Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]


Ten Thousand Club
Opening Theme

6th Day of the Month of Resplendent Earth, Realm Year 765

Village of Santobal and surrounding environs, Mahnakee Nation

A cool rain falls upon the plains and shores of the Mahnakee Nation, as is to be expected this time of year. It is quiet now, as it usually is in this corner of Creation, the silence broken only occasionally by the discontented mooing of Kandela cattle being driven to market in the rain. The people of Santobal prefer to stay inside today, warm inside the wooden longhouses that make up the majority of the structures in town. Even the semi-permanent "guests" of the village, a sizable group of Immacualte monks, keep to the indoors, with the exception of a few truly pious who meditate in the chilling rainfall.

In less than a week, the full moon will rise, and the Great Circle will convene again, ready to discuss once more the issue of Realm presence in Mahnakee lands, though this matters little to the average man. What is more important is that Luna's face, full and beautiful, also means a changing of the guard; the monks will be moving on, replaced by another group fresh from the Blessed Isle, and the people wait with bated breath to discover whether the monks to come will be kind, as Immaculates currently here are, or abusive, as they have been in the past. This is the thought on everyone's mind today, as they stare out the windows, watching the steady rain.

What the people do not know is that their town, their country, is not an isolated incident. The Realm is putting pressure all throughout the Confederation of Rivers, attempting to drive their fingers deeper into untapped wealth and power. What they do not know is that soon, they could be at the mercy of not monks, but soldiers, and fearsome Princes of the Earth. These are still but dreams in the minds of their invaders, whispers of heresy in the dark night that is the Age of Sorrows.

Hope, whether the Mahnakee know they need it or not, is on its way, though; eight heroes, flawed though they may be, find their paths converging here, in this sleepy landscape, tugged along by the strings of fate. Some are guided by dreams, memories of former lives; some are the native sons of the land; others are drawn by an inexplicable and incessant urgency, one that says 'follow me' in the pits of their stomachs; others still find their way here by virtue of the fact that they have nowhere else to go, they who search, but never find. Regardless of the means, these Lawgivers find themselves in the heart of the Mahnakee Nation, on the brink of overwhelming forces.

Welcome to the game! When posting, please include at the top of your post your character's name and location in bold. Out of character chatter and mechanical effects should be listed at the end of the post in italics, like this little paragraph is. At the moment, everyone is somewhere outside the village of Santobal, waiting to make their (more or less) dramatic entrance. If you'd like to start within the village itself go for it; if not, there are a few lonely farmers and herders in the fields, should you wish to talk with anyone. Otherwise, have at it!
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Santobal, village.

It was dark, but the dark suited those who wish to remain hidden. Rankin walked towards it, rest for the night. A house, a barn, anything. The homeless were not picky. He moves in near silence, barely noticing the farmers or the herders, staying out of their way...and hoping everyone stayed out of his.

He had something to do here, but what?

The soul within knew.
Name: Joleen Ires

Location: Santobal, village.

The few farmers and herders still out and about at this time of day barely noticed her passing. Those who did quickly forgot, for they only saw a figure covered in heavy robes and a pineapple hat.

She walks toward the village hoping to find some shelter for the night.

The hat looks like this
Name: Renshu

Location: Santobal, village.

The rain cleansed the land, washing away and concealing its troubles and concerns. The rain also drove the majority of the people indoors to avoid the cold crisp rain, which is also where Renshu currently found himself.

He sat against the wall of one of longhouses, enjoying the hospitality of one of the many kind members of the village who knew him and was grateful of what he did. It wasn't much, just a warm dry place to sleep the night, and a meagre meal, but he didn't need anything more.

He was a few days earlier than usual on his pilgrimage between villages, and as such he found himself at Santobal with the immaculate monks still present. Usually, he tried to schedule his visits to coincide with their absence, or shortly after new individuals came to prevent his arrival becoming too much of notice.

