Precious Love (A Gay Romance)

Peter Nathaniel Johnson

Grinning, Peter nodded at his twin's words, setting down his fork momentarily as he placed a hand over his eyes. Using his other hand, which held the remote, he began to scroll through the channels, all the while counting to ten in his head. When he got to ten, he pressed the select button, pulling his hand away from his eyes to see what it was they were watching. It looked to be a horror movie, but he didn't recognize the title or the scene that was playing. "So you don't mind watching this?" He asked, glancing towards his twin as he scooted closer to him, quietly moving closer as well, gently snaking an arm around his waist as he picked up his fork again and continued to eat. He turned his gaze away from his brother and looked towards the T.V as he took another bite of spaghetti, still slightly nervous about all that was going on. At any moment, he feared his twin would come into realization and push him away.

Elliot Carter Thomas

Elliot blinked momentarily, glancing towards her as he drove, thinking over her question. "I'm not sure if it is or not. Why? Do you want it to be?" He asked, noting her giggle. Although he couldn't mind anything funny in the situation, he added into the laughter for a moment, before quieting back down. Although having quit being part of the fit of laughter, an amused grin still laid along his lips. "Oh, I forgot to ask, why would you like to go to? A coffee shop or a bowling alley? Either is fine with me, I go to both quite frequently, although, even after all these years, I'm still no good at bowling." He laughed again at his own words, thinking of all the past experiences he'd had with bowling. Every time he went people usually beat him at the game, but he'd gotten better over the years. He hoped in years to come he'd continue to improve. He turned his gaze back to the road, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel along to the beat of a song he'd heard this morning.


Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob nodded at the choice. Even though it was completely random, he approved of the show. He lied his head down on Peter's shoulder, trying to get comfortable. He was so glad he had finally told him how he felt. He hoped that Peter really did feel the same way and wouldn't freak out at any moment and feel totally grossed out.

Miercie Alexis Badger

She thought for a moment before deciding on whether she wanted this to be a date or not. "Well, if it's a date then technically we would be dating, but if it's not then it would just be friends hanging out. I'm fine with which ever though." She said concluding her thought. Even though she had already answered him, she still thought deeply about whether or not she wanted it to be a date or not. "As for where to go, bowling sounds fun. Just be prepared to see me fall on my butt. I suck at bowling!" She laughed at her ridiculousness. Immediately, she thought of the time her and Jacob went bowling and she forgot to let go of the ball and traveled half way down the lane before it detached from her fingers.


Peter Nathaniel Johnson

In return, Peter laid his head against Jacob's, smiling softly as he watched the movie he'd picked at random. He savored the moment the two were sharing, and he felt comfortable with it. He'd never been one to be overly welcome with personal contact before, but with Jacob it felt so right. Despite knowing how wrong it really was for him to feel this way. He didn't care. Not if he had Jacob, not if Jacob didn't feel disgusted by his feeling towards him. He finished his meal, placing his fork on his plate. "Want me to take your plate into the kitchen and get it washed off?" He asked, smiling sweetly at his brother.

Elliot Carter Thomas

"Well, normally people only date when they have feelings for one another. So, I would think that we'd be friends hanging out. But, if you'd prefer for it to be a date, I don't mind either."
He said softly, smiling at her. She was attractive, and she seemed nice. He didn't have any problems dating her, but he knew that she was getting over her feelings for Jacob. But, he figured a friendly outing would get her mind off of all that had happened to her today, and he figured it would get his mind off of things too. Who knows? Maybe dating Miercie would help him to get over his crush on Peter. "Haha. It's okay. If we're both no good at bowling than there's no reason to be embarrassed when we see all the other people who are like pros at it." He said, looking at her from the corner of his eye momentarily before pulling into the bowling ally, turning to look at her upon getting the key out of the ignition. "We're here." He said, excitedly before hopping out of the car and going to the other side of the car and opening the passenger side door for her.


Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob nodded at his kind offer. "Ill be back in a moment." He said, quickly slipping off to upstairs. He entered their room and looked around. He wondered how quietly he could move stuff around without Peter hearing it. He decided he would start with the beds. He pushed the twin beds together, making a full bed. That's also where he decided to stop. He smiled at his work and sat down on the bed.

Miercie Alexis Badger

She laughed at his awkwardness. He was so cute when he tried to define problems with logic. "It's a date then!" she giggled. When they got to the area, she hopped out and smiled at him. He was such a gentleman She walked in and traded her shoes for bowling shoes.


