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Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

Date: July 9th, 12:30.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis.

She was unaware of the stranger who was on their way to her location, and instead continued to attempt to contact the spirits. Her Umbreon seemed to get distracted by... Something and began running around in circles, akin to a dog chasing it's tail. Alexis, on the other hand, focused. Unfortunately, as the spirits laughed at her pitiful attempt to get help, her lost, confused aura turned to one of sadness, and she sighed, sitting down on the ground with a dejected whimper. "I... Thought you would be of guidance... I'm... A lost wanderer in this world... I have no purpose... I... Only ask for guidance in this world."

She spoke, her voice wavering, as if she were about to crack. Fortunately, her Umbreon noticed and so instead decided to nuzzle up to her, trying to comfort her. As Reggie arrived, she didn't even notice his presence, her aura-related abilities being all out of wack due to her own emotions getting in the way. As the spirits went silent, she grew concerned, pulling up her hood and almost cowering. She didn't even hear him the first time, and only noticed his presence when he squealed and became frightened by her Umbreon, who arched it's back and growled at him, trying to protect it's trainer.

Alexis sighed and put a hand on Allure's back, trying to calm the dark type. She stood up and brushed herself off, trying to maintain composure. "W-who are y-you? I-if you've c-come to ask the spirits for g-guidance, t-they're n-not b-being very helpful. T-they... Refuse to speak to me..." She stuttered, her voice again close to breaking, yet she somehow found the strength to continue. "Y-you... Shouldn't be a-afraid of Allure h-here... S-she w-wouldn't kill a man if h-her life depended on it. Y-you sh-should worry a-about the... O-other spirits..." She continued, trying to hide her face as much as possible. Whether it was from shame, fear, or general lack of social ability, she certainly struggled to convey her thoughts.

Reginald Valerias1715386252424.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

When Reggie first saw the woman, she looked absolutely dejected from something. The Umbreon hissing at him did nothing to quell his fear of the Dark-Type, but they did evolve through having a good friendship with their trainer. Which meant they were obviously going to be protective.

Trying to keep his composure as Alexis spoke, his eyes widened as she gave him some key pieces of information. He put a finger on his chin, tapping it idly as he began to think. Her attempts to assuage his fears about the Umbreon didn't really work as planned, as she had a strange emphasis to 'kill a man' that made his skin crawl. Still, he cleared his throat to try again.

"Sorry for spookin' ya. I'm Reginald Valerias, but you can just call me Reggie." He smiled, bowing with an arm over his stomach and leaning forward. Even his Haunter bowed in a similar fashion, his body glittering in the light and his tongue a shiny blue instead of red. "This is my partner, Emeric the Haunter. My parents are the leading experts of the supernatural - both Ghost-Type Pokemon and legitimate spirits - within the Unova region. I'm here because my landlady suspects one of the Ghost-Type Pokemon that were living in the home she's likely gonna sell to me is in this area. She wants me to make sure it's not going to cause too much of a ruckus outside of its home." The Valerias family was very well known around the Unova region depending on what niche or circle you found yourself in. They were seen as the quellers of spirits and exorcisers of malignant entities.

Once the introductions were down, he continued. "Now, if you're too frightened to, you don't need to tell me your name. You mentioned the spirits refuse to speak to you. Did you see anything? How did you try and communicate with them?" His tone was calm, intonation just slow enough where he's not bombarding her with questions or sounding demanding, but not so slow where she's patronizing her, hoping to calm her down enough to speak further.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis.

After introducing himself, Alexis took a few moments of silence, processing his words in her head, and trying to regain composure. She attempted to calm herself, and only managed to do so after great difficulty. It didn't take a psychic to realize she was not just awful with people, but generally felt uncomfortable around other people. However, despite her difficulties, she managed to choke out her own name. "A-Alexis... Alexis V-von Lichester... I-I... Don't worry about it. I'm... Not good around people." Based on her title, she was possibly an important person, and if Reggie knew anything about history, her surname might prove familiar, once being of a long line of psychics that eventually just vanished from the history books. Until now. The appearance of a Von Lichester after her bloodline was thought to have died off was certainly peculiar.

"A-ahh... M-my family was... Also affiliated with spirits... I-I... Am the last of my line... I-I have a great affinity with... What you'd call the supernatural... It's my specialty, actually..." She spoke in a quiet voice. Once her Umbreon was certain that Reggie wasn't of any harm, she decided to nuzzle up next to the psychic. As a support animal, it's only natural for her to try and help sooth the frazzled nerves of her trainer. "I... Can't say I've heard of anything so far... If there was a dangerous spirit around, it c-certainly hasn't bothered me. G-granted... I've only started on my journey recently." She spoke, very slowly calming down. At least she wasn't so defensive now. "She comes from a very sheltered... Umm... Household, yep! She was only allowed to go on her journey a few months ago!" The Umbreon spoke, using a form of area telepathy to project her thoughts to the beings around her, rather than a specific person.

Once asked why she was trying to commune with the spirits, Alexis froze, as if shocked that such a question would be asked. Once the initial shock passed, she sighed as she shakily stood up, brushing off her robes. "
I was... Seeking guidance, from the... Departed... I've felt... Lost... Directionless... I was... Hoping the spirits would be able to guide me, as they sometimes do..." She spoke quietly. Once she was stood and a better look could be seen from her, her pendant was truly something special, as were the markings on her robes. Perhaps she was part of some sort of secret religious sect, or a hidden group? It was certainly a sensitive topic, as once she realized her pendant was in full view, she gasped quietly and quickly hid it underneath her robes as if scared to show it. "Err... Ahh, right... Communication... I... Attempted to channel the spirits, using a ritual that's been in my family for... Generations... Typically, it... Works... The spirits usually at least have the courtesy to... Listen to us... But not now... They... Refused entirely..."

Reginald Valerias1715476356766.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Was she okay? This woman seemed very... troubled. She finally said her name her last name sounded quite familiar. Alexis von Lichester...

He swore he heard about his parents talking about that specific family... From what he could remember, the Lichesters were a well known psychic family who also had their interests in the supernatural.

Apparently, she wasn't good around people, that comment having Reggie make an amused sort of concerned smile her way. He was patient with her, listening as to her connection with the supernatural and the spiritual. He slightly bristled unconsciously as he heard another voice speak, only to realize it was the Umbreon. He looked very confused. A Dark-Type? Using telepathy? He has heard of some Dark-Types doing this, but not Umbreon... Then again, it evolved from an Eevee, who are notorious for having strange genetic weirdness. It was likely this Umbreon evolved with the ability to telepathize, especially given the spiritual start these two had.

