Pokemon RP Version

Lavender Town.

Wilf opened up his eye's grogilly, it was an ordinary day, nothing peculiar, although he did feel like change. He yawned and looked out his window to see Growly running around in the garden while his mom weeded. Wilf turn and checked the alarm clock, it was 9:00 A.M., Good, he didn't sleep in too late. Wilf got in and out of the shower quickly, got dressed and ran into the garden grabbing Growly. "Wilfred Hayes, where exactly do you think you are bringing that muddy growlithe?" Wilfs mom scolded softly, trying not to frighten the spirits of the tower. Wilf never really understood that, once something is dead, it's dead. "Im taking growly right to the hose and hosing him off, and drying him and then im leaving. "Leaving for where?" his mom questioned, Wilf didn't reply, because his mom knew, he'd been talking about going on an adventure for months and getting out of this creepy town.

Cerulean City

"Well, what do you think Nami?" The young girl mused as she and the dozing Eevee rested beneath the large oak, "It seems like a good day to start out..." The Pokémon's ear flicked slightly as it opened one eye, gaving Sheeta a tired look. This caused the girl to laugh a bit as she scratch Nami's soft head and leaned back against the trunk of the tree, her eyes wandering out to the river that was a few feet away. She wondered what her mom would think if she said she wanted to start out today. In truth Sheeta hadn't even started packing, something that needed to be done it she wanted to go anywhere to collect Pokémon. Sheeta sighed before lifting herself of the ground and holding out her arm for Nami to easily leap up onto her shoulder.

"Lets go talk to dad." She stated with a smile at Nami, "I bet your getting a bit lonely, you need some friends."
Growly was drying off and following Wilf every step of the way as he ran upstairs, grabbed his backpack, some food, and a map, and ran out the door. "Alright, now where should we go?" he said to Growly, who was sitting at his heels as Wilf pulled out a map. "Prof Oaks lab is in Pallet town maybe we should go there?" Wilf suggested, eager to get a pokedex. Growly barked and pointed towards the Poke-center, reminding him they could just talk to him over the phone on there. "Oh that seems like a better idea." Wilf said, walking towards the Poke-center,
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"Y-you want to leave TODAY?" The look on her father's face was on or surprise and slight sadness, "What about the camping trip? We were going to go study Pokémon habitats first hand together..." Sheeta gave her father a gentle smile. She felt bad for doing this to him but there was no helping it, she felt that she needed to leave today. Of course she'd never be able to explain why she felt that way, but it still had to be today. Probably as soon as possible. Looking over as Nami, whom was happily munching away at some food her father had left out, she sighed.

"Yeah, I promise that I'll come back soon so we can go camping." She stated trying to think of a good reason she should leave today, "Besides, this is all for Nami's sake. She's very lonely without other friends." The Eevee's ear twitched as she looked up at Sheeta, as if to say 'don't you blame this on me. I've nothing to do with this.'

"But Nami has plenty of friends," Her father said, no doubt catching onto her lie, "Are you sure that this isn't about your lack of patients?" Her father's eyes locked with hers' for a minute of silence before Sheeta let out a sigh and looked away. So her dad knew her better then anyone else. She hadn't expected him to catch on so quickly to her unrest. Sheeta just wanted to GO! GO! GO! The idea of pokemon made her heart race a little.

"Well, I don't see any reason to not let you," Sheeta's eyes widened as she turned to look at her mother in the doorway, "Honey, give her the gift we got from Professor Oak the last time." Sheeta couldn't help but yell in happiness as she hurried over to her mother and threw her arms around her. Promising that her parents wouldn't regret this decision.
Leibas was lying belly-down on the roof of Professor Oak's lab. His abra, Brain, was doing the same on top of Leibas' head. They had already visited the professor and gotten a pokedex, but he didn't see any reason to go right this minute. Besides, he heard that other people might be coming here too, so he figured that he might as well leave in a group rather than on his own. He couldn't go back into his home because, unlike most mothers, she wanted him to go on a pokemon journey as soon as possible. That, and he didn't know how to get back down.
"Hello Wilf, what is it you would like to discuss?" Oak asked Wilf, busily moving around his lab. "Well, you see Oak, I would like to begin my Pokemon adventure, but i can't really with out a Pokedex..." Wilf sad slowly, not sure if this was a good idea. "Well that sounds wonderful! I'll send a Fearow to pick you up!" Oak said, sounding a bit crazy. "But, Professor, won't-" Wilf ended abruptly, cut off by Oak ending the call. Oh well, he thought to himself, and then sat down to remember that fateful day when he was 9, moving here for the first time, Oak was in town at the tower, so his family got to meet him. Wilf was suddenly brought back to reality by the harsh shriek of the large bird, Wilf had barely enough time to pick up Growly before he was lifted off the ground.  
((Sorry about all the varying blue's when Prof. Oak is talking, it's hard to remember the same color each time))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3793f67_CarmineClaret.png.d3cc45f6143f043e635cb5f6fafeabd5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7335" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3793f67_CarmineClaret.png.d3cc45f6143f043e635cb5f6fafeabd5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

