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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ampharos' Guild (Always Accepting)

SteamFirefly said:
The wind brushed across his body as Lance stared into the horizon from Salamance Lookout "This will be the day." The scraggy whispered silently to himself. Lance turned to look at the guild building he was excited but it still gave him an ominous feeling "what if he was rejected?" He thought to himself. Eventually after hanging out at the lookout for a bit he sighed heavily, and grabbed his shed skin, and before he could even leave he saw a taillow collapse, he stood around sticker with worry the locals started looking around confused and he shook his head before without thought he picked up the small bird Pokemon and quickly headed toward the guild it seemed like the bird needed help and of what little he did know about the guil he knew there was two Pokemon there that helped injured Pokemon. Lance ignored the other Pokemon at the entrance, he knocked on the wooden doors and shouted "Hey! I brought injured Pokemon from the Lookout!"
Aziel heard a knock on the door behind him and an unknown voice behind him speaking of an injured pokemon. Though normally he would shut this out he decided it would make a good first impression so he walked back to the door and opened it. He noticed a Scraggy holding an injured Taillow in his arms. "Woah, that guy looks pretty beat up, do you want me to he-" He was about to ask if he wanted help to carry the Taillow but he didnt have arms and his normal means of "using his hands" was slight psychic moving of objects. It was nowhere near strong enough for him to lift other pokemon so he stopped and thought about what to say. "Come on in, I'm sure the guild's secretary can help. I actually just arrived a few minutes ago myself."
Dnaleri017 said:
Aziel heard a knock on the door behind him and an unknown voice behind him speaking of an injured pokemon. Though normally he would shut this out he decided it would make a good first impression so he walked back to the door and opened it. He noticed a Scraggy holding an injured Taillow in his arms. "Woah, that guy looks pretty beat up, do you want me to he-" He was about to ask if he wanted help to carry the Taillow but he didnt have arms and his normal means of "using his hands" was slight psychic moving of objects. It was nowhere near strong enough for him to lift other pokemon so he stopped and thought about what to say. "Come on in, I'm sure the guild's secretary can help. I actually just arrived a few minutes ago myself."
Lance gave a nod before quickly entering through the door. As soon as he got inside he quickly moved his head around to look around, the weight of his head maki for more of a roll. Not spotting anyone he could recognize he looked up to shuppet and asked "So where is this secretary at anyway?"
SteamFirefly said:
Lance gave a nod before quickly entering through the door. As soon as he got inside he quickly moved his head around to look around, the weight of his head maki for more of a roll. Not spotting anyone he could recognize he looked up to shuppet and asked "So where is this secretary at anyway?"
Aziel looked around, "That is a good question, like I said I just arrived myself so I haven't had time to look around or anything..." Aziel took a deep breath before calling out, "Hello! Is anyone here who can help us!"

@Check @WishingWell @PlaguedWithInsanity
Cinccino came running up to her office window on the first floor of the guild. She saw the injured Taillow and began acting quickly and frantically. She was a bit flustered and didn't know how to handle it completely, so she just began yelling and shouting. "Shannon!!!! Sharon!!! We need help!!! Hurry, there's an injured Taillow!" Shannon and Sharon came up very quickly and saw the Taillow. Unlike Cinccino, they knew exactly what to do.

Come with us, hurry. Please carry him for us," the sister's said together simultaneously. They began walking down stairs quickly, heading straight for the second floor down where the dorms were and their infirmary was.

(Please let me control the sisters here.
@shadowdude505 You have permission to control Cinccino.)

@Dnaleri017 @SteamFirefly
Grace bounded up to Cinccino she saw the injured Taillow and sat down " What happened? " she asked and one ear went back while the other stayed perked in a confused way
Hearing the Eevee, Lance turned to face her. He looked down to her and shrugged saying "I'm not sure I found Taillow at the lookout it had wet wings and it cried for help so I just ran it to the only place I knew could help it."
"As for me, I came to join the guild and then he came along with that injured Taillow so I have no clue what happened myself." Aziel glanced at Cinccino, "So umm... about the whole guild joining thing..."

Cinccino had been breathing heavily but settled down and smiled. "Oh, yes. I heard we were supposed to be expecting a lot of recruits today. I just need your name and any possible teammates and if you have a team, a team name. If you don't have anything planned yet, you can wait and tell me later," Cinccino said politely.

Meanwhile, the Bellossom sisters were working hard to figure out what happened to the Taillow. It was in such bad condition that they were shocked it could make it up to the Salamence Lookout. After a good thirty minutes, he began to stir. "Warn everyone-" he paused. "At the shore-" Again. "Feralgatr's underwater guild-" the Taillow blacked out. Sharon was familiar with Feraligatr's guild. They were all water Pokemon and were one of the power hungry guild's in the world. They were supposedly really strong and vicious.


