[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Ayari said:
@LoupyLou23 Hey, sorry to be "That Guy", but rolling less than 50 means the pokemon is male. Also, for nature you roll a 20 sided die and then follow this scheme to choose one:
1-5: Normal Natures Hardy, Docile, Bashful, Quirky, and Serious (You can choose one of them)

6-8: Bold, Impish, Lax, Relaxed

9-11: Lonely, Adamant, Naughty, Brave

12-14: Modest,Mild,Rash, Quiet

15-17: Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy

18-20: Timid, Hasty, Jolly, Naive

And for IV's, first you roll to decide how many IVs get to be equal 31 and then you roll as many dice to decide which ones will be 31, all based on this:

1-3: Attack

4-6: Defense

7-10: Speed

11-13: Hp

14-17: Special Defense

18-20: Special Attack

(From this thread: Tutorial - {Tutorial 3}How to Catch/Encounter )

IVs are not actually raw stats, they're something that increases them, so you need a calculator to tell you what the stats will be. So after that, you put "31" in the IVs you got in this calculator Pokémon Stat Calculator — Calculate Pokémon’s Stats

And then it tells you the final stats.

Just thought I'd tell you so that you can fix it soon and get a GM to approve when they're online. :D
The stat calculator just says all of them are 0-31..
Fill in 31 for the 3 IV stats you rolled. The rest stay 0. Example, if you roll a HP, Attack, and defense IV. Then make each one 31.

Speed, sp. Def, and sp. ATK are 0. @LoupyLou23

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