C a r m i n eC l a r e t


"Just shut up and fight me."

It was hot. A little too hot. With the burning giant star in the sky beating down on the land of Kanto, most people would be smart enough to bring themselves and their Pokemon into the shade, that was the most intelligent choice after all. You didn't want to push yourself or your Pokemon past the point of death, would you? Well, there was one single Pokemon Trainer who dared to face against the harsh climates of the Kanto region, and her name was;

"Carmine Claret!" A voice rung through the quiet streets of Vermilion City, breaking the almost pure silence of the sound of fans and the chimes that were being blown around by the gentle breeze that didn't offer much shelter from the beating sun. "I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!" The owner of the voice was a little boy around the age of six, holding out his red and white Pokeball toward the taller figure.

It was a rather adorable sight to witness, a child challenging someone who was obviously older and much more skilled than him. Well, it was adorable until said someone who was obviously older and much more skilled than the child turned around and began to walk away from the kid.

Saying absolutely nothing, Carmine continued to leave the kid behind as her sneakers hit the paved ground of the road. Completely ignoring the cries of the little boy, Carmine continued to give him the cold shoulder as she didn't even bother to give the child a glance. Most people would assume that Carmine was being a cold hearted little brat, but she would beg to differ.

Some kids just need to know that they weren't ready. And John did, as he watched his role model walk away from him, he did his best to hold in the tears that were prickling at his eyes. The young Pokemon Trainer didn't dare to tear his eyes away from Carmine's shrinking form, vowing to himself that one day it'll be him who walks away. Head held high with pride and triumph. One day, he would defeat Carmine Claret and her dreaded Beedrill.

But that was almost six years ago, things had changed. Carmine Claret was no longer the feared and awed Pokemon Trainer she once was as a child, ever since the accident nothing had been the same in the city of Vermilion. Although many tourists that visit the beautiful town would be in awe at the sight of the multi-coloured setting sun, to Carmine, everything seemed to become dull. Nothing was the same since her Beedrill had attacked her.

Memories of the once famous Carmine Claret and her Beedrill quickly fell into disaster as the local news came to visit her in the hospital was still fresh in the Pokemon Trainer's mind. The injuries had been devastating, leaving the ten year old bedridden for almost two months. Carmine would often trail her fingers over the scars that the Twineedle move performed on her had left. She could still vividly remember how terrifying it was to be paralyzed, stuck in bed as her body fell asleep but her wide was wide awake.

Her Beedrill was soon executed by the Pokemon Control Team and Carmine's family was informed that their only daughter would never be able to speak again, for the Beedrill's poison had rendered her voice box permanently paralyzed. Carmine was never to speak or sound another word ever again.

But, that was the past. The more recent past, but to live and survive, you must learn to move on from your struggles. They're only there to drag you down. With her head hung, Carmine instantly regretted her decision as she held yet another Pokeball within her hands. Was she really ready for another Pokemon? What if it turned against her like her Beedrill did? No one expected the Beedrill to attack, it was a surprise to all for everyone knew just how close Carmine and her Beedrill were. But, whatever could a Magikarp do to someone?

Oh, if only Carmine knew that her Pokemon journey was just beginning. It never did end at her Beedrill, for there is always space for improvement. No matter what age you're at.