It was weird that she didn't get answered by her spirits, and that she didn't sense anything or know of an evil spirit. He hummed, seeing the patterns on her robes and the pendant. He swore he's seen something like this before. But, it was hidden away before he could focus more on it, so he let it go.
"If they refuse, it's likely because there is a malignant entity nearby or a Ghost-Type Pokemon preventing you from gaining their insight. Most Ghost-Type Pokemon can control lost spirits or keep more benevolent spirits from helping others, while also empowering themselves and other evil entities. I don't think it has anything against you. If you weren't able to gain insight, then that means..." He paused as he looked at the Celestial Tower. Standing firmly in place, he placed out his hand and took in a deep breath. When he called out, his Haunter shuddered at the power of his words. To anybody else, they wouldn't see anything, but to anybody who was sensitive to the supernatural, they'd see a strange invisible wave distorting the air around Reggie's hand, causing a stir in the spiritual world and Ghost-Types.

"Spirits of this resting place, heed my words." He paused, feeling out for anything. This usually caused a reaction, but there was none, which was incredibly odd given it was a gravesite. "Guide me to thine strength."

A visible purple mist enshrouded the Celestial Tower as something chortled within, sounding as if it were gloating. Reggie opened his eyes and saw the change. Though, he didn't seem all that startled or shocked, just determined.

"Alexis, this is a gravesite. Normally, when I call upon the spirits here as it is a wonderful training spot for my spiritual training, they should've acted. If they didn't act, it means that there's a strong Ghost-Type here preventing them from reacting and using them for power. I need to save these spirits, as they are being enslaved by this Ghost-Type." He looked back at her, then at her Umbreon. "While I do have an irrational fear of Dark-Types, I'm still of sound mind to know that you and your Dark-Type are going to be extremely helpful with the taming of this Ghost-Type. Would you like to help?" He asked, his expression going from his usual happy-go-lucky and calm expression to one of serious determination.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

She stayed quiet as he spoke, taking in his words with a curious intent. She was still frightened, but he didn't prove to be a threat, so she simply stayed quiet and observed him. She placed her hood back over her head, partially obscuring her face with shadow. As he spoke, she started fiddling with her pendant, as if she had immediately forgotten she was trying to hide it. While small, the symbol of a skeletal dragon certainly had some sort of symbolic meaning, perhaps of some sort of fictional Pokemon, or a being of legends. Either way, it meant a lot to her.

As the purple mist was visible once more and some sort of being laughed at them, she clutched her pendant closer to her chest, as if it were a crucifix and she was attempting to ward off demons. Even Allure became agitated, her fur bristling out like a cat's and her rings glowing brightly, as if she herself was trying to ward off something evil.

"Wh-whatever it is... I-it's likely highly... D-dangerous... A-are y-you certain t-this is such a good idea?" She stuttered, her nervous, withdrawn attitude changing to one of fear. The hostility her Umbreon was expressing certainly didn't help. "I-I don't d-doubt that a g-group c-can d-deal with this, b-but... W-we're j-just two t-trainers... A-and... I-I'm still young. I-I lack th-the proper training! I-I... D-don't think I will b-be of use..." She whimpered, slumping to the ground. Her own doubts clouded her mind, and coupled with her fear, turned to be quite a potent poison, infecting her willpower and her resolve. She clutched her pendant harder, her knuckles turning slightly white, as she took a few deep breaths.

Her Umbreon seemed to side with her, her rings glowing brightly, as well as her eyes, as she attempted telepathy. While it was normally energetic and happy, the hostile vibes from the unidentified ghost type had her on edge, and her protective nature was in overdrive. "As much as we'd like to help... I'm not sure it's safe. What if we get hurt? Or even worse? Killed? I can't let my trainer risk their life in a mission that we might not be able to succeed in!" It cried. It struggled to communicate through telepathy, possibly because Umbreons tended to lack the natural ability, or possibly stress. It spoke in a way similar to a being who didn't speak English as a first language and struggled with pronunciation and such things.

Reginald Valerias1719102141212.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie realized that this woman had some serious self esteem issues. He'd have to help her with that... somehow...?

She was fiddling with that pendant she had tried to hide earlier, and he had a better look at it. It didn't look like any Dragon-Type he knew of, nor of any imagery.

Reggie patiently waited for her stuttered speech, eyes watching her and her freaky Umbreon carefully before giving a confident smile. "Hey, I'm here. I'm quite strong and I've been taming Ghost-Types and laying malevolent spirits to rest for a while, and I've sealed a few, too. I also have a whole team of Ghost-Types who can help." He then held out his hand. "And, Allure, you're a Dark-Type. Ghost-Types are naturally afraid of you and would steer clear, and if they attack you, your natural typing resists their attacks. It's just that one that is preventing other ghosts from having their free will." He made a motion at the purple mist around the top of Celestial Tower.

"I know what I'm doing. I'll make sure you two are safe. Right, Emeric?" The Haunter nodded, his blue tongue sticking out to make himself look like a doofus to try and cheer them up. Reggie groaned comically. "I... That's... Why do you look silly when you should inspire confidence in your skills...?"

Emeric laughed, earning an exasperated sigh from Reggie. He shook his head and looked back at Alexis. "Besides, I am confident I can do it alone, but it would be really great if you could come along and help. I assure you, you won't be a burden and I'll make sure you and Allure are unharmed." He said with conviction, voice soft to soothe but powerful to reassure.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

Eventually, she let go of her pendant and hit it back beneath her robes, taking deep breaths. She still was incredibly uncertain, but she listened to his words. He certainly had wisdom, and while she certainly didn't feel safe, perhaps he had a point. As long as he did most of the heavy lifting, perhaps she'd be safe? She closed her eyes as she began to meditate briefly upon his words, letting her mind go blank as she forced herself to be calm.

After a few minutes, her eyes opened again, and while still shaky, she figured she might as well give her a chance. She escaped from a near death experience once already, perhaps Arceus was as kind as to not allow her to die so soon. "M-maybe y-you're right... B-but I-I... A-as I'm in training... Y-you'd have to d-deal with the l-larger threat. A-allure has v-very... L-little experience." She replied, her eyes faintly glowing as Allure returned to her ball, in order to gather energy for what is to come. As he held out his hand, she tilted her head quizzically, unsure as to what the gesture meant.

The haunter's antics would have caused her to groan in better times. However, in response, she simply looked away, her confidence in him dropping a bit. "A-are y-you sure that g-ghost is up for the t-task? I-it doesn't seem very... Professional..." She spoke quietly. As if to take her mind off the absolute lack of confidence the Haunter elicited, she checked her bag, pulling an Oran berry out of a side pouch. "I-I'll... A-at least have berries if you n-need healing. I-I... Recently m-made a stop to g-gather some, it's w-what I've lived off of for a w-while." She commented, popping the berry into her mouth.

