness. Returning with a new companion would certainly serve to deflect questions and suspicions off of himself.


@FinalStraw ]

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It was crowded. Very crowded.

It was claustrophobic. Very claustrophobic.

Someone might recognize him. That's alarming.

What if the payoff isn't worth any of this?

What if there's nothing to take?

Thoughts raced around the head of Felix Wrightwind. Surely, there had to be a better way of going unrecognized, he though to himself, changing into his suit and tie... But, of course, how else would one get into an exclusive ball like this uninvited? As much as he hated to admit it, it seemed to him like the only way... Besides, it's too late to turn back now- he's even dyed his hairs purple to further submerge himself into the disguise character he'd be taking on this week- "Wellix Waynewright". A normal, everyday food caterer.

Wracked as his nerves were, he had a comforting thought- he'd only be scoping things out tonight... He'd have more than plenty of time tonight afterwards in which he'll be able to formulate a plan on what to steal, and how to steal it. Of course, there were boundaries as to how far he'd be going- anything royal was most likely off-limits- too dangerous to even attempt taking. He gave a great sigh, then took a deep breath, stepping through the door of the bathroom with his eyes closed. He opened them again. There wasn't anyone yelling, no pointing, nothing. Seems this disguise was good enough, nobody seemed to label his features as "familiar". He glided over to the catering table, took his platter, and began to weave slowly through the crowd, absentmindedly saying things such as "excuse me" or "would you like some food?" periodically. Once or twice, he felt a twinge of greed as he'd pass a wealthy person, perhaps seeing their gleaming gold necklaces or rings. Too bad he didn't have his cane with him, he thought- he'd be able to steal it easily if it weren't back in the hotel room he had been staying in...

View media item 7942

Camilla Faith Redford


Camilla starred cautiously at Kip as he blurred out what felt like, thousands of sophisticated words. Her mind tried to gather them up and make a normal, believable sentence, but to her, at least half the words she didn't understand. But luckily enough, she could pick up a sufficient amount of words to have a very basic understanding of what Kip was talking about. "Well, a flying squirrel thing isn't normal here, no. It's not like this world is that different... right?" she added a small peep at the end, realizing this world must have magic, which standalone would make the world strangely different and new to her.

"U-um, I think it might be... how would I say? Beneficial? Yeah. That. To... like, know the name of this land? Just in case. I mean you refer to Euthalia like a land-mark.. I suppose that's something to go off. Or something like that. " Camilla took a pause, tapping her index finger delicately twice on her chin, then returned to speaking with a sincere voice. "Look, I'll try to do what I can. I... didn't think this was actually happening. But it is. I also wouldn't put an ounce of faith on my social skills, if I were you. But I'll guess we'll have to hope, for a miracle that this insane operation won't go tumbling downhill."

She held a steady gaze at Kip, honestly concerned if he was making the right choice. Hopefully, he would just go through this damned portal before he or herself change their mind on such an idea. Which was almost certain under the circumstances they were in. A couple deep breaths spread through Camilla's body, washing away the tense feeling she had within it, and she felt more relaxed.
"So, shall we? Like go?" Camilla said, only realizing she was almost saying it as a whisper once the words had spill out of her mouth, rolling off her tongue. She heaved herself upright, in what she thought might be princess-type pose, so she guessed (and mainly hoped) it looked regal, so that at least she would look the part for this job. Sure - she looked exactly like the woman she was intimidating, but that didn't mean she fully looked the part.

@wizard nibblers



"That would certainly be for the best."

Adalberht initially thought of the male in front of him was shady, but the thought was cancelled along with his reply. Instead of leaving the short boy here alone in the garden without saying anything, an offer was made to return to the place where the banquet was being held. Though mostly a revenge-oriented individual, Adalberht was still young. He is one to quickly judge someone by their cover, but he was also easily fooled by one's actions. One could say his aim for revenge is merely like a child, throwing a tantrum. Still, to win back Caesar Kingdom's title was not a mere game. Adalberht knew that he needed to be more than a child to achieve his aim-- he needed to have connections, as well. Though he had no idea what Kiefer was thinking, Adalberht had no intention of merely being used. He needed to use Kiefer and manipulate him to his needs, too.

Heh, he's already being useful to me. Convenient.

Along the way, Adalberht would only speak a little, if not being completely silent-- unless prompted by the four-eyed prince to converse, of course. He was too busy thinking about, well, many things. As a country at odds with Euthalia, Adalberht was almost sure that Nezzie was also seeking to expand their borders-- he had known maybe a bit
too well of how unplanned fights against Euthalia would result in.

Maybe this Kiefer dude was sent here to be a spy, or something. Maybe even win the Princess' heart? Destroy Euthalia from the inside?