But there was something unusual in the air this night, he thought even as his face was lit by the flickering fire. An odd wind blew through the village that carried omens the likes of which Renshu was unfamiliar with. He finished off the last of his thin stew, and sat silently... Waiting for... something.
Taaron Xourte

Santobal village

Taaron spent the last week or so in this unimportant seeming village and its surroundings. He wasn't entirely certain as to why. Sol Invictus had spoken to him, over a month ago, of a great tragedy that needed to be stopped in this land. He was still uncertain in his new position as a Lawgiver, so he gladly complied with his god and traveled here with haste.

He was to meet allies. "Those like you." So far, he hadn't seen a trace of them. Perhaps he needed to search more actively, he thought to himself.

The Village of Santobal

As he entered the village gates rain running down his silken cloak Takamichi began wandering looking for an inn of some sort and taking great care to make sure his reaper daiklave remained hidden under his cloak.

Which tribes land is the village in?
With a cup of lukewarm tea in his hands and the wooden window of his apartment propped open, Mosu considered how the village of Santobal seemed in the rain. One could learn a lot about a place, simply by feeling it. Bustling markets in great cities possess a particular shimmer of vividness. Pristine forests of the East carry strange scents, so fascinating that it almost feels Essential. Lands strangled by the greed of tyrants constantly moan in the background, quietly enough not to be heard but loudly enough to crush the people's spirit. These minute details of the senses, though they may not say anything definitive, have always been critical in understanding what he must do.

Mosu slowly took another sip of the auburn drink. He tasted its fragrant bitterness, felt the wet breeze and imagined what plans Heaven has for this nation. He could almost see the airs of anxiety feeling this place, but, as that was rather common in these tumultous times, it unfortunately did not say much. Yet Mosu was just as aware that something important will happen in this place.

In the town square, there are a few merchants huddled under the canvas awnings of their stalls, waiting hopelessly for a customer, anyone. Seeing strangers trickle in, a particularly brazen trader lets out a call, in heavily accented River-speak: "Hey! Stranger! You lost or something? Don't get many outsiders 'round here, less'n of course, yer from the Realm."

Her curiosity piqued, a second merchant pipes up, "We got at least a couple ain't from the Realm. First fellas who been in the Hall of Hospitality in a while."

"Shut up, you idiot!" a third yells at the first. "Look at they way they're dressed! Can't be from the Realm." Realizing that he may have offended, the merchant grins sheepishly. "Not that yer dressed poorly, o'course. Any o' you folks need anything?"

Mosu, not far from the square in his apartment at the Hall of Hospitality can hear the sound of voices coming from the square over the soft, falling rain, but not well enough to make out the particulars of whatever conversation. Taaron, shut up in his lodgings down the hallway hears nothing.

The scene that plays out when Takamichi arrives, however, is different. Calling to him in Mahnakee, the third merchant says, "Hail, brother! What brings you to town on a day like this? Must be dreary business, I imagine."

Santobal, being a trade hub, is primarily made up of Kandela, though it is close enough to the borderlands that there is a significant Shakmah minority as well.

Takamichi and Reshu, if either of you wish to speak in Mahnakee, please denote it in red so it is easily distinguishable from regular speech.

Madmal, Bushranger: feel free to retroactively include yourselves in the group arriving in town.
Name: Gonzu

Location: The Village of Santobal, Town Square

Well, here he was, laying low on some rags near a wall as many unfortunate souls scattered around the plaza, waiting for their time to rise and wander around town, the only difference beign that he did not fled from the rain by covering even more, he just stayed there, faking drowsyness.

He wasn't sure what had drove him here, those confusing whispers on the back of his head, or maybe his gut, or his stomach. For now he was content watching the cloudy skies and laughing inside at the Mahnakee's take on Riverspeak.
Name: Renshu

Location: Santobal, Hall of Hospitality

Renshu stood from his place he was seated and quietly returned his bowl before he moved to the door and peered outside into the rain, the sound of the people talking had caught his attention as well, and although he couldn't quite make out what was being said, he still felt an odd curiosity overtake him.