"J-just know that i-if we die, I-I'll tor-torment you for t-the rest of o-our existence. T-the rest of e-eternity will b-be hell for y-you!" She frowned as she spoke with her mouth full. Seems wherever she came from, table manners weren't something that took priority.

Reginald Valerias1719354758349.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie watched as she came around and returned Allure, but Emeric's attempt at trying to cheer her up worked against him. Emeric balked and then his gaze went downcast, disappointed that it did the complete opposite effect. Reggie chuckled, patting the top of his Haunter's head. "Don't worry, I'll make up for any issues you come across. And yes, he's quite professional when the job starts, but he was trying to cheer you up by getting you to smile." He chuckled sheepishly. "But I've been doing this for about five years now. You'll be safe with me." He reassured. He looked at the berries and hummed. "Heyy, you got a Kasib Berry? Helps to lower the damage of super-effective Ghost-type moves and one of my Ghost-Types would surely love to have it just in case. Probably Emeric."

Emeric's eyes widened and he got his act together, this time not acting so goofy. He seemed ready.

The promise of torment had Reggie chuckling. "Uh-huh, well, I don't want my life to turn into an isekai. We won't die, I promise." He smiled wide, then turned around to face the tower. "We ready?" He took a deep breath in and then out, calming his spirit and aura as he readied himself for the encounter ahead. If Alexis could sense it, she would be able to sense a strange calming aura emanating around Reggie, the strength of his will also emanating from him and enveloping his body. During his five years of work, this was probably the reason why he hadn't been possessed or could fight possession. If she could see color of this normally invisible and intangible energy, it would be a soft white.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

She sighed quietly as Reggie vouched for his haunter, shaking her head as if she wasn't convinced. "I... Don't have a sense of humour. A-and besides, th-this mission i-isn't a joking matter. W-we need to take this... Seriously." She replied, her eyes beginning to glow again as she gazed at the tower. "I'll trust you... F-for now... B-but you'll b-be held a-accountable if anything d-does happen." She repeated her previous thoughts and adjusted her hood. "Oh, no, I-I don't have anything fancy... J-just basic s-stuff like O-Oran, Aspear, a-and Pecha. I-I j-just gather what I-I need to l-live off of. I-I..." She began to trail off, her mind wandering for a moment before she snapped back to reality.

She gave a look of hesitant determination, still not entirely convinced of her own safety, but still willing to proceed. She simply nodded as he asked if they were ready, rolling up her sleeves in an attempt to seem intimidating to the Pokemon around her. Odd swirling tattoos on her arms faintly glowed with a purple ink, seemingly linked to the glow in her eyes. Whether the swirling markings going up her arms were a natural part of her family's gift or artificial wasn't quite known, however one thing was certain. His enthusiasm was contagious, as while she was internally terrified, something inside her gave the confidence to continue, at least a little. "L-let us get this over with. Y-you'll d-destroy the being who harms the spirits, won't you?" She spoke, trying her best to seem confident, while really it was mainly just a facade to seem less scared and weak.

The energy being emitted from him was certainly noticed by the untrained psychic, but she didn't pay much mind to it. In her eyes, everyone had a faint aura to them, in his case, it was just a lot stronger than with others. Perhaps he simply had the ability to control his own aura? In her own case, much like how her eyes and arm markings were purple, her own aura had a purple tint to it. The aura surrounding her seemed to have some sort of external consciousness to it, as if she had two parts, the spiritual and the physical. Either way, as she approached the tower, her aura flared and she dropped to her knees, clutching her head. "I... Feel it now... The spirits, oppressed in this tower, enslaved by the spiritual being... They... Cry out in pain... I can feel their suffering... They... Beg to be saved..." She spoke in a trancelike tone, her eyes and markings glowing brightly. Any doubts she had were quelled, as her natural affinity and empathetic nature gave her no choice but to do what she could to help. All to free the spirits, of course.

Reginald Valerias1719544485006.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Well, she'll just have to see for herself if she didn't seem too keen on trusting him and his Haunter. But the thought that she didn't have any other berries besides the more common ones had him a little disappointed. Oh well, they can handle it without a Kasib Berry.

Reggie looked back to see these strange purple tattoo marks on her arms. What were those? He could sense a strange power emanating from her, and it seemed to be emitted from those tattoos. Though, when she said destroy, he gave her a strange look. "We'll see." He hoped it wouldn't come to that, but sometimes it had to be done. That's when he noticed that she had nearly collapsed. He ran up to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to help her up. "If you are too empathic to the spirits' suffering, you or I will have to find a way to help lessen their effects on you. Otherwise, you cannot continue like this and you will become lost and act like the spirits themselves. I need you to be lucid."

Sighing, he looked up at the tower. "If it's a Pokemon though, I will have to call some officials and get the go ahead. Just because I'm essentially a part of an independent business doesn't mean I can go around doing whatever I wanted." With that, he made sure Alexis can even stand before doing anything else.

"Do you need my help lessening the impact of your empathy, or are you good to go?" He asked, his tone serious as he made sure she was alright first and foremost. Even his Haunter looked concerned, giving her quite the look.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

Her eyes glowed with a newfound determination when she was asked if she was okay, giving a nod. The suffering of the spirits gave her motivation to keep going. Sure, she was anxious. Sure, she had doubts in her own abilities. But if she felt their suffering, surely it must be worse on them. She took some time to regain her bearings, taking deep breaths to try and maintain self control, and eventually spoke. "We'll be... Fine... I can't let my own... Empathy get in the way, I will manage..." She replied, her tats glowing as brightly as her eyes, as if ignited by a ghostly flame. "I may be... Empathetic, but I've... Learned to control it... When I can... Anticipate it. I'll... Speak about my past when ready, but... I've had to learn to have... Great control over my own emotions." She faked a smile, trying to appear strong in front of Reggie.

"Oh... I... Didn't realize we'd need permission from the officials... I'm fine, as far as things go..." She replied, wobblily standing up. She nearly fell over a few times, but thanks to Reggie and her Umbreon doing her best, she managed to stand again. She looked at Reggie with more strength than she had showed. "I may be... Weak physically, but... Spiritually, I can be strong, when I need to be... We can't let them suffer any longer... This is a place for spirits to rest, this isn't right..." She spoke, a hint of anger in her voice. As they lingered, she became more and more sympathetic to the plight of the spirits. She certainly showed signs of struggling with her own empathy, but she was determined to do what she could. She didn't want to just hang around and hope things get better. She NEEDED to do something.

