Prelude: Both the Quick and the Dead [Incarnadine Waters]

Dancing Winds eyes the group warily. He couldn't help but feel either as a piece of meat or a big target right now. Still the friendly voice did come out from Rey Pey Young, and responded in kind, "Thank you. I hope that this encounter can be beneficial experience for those involved."

He was being diplomatic, but he did not trust most of those assembled here.
Beneficent River has been keeping quiet for some time, soaking in the knowledge. Lookshy, that enclave of Dragon-Blood that opposed the Realm. The Golden Lord did not speak highly of them but River was not the type to just accept that. They were good, in a fashion. They staunchly opposed the Realm and often used that to bully the other powers. Still, an enemy of the Realm was a potential ally.

"I hope that the Seventh Legion may be of assistance. Nowhere else but the Realm is there an army strong enough to oppose the enemy of Creation and I think I can speak for us all when I say the Realm is a paper tiger. Your presence here is reassuring, because it indicates that Lookshy is concerned, whereas the Realm would rather stomp us out and oppose the Mask of Winters on their own; that is, if they can stop squabbling with themselves."

She bows, following Rey Pey Yung's example; minus the cleavage of course but her sizable assets are still on display.
Raynes looks over the dragon blood, his jaw set in a hard line. "Just stay out of my way Dragon Blooded and everything between us will be fine. I have no desire to harm you until you give me a reason to. I'm not your friend but neither will I be your enemy."
Brilliant Singing Hammer brings himself to stand, from leaning again on a tree, and says, "Those of Lookshy seek not our blood, brothers and sisters, like those of the Realm. Stay thy wrath, hatred, and distain for those who truly deserve it. That Dancing Winds is here says much about us, Lookshy, and Dancing Winds. Surely a congregation as diverse of field and exaltation is a mighty sign of the Realms loss of power and influence."

"Once it was the defender of creation against its enemies. Now we returned celestials will have to take up the standard of creation while the Realm decays from within. Think on it! The death lords become bolder with each year and there is a wyld zone in this very city. Look on Dancing Winds as the opportunity that he represents. When we took down the Primordials it was not just the Solar, not just the Lunar, not just the Dragon Blooded, but all of the Exalted! Should we all join forces again, is there anything inside or outside of creation that could successfully oppose us?!"
Teliseria was really getting to like this Solar, his words had much merit, and she had began to watch him as he spoke. Though I wonder, she thought to herself, how Coals Over Time would feel if she were here. Or am I here because she knew it. Well regardless, she had no issue with the Dragonblooded, they had not sought to harm her. These deathknights had which meant their Lords have and they were assuredly not natural to the ways of the world.

She was happy that not all involved were highly displeased with the Dragon Blooded, it was nice to see that some appreciated him. Assuredly then if he was as good as his being here meant then sooner or later those that distrusted him would see him differently.

And ofcourse if all the beings of power united against Creation's Enemies then nothing could stand against them. So the stories of the old times have said, so it must be true.
Five-Edged Peony smiled wolfishly as she beheld the Lookshyan Terrestrial. "Sacrificial lamb if something goes wrong, hmm?" she asked dryly, her accent slipping into that of Gens Maheka for a moment.
Right now he wished the numbers were reversed. Still, he had his pride and he would not be talked down to, nor was he about to let himself be bullied, "I will not be talked down to." Dancing Winds snarled, "Joke and threaten if you want, but I am the one who represents Lookshy's interests. If something bad happens to me and there is even the hint of impropriety on your behalf..." he looks at them all, "...and you'll all be lucky we don't dispatch a large strike force armed to the teeth with all those lovely toys I see some of you eye so longingly." He glared at Raynes. Still, his glare softens when addressing the rest, "We can call ourselves untrustworthy allies at best right now. Perhaps we may find truer ones in time." he doubted it though.

