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Fantasy Poseidon is my Neighbor?



A hologram of Poseidon stood in the center of the room, smiling at the small assembly of demigods before him. This was their first official strategy meeting since Zeus' disappearance.

"I'm going to tell you now. I have no idea where Zeus is. Finding him is our top priority. If we can do that, then there is a strong chance that some of the other Gods that have swayed onto Hades' side will return. The only thing that we know, is immediately after Zeus' disappearance Hades began his taboo research... This may suggest that he captured Zeus, but that would require guards and a prison cell strong enough..."

(Since I'm part of Team Hades, I'm really gonna just let you guys roll with this. That was your first hint. Find Hades.)

@Nichelle @Guardian Demon @LilyannaGaming @H A R P Y @Capricornus @DarknessWithin
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Helena sat in her chair, absent mindend. Since Hera, the god she followed, hasn't picked a side, Helena herself didn't see any sense in participating in this meeting. She was only there because she saw this as a 'must'. Even though she tried to listen to each and every word that Poseidon, or well, the hologram of Poseidon was speaking, it just left her mind as fast as it came.

The only words that actually managed to get a reaction from her were the words 'return', 'Hades', 'taboo research' and 'capturing Zeus'. She widened her eyes slightly, which were almost closed from sleepiness, and her facial expression soon shifted into a worried one. She looked around at the other participants of the meeting. She knew, it was impossible that the two groups of demi-gods, that had formed since Zeus' disappearance, wouldn't clash, but she was worried about the size of this conflict, as well as the consequences it would have.
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"So our mighty chief god is being stuffed in a box somewhere by Hades and his buddies." Lucia raised her voice right after the god of the sea finished, "I mean, he is the strongest out there, right? So whatever means Hades used to capture him must be a force to be reckoned with." She squinted at the hologram of Poseidon.

"I'm no goddess of war strategy, but you are trying to say we must somehow find this prison, free Zeus out of the very force that has captured him all the while avoid being massacred by it?" The white haired girl scanned around the room trying to find some supports from the other demi-gods "I don't want to disrespect you or anything but is this assignment a bit too... hard?"
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Dallas was working hard to stay quiet during the meeting,but his fists had been clenched in fists through the entire speech that his father gave. He bore no particular love for Zeus,of course. It wasn't like the God of the Sea and the God of the Skies ever got along too well. But still,the idea of Zeus standing caged in some dark cell was annoying him beyond his mind. What right did Hades have to consider himself more important than all of the other Gods? What right did he have to break the natural flow of life?

It wasn't until Poseidon's last words that he managed to unclench his jaw and speak with a leveled voice.

"Hades must be well hidden,but he had a huge assortment of Gods with him. You can't simply make all that power disappear. We could also find one of his demigods and some interrogation."
Alex was quite bored and just wanted to leave, but when the projection showed up, her face brightened and she payed close attention to everything Poseidon said. She sat down right where she was standing and began thinking. 'I think we should find out where Hades was last seen and go from there, but... We should also check to see where Zeus was last seen as well...' She thought as the projection faded away into background noise. 'We should also stay together as best as possible so no one get's hurt or captured...' Her thoughts kept going and going as she sat in the middle of the floor.
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Poseidon shook his head at the comments coming from the demigods around him. "You are all assuming that Hades did manage to capture Zeus. I only meant that we should begin by investigating this point first. As well, there is no purpose in interrogating the demigods of Zeus. For an example..." The hologram gestured to Alex and Dallas. "When was the last time we met face to face?" He gave it a moments silence before answering the question himself, this time addressing all of the other demigods in the room. "I have not physically met with Alex or Dallas since I granted them their titles. All other encounters have been through dreams or a holographic meeting, like this one."

The holograph flickered into an image of a three dimensional globe. It span a few times before stopping and zooming in on a mountain, seemingly naked. "I believe this is where Zeus' home is. Before barging into Hades' domain, I su-est -at ch-...." The holograph flickered dead. The lights went out in the room. Shattered glass could be heard from several stories below.