Reginald Valerias1720036919782.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie gave her a skeptical look, but other than that he did believe her. He just wasn't so sure if that was safe. "I understand you don't want it to get in the way, but I have a way of suppressing it briefly so it doesn't affect you as badly." He paused, then sighed as he relented. "Fine, just be careful. Expect it the entire time we're near and inside."

He helped her stand up, making sure she can stand on her own before letting go. "Yes, alright then. Let's go." He can hear the anger in her voice, and using emotion against already emotionally raw creatures was like using fire to beat fire. Still, it had its merits.

Reggie led the way into the Celestial Tower, his shiny Haunter disappearing into Reggie's shadow. Here, his spiritual pressure was a bit stronger, actively fighting against the spiritual pressure of whatever was in here. It felt oppressing, and the once reverent grave site looked more bleak and dreary. Haunting sounds of suffering spirits could clearly be heard by them, and Reggie was able to see them all a little too clearly. Spirits of humans and Ghost-Type Pokemon alike suffering from this strange thing at the top of the tower.

Reggie hummed. "Alright, as we ascend, we'll have to fight some Ghost-Type Pokemon. Umbreon are naturally resistant to Ghost-Type attacks and have a greater bulk than other Eeveelutions. Essentially, they are a wonderful bulky wall, even if they aren't as experienced as their fighters. Which was why I was actually glad you have an Umbreon, despite my irrational fear of Dark-Types."

He looked back at her, giving her a confident smile. "I'm sure you and Allure will be fine. Too bad I don't have a Normal-Type. It would make this a little easier." He sighed, shaking his head. "Oh well. Let's go." He continued on, passing through the first floor with ease. Nothing stopped them. The pressure got harsher on the second floor as they ascended, but Reggie didn't seem affected by it. If he was, he wasn't showing it. That was when they became surrounded with Litwick and Lampent, something that didn't surprise Reggie at all. To normal people, it would seem like they had appeared out of nowhere, but to Reggie, he had seen them approach. He sighed. He can see the control exerted by a stronger force making them act.

"Well, this isn't good. Do you know if Allure has Synchronize or Inner Focus?" He asked her, letting Emeric go on, utilizing Confuse Ray to confuse the surrounding Litwick and Lampent. Most of them became confused as the dancing lights lured them into a world full of twists and spins, their floating bodies becoming unsteady as they tried to focus.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

Alexis simply nodded, giving an unsure smile. "Of course. I'll... Let you know if it gets too much for me. I've had to deal with... Worse things." She replied quietly, having a definite tone to her voice that gave the impression she had unresolved trauma, though that much was obvious. As he let go of her, she followed close behind him, her Umbreon practically pressed up against her leg as it tried to fulfil it's duties to protect her. The Umbreon, while sharing in the emotional fragility of her trainer due to the close bond they shared, was also determined to make sure her trainer wouldn't be harmed, and as such made sure to keep alert.

As they entered the tower, Alexis wavered once more, stopping for a moment to regain fortitude. She even popped a Sitrus berry in her mouth to give her a bit of extra energy, which she certainly needed. As they continued, she took on a state where she was slightly disconnected from the world of the living in order to attune herself with the spirits. While her odd state may have shocked Reggie, it was her way of communing with spirits more effectively, and gave her more of an ability to deal with them. After all, it's hard to fight a being you can't detect very well, but much easier when you can not only see them fully, but detect their aura. As she did, she attempted to tap into Reggie's aura in order to modify her own, which to him would feel like a foreign intrusion, but not one of malice or negativity, but rather a friendly, kind intrusion, one that chose to rely on him.

She didn't reply as Reggie spoke, instead concentrating on his aura and putting her efforts into trying to detect any spirits that may be lurking around. She simply nodded, taking in the information he gave her. She was certainly extremely inexperienced with Pokemon, despite having 4 with her. Lack of access to information certainly kicked her ass, and were it not for her Pokemon, she likely would not have survived in the wild. As the pressure increased on the second floor, she clutched her head, doubling down on her efforts to keep the negative vibes at bay. Fortunately, her Umbreon was more than ready to help, using calm mind to help itself calm down, and due to the bond between them, Alexis was calmed somewhat seeing her Pokemon manage to maintain a level head despite the pressure.

As the ghosts approached, Alexis went on edge, spinning to face the spirits before they appear, and pointing at them, her hands shaking. "W-we... W-we will s-save you! J-just let us by!" She cried out, her voice wavering. She was an anxious mess, but she was determined to help. Fortunately, Reggie had her back, his Haunter using confuse ray to confuse the ghosts. To help out, her Umbreon used Scary Face to intimidate the ghosts, and hopefully making them less of a threat. "U-umm... I... What's an ability? I'm... Not that experienced yet..." She replied to his question. Fortunately, her Umbreon was quick to reply, using telepathy to project her voice around her. "I think I have Inner Focus, because I'm able to power through even after powerful attacks that would have caused me to cringe!" Her voice was energetic, and she was almost bouncing on her paws in excitement.

Reginald Valerias1720214046295.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie's Drifblim (Large Marge): Burned (-50% Atk); Flare Boost (+50% Sp. Atk)
Alexis's Umbreon (Allure): +1 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def
Litwick 1: Confusion - 2 turns; -2 Speed
Litwick 2: Confusion - 1 turn; -2 Speed
Litwick 3: Confusion - 2 turns; -2 Speed
Lampent 1: Confusion - 1 turn; -2 Speed
Lampent 2: Confusion - 2 turns; -2 Speed
Lampent 3: Confusion - 1 turn; -2 Speed; Knocked Out

Reggie didn't feel too confident for Alexis, but he had to at least show he believed her and knew that she would be okay, else he would end up making confidence in her own abilities worse. He made sure she was close by, stopping when she stopped and walking at her pace so she didn't have to expend so much energy trying to catch up.

While what she was wasn't exactly normal, Reggie wasn't shocked. More so, he was getting more and more worried. She was opening herself up to becoming possessed if she wasn't careful - either by a spirit or by whatever was controlling the spirits. He could feel her aura trying to mimic his, so he let it. It just sort of tickled.

What Alexis could detect were a series of spirits huddling against the walls or hovering around their gravestones, as if trying to hide from whatever was affecting them. Some were roaming aimlessly around the pathways, and they were likely the most dangerous.

Reggie huffed as she tried to speak to them, but they didn't seem to react to it. Reggie shook his head. "You can try to reason with them, but they won't hear you. Their reality is distorted, so knocking them out is the only way to free them."

