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Fandom Pokemon The Next Generation (One on One currently closed)

Ana smiled
The Spearow got up and squawked angrily at them. "He's been in a foul mood the moment he woke up." Nurse Joy said with a frown. "I can imagine... Spearow are known for having a temper. And after what this one has been through..."
The Spearow got up and squawked angrily at them. "He's been in a foul mood the moment he woke up." Nurse Joy said with a frown. "I can imagine... Spearow are known for having a temper. And after what this one has been through..."

“It’s understandable, you poor thing” she replied and attempted to pet the spearow to try and calm it down
“It’s understandable, you poor thing” she replied and attempted to pet the spearow to try and calm it down
It squawked at her angrily but seemed to gravitate toward Ryan. It was less confrontational with him.
“Grandma told me a story of a kid that saved a chimchar and it remained loyal to him even when confronted by its previous trainer” Ana added
“See” Ana smiled “she will not leave your side Ryan”
He smiled. "I'm glad your okay now." He said. "Does she already have a name her trainee gave her?" He asked. "Not that we know of? Her PokeBall was registered with no name."

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