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Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)


The Shy Roleplayer ^//^
the is PokeSchool a school for all the pokehumans aged between 13-18


you can have up to 3 characters each

only 1 of each legendery

you can fight but not kill

you dont have to know moves from the games/Anime

there can be 2 people be in each room

Dorm Morning - Types: Water,Grass,Fire,Flying,Electric

Floor 1


1- Pikachu

2- Charizard 

3- Shaymin , 



Dorm Day- Types: Bug,Normal,Steel,Fighting,Ground

Floor 2



3- Lopunny ,

4- Garchomp


Dorm Twilight- Fairy,Dragon,Psychic,Ice

Floor 3



3- Glaceon



Dorm Night- Poison,Ghost,Dark



2- Gengar

3- Umbreon









Sex: (boy/girl)




Theme: (Optional) 
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Name: Shaymin

Age: 15

Type: Grass

Likes: Flowers, Cute Things, video games

Dislikes: the dark, storms, fire (scared of them all)

Personality: Sweet and innocent

Sex: Female


Theme: (Optional) 



Name: Lopunny

Age: 17

Type: Normal

Likes: Her sister buneary, Format , Logic

Dislikes: Chaos, Fighting

Sex: Female

Personality: She is studious and academic and also the student council president Shes also quite the stickler for rules


Theme: (Optional) 
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 Name: Umbreon

Age: 16

Type: Dark

Likes: Free Running, Music,  The Dark

Dislikes: Bright Rooms, Annoying Ignorant People

Personality: Mischievous Dark, Somewhat Kind

Sex: Male


Theme: (Optional)
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Name: Glaceon


Type: Ice

Likes: The Cold, The Sea, Flying types

Dislikes: Loud noises, being shouted at

Sex: girl

Crush: Finds Garchomp cute

Personality: Calm, relatively quietglaceon_by_sianeatscookies-d4892i4.jpg 


(as soon as I saw Umbreon I had to)

(Edit: I know Glaceon is an Ice type, I was writing an Eevee before this)
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Name: Garchomp

Age: 18 

Type: Ground, Dragon

Likes: Energetic people, exercise and being mischievous, eating

Dislikes: Ice types since she is weak to them, maths and being told to calm down or be quiet

Sex: Female

Crush: No one yet

Personality: Garchomp is energetic, she doesn't like sitting still for too long and can get very restless very quick. She can be somewhat mischievous at times but doesn't make a habit of it. Garchomp tends to eat a lot as well and quite often but she never seems to gain any weight, probably due to being energetic all the time. She doesn't like ice types because she is weak to them but it doesn't stop her from talking to them and trying to be friendly. She just tends to give them a wide berth at first. Due to the fact she is a ground type she doesn't care about getting dirty.


(Ignore the swords in the picture XD I guess those were supposed to be the arm blades that Garchomp has in the game XD
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Poison, Ghost




People who ''know their place''

Large amounts of praise


Hurting others

Being bested

Someone who makes him look stupid

Flowers (they make him sneeze)




None currently


Gengar thinks of himself highly and that becomes extremely apparent once he opens his mouth. He speaks of himself as if he is a god and treats most other people like they are lower than himself somehow. He believes that he is superior to most if not all and thinks that whatever you can do he can do a thousand times better. He desires greatness and perfection in everything, anything less than his ideal of ''perfect'' is not tolerable. To add to the arrogant attitude he has Gengar lacks shame, you scolding him on his behavior or attitude doesn't affect him, he'll more than likely laugh off your insults then proceed to either fully embrace it, walk away with a smirk, or go on about how great he is. Though despite his unbelievably arrogant nature he has the potential to be a ''good guy'' since he  may feel regret for his actions later on.  He isn't particularly fond about the thought of  hurting others, emotionally or physically





 Name: Umbreon

Age: 16

Type: Dark

Likes: Free Running, Music,  The Dark

Dislikes: Bright Rooms, Annoying Ignorant People

Personality: Mischievous Dark, Somewhat Kind

Sex: Male

 View attachment 231007

Theme: (Optional)






Poison, Ghost




People who ''know their place''

Large amounts of praise


Hurting others

Being bested

Someone who makes him look stupid

Flowers (they make him sneeze)




