Prelude 4: The Merging of Forces [The Land that Time Forgot]

You managed to slip inside the Hall just before the door closed shut.

You arrive there just as they begin the oath ceremony.
tacolicious said:
Yakuri reaches for the staff. Grasping hold, he makes the Oath, 'I do solemnly swear to not say a word of what's being said here to anyone beside those assembled here. This I swear upon my soul, and in front of heaven.' As the words sink into his skin, he looks Kagra in the eye and says 'For the good of Merkal', and relinquishes his grip.
Darting underneath one of the stacked chairs in this inner chamber she peers out at the congregation of Terrestrials, sniffing the air and tasting the tension weighing down the atmosphere of the room.

At least this ones' heart is in the right place. It is for the good of Merkal that we are all here.
With a gesture, Karga Nishimo points you to a stack of chairs. After the Dragon-Bloods each has taken a chair and sat in it. He clears his throat and begins, his voice deep and booming. "We have received several reports around Merkal of sightings that have caused us to call this meeting. We have consulted with the Chief Astrologer, and the Forbidden Records, and it seems that we can say with great certainty that at least 3 Anathema have Exalted within Merkal in the past few days. Two are Moon Anathema, and one Sun Anathema." He pauses here, as the Dragon-Bloods around you burst into a frenzy of questions, some even going so far as to drawing their weapons.
The normally high-strung Terrestrial, O-Shi, looks out of place with his peers. He sits, unmoved by the statement just made.

Did he not hear what was just said? Does he not comprehend it? Does he already know something about it?

When he does stir, it's to roll his eyes and shift his posture away from his more boisterous acquaintances. With crossed arms and and a glare of disappointment he waits quietly for the council to elaborate.
"No questions yet? or still adjusting to the news? Very well, then let me explain a bit more. As some of you are aware, the various Artifacts that keep our land safe are slowly falling apart. We have not the means or knowledge to fully utilize and/or repair them. And some have been damaged when our ancestors rose against the Anathema in rebellion. But the thing is, that it seems that now we have need of the skills and knowledge they might possess. So we are not assembling you into a fabled Wyld Hunt of old." The Elder stops there, waiting for his words to sink in.
The children of the moon. amazing. He had heard both sides of the coin on the matter of the lunar anathema, but had never thought he would meet one during his time. However, the drawing of weapons from the terrestrials around him showed just how ingrained the anathema lore was in the children of dynasts, even though such anathema hadn't been seen for centuries.

Yakuri stands up from his chair, his hand behind his back and gaze slighlty lowered, Elder Kagri, i can honestly say that this has put me on the backfoot. I was worried that we were going to given evacuation orders in preparation of a immense fair folk invasion. Such a gathering of elders indicated something of that magnitude. Instead, I am told that the council is turning away from centuries of tradition. Such a decision could not have come lightly, and the wisdom of the council has always led Merkal forwards. I ask how the elders came to such a decision and what exactly you are asking for us to do for the land?
"These 'Anathema' haven't been witnessed in centuries. To most, if not all, they're now just stories to scare children. If individuals were indeed invested with power from beyond the Dragons, who would believe such a thing, including themselves? I pray for the sake of sanity that they're led to believe that their change is due to either a Terrestrial exaltation, or being graced by a spirit, or, unfortunately, a Fair Folk. Using the term Anathema will only spark panic and seditious thoughts."

O-Shi rises to stand beside Yakuri.

"We may not know much about them, but as citizens of Merkal there are expectations they must still meet, and that we must meet in dealing with them."
If ever there was going to be a time for trust, or at the very least safety, it was now, not later when traditional views would reassert themselves. Taking a deep breath trying to calm the mad fluttering of her rodent heart she leaps up onto one of the bench seats barely dodging the kick of an attendee at the back of the chamber and speaks.

"I have a duty to Merkal, the same as any of you, regardless of where that power comes from. I know not the horrible monsters that you would call an Anathema only what Luna Herself has told me. And she has set me free. Not the Dragons, not the spirits and most certainly not the Fair Folk - if it is within my power to save Merkal then I will."
O-Shi narrows his eyes toward Kagra. You couldn't have mentioned sooner that they were already present?

Looking around the room, not quite sure where to address the new presence, O-Shi replies, "Well that's the spirit, make effort for Merkal and all. But with all earnest, I believe this talk of luna needs to be curbed."
Giving a tiny rodent shrug of her shoulders...

"Why? Would you curb your talk of being anointed by the Dragons? Of course not. Luna has blessed me with the power to help our nation, it would be insulting to Her to pretend otherwise if we're going to work together. I need not announce to the world that I'm Exalted, but nor will I deny my own heritage."

Green is just too hard to read

"Heritage? The blood of the Dragons run through my veins and the veins of my comrades and the veins of our council. And that blood can be traced back generations upon generations. That's/b] heritage.

You claim to be an anomaly, with the closest thing to a 'heritage' being the tyrants and tormentors who brought Creation to its knees centuries ago. For you to claim heritage is an insult and affront to us all."

The hair on O-Shi's head begins to stiffens to a texture similar to pine needles and the distant sound of breaking timbers can be heard as his level of frustration grows.

