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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ampharos' Guild (Always Accepting)

SteamFirefly said:
With a nod of agreement, Lance headed out of the building. His heart was racing this was his first mission after all, and they would be going after a criminal no less this whole event was just dreaming excitement.
When they got down to the town square and turned Aziel "
Before we go do you want to check the Farfetch'd Gift Shop for any supplies or do you just want to go and head to the Rose Meadows?"
Aziel thought for a moment. It would probably be smart to go check out the shops, but being as we really have no money and the fact that I already came from the western housing it would be redundant. "Nah, I've checked the shops before I came to the guild and they didn't have anything interesting, besides we have no money as a team so what would be the point if we can't buy something we see as useful?"
Arya jumped up in the air with a, "Yes!!!" She turned to Grace with a new fire in her eyes. "Now that we're a team, we should take a job! Something heroic! Like catching a bad-guy!!" She declared.

"What do you think? Want to head over to the bulletin?" She smiled. @Wild Born
"Alright then I can see your point." Lance nodded in agreement. Fetching a map from his bag he unfolded and gave a sigh before folding it back "Alright usually we could go down and around the shore to get to the Rose Meadow, but since these Feralogator fellows are currently occupying the area I feel that we go down south west and circle the town that away, so that we can head to the meadow, sound good?"
SteamFirefly said:
"Alright then I can see your point." Lance nodded in agreement. Fetching a map from his bag he unfolded and gave a sigh before folding it back "Alright usually we could go down and around the shore to get to the Rose Meadow, but since these Feralogator fellows are currently occupying the area I feel that we go down south west and circle the town that away, so that we can head to the meadow, sound good?"
Aziel started going southwest of town, "No time to waste, let's get going and catch this crook!"
He was taken aback by his enthusiasm, he was suprised by Aziel's forward was he hadn't expected him to started heading out before him, "Well this is our first mission." Lance told himself before rushing off to follow him.
As they got close Lance started get shorter in steps he was a bit afraid he had never been inside a Mystery Dungeon before. The idea was just a bit scary a Labyrinth that changes everytime you enter, not to mention that mostly hostile Pokemon inhabit the dungeon. What if they got lost? He thought to himself, though he shook the thought away they would be alright, hopefully. The Scraggy eventually stopped they were at the entrance "Well here we are, you ready?" His voice was soaked with nervousness.
SteamFirefly said:
As they got close Lance started get shorter in steps he was a bit afraid he had never been inside a Mystery Dungeon before. The idea was just a bit scary a Labyrinth that changes everytime you enter, not to mention that mostly hostile Pokemon inhabit the dungeon. What if they got lost? He thought to himself, though he shook the thought away they would be alright, hopefully. The Scraggy eventually stopped they were at the entrance "Well here we are, you ready?" His voice was soaked with nervousness.
Aziel was already waiting at the entrance when Lance finally stopped. To imagine I've gotten this far already makes my dream that much more of a reality! I'll be a Banette in no time! "No way to be ready for something with no definite outcome, but I'm pumped to get through this dungeon and catch that criminal!" Aziel floated forward and dashed into the dungeon to explore, nothing was going to hold him back. "Well, what are you waiting for! Let's conquer this dungeon!"
Dnaleri017 said:
Aziel was already waiting at the entrance when Lance finally stopped. To imagine I've gotten this far already makes my dream that much more of a reality! I'll be a Banette in no time! "No way to be ready for something with no definite outcome, but I'm pumped to get through this dungeon and catch that criminal!" Aziel floated forward and dashed into the dungeon to explore, nothing was going to hold him back. "Well, what are you waiting for! Let's conquer this dungeon!"
He was a bit hesitant, was he ready? He silently asked. Though Aziel words gave him some confidence. "Yeah there is no way to be ready for this." Lance smiled as he followed the ghost into the the dungeon. He didn't know how to feel when he entered, there was no turning back literally it was like the entrance had disappeared. "Guess we have to find that Criminal of we want to get out now." Lance commented remembering what Ciccino had said about the badges only getting you out if you preform a good deed.
SteamFirefly said:
He was a bit hesitant, was he ready? He silently asked. Though Aziel words gave him some confidence. "Yeah there is no way to be ready for this." Lance smiled as he followed the ghost into the the dungeon. He didn't know how to feel when he entered, there was no turning back literally it was like the entrance had disappeared. "Guess we have to find that Criminal of we want to get out now." Lance commented remembering what Ciccino had said about the badges only getting you out if you preform a good deed.
Aziel stopped and faced Lance taking a deep breath before speaking. "Look around you, this is literally the easiest dungeon we could have possibly gone to. Even if this criminal is tough as long as we work together we'll be perfectly fine. Besides if things really go that sour we have five escape orbs in our bags if we really need to use them. Now come on and lets mess with some fools!" Aziel dashed ahead looking for an opponent while still looking for the entrance to the deeper parts of the dungeon. Lance needs to get some confidence, all we gotta do is knock out some petty thief and we're done here. It's easier than what I used to do on my own before I joined the guild!
Goodness, I'm late, Link scurried to the guild's main quarters as he looked upward to see where he was going. He hoped to find a good team to be a part of, and not be late to get his badge. He smiled to himself. Getting that badge will be one step closer to being just like Pop. He visualized it in his head, a fully evolved Gallade, using awesome moves like psycho cut, and brick break, and the crowd cheering "Link, Link, Link!"