None currently


Gengar thinks of himself highly and that becomes extremely apparent once he opens his mouth. He speaks of himself as if he is a god and treats most other people like they are lower than himself somehow. He believes that he is superior to most if not all and thinks that whatever you can do he can do a thousand times better. He desires greatness and perfection in everything, anything less than his ideal of ''perfect'' is not tolerable. To add to the arrogant attitude he has Gengar lacks shame, you scolding him on his behavior or attitude doesn't affect him, he'll more than likely laugh off your insults then proceed to either fully embrace it, walk away with a smirk, or go on about how great he is. Though despite his unbelievably arrogant nature he has the potential to be a ''good guy'' since he  may feel regret for his actions later on.  He isn't particularly fond about the thought of  hurting others, emotionally or physically




Name: Garchomp

Age: 18 

Type: Ground, Dragon

Likes: Energetic people, exercise and being mischievous, eating

Dislikes: Ice types since she is weak to them, maths and being told to calm down or be quiet

Sex: Female

Crush: No one yet

Personality: Garchomp is energetic, she doesn't like sitting still for too long and can get very restless very quick. She can be somewhat mischievous at times but doesn't make a habit of it. Garchomp tends to eat a lot as well and quite often but she never seems to gain any weight, probably due to being energetic all the time. She doesn't like ice types because she is weak to them but it doesn't stop her from talking to them and trying to be friendly. She just tends to give them a wide berth at first. Due to the fact she is a ground type she doesn't care about getting dirty.


(Ignore the swords in the picture XD I guess those were supposed to be the arm blades that Garchomp has in the game XD


Name: Glaceon


Type: Ice

Likes: The Cold, The Sea, Flying types

Dislikes: Loud noises, being shouted at

Sex: girl


Personality: Calm, relatively quietView attachment 231158 


(as soon as I saw Umbreon I had to)

(Edit: I know Glaceon is an Ice type, I was writing an Eevee before this)

All accepted (tbh i dident think anyone would join as this was throwb together by a very tired my at 4 in the morning XDD) we can start now 
-------RP START-----

It was the night before school started all the students were been givin there dorm rooms.

Shaymin wandered down the halway towards her room upon touching the door handle a flower grew out of it and some grass grew around the flower "oh" she mumbled to herself looking at it.

Lopunny marched towards the stairs her student president badge pinned to her coat smiling widely.


@Katie Jensen

@Kira Times


(Btw if anyone wants a change of room pm me i just put ppl in random rooms)
Umbreon Walked to his dorm upstairs listening to music as always "ok so what room was... Oh yeah room three" he walked to room three and opened the door "not too bright not too dark" 
Glaceon entered her room and flopped down on the bed, her bed was a light blue with snowflakes all over it, The sheets were cold, almost like ice "this is awesome..." she yawned tiredly wanting to get changed into her pyjamas and go to sleep 
*Umbreon unpacked his stuff grabbing some clothes to wear tomorrow He walked over to his bed and climbed onto it. He put in his headphones, Played some music, and lay down on his bed.

Name: pikachu 

Age: 18 

Type: lightning 

Likes: people, ketchup and mustard 

Dislikes: mean people and bullies

Sex: (boy/girl) girl 

Crush: unknown 

Personality: sweet, caring 



Name: charizard EX

Age: 17 

Type: fire 

Likes: being the center of attention popularity

Dislikes: getting dirty 

Sex: (boy/girl) girl 

Crush: unknown 

Personality: sarcastic, munitputive, mean, snotty


Name: buziel 

Age: 16 

Type: water 

Likes: water, partying

Dislikes: getting dirty 

Sex: (boy/girl) girl 

Crush: unknown 

Personality: clumsy, bubbly, party animal

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Garchomp bursts through the door to her room and throws her bags into a corner using her free arm. Her other arm cradled a small loaf of bread, she takes a large bite from it and places it on the bed as she begins unpacking. It had been a couple of hours since she had last ate and she'd figured a loaf of bread would tide her over.
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Gengar walked through the halls with his usual strut of confidence. His mind was practically somewhere else as he seemed to pay no attention to his surroundings or any other person in the halls with him. A smirk planted on his face that probably hid some kind of scheme under it. 

At this time he hadn't had anywhere else to be so he planned to head to his dorm right away and see how it looked. It's not like he expected some kind of grand room with gold trims on everything but he did have the right to expect something relatively decent. I mean come on if he had to sleep in a room with the paint falling off the walls he wouldn't hesitate to walk up to whoever was in charge and proceed to complain until their ears fell off. How dare they put him somewhere like that...Though he was keeping cool for now. It's not like he already had a problem with his room.

