[Pokemon Prismatic]New Member Introduction

I'm dropping by to say that I joined RPNation specifically for Prismatic. I can tell a lot of love went into it. I see there's some trouble getting off the ground, so I figured I'd help by making a character and start posting.
Toogee said:
I'm dropping by to say that I joined RPNation specifically for Prismatic. I can tell a lot of love went into it. I see there's some trouble getting off the ground, so I figured I'd help by making a character and start posting.
Thanks for the support! >.< We're still working out the kinks in this world (like the rules and such) and making new routes. It's taking longer than expected, but it's great to see people still interested~
Hi everybody! I haven't joined yet just thought I'd introduce myself first. Hosted Projects look big, busy and intimidating and I've never joined before but I'm giving this one ago because of my love for Pokemon. So, yeah hi!
@xDreamCloudx Hi! Welcome to Pokemon Prismatic! This world, Aisu, is still under construction (although it's been about half a year), but we hope that you enjoy your time role playing with us. Please ask if you have any questions~
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Uh, hi! I am An (didn't misspell Ann) and I've had a love for Pokemon from I was little! I have a grand collection of Pokemon cards and played a few matches with them but sadly haven't played a official Nintendo Pokemon game unless you count roblox ^^; I haven't really joined giant roleplays like this because i'm nervous to and get really nervous if they don't accept my character in a couple days (Even though I know they are probably busy.) Well I hope i'll be accepted soon and be able to roleplay!

Questionsrevealed said:
Uh, hi! I am An (didn't misspell Ann) and I've had a love for Pokemon from I was little! I have a grand collection of Pokemon cards and played a few matches with them but sadly haven't played a official Nintendo Pokemon game unless you count roblox ^^; I haven't really joined giant roleplays like this because i'm nervous to and get really nervous if they don't accept my character in a couple days (Even though I know they are probably busy.) Well I hope i'll be accepted soon and be able to roleplay!
Oh! I didn't know how to play the card games, so I always just played the ds games. I don't have the authority to accept characters, but I just nudged DemonKitten to look at it. Hopefully, she'll take a look at it soon ^.^
DreamBeat said:
Oh! I didn't know how to play the card games, so I always just played the ds games. I don't have the authority to accept characters, but I just nudged DemonKitten to look at it. Hopefully, she'll take a look at it soon ^.^
Oh! Uh, okay! Thank you! The card game was ridiculously simple to learn for me because it is just a matter of adding and subtracting. I have rented the DS games before and it was fun, i'm planning to get one of the retro versions for the 3DS. Also is it okay I made my pokemon before my sign-up by accident? ;w;
Questionsrevealed said:
Also is it okay I made my pokemon before my sign-up by accident? ;w;
Actually, that's what you're supposed to do. Though, you should probably mention what pokemon you chose ;) .
Toogee said:
Actually, that's what you're supposed to do. Though, you should probably mention what pokemon you chose ;) .
Oh .3. Well if anyone wants to know its Eevee. xD
Questionsrevealed said:
Oh .3. Well if anyone wants to know its Eevee. xD
Just so that you can get working on it now, I noticed that you were missing your pokemon team and your bag. There are codes in the character sheet template tab, so that you can have a nice layout for your pokemon, but you don't have to use it.
DreamBeat said:
If you decide to use the BBcode and are having trouble with it, feel free to ask for help.
Oh, thanks! Is it okay if she has only 1 pokemon?
Questionsrevealed said:
Cool. As for your CS, I still don't have the ability to accept it or anything like that. Would you mind if I edited your pokemon team when I get on my computer later? It doesn't look bad, but I've just been kinda obsessed with doing BBcodes lately -.-
DreamBeat said:
Cool. As for your CS, I still don't have the ability to accept it or anything like that. Would you mind if I edited your pokemon team when I get on my computer later? It doesn't look bad, but I've just been kinda obsessed with doing BBcodes lately -.-
Hey there! I'm interested in joining, so I just thought I'd say hi first. ^^ A little question first though, do we have to get our first pokemon from Professor Willow or can it be a present from a relative or such?
Ayari said:
do we have to get our first pokemon from Professor Willow or can it be a present from a relative or such?
I fee like that's been done in the past, according to past profiles. I'm not staff though.

And hi :)
Ayari said:
Hey there! I'm interested in joining, so I just thought I'd say hi first. ^^ A little question first though, do we have to get our first pokemon from Professor Willow or can it be a present from a relative or such?
I'll allow it to be a long standing relationship.
Any questions about battling system just ask.

Though if you are too deterred by using a battle system to level up, then I would recommend skipping to the gaining exp, thread that shows alternative ways to gain exp.
Ah, my plan was originally receiving it from a relative when my character enters Tempo town, but I can go for having been friends with the pokemon for a while. Or getting it from the professor after all, I'll see what fits!

I'll get around to rolling for the stats soon! And I'm fine with the battle system, it seems fun to try. :D

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