Pokemon RP Version *Sign Up*

Are you a boy or a girl: Boy

What's your name: Akashi "Aka" Scarlet

How old are you: Fifteen

What town are you from: Pallet Town

What is your starter pokemon: Charmander

Nickname for starter: Fiamma

Personality: Akashi is quite a quiet person and hardly talks to others unless he is approached fist. He's never been the type to stick around and chat. While he doesn't talk to others very much, Pokémon are an exception. He is more open with the creatures and talks to them quite often. He's not sure why he can converse with them and not others, but it might have something to do with the fact that their not people at all.

He's more serious than the other trainers that walk the path to victory these days. Rather than walking through towns wih a large grin and cheery disposition, his facial expression mostly remains blank. It might make him seem like he's depressed or something along those lines, but that's not the case. When he's happy, he shows it, but there's no need to put on a smile at all times. When others comment about his facial features or how he appears troubled, he'll often give the same response: "I'm not, it's just my face." A pretty simple statement.

He can get annoyed when certain hinges rub it the wrong way, but he mostly shows it with his traveling companions. Like people, Pokémon can have annoying sides of them as well. If he gets annoyed with them, it's more of a form of bonding than anything. By showing his emotions to them, he acknowledges that they are his equals.

Along wih his aloof personality, Akashi tends to do as he pleases. If he feels like doing something, he'll do it. If he doesn't feel like doing something, he won't. While he's pretty set in his ways, this doesn't mean he's not reasonable. If there's a valid reason for why he should or should not do something, he'll comply most of the time.

Akashi is actually pretty smart when he cares to show it. In battles, he uses his quick thinking and intellect to form strategies that end up turning the tides in his favor most of the time. Besides intelligence, Akashi also possesses good reflexes and instincts. When there is no time to formulate a strategy, he is able to make split decisions that often end in his favor.

While he may come off as cold, Akashi is actually pretty caring. Whole he does show this side of him slightly to people, he shows its full extent to Pokémon. He will do his best for them, as they always do for him. Whether its feeding them, caring for them when they are ill, or even offering a comforting smile, Akashi will gladly do it. It seems that he prefers Pokémon to humans in every way.

Backstory: Akashi grew up in Pallet Town, a place known for its famous resident, Professor Oak. While he didn't know much about the professor, he respected him to a certain degree. His father held him in high regards, but he was never able to ask why.

As a child, Akashi's father left on a journey. Where or for what reasons, he did not know. His mother didn't seem to oppose it, so he didn't question i. He still doesn't know where his father is or why he left.

Akashi had a pretty normal life as a child. He would learn, go outside, and return home to read a book before bed. He and everything he did was average. The only thing that could be considered abnormal was the relationship he had with his mother. The two never spoke to one another, despite living in the same house. It wasn't that they disliked each other or didn't feel like talking, they just never did. They still did the normal every day activities like eating dinner together, but they still did speak to each other. Akashi didn't really mind it that much. He didn't really see anything wrong with the way things were. Besides, he was preoccupied with other things at the time.

Akashi would always travel to the nearby forest whenever he left the house, which was almost all the time. Something about the forest made him feel more at peace and comfortable than even his own home. Perhaps the residents of the forest were what made him feel this way. Pokémon fascinated him and they surprisingly got along very well. Their shapes, sizes, colors, and even their sounds entranced him. These creatures were something he had taken to instantly and they seemed to feel the same way.

Since the first day he met his very first Pokémon, Akashi decided that he would follow this passion of his. There were so many fields that dealt with these creatures and it was hard to pick one. So, he didn't pick one. Akashi decided to follow every Pokémon field that there was. Researcher, Breeder, Photographer, and even a Trainer, he would choose them all. He wanted to learn everything and the best way to do that was to start his own journey.

Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.35b958eeb37e5fc37ea559bb18b9fcaa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.35b958eeb37e5fc37ea559bb18b9fcaa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I'll finish the blank spots after I take a shower.



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Are you a boy or a girl


What's your name


How old are you


What town are you from

Viridian City

What is your starter Pokemon


Nickname for starter



Daniel has a humble and modest personality, developing humility at a very young age. Never overestimating his position in society, his behavior can be noted as calm and helpful towards others. Shying away from people because of their destructive personalities, aside from those who show love and compassion towards Pokemon.


