[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Welcome to Pokemon Prismatic!

Everything is working to be built up and added at the moment, but once we get it all done we will start. Be sure to start working on your character until then. We will add the Backpack and Pokemon coding later so that you may add them as well.

My name is @Carter Jake Mason

Region Designers

@scooptoot @sambodean @Salt Lord @AllHailDago @Nico@DreamBeat​
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Congratulations and good luck! I shall give you the advice I was given when I started my own. Communication is key. Make sure your communicate with everyone and they communicate with you!

Happy RPing!
That is fine. At the moment, You can greet people as they come in here and check over everything. I have work soon so I won't be able to be here for them all
Well hopefully we can get this going. Sucks I work so much, but monday and Tuesday I have off and I can really get into it.

I need to create a template for creating quest and things as well as one for gyms. I'll have to do that when I return though.

I am off to work. @ShadowedNexus Keep everything alive while I am gone

@Bunny I am. Found the leader and the gym and the badge. Just need to put it all together
@Bunny[/URL] message Life, I'm sure they're working on leaders and whatnot. I got confused working on them, because I don't know who had what approved and what exactly I was contributing. Whatever's left and needs work done however I don't mind helping.

@LifeNovel I suppose there's several more landscapes in order. Is someone designing an overall map though? I'd love to be able to place the distinctions... Perfectionist habit :P
Mmmm I'm working on something else rather than gym leaders but do you need help @Bunny I can help also, more specifically if you already have types for the gym leaders I can find the Pokémon for them and write up personalities for each. Oh and also perhaps the layout of each gym.

And I don't know if someone is working on the map...but yeah once that's up I can lend you help @Raerae if you need some.

So right now I'm mainly building up the NPCs.
Once you guys have the teams , pics , and dialogue for gym leaders just shoot me a pm or something and I can design the pages for them
Okey dokey :D

Oh and random question what's our symbol of Pokemon Prismatic? Is it a kitty kat?
I'm afraid I can't really be involved because I'm busy and also I only go on RPN on my phone and I'm already lost without you even starting yet. I wish you all the best of luck.
@LifeNovel My apologies! I was under the impression that's what you were working on as well. Didn't mean to volunteer you for anything. I'll be working on geography tonight and will send over what I have, hopefully I can finish up everything on my end asap.

If you guys don't mind I'd like to also work on the Fairy gym leader, either collab or on my own as I kind of have an idea of what Demon wants.

Thanks guys c:

That's a bummer. But thank you for letting us know @snakeyem12 (((:
Raerae said:
@LifeNovel My apologies! I was under the impression that's what you were working on as well. Didn't mean to volunteer you for anything. I'll be working on geography tonight and will send over what I have, hopefully I can finish up everything on my end asap.
If you guys don't mind I'd like to also work on the Fairy gym leader, either collab or on my own as I kind of have an idea of what Demon wants.

Thanks guys c:

That's a bummer. But thank you for letting us know @snakeyem12 (((:
For the map feel free to PM if you need a second opinion or any help.
snakeyem12 said:
I'm afraid I can't really be involved because I'm busy and also I only go on RPN on my phone and I'm already lost without you even starting yet. I wish you all the best of luck.
It was nice havin' y'all while you were here~

Luck to you as well~
ShadowedNexus said:
For the map feel free to PM if you need a second opinion or any help.
Thank you! I most definitely will, I know the outline will be relevant to Iceland's shaping on the map, but other than that, placing the individual distinctions I'll absolutely need advice on.
If any one needs help with anything please send me a pm. I've been lucky enough to come across some free time and i would love to be put to work. (o'v'o)

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