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Fandom Power Rangers: REBIRTH



Red Angel Ranger - @OGSG as Shane Bryant

Pink Angel Ranger - @MidnightDaybreak as Kevin Yeong

Black Angel Ranger - @PenBlade1326 as Drew Valentine

Yellow Angel Ranger - @Lady Insanity as Amber Stone

Blue Angel Ranger - @marorda as Lucas Fletcher

Green Angel Ranger - @Jailbird as Isabella Robins


@JW Suzusihi as Conner Strife

@PenBlade1326 as Olivia Larson

Application Skeleton:

Full Name:
(First and Last)

Appearance: (Picture, No Anime, Description of your character's fashion/style as well)

Age: (19-21)

Ranger Destination: (Pick your top three choices (colors) in order of preference)

Personality: (Write enough so that we know about your character. Strengths, weaknesses, flaws, etc.)

Brief History: (A few paragraphs preferred, let us know about your character's past, present, and future plans. Your character can choose to be a student at Angel Grove University or work full-time elsewhere.)

Extra Info: (Anything noteworthy that you would like to add.)

My Character:

Full Name: Shane Bryant


Shane is a slim and tall guy. He stands at about 5'11" and, given his athletic background, tends to keep himself in shape due to his high school football background. Though he no longer plays sports, he does go to the gym approximately four to five times a week to ensure that he keeps himself up. Shane's skin a milky brown color while his eyes are a darker shade of brown. He tends to keep his hair short due to a bad experience with longer hair in his past. Perhaps his most notable feature are his symmetrical dimples in his cheeks which always show whenever he cracks a smile.

Shane is a fashionable guy. He tends to keep himself looking nice. A variety of clothes fill his wardrobe, ranging from button downs to screen tees. One constant color that tends to stand out more than others are his shades of red clothing. Whether if it's scarlet, crimson, or burgundy, Shane loves the color red because of how bold and strong it is, despite it being associated with anger. It represents the kind of person Shane feels that he is: bold and strong.

Age: 20

Ranger Destination: Red Angel Ranger

Personality: Shane is what many people would call a social butterfly. He enjoys floating around to different social groups and interacting with people who may not act or look like him. It truly all goes back to his current profession of being a photographer. Having entrepreneurial skills, Shane understands how important it is to be able to communicate with anyone in order for business to be a complete success. With this thought in mind, it can be understood that Shane is a very nice person to be around.

Likewise, Shane does fall victim to working too hard. At times, he'll lock himself away in his apartment working on a project and won't see the light of day until he finishes. The same can be transferred to any other situation that requires work. He's a workaholic that, sometimes, doesn't understand that he should take a break and recharge his batteries. With the weight of his grandmother and little sister on his shoulders, Shane doesn't see any need to cease working.

Brief History: Shane was born to two loving parents in Angel Grove, California. Growing up in a steady environment, Shane watched his mother become a successful school teacher and his father, a salesman. Money wasn't huge in the Bryant household, but respect and dignity reign supreme. Shane recalled his father mentioning how they weren't wealthy monetarily, but they were rich in character and love. At the time, Shane couldn't understand what his father was talking about, but he figured he would understand as he got older.

Sometime during Shane's middle school years, his parents decided to take a second honeymoon to rekindle their relationship. Shane's mother was becoming stressed out with her school district while his father wasn't exactly meeting sales expectations, thus he was fired. Shane and his little sister Rebecca ended up going to their grandmother's house for the week while the parents enjoyed themselves. Unfortunately, tragedy struck the Bryant family as news reports of a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean quickly circulated back to the mainland. As it turns out, Shane's parents were passengers on the plane.

Instantly, Shane realized that he had to become the man of the house, but not his parents house, his grandmother's house. He quickly got a job as soon as he became of age and helped his grandmother pay bills while keeping tabs on his little sister's progress. It was tiring and stressful and he wanted to cry, but he refused to show any signs of weakness around his grandmother or sister.

