Prelude 4: The Merging of Forces [The Land that Time Forgot]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Rarely does it happen, but the Conclave of Elders has been in assembly since early morning, even before the sun rose. Several younger, though not too young, Dragon-Blooded were waiting outside the chambers, though none knew what the issue was, or why they've been called to come in at first light, and yet they came.

The Dragon-Bloods were sitting in 5 pairs, and while each pair had some common interests, it was by desgin of the Assembly that they were arranged thus. One such pair was Ieyashu Yakuri, an Earth Aspect, and O-Shi Go, a Wood Aspect.
Sitting outside the chamber, his wrackstaff resting across his body, from between his feet to up onto his left shoulder, Go unconsciously stroked the hearthstone set into its center. Though not particularly lacking in energy, the dark circles beneath his eyes betrayed that Go was likely unaccustomed to such early mornings.

Being paired with Ieyashu led Go to believe that the Council's business this morning had something to do with the Fair Folk. And, the manner of this assembly caused him to fear the situation was worse than usual.

Though they had met several times before, the two were simply acquaintances. Taking a deep breath, Go spoke first, "Good morning, Captain Ieyashu. I pray you and your men have been in good health, and not merely avoiding me, lately." Considering the last three times Go interacted with The Swords was overseeing funerals of its members, this "joke" could be taken in a very poor way. Though, the somewhat forced, pathetic, and very desperate, smile on his face revealed he likely meant no malice with the comment.
Yakuri turn his Head towards O-shi Go, setting his contemplation of the situation into the back of his mind. 'Please O-Shi Go, only my men refer to me as Ieyashu. I thank you for your interest in my mens health, but if they are avoiding you for your funeral services, I'd commend them and give them extra Recreation leave.' Yakuri let a small chuckle rumble out of his chest, the sound remiscent of an avalanche happening in the distance.

He of course remembered the Young Dragonblood from the funerals he had presided over for the swords. He always gave due respect and Yakuri appreciated that. The few other times he had seen O-Shi was when he and some of his men had been sent to put down some patients of his that were untreatable. The pain in O-shi's face was evident as Yakuri and his men had approached his ward to carry out thier task.

Yakuri was Dressed for presentation to the council, he Wore his White Silk Gi, with Green embroidery trim. The hems of the slacks went right down to the floor, to cover the fact he was actually bare footed. He prefered to be in direct connection with his element in unknown situations such as this.
A gong sounds, one strike. A marker, to let those waiting for the Assembly know that their presence has been announced. The second gong will mark the time when they should get ready to present themselves to the Assembly, and the third will mark the beginning of their audiences.
Yakuri smiled as the gong went off, eyeing a young fire aspect across the room. The dynast face was barely restrained fury when he found out the first gong was just so the elders knew they were there. Yakuri just lent his head back against his chair and closed his eyes,

'O-Shi, the people always come to you for your wisdom when the wyld is tainting thier minds. What do you think may be happening inside these closed doors? I have never seen a meeting of this size and obvious importance before'
Lost in his own little world for a moment, O-Shi doesn't react to the ringing of the gong. Perking up again, in response to Yakuri's words, O-Shi replies, "Your words are too kind. I am no wise man, I am merely a humble caretaker. I don't know much of the others gathered, but considering both of our extensive experience, I would presume that something big has happened involving the fair folk." His words trail off slightly at the end and O-Shi stares at the floor, obviously lost in thought or memory. After a second, he regains his senses and offers a weak smile to his acquaintance.
'hmmm. A good guess I reckon O-shi. One i one i would agree with. I am surprised we havn't been formally introduced to each other by the Council, considering our special interests.' A truth Yakuri had never thought about, but of course the elders would have a reason for thier wisdom. 'As much as i enjoy banishing the fair folk from our lands, a council this size would mean a very large invasion. For Merkals sake, I hope we are both wrong.'

Yakuri scanned the room and the depths of his memories using his hearthstone to remember what he could about some of the other Dragonbloods in the waiting chamber.
Though the ages vary somewhat, all of the Dragon-bloods present have a few years under their belt since they were graced by the Dragons. Also, all of them seem to have some focus outwards. You can easily recognie Gaki-No and T'ian-Shi in the far corner, both of whom are gifted artificers who are always working on ways to bend the mighty artifacts of the Anathema to carve a pathway through the Wyld to the rest of Creation, should it still exist. Not too far from you is Myn, an accomplished demon hunter, and one feared for her skill in finding and destroying cults to the Yozi.