With the three Litwick and Lampent confused and slower, they were trying to set off their attacks. Reggie hummed as Allure spoke. "Well, if you had Synchronize, any Pokemon that poisons, burns, freezes, paralyzes, or puts you to sleep would have been affected by that too. But if you have Inner Focus, that might help us here, unless they use Will-O-Wisp. An Ability, Alexis, is either a passive or activatable thing that all Pokemon have." Reggie backed up and held out his hand, focusing most of his aura in his hand, making a void of spiritual energy that the Litwick and Lampent felt repelled by. "Also, don't use Fire-Type attacks, and try not to come in direct contact with them. We don't know which ones have Flash Fire or Flame Body. Don't set up Light Screen or Reflect either, one of these may have Infiltrator and bypass it."

One of the Litwicks and one of the Lampents fell to the floor, too dizzy to act and hurting themselves upon the fall. The other four attacked. A Litwick used Will-O-Wisp, the flames being sent towards the Umbreon to try and burn it. Quickly, Reggie released his Drifblim to be in the way. The Drifblim barely fit in the space, but was a good shield. Large Marge was burned, and he retreated her. He didn't seem too concerned about what he just did. At least he kept to his promise.

Another Litwick tried Confuse Ray, but the lights failed to appear for long. One Lampent fired off a ball of flames that exploded on Emeric, who hissed. A Shadow Ball was also sent towards Emeric, but Emeric's hand glowed with ghost energy, and he twirled, his hand "catching" the Shadow Ball and throwing it back, knocking the Lampent out with its own Shadow Ball. It fell to the ground, unable to fight back.

"Alexis, what moves does Allure know? Allure can tell me, too." He needed to make sure he knew what Allure knew so he could better figure out what she could use. It might've been a good idea to ask that earlier. But he at least knew that she knew Scary Face.

Without a command, Emeric fought back. Reggie can feel the pull of darkness and let himself think horrid thoughts, allowing Haunter's Dark Pulse to get stronger as he fed off his trainer's thoughts. The Dark Pulse didn't get stronger, but it did get wider, hitting two Litwick and they fell to the floor. They really only had two Lampent and a Litwick to take care of now.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

At least for Alexis, while she was inexperienced, something to her made her extremely resistant to possession and other means of communication, even when essentially walking between the 'spirit realm' and the normal world, perhaps something in her bloodline gave her a spiritual strength that made it hard for spirits to manipulate her. Perhaps it was the fact her aura was between two realms, or something else she wouldn't understand. What was certain is she held a definite power inside her and had potential, even if she didn't know it herself. Her powerful aura was enough proof of that.

As Reggie told her communing with them was pointless, she nodded, her eyes glowing purple, with a slight swirl of a lighter colour where her pupils would have been. "Of course... We'll... Deal with them, won't we? These poor creatures... We must liberate them!" She replied, her Umbreon jumping up and giving a enthusiastic cry in response. "I'll knock them out real good, just you watch! 'course, I'm only gonna knock them out, it takes a lot of work to kill a ghost!" The 'bre replied, her rings glowing to help them see better in the likely dark interior of the castle, and to possibly intimidate the spirits.

As the spirit used will o' wisp on her, she took it with stride and retaliated with bite! "Aha! Take that, spiritus malus!" She 'shouted'. Fortunately, Reggie's quick thinking left her unscathed and instead a Driftblim took the burn for her. Noticing the events, Alexis gave a simple vocalization to get Reggie's attention before tossing him a Lum berry. Hey, she may have been inexperienced, but at least she knew how to deal with status conditions! And the fact she had a special taste for Lum berries(and therefore a stockpile) at least gave them a unique strength to deal with battles. They had healing sorted!

The Umbreon didn't reply for a while, picking up on the fact Reggie was using evil thoughts and doing the same thing, allowing her mind to fill with all manner of hostile and aggressive thoughts in order to help boost the Haunter. "I... Well, I'm not sure what they're called, you'll see as I fight! I'm good at dentem percutiens(fang strike), using... Err... What's the word for it? Affliction of various ailments? Is there a better word for that? That, and nonlethal impetum(assault)" She replied, moving slightly to side to side as she focused on the remaining Litwick. It seemed weaker, so taking it out of the fight might be a good tactic to reduce the damage the group would deal.
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Reginald Valerias1720488518806.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie's Drifblim (Large Marge): Burned (-50% Atk); Flare Boost (+50% Sp. Atk)
Alexis's Umbreon (Allure): +1 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def
Lampent 2: Confusion - 1 turn; -2 Speed

Reggie could feel the aura's strength resonating from Alexis, and he thought that it felt strange. This wasn't normal, she wasn't born with this. She was given this power, she must have gone through some kind of ritual.

However she got it, it didn't come from a natural birth, not unless she was a freak of nature with special parents or was gifted with some Pokemon-given ability.

As the Umbreon glowed brightly, things didn't seem so intimidating anymore. And yet, strangely, Reggie felt a strange aversion to her light. It was when he heard Umbreon say some strange words and tried to explain those words in some strange language did Reggie feel a little annoyed. "Please, speak plainly. I don't understand that language. I do know you used Bite, Calm Mind, and Scary Face from watching you though." Which was good, he guessed.

The Litwick that was bit cried out and fell, unable to get up now but it was just strong enough to keep floating. It still wanted to fight, even as it was being strafed by Allure.

Reggie saw her energy was weak enough, hummed, and snapped his fingers. "Don't attack her, Allure. Leave her to me."

Emeric complied and attacked the two Lampent, using Shadow Punch - a weaker version of the move as he hadn't used it in a long while - and knocked the other Lampent to the other. Meanwhile, Reggie outstretched his hands towards the Litwick. He could feel her physical pain, her fear. He can feel it, he can feel the power of this thing above them, the malice radiating from it fed the Litwick and amped her fear and aggression. "You don't have to be afraid of it, we're stronger than it. It's okay... Just tell me... What is it?"

To Alexis, she would be able to see Reggie's colorless aura flow around the Litwick, almost hugging it, using his empathy powers to an even greater extent to form a brief connection with the exhausted Litwick, who took it as if she were hungry, only to stall when spoken to.

A flash of an image, of red eyes stared into his very soul. He staggered back, and pulled his hand away. The Litwick whined, and jumped towards Reggie, but instead of attacking, she was attracted to his warm soul. She wanted to be safe. It used its waxy nubs to find purchase on his dress shirt, and he couldn't help but feel horrible for it. It was so weak, the candle light - the longer he looked at it - felt more and more enticing to just give up some of his strength for her.

She was so close to having it too, until she was suddenly put into a PokeBall. She was so in shock that she didn't even try to escape, but even if she tried, she wouldn't have been able to struggle. The PokeBall shook once and then clicked. Litwick caught.

"Sorry, little one. You need to rest, but you can't take my energy... Not yet." He consoled the little candle, and he can feel acceptance, even if begrudging.

