[Pokemon Prismatic]Route 1

"Eves! Take down!" The words rang in Sebastian's ears. He was finally having a trainer battle. He was finally using his pokemon to its full potential. He finally felt alive again. He couldn't lose. Not again. This time, he was going to have the last laugh.

Just before Bassy called out Eve's command, Verity glanced towards Jason and his pokemon. The chimp pokemon stared for a dragging moment as Minnie and Sera shared a berry. The small Chimchar suddenly decided she was hungry and scampered off of the battlefield. She ran towards Minnie and Sera, but at the last minute she changed directions. If she was going to eat, she wanted her own food. She would have to find her own berries.

Ashley watched in dismay as her starter pokemon suddenly ran off. "Verity! Come back; we have to battle still!" She called uselessly after the chimp. She had wanted to battle so bad, and then her pokemon simply runs off. What a horrible trainer she was!

"I'm sorry Bassy! I need to go find Verity!" Ashley called out to the boy as she too ran off. Hopefully she would be able to find Verity quickly. Who knew what kind of pokemon lived out here. They could be strong; much stronger than her Chimchar.
After having their meal, Minne and Sera rested near their trainer, Jason. The boy who was so anxious to see a pokemon battle between his two companions. Unfortunately, Verity became distracted. Jason took notice as the chimchar took off in search of something. "Oh man," said the boy sarcastically. He wondered where Verity was running off to.

Ashley followed after her starter. Jason stood from the ground as did his two pokemon. "Come on you two, we should make sure they don't get into any trouble." Jason took off after them with Sera right behind him and Minnie waddling after. Jason looked back to see his zigzagoon panting. Jason went over to her and picked her up and place her on his shoulder. Sera puffed her cheek. "What?" the boy asked, looking at his charmander.

"Don't tell me you're jealous?" he said, mocking the little lizard. Sera nipped at his ankle at the sound of her trainer teasing her. "Fine, walk then," he continued. Sera stuck out her tongue and continuing following after Jason as he took off. "Ashley! Verity! Where are you going?" Jason called out to his allies.


A wild Lillpup appeared!

Running through the grass, Sera had bumped into a random pokemon. A little dog-like pokemon began barking as the fire lizard hissed back. She had disturbed the lillipup's sleep and now it wanted payback.

Sera HP: 19/19-Lillipup HP 10/15

Sera used Scratch!

Lillipup took 5 damage.


Sera HP: 19/19-Lillipup HP 10/15

Lillipup used Leer!

Sera's defense fell.

Sera HP: 19/19-Lillipup HP 5/15

Sera used Scratch!

Lillipup took 5 damage.


Sera HP: 19/19-Lillipup HP 5/15

Lillipup used Leer!

Sera's defense fell.

Sera HP: 19/19-Lillipup HP 0/15

Sera used Scratch!

Lillipup took 5 damage.

Lillipup fainted.

Sera gained 15 exp

Sera leveled up to 6!


Sera Lv. 6 - 9/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 3 - 29/40 experience

Verity ran as she searched simultaneously for food. At least until she heard her trainer's voice calling her. A strong desire for food and a conflicting desire to obey Ashley made the small chimp hesitate long enough for Ashley to catch up. Immediately after grabbing her trainer's attention, Verity proceeded to act out what she wanted along with inserting a few squeaks. Hopefully Ashley would understand what she wanted. Maybe Sera and Minnie would catch up too and they could help her find some berries.

Ashley let out a sigh of relief as she caught up to her starter pokemon. She was about to chastise her pokemon, when the Chimp Pokemon began acting something out. They were strange gestures, and Ashley concentrated hard. It appeared as if the Chimchar was hungry. Had she seen some berries and gone out looking for them? "Verity, if you were just hungry, you could have said something."

At this point, Ashley heard Jason calling their names and she turned around to find him. "It's OK now Jason. I found Verity. It appears she was hungry. I swear this chimp has a stomach fit for Arceus." She reached down to pick up her Chimchar before turning back to face Jason.