Being a man who followed his premonitions, he opted to investigate the apparent new comers to the village, people who apparently wasn't from the realm. They couldn't be monks, or their replacements, it was too soon for that...

The wind still carried that odd sense of foreboding... or maybe excitement... it was hard to read.
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Santobal, village.

Rankin glances around at the others walking in and shrugs. It's raining, make sense for everyone to go look for some shelter. The Hall of Hospitality, hmm. Might be dry...

He nods to the merchants and moves to the one who mentioned the hall. "So tell me, where would I be able to find the Hall of Hospitality then, neighbour?" an easy smile appears on Rankin's face.
Name: Joleen Ires

Location: Santobal, village.

Joleen looks up as if surprised and moves closer to one of the merchants. "Perhaps you can direct me to this...Hall of Hospitality? Getting out of this rain would be a welcome change."

She glances at Rankin but deigns to speak to him.
Approaching the merchant who addressed him Takamichi replies, "I'm on a pilgrimage, my master said I must see the world before I can master the sword, and you are right it is a dreary business; you wouldn't by chance know of a place I could bed for the night?"
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: Santobal, village


At one time, she hadn't believed in it. At least, not that it could be for her. Pretty but common, doomed to life as a housewife...

'My, hasn't that changed,' Sabrina muses to herself as she slips into the village of Santobal, the rain drenching her to the skin but not seeming to mind it, or her red hair being plastered down by it, her steps long and her stride determined as she sizes up the village and its inhabitants, and, seeing a group by the marketplace, starts in that direction.

Surely somebody there will know where an inn can be found.
Rankin, Gonzu, Joleen, Sabrina - Town Square

The brazen merchant again manages to be the first to speak. "The Hall ain't hard to miss. If'n ye head up the road Air-ward a ways," he says, pointing to one of the four cardinal streets that lead into the square, "Ye should be able to find it. 'S the only longhouse what has a sign on it, a bright blue sigil. Don't worry about payment, we don't call it the Hall of Hospitality without reason!" He speaks only to the two who asked the question, though the fellow is loud enough to be heard by all in the square.

Takamichi - Town Square

The friendly merchant nods sagely at Takamichi's explanation. "Aye, we've another like you; not a warrior, but a healer. Seems a good many of our kinsmen have taken to wandering these days." As the merchant speaks, a bit of a grimace spreads across his face. "Normally you'd be welcome in any one of our homes, brother; such is they way we are raised in Santobal," he says with a hint of pride, "Unfortunately those places of honor have been taken by those Dynasts, for Master Ashkeh has ordered us to welcome the foreigners as we would our tribesmen. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in the Hall like a stranger. Take the road north, and you will see the longhouse with the sign of Radmathi. You will be treated well there."

Renshu - The Air-ward Road

The scene in the square is an odd one. On a day when anyone sane would be inside, there is a group of people in the middle of the marketplace, though "group" might not be the best way to describe them. It is apparent that none of them have been traveling together, as their clothing is all in different states of dampness and style, and of course there was the apparent ascetic propped up against a wall, his eyes half-lidded under his long, drenched hair. Renshu can also see and hear a merchant speaking to another tribesmen about the Hall.
Rankin nods politely, "Thank you kindly, g'day."

He follows the directions and spots the longhouse. It looks comfy enough, he thinks to himself as he approaches, entering the door and glancing around. "Hello? I'd like to talk about gettin' some lodgings and perhaps some food?"
Name: Renshu

Location: The Air-ward Road

As Rankin neared the lodge, Renshu would step out of the way to allow to foreigner to pass and enter. However, as he did he would tilt his head slightly and speak up himself in a low realm tongue. "Well met, Traveler. What brings you to this village, and what news do you carry?" He asked with a touch of curiosity.. Particularly hoping to find some mote of understanding about what brought so many outsiders to this village all at once.
Heading up the street northward Takamichi comes to the House of Hospitality, upon entering he asks, "I heard I could get lodgings here?"
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: The Air-ward Road

Rankin stops for a moment and turns to Renshu. Nodding his head in greeting he simply says, "None really, I've been holed up in a place where there are no other people. I like my privacy. Though I'm here for some company and I hear there might be some kind of trade with the Realm happening around here...I'm always interested in the Realm's dealings, so close to home."