He repressed the urge to make his opinions known about the so-called Chosen of the Unconquered Sun. He would not needlessly endanger whatever this alliance might represent, but he was not someone to be pushed around.
"Untrustworthy allies is fine with me for now. Trust always has to be earned. It can't be bought or given." Is Rayne's reply. Its a simple mart of fact frank reply with no emotion or caring in it. Then Raynes turns and looks over to the maiden Yume before sitting down under a nearby tree.
Flowing Granite heaves a sigh, intentionally loud enough to be heard by all. "Ok, bring the Dragon-Blood along or not, I don't much care for him or Lookshy. Can we get on with this mission? Some of us have other stuff to do, and all this talking is getting tiresome."
Rey almost shines at the opportunity to work with all of these people and finds it difficult to stand in judgement of others when she knows her own history. Certainly a rocky start we shall have, but there is no stronger foundation than the hardest stone. I am sure we shall grow to support each other with respect and friendship.
A petite, comely redhead with sapphire eyes in a halter and mini of red jade lamelar strode out of the periphery of the meeting to a place at Danicng Winds shoulder opposite from where Cinnamon would have normally knelt. Though the petite green woman was as youthful as any of her nigh immortal race, there was soothing maturity in her poise and centuries in her eyes. She knelt beside Dancing Winds and touched his shoulder in a way that a girl in a Chiaoscuro tavern might get a free man's attention with an offer to help. "Cultures," she paused just long enough to make it clear that the one word summed up her entire observation. "in the south, or for a man

in the South, where brother kills brother for a skin of water, these jests would be killing insults. Is it any wonder some among us are slow to trust, when one man's joke is another man's death threat?"
Sitting tailor fashion behind Zaiden Rhaynes, a redhead with a black rose tucked into hair that was carefully aranged into a bun that was girlish but tight and didn't fall low enough to tangle in her feminine steel lamelar, tossed the dagger into the sky so that it flashed through a sunray and landed in the grass point first.

"So you'll take the dragon blooded, mr high and mighty granite pulverizer? And you, Miss Five Razor Edge Peony, is that your judgment, the prince of the earth is good enough to be bait in your august company? Well, I've got a news flash for all of you high and mighty chosen of the gods. I have it on the my grandfathers impeccable authority that there are more ghosts in the underworld than there are stars in the sky. How many of them fight for the mask of winters if only because he is there king? How many corpses has he raised to his service? Then there's his copy cats? His death knights? Can the gods in the bureau of counting get an acurate tally of the foes rallied against the arrogant little company. My name is Briar Rose. I am exalted by my own storytelling self to the ranks of undersized farm girls who would rather fight the coming darkness from the back of a big white owl than wait on a farm for you shining ones to decide whether I'm going to be your subject or zombie food. I and many others like me are going to fight, like it or not. The question is, are we good enough to fight for you?"
Raynes looks over at both of his companions. "Rose, you fight by my side along with your sisters. You know you are good enough to fight with me. Remember that. You fight with me, not for me."
He rose from where he'd curled up, eyeing the soft-skins and the shifter warily before speaking.

I am...Strong-Who-Guards, known to the city I protect as Grimlock. I was asked to aid you in your task, and so I shall.

The anklok dinosaur king eyes them all without any emotion in those strange, reptilian eyes of his.
Amongst the tension that had risen steadily it had seemed, while some friendly defended Dancing Winds and others refused to let go of what seemed to her as old hatreds, Teliseria had started to wonder if a fight would break out so soon. Such a thing would cause grievous flaws in any alliance against the darkland forces. She looks between Dancing Winds and some of the others. This would do no good, a unity must be made. She stood once again, a bit of unease with her but she glanced at Brilliant Singing Hammer, his words had given her this amount of courage to speak among so very many. "Please, let us not be lightly throwing words around. As others have said, the Lookshian is here to earnestly help. He has come knowing that he might not be well recieved, but are we just letting older angers cloud better judgements? Trust maybe hard to gain as some of you have said, but look he came amongst all of us, a group of people where stories of the lands here have declared us dangers to peace and life. Let us not prove those stories right. We have enemies far greater it seems to me than some petty distrusts and angers. Let him peacefully be among us, and if it is distrust and hate that drives your words towards him, then let his further actions speak for him then."