Check said:
Cinccino had been breathing heavily but settled down and smiled. "Oh, yes. I heard we were supposed to be expecting a lot of recruits today. I just need your name and any possible teammates and if you have a team, a team name. If you don't have anything planned yet, you can wait and tell me later," Cinccino said politely.
Meanwhile, the Bellossom sisters were working hard to figure out what happened to the Taillow. It was in such bad condition that they were shocked it could make it up to the Salamence Lookout. After a good thirty minutes, he began to stir. "Warn everyone-" he paused. "At the shore-" Again. "Feralgatr's underwater guild-" the Taillow blacked out. Sharon was familiar with Feraligatr's guild. They were all water Pokemon and were one of the power hungry guild's in the world. They were supposedly really strong and vicious.

"My name is Aziel, I have no teammates currently therefore I have no team name." Aziel floated there patiently feeling excited and determined.

Arya grinned at Grace. "Yeah let's go!!" She said quickly. She began to race around but froze. "Erm, how exactly does one sign up?" She sat back down, running her head in confusion. "Hehe, I didn't even think about what you have to do to officially become an explorer!" She laughed.

@Wild Born
" Oh I'm Grace " she said to Cinccino and motioned to Arya " I have Arya as a teammate and we haven't thought ogmf a team name yet "
Dnaleri017 said:
"My name is Aziel, I have no teammates currently therefore I have no team name." Aziel floated there patiently feeling excited and determined.
Lance glanced around a bit nervous himself lacking the confidence or arrogance to say he was alone instead he stated "I want to join the guild as well, I am Lance and I would like to be on a team with Aziel." The Scraggy looked over to the Shuppet with pleading eyes. He desperately did not want to go the way of his father.
SteamFirefly said:
Lance glanced around a bit nervous himself lacking the confidence or arrogance to say he was alone instead he stated "I want to join the guild as well, I am Lance and I would like to be on a team with Aziel." The Scraggy looked over to the Shuppet with pleading eyes. He desperately did not want to go the way of his father.
Aziel's eye twitched for a moment but took a moment to breathe before he freaked out on this Lance character. Who does he think he is wanting to form a team with me without asking me first! I should strike him down right now! When Aziel finally turned around he saw the plead in his eyes, obviously this Scraggy didn't want to be on his own like Aziel did. "As much as I despise working in teams..." Aziel took a deep breath and forced a smile before responding again, "I'll form a team with you Lance, no harm in having an extra friend to share an adventure with right?"
Cinccino chuckled. "Well, I'll just write down the team names as Pokepals 1 and 2." The secretary then ducked under her desk and grabbed some boxes. Comig out of them were bright yellow badges and bags. "These are your bags and badges. Keep track of your badges. They have the power to teleport you back to the sun dial in the center of town. However, they only react when you have completed a good deed in a mystery dungeon and have to get out. They don't work on will. They are also unusable from long distances. They also signify that you are a part of our guild. Any questions?" Cinccino finally finished. Sharon came running up the stairs. "Cinccino! The Feraligatr Guild were the ones who hurt Taillow! They're lurking by the shore!" she warned. Cinccino began to panic. "Sharon help out the new recruits. I'll go get Ampharos so he can try to contact the Stom Chargers," Cinccino said, running out of her office.
His heart sank when he said that he had despised working in teams, he knew he probably should have asked, but he really was desperate. Though hearing what he said next made give a large smile "Yes thank you Aziel, I promise you will not regret this choice." He felt a restored confidence and turned back to Ciccino listening intently at what she had to say. Hearing the Bellossom, Lance turned to look to her. When she warned about the Feralogator guild hurting Taillow he clenched his fist "What a horrible thing to do." Lance muttered.
Audra ran over to the commotion and watched as the Twillow was taken to the infirmary. She listened to Aziel and Lance explain what little they knew about the bird's situation. "You remember me right? I'm Audra, but I don't have a team yet," she said to Cinccino before more pressing matters came up. The Feralogator guild; her father and his team would make short work of them. She quckly grabbed her bag and badge. "Maybe I could help you contact them. The Storm Chargers is my father's team," she said, not trying to brag.

Meanwhile at the sun dial, three bright lights appeared and the forms of Laxus, Donar, and Rai were left standing there when the lights vanished. The mission had took even less time than originally thought. "That wasn't as challenging as I had hoped," Donar said. "Oh well, there's always the next battle," he added, clenching a fist and holding it out in front of his face; he was fired up. "We were lucky," Rai remarked. "Nonsense," Donar interjected, slapping the Eelecktross on the back. "Your plan A worked out perfectly." Laxus listened to the banter between his two teammates. He glanced around the town with a serious expression on his face, it seemed like a typical day. He silently lead the way to the guild hall. There would be another mission waiting for them no doubt.
"Well I guess our first focus should be figuring out a team name while the Bellossom twins do whatever it is their supposed to do..." Aziel accepted the badge from Cinccino and floated the bag around his shoulder. It still frustrates me that this Lance guy just says that out of the blue, but I guess for now It'll be fine to have someone to count on from time to time. Aziel thought for a minute about the team name they should have, "We might as well both come up with an idea or two and discuss it before lights out. Sounds like a plan?" How am I keeping my cool so easily right now?! Normally I would have exploded with anger by now...