Begin Conflict

Alex looked up from the ground at up at Poseidon's image. 'Last we met face to face? When I was... 13...' She thought as she got back into the conversation and stood up, throwing Dallas a quick glance of recognition before looking at the projection once more. 'A mountain, huh?' She thought as she crossed her arms. As the power went out she got into a defensive stance, hearing the glass shatter, she turned to that direction as the other demigods fell silent. They were all paying close attention as to not lose anyone. Most people were standing back to back or in small groups so we could protect one another. Alex was one of the few standing on her own. She saw something move and quietly tried to get Dallas's attention.

[Reposting this here. to recognize that Team Hades is now in Main Chat. Plus I did something that Team Zeus should be able to see.]

"Focus, ladies. Serenity, are you sure you want to be climbing a rope with a dress on?" Jet chuckled. She may not be the blood relative of Aphrodite, but ooh... Yeah, he'd hit it. "How's the view, Juliette?" He teasingly called down to the girl behind Serenity, who would be immediately under her as they climbed. Looking down on the assortment of demigods climbing the building, he nodded. This was only the first wave. [Those who have not yet posted, but have a CS, may join at any time as part of the second wave of attacks, if the conflict has not ended yet.]

Jet hummed as they climbed up to his a few feet below him. He tapped the glass in front of him and tossed up a Blackout. [it's like an lightly updated version of an EMP. It's focused on a specific building.] Hephaestus's version would have done a better job, working instantly instead of taking a few seconds to take full effect. As well there wouldn't have had to be any preparation before use. It would have just worked. Sometimes Jet wished that Hephaestus would have joined their side instead. Oh well, that should be good enough for now.

As the building's light flickered black, Jet busted open the window and ushered the other demigods inside. As they made their way, Jet launched himself up the building to the level where Team Zeus was holding their meeting. With a red can of spray paint, he wrote "Team Hades" across the exterior windshield and launched off the wall at nearly 100 mph.

"Have fun kids!"

Begin Conflict

[Okay so all this means is that you're going to temporarily move into the main chat for the duration of the conflict. The reason I made two separate chats is because both teams aren't going to be at the same place at the same time, and if you have two large parties talking about two different events at different locations, then it could get really confusing as to what's going on. So, for the duration of the Conflict until I make a God or Jet post that ends with 'Conflict End' at the bottom, we will be continuing the roleplay in Main Chat. PM me with any questions.]

Liam patted his clothes to get rid of the glass,looking down as the first wave of demigods started their attack. It made sense for him to only strike after they were done. But still...He was bored. He was there to fight,after all. Standing around wasn't his idea of a fight.

The cigarette was dancing in his mouth,sword ready in hand. When time came,he would offer as many souls as he could to Hades.
Lisa hops into the cracked window created by Jet. For a simple kid he sure was cocky. Lisa flips her hair out of her jacket and pops her knuckles. She counts the number of allies here in case one does not make it alive. Don't get her wrong, she may save herself but it's better to hang in a pack or gang and stick together. She kept a stern face and starts walking. "Alright now what?" She mutters under her breath.
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Helena continued to look at Poseidon's hologram, which suddenly started flickering before dieing. Soon after it died, all the lights went out, leaving the room completly dark. Helena gasped audibly, standing up from her chair and taking a few steps back.

"H-hello?", she called out into the darkened room. She was startled once again by the sound of glass shattering in the building they were in. At this point she was sure that it wasn't a simple power outage, and she had a bad feeling about whose plan this all was, which was soon affirmed by the large spray painting on the windows of the building which read "Team Hades".
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Serenity rolled her eyes at the comments coming from those behind her. She continued climbing up the rope at a slightly faster pace than before.

She looked up at Jet who sounded like he was mocking her. "You know what they say, you can't commit crime if you ain't looking cute.", she replied, one eyebrow raised.

