Precious Love (A Gay Romance)


Everyone, be aware, this is a gay romance. Also, it is a twin incest romance. If you do not like it, then do not read it. Also, do not post here if you are not Shianne or Wondering Dreamer. This is a private thread!

Twins, Jacob and Peter, fall in love by accident. What will happen when their best friends find out? What will become of the relationships and bonds they have. Who will get hurt, and who will live happy ever after? Read, and you'll find out! 


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α gay romance


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1012303_214467035371038_1427661321_n.jpg.4476ae062177197c1c2f840c38b0e642.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1012303_214467035371038_1427661321_n.jpg.4476ae062177197c1c2f840c38b0e642.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jacob Grey Johnson

Nicknames ● ● Jake

Age ● ● Sixteen

Birthday ● ● December 22

Sexuality ● ● Bisexual

Who Are You ● ● Peter's twin brother

Eye Color ● ● Hazel

Hair Color ● ● Black

Height ● ● 5'6

Weight ● ● 120

Favorite Crayons ● ● Chlorine

Favorite Animal ● ● Monkey

Favorite Food ● ● Spaghetti

Favorite Gem ● ● Amethist

Favorite Flower ● ● Lilac

Favorite Song ● ● Remedy by Seether

Likes ● ● Drawing, music, school

Dislikes ● ● people with too much make up on F

ears ● ● spiders

Hobbies ● ● painting

Crushes ● ● Peter

Hangouts ● ● My room

Personality ● ● Fun, bubbly, and outgoing

Biography ● ● Jacob has been in love with his brother for as long as he

can remember. H never exactly knew how to tell him, so he keeps it a secret.

Misc. ● ● N/A

Username ● ● Shianne

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/scene-girl.jpg.733b2f361bac501f3b817939f215759c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/scene-girl.jpg.733b2f361bac501f3b817939f215759c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Miercie Alexis Badger

Nicknames ● ● Merry

Age ● ● Sixteen

Birthday ● ● September 16

Sexuality ● ● Bisexual

Who Are You ● ● Jacob's best friend

Eye Color ● ● Blue

Hair Color ● ●Blonde and Pink

Height ● ● 5'3

Weight ● ● 100

Favorite Crayons ● ● Hot Pink

Favorite Animal ● ● Penguin

Favorite Food ● ● Spaghetti

Favorite Gem ● ● Blue Topaz

Favorite Flower ● ● Lilac

Favorite Song ● ● 2 Drunk 2 Drive by BrokeNCYDE

Likes ● ● Hair and Make up

Dislikes ● ● snobs

Fears ● ● spiders

Hobbies ● ● coloring hair

Crushes ● ● N/A

Hangouts ● ● Jacob's house

Personality ● ● Fun, bubbly, and outgoing

Biography ● ● Merry is a fun, out going girl who has always got along with everyone pretty well. She grew up as an only child, and likes to go out and party on Friday night.

Misc. ● ● N/A

Username ● ● Shianne



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Peter Nathaniel Johnson

Nicknames ● ● N/A

Age ● ● Sixteen

Birthday ● ● December 22nd

Sexuality ● ● Homosexual (He tells everyone he's Bisexual, except Jacob and his best friend.)

Who Are You ● ● Jacob's twin brother

Eye Color ● ● Hazel, they often appear blue.

Hair Color ● ● Black

Height ● ● 5'5 and a half

Weight ● ● 120

Favorite Crayons ● ● White

Favorite Animal ● ● Wolf

Favorite Food ● ● Cake

Favorite Gem ● ● Topaz

Favorite Flower ● ● White Rose

Favorite Song ● ● You're Gonna Go Far Kid by Offspring

Likes ● ● Musical Instruments, school (History to be specific), being outside, and the rain.

Dislikes ● ● Snobby individuals, vegetables.

Fears ● ● Snakes. Being in a crowded room.

Hobbies ● ● Playing the piano, among various other instruments.

Crushes ● ● Jacob

Hangouts ● ● His room, sometimes the occasional bowling alley or coffee shop.

Personality ● ● Peter is easy going and friendly. Fiercely loyal to friends and family alike he can be a tad bit protective. Though normally not outspoken, he has his ways of standing up for what he believes it. Very good at making friends.

Biography ● ● He's always remembered having a strange bunch of feelings towards his twin brother, Jacob, and for the longest time he couldn't explain what those feelings were or why he felt them. Upon learning he was in love with his brother, he kept it a secret, nervous that he'd face regection as well as facing a hard time finding the right words to explain his feelings in a way that would do them justice.

Misc. ● ● N/A

Username ● ● Wondering Dreamer 
Elliot Carter Thomas

Nicknames ● ● Eli

Age ● ● Sixteen

Birthday ● ● July 18th.

Sexuality ● ● Bisexual

Who Are You ● ● Peter's Best Friend

Eye Color ● ● Blue

Hair Color ● ● Brown

Height ● ● 5'8

Weight ● ● 135

Favorite Crayons ● ● Gray

Favorite Animal ● ● Fox

Favorite Food ● ● Brownies

Favorite Gem ● ● Sapphire

Favorite Flower ● ● Red Rose

Favorite Song ● ● How To Save A Life by The Fray

Likes ● ● Baking, drawing, writing, and music.

Dislikes ● ● Rude people.

Fears ● ● Snakes.

Hobbies ● ● Drawing and writing.

Crushes ● ● N/A

Hangouts ● ● Peter's House, Occasionally the movies.

Personality ● ● He's normally a friendly person but has trouble making friends because of his quiet nature. Whenever he gets to know someone well he becomes a talkative individual. He's normally outgoing and easygoing. He's usually there to help cheer people up, or lend them a shoulder to cry on.