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The Fearow suddenly dropped Wilf (and Growly) on the roof next to a strange looking boy. why does everything in this region have to be so weird Wilf thought to himself. He looked over at Leibas, "Hello..." Wilf muttered while standing up looking for a way to get down. "How did you get up here, and how do we get down because i need a Pokedex." Wilf asked while putting Growly on his shoulder and helping the kid up, okay, the kid wasn't that much younger, only by like a year.
"Here, this is for you." The package her father handed her was simple enough, "A few poke balls and this." Sheeta father pointed to the envelope. Furrowing her brows she pulled it open to reveal the small collection of money that was hidden within. Her eyes watered a little as she looked from her father to her mother. They had been planning this trip for her for awhile now. She hadn't even realized it. No doubt they wanted her to come to the conclusion that she had to leave, she had to come up with her resolve on her own. Flinging her arms around her parents she gave a happy laugh.

"On more thing." Her mother said handing her a map, "Here. It's how you get to Professor Oak's lab from here. You need to collect a Pokedex from him before you can even hope of collecting all the Pokémon. It will help you with your journey, no doubt about it." Sheeta furrowed her eyebrows a bit as she looked at the map. Sure she had heard of Professor Oak. He lived in Pallet town and was seen as a pretty important guy. She had never imagined that she'd get to meet him though...

"Right." She said with a confident smile, "Let's go, Nami!" Giving her parents a little wave as Nami jumped onto her shoulder, Sheeta left the lab at a run. She felt completely full of energy as she raced through town and burst into her room, successfully frightening the Gloom that slept on the couch. She didn't pay much attention though as she hurriedly rushed up to her room, throwing an assortment of things into her back before clambering down to the kitchen for some food. Once she was sure she had everything she tossed the Poke balls into her backpack as well as the money and left the house.

"Alright Nami. Let's go!" She shouted happily drawing a few eyes as she started to match toward Pallet town, "Let's collect them all, Nami! Every single one of them!"
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(Ack! I forgot to add this to watched threads! :banghead: )

Leibas jumped up when another kid only slightly older than him landed on the roof on a fearow. Brain fell off of Leibas' head but teleported back before he hit the ground. "Hello," He said as he stretched his arm out for a handshake, "My name's Leibas Ofbacca. My friends call me 'Lei', everyone else calls me 'Baka'." He liked saying that to everyone he meets; it was almost like his catchphrase. "As for how I got up here, I'd like to know that myself. One moment I'm picking up my pokedex and the next I'm on the roof. As for getting down, you could jump. A fall this far shouldn't hurt too much."
"I like that jump idea..." Wilf said looking down off the side. "But, there is that Abra, on top of your head, i bet he probably knows teleport." Wilf suggested, "That's also probably you are up here." Wilf slowly thought of the options: Go solo, break my legs, or team up with this guy and teleport... I chose teleport, looks like i have a Teammate. "Hey, you want to adventure with me? I got nothing better to do." Wilf left the question hanging in the air.
Leibas was somewhat disappointed when Wilf didn't shake hands with him. This time he just grabbed Wilf's hand and shook hands. "Alright, let's adventure!" He said happily. The next moment, they were both inside Oak's lab. Realizing what happened, he looked at Brain. "You didn't give me the time to say 'beam us down, Scotty'." He said with some disappointment. He then turned to Oak and said, "You should really put up a ladder; your roof seems to be a landing pad."
Lavender town

Blue orbs stared into the glossy black ones of Volpe as the two strange sleepers continued to well...stare. It took them a couple of minutes before the girl threw the covers off her, staring at the wall before she bolted. How could I forget! She groaned as she hurried her to her wardrobe to pull on her usual outfit. "Volpe! We are sooo late!" She shouted as she walked over to her already set bag to pull it over her shoulder. She flipped through it, coming across Volpe's poke ball. There was no point, the stubborn little Vulpix would only get angry with her! Volpe's angry expression is cute tho- NO! LATE! She walked across to her bed, her hat now perched upon her head as she pulled the small fire Pokémon into her arms. "You ready Volpe? It's time for us to go make some new friends!" Volpe seemed to nod happily before the pair bolted downstairs.

Adelaide grinned, walking through the streets of Lavender town, her precious Volpe walking next to her as she scratched her cheek. "Volpe...Where do you think we should go first?" Adelaide asked as she unpacked her map, rolling it open before she crouched down so that the her partner could see. Of course, Volpe and Adelaide were not the most intelligent pair and so it ended up with the small fur paw upon Pallet town. Both stared at the map before Adelaide jumped up. "EH! I forgot! Mum said that we had to go see Prof.Oak before we could even start!" Volpe just stared at Adelaide before turning to face another direction, causing the girl to pout. "Volpe! Don't blame me! I cant help that I forgot...although we did only just leave..." With a sigh, both Pokémon and trainer headed off towards Saffron city.