Growing up as the only child of a Pokemon breeder, Daniel was around Pokemon since he could open his eyes. Becoming fond of them immediately and was taught early on to raise Pokemon with love and care, along with raising them to their absolute best potential. At the age of five, Daniel wandered off north of his hometown and into Viridian Forest, unaware of the dangers that Pokemon can bring. All his life he had been around loving and caring Pokemon and had no reason to fear them whatsoever, ignorant to the idea of being attacked he pushed forward towards a dark path and approached a huge lake within the forest. Smiling at the sight of the sparkling water he suddenly heard a buzzing sound approaching him from behind within the trees, and as he turned to see what it was, a swarm of Beedrill were flying straight at him. Instantly noticing their ferocity his expression turned into a worried one and after a few seconds of failing to convince them that he wasn't a threat he began to run away as fast as he could along the side of the lake. Confused as to why he was being attacked and quickly running out of stamina, he slipped on some mud and landed on his backside staring up as the Beedrill drew closer to him. Beginning to close his eyes and lose hope as the Beedrill readied for their attack, he saw a wave of electricity flow through the air attacking the Beedrill, paralyzing a few of them and causing the rest to retreat. Breathing heavy he looked towards the lake and in front of his face was a serpent-like Pokemon, one he's never seen before. Having an understanding of Pokemon from learning the teachings of a breeder, he felt a certain bond with this Pokemon who had saved his life. He felt a connection, as the Pokemon began investigating if he had any wounds, and from that day the two could not be separated from each other. After making his way back to Viridian City his mother, though worried about what had happened, happily accepted his new friend into their home. Daniel soon discovered that his new friend would become his first Pokemon, Dratini. Spending years of bonding and learning the quirks of his beloved Pokemon, Daniel grew a deep knowledge of Dratini and was now 15 years old. Learning of young men and woman becoming Pokemon trainers, he felt it was his time for him to venture out on his own and obtain a Pokedex from the well known Professor Oak. Daniel packed his back with the proper essentials and before saying goodbye to all of his friends and mother at home, he departed for Pallet town, his best friend Dratini inside a Pokeball located on his waistband.




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Are you a boy or a girl:


What's your name:

Akira Yamato

How old are you:


What town are you from:

Lavender Town

What is your starter pokemon:



Nickname for starter:



Akira is quiet and shy, but very kind. He cares for those close to him and his family, friends and Pokemon are the most closest thing to him. He isn't afraid to fight if someone harms him or those close him. He has a witty and sarcastic side too. He is a bit of a pessimist at times and doesn't see the bright side of things. He doesn't really care much for fighting but he understands that he has to in this world of fighting Pokemon and being the best he can be. His dream is to travel the regions and see all the different Pokemon.


Akira grew up in Lavender town with his mother. His father was always awake on his own Pokemon Journey. Ever since Akira was young he looked up at his father and wanted to be like him. He spent his free time in the Pokemon Tower trying to make friends with the Ghost Type Pokemon. He never succeeded though. They would always chase him out. He still wanted to be a Ghost Type trainer though. A few years past and soon Akira was ready to start his journey and become a great trainer like his father.



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Character Skeleton.

Are you a boy or a girl: Boy

What's your name: Led (Sounds like Lōt)

How old are you: 16

What town are you from: Cerulean City

What is your starter pokemon: Shellder


Nickname for starter: Sambo

Personality/ Backstory: He is a quiet boy and likes to keep to himself with his best friend Sambo, both of whom were very defensive. He never really had any friends growing up until one year on his birthday he went to the lake to play. He a friendly large Shellder and they swam around playing together all day. Shellder followed him home that night and they remained the bestest of friends. They promised to be partners and that he would never catch another pokemon. They would just get stronger together.

Looks: He was black hair that's just long enough to cover his eyes. He has strange dark purple eyes and smooth facial features. He wears a purple sweater and backpack then blue jeans. He also wears a pink gemstone necklace around his neck and black boots.
((Is it too late?? )

Are you a boy or a girl: Girl.

What's your name: Cross Tettras

How old are you: 17

What town are you from: Cerulean City

What is your starter pokemon: Vulpix

Nickname for starter: Nikki

Personality: She's very... dark, you could say. She doesn't like to talk to people normally, more of a Pokemon person. She's shy, very socially awkward, pissy sometimes, and usually scary and intimidating, which she wants you to get that vibe since she wants you to leave her alone. But if you can get past her defenses, you'll find she's bubbly, funny, sarcastic, lovable and actually, deep down, lonely. She's also very stubborn, and won't accept help easily. Which is kind of why she's in the situation she's in currently.

Backstory: She didn't know her parents. They were murdered when she was 5. Since then she has gone through several foster homes, most of which she ran from. She finally settled with a very nice and wealthy family in Celadon, and for her 10th birthday her adopted parents gifted her a shiny Vulpix. How they came across a shiny, she'll never know. She only knows that nothing will take her only friend from her. A year later, she got into serious trouble. Her family was murdered yet again, their rare Pokemon stolen and all their money as well. And guess who was the only one home when the police arrived? Her. The 11-year-old Cross got scared when the policemen tried to cart her off to the Kanto Juvenile Detention Center (She'd been in there once or twice) and fled the moment she was left alone. Ever since then she settled into the trees of Viridian Forest where she then started a rumor about a ghost in the forest to get kids not to wander in there.