Biography ● ● He grew up spending most of his time alone. His parents were often away and his brother's were already on their way to college by the time he started elementary school. Because of this, he was often just a person that stood in the back, among the shadows. That was, until he met Peter. Peter brought him out of his shell and got to be the person he is today. Now he has more friends and goes out with them on occasion.

Misc. ● ● N/A

Username ● ● Wondering Dreamer
Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob yawned and stretched. Today was the first day of school. He had been use to getting up later, around 10 or 11 A.M. He lied there for a minute, thinking about going back to sleep. Finally, he decided that was not an option and flung the covers off of him and got out of bed. He stretched one more time before looking around the room. Peter was still asleep. He smiled, walked over to him and kissed his forehead. "Good morning my love" he whispered. Jacob stood there for another moment before turning quickly on his heels and jumping into the shower.

His tense body relaxed as the hot water poured onto his body. He stood there for a few minutes, just enjoying the water, then he got started with his routine. He washed his hair and body and then got out of the shower. Jacob wiped the steam off of the mirror and looked at his reflection. He looked like a wet dog. He got his blue tooth brush and brushed his teeth and tongue. He spit out the tooth page and gurgled some water, spitting that out too. Jacob quickly dried off his body, and rubbed his hair nearly dry. Looking at Peter's sleeping form, he put on his clothes. Secretly, Jacob wished that Peter would not only see him naked, but he turned on by it.

He loved Peter so much. Peter is his first and only love. "If only," he whispered. 'If only he would love me back the way I love him... Then my life would be complete.' He sighed and turned back to getting ready for school. Once his hair was dry, he straightened it and styled it. His hair was he favorite feature. He took pride in how he looked. Jacob thought he looked damn sexy. Finishing his getting ready for school routine, he put on eyeliner and then walked downstairs, where his mom was cooking breakfast.


Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry rolled out of bed onto her floor. She loved mornings; therefore, she was a morning person. Merry was very happy all the time. She just has so much energy it's hard to be calm. She brushed her teeth and did her hair and make-up, It didn't take her long to get ready. She skipped downstairs and over to the fridge. On the fridge was a note from her mom. It said the usual things. Gone out. Won't be home for a few days. Blah blah blah. She tossed the note in the trash and made her some cinnamon toast.

After she finished she texted Jacob.
<Hey. My mom is out of town for a few days. Is it okay if I crash at your place again?> She sighed and got her stuff ready for school. It was sad that her parents didn't care about her. She felt like crying, but kept it together. Her only support was Jacob. No one else really cared about her. She felt worthless and unwanted. Merry grabbed her key and walked out of the door.

On the porch was a present. She rolled her eyes and put it inside for later. Merry got in the car and took off for Jacob's house. She usually picked him up for school. Sometimes his brother, Peter, too. When she pulled in, she just sat there. She was in no hurry to get to school, and the alone time would allow her some time to herself to think about what's happening in her life.

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

Blue eyes flickered open when an alarm went off moments later. He groaned a bit, glancing over towards his phone where the noise was coming from, reaching over and shutting down the alarm before sitting up, his gaze flashing over towards Jacob's bed to see that he'd already gotten up and readied himself for school. He was somewhat disappointed the other was already awake, but he knew he'd see him when he went downstairs. He yawned momentarily before pushing the covers off and pulling himself out of bed, heading towards the bathroom.

He took his place in the shower, sighing in faint relief as the water poured over him, lowering his head so the water could dampen his hair before washing his hair and his body. His movements were slow and precise, taking his time in doing the activity. The shower was a place he could allow himself to think freely, and he figured he had the time to waste on the task. The thought of seeing Jacob, however, was far too tempting to pass up, and he found himself turning off the hot water and climbing out, wrapping a towel around his waist as he went over to brush his teeth, using a green toothbrush. He could never turn down the idea of spending time with Jacob, he loved every moment he was with his twin brother. To be more precise, he loved his brother in general, although, he'd never tell him that. He didn't want to face rejection, almost as much as he didn't want to ruin their relationship. He spit out the toothpaste before taking a drink of water and swishing it around his mouth before spitting that out too. He quietly finished drying himself off and pulled on his clothes, putting his gray hoodie on last. He than commenced to finish drying his hair before running a comb through it, putting it in it's usual style, with his bangs constantly falling in front of his right eye. The favorite thing about his outfit was his hoodie, and the favorite thing about himself were his eyes. He felt they were somewhat enchanting to look at in the mirror. But than again, that could've been his imagination.

Upon finishing his morning routine, he went downstairs, smiling when he entered the kitchen and found the smell of his mother's cooking wafting through the air. He approached the table and took a seat next to Jacob. "Good morning Mom. Good morning Bro. Did you both sleep well last night?" The question was directed more towards Jacob, but he was open to listening to his mother answer as well. He than found another question floating through his mind, to which he decided to voice it. "Oh yeah, what are we having for breakfast this morning?" Upon saying that he felt his phone vibrate in his hoodie pocket and pulled it out, seeing it was from Elliot. The message was asking him if he needed a ride to school or not. He quietly texted back. <I'm not sure. Jacob's friend might be willing to offer me a ride. But if you're taking the route to school that passes by my house you can stop and pick me up.>


Elliot Carter Thomas

Elliot has been awake since about 6:30, and he was currently sitting at his kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. His parents left for work really early in the morning, therefore he often couldn't eat breakfast with them because he was never up when they left. He couldn't complain though, he enjoyed the silence that clouded the house, it enabled him to think more effectively. His phone vibrated on the table beside his arm, and he quietly looked over to see that Peter had texted him back. He smiled, taking the phone in his free hand and reading the text before replying. <Well, seeing as I normally take that route to school anyways, I'll stop by and pick you up. I'll see you in a few.>

Elliot finished his cereal soon after, cleaning the bowl and spoon before placing the two objects in the dishwasher. He walked towards the front door, stopping at the mirror in the hallway to check out his outfit and hair, just to make sure they looked presentable. Seeing that they were still in good shape, he grabbed his car keys and stepped outside, approaching his car. When he got inside, he sat there for just a few moments, staring at his house. His parents didn't get home until late at night, and they normally had to go in really early in the morning. Despite that, he couldn't find himself complaining. They were good parents, and when they were home, they appreciated spending time with him.