Verity: 46/60 exp.

Elliott: 2/40 exp.

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Finally catching up to the speedy little chimp and her trainer, Jason slowed down and caught his breath. "You'd swear Verity knew extreme-speed," he said sarcastically. Sera had finally caught up behind her trainer, trying not to look wiped out. Minnie on the other hand was sitting comfortably on Jason's shoulders. She smiled at Ashley and Verity as they approached the two. Jason put the raccoon down next to Sera who was looking at her with annoyance.

"Well, if that's all she needed, I could have shared some of the berries Minnie and Sera found," said the boy, pulling out a few oran berries from his pocket. "Since we've come this far anyway, we may as well head straight for the forward," he said, while looking in the direction ahead. Jason narrowed his yes as he smirked. "Or.." he turned to Ashley. "...we could have battle instead?" Sera's eyes widened. A chance to face off against another trainer's pokemon seemed exciting. Minnie had the opposite reaction. She didn't even want to fight that taillow back there, but she was hungry. If she had to battle, she was glad it would have been for fun rather than survival.

Sera Lv. 6 - 11/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 3 - 31/40 experience


Ashley grinned as she heard the first words out of her friend's mouth. "She is pretty fast. That might be helpful in battle." Ashley looked down at Verity who was smiling proudly at being called fast. Whether the small chimp or her trainer noticed the sarcasm in Jason's voice, neither trainer nor pokemon mentioned it. Each seemed to be equally happy though.

Ashley quickly turned her attention to Jason's pokemon. Sera was trying to discreetly catch her breath while Minnie sat upon Jason's shoulder. That was one stubborn Charmander considering it was obvious how independent she was as well. Sera was definitely annoyed when Minnie was set down next to her. Verity took the chance to hop over to the other pokemon, stopping on the other side of Minnie. Flicking her fire-tipped tail, Verity glanced over at Sera without making a noise.

Ashley shrugged as Jason offered to give some berries to Verity, implying that if Verity still wanted them then she could have them. Verity glanced up at Jason as he pulled some Oran berries out of his pocket. The small chimp squealed with delight and took the berries and ate them greedily in silence. Ashley chuckled at her pokemon's reaction and shook her head.
"Not only is she fast, she's a greedy one. Sure likes her food."

Just after Verity had finished the berries, Jason suggested moving on. Ashley was fine with that; her pokemon needed more training anyways. However, she was still sad that she hadn't been able to have a battle yet. As if he had read her mind, Jason suggested they have a pokemon battle instead. "Two pokemon each?" Verity jumped back over to her trainer and sat in quiet excitement.

Verity: 54/60

Elliott: 2/40

Jason let out a small laugh at Ashley's comment about Verity being greedy. "Great, between her and Minnie, we'll be finding food 24/7," he said looking down at his zigzagooon. The little raccoon glanced up and smiled. Meanwhile, Sera watched as Verity ate the rest of the berries they found. She wasn't against sharing with Verity, but she wondered how long it would be before they'd find another berry tree. With Ashley appearing to have accepted Jason's challenge, the boy nodded his head in agreement with her question. "Yeah, two each." Jason, along with his two pokemon ran off a big, giving some distance, between the two trainers. "I'll start with Charmander! Go Sera!" Sera nodded her head and charged up ahead, waiting for Ashley's pokemon of choice.


?Sera Lvl 6 | Calm | HP:21/21

Attack: 11

Defense: 10

Sp Attack: 15

Sp Defense: 12

Speed: 18

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40


Sera lv. 6 - 13/70 experience

Minnie lv. 3 - 33/40 experience
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Ashley laughed at his comment about finding food all the time. "At least we know that we won't go hungry. I feel like these two could find food anywhere and anytime."

Verity glanced at Minnie after recognizing her name in the two trainers' conversations. She smiled along with the masked pokemon, understanding full well what the conversation was about. She didn't mind that her trainer was talking about her and the obsession with food; as long as Ashley was happy.