That was after taking ten minutes to decide which route to take.
"Well, Nami..." Sheeta grumbled as she stood in front of the lab which was supposed to be Professor Oaks, "Do you think this is the right place? Has to be right?" The Eevee on her shoulder didn't make a noise as she shifted about and leaped down into Sheeta's hands. Looking at her adorable Pokémon, Sheeta laughed a bit and started inside. It had been quite a long journey to get there, she had been extremely lucky that there was a kind woman willing to give her a ride to Pallet town. It would have take much longer to get here if she hadn't run into the nice lady.

"Now you be careful!" The lady called as they both waved goodbye to each other, "I'll be watching for your name in the papers, young miss Sheeta!" A smile lit Sheeta's face as she waved and promised to visit the woman when she was back in town. Shifting her backpack a little she started up the steps and ventured into the building.

"Professor Oak?" She called out, pausing when she noticed the two boys that had already arrive, "Oh! Hi there, I'm Sheeta. Are you new trainers as well?" She felt a bit of excitement washing over here.
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Wilf heard the female voice and turned around "Oh hello" Wilf said, trying to greet her. Wilf looked at his new teammate, Confident with his decision. This guy seems cooler than i expected. "Okay oak, if you could, Me and Lei would like some pokedexes, and some pokeballs would be awesome." Wilf declared, trying to get out of this small town as quickly as possible.

"Well okay Wilf, let me find them and i can send you on your way, and you Sheeta, i'm assuming you want the same thing?" Oak said, handing pokedexes to the small group, and then pokeballs.

"Thanks professor" Wilf said, scanning Growly and Brain with the pokedex and then putting it away,
2 down 148 more to go.
"Yes please," She said with a happy smile as she took the plain white Pokedex from the Professor. Shifting Nami on her shoulder she placed her on the counter and scanned her with the Pokedex, listening to the machine list of information. She then turned to the other two trainers.

"Sorry, but can I scan your Pokémon?" She asked looking over the Growlithe and Abra, "It'd really help me out." As she waited for an answer she looked over the two boys. The age different didn't seem very drastic between the two, in fact they appeared around Sheeta's age. On top of that they seemed to already know each other, which was a curious thing indeed.
Leibas immediately froze when he heard a female voice behind him. There's a girl here? He always messed up around girls; wasn't sure sure why. He turned around slowly to face her. "Um, yeah, I'm one of the new trains..." He then punched himself in the face and said "Trainers! I meant trainers!" Brain was knocked off of Laibas' head from the sudden movement. Just like before, he teleported right back. Now she was asking to scan his pokemon. Was there a double meaning to that?! Wait, duh, she wanted to record his abra in her pokedex. "Sure." He said, still petrified.
Adelaide grinned happily as the two reached Saffron city. She threw her arms up into the air as Volpe seemed to run around ecstatically in return. Yes, the pair of idiots had reached a city safely! "Volpe! We did it!" The two spent a few minutes jumping around before they both stopped, glancing over at each other before they bolted towards the Pokémon centre.

Running inside Adelaide had picked up her partner before setting her in front of the Nurse. "Could you check over my Volpe?...we were...kind of attacked?" She mumbled, tilting her head to see if the woman believed her well...lie. Of course, Adelaide saw a cute Pokémon and tried to hug it. Only for her to get attacked, something that made them bolt towards Saffron city. Unfortunately, Volpe had gotten hurt too.

Once she had gotten Volpe back she put the Vulpix upon her hat, letting the Pokémon just perch there happily. Volpe always seemed to end up there if she wanted her to or not! The two went and brought some food, Poke food in Volpe's case before they headed off. "We have to get to Oak's quickly! No stops! Cute Pokémon or not!" She cheered, throwing her arms into the air happily. Volpe just stared at Adelaide before yawning.

(Can I skip to Oak's for my next post?)
"Um, yeah, I'm one of the new trains..." One boy muttered before flailing a bit and stumbling to correct himself, "Trainers! I meant trainers!" On top of his head the Abra tilted dangerously before disappearing and reappearing on top of his master's head. Sheeta giggled a little at the display.