She found her cheeks reddening, had she spoken out of turn? But all of that multiplied as soon as she noticed Strong-Who-Guards who had just spoken. Teliseria couldn't help but gasp at the reptilian creature, considering she had missed him, all these people and the tension must have made her miss such an awesome creature introduce himself. Dragon King was he not, she thought to herself with surprise, a hand to her lips. "A, and greetings honorable sir," she says to him as she slowly decides to sit down though it was more like just falling, letting the cool grass under to soften her fall. I'm a fool, she wails internally closing her eyes, I have spoken so out of turn.
He turned his head at the female lunar, baring his fangs in a slow smile, then nodding his head.

Well met lady of Luna.
As the conversation degenerated and regenerated, over and over, Yume's eyes widened in suprise to find that her lips continued to hold to a tranquil smile of faith that this group would bond together.


'Til now, back at the edge of the scene, their hostess's, matriach of the household, owner of the school, and mother of Yume, had relaxed at her ease on a blanket at the back, resting against the mighty arm--thicker than many mighty men's legs--of her favorite consort Khadavla, a great and serene bear of a man head and shoulders taller than their giantess of a daughter Yume, she herself taller than many tall men.

now the slender, athletic matriarch stood without a hand touching the ground and flicked her fan closed, tucking it into her sash. As she walked into the middle of the picknick, her blue jade bangles chimed. The small white kitten with the heartfire blue eyes moved at her ankles.

"In all honesty, it seems to me an auspicious begining. I hope that you all have enjoyed our hospitality here at Earth and Sky, and regret that not all of you have been here long. I have divereted spies from the Wyld Hunt from several of your trails, and would feel confident that I could extend my hospitality to you all for some time if I were to remain here at the school.

"However I find that in these last three decades, I have neglected the training of my martial arts and essence in favor of building this place. With all the wars that loom, i cannot remain still, and do not feel that it is wise for you to do so either. I must travel north and be away for over a year, maybe as much as two. Five Edged Peony, I would apreciate your companionship on my journey. i believe we may find a factory cathedral near my destination, or at least a shogunate erra workshop."

"It is my hope that the rest of you would find personal satisfaction in a challenge i have to offer." Kodachi continued, showing hints of the blue jade chackram sheathed behind her back as she turned away from one of them to meet the next.

"i represent a concerned alliance of herbalists and physicians who wish to oppose the improper use of necromancy throughout the world. As I have spoken to some among you, various persons have brought newer bits of this threat to my attention, as it has already touched each of you."

She gave a polite bow to Grimlock. "Three-Hundred-and-Thirty-Third Strong Who Guards, honored ally, 2 pentacles of my finest students, each skilled in supernatural martial arts leave in three dawns for the city you have built to fortify your people against the undead constructs that have begun to raid it. I thank you for taking the long view and placing your strength with those who pursue the broad solution to the broad problem."

"Threnody for the Reverent Soul, you told me when you arrived that you had spoken to ghosts disposesed from their normal havens in the underworld by invaders not flying the flag of Mask of Winters or Walker in Darkness, and between their territory, and wished for aid.

"Many such instances have come to our attention. It seems that a number of military and paramilitary leaders are following MAsk of Winters example and calling upon the power of Necromancy to stiffen or even spearhead their armies.

"Word out of Sijan speaks of a profane ghostly priestess known as Sister Impious expanding her territory throughout the lands of the dead. They say she wears skirts of chains.

"In the mountains north of the jungles, the dragon blooded King Leafar of Eisenholt has launched an agressive expansionist invasion spearheaded by boar men and undead monstrosities and stiffened by giangantic, twisted men known as the Bolg.

"In the jungles themselves, many things both bright dark are on the move. I've seen many reports of body thieves, but also news from flame ducks that--though ti be centuries too late--Incarnadine Waters has found Sorsa Endi's brother, a dragon now called The Bhodistava, and she is gathering many flame ducks to her.

The list of Necromancer Kings is long. The Nightmare Bandits bring forth feral ghosts to do thier bidding. In Harborhead, we hear rumors of a Blood King who needs a hecatomb of Varangian virgins for sacrifices, not cattle, to gain the strength to drive out the Realm."

