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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Secrets of the Legendaries


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Basic Plot

The Legendaries have gone missing. All of them, all at once. No one knows where they went, or why they left. In fact, the only way we know they've gone missing is because the balance of nature has sense gone out of balance. Droughts and tornadoes where they shouldn't be, coastal towns flooding due to rising tides, extreme hurricanes and snowstorms, earthquakes becoming more common...

On the Grass Continent there's a caravan consisting of the survivors of Treasure Town and Capim Town. The caravan itself is known primarily as the Treasure Caravan, as most of the residents of the caravan are from Treasure town. More and more Pokemon keep showing up, however, and the caravan's starting to get too big.

On the Water Continent, there's many small caravans that split off after an attack on Lively Caravan, most of the offshoots being no more than two or three wagons each. Stragglers with varying conditions aren't uncommon, but there's some you should pick up, some you should avoid, and sometimes ones you just cannot afford anymore.

On the Air Continent, a machine is in the works to create transportation between the continents for large groups of Pokemon. This, unfortunately, leaves the entire Baram Caravan stuck in one place for a very long time, forcing them to endure storms and brave the dungeons for much-needed supplies. Many Pokemon have been lost in the process, but one day perhaps they'll be able to successfully unite the major caravans of the world, and find a solution to all the natural disasters, and perhaps even the strange blight that's swept the land since.

About the World

All of these disasters have had profound effects on the populations of normal Pokemon. It's rare to see towns in numbers higher than fifty members, and most stay on the move so as to avoid storms. No one goes near the coast anymore, as the storms and random tidal waves are enough to drown most Pokemon, and those that don't drown usually get crushed by the kicked up debris if they go too close to the coast.

As such, no one knows what's happened to other Pokemon from other continents, save for the brave few Pelipper that manage to fly through the storms and hectic air currents to deliver what little letters remain to Pokemon on other continents. Given that most postal service buildings have been destroyed in the storms, it's increasingly hard to deliver mail, so communication has almost all but shut down entirely, save for when nomadic villages run into each other.

Most villages travel by caravan; groups of makeshift covered wagons that not only hold the weak and elderly Pokemon, but also food, supplies, and other necessities needed for survival in the expansive wilderness that is the storm-ravaged Pokemon world.

About Mystery Dungeons

Mystery Dungeons have become death traps. No one returns once they enter one. If the contagious black crystals growing at the entrance and throughout the Dungeons aren't enough to deter you, then perhaps the crystal-infected, extremely hostile Pokemon inside will steer you away. The crystals are what has become known as Corruption. It works exactly like a disease or parasite. The Corruption crystals are extremely corrosive and will chip off on just about any contact. If the air is shimmering, you can bet there's tons of Corruption crystal shards in the air.

But more on Corruption in the next slide. Mystery Dungeons, especially around the ruined towns and villages, have expanded greatly, opening from simple three or five floor training grounds to seemingly endless pits, the depths filled with Corruption crystals, seeming to make up the walls, floor, and ceiling. To venture into such places would be suicide.

As such, most Pokemon no longer enter Mystery Dungeons. Those that accidentally enter, whether falling or no, are typically left there for the Corruption to consume.

Strangely, none of the Pokemon that dwell inside the Mystery Dungeons ever seem to venture outside them.

About Corruption

Corruption is the name generally given to the black crystals that formed at the entrance to almost all Mystery Dungeons. As stated before, the crystals are highly corrosive, and will chip off at the slightest touch. If a strong wind blows past a patch of crystals, a sparkling cloud of them will usually kick up. There's typically a cloud of crystals floating around a grounded cluster at the entrance to every Mystery Dungeon, thus making the dungeon entrances really obvious.

Corruption is also what's responsible for the expanding of Mystery Dungeons, and the Pokemon inside Mystery Dungeons becoming even more violent than they were previously.

If the crystal gets into your blood stream, whether through inhaling the dust, ingesting the crystal, or a piece of it chipping off into an open cut, the crystal will start going through the process of "corrupting" you. It starts by slowly absorbing your blood, and then becoming your blood. After a day, black Corruption crystals start forming outside your body, making it contagious to the Pokemon around you. Towards the end of the first day, the crystals enter your nervous system and start causing hallucinations, making you highly violent and dangerous.

The crystals slowly solidify your body, until eventually you reach your demise and become an entirely crystalline structure.

Behind the Scenes

The Legendaries aren't gone, per say. Each and every one was voluntarily stripped of their powers and memories, and transformed into a normal Pokemon. Their power are contained in objects. Depending on what the Legendary became and who the Legendary was determined what the object was. Some had orbs, others had weapons, or musical instruments, or pieces of clothing. These objects and the power inside could only be used properly by the Legendary it used to belong to, but does not permanently grant the Legendary their powers back.

