[Pokemon Prismatic]Route 1

So much for that triumphant comeback. Pan was a bit disappointed that the paralysis didn't give them any edge in the fight. Jolt was lying unconscious in the field; his bravado probably took even more of a beating than his body. Pan didn't waste much time in summoning the pikachu back into his pokeball.

"So...I guess I'm 1-1 on the win-loss scale," Pan said before turning back to Tyler. "You know, I think I read in the trainer manual that the winner of the battle has to escort the loser to the nearest pokemon center. And share all his winning secrets with her of course."

Pan said all of this with a sly grin. None of that was true, but she hoped he would humor her.
(...continuing from Tempo Town)

Jason rushed ahead a bit to search through the grassy areas on Route 1. He wanted to see if he'd encounter a pokemon. Sera casually followed him. She didn't care to meet another pokemon. She was comfortable just knowing Verity. "What is that?"

From a distance, Jason could see a strange rustling in the grass. "Perfect! Let's go for it, Sera!" He pointed forward and looked to his charmander. Sera shrugged her shoulders and charged forward. The rustling pokemon in the grass ran for it.

Sera pursued it, chasing it out of the long grass. The pokemon revealed itself as a zigzagoon. It hissed at Sera, causing her to stop in her tracks.


A wild Zigzagoon appeared!


Not shiny.

Zigzagoon 16/16HP - Sera 19/19HP

Sera used Scratch. It dealt 5 damage!

Zigzagoon 11/16HP


Zigzagoon used Growl. Sera's attack went down.

Jason tosses a pokeball.


Zigzagoon was caught!

Jason chuckled as Sera covered her ears to protect herself from the Zigzagoon's growl. Jason was too anxious. He figured now was as good a time as any to try to capture the pokemon. He threw a pokeball from his harness and watched it smack the Zigzagoon on the head. The little rodent was absorbed into the ball. The anxious trainer watched as the ball wiggled back and forth in an attempt for the pokemon to escape.

Sera stood by, yawning. The pokeball finally clicked and ceased moving. Jason was in awe. He wanted to jump for joy, but didn't want his new allies to see him over react. He walked over and picked up the pokemon, holding back his real excitement. "All right, Sera, nice work!"

Zigzagoon Lv. 3




Nature - Naughty


5 IV's


Defense, Speed, HP, Sp. Defense (Got confused by similar rolls, so I just stuck with the first)


Ability - Gluttony

Complete Stats








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(... also continuing from Tempo Town.)

Ashley followed behind Jason quickly, still very anxious to encounter a pokemon. What would she meet first? Would it be a flying type? Maybe a normal type. It was so hard to predict which it would be. She honestly didn't mind too much as long as she got one, but in the back of her mind she hoped for a flying type.

Jason seemed to be having more luck though seeing as it had only been a few moments since they had entered the route. He had already encountered a pokemon! Quickly, she pulled out her pokedex and scrolled through. The pokemon he had encountered was a Zigzagoon; a normal type. Sera didn't seem too thrilled about the battle, but the small Charmander fought anways. Jason only had to try once to catch the wild Zigzagoon and soon it was no longer wild.

"Awesome, I hope I can find one next! I'm even more excited than before!" She cried out, most likely scaring off any pokemon with a mile. Verity shared the same enthusiasm, however the gentle Chimchar was much more calm when showing it. "Good job Sera! That was a great battle!"
Jason tossed the pokeball, letting out the Zigzagoon. The tiny raccoon blinked rapidly as it's eyes adjusted. It looked up at everyone with a bit of fear. Zigzagoon was just out looking for food, when it was suddenly caught. The little thing was hungry. It rolled on its back as its stomach growled loudly.

Jason unnerved. "I...don't have any food!" he said, slightly panicking. The Zigzagoon curled up, tearing from one eye. With Ashley caught up with Jason, his attention turned to the girl and her Chimchar. He could see and hear her excitement for catching herself a pokemon next. "Well good luck to you, better have food, or you'll end up in my situation," he said jestingly.

Sera gave Ashley a thumbs up after hearing her congratulations. The lizard was feeling pretty confident and ready for another battle. Jason picked up his newly caught pokemon and observed it. "I'm sorry, I'll find you some food..." He looked down to observe it better. "Uh...girl?"

He said inquiringly. Jason wasn't sure, but was hoping he was right. He was also aware of Zigzagoon's weight. "You're a little overweight aren't you?" he asked, playfully. The Zigzagoon smiled while expressing its pride.

"I'll call you...Minnie," he said giggling to himself for the irony. Jason put the fat pokemon down and it crawled over to Sera to give her a whiff and say hello. Sera patted Minnie on her head, comforting the little raccoon. "Well, what's your next move, Ashley."


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Ashley watched quietly as Jason let out his new pokemon. It looked up with fear evident in its eyes. The little Zigzagoon was pretty cute though, although it seemed to be anything but little. Ashley didn't know what the normal size was Zigzagoon, but this one seemed a bit overweight. At least it was well-fed; however that wasn't such a good thing considering how she rolled over so her stomach was exposed. The small pokemon's stomach growled loudly.

