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Fandom Pokemon Variations/Fusions


Hunters all over the regions are searching for these rare and valuable Pokémon, these Pokémon struggle to survive from these hunters. Most live of an island for these Pokémon, but hunters are starting to enter this area. Other than just these odd Pokémon , rare Pokémon are also brought here. Surviving from hunters is their main priority.


The sun beamed down over the vivid island as it sank into the horizon, scarlet reflecteing over the glistening water.

The moon came up as if it were the sun, stars laid across the night sky.

The soft sounds of the ancient waterfall soothed every last Pokémon.

Ilean watched the sun set as Pokémon went inside their homes. She just sat in a tree, eating a berry. She looked for any other Pokémon still out, and saw none. She layed against a tree branch and closed her eyes, not falling asleep.. @Joshua Prouty @SomaFel


Ivy was darting around in the trees looking for a Pokémon hunter, he knew they usually came out at night.

Later that morning, his special friend a fusion Nidorina got captured. He had over heard the man talking about

how rare she was. Turns out she was a Shaymin mix.


Zia followed closely behind by flying, ``Ivy! You cant go out at night!`` she said

Ivy just gave her a glare and continued. She let out a sigh stopping and using Psychic.

When she put him dow, he suddenly clawed her face. The odd thing about him is

that he's Grass/Poison, so that alone poisoned her. Above her beak, purple

Started to form, she collapsed over as Ivy ran away, ``I-Ivy . . .``

She choked​
Ilean's Ears perked up and she sat up hearing another Pokémon or two. She saw a little figure scurry and leaped after it and grabbed it, yelling, "Well look who it is.. Ivy this is the third time you've been out past the sunset... and where is Zia? She always follows you.." Her ears were perked as she listened for Zia. @Zoechu
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He tapped his foot in annoyance, ``I don't know!``

he snorted then he broke free of her grasp running off again into the night.

He took a break in a tree and ate an Oran Berry.

He saw a hunter with what looked like Zia, it turns out a hunter saw her and grabbed her.​

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"IVVYYY!!!" She yelled. I don't have time for his games... I need to find Zia before... Her thoughts were interrupted by a hunter holding Zia. She leaped and kicked the hunter and looked over at Zia, picking her up. "Are you ok Zia?" she said nervously.
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Sandnine woke up after hearing someone yell. He had accidentally fallen asleep earlier than normal. He groggily got up and sprinted to the source of the sound. He saw a hunter kicked over by Ilean so he went over to the hunter to check if he was knocked out. He was awake but stunned, so he quickly used poison sting and the hunter passed out.
"Huh? Who are you?!?" She said tackling the other Pokemon. "Ohh its you...sorry.." She said letting go of him. @Joshua Prouty She then went back to Zia. @Zoechu
He got up and looked at the hunter now swelling up. He didn't much care but saw something shiny in his satchel which was much more interesting. He snuggled his nose in it and a light blinded him. He blacked out and felt enclosed, he struggled three times but nothing happened. It felt like he was enclosed even tighter now. He accidentally just got himself captured in a masterball. ((Is it okay if I can be the hunter?))
"Err...It seems..."

Wisp tried to make out his locale, but it seems he was lost. Again. Finding it quite difficult to get back he decided to wander. After all, he didn't have a real home. So aimlessly walking about was a much more better idea to Wisp than futile task at hand. He could take a good break.

((Keep it alive, keep the thread alive!)

(I'm so sorry for not posting!!!)


She was slowly loosing Hp, Ivy's poison had got her good.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Ilean and her eyes closed softly.

Her Hp had dropped to 5.

Zoechu said:

(I'm so sorry for not posting!!!)


She was slowly loosing Hp, Ivy's poison had got her good.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Ilean and her eyes closed softly.

Her Hp had dropped to 5.

Wisp trudged through a thicket of trees and shrubs before spotting a group of other Pokemon. His heart raced as he beamed with joy, waving a hand at the others. "Hail! Greetings! Do you have any idea where we are?"

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