Seeing that he'd stayed for more than he'd liked, he started up the car and headed for Peter's house, tapping his fingers along to the music that was playing. He pulled in shortly after, seeing that Jacob's friend, Miercie, he thought that's what it was, was there as well. Peter talked about her sometimes, and told him that he was glad Jacob had a really good friend that he knew he could trust not to hurt or abuse his brother, so he had no hard feelings towards the girl. But he couldn't say he knew her too well either. He glanced towards Peter's house, staring at it momentarily. Peter had read his text, he knew, but he hadn't replied. He didn't need to.

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob turned as his brother sat down next to him. He could feel his cheeks heating up. He looked down at his empty plate to hide his blush. 'If he sees me blush, then he will know I love him... More than a brother'. He sighed. When Peter asked him how he slept, he just gave a thumbs up. He wasn't sure whether or not he could actually talk right now. He cleared his throat before testing out his voice. "Yeah mom. What's for breakfast. It smells yummy." He sounded okay. Well, normal. His mom never did answer him on what she was cooking though.

He soon found out that it was bacon and eggs. As soon as his mom put it on his plate, he started pigging out. He knew his mom hated it, but he didn't really care at the moment. After he finished, he got a text from Miercie wondering if she could crash here again. Jacob asked his mom, who said yes, and then told Merry the good news.

A few minutes later, he texted her again. < we need to talk about something... It's HUGE. But, it has to stay between us.> He sighed. Jacob was planning on telling her about his crush on Peter. Well, crush is an understatement. He was full on in love with him. Peter. His brother. Peter, his TWIN brother. He was so going to hell for this. He finally concluded that Peter was worth it.

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry sighed as Elliot pulled in next to her. 'So much for alone time.' She turned off her car, and got out, slamming the door behind her. She wasn't mad at him. She was just mad at her life. Worst of all, she wanted someone who could relate to her. Someone who also hardly ever saw their parents. She walked into Jacob's house without even knocking. She basically lives here because she is normally here three to four days a week.

She started out with a sprint, then turned into a full on run. Her target? Jacob. She tackled him out of his char and gave him a big bear hug, and a kiss on the cheek. She winked at him. Jacob gave her that look. The look that says we are about to have a serious talk.

She sighed. She hated this. The talking bothered her when it was serious. She just wanted to be fun and outgoing, not serious. She nodded and stood up, dusting off herself and then dusting off Jacob's backside. His mom swept and mopped everyday, but dirt could still be on the floor. She grabbed his backpack and started to walk to her door, but stopped to turn around and say something. Whatever it was, she forgot about. She had just seen Jacob do something out of the ordinary. He Kissed Peter on the cheek and gave him a hug.

Soon he joined her, and they were on their way to school. "So, what is it that you need to talk to me about Jakey?" She heard him inhale sharply. This really was something big. He was afraid to tell her. Immediately thoughts like I raped a girl, or I got a girl pregnant, or I got drunk and sucked dick in front of everyone who got it on video, but nope. It wasn't that. "I love Peter." She gave him a crazy look. Don't all family members love their family? She laughed a little bit, not quite understanding what he meant. "Doesn't everyone love their family?" She asked thinking he was a nut case. "No, Miercie Alexis..." he started. Shit just got real. He used her full name. 'Oh god.. He doesn't...' Her fears were soon confirmed when he finally finished his sentence. "I'm in love with Peter."

Shit just hit the fan. She now understood every simple loving action he gave to Peter. She was quite for the rest of the ride, lost in her thoughts.

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

Upon receiving his bacon and eggs from his mother he smiled, eating the food in a more polite, manner-filled way. He knew his mother didn't like it when they eat too hastily, nor did she appreciate it when they looked as though they'd never been taught to do otherwise, and he normally respected that, that is, unless he was in a hurry. Thankfully, he wasn't. After finishing and receiving the kiss on the cheek and hug from Jacob, he felt his own cheeks grow hotter as they darkened. He didn't look away, because Jacob had already turned away from him before he could see it, at least, he thought he had. As the other left with Miercie in tow he waved, calling out a a farewell to his brother. Their mother didn't look perplexed by the kiss on the cheek, she wasn't used to strange acts of brotherly love they shared, and although she had the thoughts of questioning her sons behavior, she had yet to find the right words to do so.

He than proceeded to grab his backpack and send another farewell to his mother, before opening the front door and stepping outside, only for Elliot to honk at him with a grin spread across his face. He waved at the boy as he approached the car, opening the door and sliding inside. After climbing in he reached forward and lowered the volume of the music the other was listening to, before looking at him with an unusual amount of seriousness on his expression. "Can you keep a secret?"

Elliot Carter Thomas

"Well, hello to you too." He replied with a grin, his tone teasing and playful, lacking the serious air to him that his friend seemed to possess. He began to drive towards the school, though he noticed from the corner of his eye that at his reply his friend had drawn back, unsure of whether or not to share his secret, unable to tell if Elliot was willing to keep what he was able to tell him to himself. As if wondering if he could really trust him. Immediately, Elliot felt a need to reassure his friend. "You know you can tell me anything, Peter. We've always been able to tell each other stuff, remember? Now what is it?"