He sighed dreamily and then shook his head. I gotta get my badge. He ran over to the Ciccino, and jumped up on the desk.

"Uhh, one b-b-badge please" his shyness took over and he blushed as he tried to speak.
Cinccino smiled at Link and wanted to make sure he was a bit calmer. "Settle down there. First, I need your name and then you can have all of this," Cinccino said, pulling out a bag and a badge from under her desk. She set in in the little window between her and Link and waited for a response.
Lance nodded, he was right this place wasn't really known for being dangerous. As he followed behind Aziel he was thinking, I need to be more brave I can't bring the team down. In fact as they dashed around Lanc felt a bit more confident in his step the words of Aziel were really motivating. The Scraggy was on guard keeping constant watch behind them to make sure that they were not ambushed from behind as they traversed the dungeon. As they started going across a pathway to a different clearing in the meadow it was possible to see a Spinirak waiting by a stairway as if it were guarding it.

//I'm not sure if it is us that controls the dungeon or Check if it's Check we can disregard the last sentence.
//Fair point @SteamFirefly

IF WE CONTROL THE DUNGEON- Aziel floated forward and around the Spinarak and quickly attacked. He started with Knock Off throwing any items the Spinarak had out of its arms. He continued to use Confuse Ray and immediately rush into Phantom Force making himself invulnerable for a short time as he waited to strike. If Lance uses this timing right we can take out this Spinarak in one shot no problems at all. All I have to do is wait for him to get the Spinarak off guard and I can strike it from the shadows!

IF WE DON'T CONTROL THE DUNGEON- Aziel simply kept rushing ahead looking for the entrance to the deeper areas of the dungeon. He knew that this thief would probably hide in the deeper parts of the dungeon so he/she wouldn't be found easily. Though this place was easy to clear he would have to be careful around the thief because of their lack of knowledge of their strength. Aziel looked back to see Lance not too far behind keeping an eye behind their duo. He looked closer and noticed the Scraggy had what seemed like a renewed sense of confidence and courage from when they first entered the dungeon.

"It's Link," Link twiddled his little arms together and looked down shyly at them. He saw the shiny badge and the bag. He beamed to himself and cheered on the inside.

If only you can see me now, Pop, he thought to himself "My name is Link, and I am ready."

"Well, then everything right here is yours. If you ever join or start a team, let me know. I'm going to give you room 6. If you head down to the dorms, it is the third room on the right. I recommend visiting your room real quick and then perhaps finding somebody to go on a mission with," Cinccino said.

@SteamFirefly @Dnaleri017 Yes, you have full control over dungeons unless I deem otherwise.
Grace bounced up and nodded "Ya, I can't wait to start! " she exclaimed, as she darted off towards the bulletin board with Arya, happily laughing as she went

(This is Check. I thought it was god modding at first, but I'm guessing it's simply a lack of a comma. I'm fixing it.)
Marko grumbled as he started walking down the road to the Ampharos guild "I told mom to get rid of that stupid mailbox. I stubbed my toe on that dumb thing" He kept grumbling until he got to the desk with the Cincinno behind it. "Hello, I am Marko. I am here to become a member of the Ampharos guild" Marko took of his sunglasses since he was inside.
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Dnaleri017 said:
//Fair point @SteamFirefly
IF WE CONTROL THE DUNGEON- Aziel floated forward and around the Spinarak and quickly attacked. He started with Knock Off throwing any items the Spinarak had out of its arms. He continued to use Confuse Ray and immediately rush into Phantom Force making himself invulnerable for a short time as he waited to strike. If Lance uses this timing right we can take out this Spinarak in one shot no problems at all. All I have to do is wait for him to get the Spinarak off guard and I can strike it from the shadows!