Of particular note is Jian-Shio, a notable Sorcerer, and one who is considered to be the most versed in the lore of the Anathema, even though the last of their kind was last seen some 500 years ago.
Whatever the elders are discussing in there, it must be huge. Though, there were more elder dragonblooded in merkal, none had the obvious specialisation this room contained. This was no random meeting, the pair ups showed the elders had been planning this.

Standing up from his plush chair, Yakuri stood up to address the room. 'Well met everyone, I am Ieyashu Yakuri, of the Swords of the Inner Soul. I recognise quite a few of you from meetings or from conversations over the years.' Nodding his head to the sorcerer engineers, whos expeditions he has gone on as vanguard for thier projects 'One thing I do notice though, is that each one of us in this room is a known specialist in our fields, which tells me that todays meeting was not thrown together at the last minute. Someone here must have an uncle or master of the house that they have either divulged some information from or overheard them talking about this. Please, if you do, enlighten us all'

Yakuri sits back down in the chair and reaches for a piece of fruit from the table, grabbing two and tossing one to O-Shi as he leans back with a small grin.
Just As you sit down, the gong rings for a second time, and a figure enters the room from the corridor leading outside. The aged Dragon-Blood who walks in moves slowly, as one of his legs was severed in a titanic battle against a raksha invasion several centuries ago, but even though one of the sorcerer-engineers was about to stand up after your words, a quick glance from the elder Dragon-Blood, makes him sit down.The Severed leg has been replaced by an artifact one, but for some reason it never did get fully in synch with hs own essence to afford him the same mobility as he enjoyed before. The figure that entered is none other than Vermilion Wind, an Air Aspect of great age, and great power, who so rarely leaves his home, that it's probably been several decades since he has deigned to grace the Assembly Hall.

"I suggest Yakuri that you will wait patiently for the Assembly to make it's voice known to thee. After all, such brash action does not become a Chosen of the Earth Dragon." The voice was soft, but the silence that fell in the room at his presence made it sound more like thunder in the room.
'Pardon my behaviour, Vermillion Wind, you are most right' Yakuri said, standing up to attention the sight of the elder Air aspect. 'I was merely trying to be more prepared. However, your appearance makes me a little nervous, for if you or the council have deigned this matter to require your personal appearance, it must be very important' Yakuri bows as he speaks then sits back down on the edge of his chair.
Vermilion Wind merely nods at your words, and then strides towards the Assembly Hall, where winds suddenly open the doors for him, before he disappear inside, and they close the door behind him. The silence in the waiting room is deafening. But the gong did chime a second time, and it is time to get ready, so two at a time the Dragon-Blooded arrange themselves before the Assembly Hall, waiting for the third gong, and for their turn to be invited in.
Yakuri stood up and wiped his mouth of the fruit juices, stand up and straightens out his Gi, with a little distaste, believing merit should be the judge of a person, not presentation. This, however, was the elder council, and all appearances must be attended to for them.

'Come on Oshi-Go, let us join the others at the entrance door' as he begins striding to the rest of the dragonbloods
"After you, Captain."

With a yawn and a stretch O-shi rises from his seat. Pacing over to his spot in line, his steps are marked by the thud of his wrackstaff being used as a walking stick (out of habit, not necessity).
A few moments later, the third gong sounds, and a young Dragon-Blood steps out, and announces "The Assembly Hall will now receive you, who have so patiently waited for their audience. You are to remain silent unless spoken to, or given permission to speak."
O-Shi rolls his eyes at the order.

If they wanted to convey information without hearing my input, they could have just sent a message. So, this must mean they do intend to question me about something. But, if they really want my cooperation, they could be more civil about it, even if this is just formality. Ughh. Why do you over think stupid things like this that don't even matter. You know damn well they don't care about the nitty-gritty. As long as they can ultimately save face, ignorance is bliss.

O-Shi lets out a sigh and seems to resigns himself to participation in the meeting.