"It's not a good secret..." He said, almost before Elliot had even finished. Elliot blinked, his grin still in place. "What do you mean it's not good? Is it bad like the time you accidentally broke the violin in our music class?" He asked, tilting his head slightly before turning his gaze back to the road. However, every so often his gaze would flicker back towards Peter, somewhat concerned. "It's worse than that..." He said, fiddling with the zipper of his backpack absently, his breathing somewhat uneven. He was nervous, Elliot knew, he could see it on his expression, hidden beneath the seriousness. "Why don't you tell me this secret and I'll be the judge of how bad it is." He responded, tapping his fingers along his steering wheel again, attempting to distract himself from the tension in the air. He heard Peter take in a deep breath, and than he heard him speak. "I love my brother...Jacob. And...not like a brother should. I don't just love him, Elliot...I'm in love with him..." Quickly Elliot went quiet, and Peter respected the silence, enabling him to think over his decision to tell the other such a secret. But, Elliot felt he had almost seen it coming, yes, there was some shock, some genuine surprise. But all the loving brotherly actions between the two was definitely a bit out of the ordinary, and the way Peter talked about Jacob had hinted at his feelings towards his twin. Even so, Elliot had to contemplate what it was he was to say to Peter in response. What could he say? He than took a deep breath as they neared the school, trying to formulate the right words.

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob looked over at Merry. She was quiet and her knuckles were white for gripping the steering wheel too hard. They pulled into the school. Jacob unbuckled his belt and started to get out. Miercie wasn't getting out though. 'Maybe she just needs some time to herself' He took a deep breath and started walking towards the school. There was still thirty minutes before school started. Jacob went to his locker. Peter and Jacob shared a locker to save money. He put in the combination and took the lock off. Their locker was perfectly tidy. Jacob decided he would tell Peter about how he felt. He took out a pen and some paper and wrote:

<Dear brother,

I have something big to tell you. I know you probably don't feel the same way and this may ruin our relationship, but it needs to be said. I cannot keep it a secret any longer. It's eating me alive. You deserve to know. I'm in love with you. I want to be with you. I know, it's weird, but it's how I feel.

Love, Jacob>
Jacob put the pen back in the container and attached the note to his first period book. He should see it as soon as he got his book out. He sighed, got his books and closed the locker. Jacob made sure it was locked before he walked away. Usually, he had Merry to hang out with before school, but today he didn't. So, he decided he would go to the library and do some of his homework.

Miercie Alexis BadgerMiercie watched Jacob get out and walk away. The news broke her heart. She had loved him ever since she met him. Not only is he in love with a guy, but his own brother no less. She started to cry. She hated this, but there was nothing she could do about it. When she felt better, she checked herself out in the mirror and then got out. She walked to her locker and leaned with her back against it. She sighed, another tear threatening to wiggle it's way out of her eye. She shrank down to the floor, put her head in her lap, and started to cry.

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

They arrived at the school moments later and Peter glanced towards Elliot to see if he was taking the news well. Elliot seemed much calmer than he'd expected him to be, but he still looked perplexed, bewildered almost. As if attempting to find some reason to doubt Peter's words. Peter bit the inside of his cheek, eyeing his friend, waiting for him to speak. Finally, Elliot turned to look at him, even offering him a tiny smile. "Thank you for being able to share that secret with me. I promise I'll keep it..." He said, and Peter brightened at the new found promise the other had just made him. They quietly got out of the car together and went around the front of it together. "Anyways, I'll talk to you later. I gotta head to class early and finish up some troublesome problems on my homework." He said, turning to walk away, offering Shiro a wave. Shiro nodded and waved back, smiling a bit. "See you later! Make sure to take your time on your homework problems!" Shiro said, drifting away from Elliot as he went into the school and headed towards his locker. Putting in the combination and opening the locker, Shiro grabbed his music book, taking a glimpse of a slip of paper hanging out from it. He pulled it out, reading it's contents.

Immediately, he felt his cheeks heat up slightly, and his gaze darted around to make sure no one was looking at him. He turned around, sliding down the lockers to sit on the floor, his book in his lap.He placed the paper on his book and reached up to his locker to grab a pen, all the while attempting to formulate a way to respond to his brother's message whilst also sharing his true feelings too. Finally deciding on something he began to write:<Dear my twin brother, Jacob, In response to your previous message above, I bring good news. I do, indeed, feel the same way for you as you do for me. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, but I wasn't prepared for rejection,and we've been close for so many years, I didn't want to ruin that. I didn't want to ruin us. My feelings have been bundled up for a long time, and I've been tempted to pour them out to you, but I've stopped myself every time. But, now it's finally time to say it. I'm in love with you, Jacob Grey Johnson, my twin brother.. I don't just want to be with you, I need to be with you. And while I can agree it's weird, I can't shake off these feelings. Love,Peter.> Peter bit his lip as he got up and folded the letter back up, placing it inbetween two of Jacob's books, hoping he'd see it soon. He than closed his locker and made sure it was firmly locked, before turning on his heel and heading towards his music class, a new found happiness lingering in the air around him.


Elliot Carter Thomas

He ushered his way to class, pulling out his books and his work upon taking his seat. The teacher offered him assistance, and although he appreciated the teacher's effort he wasn't there. His mind was clouded by thoughts, thoughts of all the things that had just come into the light. He never realized it before, how was he supposed to see that Peter loved Jacob? And how was he supposed to react? He supposed he could be selfish and attempt to sabotage their attempts of romance, but he'd seen the movies, and quite frankly he knew how those movies ended. The protagonist would find out their best friend had lied to them and they'd no longer be friends. He'd lose the one person that had brought him out of his shell, that had made him who he was today. He wasn't prepared to lose that. He wasn't prepared to lose Peter. Even if he cared for him, even if he had the faintest of crush on him, he wouldn't. And he wouldn't act as though it upset him either, even if he did. He wanted Peter to be happy...He just wished he was the one that brought Peter that happiness. He wondered if Jacob ever took for granted the subtle little gestures Peter offered to him, or the way Peter's eyes brightened when he talked about Jacob, the same way they brightened when he talked about music. He wondered if Jacob would see what Peter was worth, if he already knew, or if he would take the fact that Peter loved him for granted. What if Jacob didn't feel the same way? That would crush Peter, he'd be devastated. And he couldn't bear to see his friend upset...He wondered if he should have a talk with Jacob...Just to see how he felt. He figured he wouldn't reveal anything, at least, hopefully not. But he wanted to know. He quickly began to finish his word, so he could go talk to Jacob immediately. Although, he knew he probably wouldn't make it.