Description: She wears a green and black stripe wool jacket with a turquoise colored tank top, ripped jeans and orange sneakers. She has a mop of brown curly hair and vibrant, almost neon green eyes, with a huge scar across her face.

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Are you a boy or a girl: Boy

What's your name: Eyron

How old are you: 34

What town are you from: Lavender town

What is your starter pokemon: Aerodactyl

Nickname for starter: Fang

Personality: He usually keeps to himself and hates other people. He is afraid of death.

Backstory: Being raised next to a graveyard, Eyron never liked the idea of death. He joined Team Rocket so he could find a way to obtain immortality.



(BTW, we are not accepting any new people until the next region starts)
Nico said:


Are you a boy or a girl:


What's your name:

Akira Yamato

How old are you:


What town are you from:

Lavender Town

What is your starter pokemon:



Nickname for starter:



Akira is quiet and shy, but very kind. He cares for those close to him and his family, friends and Pokemon are the most closest thing to him. He isn't afraid to fight if someone harms him or those close him. He has a witty and sarcastic side too. He is a bit of a pessimist at times and doesn't see the bright side of things. He doesn't really care much for fighting but he understands that he has to in this world of fighting Pokemon and being the best he can be. His dream is to travel the regions and see all the different Pokemon.


Akira grew up in Lavender town with his mother. His father was always awake on his own Pokemon Journey. Ever since Akira was young he looked up at his father and wanted to be like him. He spent his free time in the Pokemon Tower trying to make friends with the Ghost Type Pokemon. He never succeeded though. They would always chase him out. He still wanted to be a Ghost Type trainer though. A few years past and soon Akira was ready to start his journey and become a great trainer like his father.



We are not accepting any more people as of right now. However, we will be accepting when we move onto the next region. In which case, if you are still interested then I will message you.

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Seraph said:
Character Skeleton.

Are you a boy or a girl: Boy

What's your name: Led (Sounds like Lōt)

How old are you: 16

What town are you from: Cerulean City

What is your starter pokemon: Shellder


Nickname for starter: Sambo

Personality/ Backstory: He is a quiet boy and likes to keep to himself with his best friend Sambo, both of whom were very defensive. He never really had any friends growing up until one year on his birthday he went to the lake to play. He a friendly large Shellder and they swam around playing together all day. Shellder followed him home that night and they remained the bestest of friends. They promised to be partners and that he would never catch another pokemon. They would just get stronger together.

Looks: He was black hair that's just long enough to cover his eyes. He has strange dark purple eyes and smooth facial features. He wears a purple sweater and backpack then blue jeans. He also wears a pink gemstone necklace around his neck and black boots.
We are not accepting any more people as of right now. However, we will be accepting when we move onto the next region. In which case, if you are still interested then I will message you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
explosiveKitten said:
((Is it too late?? )
Are you a boy or a girl: Girl.

What's your name: Cross Tettras

How old are you: 17

What town are you from: Cerulean City

What is your starter pokemon: Vulpix

Nickname for starter: Nikki

Personality: She's very... dark, you could say. She doesn't like to talk to people normally, more of a Pokemon person. She's shy, very socially awkward, pissy sometimes, and usually scary and intimidating, which she wants you to get that vibe since she wants you to leave her alone. But if you can get past her defenses, you'll find she's bubbly, funny, sarcastic, lovable and actually, deep down, lonely. She's also very stubborn, and won't accept help easily. Which is kind of why she's in the situation she's in currently.

Backstory: She didn't know her parents. They were murdered when she was 5. Since then she has gone through several foster homes, most of which she ran from. She finally settled with a very nice and wealthy family in Celadon, and for her 10th birthday her adopted parents gifted her a shiny Vulpix. How they came across a shiny, she'll never know. She only knows that nothing will take her only friend from her. A year later, she got into serious trouble. Her family was murdered yet again, their rare Pokemon stolen and all their money as well. And guess who was the only one home when the police arrived? Her. The 11-year-old Cross got scared when the policemen tried to cart her off to the Kanto Juvenile Detention Center (She'd been in there once or twice) and fled the moment she was left alone. Ever since then she settled into the trees of Viridian Forest where she then started a rumor about a ghost in the forest to get kids not to wander in there.

Description: She wears a green and black stripe wool jacket with a turquoise colored tank top, ripped jeans and orange sneakers. She has a mop of brown curly hair and vibrant, almost neon green eyes, with a huge scar across her face.

We are not accepting any more people as of right now. However, we will be accepting when we move onto the next region. In which case, if you are still interested, then I will message you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
(I'm on a committee of people. Depending on how many people we'd like to let in is going to be decided then. But yes... I'll message everyone that expresses interest!)

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