Dnaleri017 said:
"Well I guess our first focus should be figuring out a team name while the Bellossom twins do whatever it is their supposed to do..." Aziel accepted the badge from Cinccino and floated the bag around his shoulder. It still frustrates me that this Lance guy just says that out of the blue, but I guess for now It'll be fine to have someone to count on from time to time. Aziel thought for a minute about the team name they should have, "We might as well both come up with an idea or two and discuss it before lights out. Sounds like a plan?" How am I keeping my cool so easily right now?! Normally I would have exploded with anger by now...
"Yeah we should." Lance replied accepting the badge and bag. As he did so he thought I should take my mind off that incedent anyways, I hope Aziel isn't upset I was just a bit nervous but he seems to be alright with it. Lance nodded in agreement and flicked his tie and thought for a moment "Well what would are team be about if we figure that out we might be able to think of a name."
SteamFirefly said:
"Yeah we should." Lance replied accepting the badge and bag. As he did so he thought I should take my mind off that incedent anyways, I hope Aziel isn't upset I was just a bit nervous but he seems to be alright with it. Lance nodded in agreement and flicked his tie and thought for a moment "Well what would are team be about if we figure that out we might be able to think of a name."
"Good point, well I guess we should do a mission when we can so we can figure that out right?" I'll give him that much, he might not be as bad as I thought. Aziel turned to face the Bellossom sisters and spoke, "So, what do we need to know before we go off doing things?"

@SteamFirefly @Check
Cinccino looked at Audra and smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry Audra. I didn't realize that was you. I think I'll just get-" Cinccino stopped talking when she spotted the Storm Chargers. "Laxus! Feraligatr's guild is down by the shore and they're causing a lot of trouble. I think it's only a few of them, but I was wondering if you could take care of them," Cinccino told the Luxray.

Sharon spoke out quickly. "Oh, well you should probably go find your rooms. I'll assign both of you to Room 4 if that's okay. You'll go down and it will be the second room on the right, the even side. Then, you should come back here and find a mission on the mission board. There are quite a few up right now, so you should be able to find a beginner's mission. One that isn't too tough. If you have any more questions, make sure to ask!" Sharon finished.

Meanwhile, down at the shore, several water Pokemon were whooping it up. There was a Swampert, Swanna, Alomomala, Lumineon, and an Octillery. They were some of the higher ranking members in Feraligatr's guild and trying to have what they called "fun." Lying just out in the ocean waiting, was a Wailord.
Listening to Sharon, Lance smiled nodded "Alright second room on the right got it." The scraggy without a second thought started rushing down saying "Come on Aziel, the longer we wait the longer we have until we can go on a mission!" As he arrived down the stairs he looked around, spotting the room he quickly went inside. Lance took not of the area thinking, Four beds? I guess we might be sharing a room with another team.
SteamFirefly said:
Listening to Sharon, Lance smiled nodded "Alright second room on the right got it." The scraggy without a second thought started rushing down saying "Come on Aziel, the longer we wait the longer we have until we can go on a mission!" As he arrived down the stairs he looked around, spotting the room he quickly went inside. Lance took not of the area thinking, Four beds? I guess we might be sharing a room with another team.
Aziel followed Lance into the room and looked around. It was plain, which was expected, with 4 simple straw beds. "Alright then, time to hit the mission board then correct? Let's get moving before it gets too late." Aziel floated back upstairs to the mission board and looked through the missions, he knew they should start with something simple but at the same time he wanted something challenging. "See anything interesting, nothing really appeals to me in particular so I'll leave it up to you to choose our first mission Lance."

He followed behind the Shuppet when they arrived at the mission board he was a bit amazed at the variety of task that they had available. When he heard Aziel say that he choose he smiled "Alrighty then, I think I can find one that's pretty good." He pulled one of the job sheets from the board, Lance presented the mission to Aziel. "How about this one it seems like it would be easy enough."


Client: Officer Watchog

Job: Apprehend Eevee

Location: Rose Meadows

Job Details: She's been caught stealing and attacking others. She may appear sweet and innocent, but don't fall for it. She's a hardened criminal.

Reward: 4000¥

SteamFirefly said:
He followed behind the Shuppet when they arrived at the mission board he was a bit amazed at the variety of task that they had available. When he heard Aziel say that he choose he smiled "Alrighty then, I think I can find one that's pretty good." He pulled one of the job sheets from the board, Lance presented the mission to Aziel. "How about this one it seems like it would be easy enough."


Client: Officer Watchog

Job: Apprehend Eevee

Location: Rose Meadows

Job Details: She's been caught stealing and attacking others. She may appear sweet and innocent, but don't fall for it. She's a hardened criminal.

Reward: 4000¥

"Perfect, now that we have a job let's get going!" Aziel liked the way Lance thought for a first mission, plus it meant he could actually see how Lance worked in combat as well as work on his own skills. Plus it might get them a level or two.
With a nod of agreement, Lance headed out of the building. His heart was racing this was his first mission after all, and they would be going after a criminal no less this whole event was just dreaming excitement.

When they got down to the town square and turned Aziel "
Before we go do you want to check the Farfetch'd Gift Shop for any supplies or do you just want to go and head to the Rose Meadows?"

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