Prelude: Both the Quick and the Dead [Incarnadine Waters]

Rey Pey Yung stands, "I can only agree, time is not a luxury and a decisive action should be chosen. So let us value our shortest commodity time with investment towards a decisive action. How do we transport this crew to the home we had mentioned, where is it, and by what direction are we looking at. Will we need special clothing, more or less, and should there be any preparations." Rey suddenly has a bit of starch in her spine and can be seen as her people once saw her, drawing all enmity and attention to end a squabble.
Maya leaned against the wall, setting her staff against it but with one hand curled around it. "I've heard of the Herbal Alliance. I studied alchemy under one of its member."
Kodachi bowed, "And now you meet another. As you may guess if you know the nature of our school's treatment for delusional madness, Whisper Tea, I am Lady Orchid, for the flower that makes that medicine. We Orchids are not the only healers in the Alliance who are also a martial arts school, but we may well field the largest number of supernatural martial artists. However, though our charter goal is to heal Creation of the blight represented by unhealthy use of necromancy and out of control shadowlands, our stated method is through gathering information and providing support networks for goverments and for people like you, as well as liasing between such groups."
Maya nodded brusquely to Lady Orchid. "I'm Maya Blackthorn of the Berrians. My people are much like the Marukani - on the Mask of Winters' shit list because we've been making life hell for him."

She looked around the room. "So... who knows transportation spells? I walk everywhere."
Yume nodded. "We need to be out of Nexus in under ten days. I have always walked, and have never learned sorcery, just a tad bit of medicinal alchemy. I know a place where I could buy a big horse for myself and Sakura."
He allowed for the softskins to decide their course of action, for he would follow them as promised. And protect the Lunars from any harm.

His tongue lazily flicks out, lickingm his sharp fangs.
"If your spells of transport are not enough, I believe I'll be able to carry at one one other person on me in my other form." Adds Flowing Granite.
A warm laughter escaped the lips of the fire-haired goddess, an amused sound as clear as the finest music.

"All these centuries have passed, and as soon as you gather a group of Chosen, it all begins anew." she said softly, soft flames forming around her coal black eyes, "With all your power and your long lives, you continue to act like little children, spoiled brats, for whom nothing matters but their own egos."

Folding her mailed hands, her fingers entwined, she lowered her graceful chin upon them, resting her elbows on the table and she looked at each of them with ancient eyes.

"My suggestion, which I will give only once, is to focus on who we are, instead of what we are. To focus on what we can do, instead of what we want to do." Twice-Blessed Kenina said and she smiled, warmth beaming from it, "To be equals in this endeavor and perhaps many more to follow. Treat each other as you would like to be treated yourself and everybody will get along just fine."
Brilliant Singing Hammer strides towards the center of the gathering towards Yumi. Once there is says, "I would like to volunteer my transport services. I can move roughly 2400lbs of passengers or cargo very quickly. If your manse is within a few hundred miles the entire assembly can be transported there within a day. I propose taking the more obvious of us and yourself first Yumi."

"Pick your companions for this trip and we can head out as soon as you are all ready. I would like to get outside of Nexus by a ways first, on foot, as horses are very heavy. Once I have been to the location I can find it again.
"My compainions and I will go by air. Each of my companions can carry one person with them on their mounts but it is up to them if they do or not." Raynes replies nodding towards the girls. He stands and walks over to the Flame duck that was talking to the one called Dancing Winds and puts an arm around her. "Fly alongside or ride my dear? Its always your choice." He says to her.
"I ride a Huraka and can summon Elementals if need be." Dancing Winds says. "I will carry cargo if need be, but I already have a travelling companion."
Beneficent River

"I travel by foot though if anyone is willing to offer me a ride, I probably won't refuse."
Rey stands and begins to head out of the gathering, Beneficient River, if you can ride a horse I can get you there with a hard ride, though there is a flight offered, believe me when I say riding with Brilliantly Singing Hammer is a joy. If I need not ride, then I shall of course take Hammer up on his offer again.
She smiles, "when you put it like that, I simply cannot refuse Rey Pey Yung."

River stands and follows Rey.
Yume crossed to Grimlock and extended a hand. "Sir, more than any of the rest of us, you have a protectorate in imediate danger, and yet we don't know how long it will take our group to even locate that whcih threatens them, much less adress that threat. i would welcome your strength at my back, but perhaps it would be best if you acompanied the earth and sky students returning to your city to help keep it strong, and amongst your preperations scouted resources that our group could use in the fight in that area?"
A few hours getting out of the city and to a point where sorcery isn't to obvious and Brilliant Singing Hammer casts his spell. Zooming off the cloud comes back after several hours and makes another trip. Several hours after that the cloud returns for the third and final trip. Others flew and others road but none experienced the journey as those that flew on the soft cloud from which they could see everything and talk amongst all those on that leg of the journey as they pleased.
Be that as it may, Flowign Granite always enjoyed the feel of flying under his own power. It might be slower than riding that cloud, but the rush of doing so was still new to him, almost as much as the first time.

Nazir, on the other hand, was not quite so used to being in the air, let alone on a cloud. He could jump, but falling from a jump rarely had a consequence like falling to a very pulpy demise. Even flying low, landing would be... Difficult at best, given the speed at which they moved. For all these reasons, he flew while tenaciously clinging to the cloud as best he could and nervously glancing about.

Flying like this did not agree with him, no it did not...

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