Soon he arrived to his room and put his stuff anywhere. For now he had this place all to himself or so he assumed since nobody else's junk was there. It didn't take long for Gengar to make himself at home.
Garchomp finishes unpacking and sighs, she didn't like unpacking because she was terrible at folding, she would usually pack the drawers with unfolded clothes until they wouldn't open. Garchomp stands up and then flops onto the bed, she grabs the loaf of bread and goes back to eating it, she was so hungry and the bread would hopefully help.

Name: pikachu 

Age: 18 

Type: lightning 

Likes: people, ketchup and mustard 

Dislikes: mean people and bullies

Sex: (boy/girl) girl 

Crush: unknown 

Personality: sweet, caring 


View attachment 232152

Name: charizard EX

Age: 17 

Type: fire 

Likes: being the center of attention popularity

Dislikes: getting dirty 

Sex: (boy/girl) girl 

Crush: unknown 

Personality: sarcastic, munitputive, mean, snotty

View attachment 232153

Name: buziel 

Age: 16 

Type: water 

Likes: water, partying

Dislikes: getting dirty 

Sex: (boy/girl) girl 

Crush: unknown 

Personality: clumsy, bubbly, party animal

View attachment 232156

All Accepted
------Next Day---------

Shaymin woke up awhile before class looking at her timetable shaymin got dressed and left for her first class of the day , Battle.

Lopunny ran down stairs and towards class smiling to herself quite exited.
Garchomp wakes up slowly and yawns loudly. The sunlight cast a bright beam into her room and she blinks rapidly as her eyes try to adjust. Garchomp jumps out of bed and gets dressed before looking at her timetable "battle class? Can't wait" she laughs to herself as she leaves the room in a hurry and makes her way to class
Garchomp wakes up slowly and yawns loudly. The sunlight cast a bright beam into her room and she blinks rapidly as her eyes try to adjust. Garchomp jumps out of bed and gets dressed before looking at her timetable "battle class? Can't wait" she laughs to herself as she leaves the room in a hurry and makes her way to class

Glaceon was also making her way to class she also had Battle class, she was still tired, she hadn't slept much. Glaceon ran down the stairs not wanting to be late and went straight into the side of Garchomp, Glaceon fell backwards "oww... that hurt..." she whimpered rubbing her forehead
Garchomp stumbles slightly and snaps around "hey! Watch where you're goi-" Garchomp stops as she sees Glaceon rubbing her forehead "oh sorry...Didn't mean to knock you over." she extends her hand to help Glaceon up

Garchomp stumbles slightly and snaps around "hey! Watch where you're goi-" Garchomp stops as she sees Glaceon rubbing her forehead "oh sorry...Didn't mean to knock you over." she extends her hand to help Glaceon up


Glaceon's hand was cold to touch, "N-no it was my fault... I shouldn't have been running... I'm very sorry" Glaceon didn't seem to want to look at Garchomp, In truth she was a little bit scared of her, she knew Garchomp was about to shout at her, Glaceon had a bruise developing on her shoulder where it hit the ground
Garchomp winces slightly as Glaceon touches her hand "ah! Ice!" she pulls Glaceon to her feet "no need to apologise, I'm pretty sturdy. Just watch out next time okay?" she smiles as her stomach rumbles. "hungry...again..."

Garchomp winces slightly as Glaceon touches her hand "ah! Ice!" she pulls Glaceon to her feet "no need to apologise, I'm pretty sturdy. Just watch out next time okay?" she smiles as her stomach rumbles. "hungry...again..."


"Oh, sorry... I forgot..." Glaceon said pulling her hand away, Glaceon looked up at Garchomp and smiled back before looking back at the ground "I umm... made some sandwiches... you could have one if you want..." Glaceon pulled a small tub out of her bag, the tub had an Ice Pack and a few sandwiches in it of varying flavours
Garchomp stares at the box with wide eyes, her mouth watering "th-thanks...but I couldn't that's your lunch. I may be hungry but I won't take your food" Garchomp smiles at Glaceon "anyone who offers me their food though is my friend. My name is Garchomp by the way"

Garchomp stares at the box with wide eyes, her mouth watering "th-thanks...but I couldn't that's your lunch. I may be hungry but I won't take your food" Garchomp smiles at Glaceon "anyone who offers me their food though is my friend. My name is Garchomp by the way"


"Nice to meetcha Garchomp, I'm Glaceon," Glaceon smiled at her and hands her a sandwich anyway "I know it's not much but I'm your friend now so... you can have it!" Glaceon said "I think I might have a soda or something as well... somewhere..." Glaceon said rummaging through her bag

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