Poor Jason. The boy didn't have any food and Ashley could see that the Zigzagoon was clearly hurt as it curled up into a ball. She laughed lightly when Jason wished her good luck. "Looks like we should be searching for some berries. I don't have much food either." She muttered, glancing over at Verity who nodded sadly. The Chimchar had pretty much eaten every snack that Ashley had brought with her.

Ashley grinned when Sera gave her a thumbs up. After her fit earlier, it made Ashley feel proud to know the Charmander wasn't going to bite her. The auburn-haired girl heard Jason muttering and she glanced back up to see him holding his newly caught pokemon. The Zigzagoon beamed with pride when he mentioned the small pokemon being overweight. Well, that proved that Ashley had been right with her first assumption. Even so, she found it cute the Zigzagoon was proud of its weight.

Next, Jason settled on a name for the Zigzagoon. Rather ironically, he named her Minnie. Ashley beamed as she watched Sera pat Minnie on the head. It was weird seeing the feisty fire type being so gentle.
"My next move? Keep looking for pokemon of course!"

(I'll probably do the dice rolling now and have her encounter a pokemon in the next post.)
Jason and his pokemon agreed with Ashley. Finding berries or anything to eat, really, was a good idea. Perhaps there would be bushes or trees with something edible in the forest up ahead. Jason felt like he could hold out. He wasn't too sure his pokemon could. Sera had been out in the wild for sometime after escaping the lab and he didn't know when she ate last.

As for Minnie, he was sure her big stomach could hang on. Jason was excited to look for more pokemon. He didn't want to waste anymore pokeballs on new pokemon yet though. The kid wasn't sure when they'd find a market. Though, he was anxious to see what Ashley would catch...or at least attempt to catch. "I'm gonna sit here by this tree while you catch something," he said slowly walking back.

"Let me know when you're ready to get back on the road." Jason sat by a nearby tree, while Minnie came stumbling after him. Sera followed after the little raccoon holding back her laughter at the clumsy zigzagoon.

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Ashley nodded when Jason said he would just sit by the tree with his pokemon until she caught something. It sounded reasonable since he had already caught one. That and his pokemon would get hungry much slower if they weren't doing much. Either way, Ashley made a mental note of where he was sitting and then she walked on. Verity scrambled up on top Ashley's auburn hair and the small chimp began looking for rustling grass. "Keep an eye out, 'kay Verity?"

There was no need however because just ahead, Ashley's gaze settled on some grass that was moving. The excitement grew once more as she pointed towards the target and watched as Verity leaped from her head to the grass and initiated a battle.



(Catch Rate is 26.1% so Tailow is caught!)






(1 IV)






HP: 16

Attack: 9

Defense: 7

Special Attack: 7

Special Defense: 7

Speed: 10
Ashley quickly pulled out her pokedex as she got a better look at the wild pokemon. She nearly cried out with joy when she saw that the Taillow in front of her was a flying type. The battle was soon over, neither side having a chance to inflict damage before the wild Taillow was caught.

Ashley stared at the pokeball a moment and then glanced over at Verity. The small fire type ran over and pushed the pokeball toward Ashley, and the auburn-haired girl picked it up. "We did it Verity! We caught a Taillow!" The Chimchar squealed and squeaked, voicing her excitement alongside her trainer. "Hurry, let's get back to Jason."

Ashley picked up her starter and ran all the way back to the tree where Jason sat. "Look Jason! I caught one!" As she skidded to a stop, she threw the pokeball up in the air, releasing a small bird-like pokemon in a flash of bright light. She stared down in awe at her new pokemon. She still couldn't believe it.

While Jason waited for Ashley to return, he was observing other trainers and pokemon in the area from a distance. Two trainers who appeared to have just had a battle were speaking together. One had a marill and the other, a pikachu. Jason wanted a pikachu someday. It wasn't too long before Ashley returned and his attention was taken away from the nearby trainers. Jason could tell by her excitement that her attempt must have been successful.

She came charging toward him and the others tossing her newly caught pokemon into the air, releasing it from the pokeball. Out came a small bird-like pokemon. Jason rose from the ground. "Wow, a flying type," he said nonchalantly. "Congrats, Ashley. I'm kinda jealous, I have to admit," he said with an impressed tone. Minnie looked at her new trainer inquisitively.

She growled as she waddled over to him. "Not that I'm not happy with my catch," he said, noticing Minnie's reaction. From beside the tree, Sera watched the Taillow. She stared with envy at Taillow's ability to fly. That was going to be her someday. If she was going to fly then she'd have to train hard. Even if that meant training with her strange master. "Well if there's nothing else to be done here, I guess we should be heading to Pitch Forest."