"It's great, you two seem pretty good together," She pointed out as she lifted her Pokedex to scan the Abra. #064, Abra has the ability to read minds, it will sense impending danger and teleport to safety even if it is asleep. Which is often was since they slept for almost 18 hours a day. Sheeta let the Pokedex close as she looked at the Pokémon curiously.

"Abra, you're pretty interesting aren't you?" She questioned happily reaching up a hand to scratch just behind the ear, "Thank you for letting me scan him. I want to be a collector so I need as much information as I can."
"Uh yeah, but i'm scanning that eevee." Wilf said, waving the pokedex, a few seconds later, Wilf turn around "Come on, let's go lei, we need a headstart, Viridian forest is waiting for us!"Wilf exclaimed, heading out the door. Once outside, Wilf waited a few seconds, during those few seconds Growly lit a flower on fire and then proceeded to bark loudly at the sky for no reason.

((@UnholyRedemption that would be fine

@YoungDreamer Nami is japaneese for wave right? haha.))
Although he was still petrified, Leibas blushed a bit when Sheeta scratched behind his abra's ear. With Wilf leaving, this brought him the perfect escape plan. "Coming!" He said as he put his hand on Brain and ran to the door, accidentally hitting the wall next to it in his rush. After taking a few seconds to gather his thoughts, he ran out of the door where the growlithe was barking for no reason. If he didn't know better, he would've guessed that this is one of those parts in an anime where there is a dramatic freeze-frame right before the start of the adventure so that it could be compared to another one to see how far they've come. Weird.
"Growlithe, you're next." She stated before the boy disappeared, "Hold still a minute." Scanning the Pokémon she then straightened and watched at the two boys left. Couldn't be helped as far as she was concerned. She knew well that people often partnered up when it came to training and traveling but she wasn't sure if it was a need at this point. Plus she didn't know those two.

"Thanks a lot Professor Oak," She called with a wave as she headed for the door a few minutes later, "Ill be seeing you in the future, try not to give away any good Pokémon while I'm not around." Sheeta then gave him a friendly wave before picking up Eevee and exiting the lab. Spotting the two boys she waved before setting off down the road. She figured she'd see them in the future. She had a big adventure in front of her after all.
Adelaide and Volpe bolted into the area of Pallet town, in Adelaide's case she had sweat beading down her skin, blue eyes narrowed as she glanced around in annoyance. Where is Oak's!!!! Her eyes began to follow the trail of buildings before she ended up picking on the one which stood out the most. Well, she had bolted into random people's houses before so it wouldn't be much of an issue. Okay, it could be.

Two blurs sped through the doors of the man's lab, the large one suddenly pausing before it was thrown to the floor. Volpe only follow shortly. The two lay panting on the ground, exhausted from the running...and well more running! Now, they could of just stopped and took their time but they believed running would make it easier.

Adelaide sat up, coughing slightly before she pulled Volpe on her lap, the fire Pokémon just mewling happily at their victory. Yes, being exhausted, in pain and incredibly late was a victory. So, what did they do? "PROFESSOR OAK!!!!" The loud call was only accompanied probably by the worlds loudest Vulpix as it called out for the man with Adelaide. The two glanced around, both tilting their head before looking at each other. Pause. Adelaide slapped her hands onto her face as she began to panic. "Volpe!!! What if we are late! So late that we have to go back to Lavender town! Then run all the way back here! " That rambling did carry on for a few more minutes, with the addition to Volpe contributing to the jumble of sounds.
Night tapped the tips of his shoes on the ground to shift his feet inside his shoes so they fit correctly and placed on a blue back pack. Night would then smile and push out the door laughing as his Eevee jumped onto his shoulder. "Bye mom, Me and Eve are heading to see Oak now. I'll see you when we finish there." Night spoke only to leave the house and head south towards Pallet. It was only one town over and not to far away so he would be able to reach there without encountering many pokemon.

An hour had passed as Night reached the small building with "Oak's lab" in bold letters above it. He would then proceed to step inside looking about blinking a few times. "Hello?" He spoke softly then moved through the quiet lab seeing a few of the scientists look at him and Eve who sat upon his shoulder. When Night reached Oak, Eve hopped from his shoulder and next to the boy while he bowed to the professor. "Hello sir. I'm ready to start my journey. Mom told me to see you first."

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