Ashley nodded quietly when Jason agreed to use both pokemon. Of course his first choice was Sera. She had been planning on using Verity first as well.
"Alright, let's try this again." She murmured to her Chimchar, giving a reassuring smile. "Verity, let's go!"

The fire starter ran out so that she was opposite of Sera. This would be a fun. She hadn't seen Jason battle yet, so she assumed this was also his first. That meant they were both in a similar beginner position. The flame-haired trainer looked out upon their makeshift battlefield silently as she tried to quickly think of a strategy. It looked like she would just have to fight fire with fire.


Verity | Lv. 5 | Gentle

HP: 21/21

Attack: 13

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 13

Special Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Normal (Status)

The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat by one stage

Power: N/A

Accuracy: 100

PP: 30/30
Normal (Physical)

Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35​


?Sera Lvl 6 | Calm | HP:21/21

Attack: 11

Defense: 10

Sp Attack: 15

Sp Defense: 12

Speed: 18

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

With both pokemon standing opposite each other, Sera was ready to go. "Sera use scratch!" Jason called out, pointing toward Verity. She was a lot faster than Verity so she was already making the first attack. Sera charged forward, holding out her claws. With all her focus, she slashed the chimp pokemon.


Sera used Scratch!

Scratch deals 5 damage.


No critical


Sera Lv. 6 - 15/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 3 - 35/40experience
(Wow, I've been off my PC for a long time O.o )

Bassy caught up to Jason and Ashley after about half an hour of walking. (Oh, btw, pretend I said tackle instead of Take Down xD ) He lay down and watched them. "We'll have our battle later." He stated, raising his hand in acknowledgement of them. "You better level up your Pokemon first anyway, I've been a trainer for a few years now. Since I wanted a fresh beginning, I left my rare Pokemon back at Rowan's lab. Wonder how he's doing." Bassy took out his phone, seeing he had 43 unread texts. (Ashley, I just had a cool idea. What if Chimchar was one of the rare Pokemon Bassy caught, and Rowan was giving away Pokemon, and you actually picked Sebastian's Chimchar?)

Verity | Lv. 5 | Gentle

HP: 16/21

Attack: 13

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 13

Special Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Normal (Status)

The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat by one stage

Power: N/A

Accuracy: 100

PP: 29/30
Normal (Physical)

Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35​

Before she could react, Jason's Charmander had already inflicted damage upon Verity. Sera was actually pretty fast. Verity seemed equally surprised at the attack seeing as the small Chimp had hardly realized she had been scratched until a moment later. Verity stumbled forward a bit, but quickly regained her footing. "Verity, use Leer!" The chimchar immediately attempted making herself seem larger and then glared at the Charmander.

Verity used Leer!

Sera's Defense was lowered by one.

Verity: 54/60

Elliott: 2/40


?Sera Lvl 6 | Calm | HP:21/21

Attack: 11

Defense: 10(-1 stage)

Sp Attack: 15

Sp Defense: 12

Speed: 18

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

After Sera landed her attack she grew a smirk on her face. She watched Verity carefully as she awaited her move. She was expecting the chimp to attack her head on, but instead she was taken back by a leer. Sera was thrown off, she didn't know if she should attack or not. Verity had seemed intimidating all of a sudden.

"Don't let her get inside your head!" Jason called out. Sera nodded and charged forward. "Scratch again!"


Sera used Scratch!

Scratch deals 5 damage.


No critical


Sera Lv. 6 - 17/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 3 - 37/40experience

Verity | Lv. 5 | Gentle

HP: 11/21

Attack: 13

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 13

Special Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Status)

The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat by one stage

Power: N/A

Accuracy: 100

PP: 30/30
Normal (Physical)

Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35​

Once more, Sera used Scratch and Ashley watched in silence as her starter was hurt. She was going to win this battle. "Verity, use Leer again!" Verity nodded and without hesitation she once again glared at the Charmander who she was battling against. She wanted to win just as much as her trainer. She didn't doubt Ashley's ability even though this was their first battle.

Verity used Leer!