The objects are the targets of the Corruption, as the Corruption gathers and crystallizes pure power. If the Corruption manages to crystallize the objects, then there's no possible way for the Pokemon to beat it back.

You may find yourself asking, why would the Legendaries strip themselves of their powers? Because the objects they create of their power automatically track and move towards pools of Purity. Purity is the opposite of Corruption. It's sole purpose is to undo everything Corruption does. Both Corruption and Purity were formed from leftover Primordial Chaos, the very stuff that Arceus used to create the universe. At the beginning of the role play, no one should know what Purity is or how it works. Its properties will be revealed when it's discovered in role play.

Why, then, were the Legendaries stripped of their memories? Because if they had any memory of being powerful, then the Corruption would target them, just like it would target their power. If both the user and tool are out of commission, then there's no one to fix the mess. It's basically their way of hiding.

There's a difference between the Legendaries, given that some are Major Legendaries and some are Minor Legendaries. Major Legendaries are ones that have extreme importance over the Earth's well-being (ie. Arceus, Yveltal, Groudon, Rayquaza...), or were Minor Legendaries that proved their worth or otherwise stood out among the other Minor Legendaries (ie. Mew, Victini, Celebi...). Minor Legendaries are Legendaries that have canonically been shown in the anime to have more than one member of their species (ie. Lugia, Deoxys, Latios/Latias, Shaymin...) or simply don't have much significance as far as the Earth's health is concerned (ie. the bird trio, the Regis, the dog trio, Ho-Oh...).

Minor Legendaries were mostly left to fend for themselves when it came to disguising, and those that did not have the power to remove their memories and abilities were killed off by the Corruption. Major Legendaries were all part of a counsel, and thus had the assistance of Arceus to remove their powers and memories, as they were deemed necessary for the survival of the planet.

Where Your Character Comes In

Okay, now on to the fun stuff. You will play as a normal Pokemon, at least on the surface. No one, not even out of character, should know your character's true identity. I will contact you via PM once you've made a character sheet, and ask if you want that character to be a secret Legendary. Remember that not even those who are secret Legendaries know that they are actually Legendaries, so don't add it into your character's bio!

If you decide that you want a character to be a secret Legendary, then I will randomly generate you a Legendary. You can ask for up to three re-do's if you don't like what you're given. Still in PM, you need to fill out and send me a form for your Legendary, up to when they were stripped of their powers. If they're a Minor Legendary (and I'll let you know if it is) then you need to give me a good story as to how they managed to strip themselves of their powers and memories, or explain how they made it into the council and became a Major Legendary.

For those that show interest on this thread and continue to make a character on the rp thread if and when it comes up, I'll allow you the choice of one of two perks. Either you can choose what Legendary you get for one character, or you get three extra re-do's on all your characters.

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It might be the detailed tag.

I don't really want to make this casual, as I do expect detailed level of effort put into each post and am afraid people who post one liners will start trickling in... but I don't expect five billion paragraphs per post. Really, one or two will do. Quality over quantity, as always.
Maybe I can notify people who might be interested in this and can do detailed RPs. If I can do that, then I think you can change it back to Detailed.
That would be nice! I'll post around too, and see who I can scrape together. For now, I'll leave it at casual. Hopefully it won't immediately deter your friends.
I see there is no tabs for things like Character Sign up and OOC so will the role play take place here???
MoltenLightning said:
This is just an interest check.
@Noivian will make the actual RP later on, probably when there are more people.
Ok well I'm in, I just need to rearrange my characters I have preset to fit this RP. I would have used my fav Latios but it seems that won't be the case here
Yup, preferrably when there's more than five of us interested in this role play. Technically I could make the thread now and put everything on it, but... eh. I'm lazy, and don't think there's enough interest to warrant a thread just yet.
Latios said:
Ok well I'm in, I just need to rearrange my characters I have preset to fit this RP. I would have used my fav Latios but it seems that won't be the case here
Since you posted on the interest check, your one perk could be claiming Latios... he can have the same personality and all that, just can't have his memories, powers, or form.

I also should probably make it clear that you'd need to give your Legendary characters fake memories and backstories, or it'll be glaringly obvious out of character who the Legendaries are.
Ok then, I'll get to editing my character list.

Noivian said:
Since you posted on the interest check, your one perk could be claiming Latios... he can have the same personality and all that, just can't have his memories, powers, or form.
I also should probably make it clear that you'd need to give your Legendary characters fake memories and backstories, or it'll be glaringly obvious out of character who the Legendaries are.
I'm in! Although I am highly offended by you listing Lugia as a minor legendary. HIGHLY OFFENDED, I say!

(im jk, in case it wasn't obvious lol)
Yeah, Lugia is important. He keeps the seas in check and makes sure Moltres Articuno and Zapdos don't fight and destroy the world

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