When did I become such a cynic?
The third gong sounds after everyone has assembled in pairs at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. And then the doors open, and the young Dragon-Blood that greeted you earlier steps forward, and begins reciting the names and titles of the Dragon-bloods who come before the Hall. And while you don't know everyone of them, you can recognize most of the titles, and get a sense that this is a very important meeting you have been called for. As you stand before the Hall, you find yourself on a dias, and in front of you sitting are the members of the hall. All 15 members are now here, and each is venerable, with the youngest about 300 years old. And at their head is Kagra Nishimo, an Earth Aspect of great renown, and one who is said to have mastered 3 of the 5 elements. He is also known for his slow pace, though he doesn't sit in his chair, but instead pace back and forth before you.

he keeps on pacing for a few moments, while no one else dares to speak. And then he turns towards you and deep concern can be seen in his face. "Know that the task i set before you is of extreme importance, and for now you must keep silent about it to anyone outside this Hall. I will have you swear an oath on that, in front of the Hall, and in front of the Elemental Dragons. We will make this oath binding, with the help of this rod." At which point he pulls out a rod that is about 4 feet long, made of white jade with orichalcum symbols etched into it. "Anyone who cannot willingly swear an oath of silence, must leave this Hall."
Whatever has happened must have the council terrified. Swearing an oath and keeping secrets is one thing, but binding our actions through some mysterious artifact is another.

O-Shi surveys the other summoned Terrestrials for signs of nervousness in taking the oath and those who may be having second thoughts. Surely, he thought, he couldn't be the only one with a healthy dose of skepticism concerning what that rod might do. Nonetheless, O-Shi stands his ground and does not leave the hall. His attention fixates on the artifact.
A magical binding oath. This is serious. Though they havn't stipulated obedience to thier decisions in the oath. The council is wise for sure, thier decisions having led Merkal forwards over the past centuries. However, they sound almost frightened, and that could lead to rash decisions. The present of this artifact was evidence of that.

Passing his eyes over the surrounding terrestrials, Yakuri can feel the hesitation and the tension in the air. He lets the feeling wash over him, but stands stock still against it, like a mountain against the storm. Merkal needed him to.
While most of the assembled Dragon-Bloods looks nervously around, 6 of them decide to call it quits, and leave the hall. Gaki-No and T'ian-Shi, the noted artificers are the ones you're most familiar with of the lot that leaves.

Once all 6 have left the Hall, and the doros are sealed behind them, Kagra Nishimo approaches the first of the remaining Dragon-Bloods, and bids them put their hands on the rod while swearing "I do so solemnly swear to not say a word of what's being said here to anyone besides those assembled here, this I swear upon my soul, and in front of Heaven." As the words are said, the Dragon-Blooded is enveloped in a bright light, and words seemingly etched in the air from Orichalcum and White jade appear around them, and then seemingly sink into their skin.

One by one he passes between the Dragon-Bloods, each swearing the oath, until he reaches the two of you.
Not that he can back down at this point, but O-Shi still feels trepidation as to what this Oath may mean. Observing the affect on the others that swore before him gives him some insight. (Activating Madness-Analyzing Stare, DB p.176, using 3 personal motes, Perception+Medicine = 3 successes)

Taking a deep breath and swallowing hard, O-Shi steels himself against what's about to happen. (Probably useless, but activating Verdant Curtain of Serenity, DB p.145 [Granite Curtain of Serenity], using personal motes.) Reaching out his hand to grasp the rod, O-shi swears the Oath, "I do so solemnly swear to not say a word of what's being said here to anyone besides those assembled here, this I swear upon my soul, and in front of Heaven."
Your sight reveals no mental influence, and as the oath settles into your body, the only thing you're feeling is a foreboding that violating this oath will invite retribution from Heaven, and that it would be very unpleasant.

OOC: Basically equivalent to an Ecplise Oath, as if by an Essence 5 Ecplise.
Yakuri watches the words spin around and attempts to read the words before they sink into Oshi's skin, waiting patiently for Kagra to pass over to him.
Due to the blinding light it's hard to discern the words, but they seem to be in an Old Realm script, though a very archaic dialect, and seem to be about binding the oath to the person swearing it, and that it's under the watchful eye of Heaven.

As the light diminishes, Karga Nishimo approaches you.
Yakuri reaches for the staff. Grasping hold, he makes the Oath, 'I do solemnly swear to not say a word of what's being said here to anyone beside those assembled here. This I swear upon my soul, and in front of heaven.' As the words sink into his skin, he looks Kagra in the eye and says 'For the good of Merkal', and relinquishes his grip.

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