As he thought, Adalberht couldn't easily trust the lavender-haired prince. He was suspicious from head to toe. His unchanging expression, suspiciously good attitude, all of this were suspicious. After what happened in his life, after all, Adalberht has learned not to be so trusting of people, but maybe Kiefer was different. Maybe, just maybe, Adalberht could make an alliance with him and destroy Euthalia-- if he isn't destroyed first, of course.

@Pretzel Heart
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Nelly Lin

This man truly existed as a puzzle to the young witch. He was a swirling enigma she could not possibly solve without the bits she needed. The bits she couldn't locate as they lay behind that tired chest plate. As he lay those heavy eyes on her there came a feeling of compassion that draped over Nelly like a moth-eaten curtain of dust, long deserted by any soul. Guilt, here she was. Someone with a charmed rearing, it'd be impossible to imagine the girl embarking on such an arduous journey for the duration of the time Helbrecht had.

Her lack of fervor couldn't possibly cut it, not to mention her frail build. The closest she'd gotten to lifting was most likely a stack of books. Pale fingers prance across her lap as they lift the laced napkin to dab at her mouth before responded with renewed ardor.

"Your devotion to her is admirable, I see it now..we-ll I think I do, your search doesn't seem as mad as it did when you first explained it to me," a laugh spilled like sweet honey from her lips "-though travelling for as long as you have without rest isn't entirely pleasant sounding..I won't object your decision," a shrug of her sharp shoulders is issued forth, the wolf-girl yet again taking things rather too literally after all one would not be able to function without sleep. Would they?

Oh! She had strongly hoped that Alexander hadn't heard her feeble protest to his words, it wasn't like Nelly really, to be so timid in the cruel face of intolerance. The girl had become familiar with it. However, the other worldliness of this man heightened her suspicions and caused her guards to be built exceptionally high around the newness and strangeness of everything about the bright, intimidating being. Nelly hadn't the desire to be making any foes and therefore accepted his apology with a curt nod and polite smile.

"Not to worry Mister. Keyston, I do tend to jump to conclusions. Forgive me for my misconception, it wasn't at all your fault but mine," she indulges her words with over-politeness and a spritz of candour. But still the lies linger and so does the qualms surrounding this man.

Lord Asuran's well-wishing is received by pointed ears and she returns her golden gaze back to Helbrecht, "and I, too, wish you the very same," comes the simple accord to the lord's kindly declaration.

As Helbrecht's question settled in her mind and turned around like a colorful kite taken by the gust and carried onward toward a modest house in the Kingdom of Lepumir in which a family of three occupied, memories of overly stuffed armchairs and cloud-like duvets scattered with spell books, of a glowing warmth that washed all hurt from her being and autumn leaves and curling ivy dancing in rays of joyful sunbeams. Home was a delightful thing. Words weren't enough to paint such a picture in a person's head.

"I do indeed have a place I am welcomed, one I can return to," petal lips press as if savoring a pleasant taste on one's tongue, "-hmm..it feels good.." she chirps before deciding to search for a better word.

"Well, home is cleansing almost, it's a place where I've not a care in the world," a childish vulnerability is laced into the wolf-girls words, the wolf-girl made of burnt pie crust, sharp tongues and fiery sizzle.

[Mentioned: @Unwavering Knight @Yandere Aqua ]

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The Princess of Greedo Returning from hallway

The weakened state Yuki was in caused her to sway slightly. Her Medicine, though poison, was still something her body had become dependent on and now it was leaving her system. She hadn't felt like vomiting in years since they first administrated the flower herb, but now she couldn't help but feel nauseous.

Where is my dear brother when I need him? She questioned silently to herself as her small body leaned against the wall of the banquet.

There was food being passed around, but the smell just made her feel even worse in the state she was in and she couldn't bring herself to gather to her seat again not did it seem her legs gave her the strength. Why had she become so dependent on a creation for her death that now she was in just a pitiful state? Yuki closed her eyes for just a second as she tried to heave her dead weight body from crashing to the ground.

I wanted to be a different me today, she thought as she sadly started to admit defeat.

"How can I ever be anything than what I am if even without the medicine I am in this pitiful state?" Yuki sighed quietly since it seemed that everyone was busy chatting to really notice her voice that was also quite small.

The white haired girl didn't wish to have her medicine, but she really wanted to just seem normal and interact with the others. Now she just looked pitiful as she slumped to the ground and held her pounding head in her hand.


He had already bobbed through the crowd in his first big, circular round... Wow... That was rather quick... He lowered the platter, seeing that barely anything was taken from it. How odd. Whatever, it's not his business whether or not they actually take the food. Turning on his heel, he began to stride the other way through the crowd. A couple of times, he saw that someone every now and then would see his face, do a double-take, and become unconcerned once again.