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob finished up his homework. He was so bored, and there was still twenty minutes before school started. He could always go look for Merry, but he figured she needed to be alone for a little while. He could go look for Peter and see if he had read his note. Then, he thought about if he had read his note and was totally disgusted. Jacob sighed. 'Why. Why me. Why him.' He got up and started wondering aimlessly down the hall. He saw that there were a lot of couples showing way too much PDA. One couple looked like they were having sex right there. He did a double take to get a better look. 'Well, that's real disgusting. How low is her self respect?' He wondered gagging at the sight. Finally, he decided he would just go sit by his locker and see if Merry showed up there. He locker was in a secluded area of the school, so no one was in the hall. He sat down on the floor and thought to himself.

Miercie Alexis Badger

Finally, after a few minutes of crying and feeling sorry for herself, she got up and went to talk to Jacob. He needed to know that she was there for him no matter what. She walked to his locker and sat down beside him. They were both silent. No words needed to be said. They could just take one look at each other and know everything. It had always been like that. She smiled at him, stood up and pulled him up with her. "Did you finish the Trig homework?" she asked. Merry hardly ever did her homework. She didn't understand it at all. Jacob nodded and opened his locker to get it out of his Trig book. The first thing he saw was a folded up letter stuck between his books. His heart dropped to his stomach. He read it and instantly started crying happy tears. Merry took the note from him and read it. She put on the best fake smile she could manage.

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

Peter had made it to music class without much problem, aside from nearly running into about four people who were running down the hall playing tag with one another. However, he narrowly avoided clashing into them and continued on his way, listening as the loud footsteps of the boys faded and he was forced to listen to his own. The hallway that led to his music class was normally crowded, but today it seemed everyone had chosen a different place to hang out instead. Seeing that as a peaceful opportunity for him to practice his piano, he quickened his pace, arriving moments later and taking his seat at his piano. He put the book in front of him and turned through the pages absently with one hand, all the while striking a few keys with his free hand. Although he had been focused on finding a song to play, he soon found himself simply strumming some keys with both of his hands, just to hear what they sounded like. Normally, the music room was too noisy for him to do this, but, it was peaceful.

Elliot Carter Thomas

He soon finished his homework, and although he thought about going and seeking out Jacob to have that talk with him, he didn't figure he had enough time to search the entire school looking for him. Instead, he headed towards the music room, where he knew he'd find Peter. He stopped at the door though, unwilling to disturb his friend, especially since he looked so thoughtful whilst playing. However, soon Peter's distant gaze fell on Elliot in the doorway of the room, and he offered him a smile as he stopped playing, turning in his chair to face Elliot. Elliot returned the smile and approached his friend, although he hadn't prepared anything to say. This became apparent when a soft silence grew around them, though Peter's smile never fell. It never felt awkward. "Jacob wrote my a note..." Peter finally said, breaking the silence. Elliot wasn't sure if he should feel happy or not. "Really? What did it say?" By the way Peter's eyes brightened at his question, he knew it must be good news. He made his smile widen slightly, to reassure his friend that he was ready to hear his good news. "In the letter, he'd confessed his love to me. He wrote about how he knew it might ruin our relationship if I didn't feel the same way, but that it needed to be said." Peter's voice dropped into a low whisper as he said this, but Elliot was able to hear. Elliot's smile remained, through effort, and although he wasn't sure how to feel about the confession, he was going to offer his friend his support. "Oh really? That's great, right?" He asked, approaching Peter and taking a seat on the edge of the chair in front of the piano, receiving a nod in response to his question. The look on Peter's face told him more than words needed to explain, however, and he knew this. He knew Peter wasn't able to find the words to tell him how happy he really felt, how he'd been hoping for this all along. And Elliot didn't need him too.

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob took Merry by the hand and started skipping to first period. The note had just made him the happiest guy ever. He couldn't wait to get home and see him. He did a few twirls and walked into class. Soon enough the bell would ring and it would be time to go home. He just smiled for the rest of the day,not paying attention to any of his teachers.

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry pretended to be happy for him, but inside she was devastated. She left school early and went to sit in the park. This is often where she went when she needed to think things over. She picked at grass and split it down the middle. Tearing up grass is what the did best when she was upset.

(Sorry, writers block)

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

Music class ended as quickly as it had came, and Peter found himself heading to his next class, and than the class after that, and the class after that. The day went by quickly, and Peter did his best to get his work done as quickly as possible so he could sit there and day dream. People didn't find that out of the ordinary, Peter usually wore a thoughtful, distant expression.

The bell that signaled the end of the day came, and Peter found himself smiling as he went by his locker and put up his things before heading outside. He wondered if he should walk home today instead, unsure if Elliot was still contemplating the good news he'd gave him earlier. Seeing Elliot standing beside his vehicle a few meters away, Peter's smile widened and he quietly approached him, a pep to his step.

