Post Apocalyptic RP

Elemental Son

Human, honest.
“The city lines are down;

The kerosene's run out.

The fracturing of all we relied upon…”

Zombie apocalypse. A laughable concept – a fiction. At least it was, right up until the day it happened. The fallout was predictable; the human race spent some time tearing itself apart, and then the tide began to turn. Small groups banded together to form communities. Rudimentary communications were re-established. The world, while still dangerous, was not an immediate death sentence.

The logical next step? Attempting to rebuild.

This RP takes place on the cusp of human recovery. Players start in, or approaching a small community holed up behind makeshift walls in the corner of a semi-rural town. There are still risks – still hordes, the threat of disease, famine and the effects of the weather. There are still the remnants of the bad days – bandits, psychopaths. There is the new threat of competing communities – those that would take your supplies or even try and subsume your territory.

Your objectives are simple. Fortify your position. Restore electricity. Attempt to establish trade networks, or preferably, alliances with nearby groups. Attempt to develop a cure.

Attempt to rebuild.

This is a scenario which can either be 1x1 or group. I’m willing to run concurrent games of it at once, depending on the level of interest.
I'd be interested in a possible group RP. 1x1 wouldn't be bad either, though it feels like zombie-based RPs would be better done in groups.
I'm interested. This seems like it takes place way into the apocalypse. About how many years in would you say it is?

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I agree that it might work better as a group. As for timing, I'm thinking three or four years after the outbreak - I know that sounds fast, but the idea behind it is that there are only pockets of safety, where people have reclaimed a semblance of normalcy. The world at large is still incredibly hostile. The other benefit to this is that it means people who were separated at the start may still be alive.

I'm willing to be flexible on that point though - any ideas you guys want to contribute are appreciated.
I'm interested, although I think it would be cooler if they all started out together in a loosely constructed camp
I like Rainjays idea that we all started in one place. I mean it could start out on a supply run and we could maybe possibly find some late joiners of the roleplay while on the supply run.

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I'm with the idea as well.

Only thing I can think of is what sort of zombies they are. Would we want to go for a "Last of Us" deal where it's fungal/parasitic, or ye olde corpse from the ground?
Raneth said:
I'm with the idea as well.
Only thing I can think of is what sort of zombies they are. Would we want to go for a "Last of Us" deal where it's fungal/parasitic, or ye olde corpse from the ground?
I assumed it'd be a virus like the walking dead. Head shots kill them bite you're infected.

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wonderboy1234 said:
I assumed it'd be a virus like the walking dead. Head shots kill them bite you're infected.
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Right, that one too.
A loosely constructed camp works well; more risk and less people necessary. As for the type of zombie, I was thinking virus, but with some caveats. For example, antibiotics can slow down the infection; maybe as time has gone by, humans have developed a small tolerance to it, so a bite is not a 100% guarantee of infection, and so on. Modifications to an old theme.

I also like the idea that we can add new people on patrols, supply runs and so on. Means the world can be flexible. By the same token, if someone wants to leave, easy enough to get them made into a zombie.
Good point on losing people and turning them into zombies-- it could potentially be fuel for us, in case the character got close to anyone/the group. I also like the idea of humans being able to progressively become immune to the virus, instead of only a small few being immune, or a single person. Or none one at all, even. Seeing as we can build immunity to most other viruses, why would this one be so different?
The characters would all be pretty close, too, or at least recognize eachother, living in the same camps. Adds an interesting dynamic.

& Totes with the gaining immunity thing. They could use antibiotics as a sort of vaccine maybe.
I personally feel like the antibody thing is ridiculous when doing anything zombie related. I mean I can see where you're going with this but if you're gonna do it have only one or a couple characters have it. Maybe first come serve? I call dibs!