Maybe his facial features were too easily identifiable. Of course, they were partially etched in most of the public's mind, having his face printed on nearly every single "wanted" sign in the entire region. He sat the platter down on a nearby table in a corner, turned to face the wall. Slowly, he tied his neckerchief around his left eyeball. There- much better. He would just say his left eye was gone, or some story like that. Taking up the platter once again, he continued his round.

Suddenly, his uncovered eye caught something.

It was a beautiful, glimmering, something. He turned his whole head towards it. It was the stone inside of a particularly amazing necklace. Almost as though he wasn't in control of his own body, he began to stride in the direction of it. Then he noticed what he was doing. By this time, he was already in front of the necklace, and its owner. Not wanting to look suspicious or awkward in front of anyone, he began to act as if he was here on purpose. He leaned over, holding the platter in front of the woman.

"... Want something?.. You look terrible... Have some food from here, I'm sure it'll make you feel a bit better..."


A… flying squirrel thing? His ancestors may have been of mixed arie, but his family was well-respected! Enough to the point that people would not use such common terms. Certainly there were a mirror family of them here as well? Were they simply not as successful? Or perhaps she only meant that the flying was abnormal? “Are flying arie so uncommon in your world? Certainly those of high talent and pedigree, such as myself, must be able to fly.” Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen any arie yet at all. Not that he’d spent much time here in this realm, but there would be more time to go researching later. Perhaps the princess could provide some intel through her experiences. All the more reason to come back and check on her as soon as possible.

Ah, of course, being a human, she must not be knowledgeable of such secret magical practices, and it was likely that perhaps she did not know it was possible at all. How could she know of Euthalia? Kip was suddenly humbled at her ability to just comply with these strangers’ wishes.
“Euthalia is the centermost kingdom, and perhaps most affluent power, in the continent of Roserasia. You are to pose as the only daughter of the Euthalian family and heir to the crown. As the princess explained before, as you- well, she- has just come of age, many bachelors from around the continent are vying for her- er your- hand in marriage. And what better time for them to go after the most powerful and influential princess than at the ball? The ball in question, of course, being the Cendrillion Ball at the end of the month, a celebration that ensures that the kingdoms all stay in good standing with each other. However, being the greatest social event of the year, the festivities last for the duration of the month, leaving ample time for one to try to get comfortable with the princess.”

He turned to Evalyn, noting how stiff she seemed to be. His eyes softened as he continued,
“Try not to worry too much, It’ll only make it worse. Just be comfortable and kind to others and you should do fine. The princess herself was never quite so keen on conversation either, so you should blend in without difficulty.” He laughed through his nose, “My lady, it is practically the core purpose of my job to hope that the princess’ array of insane operations do not tumble downhill.” After Evalyn asked to go through the portal- rather awkwardly, poor thing, at least she tries- he bowed and gestured to the vortex itself before venturing inside.

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Olympia Dolloway

The night wore on in blissful festivities, flair and colour. Pale, rosy hues dotted the cheeks of various guest, but the wine never seemed to run dry. Olympia tapped her perfectly, manicured nails on the edge of the table, restlessly beating out a rhythm. The banquet had stretched out into the darkest hour of the evening, but haunting stories and heavenly tales of the ocean enraptured her attention. But the prolonged absence of the Royal Highness was evident, the King would not be pleased.

A velvety voice drifted over to Olympia, accompanied by a brusque nod of greeting. His eyes seemed to be a swirling, vortex of amethyst, distinctly deep and brooding for one so young.
"I am indeed from Euthalia, how did you know?" came a surprised reply from the broad shouldered girl. Olympia was born and bred as a pure Euthalian, but her ebony skin marked her out from the norm. Her trademark feature was inherited from ancestors who came from the outskirts of the Kingdom, and was the basis of much harassment in her childhood. As Olympia matured, she embraced the abuse and torment, shaping them to her own advantage, using them as incentive. The wounds developed into silver scars, barely visible but never forgotten.

Seeing that the Viscount's attention was diverted, Olympia was then addressed by the princess clothed in the dress that rippled like the ocean.
"Your native dance holds a great interest to me, it's wondrous movements is something I dreamt to replicate, though I never had a chance. I believe I would have to confer with my instructor before accepting your offer, but extra dance lessons would not be a problem." she declared with a gracious nod. "Having danced for many years, my fitness and flexibility is of maximal importance to me. Hopefully it reflects in my build. I must admit though, the mastery of magic is not something I have toiled with before."

Addressed: @The Succubi Queen, @ParadoxalPaladin


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