When she arrived at the top, she entered cautiously through the broken window. Once inside, she swept the dust off her dress and took out her pocket mirror. She took a look in the small mirror, fixing her head. "Alright, I'm ready to go.", she announced, looking at the others.


Dallas rose one eyebrow at Poseidon's question. He knew exactly when he had seen the God for the last time,of course. Dallas would never forget the way Poseidon had saved his life.

His attention was immediately turned when the hologram turned off,and Dallas pushed himself to his feet in time to hear the loud sounds of glass shattering. His stance immediately fell into a protective posture,and he returned Alex's look. Jumping from his place in the room,he stood in front of the younger Demigod.

"Stay close to me,Alex." He turned around to prepare himself for the attack. @Nichelle
Making it to the opening Juliette swung her body up and into the room. Pushing passed Serenity as she played with her hand mirror. Looking around at the other assembled demigods she gave a grumble the only one she really had much faith in was Lisa. Being an assassin like herself gave them a small sense of camaraderie. "The goody goody brats are a few more floors up," she said to the group. "Jet seems to have caused a bit of distraction so we should probably get up there before they come to us" she mumbled a bit to herself.

Figuring that Team Zeus wold stick together if the team she was with didn't do the same they would be screwed. She may be the daughter of Ares, and have a love of blood shed, but she still knew better than to attack alone, that was plain suicide and she didn't feel like becoming a corpse just yet.
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Serenity turned her head looked at both, Juliette and Lisa, who were talking about how they were going to attack Team Zeus. She looked back into her mirror and started reapplying her lipstick when she started to speak to them.

"It won't be hard to fight against them. First of all, two of them, daughter and son of Poseidon, should have a slight disadvantage since there's no source of water around here." She closed her mirror and put it back into her small bag, together with her lipstick, before turning her head towards the two. "Then, second of all, no matter who the strongest of them is, I can still try to charm them so that they'll fight for us, even if it's only for a short duration.", she added with a wink. "And, after all, even if they know that we already intruded into this building, they won't know when exactly we'll attack them and from where we'll come. So we got that going for us, which is nice."
Nodding at Lisa's comment she directed the group to a side room. "Alright since we have un even numbers we'll have to have two groups of two and a single group of one," Juliette told the others while pulling the blueprints of the building that Jet had stolen for them out of her bag. "The enemy should be in the central conferences room here," she pointed to the large space in the center of the floor.

"Team one should consist of Liam and Serenity, you'll take the main route here," she said pointing to the front elevator, "and do as Serenity says, let her charm the strongest one, if she can," she finished before turning to Decker.

"Decker you take the rear stairs, that should make it easier for you to launch a surprise attack," she said showing him where the staircase was on the map. "And lastly group three will be Lisa and myself," she told the others. "She and I will take the main ventilation shafts on that floor and take out as many as we can without being detected," Juliette finished with a sigh. Strategy had never been her strong suit but she had spent the night before working this whole plan out in her head. Yes there were flaws in the plan but it was the best she had.

Serenity nodded as she was getting commands from Juliette. "Alright, alright. Got it." She walked towards Liam and gave him a hard pat on the back, or well as hard as she could.

"Seems like we get to go the easy way, huh buddy?", she jokingly teased him. She chuckled slightly, as she started walking towards the elevator, stopping after taking a few steps. "Seems like you'll be stuck with me for the moment.", she teased him once more as she looked back at him, both eyebrows raised. She continued her way, humming while walking.



Liam flinched when he felt the hand in his back,all his self control being turned to the task of not pulling his sword on the demigod. He still didn't like to be touched,but apparently normal people had a need to stay close at all times.

Don't be an asshole.

Yeah,right. Liam turned to Serenity and focused on her for a second,analyzing her movements with careful attention.

"You will do. How do you want to go with this? You can always distract the bigger guys if you'd like,but I can take that task as well. I'm not the fastest but I'm strong enough to take them."