A hobby that he picked up in the meantime, to express himself, was photography. Picture taking and capturing moments was something Shane enjoyed because he cherished memories, secretly wishing he could recapture the moments he shared with his parents. Before long, as he got into high school, his hobby became a lifestyle. He took picture everywhere and began vlogging videos into a locally popular Youtube channel into his college years.

Now a Photography student at Angel Grove University, Shane is hoping to capture the moments that life presents to him, hopefully living out the life that his parents had hoped for him. In the meantime, he still looks over his younger sister and his aging grandmother.

Extra Info: Carries a camera around almost all the time. You have been warned!

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  • Full Name:

    Conner Strife

    Age: 19

    Ranger Destination:

    • Black
    • Blue
    • Green



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  • Kenya_moore_sidesmilegoldLB1.jpg

    Full Name:

    Isabella "Bell or Bella" Lorrin Robins


    Isabella stands around the average height for american woman. She is 5'4 with a fit body,a C cup,and a rather nice rump. As most people can tell her skin color is slightly light than milk chocolate,but slightly darker than a dark caramel. Isabella's hair is natural curly so she does tend to straighten it,which will make it reach her chest. When not straight is nothing but a big beautiful tuff on top of her head,but she dislikes wearing her hair natural because she feels it makes her look lazy.Most people assumes she is wearing weave since her is naturally long,which is not the case. isabella will slip some in once in a while to change her style up,but majority the time she goes all natural.

    Bell's style depends on the situation,but she usually wears sun dresses with a vest or jacket to add an extra flare to her ensemble when she goes to class. On the weekends when she is at work she wears graphic tees and tanks,which are predominantly comic book,cartoon,and anime reference matched with a pair of jeans/shorts/skirt with some combat boots or sneakers.Bell does not stray away from any color and will gladly match salmon pink with a shade of blue and make it work,so she does not stick to any major color.



    Ranger Destination:

    Angel Green, Angel Blue, Angel Yellow

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WIP (hopefully for just a few days)

  • Full Name: Kevin "Keunhee" Yeong

    Age: 20

    Ranger Destination: Pink, Yellow, Green
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Thanks to those who have posted applications or are currently working on applications! I hope to see more in the next few coming days, so keep those applications coming! :)
Full Name: Drew Valentine

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/DREWV2.jpg.6b283485ff26b19fe37277388eff22a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/DREWV2.jpg.6b283485ff26b19fe37277388eff22a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Typically wears his work uniform, involving old T shirts and blue jeans. Button-up shirts and clean jeans on his days off.

Age: 21

Ranger Destination: Blue Angel Ranger, Black Angel Ranger, Green Angel Ranger

Drew's a very nice guy, witty and charming, if not a little cocky. When he was in school, he played all kinds of sports, only he never had that jock mentality. He looks after his younger brother, Isaac, so he's somewhat of an odd father-figure. Open minded and easy to get along with, he's a pleasant guy with good intentions, and kind of a boy scout because of his good nature. He's a sweetheart, but will go brutish to protect what he loves.

Brief History:
Drew was a star child. He was popular, outgoing, bright-minded, and honest. Everything you look for in a child. He loved sports, cars, and everything in between. He was an all-around normal boy as a child. He and his little brother got along, and he helped his parents look after him. But then...only a few years before Isaac, his brother, started high school...it happened. Drew was on his way home from college at the time, visiting for a holiday weekend. As he was getting closer to home, he got a phone call, telling him that his parents had died in a terrible car accident. He was heartbroken, only 19, his brother was 13. Their deaths had a major impact on both Drew and his brother...but they had to move on. Drew finished college a few years after his parents died, and he moved into a small apartment. Now his younger brother is 17 and starting his senior year of high school...Drew has taken him in. So now, he works as a mechanic, takes care of his younger brother, and wants to make life better for both of them.