Elliot Carter Thomas

Elliot immediately noticed the air of happiness surrounding his friend. The happiness had been present throughout the entire day. During the classes Peter and him shared, Peter remained to himself, and was usually staring off into space after he finished his work. Figuring it had something to do with the note from this morning, Elliot allowed him to have his time to day dream. Peter stopped in front of him moments later, and when Elliot noticed his smile he offered one in return. "You wanna ride home?" He asked, leaning against his car quietly, hands in pockets. "Always. Unless you're too busy to give me one anymore." He replied, jokingly, as he lightly reached forward and punched the other on the arm. Elliot quickly feigned hurt and gripped his arm, though his grin remained. "I'm never too busy for you, Peter." He responded, signaling Peter into giving him a confused stare, though the expression quickly melted away. Elliot himself looked away upon saying that, unsure of why he said it to begin with. 'Why hadn't I just told him that he knows I'm never busy? What if he thinks I was trying to flirt with him? Especially right after Jacob and him confessed to one another...I have to be supportive...I have too...' Elliot than pushed himself off the vehicle and went to the passenger side door, opening it and than pausing, looking at Peter slightly curious. "Hey Peter, I just noticed, Jacob's friend's car isn't here. Does he have a ride home?" Peter immediately looked around upon hearing his friend's question, and after a few moments he glanced towards him, shaking his head. "No, I don't think he does. Can we wait for him?" He asked, sounding somewhat hopeful. Elliot looked at him and quietly nodded, unable to tell him no, and quite frankly, unable to find a reason to tell him no. ((It's okay! We all get it once and a while, right?))

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob skipped outside the doors to go home. After he got outside, he realized that Merry had left without him. He pouted and almost began to cry. They always spent this time together. He didn't understand why she would leave. Especially without telling him! He sighed and walked over to Elliot and Peter. "I need a ride" He said very bashfully. He played with his shoe hoping they would take him home. Then he remembered why he had been so happy. Peter loved him back! Of course he wouldn't just leave him here. He leaned in real close and whispered in Peter's ear "I love you."

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry sighed. She decided she needed to text Jacob and tell him about why she left and what happened. After a few more moments of thought, she decided against it. He would find out soon enough and she would just have to say sorry. He didn't need to know how she felt about him. She got up and walked around a little bit before sitting on the swing. Her feet didn't exactly touch the ground. She was so short. It mostly pissed her off, but in this situation she loved it because when she swung, her feet didn't get in the way. She started swinging her body until she was high enough to be swinging, but not so high that she would fall off if she let go.

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

He blinked a bit when the other whispered those three words into his ear, though his expression quietly softened, and the corners of his lips slowly twitched upward into a sweet smile. Leaning in a bit, he whispered in back. "But I love you more." Before pulling away, glancing over his shoulder to inform Elliot that Jacob did need a ride after all. "Jacob's here. We can go now." He said this as he opened the door to the back seats, though he paused after doing so, unsure if he should sit in the back with Jacob or in the front with Elliot. He glanced between the two, hoping that Elliot or Jacob would give him some sort of signal that would force him into a decision. Whilst waiting for that, he kept his gaze on Jacob and decided to make some sort of conversation between the three. "So did both of you finish your homework? All my classes gave out tons of it, but my study hall helped for me to finish it." He said, somewhat nervously, pushing his ebony bangs away from his right eye only for them to fall back into place. He wasn't sure how things would go being around both Jacob and Elliot, partially because he wasn't sure if Elliot had accepted the news or not. Yes, he appeared to be supportive of him, but was he really comfortable with it? Did it really bother him? He tried to brush those thoughts away, wanting to focus on Jacob. Wanting to focus on the happiness that came with knowing his feelings were returned.

Elliot Carter Thomas

Elliot noticed that Peter hadn't jumped into the front seat like normal, and seemed to be debating whether or not to get in to the back of the front. To ease away his worries, Elliot went back around and shut the passenger side door, gesturing for his friend to get into the back with his brother. After doing so he went over towards the driver's side and opened the door, sliding inside and putting the key into the ignition. Starting the vehicle moments later he glanced towards the two from over his shoulder, wanting to respond to his question. "I actually have some homework left over. I'll drop you guys off at your house and maybe drive around for a bit. Or I could stay at your house and work on it. I don't know yet." He wasn't quite sure what Peter wanted him to do. Did he want him at his house when he now had the time to waste with Jacob? He wondered how long Peter had felt this way for Jacob, how many years he'd pent up his feelings. How long he'd held back. Elliot knew what it was like to love someone, and be unable to express that love, fearful of their reaction. Fearful of what he could ruin if the other didn't feel the same way. He turned his blue eyes to the road in front of him, waiting for the two to both get into the vehicle so he could drive off. He didn't say anything else, too long within his thoughts. He wondered if his friendship with Peter would change now that their feelings had been revealed. If everything would, indeed, change.

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob got in the backseat with Peter. He grabbed his hand and held it the whole ride home. Since he had been keepong this a secret for a few years, he felt it was okay to now show the affection he felt towards his brother. When they got home, he unlocked the door and went up to their room. Mom wasn't home, which wasn't abnormal. He was use to her only being home in the mornings. It had gone on for a long time. Usually, he had Miercie there though. He sighed a little sad again. He walked over to his bed and kicked off his shoes to lie down. He decided to get comfortable first and took off his skinny jeans and replaced them with basket ball shorts.

Miercie Alexis Johnson

Merry finally got over feeling sorry for herself and got in her car. She decided to go hang out with Jacob. He was after all, still her friend. When she got to his house, she saw that Elliot's car was there. Her face fell instantly. She got out, slamming the door, and stomped up to the house. She let herself inside and took up a space on the couch.

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

He smiled when Jacob had taken his hand on the ride home, staring at their hands intertwined for a couple of moments before accepting the fact that it was real. Turning his gaze to the side he stared out the window all the way home, and when they arrived he took Elliot inside with him, telling him he could work on his homework in the kitchen before getting him a snack of some cookies and a glass of water. On his way to go upstairs he saw that Miercie was sitting on the couch. Pausing on his trek to go upstairs to put his things away, he spoke. "Jacob's upstairs. I'm sure he would enjoy spending some time hanging out with you. He always does." His tone was friendly and expression soft, and he couldn't help but feel some regret. He knew that with confessing to Jacob, things would change. And he felt that perhaps Miercie saw that, or perhaps it was even deeper than that for her. But he wasn't able to sit down and attempt to make her spill out what was bothering her, because he felt she might not appreciate his efforts. Instead, he than marched back upstairs and set his backpack and some books from school down, pausing momentarily to look at his brother. "Miercie's downstairs on the couch. I think Elliot will be sticking around to work on some homework, so I'll go offer him my help. If you need me, tell me, kay?" He asked, pausing before attempting to head downstairs, wanting to hear his brother's response.