The Shiny Haunter chortled as the two Lampent trying slinging Flame Bursts at the specter above them, but the Haunter would use the Shadow Punch to dash about, making it harder to hit him and it was easier to do so thanks to the earlier use of Scary Face. He finally threw a Shadow Ball at one of them, knocking it out, leaving just one Lampent left.

~Buck Gamble...~
~Rank: 99,986...~
~Buck Pokémon: Braviary/Marshal(M) lvl 55, Mudbray/Tony(M) lvl 18, /Bagon/Waylon(M) lvl 19...~
~July 5th...~
~Location: Unova, Pokéstar Studio, Virbank City...~
~Interactions: N/A...~

After a long trip, Buck finally found himself at the Pokéstar Studio! The place where magic happens. Buck walked down the street. After a few conversations here and there, Buck found himself dressing up for a photoshoot and even claiming a minor side character role in a hit action western film as a saloon bartender that kicked two patrons from the bar and served the protagonists of the film drinks during the second half of the movie.

buck had gotten quite a bit of publicity from that scene and even a few new friends during his time there. If Buck's pokémon battling career ever flopped, he could always try his luck in the acting scene. Cue break time! Buck had sat outside with his lunch in hand and his pokémon at his side eating. Buck's scene had finished being recorded but he stuck around a little while longer to enjoy the free food and refreshments.

"Hoo boy! Who'da thought we'd end up here, Marshal? Wild things coming past the horizons, Waylon. What'chu think of this whole situation here?" Buck looked at his pokémon who gave a mixed look of enthusiasm and confusion though mainly a focus on eating. Buck chuckled and resumed eating as well.

"Just one them there kinda days, huh? Makes sense... This tea is just awful! Who drinks this sugar free shit?!"
Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

For her abilities, it was certainly due to her bloodline. Her parents may have gotten involved in cult activities, and their minds twisted by the dark evil they worshipped, Alexis remained pure, and being the last living descendant of the von Lichester line, she was certainly containing powers not even she was truly aware of. Maybe after this whole thing was over, she'd go find someone willing to be her mentor.

The Umbreon took on a look of shame, looking down at the ground as she believed she did something wrong. An aura of sadness washed over her and she briefly whimpered, retreating to her trainer's side. "I... Apologize... English isn't my first language... I'm still not totally used to it..." She whimpered. Even through her telepathy, it was clear she became hurt by Reggie's words. Even if he meant no malice, nor anything negative, it seemed her emotional state was rather sensitive, amplified by the evil spirit in the building.

She took some time at the back with Alexis to regain her composure, the Psychic being quiet and simply watching Reggie as he worked to subdue the poor candle who'd suffered greatly. While he worked, she began to channel her energy in the attempts to help bolster his own strength, clutching her pendant and chanting. A bright aura flared around her during the ritual, which would be transferred to Reggie. He'd feel invigorated, with an unfamiliar energy working to strengthen his own aura. "O draco potens, exaudi orationem meam. Eneritas opus est ut perseveremus, his spiritibus vires sinite pugnare. Splendor spiritualis essentiae lumen nobis tribuat facultatem faciendi quod cum labore congrediamur." She spoke, using the same language the Umbreon used, but with an air of mystery to her words.

Her voice completely changed as she worked. She may not have been able to do much, but at least she knew how to help others! Her abilities were weak, and only gave Reggie a moderate level of energy, but at least it was something!

Reginald Valerias1720989672568.png
Date: July 9
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie's Drifblim (Large Marge): Burned (-50% Atk); Flare Boost (+50% Sp. Atk)
Alexis's Umbreon (Allure): +1 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def

Reggie wasn't aware of the Umbreon's sensitivity until after he captured the Litwick. He raised an eyebrow, also noticing the strange power boost he felt. He wasn't sure if it was necessary and the talking in an ancient language he knew nothing of creeped him out a bit.

"Uh, thanks, I guess." He tried to sound grateful for it, because he was, it just lacked the enthusiasm.

Reggie ran to the other side of the floor once the Litwick and Lampent were dealt with - Emeric handling the last one with a Shadow Ball before slipping back into Reggie's shadow. He waited for Alexis before climbing up to third floor. The spiritual pressure was a bit more intense and there were several Litwick and Lampent attacking each other in their frenzy. Reggie crouched low and used the gravestones - as sacrilegious as it was - to slip through. He looked back, making sure Alexis was close by.

Even if they did try to do something, the Litwick and Lampent were so blind due to the emotional anger that they didn't seem to register their presence.

It was when they made it to the fourth floor where the pressure was even more intense. There were no Pokemon here, and there were no spirits. It seemed they all had left for the lower floors where the pressure wasn't so bad. Reggie - even with his empowered spiritual barrier - felt like his head was going to burst, like some Machoke was digging their knuckles into his skull. He grunted, pushing the balls of his palms into his temples as he refocused himself. Even his shiny Haunter was having issues, slipping out of the shadow and holding his head.

Reggie looked back at Alexis, eyes squinting. "You good?" He asked, voice croaking from the pain. He took a deep breath and centered himself, the colorless barrier around him becoming more dense, slowly taking the edge off the pain the pressure was causing. "One more flight of stairs to go. Whatever is causing this is near the bell of Celestial Tower. I can feel a lot of resentment, malice, and pain. Whoever is up there is suffering just as much as we are, probably even more so. That probably explains the aura we saw around the tower when I communicated with it, and why the Ghost-Types and spirits are lashing out or hiding."

Taking a deep breath, he stood up straighter. "Alright, tell me when you're ready, and we'll head up quickly." His blue eyes shone with determination, even though his expression held visages of pain and concentration.

Date: July 9th.
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova.
Character: Alexis von Lichester.

Fortunately, the Umbreon returned to her positive nature, staying close to her trainer. Sure, what Alexis did wasn't necessary, but given as how this was essentially her first major adventure outside of the wilderness she called her home, she wasn't sure how to preform. She did what she felt was needed, and was anxious to preform well. As Reggie ran, Alexis struggled to keep up, but managed to keep pace with him.

As the pressure intensified, she fell to her knees with a cry, but held her arm out as if to ask for Reggie to keep his distance. She struggled greatly to maintain composure against the great deal of pressure and hostile emotions, but eventually managed to return her Umbreon and instead sent out her Gourgeist. The creature grabbed onto her arm and did its best to take in all the negativity and pressure she was feeling in order to fuel it's own abilities. Once she felt as if she were able to walk, she stood, giving Reggie a silent thumbs up. She was shaky, but at least she knew how to deal with the problem.