"These horrors must be stopped. In the process of stopping them, we have another priority, a simple political one, we wish to know if the Mask of Winters is funneling them any support, even information. If any proof of this can be provided, we can rally the River Country against the MAsk of Winters once and for all."
He nodded at the woman, a slight reptilian smile splitting his muzzle.

I am at your service for the aid you have offered my city. The pleasure of working alongside Luna's own is a welcome bonus however.

He looks at the group again, massive bulk shifting as he scratches his powerful neck.
There was a commotion in the corridor before somebody entered the room, preceded by a brindled mastiff that stood waist-high to a tall man, its muzzle and feet white. The dog sniffed the air and whined a little, looking back to the woman who accompanied him. "I know, Cu Maya," she said softly, her voice rich and low.

To those from the Scavenger Lands, a Berrian was obvious: the great height, the unique garment they called a plaid with its intricate pattern of red, green and blue lines, and even the mastiff. But to see a female of the reclusive mercenary race was almost unheard of. Obviously a woman despite her six feet and more of height, she was square-jawed but attractive, her wavy dark hair pulled back into a rough knot and her skin weathered from wind and sun. She wore a belted chemise dress of homespun yellow linen, her long plaid of much finer wool, and had a cloth bag and eating knife attached to her plaited belt. Most strikingly, she carried a man-high staff of blackthorn wood banded with jade, an obvious hearthstone socketed into its middle.

"Am I in the right place to fight against the Mask of Winters?" she asked brusquely, but not maliciously or even rudely. "I'm Maya Blackthorn."
"oh for the love of Luna, can we please get on with this?" Flowing Granite seems to be on nerves' edge, and is near to bursting. He turns his gaze to the picnic's hostesses "I understand you take the Mask of Winters' position seriously, and would like to eliminate these copy cats, but couldn't you have found a less conspicous group? This is probably the greatest gathering of Celestial Exalts since who knows when, and with all these talks, we haven't even started talking about where do we start and when do we start." he keeps on ranting and raving for a bit, but does so under his breath.

Yume shook her head. "Actually, Flowing Granite, we started with a military philosopher who said we should know ourselves and know our enemy, that is where we started. Know we have to work out where to start. Mother, anything more we need to know from you?"


Kodachi replied, "Only that I will be passing Sakura's service to you, Yume. When she pleged her service to me, summoned demons struck during the oath. Expect as much or worse, it happens every time. Such battles should not take place in citties. Your Adamant Pallace is in the right direction, Yume, take the group there to ressuply and consider where you will strike first. The Herbal Alliance will leave whatever intelgence they gather there.

Kodachi's redheaded daughter paled and flushed nervously, then nodded.
Ryanes just shakes his head. "Is everyone here as impatient as you are? If they are then we might as well just walk up to wherever thees copycats are hiding and laydown on silver platters. If there is one thing I know its never rush into battle before knowing what you are going into." He asks looking directly at Flowing Granit.
Many might suspect the origins of her power came not from the Unconquered Sun’s blessing, but from another source as the cold twisted about her frame. Even here her aura seemed possessed of that unnatural cold. So it only intensified on her companions flesh when her light touch gained more digits and strength. Though nothing compared to the grip of others, a firm squeeze from her fingers indicated her desire as effectively. Her frame moved forward to surpass her companion so that she stood between him and the others. She sought not to shield, but perhaps to divert the attention and focus.

That whispered voice emerged once more from between her lips. Eyes still stared past those she spoke to, yet her features still turned toward them. Her first subject was of the reports from her homeland.

“You are correct that the dead are growing restless. Much upheaval has been caused of late from these would-be necromancers and their desires for power. That the lands of the dead are growing in strength is no secret since the conquering of Thorn. Such potential power has drawn the attention of others from my understanding. Necromancy is an art that is ill understood even among the dead, worse still among the living in this age. The repercussions could be quite devastating should they begin to tamper with the darkest areas of the Underworld.â€

Those features then made their way toward Yume and Ryanes. “Do forgive me should I overstep the bounds of my expertise. My companion’s impatience may be a cause for concern but his observation is correct. Such a gathering of power will not go unnoticed by our enemies for long. A decisive course of action would be a wise acquisition and should be considered shortly. Time, I fear, is not a luxury we possess for these affairs.â€

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