Turning and stepping in the same motion, he steps into the Hall of Hospitality, trying to end the conversation now.
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: The Air-ward Road

Overhearing the discussion, Sabrina smirks to herself, nodding slightly.

Ask and ye shall receive...and yet, sometimes, one doesn't even have to ask, she muses, as she turns and starts up the Airward Road, her eyes open for anything out of the ordinary...and sizing up the appearance of the Hall of Hospitality as she approaches, noting to men outside it speaking briefly before one turns to hurry inside, and out of the weather.
(At least) Sabrina, Rankin, Takamichi - Hall of Hospitality Foyer

The inside of the Hall is warm and inviting. It is one long hallway, flanked on either side by a series of apartments, seven on each side. A middle-aged woman in a neat and tidy robe stands just inside the doorway. Seeing multiple people enter the Hall, she deigns to use River-speak, despite the Mahnakee man present. "Welcome guests, we have twelve free rooms; those not open are marked with a blue charm. Please feel free to take any open room you wish. Meals are prepared by the townspeople, and you will be fed on their charity, however, do not expect that food shall be saved for you though; hospitality can only go so far. The next meal will be served at dusk."

Taaron - Hall of Hospitality, Apartment

From the entrance of the longhouse, a slamming door is heard, and muted voices. Something within the Golden Bull stirs. It is not the divine presence of the Unconquered Sun, but is rather more like a memory of that glory. Whatever it is, it reverberates within the deepest parts of his being.

DESTINY APPROACHES, it says in a language devoid of words and sound.

Mosu - Hall of Hospitality, Apartment 2

The slamming of the door and the voices, closer now, disrupt the peace of the quiet rainfall. His tea grows cool in its cup.

Hall of Hospitality - Apartment

Taaron senses that the time has come to let his introspective mood pass. The reason he is in this village is here. He hones his senses to stay alert, then calmly walks into the foyer. Searching for new arrivals or anything unusual, he listens to conversations both within the Hall and outside.

Right so, I use Keen Hearing and Touche Technique, using my personal pool. More as a learning excercise, since I still dont know how this works. So, I lower my personal essence by 3 motes on my character sheet, right? Or do you keep track of this, Mnemonix? Then, after an hour they should regenerate, so...

I'll need to keep track of these things?
Mosu - Hall of Hospitality, Apartment 2

Mosu notices that his tea has grown sharply bitter with coolness and his attention has been stirred by the growing noise outside. After quickly finishing his cup (though it was no longer as pleasant, leaving any in the cup might insult the taste of the hostess), he chooses to leave his room and perhaps meet the new guests at the Hall of Hospitality. The most interesting and meaningful things in his life happened when he crossed paths with strangers.

That, and he was still somewhat thirsty. Perhaps he will ask what this tea is called.
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Hall of Hospitality Foyer/Room 3/Foyer

Rankin nods to the woman, assuming she's the hostess and heads to one of the empty rooms and drops off his backpack and assorted belongings, then hangs his coat off a wall hook before eading back out to the commons room. He settles in quietly at a corner of the table where there's room and begins eating quietly.

The need for company every so often since his dash to the wilderness brought him trouble a time or two before, he'd be cautious this time...if only that feeling he had as he walked into the village would subside. The feeling that there was something he was missing right infront of him.
Name: Jolin Ires

Location: Hall of Hospitality Foyer

Joleen hangs back a bit so she could talk to the hostess alone. Once the others had thanked her and gone to their rooms, she approached.

"Thank you for the hospitality, lady. I was hoping to take a hot bath if that could be arranged?", she asks hopefully.

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