IF WE DON'T CONTROL THE DUNGEON- Aziel simply kept rushing ahead looking for the entrance to the deeper areas of the dungeon. He knew that this thief would probably hide in the deeper parts of the dungeon so he/she wouldn't be found easily. Though this place was easy to clear he would have to be careful around the thief because of their lack of knowledge of their strength. Aziel looked back to see Lance not too far behind keeping an eye behind their duo. He looked closer and noticed the Scraggy had what seemed like a renewed sense of confidence and courage from when they first entered the dungeon.


He watched the aggressive play made by Aziel, he didn't know if he had planned to just take the spider Pokemon on himself, so he stayed back to keep out of his way. Though on seeing Aziel vanish, he was confused for a bit, but instead of letting it freeze him Lance used sand attack kicking sand the the Spinirak's eyes. Lance was about to follow up with a fire punch only to be slowed by the target getting a lucky string shot off. The web suprisingly only caught one of his legs, and he struggled a bit as he did he shouted, "
Aziel if you are there it would be good if you got him now while he's distracted!"
SteamFirefly said:
He watched the aggressive play made by Aziel, he didn't know if he had planned to just take the spider Pokemon on himself, so he stayed back to keep out of his way. Though on seeing Aziel vanish, he was confused for a bit, but instead of letting it freeze him Lance used sand attack kicking sand the the Spinirak's eyes. Lance was about to follow up with a fire punch only to be slowed by the target getting a lucky string shot off. The web suprisingly only caught one of his legs, and he struggled a bit as he did he shouted, "Aziel if you are there it would be good if you got him now while he's distracted!"
Watching Lance he snuck around the Spinarak and finished his Phantom Force slamming into the Spinarak with enough force to knock over a Graveler. Seeing the Spinarak knocked out on the ground Aziel removed the sticky webs off of Lance with his miniscule psychic abilities. "See, wasn't that tough right? Now let's get going!" Aziel floated ahead with more vigor than before determined to finish the job as soon as he could.

Link happily took a peek in his bag. Three escape orbs? He nodded and then looked on at his Badge. He did it. He was a member now. He was soo happy, he wanted to jump up. He turned to the side and tried to find Room 6, but then bumped into a Gible in front of the desk.

"Oof" He uttered out as he held his bag and badge straight to the ground. He hit the floor with a loud thud, and his bag was safely close to his chest.

"Owie owie. Uhh, I am so sorry, uhh." Link tried to say as he got up and regained his posture.
Dnaleri017 said:
Watching Lance he snuck around the Spinarak and finished his Phantom Force slamming into the Spinarak with enough force to knock over a Graveler. Seeing the Spinarak knocked out on the ground Aziel removed the sticky webs off of Lance with his miniscule psychic abilities. "See, wasn't that tough right? Now let's get going!" Aziel floated ahead with more vigor than before determined to finish the job as soon as he could.
He watched in amazement as Aziel slammed into the Spinirak. He thanked him as he wiggled his leg to make sure he still was not slowed. Lance smirked "Yeah you were able to knock him into next week." He scrambled to follow him. They got deeper reaching the second floor, Lance looked around when they arrived he looked around the clearing he spotted a strange item on the ground, he quickly picked it up and showed the purple gummy to Aziel. "What is this thing?"
SteamFirefly said:
He watched in amazement as Aziel slammed into the Spinirak. He thanked him as he wiggled his leg to make sure he still was not slowed. Lance smirked "Yeah you were able to knock him into next week." He scrambled to follow him. They got deeper reaching the second floor, Lance looked around when they arrived he looked around the clearing he spotted a strange item on the ground, he quickly picked it up and showed the purple gummy to Aziel. "What is this thing?"
"That there is a gummy my good friend, and each color gummi is good for each type of pokemon." Aziel took out a little handmade notebook from his bag and flipped through the pages. "In fact that color gummi is good for ghost type pokemon such as myself. It also increases the consumer's IQ." Aziel looked through the booklet some more to find the gummi's that Lance would want to keep an eye out for. "You should keep an eye out for black and orange gummi's for yourself and purple gummi's for me. That way, we will benefit the most from our color gummi's IQ boots."
@Kiwi Marko looks at the Pokemon who stumbled into him "Watch where ya going! Can ya see?!" Marko picks himself up "Never mind. The name is Marko. You?"
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Cinccino observed what was happening in front of her and put in Marko's name. "Well Marko, I have a brand new bag and a badge for you. In the bag, you'll find five escape orbs incase you get in trouble in a dungeon. Use that to escape with your partner. I'm going to stick you in Room 6, third room on the right when you get down to the dorms. After that, I recommend finding a mission to go on, which I recommend you do with someone else. If you ever join a team, come here and let me know who with and what your name is!"

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