It was fortunate that the wild Pokémon were engaged in fighting among each other, as it certainly made getting around more doable. Alexis wasn't sure if she'd have to battle with any Pokemon with the amount of pressure. However, on the forth floor, it felt as if her head was going to burst, even with her Gourgeist assisting, and so she brought out her Froslass, to provide further assistance. Both her pokemon were visibly distraught and struggled to move on, but with their support, she was able to continue on and follow Reggie. At least she wasn't the only one suffering. A more cowardly person may have fled and refused to go further, but she needed to stay strong. She didn't escape 18 years of torment just to run when things got hard, after all!

"Th-this needs... To get done... We can't... B-back out now..." She choked out, her voice even worse than Reggie's. She struggled to speak, as the majority of her concentration was fighting off the malice and pressure she felt. "N-no wasting time... L-let us... Do this..."

Reginald Valerias1723504753322.png
Date: July 9, 2022
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: Alexis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
WCS Rank: 60,082
Pokémon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie’s Drifblim (Large Marge): Burned (-50% Atk); Flare Boost (+50% Sp. Atk)
Alexis’s Umbreon (Allure): +1 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def
Hisuian Zoroark: Burned (-50% Atk)

Reggie did keep his distance, but only because Alexis stretched her hand out to stop him. She raised an eyebrow at the Gourgeist, planning on having one himself. This would not only strengthen Gourgeist, but it could also affect Gourgeist’s emotional state. He just hoped the Gourgeist didn’t hurt anyone.

Next floor, and the Froslass was out. They were struggling, and he almost felt bad that he dragged her up here. However, she seemed quite insistent on continuing. He had to at least admire her grit.

He nodded as she said her piece, giving her a small smirk. We’ll be heading to the roof. Expect to feel a strong amount of pressure when we meet whatever’s up there.

His Haunter nodded, dipping into Reggie’s shadow as Reggie led Alexis up to the roof of the tower. The smell of death assaulted his nostrils, making him choke.

In front of the bell - which was covered in malevolent ghostly energy - was a white fox with a wild mane of white hair, the tips tinged with red. Its yellow eyes stared at Reggie and Alexis, its light grey fur having white stripes and red bulbous veins close to bursting and scars ran across its body. Next to the hunched over fox was a small kit, grey fur with white hairs on its tail, collar, and head tuft, red wisps leaving the very ends. It breathed shallowly.

The thing that Reggie could only assume was the parent roared, the pressure increasing, causing a sudden wave of energy to hit the two trainers and their Pokémon. Reggie grunted, holding his forearm over his face to shield himself from the dust that got picked up with it.

It… Sorta looked like a Zoroark and a Zorua. Emaciated white ones, their ribs clearly showing.

The area around them began to distort, leading Reggie to believe it was a Zoroark of some kind. He coughed, pulling out a Pokéball. “Emeric, Will-O-Wisp. Large Marge, Hex.”

Emeric spewed out ghostly flames from his shadow, hitting the strange Zoroark and making it cry out. The large Drifblim appeared before him, her eyes glowing with dark energy, energy shooting out and hurting the Zoroark with intense energy, compounded by the burns. Or, it tried to.

For some reason, the Hex did nothing.

Reggie grunted, coughing. He could feel the Pokémon’s pain, his skin was on fire. He never felt such intensity like this before. He looked back at Alexis, grunting. “We have to tire it out, knock it out. Stop attacking it and it’ll trap us in an illusion. If tired, this pressure will cease. And then I can work my magic.” He coughed again, suddenly feeling angry. Malicious. Hurt. Pain.

He grunted, holding his head. Just how strong was this thing? Did she recently die? It didn’t smell good up here, that was for sure.

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~Buck Gamble the celebrity...~
~Rank: 99,986...~
~Buck Pokémon: Braviary/Marshal(M) lvl 55, Mudbray/Tony(M) lvl 18, /Bagon/Waylon(M) lvl 19...~
~July 6th...~
~Location: Unova, Virbank City, SS Shale...~
~Interactions: N/A...~

"VIIIIIII!!!!" Braviary roared. Just like that Buck was back in Virbank City ready to reach the docks and travel to Castelia City. Fromhere, Buck would continue his path. His other pokémon were in their pokéballs and Marshal rest on Buck's shoulders. As he waited for the boat ride to accept passengers, Buck took on the battles. One with Waylon and two with Tony.. they had begun making there way to the docks to take a ferry to Castelia City. Home of the next gym.

"Hot damn... here we go again..." Buck stood on the dock heading to the boat. His braviary Marshal perched on his shoulders as he got on the boat. He sat in a chair overlooking the ship pool and relaxed. Marshal's large wingspan offered shade.

"Good times..."

Reginald Valerias1724472661858.png
Date: July 9, 2022
Location: Celestial Tower, Unova
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: N/A
WCS Rank: 60,082
Pokémon Team:
Gordon the Primeape
Emeric the Shiny Haunter
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Munna
Legion the Basculegion (red)
Hisuian Zorua

The spiritual pressure was so intense that Reggie's skin burned. He choked out a groan, hearing something hit the floor behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Alexis, her Gourgeist, and her Froslass on the ground, not moving.

He groaned, feeling anger rise. How dare she fall right now! I needed her-

These were not his thoughts. At least, this emotion wasn't his.

He shook his head, staring ahead at the white canid as its red tips flew wildly in the air. The air began to distort again, so he held out his arms, palms facing the Zoroark as he focused his energy towards it, trying to keep the shield he had up.

His Drifblim fired another Hex, but like before... It didn't affect it. What's going on?

He coughed more as the Zoroark fought back, but instead of deflecting his energy, he felt like his energy was being... taken? Was that an Illusion?

"Zoroark, I can help-" He was suddenly pulled into... something?

He was no longer on top of the tower, the sky was now a stark grey, the ground a light-swallowing black. The Zoroark stared at Reggie, the red tips suddenly forming into something... Something...

No words could describe what he saw. It was surreal, awful, shapes contorting and distorting. The Pokemon - no, creature - got closer, his feet was stuck. He couldn't move. He felt like he was being absorbed into the deep black of the floor, the point of view changing until he was facing the floor, his balance off as he was suddenly sucked into the all-encompassing darkness.

The Zoroark suddenly cried out in agony. A pulse of dark energy hit it, sending it reeling backwards. Dark-Type attacks worked?

Thank fuck.

He came back to reality, but he felt so strange. Was this the real world? No, no way. Why did he feel so scared, so terrified? The floating ghost balloon in front of him terrified him. Why?

Why can't I remember if it's mine...?

He couldn't keep up with this energy, whimpers emitting from his trembling lips. He took a few steps back. Maybe I can run, I shouldn't be here, why am I here???

Something pink floated in front of him, and it softly bumped his forehead with its...