Sera's Defense was lowered by one.

Verity: 58/60

Elliott: 2/40


?Sera Lvl 6 | Calm | HP:21/21

Attack: 11

Defense: 10(-2 stages)

Sp Attack: 15

Sp Defense: 12

Speed: 18

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

Verity took another hit from Sera and she was still standing. This little chimp was tough and Jason didn't know what she was planning. She kept giving Sera intimidating glares and it honestly left the lizard feeling anxious. Sera rushed ahead once more going in for another attack. This time without a command. She honestly felt like she knew what her trainer was going to command. "Wait, Sera!"Jason called out. The fire pokemon ignored her trainer.


Sera used Scratch!

Scratch deals 7 damage.


Critical hit


Sera Lv. 6 - 19/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 3 - 39/40experience
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Verity | Lv. 5 | Gentle

HP: 21/21

Attack: 13

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 13

Special Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Status)

The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat by one stage

Power: N/A

Accuracy: 100

PP: 30/30
Normal (Physical)

Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35​

The next attack inflicted was not a command. Sera appeared to act of her own intentions without listening to her trainer. Sera's attack seemed strong nonetheless; perhaps even more so than the other times. Ashley was was determined to win, but she was unsure if she should attack with Leer again or if she should simply attack with Scratch. Absentmindedly she began popping her knuckles; a nasty habit she had picked up as a child. Verity glanced back, awaiting a command from her trainer.

Wait a minute; her mother had given her potions before she had left the Sinnoh Region. "Verity, come here!" The Chimchar looked confused, but did as her trainer commanded. Ashley pulled out one of the small bottles of potion and used it on Verity. The fire starter perked up, revived with a new energy. She gave the small pokemon a short scratch behind the ear and then Verity ran out to face Sera once more.

Ashley used a potion!

Verity's health was restored.

?Sera Lvl 6 | Calm | HP:21/21

Attack: 11

Defense: 10(-2 stages)

Sp Attack: 15

Sp Defense: 12

Speed: 18

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

Jason was in shock. "What? A battle item?" He didn't think Ashley would go for something like that, but he wasn't going to make a huge deal out of it during the battle. He would just have to trust his charmander. Sera appeared frustrated. Where was her potion? Why didn't her trainer have any items. This just meant that she was going to have to battle a lot harder. "Sera. just focus and listen to me. We can still win this!" he called out to the little lizard. Sera rolled her eyes. She charged forward attacking the Verity once more.


Sera used Scratch!

Scratch deals 5 damage.


No critical


Sera Lv. 6 - 21/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 4 - 1/60experience

Verity | Lv. 5 | Gentle

HP: 16/21

Attack: 13

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 13

Special Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Status)

The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat by one stage

Power: N/A

Accuracy: 100

PP: 30/30
Normal (Physical)

Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35​

Sera and Jason both seemed surprised at the use of a potion, but Ashley was almost positive that there was a rule of battling that you could use them. Sera seemed more disappointed than surprised. She had probably wanted to have Jason use a potion as well, but she didn't need it considering Verity hadn't attacked yet. Speaking of which, was it the right time now? With Verity's HP fully restored and Sera's defense lowered, they might have a chance to win. "Verity, counter with Scratch!"

The Chimp pokemon seemed excited to finally be able to afflict damage upon the other fire starter. Verity smirked, which was something very strange on a usually gentle pokemon. She had to make this a good hit. Then they could win and they would be able to celebrate with food. Maybe Ashley would help her find berries. That would be nice.

Verity used Scratch!

Scratch deals 18 damage.


Critical Hit

Verity: 58/60

Elliott: 2/40

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Bassy watched them, supporting Ashley when she was winning, and Jason when he was winning. When he saw Ashley use a potion he cried "Go, Ash!" Then lay back down. He handed Eves and Sewaddle Oran Berries. "If ya don't win this, Ash, I'm gonna be soooooo mad at you lol."