Elliot Carter Thomas

Elliot appreciated the fact that Peter went through the trouble of preparing him some cookies and a drink before heading upstairs to drop off his things,and although he was hopeful that his friend would return to perhaps offer his assistance with his homework, he didn't let his expectations soar. He didn't want to be disappointed in the end. He wasn't going to steal time away from Peter that he could be spending with Jacob. Instead, he attempted to put his thoughts to his homework, occasionally taking a cookie from the plate and nibbling on it before taking a sip of his drink, which just happened to be milk. He glanced to the door momentarily, as if Peter would materialize out of nowhere. He didn't.

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob nodded at his brother. "Okay. I'll go hang out with her!" He said excited to see his friend. He really wanted to know what was wrong with her. Instead of getting up, he texted her to tell her to come upstairs. When she came and sat on the bed with him, he cuddled up to her because he missed her.

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry walked upstair when she got his text, and sat down next to him. He immediately cuddled up to her. 'Maybe he wants me after all' She thought. She leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips. When his eye widened and he scooted back she knew he wasn't wanting her at all. "I'm sorry... I've just... Always wanted to do that." she said shifting her stare down to her feet. She hoped that it didn't ruin things for Jacob and Peter. 'What did I just do?' She mentally cursed herself out for being so stupid.

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

He went downstairs moments later after his brother responded to his words,heading downstairs and into the kitchen. He sat down at one of the bar stools beside Elliot and quietly began to assist him with his homework. Peter hoped that Miercie and Jacob were able to hang out without any trouble, he was a bit worried on how Miercie had taken the news, that is, if she knew the news too begin with. He hoped it hadn't messed up their friendship too. He tried to brush such worries off his mind and return to helping Elliot, but his gaze quietly turned towards the doorway of the kitchen, wondering how things were going for the two, seeing at how distant Miercie had appeared when he'd seen her in the living room.

Elliot Carter Thomas

He noticed how unfocused his friend was, as he kept looking towards the door or went silent for long periods of time, oblivious to the fact that Elliot was asking him a question or trying to start a conversation. "Are you worried about Jacob and his friend?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. He figured that Peter might be worried about how Miercie and Jacob were doing. Although, when Peter looked back at him he shook his head a bit, offering him a smile. "Perhaps a little." He lied, reaching forward to grab one of the cookies and nibble on it. "I was just thinking is all. So what problem are we on?" He asked, turning to look back down at the book. Elliot sighed, seeing that Peter wouldn't admit too much to him, although he didn't figure it was because Peter didn't trust him. Elliot figured he just didn't want Elliot to get too involved, didn't want him to be burdened by Peter's problems. He returned the smile slowly and began to go back to talking about his homework, hiding himself worrying if anything had changed between Peter and himself. Or if things were going to change because of all this.

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob's eyes widened when Merry kissed him and he quickly scooted away. After hearing her explaination, he calmed down a bit, but still thought it would be best if they hung out around Peter so she wouldn't try anything. He got up, motioning for her to come too, and went downstairs to join the boys. He said down next to Peter and grabbed his hand, hoping that was enough signal. He grabbed Peter's pencil and wrote on his paper, <I came down here because Merry kissed me..>

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry followed Jacob downstairs, but when he grabbed Peter's hand she decided to leave instead. She sighed. She needed someone to talk to. Maybe Elliot would understand her. Instead of leaving, she went outside and sat by his car until he came out

(Sorry the posts are real short. It's due to writer's block mixed with Facebook Lol)

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

Peter quietly read the message, gently taking the pencil out of Jacob's head with his free hand, whilst his other hand lightly tightened it's grip on Jacob's hand as he began to write on his paper. <Well, I can't say the same thing happened to me...But, I suppose it was wise for you to come on down. It ensures that nothing else will happen, right?...Did Miercie come down too?> He added on the last sentence because he hadn't seen Miercie come down. He didn't wanted to say anything to hurt Jacob's feelings, or Miercie's either. Perhaps Miercie liked Jacob? It was the only explanation Peter could find as to why she kissed him. He gave Jacob a reassuring smile and pulled his hand up to kiss the top of it. By now, his mind was away from the homework. Elliot Carter Thomas Elliot noticed that Jacob had come down and saw that they were now indulged in a conversation via the paper Peter had been using to help him with his homework. Seeing this, he decided it might be best to do his homework elsewhere. Gathering his things he thanked Peter for his help and stepped outside with his backpack slung over his shoulder, immediately noticing Miercie was sitting down beside his car, seemingly waiting for him. He quietly began to walk over towards his car, pausing a few feet from her and kneeling down to be more eye level with her. "I know we don't know each other very well, but if somethings bothering you, I'm good at listening." ((That's alright. I'm watching a movie right now so I'm a tad slower at replying and such. So I don't mind. ^w^))

Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob leaned over and cuddled into Peter once Elliot left. He felt so safe here. It just seemed so right. he sighed in contentment and got up to get a snack. His tummy growled at him, so he got down some stuff to make spaghetti.