Peter Nathaniel Johnson

He smiled at his twin's words, nodding a bit as he took his plate and went into the kitchen, washing them off before placing them into the dishwasher. He than put the leftovers away for his mother and washed the dishes used to prepare the spaghetti before putting them into the dishwasher too. Seeing that he'd managed to clean up the mess they made of the kitchen he wiped his hands off and went into the living room, preparing to ask his twin if he wanted any popcorn for the movie, though noting he'd yet to return. Quietly heading up the stairs he stopped at the door to their bedroom, figuring it was the most obvious place to find his brother, knocking before opening the door slightly to see his brother had pushed their beds together. His expression softened when he saw his brother sitting on the bed. "I see you've pushed our beds together, did you want to surprise me?" He asked, grinning softly at Jacob as he went over towards the bed and sat down alongside his brother.

Elliot Carter Thomas

He walked in as well and got his shoes traded, smiling at Miercie as they walked over towards their lane to put the shoes he was given. Upon putting them on he stood up and looked at her, rubbing the back of his head, contemplating her words. "Alright. It's a date." He responded, gently taking her hand and leading her over so they could choose a bowling ball for themselves. Stopping at a rack full of bowling balls he looked through them, picking them up with his free hand to test their weight. Upon finding one for himself he let go of her hand momentarily. "I'll go set my ball down and get our names punched into the screen. What do you want for me to put on the screen for your name? Miercie or Merry?" He asked, shifting the bowling ball from one hand to the other as he tilted his head. He was enjoying the time they were having together already. He paused, listening for her confirmation and also finding another question coming to mind. "Do you think we should get something to eat while we're here too? It would be nice to get something to snack on to make ourselves feel better while we do bad at bowling." He chuckled softly at his words.


Jacob Grey Johnson

Jacob smiled as his twin came inot their room. "Yes. Do you like it?" He asked a little nervous he wouldn't like their beds being pushed together. He looked at the time realizing it was nearly bed time. He stripped down to his boxers and got under the covers on his side of their new bed that was originally his twin sized bed.

Miercie Alexis Badger

Merry let Elliot guide her. She frowned when he let go of her hand. She felt kind of cold now that he had taken his warmth away. She was liking this more than she ever had with Jacob and the date hadn't even began yet. She picked up a ball that looked like she could carry. Merry didn't have a lot of strength so she picked a very small one. "Surprise me." She said smiling from ear to ear. She thought over his question about food and then nodded, walking away back to their lane and taking a seat while she waited for him to return.


Peter Nathaniel Johnson

He watched his brother strip down to his boxers momentarily glancing towards the clock to see the reason for his brother to do so,before glancing back at Jacob to see that he'd gotten into his side of the newly combined twin beds. He'd also glanced away because he wasn't sure if Jacob would be weirded out or not by the fact that Peter had been watching him change. Smiling softly he pulled his shirt and pants off as well, pulling on a pair of night pants, as he got cold rather easily during the night. After doing so he glanced towards his brother as he walked towards his side of the bed and climbed under the covers of it. "I do like it." He said, quietly moving to nuzzle against Jacob, feeling overjoyed by the fact that his twin had pushed their beds together. Although, he was waiting for his mother to question them on why their beds were pushed together next time she ventured into their room. But for the moment he didn't care what she'd think of it, because it didn't matter. If he liked it, and Jacob liked it than how other's perceived didn't matter at all. He'd been hoping that he could be this close to his brother for a long time. "Correction. I love it. Just like I love you." He smiled momentarily, lightly kissing the other on the cheek before laying his head down on his pillow.

Elliot Carter Thomas

He grinned, returning to the lane momentarily to punch in the names, setting his ball down along the way. He typed her name in first, putting her down as 'Miercie' before putting his in as 'Elliot'. He did this so she could go first while he went to go get the food and drinks. "Oh, by the way, what do you want to eat and drink? Also, you can go first while I'm gone. You might get done before I get back, but that's alright. I hope I won't make you wait too long." He spoke in a friendly manner, looking at her with a tilted head and a widening smile. His smile was everything about himself, it represented the friendliness that seemed to follow him all the time. It even represented some of the awkwardness he felt. He'd never went on many dates,and he didn't think he was any good at them, but he wanted to make sure that Miercie would enjoy this date, that it would help her to take her mind off of things.

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