Extra Info:
Works as a mechanic, with his own shop located near the Angel Grove University campus. Gets a lot of business from the students there! (I might eventually show his brother, but for now, his brother is only a character that's referred to)



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Full Name: Amber Stone

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Slayer2.jpg.f11d85038cf988109a347dc154b33859.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Slayer2.jpg.f11d85038cf988109a347dc154b33859.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Always wears dark clothes. Band shirts and skinny jeans is what she normally wears...all black, with little splotches of color here and there. Pink or yellow is usually what she wears with black.

Age: 19

Ranger Destination: Pink Angel Ranger, Yellow Angel Ranger, Black Angel Ranger

Personality: Jane is a tomboy. She really doesn't associate with girly things all that well, nor does she like to think like a girl normally does. Or at least how most people would expect a girl to think. She's quick-witter, feisty, and has nearly no filters. While she may come off as rude herself, she's actually very sweet and caring, that is, once you get to know her and she's warmed up to you. She's a geek, therefore she's typically seen reading a comic in her spare time, or playing her 3DS. She takes pleasure in the little things, enjoys being one of the only "emo" girls on campus. Jane's a punk tomboy and she is going to let everyone know it. Now that she's away from all of the horrible people in her high school, she's out to set a new path for herself...especially considering she's 4 states away from home.

Brief History: Her father is in the US military. Growing up, she never really got to spend time with him because he's always overseas. But she loves her dad with all her heart. Her mom and older sister are everything to her, she knows they're rooting for her back home. In high school, she was the girl who hung out with the guys and was labeled many things. She was bullied by "popular" girls, and she was never considered "pretty" by most people. She had a few close friends, and found comfort in them...whether through talking, gaming, or jamming out to her favorite bands. She plays the guitar, flute, and piano. She also sings! Xbox over Playstation, any day. Her old life back home, 4 states away, was in a country town...but she doesn't have a country accent. She's ready for the city life, and anything it may bring.

Extra Info: Majors in Music Performance, loves video games, loves punk music, job-hunting on campus, and has a secret obsession with Starbucks....shhhhhh.



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Added the applications to the list! Ten more days until applications are due! This is a reminder that July 22nd is the last day to submit an application. On July 23rd, the cast will be announced.
Full Name: Lucas Fletcher


Doesn't stick to one color when it comes to clothes. He prefers a jeans with a shirt or sweater above anything else. His clothes are simple, without "unnecessary prints and/or texts".

Age: 21

Ranger Destination: Green Angel Ranger, Blue Angel Ranger, Yellow Angel Ranger


"How and why did I even get picked?" is a question that's probably quite persistently on Lucas' mind. He's a rather calm and quiet guy and often mistaken for being anti-social by those who do not know him. In truth, he's a kind-hearted person willing to fight to the very end for the few friends that he has. He doesn't talk a lot, especially not about his past or his family. Usually Lucas is far from the bravest, but he'll try to find courage when it's needed. When someone confronts him on being shy, he'll respond with something along the lines of: "I'm not shy, I'm just not comfortable around most people." He likes to read, write, and sing (though the latter preferably not when around people he knows, even though he can sing quite well).

Brief History:

Past: Lucas lets go only very little of his past, preferably nothing at all. He left his hometown shortly after graduating high school and moved halfway across the state just to get away from everything and everyone from his previous life. Now, this clearly hints bad things have happened to him, and maybe he will open up to some people eventually. The only thing he might let go before anything else is that his parents divorced, but besides that, he'll likely flat-out refuse to talk about his past or his family. Having to start all over again in a new place, however, is more than a little hard.

Present: Lucas is in his second year of college, since he didn't start college right after graduating high school and since he had some trouble settling. He's trying hard to get by and keep up. When not in college, he works several jobs, varying from babysitting his neighbor's two year old son to walking the local dogs, working in a local bookstore and occasionally working in the cinema during the weekends

One wonders how he even manages to have enough free time to do his college homework and relax occasionally.