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(Late continuing from Tempo Town)

Sebastian saw the slightest rustle in the bushes. "Eves! Go!" The pokemon revealed itself to be a Marill. Eves used tackle as Sebastian threw a Pokeball swiftly. He caught Marril, then caught up to Ashley and Jason, letting Marill out of its Pokeball. "Nice flying type you have there, Ashley. And nice Zigzagoon. Sorry I'm late, I got distracted." He adjusted his lab coat and added Marill to the Pokedex. It was going to be a long journey.

Marril was trying to find berries when she was confronted by another pokemon. It felt a hard tackle to its side, when the Marril was put into a ball. She was let out, and started running around frantically. It nibbled a few berries, then fell asleep. It dreamed of trainers. It wondered what its future life was going to be like.
"W-wait! Before we head to Pitch Forest, how about we have a battle!" Said Bassy, hoping the other trainers agreed.

(Loupy Lou, did you roll dice for the pokemon encounter? And Marill isn't one of the pokemon that can be caught on this route. Those are listed on the first post.)

Ashley grinned as Jason spoke of being slightly jealous. She didn't mind honestly. All that mattered to her was that she had a new friend. Minnie seemed to catch onto what Jason meant, and Ashley laughed as the small pokemon growled and waddled over. She stayed silent for a little bit while Jason tried to console his newest pokemon.

While doing this, she noticed Sera enviously watching Taillow flutter around the small field. The flying type seemed a little bashful considering the way it hid behind Ashley for a good while before deciding to explore. "Oh! I forgot to give you a name!" Ashley thought a moment before grinning. "Your new name is Elliott."

Elliott looked up a moment as if to acknowledge that she had said something, but he quickly hopped away and pecked at the ground. At that moment, Bassy came running up. He too complimented their new pokemon, and also apologized for being late. She wondered what he had gotten distracted with, but she decided not to ask. She figured it was the pokemon by his side that had distracted him, but she didn't know you could find those kinds of pokemon on this route. It kind of looked like a water type to her.

Then he mentioned having a battle, and Ashley grew excited again. She hadn't had a battle yet.
"I'll battle you Bassy." She agreed, glancing around to find her pokemon. She began forming a strategy in her head, just so she would be prepared. She hoped that she would win.

(You should probably edit your first post on here though first. I don't want to battle that Marill since it technically couldn't have been caught.)

@Shasyu @LoupyLou23
(@LoupyLou23, you also need to roll for Sewaddle's stats :D )

With Bassy having caught up and their small group having captured new pokemon, Ashley and Bassy were ready to test their skills as trainers in a pokemon battle. Jason wasn't sure if he was ready for one, but he was interested in seeing his two allies have their go. He waited back over by the tree, with Sera and Minnie. Jason had a pretty good view of the two from where he was whenever the two were ready to battle. "Good luck you two," he said casually, as he leaned back against the tree."


Ashley grinned, "Thanks Jason." She stepped up so that she was standing opposite of Bassy. "Is this going to be a one-on-one battle then?" She called out, looking down at Verity who was calmly sitting beside her. Ashley really wanted to battle with Elliott, but she also wanted to train with him a bit first. Verity on the other hand was ready.

"Go ahead and go out Verity." Ashley said to the small chimp pokemon. The Chimchar nodded and scampered out so she was facing Eves. Verity was ready to fight the Eevee. This Eevee was the one who she had had to share her food with, and Verity was not fond of sharing. Especially when it came to food.
A wild Taillow appeared!


While Jason waited for his two allies to have their battle, he sat by a nearby tree with his pokemon. Minnie had and Sera managed to climb up the tree to pick some berries. Jason tried to keep an eye on them as well, in case one fell. The chubby zigzagoon had found a single juicy oran berry that she was going to claim as her lunch. Sera watched with amusement as the raccoon waddled across the branch. As Minnie inched toward it, trying not to fall, a tiny bird pokemon landed over at the edge of the branch. Minnie stopped to stare at the bird. It was a taillow that appeared to be just as hungry. Minnie growled at it, but the taillow chuckled at her. The taillow grabbed the berry and attempted to take off. Minnie hopped forward grabbing the taillow by the wing and weighting it to the ground.

Minnie HP: 15/15 - Taillow HP: 15/15

Minnie used Tackle!

Taillow took 7 damage!


Minnie HP: 15/15 - Taillow HP: 8/15

Taillow used Growl!

Minnie's attack lowered.

Minnie HP: 15/15 - Taillow HP: 8/15

Minnie used Tackle!

Taillow took 4 damage!


Minnie HP: 15/15 - Taillow HP: 4/15

Taillow used Growl!

Minnie's attack lowered.

Minnie HP: 15/15 - Taillow HP: 4/15

Minnie used Tackle!

Taillow took 4 damage!

Minnie HP: 15/15 - Taillow HP: 0/15

Taillow was defeated!

Minnie gained 15 exp!

Minnie chased off the taillow, winning the oran berry. Minnie brought it over to Jason as Sera came climbing down the tree. The two pokemon sat next to their trainer as they shared the oran berry.



Sera - 52/60 experience

Minnie - 27/40 experience
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