@Shasyu @Megus
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( @Megus you have to go with your original roll xD , which was 2 out of 10. so technically chimchar should have only dealt 9 damage)

?Sera Lvl 6 | Calm | HP:12/21

Attack: 11

Defense: 10(-2 stages)

Sp Attack: 15

Sp Defense: 12

Speed: 18

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

It appeared as though Verity was coming in for her own attack now. Sera smirked. She was glad the chimp was actually fighting back this time. The little lizard charged forward to strike, but Verity managed to get a hit in first. Sera didn't understand what happened, she was faster. Was all that leering, messing with her head? She growled to herself. Sera didn't want to lose. She focused once more and went in for a scratch. Jason was frustrated with his pokemon, she was going to lose if she kept this up. Why wouldn't she listen to him?


Sera used Scratch!

Scratch deals 5 damage.


No critical


Sera Lv. 6 - 23/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 4 - 3/60experience

Sebastian wanted to get prepared for the fight. He took out two pieces of Rare Candy, unwrapped them, and gave them to Sewaddle, elevating its level by 2, getting it to the same level as Eves.

(*sigh* I didn't realize that the dice rolls gave times so earlier in the day I had rolled a Critical Hit. Then realized it showed times so went and rolled again to get another critical hit so times would match. I see how my plans were flawed x3)

Verity | Lv. 5 | Gentle

HP: 11/21

Attack: 13

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 13

Special Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Status)

The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat by one stage

Power: N/A

Accuracy: 100

PP: 28/30
Normal (Physical)

Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 34/35​

Ashley nearly cheered aloud when Verity's attack hit the opposing Charmander. Now this battle was going somewhere! Sera still didn't appear to be listening to Jason, but the Charmander knew how to fight. She used Scratch again, but Ashley could tell her own pokemon was still determined to put in an effort. "Verity, use Scratch again!" The Chimchar rushed forward again, small claws outstretched.

Verity used Scratch!

Scratch dealt 9 damage.


No Critical Hit.
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( @Megus Sorryy, I swear I'm not trying to be naggy xD but Verity's health should be at 11 in the post above this. I must be annoying T_ T)

?Sera Lvl 6|Calm|HP:3/21

Attack: 11

Defense: 10(-2 stages)

Sp Attack: 15

Sp Defense: 12

Speed: 18

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35/35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

Sera was going to collapse at this point. She was taking heavy hits from Verity and didn't want to see to stay down. "Sera, that's enough!" called Jason. Sera looked back at her trainer with annoyance. She brushed off his commanded and charged forward to attack once more. The little pokemon was being stubborn and she was going to lose for sure. Jason just wished he knew why his first pokemon had to be a pain in the butterfree.


Sera used Scratch!

Scratch deals 5 damage.


No critical


Sera Lv. 6 - 25/70 experience

Minnie Lv. 4 - 5/60experience


(Oh no, its fine. Better to be right than wrong. I'll make sure to fix the HP. Don't know how I messed up there...)

Verity | Lv. 5 | Gentle

HP: 6/21

Attack: 13

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 13

Special Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Evasion: 0

Accuracy: 0

Status: None

Held Item: None

Normal (Status)

The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat by one stage

Power: N/A

Accuracy: 100

PP: 28/30
Normal (Physical)

Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 34/35​

They were so close! Ashley could just feel it. That and Sera was visibly beginning to show signs of weakening. Jason must have been able to tell as well that his pokemon was about to collapse and he called her back; however the stubborn Charmander refused to listen. This was going to be her downfall. Maybe this would help her learn to listen to her trainer.

"Verity, use Scratch one more time!" Ashley called out to her starter. She understood that if she wasn't able to end the battle now, Verity would also faint soon. The battle had been going on for several minutes now, and it surprised Ashley how tired both pokemon were. Both were almost collapsing, and yet each were determined to win. Her Chimchar leaped forward, a small scowl forming on her gentle pokemon's face as she went in for hopefully the final blow.

Verity used Scratch!

Scratch dealt 9 damage.


No Critical Hit

Verity: 58/60

Elliott: 2/40


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