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry looked up at him and instantly burst into tears. She couldn't calm down, but tried to talk anyways. " I.. I have feelings for Jacob" she sniffled in and started to wipe her tears and snot on her jacket sleeve "B-But he loves Peter" she was gasping for air at this point "he.. He.. He came downstairs because I kissed him." She finished finally

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

He smiled when his brother cuddled into him, closing his eyes momentarily as he savored the moment before feeling his brother get up and gather the ingredients to make some spaghetti. Grinning softly as he leaned back he picked up the piece of paper and threw it in the trash, going to gather the cooking utensils needed to make the dish and preparing the water into the pot so that it could heat up. Upon finishing that he approached his brother, pausing when he was standing beside him. "How about we watch some T.V or a movie to get your mind off of things? T.V + Spaghetti has always been a good combination." After suggesting this he leaned over and kissed him relatively close to the lips, pulling back quietly with a softened expression, looking away, a tad bit nervous at the other's reaction, still somewhat fearful that he'd be disgusted by it. He turned around and went towards the doorway, ready to go turn on the T.V and find something to watch, though he paused when he got there, glancing over his shoulder one last time for confirmation.

Elliot Carter Thomas

He listened to her, and felt somewhat sorry that he hadn't reciprocated her feelings, although he was also a bit torn by the fact that he was grateful Jacob was remaining loyal to Peter. He sighed, placing a hand on her back and rubbing it, attempting to comfort her, having moved to sit down beside her before doing so. "Miercie...I know it seems devastating right now, to think that he came downstairs because you kissed him...But, know this. If you two are really meant to be together, he'll see it. It'll feel right when the two of you touch, you'll feel safe and comfortable with that person. You'll be able to tell them things you've never been able to tell anyone else. You'll know you always want to be with that person. You may feel that may now, and best friends tend too. But, there is a line between best friends and lovers, it'll feel magical when the two of you kiss, your heart with skip a beat when that person's around you, you'll be nervous...Perhaps he doesn't like you now, and perhaps he never will. But you have to give him time to see if this is just a crush he has on Peter, or if it's something real. If it's not real, than perhaps you two are meant to be after all. Just because he doesn't feel that way now doesn't mean he will forever, and just because you feel this way now doesn't mean you'll feel it forever either. Perhaps you both need some time to think about your feelings." He wasn't the best at giving other's advice, and he didn't really know if his advice was helping Miercie at all. But he tried. Quietly, as if to try to continue to make things better, he stood up, grabbing her hand and pulling her up with him. "C'mon, why don't we get your mind off of things? We can head down to the coffee shop down the street, or we can go bowling. Nothing takes the mind off a bad day like coffee or bowling." He laughed slightly at his failed attempt to make her feel better. But his words were genuine. He wasn't trying to be a flirt, but he knew how much Peter cared about Jacob's friends, and he knew that he could at least try to make her feel better.

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Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob smiled as Peter helped him. When Peter kissed him, it caught him off guard. He didn't have enough time to get over the shock. When Peter looked back at him, he nodded and went back to cooking. Shortly, the spaghetti was done. He made his plate and Peter's. When he walked into the living room, he sat down the plates on the coffee table and then turned to kiss Peter on the lips. "That's how a real kiss goes." He giggled at his own little joke. He picked up his plate and sat down on the couch.

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry listened to Elliot. Suddenly, he became a lot more attractive. Maybe going out on a friendly date type thing would be good for her. "Sure. Sounds good. Which car are we taking, or are we just going to meet each other there?" She said standing up and dusting off her butt. She smiled at him. Maybe she needed new friends besides just Jacob. Maybe Elliot would be a good friend to her. She wasn't sure why he was being nice to her, but she enjoyed it anyways.


Peter Nathaniel Johnson

He blinked a bit when the other kissed him quietly looking away momentarily, somewhat surprised, but found himself chuckling too when the other made his little joke. Grinning a bit he reached forward to grab the other plate Jacob had set on the coffee table. "Are you inferring I don't know how a real kiss is supposed to go?" He asked winking at the other jokingly, his tone playful as he leaned back against the couch, taking the remote into his hand as he began to casually flip through the channels. "What do you feel like watching? A comedy? An action flick? Sci-Fi?" He added on moments later after swirling some spaghetti around his fork and eating it, smiling pleasantly at the taste of his twin's meal, having always enjoyed his brother's cooking.

Elliot Carter Thomas

He stood up as well, lightly dusting himself off before shoveling his hands into his pockets, pulling one hand out moments later with some keys in his hand. "We can take my car. No need for us to waste gas taking both vehicles, and I don't want you wasting your gas, since I was the one that suggested the two of us go in the first place." He smiled as he spoke, turning around and opening the passenger side door for her before moving around and opening the door to the driver's side, pausing before he got inside. "Unless you'd prefer for us to take separate vehicles. I know we're practically strangers, and some people aren't too comfortable riding in the same car with a person they technically just met." His smile remained even as he spoke. He'd known about Miercie's existence for years, but he'd never spoken to her. They'd never technically met. Perhaps it was good that they were talking now. He figured that if he spent some time away from Peter, his feelings could change. He didn't want to see Peter and Jacob together and feel jealous, he wanted to be happy for his friend. And Miercie seemed friendly, seemed like she needed someone to be a friend to her like Jacob was, and Elliot quietly hoped he could be that friend to her.


Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob smirked at his twin. They always did have a good connection with each other. "Whatever you want to watch is fine with me." He twirled some spaghetti on his fork before putting it to his lips. He always put his food to his lips before eating it. Every single bite. Sometimes when it was finger food he would just keep the food against his lips while he ate. It was very weird, but it was something special about him. He scooted closer to Peter wanting to feel his warmth.

Miercie Alexis Badger

She nodded at him "Yeah. Sure, I don't mind taking your car." She said, getting into the passenger seat. She looked around and took a deep breath in. Everything she could observe would help her learn about him. She was more of an observant person than an asking person. Eventually, she would know more about him than he did without even asking him any questions about himself. The personal things, of course, she would have to ask about, but that's it. Everything else she could pretty much observe. "Is this like, a date?" She said and giggled to herself. She wasn't sure what was so funny about that, though.


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