He followed her steps to the elevator,checking his weapon another time for good measure. Liam tossed the cigarette away,turning his eyes back to Serenity. @IronManatee


Scott cursed himself for letting them get so close without noticing. 'A child of Hermes must have been with them...' he thought to himself. Sneaky little shits, those Hermes demigods. Could steal the hair out of your nose, and you wouldn't notice the pain until they were gone. Extending his senses by creating the slightest shift of wind throughout the building. There are five enemies.

Scott had been sitting outside the room keeping watch, making sure no one had the chance to sneak up on the door while they were having their meeting. He would have been filled in on all of the details later, of course. He entered the room and looked around at all of the other panicking demigods. "There are five enemies. Two groups of two and a solo. I'm feeling... Aphrodite. Ares. Hades. Two, there are Two Hades demigods." Scott shivered. "And an Apollo. The Hermes demigod fled." More shifts in the wind. He could feel them moving up stair cases, closer to their level.

Storm Gathering: Activate

The Storm has been called. Starting next post, Zeus' demigods will be given a +10 combat boost, and +15 defense boost for three posts.
[3 Posts to be made by me, Splat. Not three posts in general. xD Maybe it would make more sense for it to be 3 attack/defends? Yeah. Let's go with that. After I make 3 attacks or any combination of 3 attacks/defends, Storm Gathering will expire.]

The wind picked up outside the windows, black clouds began rolling in as Scott's blinded eyes began to glow with power. "They're coming. Only a few floors below us. The staircase."
Serenity pondered for a moment. "So", she began her sentence, "Uhm... I guess that I'll charm whoever seems to be our biggest threat and you do all the stuff where you damage them... And such?", she explained very vaguely while gesturing with her hands. "We'll see when we're up there.", she waved it off in a carefree way.

As Serenity was making her way towards the elevator, more jumping around than walking, she looked outside and noticed the clouds getting darker and the wind getting stronger. She sighed heavily. "That damn son of Zeus... Alright they know that we're coming so we'd better be quick now."

Letting out a loud curse, Juliette watched the storm gather. She hadn't factored a child of Zeus into her plans. She had figured they had gone into hiding when the king of the gods had disappeared. "Come on Lisa we have to get into position. Hopefully we can bypass the child of Zeus," she said quickly while climbing up into the vents.

By her calculations Serenity and Liam should almost be in their position. As quietly as she could, she climbed the last few levels and situated herself into the vent opening in the meeting room.

Keeping her breathing light, she observed the occupants in the room. There were both children of Poseidon, a child of Zeus, and a child of Hephaestus. Looking closer she noticed that a child of Hera was also present.
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Health: 300/300

Wind Manipulation: Ready

Storm Gathering: Active (3 more turns)

Lightning Strike: Ready

Scott felt that they were near. The air had slowed in the room. Something was blocking the circulation. He felt through the air flow with his abilities to find that someone, or something was in the ventilation system. "They're here." He whispered to the group. "The vents." He unsheathed a three foot long single sided blade made of Olympic Mythril. It was gift from Zeus after he took the oath as a demigod. It could cut through steel like butter, but it had never been used on another person before. Well, there's always a first for something...

Helena listened to Scott's words. She noticed the wind getting stronger as well as the black clouds which were coming up. She could sense the atmosphere getting more and more tense and the demi-gods getting ready to fight the perpetrators, the other demi-gods, who had snuck into the building.

Helena took another few steps back, trying to distance herself from the group. She wasn't here to fight. She hadn't planned on helping Team Zeus, neither had she planned on helping Team Hades. She was against this act of violence. She didn't want this to happen, all she wanted was to find Zeus and end this all.

Lucia didn't reply to Scott's words, it caught her off guard since she didn't expect the conflict to begin so soon, but she knew better to keep her mouth shut in time like these. The daughter of Hera was trying to back off, but well, no one expected her to help anyway. Lucia sighed, troubled by the possible outcomes of this clash, her short enchanted hammer was drawn out, glowing in the fire color and started heating itself. Without many fighting experience or proper weapon, Lucia didn't fancy fighting toe to toe with people from Team Hades, at least she wasn't planning to do so.

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