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Rainjays said:
Random dice generator to pick who's lucky?
I just called dibs...first come first serve is always the way to go with this kind of thing. In my opinion anyways. :P

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Definitely; we've had viruses wipe out huge portions of the species before and survived, but it would remove the element of risk if everyone has immunity. I'd say one or two of us might have a slight immunity - as in, you might not get a fatal infection from a bite, but it still might make you very sick, and potentially cause necrosis in limbs or whatever. Nothing, certainly, to the extent of 'we're all magical special people who will live forever!' =P As for the antibiotics as a vaccine, possible, but I was thinking of it being more a delaying tactic - the virus gets in your system, and it stays there permanently (unless we find a cure, or you're one of the very few who can recover naturally). All antibiotics might do is slow down the symptoms. I'm open to alternate interpretations on this.

I don't mind who has it, but my character(s?) won't. Risk is part of the fun. You can dice-roll for it if you wish, or simply exercise your own judgement to limit it.
I've been working on a writing project that takes place ten years into the apocalypse. In the story the main character is bit by a zombie and he gets sick and dies only to comes back to life as a human/zombie hybrid. He's technically alive because his blood is still pumping, he heals slower and isn't as strong as he used to. He's now paler than normal people and can blend in with the zombies and since the virus is in him he's immune. I originally was going to have him be able to spread it to people through bodily fluids but that would ruin the story since it's a romance.

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I didn't mean everyone is granted instant immunity, but rather, it's something they're system fights and grows a resistance against over time-- if they're infected already from it being air-born or something like that. So, let's say, someone can handle a bite once and their system can mostly fight it off, but if they get a second one too soon, I'll say a few months up to a few years-- all dependent on the person, it will likely kill them without a cure, since they're body could just barely fight it off the first time. So, not everyone gets this, but I'd think it'd be realistic if a few people did and perhaps one or two people(this would only raise any higher if we got a significant amount of players, like a bump up to three if we had around 15-20 characters) gets granted complete immunity, and this all gets determined through a dice roll.

(So, with high resistance, I suppose it's one free bite-- and that's all you get.)

I'd say the amount of people granted immunity or stronger resistance is entirely dependent on how many people join. Like... let's say 5 people, then only two will be granted this, either they both get high resistance or it's one gets that and the other gets immunity. With 10 people, maybe four. Anymore and we can decide from there. And obviously, it's up to the person if they want a shot at it. It's not mandatory.
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I'm interested, pm me when the apps are up. I can post between 2 and 3:30 and after 9:30 pm most days.

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Sorry for the wait, team - had electricians running all over the place trying to figure out why I had no power. As is, I'm glad this is getting some more interest. I think a 2:5 ratio for minor resistance works pretty well. As for the mechanics of it, let's play it by ear - for now I'd be willing to accept a 'you might live through one bite - maybe' in one or two characters; anything more complex, we can sort out as it arises. It's worth remembering that a zombie could still savage you to death before the virus took you out in considering this.

Final details before character creation which I think matter: Approximate location and climate. I'm going to hazard a guess that most of you are from the US - not a bad setting for it even if not, due to the (comparatively) easy access to firearms. I think it'd be interesting to host it in one of the colder States, as I'm guessing you can all imagine the extra challenges that might pose - particularly in winter. If anyone can suggest a specific area fitting that (or if you have other, better ideas), please chip in.

Also, how do you all feel about character sheets? Optional work for everyone?
I'm for a cold US State(perhaps North Dakota?), or even a group migrating up into Canada(or being from Alaska).

I personally prefer character sheets for group RPs, too. Just feel like it makes life easier for everyone in the long run.
Character sheets. I like to know who's who so I don't get confused about who's doing what when and I so on. I feel like maybe it should take place in a really hot desert like climate. I feel like really hot desert is a harder environment to survive in and and more apocalyptic setting. The Road is the only apocalypse movie I can think of that takes place in the snow.

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While I take the point on the difficulty of desert survivability, considering they're going to have to become self-sufficient, it's just not a logical place for them to settle. I'd be willing to have them travel to a different climate from a desert, but given the scarcity of water and fertile land, it's just not a place I see them staying. Thoughts?

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