Calm energy enveloped him. Did she use Calm Mind?

With a trembling smile, he nodded, regaining his resolve. He refocused his aura, which was in shambles from the terror. He hadn't even noticed until now, but his Drifblim and Haunter were hurt. And... And the bell.

He should ring the bell.

With a grunt, he stretched out his arms again, focusing all his energy he could towards the Zoroark. He can feel her aura better now. Anger, pain, regret, malice...

Feeling Reggie's struggle continue, his Shedinja left his Pokeball, and he, Drifblim, and Haunter hovered around him, redirecting this spiritual pressure around him. His Munna helped to share his burden and continuing to use Calm Mind, keeping him stable from the terror that threatened to seize his mind.

His Primeape flew out to fight, traumatized by Reggie's last attempt at fighting a dangerous ghostly fox and not wanting to stay back. Reggie's voice croaked as he tried to warn his Primeape, but he already flew into a rage. He tried to attack the Zoroark, but his attacks - Normal, Fighting, and Ghost - didn't even hit her. It screeched in angry confusion. Why couldn't he hit this stupid vixen like the last one???

A blast of purple fire-like spiritual energy burst forth from the Zoroark, enveloping the Primeape in her Bitter Malice. He screeched in agony from how cold it was. The heat of his life felt like it was being pulled from his body. His muscles failed to work, why couldn't he punch as hard???

He tried to hit this stupid fox again, only for the Zoroark to knock him back, sending him sliding across the floor.

With a wince, Reggie continued to walk around the Zoroark, his Pokemon huddled around him. He was halfway there to the bell, his Primeape doing an excellent job at drawing her attention.

"Zoroark, we're not here to take your child away. You've died, and we are here to help you."

The Zoroark gekkered, voicing these strange guttural staccato'd barks. Reggie can see the air distorting again, and he shook his head, forcing his energy through, sending in his good intentions. "Yes, you have died, but it's okay. It was traumatizing, but we can help you. You can start your new life with better shelter and more food. This new life you and your child have should not be wasted."

The Zoroark paused. She hadn't thought of that. The pressure eased, just as Reggie stepped up to the platform that allowed him to ring the bell.

"You can live with me, and I'll take care of you. And you can have friends and you won't ever have to be alone anymore."

Loneliness, hunger, pain, cold... Resignation.

With a sigh, as the pressure eased and he felt his eyes droop, he grabbed the clapper's rope and used all the strength he had to clang it against the bell.

The soothing ring emitted from the bell, echoing across the western land of Unova. The pressure ceased immediately, his Pokemon suddenly collapsed, and so did the Zoroark and Zorua. Reggie watched through blurry vision as he fell on his knees, a soft smile on his face as he hit the ground, unconscious.

Sweet darkness... It wasn't as oppressive and terrifying as the one from the illusion, but it enveloped like a warm hug.

Was he warm?

He woke up, slowly, the sounds of the ringing bell became more and more clear. Blearily, his eyes opened to see... black hair... blue eyes...

"...d- ad...?" His voice croaked. He sounded awful.

"Son! Oh thank, Ho-Oh..." He could feel his dad's strong arms around him. He felt himself smiling. "What has that blasted vixen do to you?" He could hear the anger in his voice.

No... No, must not let dad be consumed by malice.

"I could-"

Just as his dad was about to pull away, Reggie clutched at his shirt. "No... No... No malice... No more... They've suffered in life... I don't want to-..." He coughed. "-have them suffer... in death."

There was a pause, then a heavy sigh. "Fine..."

"How... How did you-..."

"How did I know you here?" His father chuckled as Reggie weakly nodded. "The landlady called me and told me you went to your new house to see the haunted Pokemon issue. She then told me you left for Celestial Tower and that's the last she saw of you and that was five hours ago."

Reggie sighed, nodding. Thank the many deities of Pokemon for the landlady's vigil.

"Let's get you outta here, son." His father said, returning all his Pokemon, returning all of Alexis's Pokemon and setting her Pokeballs in her clothes, and then had his Dusknoir carry Alexis in its arms while Reggie's father carried his son in his arms. His other Pokemon - a Golett - carried the Zoroark over its shoulder and the Zorua under the crook of its other arm.

They got in the father's car and they drove back to their home in Opelucid City.

Later the next day, Reggie and Alexis and their Pokemon had recovered somewhat. Because neither Reggie nor his parents were qualified to help Alexis with being reintegrated back to society, they helped get her a humanities agent to aid in reintegration and a psychiatrist to help diagnose her and work with her based on her trauma.

Meanwhile, Reggie returned to his new home, taking the slightly recovered Zoroark and Zorua - which he found through research his dad pulled were Hisuian forms and were actually Normal/Ghost-Types - with him. He showed the two around, showed them how to feed in their new forms, and introduced them to the other Pokemon inside.

"Aaand that's should be it." He smiled, turning back to them when they made it back to the foyer. "I'm glad you're willing to stay here and allow me to take care of you. I'll stay here for a while to recover too, but I'll be training my Pokemon before I leave again."

There was a soft whine from the Zorua. She looked up at her mother, who gave a troubled sigh. The Zoroark nodded, and the Zorua bounded over to Reggie, her tail wagging. Reggie chuckled. "But why? You two should stay here, recover."

The Zorua emitted some emotions, the red in her hair dimming considerably. The emotion was fleeting, but Reggie could pick up on it.

A determination to get stronger.

Reggie could only guess, but he was sure the Zorua wanted to be strong to maybe help out others who ended up like her mother. He knelt down, holding out a Luxury Ball. "You know, you aren't the first fox to want to stay with me after a death. At least your mother is here." He gave a melancholic smile, taking note of his new companion's confusion. "You'll meet him later." He let the Zorua hit the Pokeball, the light taking her.

He can feel the Zoroark's apprehension becoming palpable. He chuckled, standing up and approaching her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. I'll take great care of her. But for now, you two went through something really traumatizing. Stay here, meditate on it, recover." He released the Zorua, pocketing the Pokeball. "That alright?"

The apprehension eased on the Zoroark's face, but he could still feel her worry. Despite that, she nodded, and she led her daughter through the house, finding those delicious berries she wanted more of.

There was a knock at Reggie's door and he went to open it. He chuckled as he saw the landlady there. "Oh, hi."

"Like I promised." She handed him the folder that held the house's details. "Thank you for covering the problem. And don't forget, you have mortgage to pay every month."

Reggie snorted, nodding his head. "I know, I know. Don't worry, I'll pay it."

"Good boy." The woman gave a mischievous smirk before walking away, humming to herself.

Now, he had a whole chateau to himself... and the Ghost-Pokemon living here.


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