Extra Info: Has a, put it lightly, dark and sad past, hides behind his quiet but happy attitude. Majors in history, but takes several smaller courses on the side, likes surprising his friends once he opens up. Secretly loves fantasy books/movies and (computer)games. Likes taking pictures of things (mostly nature) in his free time.
(I honestly can't see how she compares to the other female applicants...but hopefully she fits into this mess somehow xDD I just hope she can get a color lol)

Full Name: Olivia Larson

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Skylar.jpg.957a470371362cba828919423b20007b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Skylar.jpg.957a470371362cba828919423b20007b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Wears a lot of pastel clothing. Light colors and flowy material are what she's most comfortable in.

Age: 19

Ranger Destination: Yellow Angel Ranger. Pink Angel Ranger. Green Angel Ranger.

Personality: A wallflower. No other word could describe Olivia best. All her life, she's been the shy girl in the back of the room, not speaking unless being spoken to. Her voice is a definite indication on her shyness...so quiet and timid. She was never really bullied or anything, just naturally shy. She's known for barely saying two words, taking more time to enjoy little things like nature...art, or classical music. Olivia is scared of most things, like spiders or the dark. Being 19 doesn't mean she's exactly mature. Well, she is...but not really. She prefers to keep to herself, and stay in her comfort zone, but still being a shoulder to cry on or a friendly smile when the time comes. Even better, she can demonstrate exactly how to be a wallflower...hardly speaking out, and hardly ever getting involved in anything that doesn't pertain to her art or studies.

(tugging on your heart strings now!)

Brief History: An only child, and never having a dad, she grew up with her mom taking care of her. Olivia and her mother grew to be very close over the years of her life, and she has much to be thankful for. Though the lack of siblings or a dad made her rather shy, yet her grades were great. Olivia always pushed herself to be the very best she could in her school days. Growing up, her mother was her best and only friend, which made her rather scared to step away from home. She could always come home to her mom after a long day and unwind and cry on her shoulder when she had to. Her mother showed her exactly what it means to love. But then...it happened. When Olivia was 15, her mother grew ill. Very ill. Her mother had been diagnosed with Leukemia...and it was fatal. Through only one year of fighting...her mother sadly passed away, leaving the 16-yr-old Olivia in the care of her grandmother. Olivia was heartbroken...she cried for weeks. She lost her mom...her best friend.

Two years after her mother's passing, she found true comfort and peace again. She graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA, and got a scholarship to Angel Grove University. Her grandmother could never replace her mom, but she loved her nonetheless. She felt like she had a purpose again. Olivia knew her grandma was in good health, and that she didn't need to her take care of her...so, Olivia went to college at 18. When she went, she planned to major in Art, but soon gave up on that dream...Olivia changed her major to Nursing. She wants to help people in a way that cures disease, to at least helps people deal with their struggles of illness...Olivia wants to possibly save someone of going through what she did with her mom. Now, 19 and studying nursing, and MINORING in art, she's happy with her life...although she misses her mom everyday.

Extra Info: Loves art, nature, and classical music. Currently studies to be a nurse, and also pursues art on the side. She enjoys painting and--literally--frolicking through a field of daisies.




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Okay.....Olivia makes my character Amber look like garbage xDD Her history actually managed to get me to shed a tear and that NEVER happens xD
That is a sad past indeed... She and Lucas willg et along on that... And the Leukemia... He knows the feeling... But that's stuff from his yet-to-be revealed past.
You're here! Yay! I can't wait to see Lucas back in action...this time as the Blue Ranger xD
Shane's bio is complete! If you guys want to take a look, it's in the first post of the sign-up thread under a spoiler. :)

PMs will probably be coming tomorrow.
I'll try too! Today is actually the busiest day of the week, and tomorrow afternoon is the sports activity. Since sport isn't my thing at all, my colleague does the sports, and I the creative things

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