"For someone who not only infiltrates and interrupts an official council meeting, but who can't present themselves even when they then attempt to chime in with their own inane thoughts, is the epitome of rude. You've lost any honest weight your words would carry, and you'll be lucky not to see the inside of a cell."

O-Shi glowers at Kagra. He can barely contain his fury that the council is unable to even keep order within their own chamber.
Taking deep breathes to ignore the Terrestrial's effrontry, and modulates her tone of voice, speaking evenly and dispassionately and rearing back on hind legs on the bench seat."

"I am right here in plain view, for all to see."

Leaving the words 'if you had but eyes to look' only in her mind.

"I spoke up and introduced myself when it was not necessary because you were looking for me and it would save a witchhunt that would perhaps snare mortals who were just trying to live out their lives. 'it seems that now we have need of the skills and knowledge they might possess.' Did I not hear Elder Wind correctly?"
Kagra Nishimo regains his composure, and his white jade staff reverberates when he strikes it at the floor, silencing the entire room. "That is enough. And it is Elder Nishimo, Moon Child." He then surveys the rest of the Dragon-Bloods, though the rest of the elders seem able to contain their feelings at this interruption. "And O-Shi, you still have time before a glare from you can move this stone, so take it back a step. We did, and still do, desire to have communication with those labeled Chosen of the Sun and Moon. If you will excuse us, Moon Child, we would like to hear your story, but it would be best if we can continue explaining things to these younger Dragon-Bloods, preferably without any one else making an appearance." His tone seems pleasant enough, but there is a strong undercurrent there.
Yakuri sits down afer Elder Nishimo's words. A real Moon Child, in front of him today. And one with the courage to present themself in front of the council, and a special council at that. It was lucky it wasnt squashed where its little rat body stood, for all the Elders in the room.

As he peers at the rat, no, Moonchild, on the desk he squares his shoulders and rests fists on his knees. 'Even more surprises. However, i would like to hear the rest of what the council had to say, if he will.'
Dropping back down onto all fours, she levelly returns the stare of every Terrestrial in the room before adding

"My apologies for interrupting before you were finished, Elder. Please do continue."
Turning his focus back to the other Dragon-Bloods, Nishimo's voice is level, almost as if he's oblivious to the presence of the Moon-Mad.

"You are to make peaceful contact with these beings. No combat is to take place unless they start the hostilities. And even then, show them mercy, and the chance to redeem themselves. You are also to learn about their intentions, and if they are compatible with those of the Dragon-Blooded Host, you are to work together with them. There may be those who will try to trick you, but I believe all of you have studied how to defend yourself against trickery. If you find anything suspicious, you are to report to the Council. Do not take initiative unless the matter is extremely urgent."

The silence is deafening when he pauses, and just as people start shuffling, and some open their mouth to talk, whether to object, or to ask questions, he raises his hand, and stops everyone.

"Know that despite our best efforts, the great Artifacts that have kept our land relatively peaceful are deteriorating, and if we do not find a way to fix them, replace them, or somehow find a way to stabilize either Merkal, or some way to Creation, the people of Merkal, and all that we've toiled for will be consumed by the Wyld."
'Okay Elder Nishimo. It is obvious how important they are to the stabilisation of the artifacts. We must at all cost try to win these anathema as allies, for Merkal is at stake here. Now, can the Moon-child please tell us its story, and hopefully we can glean a better understanding of how these anathema think'
Tilting her tiny rodent head, cocking it in the direction of the one addressing her pausing and thinking on the best way to explain herself.

"I am a citizen of this province and I am like you all, in that I am someone who has been gifted with the power to make a difference in the lives of others. I have hopes, dreams and needs the same as all of you - simply enhanced by a higher being. Merkal is my territory and it is being threatened - something I have felt it in my bones since Luna graced me with her blessing and at last I know why. Sadly, as a citizen of this province, I know as little about the intricate workings of the artifacts which keep us safe as any of you here.
'Well then Moon-Child, If you cannot help us with the artifacts, are you willing to help us in our mission? We need the children of the sun and moon so save Merkal, and convincing them of a change of mind after centuries of opression of thier kind will be hard. Having one such as yourself with us will be a blessing indeed for gaining thier trust. Would you be willing to join this group on our search for these beings?'

Yakuri's eyes shift to Elder Nishimo's, and to those around the council chambers, looking for the silent command to stop. Seeing none, he continues.

'However, I am being a bit rude asking this of you, for myself and the rest of the room do not know your name little one.'
"Trust... yes..." If I reveal my name, I would like your sworn word that it will not leave this room directly or through inference, since while you may all see the necessity of us working together, others' may not feel the same way.
'Trust. Yes, I understand. We have already made sworn oaths to what you asked moon child, but even then, you are in no position to be making demands. Please, tell us your name so we do not call you moon child anymore, as others overhearing us could glean a lot from those two words.'
Smiling and wondering which of them would recognise the name of one of the hundreds of mortals in Merkal she replies with "Why, I'm Kami Telamon, but Kami will do thank you."

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